How to discover and develop extrasensory abilities in yourself: exercises, advice, books, stones. How do I know if I have psychic abilities by date of birth? Tests and signs for psychic abilities. Which zodiac signs have a psychic

Have you ever dreamed of gaining superpowers? But what if you already have them but don't know it? With the help of this free online test, you will be able to assess your energy potential, as well as receive recommendations regarding the occult development and self-improvement.

Despite the fact that this test for magical abilities is compiled in a somewhat frivolous comic manner, it allows you to fairly accurately determine the natural inclinations of a person. As you know, in every joke there is some truth... The effectiveness of the development of superpowers largely depends on the magician's ability to interact with the forces of nature. Therefore, one should not neglect her support in such a difficult matter as the acquisition of magical abilities.

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Unleash your superpowers!

Each magician has his own patron who helps him in all ceremonies and rituals. With this magical ability test, you will find out who your patron is. Perhaps this is the legendary sorcerer Merlin? Mysterious Isis, keeper of the secret sciences? Or Shiva - the goddess of destruction and chaos? Take advantage of the free online "I am a magician or how" test to find out immediately!

Human superpowers include not only obvious manifestations of magical powers, such as telepathy, telekinesis and clairvoyance. They are not subject to many magicians who have successfully replaced the absence of super abilities with astrology and divination practices on Tarot cards, runes, etc. Through the free online testing presented here, you will find out in which direction you should develop your super abilities that nature has endowed every person.

Sometimes abilities such as clairvoyance or telepathy develop spontaneously, or as a result of a sharp emotional shock. However, more often they appear as a result of a special set of trainings, including meditation and special practices. But the first step in unlocking your potential is to explore your abilities and inclinations.

By taking advantage of the test for magical abilities, you will save yourself time, which is so valuable for every magician. After all, it is much easier to develop those talents for which a person has an inclination than to try to master something from scratch. Remember - beyond the ability, this is not a gift of the gods or the privilege of the elect, but the properties of a person that are in their infancy present in each of us. Therefore, do not hesitate, take the test for magical abilities, identify your talents, and start developing them. It's about time

Many people want to have some kind of psychic abilities and wonder if they depend on the date and time of birth? Each person has certain knowledge and skills. Someone develops them, and they are clearly manifested in different periods of life. And someone is in a dormant state. So how do you define your extrasensory abilities by date of birth? There are certain ways to do this, tests, which we will consider below. It is worth trusting astrology, which characterizes the abilities of each sign in its own way.


Magical or psychic abilities enable a particular person to hear, see and perform such incredible actions that are inaccessible to others. Of course, not everyone has such opportunities. In addition, the focus of such abilities can be very different: conspiracies, love spells, healing, communication with otherworldly spirits, forces, visions. Well, can you find out exactly what opportunities you yourself have? What psychic abilities by date of birth are inherent in you?

  • Aries. This sign characterizes the gift of foresight. There are frequent cases when, for example. missing the plane, Aries avoids a plane crash.
  • Taurus. Generosity and kindness are inherent in these people. It has been noticed that the more they give, the more blessings they receive from above.
  • Twins. The gift of Gemini is persuasion. They speak so beautifully that they can often win over an opponent to their side and convince him of their point of view.

  • Crayfish. People with the strongest intuition. Can foresee the future. Cancerians are often fans of various divination methods. Able to manipulate other people.
  • A lion. Leo's ability is leadership. They easily control those around them. In magic, they are quite strong in love divination. In this area, they can reach great heights.
  • Virgo. Psychic ability is the ability to guess, and by any means. Virgos, thanks to their feelings, often win the lottery.
  • Scales. Their powers develop in natural magic, so amulets made by the hands of Libra have the strongest energy power.

if you have extrasensory abilities, any astrologer will help to calculate them by date of birth.

