What does the epiphysis develop from? Hormones of the pineal gland (pineal gland) or pineal gland and their role in the body. Diseases of the pineal gland

The epiphysis is considered in modern science as a gland endocrine system. But it was not always so. Although its functions have already been characterized and its importance for the organism has been substantiated, even now its interpretation as a rudimentary organ is encountered.

The more interesting is the attitude of researchers to the pineal gland, who, increasing its value, even gave it the name of a "conductor" that successfully controls the entire endocrine system (along with the pituitary gland or).

The human pineal gland resembles a pine cone in shape and this is reflected in its name (pineal, pineal gland).

This is a small formation, under the scalp or even deep in the brain; protruding like a gland internal secretion, or as an organ that perceives light, and its activity depends on the illumination.

Epiphysis, functions in the animal world and in humans

The pineal gland develops in embryogenesis from the epithalamus - the arch of the back forebrain. In the animal world, the organ more often manifests itself as a third eye, it distinguishes only varying degrees illumination, but does not create visual images.

In this sense, the pineal gland even influences behavior: on the vertical migration of deep-sea fish, for example, during the day or night. In birds and mammals, it affects the secretion of melatonin, sets the biological rhythm, determines the frequency of sleep and changes in body temperature.

In humans, the activity of the pineal gland is associated with a violation of the daily rhythm of the body during the flight of different time zones, with a decrease in the synthesis of melatonin, with diabetes, sleep disorders, depression and oncology. The pineal gland is quite complex anatomically and physiologically.

Description of the epiphysis

It is very small in size.- up to 200 mg, but the intense blood flow existing in it confirms important role in the body, since its secret is melatonin. Three more physiologically active substances a, present in the pineal gland: serotonin, melatonin, norepinephrine.

The pineal gland is also a metabolically active organ. Biogenic amines were found in its matter, as well as enzymes that provide a catalyst for the synthesis processes, and, on the contrary, the inactivation of these compounds. In the epiphysis, an intensive exchange of proteins, lipids, phosphorus, nucleic acids is carried out.

Scientists emphasize that the pineal gland is formed in the form of an epithelial diverticulum, located in the upper part of the brain, following choroid plexus, appears in the second month of embryo development. Then the walls of the diverticulum thicken, and two lobes develop from the ependymal lining - the anterior, and later the posterior.

Vessels grow between these lobes. Gradually, the shares merge into a single body. The epiphysis in structure acts as an outgrowth of the roof of the third. It is located in a connective tissue capsule, from which strands depart inward, and divide the organ into lobes.

The size of this gland: up to 12 mm long, up to 8 mm wide and about 4 mm thick. Its size and weight change with age. Historically, the pineal gland arose as a mechanism capable of recording changes in the light plan, about daily or seasonal illumination.

But later, in mammals, it lost its centripetal centrifugal connections directly with the brain and turned into a special gland in the internal secretion.

Despite the available research, the pineal gland in human life is so deeply hidden, even from science, that there are a lot of myths and legends around it - about its belonging to the internal secrets of the body in sexual, physical and even spiritual aspects.

It is argued that this is the very "third eye" that allows you to see what is not amenable to external bodies that it is connected with the alignment of a living being and contains the information necessary for life, captured from space, unattainable for the human mind.

Thus, another mystery of the nature of human existence is manifested and explored.

pineal gland brain - what is it, what is it for and where is it located? We will try to give an answer, starting with the fact that another name for this gland is the pineal gland, also the pineal gland (in Latin pinea is pine, and, interestingly, the name of the prototype Pinocchio comes from the same root) by the similarity of the form with pine cone.

The pineal gland has not been sufficiently studied, its functions are not entirely clear, since the location of the gland and its small size prevent its thorough study, and in the history of medicine, many mystical functions were attributed to this gland, discovered by Galen, it was considered the focus of the human soul.

Esotericists consider the pineal gland to be the “third” eye, the center of human consciousness, contributing to the manifestation psychic abilities, and try to stimulate the gland with music, light and all sorts of esoteric techniques.

