How does streptoderma begin in a child. Symptoms and forms of the disease. Features of the course of the inflammatory process

Streptoderma is an infectious skin disease. Occurs when streptococcus enters deep into the skin. Bacteria can enter through scratches, wounds, even popped pimples. At the same time, they begin to multiply, secrete waste products, and purulent elements appear on the skin. They resemble acne, have a rounded shape with purulent contents and a rough surface. When the first elements appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to find out how to treat streptoderma. If therapy is not started in time, the process can spread to large areas of the skin. And then it will be much more difficult to eliminate it.

It should be remembered that streptoderma is a contagious disease that can be transmitted from one baby to another through toys, dishes, personal hygiene items, towels, clothes, sneezing or coughing. The danger lies in the fact that with prolonged skin damage in the patient's body, autoimmune processes may occur.

Most affected by streptoderma are children aged 2 to 6 years. The first manifestations occur on the face, hands, neck, in the inguinal region.

2 First signs

Most often, a pink pimple appears on the skin of a child, inside of which there is a clear liquid. If the formation is scratched, it will be covered with a yellow crust. This will spread the bacteria to other areas of the skin. Children during this period often complain of discomfort, redness and itching. In adults, the symptoms are much milder.

  • headache;
  • general weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea.

There may be an increase in body temperature up to 38-39 ° C, vomiting, an increase in lymph nodes, which are located close to the affected area. The child may refuse to eat, sleep poorly, scream or act up all the time.

Usually streptoderma in children lasts no more than a week, but in severe and advanced cases, it can last up to a month.

3 Forms of the disease

Streptococcal impetigo is the most common form of streptoderma. On the reddened skin, lonely elements appear with a clear liquid inside.

Most often they occur in children on the face and exposed areas of the skin.

Rashes are very itchy even in adults. Therefore, children behave restlessly. The next day, the rash opens, quickly dries up and becomes covered with a crust. The color of the latter can be from a light yellow tint to light brown.

A more severe form of streptoderma is bullous impetigo. The affected areas are larger, also filled with serous substance. Then the liquid becomes purulent, the bullae burst, erosions open in their place. Most often they are localized on the hands, feet, legs. Less commonly, it can occur on the neck and cheeks. The inflammatory streptococcal process develops much more strongly with this variety, so the baby is lethargic, capricious, the temperature rises.

Slit-like impetigo, or jamming, affects the skin in the corners of the mouth, eyes. A single element appears that does not bring severe discomfort, but can cause pain. How to cure slit-like impetigo? You can apply the simplest ointments. The rash passes quickly even in the absence of treatment, does not spread to other areas of the skin. It often occurs in both children and adults.

Another type of common disease is streptococcal diaper rash. In case of violation of the rules of personal hygiene, rare bathing of babies in the inguinal folds, diaper rash, diaper dermatitis occurs behind the ears. And then a streptococcal infection joins. At the same time, the rashes become wet, pus is released. Then they dry up, but a crack forms in their place. Such manifestations are quite painful, ichor is constantly released, sometimes pus.

Streptococcal ecthyma is considered the most difficult variety. It damages the deep layers of the skin. As a result, ulcers appear that are difficult to treat and heal slowly. Often in children, ecthyma is localized on the buttocks. It usually occurs after infectious diseases: chickenpox, rubella, influenza, etc. In adults, it can affect the skin on the shoulders and hips, it happens due to diabetes, hypovitaminosis, and blood diseases.

These are the most popular forms of streptoderma. But regardless of the prevalence, type of disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose in order to treat streptoderma in a child.

4 Algorithm of therapeutic measures

It should be remembered that it is impossible to quickly cure streptoderma if certain rules are not followed:

  1. You should refuse to bathe the child for several days, until the acute period of rashes passes, it is strictly forbidden to wet the affected areas.
  2. Watch the child so that he does not scratch the affected areas. If all else fails, then, as directed by a doctor, antihistamines can be used, which quickly relieve itching with streptoderma.
  3. The kid needs to allocate separate kitchen utensils, towels, bedding.
  4. Frequently change bed and underwear, treat all hygiene items, toys with disinfectants.
  5. It is better not to give soft toys during the treatment of streptoderma.
  6. Strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations.

Healthy areas of the skin must be wiped with a soft cloth with decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile (well removes redness and disinfects), calendula, oak bark. To do this, you can take 2 tbsp. l. dry flowers or bark, pour a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then strain, apply to the skin. Redness, pimples, even ulcers can be treated. In no case do not self-medicate!

How to treat streptoderma in children? Treatment should be complex, depending on the form of the disease or its prevalence. First of all, this is a local therapy, which includes the use of various ointments, creams, antiseptics. Antibacterial include: tetracycline, erythromycin and lincomycin ointments. In the case of a serious illness, even in adults, hormonal agents for external use can be prescribed: Triderm, Akriderm. These drugs dry the rashes well, eliminate itching, redness. Triderma contains betamethasone, clotrimazole, gentamicin. They prevent the formation of new rashes and rapid healing. But you need to use the funds only as prescribed by the doctor for no more than 5-7 days.

How to quickly cure the disease? Topically applied antiseptic substances. For a disinfectant effect, 1% hydrogen peroxide, salicylic alcohol, boric acid, brilliant green are used. In young children, Fukortsin is more often used, it is much safer than the others.

With advanced forms, severe course of the disease, doctors prescribe systemic antibacterial treatment, the drugs in this group are as follows: Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Sumamed, Ceftriaxone and others. It is important that streptococcus be sensitive to these drugs. Penicillin is considered the most effective and inexpensive remedy.

5 Handling process

Treatment of streptoderma in children at home is quite difficult. First you need to treat the rash with an antiseptic. You can take a cotton swab, carefully walk over the entire affected skin, while going 5-7 cm into healthy areas. When the remedy gets on the wound, the child may cry and act up. It is necessary to blow on the affected area, the burning sensation will pass.

Previously, home treatment was based on the use of mercury ointment and silver nitrate. Scientists have found that these substances are very toxic. It is strictly forbidden to use them for the treatment of a child!

Zinc has a good effect on inflamed skin. Often, in mild forms, doctors prescribe zinc ointment or talker. These substances contribute to good healing of wounds and acne.