  • Scorpion. In any home, they are an invaluable amulet. Easily master home magic.
  • FROM sagittarius. They have the gift of healing. Able to strong suggestion to make their own dreams come true.
  • Capricorn. Great ability in palmistry and astrology. If Capricorn lives in nature, his intuition is sharply manifested.
  • Aquarius. By conducting divination and rituals, he receives true results. Able to create new rituals, they will be effective.
  • Fish. Get energy from water. Them make it possible to carry out quite successfully rituals on the water. Fish can create various magical potions.

Elements of the zodiac signs

Some begin to try themselves in various areas of extrasensory perception, wasting their time and effort, but this will not lead to anything if you do not know in advance in which particular area you are strong, what nature has endowed you with. A horoscope will help in this, because it is by the date of birth that many life factors are determined. So you can find out your magical belonging to the world of magic by the signs of the zodiac.

This question worries many. Each sign of the zodiac belongs to a certain element (Fire, Earth, Air and Water). This is also of great importance in determining psychic abilities. The sign of the zodiac is determined by a combination of elements and qualities.

Fire Trine (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

The peculiarity of this element is warmth and dryness, vitality, metaphysical energy. The Trigon of Fire is considered creative, it is characterized by activity, action, energy. The main governing force is Fire, and this is zeal, impatience, irascibility, courage, courage, arrogance. The defining feature of the Fire signs is ambition, they easily adapt to life situations, but, alas, they do not like and cannot obey. They are strongly expressed perseverance, perseverance, truthfulness. Already at an early age, they try to win independence and independence. Freedom is the most important thing for them.

Determination of psychic abilities by date of birth for this element lies in the fact that they receive a charge of energy from space. This allows you to either attract other signs to yourself, or vice versa - repel. Expressed leadership qualities make it easy to lead, manage people. The people around them are in constant excitement, tension, easily influenced by the energy of the representatives of the fire element.

  • Aries has amazing intuition, he is one of the first to be in the place where he is most needed.
  • a lion especially has leadership qualities. Love magic easily lends itself to him, he can use it for the benefit of the whole world.
  • Sagittarius possesses the gift of a healer, easily removes any pain with bioenergetics. They make excellent diagnosticians.

Earth Trine (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)

The trine of the Earth characterizes dryness, cold, density, strength. The trine principle is stability, materialism. Earth gives stability, firmness, concreteness, creates laws, forms. People from the trine of the Earth have been moving towards their goals with firm steps since childhood, while soberly calculating their abilities. People of this element are practical, businesslike. Often choose a profession associated with material values.

  • Capricorn he loves everything close to nature, at home he often has everything natural - stone, wood.Being in the bosom of nature, representatives of this sign can find answers to many confusing questions. Psychic abilities by date of birthin this case, they allow you to do astrology, palmistry, because Capricorns have a special relationship with numbers.
  • Taurus. His career often moves at the expense of good. He tries to create it everywhere, and the more good he brings to life, the richer he becomes both spiritually and materially. The gift of Taurus is to bring good to people.
  • Virgin for the most part unsurpassed fortune-tellers. They lend themselves to any fortune-telling. Luck is always on their side, if they learn to listen to their inner voice, they can easily pull out a lucky lottery ticket.

Air Trine (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)

The peculiarity of this trigon is moisture, heat, divisibility, adaptability, flexibility. Air determines relationships and contacts. Air loves freedom and independence. It ensures the existence of all life on Earth, is responsible for the transmission of life, reproduction, procreation. The people of this trigon do not tolerate monotony, they are constantly attracted by change. They quickly grasp information, process it and pass it on to others. If we consider extrasensory abilities of a person by date of birth, then "air" people can be characterized as follows:

  • Scales strongly associated with natural phenomena. They are completely dependent on the sun. Charms and amulets in their hands become magical. Libra can execute them from anything, and they will have magical powers.
  • Aquarius easily invent a variety of rituals and rituals. Divination for them is an opportunity to look both into the past and into the future. A feature of success is the complete trust of the relationship: the more you believe the magician, the more clearly he will be able to predict.
  • Twins able to use the elements of the winds, it helps them in communication, in predictions. They communicate easily and can inspire you with their point of view in no time.