So what are the features pineal gland could give rise to such views, and is there a place for them in contemporary views to this mysterious organ?

The structure of the pineal gland and its location

The pineal gland is part of the diencephalon, which, in turn, is located between the midbrain and the cerebral hemispheres. The dimensions are normally small, about 1 cm wide and 1.5 cm long, with a mass of only 0.15-0.2 g (in women, the pineal gland is usually larger than in men).

The cone-shaped form of the gland is due to the developed capillary network of this organ. Apart from blood vessels, pass through the epiphysis nerve fibers sympathetic system.

The pineal gland appears in a human embryo already in the second month of development, with age its size increases, it penetrates into the region of the midbrain and there it is fixed between the upper visual tubercles of the quadrigemina of the midbrain.

The location of the pineal gland in the center of the brain gives it special significance, some scientists even consider it to be the upper appendage of the brain, just as another important endocrine gland, the pituitary gland, is considered the lower cerebral appendage. The pinkish-gray color of the epiphysis is due to its good blood supply.

Outside, the pineal body of the epiphysis is covered with dense connective tissue. The growth of the pineal gland stops when puberty, and with the aging of the body, its reverse development is observed.

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Functions of the pineal gland

In the pineal gland, proteins, nucleic acids, lipids are intensively exchanged and it participates in the metabolism of phosphorus, calcium, potassium and magnesium in the body, sets biological rhythms and regulates body temperature. Since it produces hormones important for the functioning of the body as a whole, it is part of the endocrine and nervous systems.

Pineal hormones are the following peptide and biogenic amines formed from amino acids:

  • Serotonin, the "hormone of happiness".
  • Melatonin, the "shadow hormone".
  • Norepinephrine, the "stress hormone".
  • Histamine, the "anxiety hormone".

The effect of pineal hormones on the human body

In the body, everything is interconnected, but nevertheless, it is possible to single out the "zones of responsibility" of each of the hormones of the pineal gland. So what are they responsible for, individually and collectively?


Responsible for the psychogenic state of a person, regulates vascular tone, improves mood. Dietary intake is required to increase production enough essential acid tryptophan.


The production of melatonin is one of the main functions of the pineal gland. is produced from serotonin with a lack of light, at night, the peak of its production occurs at midnight. One of the hormones responsible for the rhythm and cyclicity of life processes synchronizes the daily (circadian) rhythms of day and night, and for this reason the pineal gland is also called the biological clock.

Melatonin inhibits excess excretion growth hormone(growth hormone, which is produced in the pituitary gland, the leading human endocrine gland, and stimulates the growth and repair of cells).

With age and a decrease in the amount of melatonin produced (the peak of night production also decreases), a oxidative stress and hormonal DNA is damaged, which leads to aging of the body.

Melatonin has the following effects in the body:

  • It is a warning cardiovascular diseases, cataracts and tumor development.
  • Regulates sleep and wakefulness.
  • Reduces in the bloodstream.
  • Supports .
  • It also normalizes vascular tone.
  • Reduces in the bloodstream.
  • Suppresses depression.
  • Regulates daily changes in body weight and sexual activity.
  • Regulates menstrual cycle among women.
  • Improves memory in children and adolescence and enhances learning ability.

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Norepinephrine is released in daylight, is a mediator of wakefulness and quick decision making, causes an increase blood pressure with the activation of daily activities, enhances the metabolism of carbohydrates. Produced from essential amino acid phenylalanine and conditionally replaceable tyrosine. In addition to the epiphysis, it is also synthesized in the adrenal glands.


Histamine protects the body from unwanted effects, affects the immune system. Main function of this hormone - raising anxiety in the tissues and the body as a whole in the case of a real or imaginary threat health and life, for example, in case of poisoning or contact with an allergen.

Excessive activity of histamine, which is not uncommon in our time, leads to intolerance and impaired immunity, and in 1% of people, mostly middle-aged, to diarrhea, constipation, migraine, acne, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, irregular menstrual cycles.

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the pineal gland

Complex medical equipment is used for diagnosis, so you should not even try to diagnose yourself, much less treat manifestations that you think are caused by diseases of the pineal gland. All this can be entrusted only to a doctor.


