Home first aid kit: composition and little tricks. Diseases of the epigastric organs. Standard or individual home first aid kit - which is more practical

A home first aid kit should contain all the necessary medicines, because, without any exaggeration, health and life depend on it. Usually, a home first aid kit consists of chaotically collected medicines, many of which are completely unnecessary. So what should be in a first aid kit?

Properly collected medicines in a home first aid kit should be in every home so that they can be provided quality care in emergency before the arrival of the ambulance. In addition to medicines in the home first aid kit, you must have a set of sanitary products - these are various bandages, gauze bandages, cotton wool.

Here detailed list necessary sanitary facilities for home first aid kit:

- Non-sterile bandage for fixing dressings.
- Wide sterile bandage for dressing.
- Sterile cotton wool for compresses on wounds.
- Gauze dressings are sterile.
- Adhesive plaster (bactericidal and conventional).
- Rubber tourniquet hemostatic.
Also in a home pharmacy it makes sense to have blunt scissors, tweezers, an eye dropper, a thermometer (thermometer) and a tonometer. Now let's move on to the medicines that should be part of the home first aid kit.

Necessary medicines in the home first aid kit:

- Analgin (tablets, 10 pieces of 0.5 g.). Painkiller.
Acetylsalicylic acid(tablets, 10 pieces of 0.25 g and 0.5 g each), a common name is aspirin. Antipyretic and pain reliever.
- Nitroglycerin (tablets or capsules, 20 pieces of 0.0005g each). Helps with pain in the heart.
- Valocordin or Corvalol (liquid, 20-25 ml.). Depressant.
- Suprastin (tablets, 20 pcs., 0.025 g each). Antiallergic agent.
Activated carbon(tablets, 10 pcs., 0.5g each). Helps with food poisoning. Take from 3 tablets at the same time.

Also among the medicines of the home first aid kit there should be preparations for external use, which include:
- Iodine for the treatment and disinfection of wounds.
- Zelenka (brilliant green solution) for the treatment of wounds.
- Hydrogen peroxide for washing wounds and stopping bleeding in places of minor wounds (scratches, abrasions)
- Ammonia is necessary to bring a person who has fainted to life.
- Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) for washing wounds and stomach in case of poisoning. Burns can be treated.
- Sulfacyl sodium for eye treatment in case of injury or infection.

This is a mandatory composition - the most necessary medicines in a home first aid kit that may be required for first aid. The content of a home first aid kit can be increased with anti-flu medicines, cough medicines, and a cold. Also, it is worth adding all the regularly taken drugs prescribed by the doctor and vitamins to the composition of the home first aid kit.

And be healthy!

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Many of us have faced a situation where a medicine was urgently needed, but it was simply not available. home medical kit. We had to dress quickly and rush to the nearest pharmacy. For the most part, it didn't cause much discomfort.

But one day it may happen that the price of a drug missing in a medicine cabinet will be not just time spent, but human life.

More than 55% of people do not know how to properly complete a first aid kit. But health is not to be trifled with.

Therefore, let's look at twelve items that must be present in yours.

Composition of a home first aid kit (list of medicines).

1. Tweezers.

2. Creams for muscles and joints.

The usual rearrangement of furniture can result in stretching, and a fresh summer breeze can lead to hypothermia of fabrics (popularly it is called - slipped through). This is where these tools will help you. With their help, you will quickly get rid of discomfort and regain your productivity.

3. Dressing, adhesive plaster.

No one is immune from cuts and injuries. Suddenly, a cupboard may fall on your foot or a knife decides to test how deeply it can cut your finger. In this case, you will come to the rescue elastic bandage and adhesive tape.

4. Sedative.

Modern life moves at a frantic pace. Now it is simply impossible to do without stress. We are accustomed not to react to minor irritations, but they tend to accumulate. One day they roll into a huge ball and fall on our heads. Then the sedative comes into play. It returns us clarity of thought and sobriety of judgments.

5. Thermometer.

Many diseases cause an increase in body temperature, and we need to ensure that it does not exceed the permitted limit. In this case, a thermometer or, as we used to call it, a thermometer comes to our aid.