6 Traditional medicine

Treatment of streptoderma in children at home can be carried out with folk remedies. Eucalyptus ointment is quite popular. It takes a long time to produce, but the result of the treatment is positive. First you need to prepare the necessary ingredients.

The oak bark is thoroughly washed, then dried in the oven. Blend with a food processor into a powder. Pour 3 tbsp. l. raw materials 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist in a dark place for 2 hours. Next, you need to take eucalyptus leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave to infuse. In the morning, strain, add 200 ml of olive oil to the infusion, the same amount of decoction of oak bark. Mix everything well.

A positive effect is observed in patients who use a mixture of pomegranate juice and honey. For its preparation, it is worth taking both ingredients in equal quantities. Mix everything well, apply on rashes. The mass has an antiseptic, wound-healing effect. You can apply several times a day.

In order to completely cure streptoderma, to avoid complications, parents must protect the child from peers, observe personal hygiene, and properly carry out a set of healing measures.

In the treatment of folk methods, antibiotic therapy is added, because only an antibiotic can kill streptococcus. Be sure to consult a dermatologist.

Treatment of streptoderma in children is not a long process. Despite this, it should be complex, even if the disease is mild. The disease involves the skin and is characterized by a variety of symptoms.

According to the International Classification of Diseases 10th revision (ICD-10), streptoderma is assigned a code - L08. This section includes pyoderma code L08.1 and specified infectious lesions L08.8.

The cause of streptoderma in children is the entry into the body and the conduct of life in this environment of a pathogenic microorganism - streptococcus.

Such may gain a foothold on the skin, getting there from the following sources:

  • household items: from toys, towels, dishes, etc.;
  • from a sick person or from a healthy person who is a carrier of the infection;
  • from a sick person with such pathologies as: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, scarlet fever,.

The disease is epidemic. Children attending kindergartens, schools, sections can get sick by picking up an infection from another child. The duration of the incubation period is from 2 to 10 days.

Based on the source of transmission of infection, the ways of transmission of the disease are distinguished:

  1. contact: during direct contact of the skin of a sick person with the epidermis of a healthy person (during games, kissing, etc.);
  2. contact-household: during the transfer of any object from a sick person to a healthy person - toys, towels, dishes, etc .;
  3. airborne: during sneezing or coughing, when infected saliva gets on the damaged skin of a healthy person.

Causes of relapse

In the normal state of the immune system (both local and general), in the absence of a violation of the integrity of the epidermis, a streptococcal infection has no chance of surviving in the body, it is simply suppressed by it.

Relapses, as well as a progressive course of the disease, occur in the following cases:

  • in violation of immunological reactivity, which is observed in premature babies, in children with anemia, malnutrition;
  • with the concomitant development of another infectious pathology;
  • with the concomitant development of a chronic skin disease (scabies, pediculosis, etc.);
  • with allergic symptoms,;
  • with the concomitant development of otitis, rhinitis (due to the release of exudate from the nose, which irritates the skin).

External factors also influence the development of the disease: high or low temperature (burn, frostbite of the skin, through which streptococci can enter the body).

If personal hygiene for caring for a child is not observed, this also increases the risk of pathology.

What forms can the disease take?

What streptoderma looks like can be said based on the form of the disease. In medicine, there is a division of pathology into the following varieties.

Streptococcal impetigo

It is definitely difficult to say how streptoderma of this form begins. In some children, the initial stage of the development of the pathology is a slight reddening of the skin, while in others, characteristic bubbles immediately appear.

At the beginning, a transparent exudate is localized in the vesicles, which eventually turns into pus with blood impurities. Bubbles can merge into one large spot. To the question Is streptoderma contagious in children, you can say with accuracy - yes. The content of the elements that burst has a large amount of streptococci, which, when they enter the skin of a healthy person, cause streptoderma in him. After the bubbles have dried up, crusts remain in their place, and after the latter dry out, blue spots appear.

Bullous and slit-like impetigo

Streptoderma in children looks like large blisters that are larger than the elements with streptococcal impetigo. After the bubbles burst, a crust forms in their place, and after it dries out, erosion with progressive development.

Slit-like on the face of a child - in the form of jamming that occurs in the corners of the mouth. An oblong-shaped element quickly bursts, and a crack appears in its place.

lichen simplex

Dry streptoderma in children is characterized by the appearance on the skin of rounded elements that have a pinkish or whitish tint. The rashes may itch slightly.

Impetigo nails

An inflammatory process occurs around the nails, and the nail plate can completely exfoliate. The disease develops after injury to the finger or with chronic hangnails. The general condition may worsen.


Symptoms of streptoderma in children occur in skin folds. The rash quickly merges into one large spot, forming a bright red weeping erosion. With a long course of the disease, a fungal or staphylococcal infection may join with the appearance of other characteristic symptoms.

Ecthyma vulgaris

At the initial stage, the pathology has the same symptoms as in the classical form of streptoderma, but with blisters that have a high density. After their opening, ulcers appear, containing rough edges and a dirty coating. After the ulcer heals, a scar and pigmentation appear.

Diagnosis of the disease and features of therapy

A dermatologist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of streptoderma on the hands, streptoderma on the legs and in other areas of the body. He will be able to determine the form of the disease and its stage by the appearance of the rash.

To confirm the diagnosis, prescribe additional diagnostic measures:

  • microscopy of scrapings of the epidermis (for fungus);
  • bacteriological seeding of the excreted exudate;
  • examination of the skin under the Wood's lamp;
  • RPR test and tuberculin test (to rule out syphilitic ulcers and skin tuberculosis).

Differential analysis of streptoderma on the head of a child and in other areas of the body is carried out with skin pathologies such as herpes simplex, chickenpox, pyoderma, pemphigus, candidiasis, eczema.

How to cure streptoderma, a specialist decides after examining the patient. Streptoderma in children should be treated as early as possible - this will avoid negative consequences. The treatment is complex.


Using the right ointment is the first step in the treatment of streptoderma

First of all, personal hygiene must be observed. Even if the mother adheres to all other prescriptions of the attending physician, uses the prescribed drugs, but does not observe hygiene, the chances of a quick recovery are reduced.