Used for diagnosis x-ray equipment, computer and magnetic resonance tomographs. Only after complete hardware examination the doctor makes a conclusion about the presence or absence of pathology in a person. Normally, the pineal gland is projected onto the radiograph exclusively along the midline (remember the image of the “third eye”, or the “ajna” chakra just above the point between the eyebrows in esoteric images).

Pathological foci in the brain (abscesses, tumors, hematomas) push the epiphysis in the opposite direction from the focus.

Manifestations of dysfunction

Deviations in the functionality of the epiphysis can be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Headache.
  • Visual disturbances (double vision).
  • Sleepiness during the daytime.
  • Ataxia (disorders of coordination of movements), paralysis.
  • Frequent fainting.
  • Mental deviations in behavior.

Pathological conditions

The activity of the pineal gland is disturbed for a number of reasons of an external and internal nature. Causes of an external (exogenous) nature:

  • mechanical injury.
  • Electrical injury.
  • poisoning ( chemicals, tobacco and alcohol).
  • Infection with pathogens of rabies, poliomyelitis or encephalitis.
  • Infection with bacterial toxins of diphtheria or botulism.
  • Infection with echinococcus with the formation of a cyst in the epiphysis.

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Causes of internal (endogenous) change:

  • circulatory disorders, internal bleeding, spasm of cerebral vessels.
  • thrombus formation.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Anemia.
  • Tumors (benign and malignant).
  • Inflammatory processes (usually a consequence of meningitis, sepsis or brain abscess).
  • Cerebral edema.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Age changes.

There are cases of both a decrease in the activity of the epiphysis (quite rare), and an increase. The cause of hypofunction may be a tumor in the connective tissues, followed by compression of the secretory cells of the gland.

Especially dangerous is hypofunction in children, leading to premature physical and sexual development due to the lack of a restraining effect on the production of growth hormone. To premature development dementia may also join.

Hyperfunction may be caused by:

  • Tumor of the cells of the pineal gland (pinealoma).
  • Hemorrhage in the body of the gland.
  • Echinococcal cyst development.

hyperfunction of the epiphysis childhood leads to delayed growth and sexual development.



Treatment of diseases is mainly symptomatic. The patient is prescribed medication (usually Melaxen, a synthetic analogue of melanin), and only with a negative result they resort to surgical removal tumors or cysts (with the growth of neoplasms and hyperfunction of the gland). Chemotherapy has also been shown radiation therapy, and modern method radiosurgery, valid even during pregnancy.

Sometimes the production of melatonin is restored if simple rules, these same rules are a good prevention of the prevention of diseases of the pineal gland:

  • Strict observance of the daily routine.
  • Falling asleep and sleeping strictly in the dark.
  • Exclusion of work and entertainment activities at night.
  • Exclusion of extreme manifestations of emotions and stress.
  • Daily walks.

Melatonin in the form medicinal product is a good therapy for prolongation reproductive age. During menopause, women experience beneficial effect nightly intake of melatonin with reversal of climacteric processes and restoration of reproductive functions.

Decreased hormone production commonly seen in women of this age thyroid gland with subsequent disorders of the autonomic nervous system disappear.

The pineal gland, or pineal gland, is one of the the most important organs endocrine system. The hormone melatonin produced by it regulates the daily and seasonal rhythms of a person, the menstrual cycle of women. Disorders in the functioning of the pineal gland lead to serious physical and mental disorders in health, and require medical intervention, medicinal or surgical. good remedy prevention of diseases of the pineal gland is the observance of the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

The epiphysis (pineal, pineal gland) is the final section visual system performing an endocrine function.

The pineal gland is located between the hemispheres of the brain. Its size in adults ranges from 25 to 430 mg. The mass of an organ depends on sex, age, state of health and climatic conditions human residence.

The epiphysis is surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue, which permeates the tissue of the gland. blood supply pineal gland is of high intensity. The largest number vessels are actively functioning at night.

