When you sleep, saliva comes out of your mouth. Why do you drool during sleep? Side effects of chemicals and medications

Salivation and salivation are natural physiological processes that continuously occur in the body of every person. At healthy person about 2 ml of saliva is produced in the mouth every ten minutes. The salivary glands work incessantly and, on average, they produce 1.5-2 liters of saliva per day, it is this indicator that is considered to be the norm.

In some cases, salivation increases. If profuse salivation occurs at the sight or smell of food, such a process is completely natural. In other cases increased salivation considered pathological. A normal healthy adult constantly involuntarily swallows saliva, but if this process is disturbed for any reason, saliva begins to accumulate in oral cavity and even leak out.

Why does drool flow from the mouth?

There are many reasons why saliva may leak from the mouth. We list the main ones:

  • pathological increased salivation;
  • any problems with swallowing;
  • disorders in the work of the maxillofacial muscles;
  • defects in the teeth, lips or oral cavity.

Increased salivation

Excessive saliva production can be caused by a number of reasons. These primarily include:

  • Inflammatory processes occurring in the oral cavity, such as gingivitis or stomatitis.
  • Disorders in the work of the digestive system - a stomach ulcer or duodenum, acute or chronic pancreatitis, narrowing of the esophagus. The most common cause increased salivation associated with the gastrointestinal tract is hyperacidity gastric juice and gastritis flowing against its background.
  • Some mental illness and diseases nervous system stroke, trigeminal inflammation or facial nerve, nervoses, psychoses, brain tumors and schizophrenia.
  • In addition to all the above reasons, increased salivation can be caused by endocrine diseases, some drugs, toxicosis in pregnant women.
  • A very common cause of increased salivation are helminthiases (worm infestations), they are especially common in children.

Swallowing problems

Swallowing problems are the most common reason for drooling at night. Difficulties with swallowing saliva can occur with sore throat, pharyngitis and other diseases of the throat. Bad habit breathing through the mouth in a dream or forced breathing through the mouth due to nasal congestion leads to difficulty in swallowing. In addition, the mouth during sleep remains ajar all the time, so saliva flows onto the pillow.

Defects in the teeth and mouth

This is another reason for nighttime salivation. because of malocclusion, bad dentures, damaged teeth, lip defects, the mouth does not close tightly in a dream, and saliva constantly flows out of it in a thin stream.

Drooling in young children

Separate conversation - infants. Their excessive salivation is not a pathology. Drooling is natural in babies physiological process, and babies can “blow bubbles” not only at night, but also during the day. The fact is that salivary glands babies are fully formed by the age of three months, but they still do not know how to swallow them, so it is at this time that the crumbs begin to drool profusely. And by six months, babies have another reason to drool - at that time they begin to cut their teeth. In general, up to a year and a half, salivation in children is considered quite normal.

Kalinov Yury Dmitrievich

Reading time: 2 minutes

Agree, it’s not very pleasant when an adult drools in a dream. Moreover, there is little pleasant, both for the person experiencing this problem, and for the one who lies on the next pillow. Some people may have serious complexes because of such a seemingly trifle. Especially when meeting the opposite sex, confusion and insecurity arise. After all, perhaps someday they will have to end up in the same bed together!

The problem of salivation during sleep in adults is quite common. It is not customary to talk about such things out loud, and even more so to go to the doctor. It is believed that this is not a disease, and not a pathology, but simply not a very aesthetic moment.

However, to be sure of own body, it is necessary to understand the reasons for this situation.

Why does salivation increase during sleep?

Increased salivation in humans is called hypersalivation. There are several reasons for the manifestation of hypersalivation in a dream, and they depend on gender, age and general condition human body.

So, let's see specifically why drooling during sleep? Most likely, this is due to the following points:

  • Runny nose. Ordinary rhinitis can lead to the fact that in the morning you will wake up in a puddle of saliva. A stuffy nose will only exacerbate and exacerbate the situation. With a runny nose, a person breathes only through his mouth, and the saliva formed during sleep flows out freely. AT this case the use of vasoconstrictors is recommended antihistamines. And then a calm and dry night is guaranteed to you!
  • Wearing braces and dentures. Everyone wants to have white and straight teeth. But one of the disadvantages of braces is that because of them, the sleeping person reflexively releases much more saliva in the mouth than usual. This is due to the fact that the nerve endings are irritated by foreign objects.
  • Problems with the central nervous system. If you have nerve problems, you are obviously taking some kind of medication. They can cause increased salivation.
  • Smoking, drug use. In addition to the fact that cigarettes and drugs adversely affect all body systems, they also cause excessive salivation.
  • Fatigue. At severe fatigue a person instantly plunges into the world of dreams. Being in deep phase sleep, the maxillofacial muscles relax and saliva flows from the mouth.
  • Damage to the nasal septum. When the nose is twisted or broken, it becomes difficult to breathe through the nose. The sleeper compensates for the lack of oxygen by breathing through his mouth.
  • Violation in endocrine system. One of the signs of a hormonal imbalance is also copious excretion saliva. In this case, it is necessary to consult a specialist and undergo tests.
  • Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. With problems with the stomach, the acidity of the gastric juice increases, and the body begins to produce a large number of saliva.
  • Special structure of the jaw. It may turn out that you just have a special structure of the oral cavity. And if you're embarrassed by your partner or just uncomfortable waking up on a wet pillowcase, learn to sleep on your back.

