What is an intestinal infiltrate. Postoperative Infiltrate - Causes and Treatment. Manifestations of appendicular compaction are considered

To designate such forms of inflammatory diseases, many authors use the terms "beginning phlegmon", "phlegmon in the stage of infiltration" that are contradictory in meaning, or generally omit the description of these forms of the disease. At the same time, it is noted that forms of odontogenic infection with signs serous inflammation perimaxillary soft tissues are common and in most cases respond well to treatment.

With timely started rational therapy, it is possible to prevent the development of phlegmon and abscesses. And this is justified from a biological standpoint. The vast majority of inflammatory processes should end and undergo involution at the stage of swelling or inflammatory infiltrate. The option with their further development and the formation of abscesses, phlegmon is a disaster, tissue death, i.e. parts of the body, and when the purulent process spreads to several areas, sepsis - often death. Therefore, in our opinion, the inflammatory infiltrate is the most frequent, the most "expedient" and biologically substantiated form of inflammation. In fact, we often see inflammatory infiltrates in the maxillary tissues, especially in children, with pulpitis, periodontitis, regarding them as reactive manifestations of these processes. A variant of the inflammatory infiltrate are periadenitis, serous periostitis. The most essential for the doctor in the assessment and classification of these processes (diagnosis) is the recognition of the non-purulent stage of inflammation and the appropriate treatment tactics.

What provokes / Causes of Inflammatory infiltrate:

Inflammatory infiltrates make up a group that is diverse in terms of etiological factor. Studies have shown that 37% of patients had a traumatic genesis of the disease, in 23% the cause was an odontogenic infection; in other cases, infiltrates occurred after various infectious processes. This form of inflammation occurs with the same frequency in all age groups.

Symptoms of the Inflammatory Infiltrate:

Inflammatory infiltrates occur both due to the contact spread of the infection (per continuitatum) and the lymphogenous pathway when the lymph node is affected with further tissue infiltration. The infiltrate usually develops within a few days. The temperature in patients is normal and subfebrile. In the area of ​​the lesion, swelling and thickening of tissues occur with relatively clear contours and spread to one or more anatomical regions. Palpation is painless or slightly painful. Fluctuation is not defined. The skin in the area of ​​the lesion is of normal color or slightly hyperemic, somewhat tense. There is a lesion of all soft tissues of this area - skin, mucous membrane, subcutaneous fat and muscle tissue, often several fascias with the inclusion of lymph nodes in the infiltrate. That is why we prefer the term "inflammatory infiltrate" to the term "cellulite", which also refers to such lesions. The infiltrate may resolve in purulent forms inflammation - abscesses and phlegmons, and in these cases it should be considered as a pre-stage of purulent inflammation, which could not be stopped.

Inflammatory infiltrates can have a traumatic origin. They are located in almost all anatomical departments maxillofacial area, somewhat more often in the buccal and floor of the mouth. Inflammatory infiltrates of post-infectious etiology are localized in the submandibular, buccal, parotid-masticatory, submental areas. The seasonality of the occurrence of the disease is clearly traced ( autumn-winter period). Children with inflammatory infiltrate often come to the clinic after the 5th day of the disease.

Diagnosis of inflammatory infiltrate:

Differential diagnosis of inflammatory infiltrate carried out taking into account the identified etiological factor and duration of the disease. The diagnosis is confirmed by normal or subfebrile body temperature, relatively clear contours of the infiltrate, the absence of signs of purulent fusion of tissues and severe pain on palpation. Other less pronounced hallmarks serve: no significant intoxication, moderate hyperemia skin without revealing tense and shiny skin. Thus, the inflammatory infiltrate can be characterized by the predominance of the proliferative phase of inflammation of the soft tissues of the maxillofacial region. This, on the one hand, indicates a change in the reactivity of the child's organism, on the other hand, it is a manifestation of natural and therapeutic pathomorphosis.

The greatest difficulties for differential diagnosis are purulent foci localized in spaces delimited from the outside by muscle groups, for example, in the infratemporal region, under m. masseter, etc. In these cases, the increase in symptoms of acute inflammation determines the prognosis of the process. In dubious cases, the usual helps diagnostic puncture the focus of the lesion.