With streptoderma, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  • in the first 3-4 days after the onset of the appearance of bubbles it is forbidden to carry out water procedures(water is a conductor of infection);
  • those areas of the skin where there are no pathological elements are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in warm water or in a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, string);
  • blisters should not be scratched;
  • the child should have individual household items: a towel, dishes, which are carefully processed after use;
  • plastic toys are washed every day, and soft toys are put on the far shelf;
  • bedding is changed daily or ironed.

In the presence of any, even minor damage to the skin, it is treated with an antiseptic solution three times a day.

Local therapy

How to treat streptoderma in children, what drugs are prescribed and manipulations are performed? Treatment can be carried out at home, but only in accordance with the prescriptions of the attending physician.

The bubbles are carefully opened with an injection needle pre-treated with an antiseptic.. Next, the surface is treated with a solution of aniline dyes, a dry antiseptic dressing is applied.

To remove crusts, use salicylic vaseline, which is pre-lubricated with crusts, leaving for 2-3 hours. Also in the treatment of streptoderma in children at home, the following ointments can be used.

Dosage, method of application Contraindications Side effects Average price, rub.
Streptocid, ointmentApply a thin layer, securing with a bandage on top. The frequency of use is determined by the doctorHypersensitivity, acute porphyria, acute renal pathology, infants, pregnancy, lactationallergic reactions60-80
TETRACYCLINE, ointmentApply a thin layer under the bandage 2 times a dayHypersensitivity, children under 11 years of ageallergic reactions20-30
GENTAXAN, ointmentApply a thin layer to problem areas 2 times a day, fixing with a tight bandage on topHypersensitivityItching syndrome, dermatitis, urticaria1300
BANEOTSIN, ointmentApply baneocin with streptoderma in children twice a day, fixing it with a bandage on topHypersensitivity, severe skin lesionsUrticaria, increased dryness of the skin300
BACTROBAN, ointmentApply with a cotton swab 2-3 times a day, spreading over problematic skin, fix with a bandage on topHypersensitivityUrticaria, erythema, hyperemia400
  • Streptocid ointment has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, helps to suppress infection. The only one lack of the drug - the addiction of pathogenic microorganisms to the substances that make up, which becomes the reason for the inefficiency of the ointment.
  • Tetracycline ointment has an antiseptic effect, contributing to the rapid elimination of pathogens. As part of the drug - an antibacterial substance from the tetracycline group - tetracycline hydrochloride.
  • Gentaxan ointment has a powerful antimicrobial effect due to the gentamicin sulfate that is part of the substance. Despite the high efficacy of the drug, ointment often causes side effects as a skin allergic reaction.
  • Baneocin ointment also refers to antibacterial drugs used in the treatment of gram-positive pathogenic microorganisms. The drug is prescribed for both children and adults.
  • Bactroban ointment includes the antibacterial component mupirocin. The drug helps to stop the growth and vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms and has a bactericidal effect. The drug is used both in monotherapy and in the complex treatment of streptoderma..
  • Ointments for streptoderma are prescribed by the attending physician, based on the form of the disease. If local therapy does not help get rid of the pathology, drugs are used in the form of tablets.


It is possible to disinfect the surface of the skin, where the rashes are localized, using any antiseptic solution.

Name of the drug, release form Dosage, method of application Contraindications Side effects Average price, rub.
BRILLIANT GREEN, liquidTreat the affected areas 2-3 times a dayHypersensitivity, weeping wounds on the skin, bleeding36
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, liquidTreat the affected areas several times a day with a swabHypersensitivityAllergic reaction on the skin6
BORIC ALCOHOL, liquidTreat the affected areas 2 times a dayHypersensitivityAllergic reaction on the skin16
  • Brilliant green solution has an antiseptic effect and is used not only for streptoderma, but also for many other skin diseases. Adverse symptoms are rare and allows the use of the drug in the treatment of pathology in young children.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is a remedy that is used to disinfect damaged areas of the skin (which is necessary for streptoderma), as well as to stop minor bleeding and in dental practice. Due to the natural composition of the drug, there are practically no side effects.
  • Boric alcohol has an antiseptic effect and rarely causes irritation. skin cover. It is used not only for streptoderma, but also for other skin pathologies in children (for example, with diaper rash).

Systemic antibiotic therapy

In severe cases, antibiotics are prescribed. These can be penicillins - drugs that are most effective in treating. Macrolides are considered no less effective.

The dosage, duration of therapy, type of antibiotic is determined by the attending physician. It is forbidden to self-medicate with antibiotics, they often cause side effects.

Name of the drug, release form Dosage, method of application Contraindications Side effects Average price, rub.
AMOXILAV, tabletsChildren under 2 years - 2.5 mg, after 2 years - 5 mg as a single doseDiseases of the heart, blood, respiratory system, liver, kidneys, periods of pregnancy and lactation, hypersensitivity to componentsNausea-vomiting syndrome, flatulence, allergic reactions, dyspepsia, convulsions300-400
erythromycin tablets20-40 mg per 1 kg of weight, 3 times a daySimilarSimilar18-102
FLEMOKSIN, tablets30-60 mg per 1 kg of weight, 2-3 times a daySimilarSimilar250
  • Amoxiclav belongs to the group of penicillins and rarely causes side symptoms due to good tolerance by the body. If tablets with this name are prescribed for adults, then for children, it is advisable to use a suspension.
  • Erythromycin belongs to the group of macrolides and is better tolerated by the body than penicillins. The action of the drug is identical to penicillins. Prolonged use of erythromycin may cause pathogen resistance to its substances.
  • Flemoxin belongs to the group of semi-synthetic ampicillins. The advantage of the drug is fairly rapid absorption. The drug belongs to combined agents and is used not only for skin diseases, but also for the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system (including in children).

Folk remedies

Tinctures, decoctions or compresses from medicinal plants are effective helpers in the treatment of the disease.

How to quickly cure streptoderma at home, are there folk remedies that are approved for use by both adults and children?