6. Antipyretic drugs.

Thermometer screaming high temperature? No problem. Antipyretics will instantly bring her back to normal.

7. Cough medicines.

It happens that a cough simply does not work. During an attack, objects fall out of their hands, and people shy away in horror. There is an exit. Guess what will help us?

8. Enterosorbents.

These are drugs that are aimed at absorbing toxins. Behind it terrible word hidden medicines known to all of us, which are simply indispensable for food poisoning. Activated carbon is the most famous representative of enterosorbents.

9. Antiseptic preparations.

These are disinfectants that have been familiar since childhood: brilliant green, iodine and hydrogen peroxide. By the way, soap is also an antiseptic.

10. Antihistamines (anti-allergic substances).

This point should be addressed Special attention. Many people think they don't have allergies, but the reality is that allergies can come on suddenly. It can be caused by the bite of an unknown insect or exotic fruit. Even if you are sure that you do not have an allergy, still get antihistamines.

11. Painkillers.

Here you can do without comments. Many are familiar with how sharp pain(tooth or head) does not allow to sleep and work.

12. Harness.

It can quickly stop arterial bleeding, which can kill in a few seconds. The tourniquet is applied above the wound. It can not be kept for more than an hour or two, and in cold weather no more than half an hour. When using a tourniquet, a note is inserted under it indicating the time of application.

A properly stocked first aid kit can save a life.

Now you know what drugs you should have in your first aid kit at home. Remember that properly assembled first aid kit will help keep your nerves and health. And in last resort it can even save a life. For those who need to know what should be in the content list car first aid kit, can read .

Home first aid kit is a set medical devices and medicines, which in one form or another is recommended to be kept at home at hand in case of sudden health problems.

Standard or individual home first aid kit - which is more practical?

Now in pharmacies you can buy ready-made kits home first-aid kits that contain medicines and devices necessary in critical situations. But all families have a composition of different ages - from small children to elderly parents, which is not taken into account in the standard composition of a home first aid kit (it is intended only for adults).

Besides, chronic pathology one of the family members may require such funds for emergency care, which are not in the usual standard sets (for example, when diabetes may require insulin or glucagon depending on the situation).

Therefore, it would be more correct to approach the formation of a first-aid kit individually, taking into account the age and nature of the most common diseases.

All components of a home first aid kit can be divided into several groups:

  • Medicines for external use;
  • Medicines for oral administration;
  • Means for dressing;
  • Auxiliary means.

If you think over in advance the composition of the home first aid kit and stock up on the necessary drugs according to the list, then it is highly likely that at the time of need emergency assistance necessary funds will be at hand.

It is also better to keep a list of constantly replenished medicines in your home first aid kit so that you know which of the medicines you need to buy when the opportunity arises.

External means

Preparations for external use help in the treatment of diseases and injuries of the skin, mucous membranes and eyes.

Among bactericidal drugs, it should be noted the indispensability alcohol solutions brilliant green and iodine. it universal antiseptics for processing the edges of wounds, abrasions, cuts and scratches. They destroy everything pathogenic bacteria at the site of application, and immunity to them practically does not develop. Brilliant green and iodine are usually produced in dark glass bottles, but there are convenient forms of release in the form of markers. They do not get your hands dirty, very comfortable for small children and on the road. These funds do not deteriorate for a long time, so they can be kept in stock in several pieces.

From others antiseptics for a home first aid kit, you should pay attention to miramistin, alcohol, salicylic alcohol and tincture of calendula. It is also good to have levomekol or some other antibiotic ointment at home.

It is important to have hydrogen peroxide in your first aid kit. It is useful as a hemostatic agent, it is good to clean heavily contaminated wounds, as well as to get wet dressings and adhesive plasters that have dried to the wound.

From household burns preparations based on dexapantelone - Bepanten, Panthenol, as well as Rescuer ointment can help. Swelling of the legs, as well as hematomas, are well absorbed under the influence of ointments and gels based on heparin. You can choose to replenish your home first aid kit with Troxevasin, Lioton-gel or Heparin ointment.

Local warming anti-inflammatory ointments based on NSAIDs relieve pain from bruises, stretch marks and osteochondrosis in the spine. Most often they contain as the main active component ketoprofen, ibuprofen or diclofenac.