At morphological study a biopsy specimen from the inflammatory infiltrate reveals cells typical of the proliferative phase of inflammation in the absence or a small number of segmented neutrophilic leukocytes, the abundance of which characterizes purulent inflammation.

In infiltrates, accumulations of yeast and filamentous fungi are almost always found. genus Candida, Aspergillus, Mucor, Nocardia. Around them, epithelioid cell granulomas are formed. Mycelium of mushrooms is characterized dystrophic changes. It can be assumed that the long-term phase of the productive tissue reaction is supported by fungal associations, reflecting possible phenomena dysbacteriosis.

Treatment of inflammatory infiltrate:

Treatment of patients with inflammatory infiltrates- conservative. Anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out using physiotherapeutic agents. Give a pronounced effect laser irradiation, dressings with Vishnevsky ointment and alcohol. In cases of suppuration of the inflammatory infiltrate, phlegmon occurs. Then surgical treatment is carried out.

Which doctors should be consulted if you have Inflammatory infiltrate:


Are you worried about something? Do you want to know more detailed information about the Inflammatory infiltrate, its causes, symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention, the course of the disease and diet after it? Or do you need an inspection? You can book an appointment with a doctor– clinic Eurolaboratory always at your service! The best doctors examine you, study external signs and help to identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide the necessary assistance and make a diagnosis. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolaboratory open for you around the clock.

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You? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People don't pay enough attention disease symptoms and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific symptoms, characteristic external manifestations- so called disease symptoms. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to several times a year be examined by a doctor not only to prevent terrible disease but also support healthy mind in the body and the body as a whole.

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Other diseases from the group Diseases of the teeth and oral cavity:

Abrasive precancerous cheilitis of Manganotti
Abscess in the face
Adentia partial or complete
Actinic and meteorological cheilitis
Actinomycosis of the maxillofacial region
Allergic diseases of the oral cavity
Allergic stomatitis
Anaphylactic shock
angioedema angioedema
Anomalies of development, teething, discoloration
Anomalies in the size and shape of the teeth (macrodentia and microdentia)
Arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint
Atopic cheilitis
Behçet's disease of the mouth
Bowen's disease
Warty precancer
HIV infection in the mouth
Impact of acute respiratory viral infections on the oral cavity
Inflammation of the dental pulp
Dislocations of the lower jaw
Hematogenous osteomyelitis
Duhring's dermatitis herpetiformis
Gynerodontia (Crowding. Persistent baby teeth)
Hyperesthesia of the teeth
Hyperplastic osteomyelitis
Hypovitaminosis of the oral cavity
Glandular cheilitis
Deep incisal overlap, deep bite, deep traumatic bite
Desquamative glossitis
Defects of the upper jaw and palate
Defects and deformities of the lips and chin
Facial defects
Mandibular defects
Distal bite (upper macrognathia, prognathia)
periodontal disease
Diseases of the hard tissues of the teeth
Malignant tumors of the upper jaw
Malignant tumors of the lower jaw
Malignant tumors of the mucous membrane and organs of the oral cavity
Dental deposits
Changes in the oral mucosa in diffuse diseases of the connective tissue
Changes in the oral mucosa in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Changes in the oral mucosa in diseases of the hematopoietic system
Changes in the oral mucosa in diseases of the nervous system
Changes in the oral mucosa in cardiovascular diseases
Changes in the oral mucosa in endocrine diseases
Calculous sialadenitis (salivary stone disease)
oral candidiasis
Dental caries
Keratoacanthoma of the lip and oral mucosa
acid necrosis of the teeth
Wedge-shaped defect (abrasion)
Cutaneous horn of the lip
computer necrosis
Contact allergic cheilitis
lupus erythematosus
Lichen planus
drug allergy
Drug and toxic disorders of the development of hard tissues of the tooth
Mesial occlusion (true and false progeny, progenic ratio of the anterior teeth)
Multiform exudative erythema of the oral cavity
Taste disorder (dysgeusia)
salivation disorder (salivation)
Necrosis of hard tissues of teeth
Limited precancerous hyperkeratosis of the red border of the lips
Odontogenic sinusitis in children
Tumors of the salivary glands
Acute periostitis
Acute purulent (abscessing) lymphadenitis
Acute nonspecific sialadenitis
Acute osteomyelitis
Acute osteitis
Acute serous lymphadenitis
Open bite
Focal-caused diseases of the oral cavity
Periodontal disease of the gums
Pathological tooth wear
Pemphigoid (non-acantholytic pemphigus)