Water Trine (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

The peculiarity of the sign is humidity and coldness. Water is memory, preservation, inner world, emotions, feelings. These people often live an inner life rather than an outer one. Extremely sensitive, but keep emotions to themselves. Sometimes they are lazy and lethargic, except for Scorpions. They have a subtle intuition, which makes it possible to foresee events in advance. Soit is quite possible, we will clarify their capabilities separately by the signs.

  • Crayfish is a natural psychologist, and this allows him to easily manipulate people. This feature is indispensable in divination. Having caught the right direction, Cancer easily foresees the circumstances.
  • Scorpion. His mere presence in the family already protects and protects you from everything evil, unpleasant. Scorpios are good at home magic, the rituals performed have a strong effect.
  • Fish. Their strong point is water, any drinks with slanders have incredible power. Even wet cleaning carried out by Pisces removes not only dirt and dust, but also all negativity from the house.

How do I know if I have psychic abilities?

  1. Online testing. You can take a test that one of the sites about magic offers. There are various tasks offered. For example, feel in which of the boxes the object lies. For some, the disadvantage may be the fact that not everyone is able to feel the energy of the object through the monitor.
  2. subjective way. Psychic test, which offers answers to a series of questions. They allow you to determine if you have any psychic abilities.
  3. Any real job. The most accurate way to reveal superpowers. You can go through tasks for the same identification of an object in a box. Try to tell something about a stranger from a photograph.

How to test psychic abilities at home. Exercises

  • Stick the needle into the matchbox. Cut a thin strip of newsprint 5 cm long, fold in half and fasten to the needle. One condition - you can not pierce the paper, it must lie freely. Close your eyes, close the ring with your fingers and mentally rotate it over the paper. If the paper tape begins to move, then rejoice - some energy forces are manifesting in you.
  • Ask a friend to help you. Pour plain water into a glass, let your partner taste it and remember it. Then close your eyes and mentally inspire the water to acquire some taste. Not a word about this to the comrade. Finished work? Have a friend try the water. Has changed? Did you manage to give the taste of sweet, salty or bitter? If yes, you can clearly develop your abilities.

Test. Answer only the truth to the questions asked

Having passed you can find out if you have them. Answer yes or no.

  1. You are able to see, to distinguish the energy of people - healthy and sick.
  2. You may feel the danger. Get out of any situation without much loss. You are helped by the instinct of self-preservation, a premonition of trouble.
  3. You can influence the decisions of people, are able to inspire your thoughts so that the interlocutor takes your side.
  4. You are able to foresee some moments from the future (illness, death, disaster) and can prevent it.
  5. People from your environment notice that it is very easy for them to communicate with you, or vice versa, they feel bad in your presence. It depends on your relationship with them.
  6. Love spells, damage, evil eye - all this is subject to you.
  7. You are interested in magic. Read a lot of books, learn different methods.
  8. Knows how to guess, no matter what. The main thing is that your predictions come true.
  9. For you, any person is an open book, you see through him, you feel his thoughts and aspirations.
  10. You think a lot, you read a lot. For you, the process of self-improvement comes first.
  11. Loneliness is your best friend. It allows you to discover new potential, to reveal your inner world.
  12. You can handle some magical items.
  13. In a cemetery, in a wasteland, you do not feel fear, confusion.

If you gave a positive answer to 8-13 questions, then the makings of a psychic in you are clearly manifested, maybe not quite developed. All in your hands.

At the time of our ancestors, among ordinary people there were often those who possessed magical abilities and sacred knowledge, who could see the past and the future. They were called witches, witchers, sorcerers, witches, soothsayers.

But over time, revealing their unusual abilities became very dangerous. Such people were blamed for all the misfortunes, they were killed, burned alive at the stake. Therefore, those with magical powers ceased to openly use the magical gift, and in order to protect their children, they were not told about the abilities that could be inherited by them.