  • Chamomile, oak bark (an infusion of these has a drying effect): pour 1 tbsp. l. raw materials 200 ml of boiling water, insist for an hour, strain, make a compress on the affected area 2 times a day;
  • elderberry bark (a decoction of the bark helps soften the crusts): 1 tbsp. l. raw materials pour 200 ml of milk, boil for 15 minutes, cool, make lotions on the affected area three times a day;
  • grated garlic, ground pepper (to eliminate weeping plaques): mix the ingredients in equal volumes, apply on a piece of gauze, then on the affected area, hold for 15 minutes (make a compress twice a day).

You can increase the protective function of the body, thereby accelerating recovery, by taking an infusion from the bark and leaves of hazel: 1 tbsp. l. raw materials pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist for an hour, strain, take orally before meals 1-2 tbsp. l.

How to brew a series for bathing a newborn - read. What should be the temperature of the water for swimming -.

Differential analysis and duration of treatment

For example, a herpetic rash is present along with a pain syndrome, while it is absent with streptoderma. Chickenpox is characterized by the simultaneous presence of both fresh pimples and already dried blisters.

Streptoderma does not occur with catarrhal symptoms: cough and runny nose are absent. At the initial stage of the formation of vesicles, they have a transparent content, while in other skin diseases it can immediately be cloudy.

Streptococcal seizures differ from herpes in that they quickly open, forming cracks. After opening the herpes element, cracks do not remain.

It is possible to accurately determine the ongoing disease based on the results of the diagnostic measures taken.

The following factors influence the duration of treatment for streptoderma in children on the face and other areas of the body:

  • the age of the sick person (children recover faster due to a strong immune system than adults);
  • the severity of the disease;
  • the presence of comorbidities.

If you start therapy for streptoderma at the initial stage of development, you can recover in 7-10 days. With advanced pathology, therapy lasts for months.

Features of treatment in infants

In the treatment of newborns, it is important to follow all the doctor's instructions. There is no need to interrupt therapy, even if positive changes in the general condition are visible.

In the presence of fever, the baby is prescribed bed rest, taking appropriate drugs (antipyretics: Nurofen or others). Water procedures are contraindicated for this period.

It is necessary to keep the baby's hands clean, and cut the nails (find out in a separate article). This is necessary because even if the child touches the rash, the risk of secondary infection will be minimized.

The living quarters where the newborn is constantly located are ventilated daily and carry out wet cleaning. If the child is breastfed, the nursing mother should follow a healthy diet. Artificers are transferred to hypoallergenic mixtures. How to choose the right mixture, by what criteria to do this is described.

Features of the disease in adults and during pregnancy

The course of streptococcal infection in adults is easier than in children. Complications rarely occur.

If you ignore the therapy prescribed by your doctor, the rash can spread to large areas of the body.

Treatment of the disease in adults is no different from that carried out in relation to children. The exception is the period of pregnancy, in which many drugs are prohibited for use. Systemic therapy is rare. More often, local preparations are used that are not harmful to the fetus.


Streptoderma can be accompanied by complications, especially with untimely and inadequate treatment. Among those:

  • chronization of the inflammatory process;
  • rough scars that require cosmetic procedures;
  • development of microbial eczema;
  • fungal infections requiring other specific therapy;
  • dermal atrophy.

Preventive measures

Observe the rules of personal hygiene yourself and teach children from a very young age. It is better to prevent the onset of the disease than to end up stubbornly treating

How to treat streptoderma in a child on the face or in another area, found out.

It is necessary to take care of the prevention of the disease, how to deal with it and its negative consequences.

Preventive measures include:

  • timely treatment of wounds on the skin with the help of appropriate drugs;
  • preventing scratching of the skin during the development of a skin disease, an insect bite, and other injuries;
  • personal hygiene (very important);
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • adherence to proper nutrition;
  • avoid contact with sick people.


Streptoderma is not a dangerous disease, but the first symptoms should not be missed. Get the treatment you need right away. If therapy is started in a timely manner and carried out correctly, one can hope for a complete recovery and the absence of relapses.

Streptoderma in children is a whole group of skin diseases caused by streptococci, which are characterized by high contagiousness, as well as the presence of special elements called conflicts. This disease is diagnosed by pediatric dermatologists according to the general clinical picture and bacteriological culture. Streptoderma in children home treatment involves the use of local treatment with antimicrobial ointments, as well as aniline dyes. Immunomodulating and antibacterial methods, ultraviolet irradiation are also used, sometimes conflicts are opened.

What is streptoderma

Streptoderma in children photo how it starts

Pediatric streptoderma is a broad concept that combines different forms of pyoderma caused by streptococci, mostly affecting smooth skin. This group includes: bullous impetigo, papular syphiloid-like, streptococcal and slit-like, lichen simplex and other ailments. Not every form of the disease listed above is found in children, but streptoderma accounts for at least 50 percent of all cases of pyoderma. Due to the increased contagiousness, as well as the (often) recurrent course, the prevention of childhood streptoderma and its treatment have become topical sections of pediatrics.

Causes of childhood streptoderma

The causative agent is streptococcus of the hemolytic group, with which staphylococcus often interacts. The good state of local immunity, the absence of skin lesions and the normal functioning of general immunity are deterrents for the multiplication of streptococci and their further development.

Before the onset of childhood streptoderma, in each case, skin damage occurs with a violation of its integrity and a weakening of the immune system. The most severe course is characterized by streptoderma in those children who suffer from other chronic skin diseases, diabetes, allergies, runny nose, otitis with discharge from the nose and ears, which irritate the skin. Immunological reactivity is usually impaired in children born prematurely, and those who are especially often sick, as well as in those suffering from dyspepsia, anemia, hypovitaminosis, and helminthiasis. The factors that contribute to the emergence of the disease and its spread include inadequate care, neglect of hygiene standards, local hypothermia or overheating, lack of timely proper treatment, regular contact of water with affected areas on the skin.

Often streptoderma in children on the face leads to epidemics in children's groups (kindergartens, schools, camps, circles). The source of infection is a child with streptoderma; surrounding adults and other children become infected through close contact - through the sharing of things, as well as through kissing.

Symptoms of streptoderma in children

Children's streptococcal impetigo

The most common site of inflammation is the skin on the face, hands, which are open. Initially, the disease is manifested by the appearance of conflicts, the diameter of which is 1-3 mm and is surrounded by a rim. At first, the conflict looks like a tense bubble, after a while it becomes flabby, while its contents, which at first has a light serous hue, become cloudy or purulent. After that, the conflicts take on the appearance of honey-yellow crusts, which peel off, leaving pink spots.