Everyone has undergone surgery at least once in their life. Surgery is a conscious necessity that relieves pain and discomfort, and often saves lives. Is it any wonder that complex operations sometimes accompanied by various complications, the most common of which is postoperative infiltration. What is this condition and why is it dangerous? How to identify an infiltrate and how to treat it? We will answer all your questions.

What is a postoperative infiltrate

The term infiltrate comes from two words "in" - "in" and "filtratus" - "strained". Already by the name it can be understood that the infiltrate is a painful induration that occurs in the place surgical intervention due to the accumulation of elements of blood cells and lymph. The reason for the accumulation of biological fluids is a violation of the integrity of tissues during surgery and subsequent infection due to a decrease in tissue resistance to infections.

Forms of postoperative infiltrate

Doctors habitually divide the infiltrate into two forms - inflammatory and tumor. In the first case, lymph and blood particles accumulate in the tissues. This is the most frequent complication after the operation. However, another form is much more dangerous - a tumor one, in which not harmless blood and lymph accumulate in the tissues, but real tumor cells, and often malignant ones. However, sometimes swelling is called an infiltrate, which occurs at the injection site of an antibiotic, anesthetic and other medicinal product in liquid form. Such an infiltrate is usually called post-injection or "surgical".

Causes of postoperative infiltration

The complication under consideration can develop in any person, regardless of gender and age, for example, in a child after a banal tooth extraction, in an adult man who has had appendicitis removed, or in a woman who has undergone genital surgery. The main reasons for this complication include:

  • an infection that has entered the wound;
  • injuries of the operated area;
  • damage to the subcutaneous tissue layer during surgery;
  • improper installation of drainage (in overweight patients);
  • rejection of the suture tissue by the tissues of the body (if the inflammatory process appears several months after the operation, the suture material is to blame).

Other reasons for the appearance of an infiltrate include allergic reactions of the body, too weakened immunity, as well as chronic or congenital diseases that the operated person suffered from.

What is dangerous infiltrate

Inflammatory postoperative infiltrate has become almost a common occurrence, because it appears in every 5th operated person. Perhaps that is why for many ordinary people such a complication seems frivolous and harmless. However, this impression is deceptive. At early detection and timely measures taken it is really very simple to fix the problem, but if you miss the time and do not consult a doctor, the infiltrate can develop into an abscess, which can result in an abscess breakthrough and blood poisoning. And this is an extremely dangerous condition that threatens the life of the patient! What can we say about the tumor form of the infiltrate, which can even threaten the patient with an oncological disease. Thus, any symptoms of a developing infiltrate should be immediately reported to the attending physician, who will take all necessary measures to eliminate this dangerous state and avoid complications.

Symptoms of postoperative infiltration

As a rule, a complication after the operation does not occur immediately, approximately on the 5-6th day, and sometimes even after one and a half to two weeks. In this case, a person may notice the following signs of a developing inflammatory process:

  • a swelling occurs at the site of the infiltrate, which turns red and attracts attention with a slight itch;
  • appears low temperature(it lasts literally a few days, but it is impossible to bring it down);
  • pressure on the inflamed area is accompanied by pain;
  • with strong pressure, a noticeable hole is formed at the place of pressure, which gradually straightens.

Very often, postoperative infiltrate occurs after surgery to remove inguinal hernia. In this case, the following unpleasant symptoms signal a developing complication:

  • there are problems with digestion (usually constipation);
  • torment aching pain in the abdominal region;
  • the skin around the scar turns red, inflamed and swollen;
  • boils may appear on the inflamed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

In addition, in the event of a postoperative infiltrate at the site of removal of the inguinal hernia, the patient may complain of frequent headaches and palpitations.