Albucid or chloramphenicol eye drops is what should be in a home first aid kit in case of conjunctivitis or eye injury.

Medications for oral administration in the composition of the first-aid kit

Antipyretics - important composite component home first aid kit. They can also have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is desirable that their supply is enough for an adult for 2-3 days. An elevated temperature occurs with rather unpleasant subjective sensations of heat or chills, often accompanied by pain in the bones and muscles, in the eyes, so it is difficult to do without antipyretic drugs.

The most common antipyretic drugs are based on two active ingredients- paracetamol (Efferalgan, Panadol, Kalpol, etc.) and ibuprofen (Ibufen, Nurofen, etc.).

For the treatment of ARVI, many combined funds to reduce the temperature, in addition to the antipyretic component, they include antihistamine, vitamin and vasodilators(Fervex, Theraflu, Rinza, etc.), they are allowed to be taken only in adulthood. For children under one year old, as part of a home first aid kit, it is convenient to have rectal and liquid syrups with antipyretic effect.

Paracetamol and ibuprofen will help to cope with both headaches and muscle pain.

Antispasmodics relax tense smooth muscles internal organs and blood vessels, which also eliminates the pain of urolithiasis or cholelithiasis. In the home first aid kit, it is desirable to have No-shpu or Drotaverin.

With excitement and heart palpitations, Corvalol helps, a bottle of which in any home first-aid kit will not be superfluous. In addition to it, you can buy Validol in capsules or tablets - it helps to cope with the signs of neurosis, with motion sickness or mild attack angina.

What should be in a home first aid kit for problems with the gastrointestinal tract:

It is also desirable to include antihistamines in the list of mandatory home medicine cabinets (Ketotifen, Loratadine, Fenistil, Kestin or Suprastin), they help fight allergic manifestations diseases.

Of the drugs in the composition of the home first-aid kit, it is imperative to include those that are necessary in the presence of chronic disease one of the family members (for example, when arterial hypertension, gastritis, diabetes, etc.).


It is indispensable for wounds, abrasions, burns and cuts. Be sure to put bandages (sterile, non-sterile), cotton wool and cotton buds, adhesive plaster, elastic bandage (for sprains).

Auxiliary items in the first aid kit

  • Sterile syringes and spare needles for them;
  • Thermometer;
  • Douches of different sizes;
  • Warmer;
  • Scissors;
  • Pipettes.

With such a supply of medicines in the home first aid kit, you can not be afraid for the health of your loved ones and your own - the first needed help can be rendered directly at home.

A home first aid kit should be in every home, regardless of whether you have health problems or not (because God saves the safe). Most of us take it lightly, going years without replenishing it or checking expiration dates, and some of us don't even turn it on at all. So a few useful tips about what should be the composition of a home first-aid kit necessary for all occasions.

The general rule is to store the medicine in a dark, cool place, away from children and animals. During storage, each medicine should have its name and expiration date written on it, and it is very desirable that it be in its original packaging and along with instructions.

Once every six months, it is necessary to revise all medicines in the first-aid kit, replenish stocks and discard them with an expired shelf life.

It will be most convenient to organize a universal first-aid kit according to the principle “what and from what disease”. On medicine boxes, or on leaflets (attached to an elastic band), write the name of the medicine, from which and the method of application. This will make your life much easier in an emergency. On the first-aid kit, you can stick a leaflet from the phone of the clinic, family and other you need medical services and pharmacies.

Composition of a first aid kit

Now, let's make a list of a home first aid kit: what exactly should be in each apartment? Naturally, the composition of the drugs will be very approximate. If you or your family members have chronic diseases, in the first-aid kit it is necessary to include the drugs prescribed for them.

1. Dressings

  • Sterile bandage - for dressings
  • Elastic bandage - for fixing fractures, bruises, etc., as well as for applying compresses.
  • Cotton wool (or cotton pads)
  • Tourniquet - to stop bleeding
  • A variety of plasters in form and purpose (medical (for fixation) and bactericidal (for abrasions and paresis))

2. Materials for treating wounds, burns, stopping bleeding

  • Panthenol - for burns, wound healing agent

Only after the burnt place was under cold water for 15 minutes.