Conflicts are often separated by gaps of healthy skin, or their size increases due to peripheral growth and fusion. At this time, there is severe itching, due to which the child begins to comb the skin and spreads the infection to unaffected areas, which then also have conflicts. The duration of the course of childhood streptoderma is three to four weeks.

Streptococcal impetigo photo

Childhood slit-like impetigo

In this case, conflicts occur in the corners of the mouth, they can also appear near the wings of the nose and in the corners of the eyes. When the bubble is opened, a small crack appears in its place, which is covered with yellowish crusts.

This form of streptoderma is characterized by itching in the mouth, burning, salivation, pain during meals. A prolonged course can occur with caries, runny nose and conjunctivitis. This form of the disease is highly contagious (possible ways are kissing and sharing utensils), for this reason family cases are often found.

Slit-like impetigo in children

Simple baby lichen

This form of the disease is a dry form of impetigo. This means that conflicts do not form with this disease. The skin on the face (perioral area, cheeks) is affected, less often on the arms and legs.

The lesions are round or oval in shape and white-pink in color, which are covered with dry small scales. Exposure to sunlight leads to a decrease in the elements or their complete disappearance, but the affected areas of the skin have weaker pigmentation, as a result, the skin becomes variegated.

Simple baby lichen, as a rule, appears in spring or autumn and often has the form of epidemics in groups.

Simple lichen in children photo

Children's streptococcal diaper rash

Intertriginous childhood streptoderma is characterized by the location of inflammatory elements in the skin folds on the abdomen, as well as between the buttocks, in the groin, on the hips, under the armpits and behind the ears. Conflicts, connecting, form eroded areas. The lesions are bright pink in color and have scalloped borders with peripheral rims. Around the main focus are screenings at various stages of development (vesicles, crusts, pustules).

In the folds of the skin, erosions often occur, which are painful and worsen the general condition of the patient. This clinical form of the disease often has a chronic course and may be complicated by a combination with a secondary fungal infection.

diaper rash photo

Ecthyma vulgaris

It is a type of deep streptoderma. Most often it affects weakened children who often get sick, and also often occurs in case of inadequate hygiene care and in the presence of itchy dermatosis. Elements are located on the hips, lower back and buttocks, in more rare cases - on the torso and arms.

Initially, in the place through which the infection has penetrated, a conflict or pustule occurs, filled with bloody-serous or purulent-serous contents. This formation quickly dries up, taking the form of a soft yellow-brown crust. When the crust is removed, a deep ulcer opens with a dirty gray coating on the bottom. After 14-28 days, a scar appears on this site.

A severe course is distinguished by ecthyma of perforating and necrotic types. In such cases, deep penetration of ulcers into the skin is possible.

These forms of childhood streptoderma are often combined with a significant deterioration in well-being and hyperthermia.

Diagnosis of streptoderma in children

Diagnosis is carried out by a pediatric dermatologist. The specialist determines the form of streptoderma by the clinical manifestation of a skin infection.

To confirm the diagnosis, as well as to exclude diseases that have similar symptoms, a study is carried out using a microscope of skin scrapings, and the skin is also examined using a Wood's lamp.

Differential diagnosis of this disease is carried out with, chicken pox, pyoderma, and. Ecthyma vulgaris is differentiated from syphilitic ulcers and collicative cutaneous tuberculosis, for this purpose an RPR test is performed.

In the case of a recurrent course, it is required to examine the digestive tract.

Treatment of streptoderma in children

Depending on the severity of the course of the disease, treatment is systemic or only local methods are used. Systemic therapy involves the use of antibiotics, as well as macrolides, multivitamins, probiotics, and immunomodulatory therapy.

With local treatment, conflicts are opened, the affected skin areas are treated with antiseptics, ointment bandages are applied.

In the case of ecthyma vulgaris, local enzyme applications for ulcers are used. They are used until completely cleared of pus; after that, dressings treated with antimicrobial drugs are applied. The infiltrate is lubricated with ichthyol or ichthyol-camphor ointment. At the stage of ulcer epithelialization, physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out - laser therapy and UHF.

A child with streptoderma must be isolated from other people; children and adults in contact with him are quarantined for a period of ten days. Throughout the entire time of the disease, it is necessary to exclude contact of water with the affected areas.

Forecast and its prevention

Most often, the disease is completely cured. Relapses, a chronic form or a particularly severe course of the disease are characteristic of weakened children, often socially disadvantaged.

Prevention includes careful hygiene of the baby's skin, prevention of microtrauma, timely and correct treatment of dermatosis and somatic diseases. Due to increased contagiousness, prompt detection of sick children and their isolation are required.

A photo

Streptoderma in children photo how to treat

streptoderma on the face of a child photo

Any skin purulent-inflammatory diseases that are caused are classified in medicine as streptoderma . In order for the disease to begin its development, only two factors are needed - the presence of streptococci and damage to skin areas in which there is a decrease in the protective function. Most often, the disease in question is diagnosed in childhood - this is due to frequent skin lesions at this age, and the impossibility of constant monitoring of personal hygiene.


We recommend reading:

These are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms with which a person is constantly in contact - they "live" in the human gastrointestinal tract, and on the skin, and in the respiratory tract, and on all mucous membranes. Each person periodically becomes a carrier of streptococci, there are people who belong to the group of permanent carriers of these pathogenic microorganisms. But it is interesting that staphylococcus always joins streptococcus, which is the causative agent of streptoderma.

Streptococci have amazing "survivability" - they instantly die only when boiled, but at a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius, streptococcus continues to live for another 30 minutes, in chemical agents these microorganisms die only after 15 minutes.

The considered pathogenic microorganism can cause a person to develop not only streptoderma, but also myocarditis and other diseases.

How does streptoderma begin in children?