Post-injection infiltrate

Separately, it is worth mentioning the infiltrate resulting from the injection, which outwardly resembles a small bump that appeared at the injection site. The reason for this condition is often the lack of professionalism of the medical staff. That is, a post-injection infiltrate may occur:

  • with wrong antiseptic treatment before injection;
  • with the introduction of the drug constantly in the same place;
  • when using a too short or too blunt needle;
  • with an incorrectly chosen injection site;
  • when the drug is administered too quickly.

Finally, the fact that some people are predisposed to these mini-complications cannot be ruled out. In some individuals, infiltration occurs after each needle is inserted under the skin, while other people never experience such a condition in their entire lives.

Diagnosis of postoperative infiltrate

An experienced doctor will not be difficult to identify the infiltrate. As a rule, having studied the swelling with fuzzy and uneven edges, the doctor is interested in the patient's pain intensity and the presence of subfebrile temperature. However, there are times when the infiltrate is hidden deep in the tissues, and it can be detected when visual inspection does not seem possible. In this case, when the patient complains about elevated temperature and aching pains, he should be ready for informative diagnostic methods - ultrasound or computed tomography.

In addition, when an infiltrate is detected, doctors are required to conduct another unpleasant, but mandatory procedure, namely, to make a biopsy, since it is important to identify the nature of the cells accumulated in the seal and exclude a malignant tumor. Only after that the specialist prescribes therapeutic measures.

Treatment of postoperative infiltrate

The main task of a doctor faced with an infiltrate is to remove the inflammatory process and prevent the development of an abscess. In this regard, it is necessary to remove puffiness, restore blood flow in the affected area and eliminate pain.

If the infection is caused by bacteria, experts prescribe antibiotics, and in addition to them, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. In some cases, you can not do without physiotherapy and local hypothermia(artificial temperature reduction). To eliminate the infiltrate, laser therapy, ultraviolet irradiation of the wound, and even mud therapy are well suited. Such procedures are contraindicated only in one case, when a purulent process began to develop in the seal. In such a situation, warming up will only accelerate the spread of infection and lead to an abscess.

As soon as the first signs of an abscess appear, doctors drain the exudate or simply open the abscess using laparotomy or laparoscopy. In case it inflamed itself postoperative suture, the actions of doctors are exactly the same - antibiotic treatment, the use of painkillers and physiotherapy. If such measures do not help, the seam is opened, cleaned of pus, disinfected and sewn back.

Treatment of infiltration at home

Of course, some recipes traditional medicine infiltrate is difficult to cure. Yes, and the risk of starting the disease, provoking blood poisoning, should also stop the patient from self-treatment. However, as an adjunct to mainstream therapy, alternative medicine shows its best side. The main thing is not to forget to consult a doctor before using this or that remedy.

To eliminate the infiltrate that appeared due to an unsuccessful injection of a doctor, you can use the usual white cabbage. Just cut a fresh cabbage leaf with a knife and put it on the resulting bump, fixing it with polyethylene and a bandage on top. Already in the morning you will notice that the size of the swelling has become smaller. Apply such a compress at night until the tumor disappears completely.

An alternative way to solve the problem would be a cottage cheese compress. To prepare it, it is enough to hold the curd mass in a water bath for about 5 minutes, then make a cake from the curd and put it on the swelling, fixing it with gauze on top.

An excellent remedy for resolving the infiltrate will be honey. Just mix a spoonful of liquid honey with egg yolk, and add a piece of honey to this mixture. butter. After making a cake from the ingredients, apply it to the inflamed area at night, fixing it as in previous recipes.

In case of infiltration with mastitis, watermelon pulp will come to the rescue. After heating the red pulp of a watermelon in a water bath, apply it to your chest, covering it with cellophane and a scarf on top. One has only to remember that mastitis - dangerous disease, which means that such therapy must be coordinated with a mammologist.