Advice! Rinse your mouth 1-3 times a day with a decoction of chamomile, sage or echinacea. If the mouth is open at night, there is a risk of contact with mucous membranes pathogenic bacteria. There is a high chance of developing an infection. The decoction will help to disinfect the mouth and ensure normal microflora.

Why does a child drool in a dream?

If a child drools at night in a dream, then most likely this is due to a number of physiological features. Adults can take care of themselves. In the case of a small person, it is necessary to figure out why drooling in a dream is necessary.

This phenomenon may be due to physiological features structures of the oral cavity. Perhaps the jaw during night dreams in the side position relaxes so much that saliva flows freely from the mouth. There may be much more serious reasons salivation that needs treatment. Let's learn about them in detail.

About the causes of salivation in adults

Saliva in the body of each person performs important features. With its help, food is digested and easier to swallow. Secret salivary glands It has antibacterial properties and destroys infections that have entered the oral cavity. In the case of its uncontrolled release at night, people begin to experience discomfort and excitement. This can happen in both adults and children.

Night salivation in adults can provoke:

  1. Rhinitis. With an inflammatory process in the nose, it becomes difficult for a sick person to breathe. During sleep he sleeps with open mouth to make breathing easier, so saliva flows from his mouth.
  2. Deviation of the nasal septum. It is also difficult for a person with this diagnosis to breathe through the nose, so he uses his mouth, which is fraught with saliva.
  3. Oral infections. It can be gum disease and dentition.
  4. Dysfunction of the stomach and intestines, chronic diseases GIT. The entire digestive system is a single whole, and if one link is disrupted, failures occur in others.
  5. Malfunctions of the CNS. Increased secretion of saliva in this case contribute medicinal products, exerting a strong burden on the human body and provoking the occurrence of problems associated with sleep.
  6. Smoking. At smoking person salivary glands and receptors responsible for taste qualities which induces salivation.
  7. The presence of foreign bodies in the oral cavity. These include braces and dentures, irritating nerve endings, which at the level of the reflex provokes an abundant secretion of saliva.
  8. Diseases of endocrine origin. Hormones thyroid gland affect the work of all glands, including salivary glands.
  9. The period of pregnancy in women. Hormonal changes in the body can cause nighttime salivation.
  10. How to eliminate salivation

    If there is such unpleasant phenomenon an adult needs to go to the hospital for an appointment with a therapist, dentist, endocrinologist, in order to find out exactly its cause. After all, often increased secretion saliva is a sign of development oncological diseases or Parkinson's disease. Therefore, it is not worth postponing a visit to the doctor. If a medical specialists did not find any ailments that affect the nightly salivation, which means that you need to try to solve this problem yourself. Need to say goodbye to bad habits; do not drink too hot drinks and do not eat spicy and salty foods; take medicines according to the prescription (meaning their exact dosage); rinse the mouth with a decoction of chamomile, oak bark, sage. By the way, rinsing is a very reliable help in such a situation.

    About salivation in children

    There is salivation during sleep in infants and newborn babies. But the kids in this age period this phenomenon is not considered a pathology due to the imperfection of the formation of the salivary glands. It can also be evidence of the appearance of the first teeth. But if parents are worried about excessive salivation, then the child should be shown to the doctor to prevent the development dangerous ailments such as stomatitis and gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis and hepatitis, enteritis and viral infections, lead poisoning. Parents should be aware that excessive salivation can adversely affect the development of the baby's speech in the future. Doctor after examination and necessary medical events make an appointment medicines or recommend the use of herbal decoctions. Remember that you cannot self-medicate. Without an adequate diagnosis, carrying out therapy at random, you can do great harm to the health of the crumbs.

What are the functions of saliva?