Although the predisposition to magic continued to be inherited, many people did not even suspect that they possessed some kind of supernatural gift. And this gift itself more and more often remained in a dormant state, not receiving the necessary training and development.

And so it happened that in the modern world, most people do not even know about their supernatural abilities and do not try to develop them. However, many people are interested do they have magical powers whether there were witches in their family, and they want to know about an unusual relationship.

Learn magical abilities by date of birth and numerology

Learn about your magical abilities or inclinations by date of birth using. This method relies on the assumption that everyone has a penchant for magic and supernatural abilities, and a person is already born with a certain set of talents.


"Units" are endowed with the gift of persuasion and hypnosis, allowing them to influence others. These people have developed verbal magic. They can successfully cast spells and magical incantations, having the powerful power of words and persuasion.

"Twos" have "X-ray" vision, healing ability. With the development of appropriate skills, they are able to detect diseases even before the first symptoms appear. They can transfer energy through their hands.

The calling of the "threes" is healing, the ability to materialize things through words. These people should be careful with their thoughts and words, so as not to bring trouble.

Fours have a penchant for magic and the occult. They have a strong natural defense that repels any evil eye and negative influence. This can be used in the practice of extrasensory perception.

"Fives" have the gift of foreboding, prone to predictive abilities. Such people can become clairvoyant if they develop their potential. When solving important issues, they should listen to the inner voice.

"Sixes" see people through, perceiving the slightest change in mood. They read the minds of others, and if they develop this gift, they can become good telepaths.

"Sevens" are prone to clairvoyance. They can read information from any things and people, are able to see the events of the past and future, and sometimes even influence them. Often their dreams turn out to be prophetic, and with their help, such people manage to avoid unwanted events.

The "eights" have an amazing gift - the ability to read thoughts, contact with the information field of the Earth. If this tendency is developed, these people can learn to transmit thoughts at a distance.

"Nines" have the gift of communication with the other world. They can conduct seances, receive information from the universe and know what other people do not know. And these people have such a powerful energy that in their presence even a malfunction of electrical appliances is possible.

How to find out if there were witches in the family?

The fact that someone in your family was a witch or witcher is indicated, for example, by your ability to pay attention to the Signs sent from Above and interpret them correctly.

This can be indicated by a well-developed intuition, and the presence of a sixth sense, and the ability to understand people from a half-word, and bright, colorful dreams, which are sometimes prophetic and predict upcoming events.

Birthmarks on the body can also give a hint that a person belongs to a witch family. For example, in the form of a flower, heart, bird or numbers. Any recognizable sign can indicate that a person had witches in his family.

Love for nature and the fact that a person feels better among plants and birds, and a noisy city makes him sad, also hints at a connection with magical powers.

Even the fact that one of the elderly relatives often gives advice based on folk signs or beliefs may indicate a relationship with magicians and sorcerers.

Each person is endowed with extraordinary abilities, which they may not be aware of. It turns out that the gift to create magic lies in everyone from birth. How to find out your magical abilities by date of birth? To do this, you can use two methods - to make a digital calculation and learn from tarot cards. Let's consider this question.

Numerological calculation

To make the calculation, you need to add up all the digits of your date of birth. For example, like this:

1. 1985.11.11. = 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 27;

Now you need to use the interpreter of the meanings of the numbers.

Unit says that you can easily influence people and convince them of anything. Also, the unit speaks of the talent of the hypnotist. That is, there is verbal magic. You can successfully cast spells and magical incantations with such power of words and persuasion.

deuce speaks of the presence of a healing ability. You can transfer energy through your hands. Learning healing practices will bring success. However, do not forget to replenish the expended energy in time to restore the potential.

Troika speaks of the ability to materialize things through words. Be careful with your thoughts and words so as not to attract trouble. Knowing your gift, you can use it to build, not to destroy.