Infiltrate can appear in any person. By itself, such a tumor is not harmful, but without treatment it can cause severe purulent inflammation and lead to backfire, which will threaten health and even life. In addition, the insidiousness of the infiltrate is that it may not develop immediately, but months or even years after surgical operation, manifested by inflammation of the scar. That is why it is important to know the signs of this dangerous complication and do not delay contacting a doctor, suspecting an infiltrate.
Good health to you!

When a doctor diagnoses an abdominal infiltrate, what it is is of interest to any patient. This is the name of the condition when biological fluids (blood, lymph) or tissue cells accumulate in the organs of the cavity or in it itself, due to which a pathological seal is formed. It is important to eliminate the infiltrate in a timely manner so that it does not cause the formation of an abscess, fistula, or bleeding. With adequate treatment, the effusion resolves completely, leaving no traces.

Causes of pathology

Most often, this is a consequence of many of the most various diseases primarily inflammatory. The accumulation of biological fluids - effusion (exudate) - a sign of such processes or excess blood, lymph in the internal organs. These fluids may contain blood elements, proteins, minerals, dead cells, as well as pathogens, which, in fact, cause inflammation. Depending on the composition, hemorrhagic (bloody), serous (from blood serum), fibrinous (mainly from leukocytes with localization in some organ), putrefactive, purulent effusions are diagnosed. It is necessary to distinguish exudate from transudate, when water accumulates in the cavities during edema.

According to medical statistics, an inflammatory infiltrate develops with effusion from blood vessels in 23% of cases as a result of the disease. various infections(staphylococci, streptococci, candida, etc.), and in 37% - due to injuries. It happens that with appendicitis a tumor forms with an inflamed process inside, if the latter is not removed in a timely manner. Sometimes, during surgical interventions, a postoperative infiltrate of the abdominal organs is detected after a few weeks. The causes of seals in them are anesthetics, antibiotics, alcohol, foreign bodies. Due to poor-quality surgical threads, a scar infiltrate can form, even several years after the operation. If it causes the development of an abscess (strong suppuration of tissues with their decay), it must be surgically eliminated.

When they breed malignant cells, tissues grow, increase in volume, forming a tumor infiltrate that causes pain. Lymphoid seals of the abdominal organs with a predominance of lymphocytes appear in chronic infectious diseases, weakened immunity.

Often, post-injection infiltrates are formed if the injections are made unsuccessfully or in violation of the rules of medical manipulations.

Manifestations of pathology

Its main symptoms are:

  • weak aching pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • more distinct pain and denting when pressed;
  • redness, swelling of the peritoneum, a visually distinguishable seal under the skin;
  • normal body temperature or slight increase(with appendicitis significant, up to 39 ° C);
  • digestive disorders - constipation, diarrhea, flatulence.

Additionally, the distinguishing features of the infiltrate can be such weak pronounced manifestations like a slight redness or a shiny appearance of the skin. The symptomatology that occurs when there is air in the abdominal cavity is important for the diagnosis of acute peritonitis - a total inflammation that is life-threatening. When purulent foci, delimited by muscles, are detected, an increase in the signs of inflammation is essential for the prognosis of the development of the disease. For this purpose, they are monitored and repeated palpation of the abdominal organs.

To determine the composition of the exudate, the biopsy method is used - the selection of a fluid sample from the peritoneum with a special needle. The latter is exposed histological analysis which allows a definitive diagnosis to be made. If an inflammatory infiltrate is suspected, differential diagnosis is necessary, taking into account the cause of the pathology, its duration and the conditions under which it arose.

To identify the structure of the infiltrate, the presence of an abscess or cystic neoplasms, in which water accumulates, can be done using echography. To determine the location and exact dimensions compaction is performed by ultrasound of the abdominal organs. In difficult cases, a CT scan is required.

Treatment of the disease

The main goal is the elimination of infiltration. Often this is achieved by methods of only conservative treatment. General principles therapies for this disease are:

  • bed rest;
  • local hypothermia;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • physiotherapy.

Local hypothermia - cold on the peritoneal area - constricts blood vessels, inhibits metabolic processes, reduces the production of enzymes and thus helps to stabilize the inflammatory process, preventing its further spread. A course of antibiotic treatment is usually prescribed for a period of 5-7 days. The most commonly used antibiotics are Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Ceftriaxone, Metronidazole, etc. They are taken simultaneously with drugs that restore beneficial microflora intestines, such as Linex or Bifiform.