  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% - used for minor bleeding and wound treatment for mechanical washing and bleeding arrest
  • Iodine, Zelenka - for disinfection of wounds.

For large and deep wounds only the edges can be treated with iodine so as not to irritate and so damaged tissue otherwise it may even cause burns.

3. For colds and flu

  • Paracetamol, efferalgan or nurofen - to reduce elevated temperature(temperature above 39.0 in an adult and 38.0 degrees in a child)

In cases of heart disease, increased intracranial pressure or epilepsy, an adult needs to drink an antipyretic already at 38 degrees. Aspirin is not recommended, especially for children and people with a sick stomach.

  • At the first symptoms of flu and colds, the sooner it is applied, the better effect(Theraflu, Antigrippin, etc.)
  • Combined drugs for the treatment of influenza and colds(Angri-max, influenzastad, coldrex)
  • Spray or lozenges for sore throat (Gexoral-spray, Strepsils, Ingalipt)
  • Expectorants (pectusin, bronchicum, pectosol)
  • Nose drops to ease breathing and reduce nasal edema (Nafthyzin, Galazolin, Sanorin, Nazivin)

4. Painkillers

  • Validol (nitroglycerin, carvalol) - for heart pain, angina pectoris, etc.
  • No-shpa, spasmalgon - to relieve spastic pain (when he abruptly "grabbed the stomach") and with painful menstruation
  • Painkillers (ketanov, tempalgin)
  • Ointments to relieve muscle pain

5. Help with stomach problems

  • Festal (Mezim) - enzymes that help with digestion
  • Activated charcoal for food poisoning

For pain in the abdomen, it is not worth using painkillers, before consulting a doctor, because. after the pain subsides, it will be difficult to determine why it occurred.

6. Antihistamines

  • Claritin, Diazolin, Tavegil, Suprastin - for allergies

7. Other

  • Thermometer
  • Scissors, tweezers
  • measuring cup
  • Warmer
  • Ammonia - for fainting

Well, that's about it, we hope that our tips on what should be included in the home first aid kit will help you and you will be prepared for any situation.

Today's topic is a home first aid kit, what a list necessary medicines it must contain. There are times in life when we or our children need urgent help. medical care. In this case, it is not always the case that it comes to a doctor or a pharmacy. Why is this happening? It's very simple - we have a first aid kit in the house.

We have such a habit that in our home first-aid kits we usually store all our half-eaten medicines. We put them there, and after that they already live there permanently. In our country, every second inhabitant, who seems to be completely a healthy person, goes to the pharmacy and buys medicines, so to speak, just in case.

Usually, people only buy medicines if someone strongly demands it. The law requires the driver to keep a first aid kit in his car, so he actually buys it.

And if you carefully examine this miracle, then the contents of your hair can just stand on end. But, nevertheless, everyone is very well aware that if the driver does not have this very first-aid kit in the car, then various uncles in uniform will pester him on the road.

It happens when something happens to a child:

  • he got hurt;
  • burned yourself;
  • there was bleeding from the wound;
  • an allergy appeared.

And what do you want me to do about it? Looking for a doctor? And if there is no doctor nearby, or we are resting somewhere far away, or even a day off. Or that new year holidays, or in the pharmacy there is a re-registration, and this is one pharmacy for the whole district. What should we do and what should we have at home in such cases? These are the questions you need to ask doctors at appointments.

If something bad happens in the house, then it is necessary that all family members be aware in advance of where they can get a bandage, for example. Highlight your home first aid kit special place that everyone in the house will know about. And if something happens, then we will know exactly where and what to look for.

It often happens, for example, they broke their knee, and we urgently need a band-aid. And now our dad runs around and shouts at everyone: “Where is our plaster?”. And his mother tells him: “Look for him in such and such a box, there and there.” And almost every house has a similar situation.

There are generally accepted rules for the contents of a home first aid kit. There are some medicines and products that should be in every first aid kit. For example, a bactericidal plaster is there, or a tourniquet to stop the blood. These things should be in every home first aid kit.