If the skin performs its protective functions at 100%, then streptococci do not cause any problems to a person at all. But even a slight damage to the skin disrupts the protective functions, the wound becomes a "gateway" for infection - streptoderma develops. As a rule, the disease in question originates in places of scratches and rashes, insect bites (they are combed), cuts and abrasions. Even if streptoderma arose without visible damage to the skin, this means that the injuries are simply invisible to the eye - they are microscopic, but sufficient for infection.

As soon as streptococci enter the damaged area of ​​the skin, they begin to actively multiply and provoke the development of an inflammatory process that is not so easily treatable.

Streptococcus can get to the area of ​​damaged skin from a variety of places:

  • toys, dishes, towels and any household items;
  • from a patient with streptoderma, tonsillitis, scarlet fever,;
  • from the child's own skin;
  • from a carrier who is healthy and has no disease.

If the development of streptoderma is associated with infection with an infection from an already sick person, then in this case the course of the disease will be more rapid, aggressive and prolonged. Often streptoderma proceeds as an epidemic - this usually happens in places where there are a lot of children (kindergartens, schools, public organizations). The incubation period of the disease in question is 2-10 days, it all depends on how strong the child's immune system is.

In medicine, there are only three types of ways of infection with streptoderma:

  • contact household - toys, dishes, towels, bed linen, shoes, clothes;
  • contact - hugging a sick child, kissing, close contact during the game;
  • airborne - streptococcus gets on the skin of a child when an already sick baby sneezes or coughs.

Note: the airborne route of infection is so rare that doctors most often do not note it.

What is the reason for the long course of streptoderma

In the case of strong immunity and general health of the child, streptococci simply do not develop on the skin - the body copes with these pathogenic microorganisms on its own. But there are factors that contribute to the fact that the course of streptoderma will be long, severe and with frequent relapses. These provoking factors include:

  • diagnosed helminthiases, anemia, hypotriphy, general intoxication of the body;
  • chronic skin diseases - allergic reactions;
  • and - discharge from the ears and nose is irritating to the skin;
  • and/or frostbite;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules, insufficient child care;
  • prolonged contact of damaged areas of the skin with water;
  • lack of treatment for skin wounds.

Forms and symptoms of streptoderma

Doctors clearly distinguish the symptoms of streptoderma - they are of a general nature and are inherent in all forms of the disease in question. Signs of streptoderma in childhood:

The duration of the disease is too variable - from 3 to 14 days, it all depends on the individual characteristics of a particular child's body.

Doctors also define several forms of the disease in question:

Streptococcal impetigo

This is the most common form of the disease, which is characterized by the appearance of specific rashes on the face, hands, feet and other open areas of the body. Often diagnosed in childhood streptoderma of the nose - it also applies to the form in question.

Streptococcal is often found because in this case the infection does not penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, since its protective functions are still preserved, and the local mechanisms of inhibition of the inflammatory process are switched on almost instantly in childhood.

Symptoms of streptococcal impetigo:

  • the skin does not change externally, it can only turn slightly red. At this point, a bubble appears with a clear or cloudy liquid inside, bordered by a reddish line;
  • the liquid inside the bubble gradually becomes cloudy, then it all bursts, and a light yellow crust forms in place of the bubble;
  • after the crust comes off, a pink or bluish spot remains, which eventually disappears without a trace.

Note:the maturation period of each bubble is 5-7 days.

If streptococcal impetigo is noticed at the initial stage of development, then the treatment started can stop the development of the disease. But as a rule, such a change in the skin is either simply not noticed, or not touched in the hope that everything will “pass by itself”. But the child begins to comb the formed crusts (itching is present during healing), a liquid flows out of them, literally “stuffed” with streptococci. This liquid gets on healthy areas of the skin, remains on bed linen and clothes - infection continues, the spread of the disease is rapid.

If treatment and hygiene are not carried out correctly, then streptococcal impetigo lasts more than 4 weeks, and in some cases the infection can even give serious complications.

This form of the disease is considered more severe and requires professional medical attention. Distinctive characteristics of the considered form of streptoderma:

slit-like impetigo

This is what people call zaedami - streptoderma appears in the corners of the mouth, it can rarely appear in the folds of the wings of the nose or the corners of the eyes. As a rule, a single bubble appears, even when opened, the slit-like impetigo does not spread.

It is noteworthy that it is this form of the disease in question that proceeds rapidly, does not manifest itself with any additional symptoms, and simply causes some discomfort to the patient. Only in extremely rare cases, slit-like impetigo becomes chronic with frequent relapses.

Erythematosquamous streptoderma

This is a dry type of the disease in question, which is most often present on the skin of the face - there are no weeping vesicles and red or bluish spots, only pink scaly spots are present at the lesions.

Erythematous-squamous streptoderma does not cause critical discomfort, is not prone to widespread distribution, but is contagious - treatment should be complete.

Superficial panaritium

occurs against the background of streptococcal impetigo, but only on the skin around the nail. The site of infection becomes inflamed, becomes red and swollen, characteristic vesicles appear, and then crusts.

A prolonged course of superficial panaritium can lead to complete rejection of the nail plate. Doctors insist that with this form of the disease in question, intensive treatment is necessary.

Streptococcal diaper rash

The peculiarity of this form of streptoderma is a secondary lesion against the background of classic diaper rash. Most often, streptococcal diaper rash occurs in the behind the ear and armpits, folds and groin.

The considered form of streptoderma is quite difficult to treat, because when crusts form on the skin, cracks appear, a streptococcal infection can once again join.

Ecthyma vulgaris

This is a very severe form of streptoderma, which is characterized by the formation of ulcers and deep erosions. Distinctive characteristics of vulgar ecthyma:

How is streptoderma diagnosed?

An experienced pediatrician or dermatologist will be able to diagnose the disease in question only by external signs. But often doctors conduct scraping tests from the affected areas of the skin - this will reveal the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibacterial drugs and quickly begin competent treatment.

In some cases, the specialist may prescribe an additional examination of the patient:

How to treat streptoderma in children

Even if streptoderma occurs in a child in a mild form, a full course of treatment is required. There are several activities that form a complex of therapeutic measures.

Personal hygiene

Many parents are sincerely amazed that the child does not get rid of streptoderma even when using specific medications. This may be due to improper personal hygiene procedures.