Sanitation of the abdominal cavity is very effective in the absence of suppuration and tumors by means of physiotherapy. Thanks to electrophoresis with antibiotics, calcium chloride, sessions of laser, electromagnetic or ultraviolet irradiation pain disappears, swelling subsides, local blood circulation improves and the seal gradually resolves. However, when conservative treatment fails, abscess formation, or signs of peritonitis, surgical intervention is required. The abscess is removed using laparoscopic surgery under ultrasound control, during which the purulent focus is drained. With peritonitis, you can not do without extensive abdominal surgery.

After removal of the purulent focus, the abdominal cavity is sanitized antiseptic solutions sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine. One of the most important conditions for successful treatment is drainage of the abdominal cavity. To do this, several tubes are installed in the latter, through which the outflow of exudate is carried out (an average of 100-300 ml per day). Drainages reduce the degree of intoxication of the body, provide early diagnosis possible postoperative complications: divergence of surgical sutures, perforation of organs, bleeding.

Timely drainage of the abdominal cavity, medical and physiotherapeutic treatment of infiltrate, used in combination, lead to rapid resorption of the formation and provide a favorable prognosis for the patient.

What is an infiltrate?

An infiltrate is a seal formed in a tissue area or organ (liver, muscle, subcutaneous tissue, lung), the appearance of which is justified by the accumulation of parts of cells, blood, lymph. There are several forms of infiltration. The inflammatory form appears due to the rapid reproduction of tissue cells and is accompanied by the appearance significant amount leukocytes and lymphocytes, blood and lymph, which sweat from blood vessels.

The tumor infiltrate is made up of cells corresponding to various types of tumors (cancer, myoma, sarcoma). Its manifestation consists in infiltrated tumor growth. With such a formation, a change in the volume of tissue occurs, a change in color, its density and soreness increase. The surgical form of the infiltrate is a seal that appears in the tissues when they are artificially saturated with anesthetic products, antibiotics, alcohol, etc.

Prerequisites for the appearance of infiltration

The prerequisites for the appearance of inflammatory infiltrates form a group with a variety of etiological factors. Studies have identified 37% of patients with a prerequisite for the disease, which served as a traumatic source, 23% had an odontogenic infection, and the remaining part of the patients had an inflammatory infiltrate. received development due to various processes of contagious disposition. This form The inflammatory process appears with a similar probability in any age category.

Infiltrates of the inflammatory form are often observed in the tissues of the maxillary location, namely, in children with the appearance of pulpitis and periodontitis, which can be confused with reactive processes. Diseases of periadenitis and serous periostitis are also a type of inflammatory infiltrate. To accurately assess the patient's condition, it is required to recognize the non-purulent stage of the process. The group of odontogenic inflammations is of an inflammatory nature, affecting the jaw bones, tissues adjacent to the jaw, and regional lymph nodes.

The causative agents of odontogenic inflammation are agents representing the microflora of the oral cavity (staphylococci, candida, streptococci, and others). Together with them, the prerequisite for the development of a negative process is the resistance of microbes, which is determined by specific and nonspecific protective factors, the reactivity of the organism of an immunological nature. Inflammatory infiltrate appears with infection contact type and with the lymphogenous pathway of its spread with the following tissue infiltration.

The cause of the infiltration may lie in a complicated condition acute appendicitis. This is an inflammatory tumor type, in its center there is a process of a vermiform form and an inflamed condition that appears in the absence of timely surgical treatment. A variety of infiltrate can be post-injection type. It represents inflammation of the local type, which develops in the place where the intramuscular injection, in other words, its cause is incorrect medical manipulation, violated sanitary rules.

Symptoms of infiltration

The development of an inflammatory infiltrate takes a number of days. The patient's temperature during this period can be normal or have a subfebrile disposition (a slightly elevated temperature that does not normalize long time). In the area of ​​the lesion, swelling and tissue compaction occur with a clearly visible contour, the distribution area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is distributed over one anatomical region or several. Palpation of the affected area may cause severe or mild pain.