Let's try together to make a rough list of what should be in every home first aid kit. AT without fail it must contain:

  1. Dressing materials:
  • sterile bandages for dressings (different in width);
  • medical cotton wool (you can cotton pads);
  • elastic bandage for fixation with bruises and fractures;
  • elastic tourniquet (rubber) to stop bleeding;
  • plasters - bactericidal (for cuts and abrasions) and medical for fixation.
  1. To stop bleeding, treat wounds:
  • brilliant green and iodine for the treatment and disinfection of wounds;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide to treat wounds and stop bleeding when minor bleeding;
  • medical alcohol for wound disinfection.

In order not to get an additional burn in deep and big wounds treat only the edges with iodine.

  1. For the treatment of burns (Bepanthen, Panthenol, Spray)
  2. For gastrointestinal disorders:
  • Mezim;
  • Festal;
  • Smekta.
  1. At :
  • potassium permanganate;
  • Activated carbon.
  1. For flu and colds:
  • Antigrippin, Theraflu, Coldrex - combined preparations;
  • Nurofen, Efferalgan, Paracetamol - to lower the temperature;
  • Ingalipt, Strepsils, Hexoral - from a sore throat;
  • Bronchicum, Peksusin - for expectoration;
  • Nazivin, Sanorin, Naphthyzin - to facilitate breathing.
  1. Painkillers:
  • Corvalol, Nitroglycerin, Validol - for angina pectoris, heart pain;
  • Spazmalgon, No-Shpa - with sharp pains in a stomach;
  • Ointments for relieving muscle pain.
  1. Herbal preparations:
  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  1. Antihistamines for allergies:
  • Fenistil;
  • Suprastin;
  • Claritin.
  1. Others:
  • tonometer;
  • thermometer;
  • tweezers;
  • warmer;
  • ammonia;
  • measuring cup.

There are medicines that are individual for each person. And it’s completely wrong to say to everyone: “Keep nitroglycerin in your first aid kit.” This is heart medicine. Or: “Just in case, keep medicines for blood pressure. You never know what can happen to your grandmother. Here you choose, we have compiled an approximate list necessary drugs in the home medicine cabinet.

If it seems too difficult for you to complete it, you can buy a ready-made standard set at the pharmacy.

The contents of the first aid kit should also depend on where you are. There are drugs that are needed here and now. And we simply do not have time to run after them to the pharmacy. For example, a child has burned himself, and we need to immediately treat the affected area with a certain medicine.

Even if we live in a big city, we also need to spend certain time to get to the pharmacy. But when you go somewhere to the country, and you know that it will be difficult for you to find a pharmacy there, then, of course, the contents of the first-aid kit in this case will also depend on this particular situation.

The main thing for which our home first aid kit should serve is to provide first aid in those cases when we do not have time at all for a pharmacy:

  • if our child gets burned,
  • bleeding,
  • bitten by a bee, from which and the like.

Don't forget about it. Thus, to similar situations we need to prepare in advance. It is necessary that every person who lives in the house knows that the first-aid kit is, for example, in this box. Even those people who visit this house should know this.

Attention! If there are small children in your house, the first-aid kit must be in a place inaccessible to them, locked!

Let's say our child was treated with antibiotics, and after this treatment we have a few capsules left, this does not mean at all that these medicines will be useful to you in the next few years. Therefore, there is no need to put these medicines in the medicine cabinet for the home, just in case, so to speak.

Unfortunately, that's how they fill up. Had a cough, acute respiratory disease(ORZ) passed, but all sorts of pills remained there. So we put them in our first aid kit. You don't want to throw it away.

Deciding what we will have in the first-aid kit for the house is necessary not when we need something, but when everyone in the family is healthy. At the same time, we gather our thoughts, and calmly decide which drugs can actually come in handy.

It must be remembered that if your child was burned, you provided him with medical care on time, did everything right, the wound in this case will heal much faster. And when you do not, the child will suffer for another couple of months. And who is to blame in this case? Of course, mom and dad.

You can put medicines for adults wherever you want. But if you have become a parent and raise children, then you must take this matter very seriously. Be sure to pay attention to your home first aid kit.

You might be interested. Be healthy!

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