Things to remember:

A lot of prescriptions for local treatment of streptoderma in children are already “invalid” - many substances are simply discontinued, many are sold in pharmacies strictly according to the prescription. But you can also use modern, very effective means:

Apply antiseptics correctly:

  • first, the vial is opened - extremely carefully;
  • then, with a cotton swab or cotton pad, an antiseptic is applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe opened vial and 1-2 mm around this place;
  • you need to wait until the antiseptic is completely dry.

If we talk about folk remedies, then decoctions of chamomile, string and / or oak bark are approved even by official medicine - they are used as lotions and for washing the resulting wounds.

Note:it is impossible to treat streptoderma in a child with folk remedies - there is an inflammatory process on the skin, there is a pathogenic microorganism, so you can’t do without drugs.

Antibiotics for streptoderma

With streptoderma in children, they are taken orally and externally. But no doctor will prescribe such aggressive medications for single manifestations of streptoderma, a mild form of the disease. Antibiotics are prescribed only in extreme cases, when conventional means fail to stop the process, and the child's condition worsens.

In some cases, doctors even prescribe drugs from the hormonal group, but this is already an extreme measure.

For local treatment, the following antibiotic ointments are used:

Ointments with hormones prescribed in extreme cases:

  • Lorinden S;
  • Kanizon plus;
  • Belogent;
  • Triderm;
  • Betaderm and others.

If we talk about systemic antibiotic treatment, then most often doctors use antibiotics of the penicillin group, cephalosporins or macrolides for this. Penicillins may not be prescribed if in the recent past the child has already received such treatment for any other disease, or if there is a history of individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to such drugs.

Comparison of streptoderma with other diseases

Even experienced doctors admit that streptoderma is quite easy to confuse with some other skin diseases - at a certain stage of its development, it simply takes on other forms. But there are some differences - they will help you quickly navigate, make an accurate diagnosis and conduct effective treatment.


Speaking absolutely precisely, then streptoderma is one of the types of pyoderma - in medicine, all skin pustular diseases of an inflammatory nature belong to the group of pyodermas. But there is also a distinctive feature of the disease in question - the contents of streptoderma vesicles are never purulent, only serous. Even if there is some presence of pus in the liquid, it is minimal and does not make the contents cloudy.

The greatest similarity is observed between pyoderma and impetigo vulgaris - the symptoms are almost the same, even the treatment will be identical. It is important at this moment to accurately determine the type of pathogen and choose the right antibacterial agents for the course of treatment.


The main difference between and seizures is that with the disease in question, the course of the disease is rapid, the affected area falls precisely on the corner of the mouth, and there is no spread to healthy tissues.

Interestingly, older children may pay attention to the itching that appears on clean skin - this is a harbinger of herpes. But when seizing, itching appears only after the external manifestation of the disease.

Candidiasis of the corners of the mouth

In principle, this disease is easy to differentiate - the cracks in the lesions are deep, there is a plaque characteristic of thrush.

Chicken pox

Since the first rashes in this disease usually appear on the skin of the face and head, in the first hours you can mistake chickenpox for streptoderma. However, after a few hours, other characteristic signs begin to appear - it is almost impossible to confuse it with streptoderma.

allergic rash

Even some experienced pediatricians may confuse the disease in question with a banal allergy. No, when the streptoderma vesicles are already fully formed and begin to burst, it is not difficult to make a diagnosis at all, but you can also conduct a short test earlier: when you press on an allergic rash, the skin turns white, with streptoderma, such changes in the color of the skin are not observed.

Note:is also very similar to streptoderma, therefore, to differentiate the diagnosis, the doctor may refer the child for analysis for syphilis.

Preventive measures

Since the disease in question is contagious, the sick child is quarantined for 10 days. It is very important to introduce such a quarantine in a preschool institution, in a school or circles and sports palaces - during these very 10 days, symptoms of streptoderma may appear in other children.

As for the family, here it is also necessary to carry out prevention with an already sick child - it all comes down to observing the rules of personal hygiene.

If we talk about general prevention, then we can single out the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes, strict adherence to the rules of personal hygiene and strengthening the immune system.

Streptoderma is an unpleasant disease that causes discomfort to the child. But there are a lot of modern medicines that greatly alleviate the condition of the child and contribute to a speedy recovery.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Reading time: 7 minutes

Streptococcal dermatitis is a contagious disease, which provokes the entry of opportunistic microorganisms into the blood. According to statistics, children are most susceptible to infection with streptococci. In order to prevent a massive outbreak of the disease and protect your child from infection, find out what symptoms accompany streptoderma in children, what ointments and antibiotics are prescribed for the treatment of skin diseases.

What is streptoderma in children

Streptococcal pyoderma is an infectious skin disease caused by damage to the surface layer of the epidermis. Initially, the affected areas of the body are covered with purulent nodules, which quickly spread to other parts of the body and eventually turn into honey-yellow crusts. According to statistics, children from 2 to 9 years old are susceptible to the disease, less often adults suffer from this type of dermatitis, streptoderma is extremely rare in newborns.


To prevent an outbreak of infection, it is important to recognize the symptoms in time and isolate the patient from peers. Streptococcal dermatitis in children is characterized by rashes, itching, and the appearance of a dry crust. In addition, in the children's body, streptoderma occurs with the following symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature up to 38-39 degrees;
  • general weakness, loss of strength, apathy;
  • headaches and muscle pain;
  • bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • aches in the joints;
  • enlargement and soreness of the lymph nodes.

How to distinguish herpes from streptoderma

Streptococcal dermatitis can begin with the appearance of small-sized conflicts - vesicles filled with cloudy contents. Because of this, it is often confused with herpes and is not treated. However, these diseases have significant differences:

  • zaeda differs from herpes by the rapid opening of liquid capsules; with herpes, the vesicles remain on the lips much longer;
  • streptoderma in a child develops around an already affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, and herpes affects healthy skin;
  • with herpes, itching appears much earlier than conflicts, while with streptoderma, itching will begin only after the appearance of a rash.