It is impossible to find the presence of water (fluctuation for pus, blood) in the resulting cavity. The skin of the lesion is slightly tense, has a reddish color or slight hyperemia. In this area, all soft tissues are affected - skin, mucous membranes, subcutaneous fat and muscle tissue, several fasciae with retraction of lymph nodes into the process of infiltration. Infiltrates with traumatic genesis have a zone of localization in the buccal, maxillofacial region and oral cavity.

Infiltrate, which is based on the aggravation of appendicitis in acute form, develops up to 3 days from the onset of the disease. The inflammatory process is formed in the lower abdomen with right side. Its symptoms are persistent pain of a aching disposition, low temperature up to 37.5 ° C, there is the possibility of a reverse development of the process, during abscess formation, the temperature rises to 39 ° C, which is accompanied by chills, an abscess is formed and a cure can only be after the intervention of a doctor.

Diagnosis of infiltrate

Inflammatory infiltrate is diagnosed using a differential approach, which takes into account the causes of the background and the criterion under which the disease appeared, as well as the factor of its duration. The accuracy of the diagnosis is confirmed by subsequent signs: usual or subfebrile temperature body, clear contours of the infiltrate, sharp pain during palpation, the absence of pus in a closed cavity of inflamed tissue.

Mild distinctive symptoms are: the absence of good intoxication, slight hyperemia of the skin without detecting tension and a shiny effect of the skin. It is difficult to diagnose foci of a purulent type, the localization of which is located in a space delimited by a group of muscles from the outside. In such cases, the build-up of signs of inflammation means the prognosis of the disease. In unclear cases, the diagnosis is made on the basis of the results of a puncture from the focus of inflammation.

By studying the histological structure of the material obtained from the infiltrate, in other words, by conducting a morphological variant of the study of the biopsy, one can find cells that are common for the proliferative inflammatory phase in total absence or a small number of leukocytes of the segmented neutrophilic type. This indicator is typical for non-purulent inflammation. In infiltrates, yeast and filamentous fungi are usually found in huge clusters. This indicates the presence of dysbacteriosis.

Appendicular infiltrate is determined upon examination by a doctor. Special diagnostic methods are usually not addressed. In cases of suspected abscess formation, an echographic examination is performed. This method correctly indicates the structure of the infiltrate and reveals cystic formations with the exact presence of capsules containing a heterogeneous fluid, which will be an indicator of the accumulation of purulent exudate.

Healing infiltrate

Inflammatory infiltrate is treated in limited ways that combine anti-inflammatory therapy and physiotherapeutic agents (laser irradiation, dressings with the introduction of Vishnevsky ointment and alcohol). Suppuration infiltration leads to the appearance of phlegmon, then surgical treatment cannot be avoided. Physiotherapy makes the main goal - the rehabilitation of infectious foci to eliminate inflammatory processes.

If there are no purulent manifestations in the infiltration or they have a small quantitative content without a bright fluctuation and general reaction, physiotherapeutic methods make the resorption of the infiltrate (anti-inflammatory method), reduce swelling (anti-inflammatory method), stop pain syndrome(an analgesic method). Anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed for dense infiltrate without purulent fusions to increase blood flow in the local area, eliminate stagnation.

When using it, the intensity of exposure is fundamental, but in the presence of purulent microflora, a high-intensity technique will provoke purulent inflammatory form. Other methods with a thermal effect are prescribed in the absence of provocation on their part, preferably on the fourth day after UHF therapy or SUV irradiation. Electrophoresis of drugs makes a bactericidal role, and calcium electrophoresis is prescribed to delimit the focus of inflammation.

It is possible to cure appendicular infiltrate only in the stationary conditions of the clinic. It contains therapy with bactericidal products, diet and restriction of physical loads. Within 14 days, the inflammatory process resolves and a cure occurs. In order to prevent similar attacks after 90 days, an operation is recommended, as a result of which the appendix is ​​removed.

Abscessing of the infiltrate (the formation of a cavity around the appendix filled with pus) requires surgery to open the abscess, the appendix in this case is saved. The final cure will come after the removal of the appendix six months after the abscess was opened.