Four speaks of a powerful energy potential. You have a strong natural defense that will repel any evil eye and negative impact. This potential can be used in the practice of extrasensory perception.

Five characterizes the presence of a predictive gift. You can become clairvoyant if you develop this potential.

Six says that you can read people's minds. If you develop, you can become a good telepath.

Seven- you see prophetic dreams and can interpret dreams.

Eight speaks of the ability to read minds. With practice, you can learn to transmit thoughts at a distance. The techniques of mental magic will suit you.

Nine speaks of the gift of communication with the other world. You can hold séances, get contact information from the universe, and know things that other people don't.

Date of birth and tarot

How to determine the nature of a magical gift from tarot cards? Tarot arcana can tell a lot about a person's abilities. You need to add up the numbers of the date of birth and turn to the interpreter of the major arcana of the tarot.

Unlike the numerological method of calculation, here it is necessary to carry out 3 calculations:

  1. add up the digits of the birth number if it exceeds 22;
  2. add up all the digits of the date of birth;
  3. convert the final digits of the day, month and year of birth to a single digit and add them together.

Everything is clear with the birth number, but there is a nuance. There are 22 major arcana in the tarot deck, so if the birth number is more than 22, we perform a mathematical operation. We need to subtract the number 22 from the birth number to get the required number. For example: 23 (number of birth) - 22 = 1.

In the second option, you need to add all the numbers together. If you get a number greater than 22, proceed as in the above option. Let's say we got 32: 32 - 22 = 10.

The third option is the most difficult. It is necessary to reduce to a single number all the final digits of the date of birth (day, month and year) and add them together.

Now we add 2 + 2 + 5 and get the number 9. As a result, we got three numbers:

Now you need to look at the interpreter of the major arcana.

A person with the number 1 in the date of birth has a strong magical potential and can practice any magic. This is a born magician, gifted with extraordinary abilities. He can literally work miracles. Usually people with these abilities intuitively choose mental magic, NLP and verbal techniques. That is, persuasion by words and change of circumstances by thought.

This lasso also speaks of outstanding magical abilities, especially in women. Nature magic aptitude - plants, animals, minerals, potions. This person has a very highly developed intuition and has the gift of foresight.

A person can successfully practice village magic and magic related to household items. There is also a penchant for knotting techniques (nauzas) and culinary magic. Work with wax and puppet magic (volts) is going well.

This magic is associated with objects of male use and metals - a knife, a dagger, scissors, needles. A person has a tendency to attack magic with the use of force.

This lasso speaks of a penchant for classical rituals, the use of religious egregores in practice. Spells with prayers and objects of religious worship are good.

Here one can see the ability for the magic of partnerships, as well as for the teachings of Reiki.

A person has the ability of verbal magic, conspiracies and the manufacture of talismans are good. Also, the lasso speaks of gypsy magic.

These are shamanic techniques and voodoo magic. In practice, animal body parts, bird feathers, amulets and talismans are used.

This is a card of strong psychic abilities. He also talks about the successful practice of meditation, the application of mantras and following the path of spiritual development.

This is work with karma and past lives, as well as money magic. Talismans are good for attracting money and good luck, fortune spells.

Eleventh lasso - justice

If this lasso fell out, a person needs to be very careful in applying magical techniques. The lasso has little to do with magic, it speaks more about doing earthly affairs.

This lasso speaks of working with runes and nature. A person is good at astral exits and trance states.

This is a sign of outstanding magical abilities. A person has good abilities for healing techniques and working with the world of the dead.

Fourteenth lasso - moderation

The man is more of a psychologist than a magician.

This is a pointer to work with dark egregors. Man is a born dark magician.

Work with the elements, as well as Feng Shui.

Man can work with the energies of the universe. This includes cosmic energy, angelic magic, work with the spirits of the planets. Good color magic.

A person has highly developed magical abilities. These are nature magic, Wicca, moon and village magic, as well as water magic.