The work of the epiphysis normally obeys a clearly defined daily rhythm. When darkness falls, the organ turns on vigorous activity. The maximum secretion of pineal hormones occurs after midnight. With dawn, functional activity decreases sharply.

It is believed that artificial lighting in the evening and at night violates normal rhythm secretion of pineal hormones. Ultimately, such changes can contribute to the development of diseases of various organs and systems, including obesity, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, myocardial ischemia, etc.

Functions of the epiphysis

The pineal gland is a gland of the endocrine system whose physiology and function are not well understood. It is known that the pineal gland is involved in the formation of daily rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, rest and high emotional and physical recovery.

Functions of the epiphysis:

  • sleep regulation;
  • inhibition of sexual development in children;
  • decreased secretion of growth hormone (somatotropic hormone);
  • slowing down the growth of tumors;
  • promotion immune protection organism.

The pineal gland is most active in children and adolescents. With age, the mass of the gland and the secretion of biologically active substances by it gradually decreases.

Biologically active substances of the epiphysis

Pineal cells synthesize two main groups of active substances:

  • indoles;
  • peptides.

All indoles are derivatives of the amino acid serotonin. This substance accumulates in the gland, and at night it actively turns into melatonin (the main hormone of the pineal gland).

Melatonin is released into the blood, signaling to all cells in the body that night has come. Receptors for this hormone are found in almost all organs and tissues.

In addition, melatonin can be converted to adrenoglomerulotropin. This hormone of the pineal gland affects the adrenal cortex, increasing the synthesis of aldosterone.

Epiphyseal peptides affect immunity, metabolism and vascular tone. The following are currently known chemical compounds of this class: arginine-vasotocin, neurophysins, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and some others.

The role of melatonin in the human body

The effect of melatonin on the body is very diverse. The hormone can be thought of as a chemical signal to all body cells that the time of day has changed.

Cells perceive this signal through a system of special sensitive elements (receptors). After tissues detect melatonin in the blood, their functional activity changes.

Melatonin Functions:

  • sleep regulation;
  • calming effect on the central nervous system;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • hypoglycemic effect;
  • decrease in blood cholesterol levels;
  • immunostimulation;
  • antidepressant effect;
  • potassium retention in the body.

Melatonin is involved in the formation of sleep and enhances the effect sleeping pills. This hormone in some cases can be used as a medicine for mild night sleep disorders.

It is known that the functions of melatonin in children are especially high. This substance contributes to young age improving memory and learning ability. Associated with this fact is the high need and importance of sufficient nighttime sleep for children and young people.

Improving the working conditions of the pineal gland

The pineal gland is an important link in the endocrine system, providing a good adaptation of the body to environmental conditions.

Decreased secretion of melatonin and other pineal hormones under the action of adverse factors leads to the development of serious diseases and functional disorders.

To improve the function of the epiphysis, it is necessary to eliminate adverse effects.

  • prolonged and excessive lighting;
  • artificial lighting during night sleep;
  • wakefulness by artificial light after midnight.

In fact, to maintain health, it is necessary to observe the natural sleep and wakefulness regimens for a person.

Preparations of biologically active substances of the pineal gland

There are drugs containing pineal hormones, obtained synthetically or isolated from the pineal gland of animals.

The most commonly prescribed synthetic analogue of melatonin. These tablets can be recommended by a doctor for sleep disorders, fatigue, low performance.

Moreover, in the treatment chronic diseases internal organs a protein extract of the pineal gland of animal origin can be used. The drug is called Epithalamin. It is believed that its effects are associated with strong antioxidant and immunostimulatory effects.

If the pituitary gland can be called the command post of the entire endocrine system, then the pineal gland is the conductor of this entire system, peculiar The biological clock. She is

Thanks to the activity of this gland, most mammals sleep at night and are most active during the day. It is to her that we owe dreams and memories. Thanks to this gland, we can see in bright and low light, and that we are able to adapt to the external temperature.

Its other name is the epiphysis, and doctors and psychologists understand what it is. Even esotericists and psychics have found their interest in it.

It is located deep in the brain, between the two hemispheres. In its form, it partly resembles a young fir cone. Hence the name, the pineal gland. Its Latin name is corpus pineale, therefore, the name "pineal gland" or pineal gland is also found.