Accumulations in the tissues of the body of cells unusual for them, for example, blood and lymph cells, are called infiltrate. Its appearance can be caused by an inflammatory or tumor process. Another cause of infiltration is unsuccessful injections or complications after surgical interventions.

The mechanism of development of the infiltrative process

With the development of inflammation in the tissues, exudative effusion may accumulate. It consists of leukocytes, erythrocytes (hemorrhagic infiltration) and lymphoid blood cells. Tumor infiltrate accompanies the growth of neoplasms, is formed from atypical cells different nature. Post-injection infiltration is characterized by supersaturation of the tissue medical substance.

With any type of infiltration, the tissues increase in volume, a characteristic seal appears. In some cases, the process is accompanied painful sensations(with inflammation) and a change in the color of normal tissue cells.

Where can an infiltrate form?

The accumulation of infiltrate is observed in the localization of the tumor or inflammatory process. Exudative seals can occur in the oral or abdominal cavity, lungs and other affected organs. The following types of infiltration are especially dangerous:

  • pulmonary;
  • abdominal cavity;
  • lymphoid;
  • appendicular (around the appendix).

What is dangerous

The probability of self-resorption of the infiltrate is low. If untreated, the patient develops an abscess. This is a purulent inflammation with the formation of an infiltrative capsule that requires surgical opening. Another complication is phlegmon. This is the name of the purulent process in the tissue, which does not have clear structural boundaries.

Causes and types of infiltrative changes

Infiltration is divided according to the type of unusual tissue cellular elements. Inflammatory infiltrate develops due to injury or accession secondary infection. Tumor processes are accompanied by pathological proliferation of atypical cells in adjacent tissues. Surgical infiltration occurs either due to infection or due to the use of poor quality suture material.

Inflammatory infiltrate

The accumulation of vascular exudate in the tissues occurs due to trauma or infection of the area of ​​​​inflammation. Separate purulent, lymphoid, hemorrhagic and histiocytic-plasmocellular inflammatory infiltrate. The reasons for education are:


With growth malignancy penetration of the atypical cells forming it into the tissues adjacent to the affected organ is possible. This process is called tumor infiltration. Its cause is the intensive development of the tumor.


Infiltration after surgery is a type of inflammatory infiltration. If the cause is a poorly made seam, the process is localized in the surface subcutaneous layers. With the addition of an infection and other complications after surgery, a pathological accumulation of vascular exudate occurs in the tissues of the operated internal organ.

Signs of accumulation of infiltrate

Symptoms of the appearance of an infiltrate differ depending on the localization. pathological process and his type. The main signs of infiltration of different types are presented in the table:

Type of infiltration Symptoms
Inflammatory Increase in body temperature; swelling of the affected area; the place of appearance of the seal has clear contours; pain on palpation of the site of localization of the seal; hyperemia of the skin at the site of seals.
tumor Change in the structure and color of the affected tissues; severe pain at the site of tumor growth
Postoperative Increase in body temperature; aching pains; the occurrence of swelling around the postoperative scar.
Post-injection (after an unsuccessful injection) The formation of a small subcutaneous seal; pressure pain; slight flushing of the skin


The condition is diagnosed taking into account the prerequisites and prescription of the development of infiltration. The general condition of the patient is assessed. Characteristic features diseases look like in the photo in the textbooks:

there are clear contours of seals in places of accumulation of exudate. Characterized by the absence of pus and pain on palpation.

In case of doubt, a puncture is taken from the site of inflammation to confirm the diagnosis.

Infiltrate treatment

Therapy is aimed at eliminating inflammation, preventing or eliminating infection, and preventing abscess. With inflammatory infiltrate, conservative treatment is indicated using physiotherapy methods. The procedures relieve swelling, pain, reduce the severity of congestion in soft tissues.

Surgical intervention is indicated for complications and the formation of suppuration. The abscess is opened and sanitized. Post-injection infiltrate is treated by applying iodine nets and ointment Vishnevsky. The appendicular form requires the placement of the patient in a hospital, a mandatory appointment antibiotic therapy, careful medical supervision.

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