Magic associated with fire. A person has a powerful natural energy, a strong will.

Ancestral magic, that is, following the traditions of the ancestors. Judgment is not connected with the world of the dead, like the lasso of Death, but a person can use the help of the dead in their practices. Also, the lasso shows a penchant for the magic of sounds, for example, a shaman's tambourine or bells.

A penchant for non-traditional magic, such as new technologies and cyber magic.

This is simoron and any kind of game magic. The lasso also indicates a person's propensity for innovation and experimentation. Puppet magic is good.

So, the following arcana speak of strong magical abilities - 1, 2, 9, 13, 15, 18 and 22. The following arcana speak of unexpressed abilities - 4, 8, 14, 19, 21.

The movement of the sun in the sky lays wonderful skills in the natal chart of a person. Even the ancients knew that the location of the stars in the sky at the time of birth plays a decisive role in fate. Some skills are given immediately, while others need to be developed throughout life. For example, astrologers can predict psychic abilities by date of birth, even if the person is unaware of their existence. Learn more about how to recognize your extraordinary skills.

To discover psychic abilities by date of birth, it is not necessary to be an expert in astrology. And without anyone's help, you can determine your capabilities, if you focus on the magical horoscope. Everyone has a special kind of skill. Knowing their direction allows you to qualitatively improve your life. Therefore, everyone without exception should know about the presence of extrasensory abilities by date of birth. Let's look at each sign individually:

1. Aries. The strength of these guys is the ability to foresee;

2. Taurus. In gratitude for the kindness of this sign, the stars generously endow him with material goods;

3. Gemini. They have the magic of the word. Able to persuade any person;

4. Cancer. Cancer's intuition makes it easy to calculate steps ahead;

5. Lev. Representatives of this sign manage to easily manipulate others. Especially when it comes to love;

6. Virgo. Among fortunetellers, most of all representatives of this particular zodiac sign;

7. Scales. They can speak any objects, endow them with energy power;

8. Scorpio. Their penchant for domestic magic serves as a defense to any home;

9. Sagittarius. These natural healers have the gift of self-hypnosis;

10. Capricorn. Born palmists with a sharply developed intuition;

11. Aquarius. Conductors of new spiritual practices and magical rites;

12. Pisces. Unsurpassed masters in creating magical water-based decoctions.

Ability Numerology

If you navigate exactly by date, then psychic abilities are easy to calculate as follows. You just need to get a number from the sum of all the digits of a specific date of birth. For example: 06/05/1987 = 5 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 36 = 9. After calculating the desired number, you should refer to its symbolic meaning in numerology:

- Unit. He says that a person has the gift of persuasion. To the point of hypnosis. When any spoken word becomes an order to action;

- Deuce. The owner of a deuce boasts excellent energy. With the development of the skill of managing this energy, a person can become a real healer: with his own hands, remove any pain from other people;

- Troika. In addition to the star luck inherent in this number, a person is given a great speed for the realization of all desires;

Attention! The owners of the three should be vigilant with their thoughts: many of them can materialize very quickly.

- Four. The owners of fours always have complete order with energy health. Their defenses cannot be penetrated;

- Five. Amazing intuition allows these people to predict the future;

- Six. If, according to the date of birth, psychic abilities showed a six, the person is endowed with an x-ray look. Can see through everyone;

- Seven. These guys need to be careful about their dreams. Many of them are prophetic;

- Eight. The subconscious ability to recognize other people's thought forms greatly facilitates the life of these people;

- Nine. Cosmic energy allows you to see what others cannot see. A direct channel with the Universe has been established. Psychic abilities by date of birth are fully realized in the nine.


Thanks to the predictive technique, you can find out by date of birth about the presence of extrasensory abilities. They are always present in the natal chart of the individual, even if he is not aware of their existence. However, when calculating psychic abilities by date of birth, one should not assume that they can be used instantly. Some skills take decades to perfect.

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