It is located next to the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. This is an endocrine gland, one of the tasks of which is the regulation of the activity of the pituitary gland.

It belongs to the diencephalon, its volume is slightly more than 2 cm3, and it weighs about a third of a gram in an adult.

The formation of the pineal gland occurs approximately at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy, simultaneously with the pituitary gland. They mutually regulate each other's activities.
The pineal gland is directly connected to the optic nerves.


This little gland is very complex structure She is surrounded by blood vessels. About 200 ml of blood passes through it per minute.

This small organ, located deep in the brain, is involved in all metabolic processes that occur in the body.

The pineal gland is the pineal gland, that is, part of the endocrine and nervous system, which is located in diencephalon person. It got its name because of its resemblance to a pine cone. Its formation begins at the beginning of 2 months prenatal development, and already at the end of the 1st and the beginning of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the gland cells begin to show their hormonal activity.

The gland is located right in the center of the brain, such a location speaks of great importance for the human body. Some sources speak of the pineal gland as an appendage of the brain, but this claim has not been fully proven. It has an oval shape, which is slightly compacted at one end. Galen was the first to describe the pineal gland, he put forward the hypothesis that the pineal gland regulates the activity of the glands of the lymphatic system.

In an adult, the size of the epiphysis reaches a little more than 1 centimeter, in children, respectively, its size is smaller. The gland has a pink-gray color, which can change in accordance with the fullness of the blood vessels. The epiphysis is dense in consistency, its surface is slightly rough. On top of the iron is covered with a protective capsule, which consists of intertwined vessels. For many centuries, scientists assigned the status of the “soul” to the pineal gland, and Rene Descartes called it the “saddle of the soul”, elevating this gland to a special rank in anatomical structure human body.

The role of the gland

Though modern science develops rapidly, but the epiphysis is not studied deeply enough. It has been established that it has strong and multifunctional connections both with the brain regions and with all others. Moreover, this connection is two-way: for example, the pineal gland directly affects the functioning of the ovaries, and the retina of the eye transmits the received information to the pineal gland, and therefore the intensity of melatonin production decreases. In addition to melatonin, the pineal gland secretes other hormones - serotonin, pinealin and andrenoglomerulotropin.

It is mainly affected by sleep and wakefulness, in the dark its production is more intense, and in bright light it is almost completely blocked. In addition, melatonin actively affects the activity of the testicles and ovaries; in childhood, the hormone inhibits their function. When a child becomes a teenager, the activity of the pineal gland decreases, as well as the release of the hormone during the day, the maximum melatonin release occurs at midnight.

The precursor of malatonin is serotonin. This hormone is responsible for the mood of a person and his pain threshold. Serotonin is also called the “hormone of happiness”, since its increase creates in a person good mood and euphoria. regulated by the following - adrenoglomerulotropin, in particular regulated water-salt balance in the body.

Pinealin is the least studied hormone that is produced by the pineal gland, sometimes even called the pineal gland. Perhaps the only thing that can be said about this hormone is that it lowers blood glucose levels.

Pathological phenomena

by the most frequent illnesses epiphysis are considered:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • violation circadian rhythms(sleep-wake mode);
  • tumor;
  • transformation according to the cystic type;
  • atrophy and dystrophy;
  • violation of blood supply;
  • congenital pathologies.

The most common disorder is a disruption in circadian rhythms. The cause of this disorder may be medication and the abuse of smartphones, tablets and laptops. The fact is that the listed gadgets emit Blue colour which provokes increased output enough hormone for a long time. Therefore, there is insomnia, shallow sleep, problems with falling asleep and daytime sleepiness.

If cysts form in the epiphysis, then we are talking about cystic change. The occurrence of cysts is due to the fact that the pineal duct closes, and, accordingly, the outflow of melanin worsens or stops altogether, it remains in the glandular tissues and gradually forms cysts. This phenomenon can provoke hemorrhage in the epiphysis.