The reasons

As long as the skin remains intact and unharmed, it performs a barrier function, protecting the body from the ingress of pathogenic microbes. With any, even the slightest damage, the skin loses these functions, opening the entrance gate to streptococci and staphylococci. As a rule, streptoderma occurs as a result of improper or insufficient disinfection of wounds, cuts, bites, at the site of allergic rashes. There are several ways of infection:

  • Contact - when the skin of a healthy person comes into contact with the carrier of the infection.
  • Contact-household - microbes are transmitted through common items of use (towels, toys, dishes).
  • Airborne - when pathogenic microorganisms enter the wound directly when the patient coughs or sneezes.

The causative agent of streptoderma

Streptococci are considered conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that begin to actively multiply only when comfortable conditions are created. At the same time, staphylococcus often joins the hemolytic streptococcus, which is the direct causative agent of streptoderma. Both microorganisms are resistant to the environment: they tolerate heat well, arid conditions, and can exist on household items for a long time. When it enters the human body, the incubation period will last from 5 to 7 days.


Depending on the location of the rash, doctors distinguish several forms of streptoderma, which are often found in children:

  • Streptococcal impetigo affects the arms, face, feet, and hands. In this form, itching often appears, and scratching increases the number of infectious skin rashes on the body.
  • Bullous impetigo - rashes appear only on the feet, hands or shins. With this form of the disease, erosions often occur on the body.
  • Slit-like impetigo is diagnosed with streptococcal lesions of the eyes, corners of the mouth, wings of the nose. In the photo, this form should look like a jam.
  • Erythematous-squamous or dry streptoderma - foci of streptoderma are localized on the face, scalp, torso.
  • Streptoderma of the nail plates is diagnosed when blisters appear around the damaged nail.
  • Intertriginous diaper rash - the disease occurs against the background of atopic or allergic dermatitis.
  • Ecthyma vulgaris is characterized by the localization of foci of infection on the buttocks, back, and lower extremities.


Based on the degree of damage to the dermis and the presence of characteristic signs, doctors can determine several stages in the development of streptoderma:

  • bullous - when red spots form on the surface of the skin, which during the day develop into a bubble with a bright red rim and purulent serous fluid;
  • nebulous - characterized by deep skin lesions, poorly healing wounds and the appearance of ulcerative formations;
  • chronic disease - due to the episodic appearance of weeping purulent rashes, after opening which a yellow scaly crust appears on the body.


A pediatric dermatologist will be able to make the correct diagnosis after a visual examination. If there are doubts, as well as to determine the correct treatment tactics, the child will be prescribed additional tests:

  • feces for the presence of helminthic invasions;
  • general, biochemical blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Wasserman reaction test;
  • smear microscopy from the site of inflammation;
  • bacteriological culture.

Treatment of streptoderma in children

After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe ointments based on sulfuric acid, zinc or other antimicrobial components, the use of antiseptic solutions, physiotherapy sessions. To eliminate the infection and suppress the growth of streptococci, antibiotics are prescribed to the sick baby. It is important not only to know how to treat streptoderma in a child on the face and body, but also to take into account the following rules in the process:

  1. Do not wash the first 3-4 days, do not wet the affected areas of the body with water.
  2. Regularly wipe the skin with antiseptic solutions or decoctions of herbs.
  3. Streptoderma is contagious. To prevent the spread of infection, you need to provide the child with separate toys, dishes.
  4. More often to clean the room and change bed linen in patients with streptoderma.

Treatment with drugs

To eliminate inflammation, increase immunity and eliminate unpleasant symptoms, prescribe:

  • Zirtek, Zodak, Fenistil - antiallergic drugs. These drugs effectively eliminate itching, swelling. They are prescribed for allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, hay fever and allergic dermatoses. Not recommended for use by children under 6 years of age.
  • Genferon, Viferon - medicines that regulate local immunity. These drugs have a minimum of contraindications and can be used to treat streptoderma in newborns.

Antibiotics for streptoderma

The doctor may offer several options for treating streptoderma in children, but often all of them involve the use of antibiotics. This group of medicines helps to stop the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and get rid of the consequences of their vital activity. With streptoderma, antibiotics are prescribed:

  • Azithromycin is a drug from the group of macrolides, effective in the treatment of impetigo and erysipelas. The medicine is available in the form of tablets or sweet syrup, which is convenient in the treatment of young children. Do not give medicine to children with impaired liver and kidney function.
  • Ceftriaxone is an antibiotic from the group of colofasporins. It is prescribed for skin diseases provoked by staphylococcus aureus. You can use an antibiotic from the first days of a child's life. The drug has a minimum of contraindications, but sometimes allergic reactions occur, dry skin is possible.


As part of the complex therapy of streptoderma, local agents are often used - an ointment or cream, which contain antibacterial components. Preparations of the local principle of action are:

  • Zinc or salicylic ointment - preparations with a softening and protective effect. They have an astringent, anti-inflammatory and drying effect. Both drugs almost do not cause side effects, but are contraindicated in purulent streptoderma.
  • Baneocin is a combined antimicrobial powder for external use containing two antibiotics. The drug is effective against most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. In rare cases, it can cause side effects - redness, dry skin, allergies.

Folk remedies

In combination with systemic antibiotic therapy, streptoderma can be treated in children at home. The following popular recipes will be effective:

  • Prepare an ointment to relieve itching and irritation. To do this, mix 50 grams of honey, 50 ml of pomegranate juice. It is recommended to smear the product on a dry area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin 2-3 times a day.
  • To heal ulcers and exfoliate scabs, it is recommended to make an infusion of walnut leaves. Take 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves. Pour 300 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours. To cure streptoderma, apply tampons to the inflammation for 15 minutes 2 times a day.


With timely and proper treatment, streptoderma rarely causes serious complications. However, with a severe course of the disease, chronic diseases may worsen or secondary diseases, such as guttate psoriasis, may appear. In addition, streptococcal pathogens can cause scarlet fever, tonsillitis, pneumonia. One of the dangerous, but rare, complications are: septicemia - infection of the blood with bacteria and streptococcal glomerulonephritis - kidney damage.


In the future, to prevent relapses, it is necessary to provide the sick child with a balanced diet, monitor hygiene. To increase children's immunity, doctors recommend spending time outdoors more often, enrolling a child in a swimming pool, and buying vitamin complexes at a pharmacy. In case of damage to the skin, it is necessary to carefully and carefully treat the wounds with disinfectants.


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