As for the inflammation of the pineal gland, it is usually secondary, the cause is brain abscess, meningitis, tuberculosis and sepsis. In this case, the symptoms are insignificant, mainly the symptoms of the underlying disease predominate. With brain injuries, hypertension, thromboembolism, circulatory disorders may develop, and the symptoms are usually cerebral.

A decrease in the size of the pineal gland occurs with diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis of the liver, infectious diseases in a severe stage, leukemia and poisoning with poisons. In this case, the epiphysis is dystrophic, and in rare cases completely atrophy.

The pineal gland controls the exchange of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and potassium. It is believed that the hormones located and produced by the pineal gland big influence exert on gonadotropic hormone. Due to violations, problems may arise in normal functioning sexual sphere. For example, early macrogenitosomia is a premature physical and sexual development. This phenomenon in boys can occur up to 11 years, and in girls - up to 9. At the same time, there is mental retardation. Most often, this pathology is caused by tumor processes in the pineal gland, as well as infectious granulomas.

The disease itself has a slow course, symptoms can be drowsiness and lethargy of the child, short stature, well-developed muscle layer with short limbs. In girls, menstruation begins prematurely, and in boys, the testicles and penis enlarge. Nervous system at the same time, it also suffers: the child is diagnosed intracranial pressure which causes severe headaches and vomiting.

Treatment of disorders

To normalize the failure of circadian cycles, you need to accustom yourself to go to bed and get up at the same time, stop watching action movies, play games before going to bed. computer games and actively train, if necessary, it is worth taking sedatives, and in severe cases Your doctor may prescribe artificial melatonin.

With a cystic change, as a rule, no treatment is required, you just need to monitor the dynamics, regularly do an MRI of the brain and consult a neurosurgeon. Surgical manipulations are indicated only if the cysts begin to grow actively, while the patient is worried about severe headaches, blurred vision, fainting, vomiting, and so on.

At secondary lesions epiphysis - atrophy, inflammatory processes, problems with blood supply, it is necessary to establish the reason why these violations occurred. Any direct impact on the pineal gland is not required.

In pathologies that lead to a decrease in the production of melatonin, an artificial hormone is treated. The prognosis depends on the stage of the disease and on how severely the function of the gland is impaired. All examinations and treatment of the pineal gland should be carried out by a neurosurgeon.

Preventive measures

Many diseases of the pineal gland are preventable. Problems with the work of the pineal gland are most often observed in adults. To avoid the occurrence of pathologies, it is necessary to conduct healthy lifestyle life, sleep enough. Eat foods that contain the amino acid tryptophan.

To not happen congenital anomaly the glands of the expectant mother must be discarded bad habits(alcohol, smoking) and avoid exposure to harmful substances. With regards to oncological formations in the brain, the causes of their occurrence are still under study, but there is an assumption that x-rays head and neck can lead to this kind of disease. In order to reduce hemorrhage in the pineal gland, it is necessary to treat in time hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Third Eye

Yoga adherents believe that the pineal gland, located between the two hemispheres of the brain, is nothing more than the third eye, which, according to esotericists, is the center of human consciousness. endocrine gland, which begins to manifest itself at the very beginning of intrauterine development, in their opinion, can help develop abilities such as clairvoyance and telepathy. Spiritual enlightenment largely depends on how well the pineal gland works. There is a belief that the Buddha achieved his enlightenment because he sat under a certain Bo tree, which contained a lot of serotonin.

Plato spoke about the existence of another reality, which a person can get into only after his consciousness is turned off completely, and this shutdown largely depends on the work of the pineal gland. Leonardo da Vinci also spoke about this amazing and full of mysteries organ. He believed that the pineal gland is the soul of a person, and he would be sure that it is this gland that is responsible for a person’s ability to communicate with God.

The pineal gland got its name of the third eye due to the fact that its work is activated under the influence of impulses that come from the eyes. In addition, the pineal gland can perform rotational movements that are similar to rotation eyeball, and also in the structure of the gland there is a semblance of a lens and some receptors, which for some reason remained underdeveloped. Yogis talk about the pineal gland as the sixth chakra, which can be developed and achieved unprecedented abilities.

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