Saliva is very important for our body, because due to its antibacterial properties, it destroys infectious bacteria in the mouth, and also helps chewing and swallowing food. However, it often happens that salivation exceeds allowable norms and the person begins to experience discomfort. scientific language this phenomenon is called hypersalivation, i.e., increased salivation. Especially this annoying nuance causes irritation at night - you must admit that there is nothing pleasant in waking up on a wet pillow. There is no serious problem in involuntary salivation, but, nevertheless, a person feels uncomfortable waking up on a damp pillowcase. And such an inconvenience makes one look for an answer to the question of why drooling from the mouth flows in a dream. What is it connected with and how to deal with it? First of all, do not panic - this feature does not pose any danger to health. it more problem aesthetic nature, and first you need to identify the cause of increased salivation in a dream in order to understand how this can be dealt with.

For what reasons can saliva flow?

There can be several reasons for saliva during sleep, and often they depend on the age of the person. In some cases, a change in position will help get rid of this trouble, and in some cases, treatment is indispensable. But first things first.

Physiological features. Sometimes the cause of hypersalivation lies in the structure of the mouth, when during sleep the jaw relaxes and profuse salivation occurs. Especially if the person sleeps on their side. You can fight this by accustoming yourself to sleep in a different position, for example, on your back. And be sure to breathe only through your nose.

Runny nose. This is one of the most common causes of salivation during sleep. And no matter what kind of runny nose, colds or allergies. The result is the same: due to nasal congestion, the mouth spontaneously opens during sleep and saliva begins to flow profusely from it. There is only one way out: to treat a runny nose.

Problems with teeth. When a person has problem teeth, an infection appears in the mouth, as a result of which profuse salivation occurs during sleep. In this case, you need to visit a dentist. A similar problem is observed in infants, but it is associated with teething and is solved with gum preparations.

Chronic diseases. There are frequent cases when saliva is secreted in a dream due to the fact that an inflammatory process occurs in the body. For example, if there is a problem with the gastrointestinal tract and there is an increased release of acid. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Deviation of the nasal septum. Another reason for hypersalivation is when, due to this pathology, the nose is often blocked, which provokes the release of saliva. In this case, changing your sleeping position will not help, your mouth will still open automatically due to lack of oxygen. The way out of this situation will help to find an otorhinolaryngologist.

Nervous system. Increased salivation in sleep can also occur if a person, due to long-term use antibiotics have a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system. In this case, it is recommended to consult a neurologist who will replace the drugs with less aggressive analogues, or help find another treatment.

Bad habits. When smoking, oral receptors and salivary glands are irritated, and nicotine provokes additional salivation. Because of this, smokers very often have to face the problem profuse salivation in a dream. If you can’t get rid of a bad habit, then you should at least not smoke before bed.

Foreign object in the mouth. It happens that the cause of hypersalivation becomes foreign body in the mouth, such as dentures or braces. They often irritate the nerve endings of the gums, as a result of which saliva begins to flow profusely at the reflex level. In such cases, you can try to change your position and breathe through your nose.

Pregnancy. During pregnancy occurs hormonal changes body, and it is not uncommon for expectant mothers to suffer from abundant salivation during sleep, especially at the stage of toxicosis. If such a problem begins to annoy, then you must definitely inform the doctor who will control this situation.

How to deal with saliva during sleep?

If the cause of hypersalivation turned out to be in any disease, then you should not self-medicate, but you should follow only the doctor's instructions. If no specialist has found any pathologies, then the problem of excessive salivation during sleep lies in physiology. That is, in particular the structure of the jaw. There are a number of recommendations that may not solve the problem completely, but will greatly help in combating this nuisance and reduce salivation at night.

Try as much as possible to fight bad habits, such as smoking.

Do not overuse spicy dishes and limit your salt intake.

Beautiful astringent has quince, so drink more quince juice.

If you are taking any medications, do not exceed your prescribed dose.

Rinse your mouth herbal infusions from oak bark, chamomile, sage, thyme and wormwood.

Do not drink any liquid before bed - this will help reduce salivation.

Contact a specialist who will prescribe you a course of breathing exercises.

It is important to remember that the salivary glands are constantly being produced, because they main function- protect the oral cavity from drying out by moisturizing the nasopharynx, throat and tongue. And if there is any problem, saliva starts to be produced automatically, protecting the body from dehydration. An excess of salivation does not present serious problems, but, nevertheless, makes a person feel uncomfortable. Therefore, the work of the salivary glands must be tried to regulate.

Salivation - natural process work human body. Like any other system, the salivary glands and their functioning can be disturbed. As a result, the amount of saliva secreted decreases or increases in a person. This brings tangible discomfort to everyday life.

The reasons that cause changes in the volume of saliva production are quite different. Often, hypersalivation is a symptom of one of the diseases of the oral cavity, and sometimes it is a consequence of a serious neurological dysfunction.

The structure of the salivary glands and the functions of saliva

The salivary glands are located in the oral cavity under the mucous membrane in the region of the lips, cheeks, palate and tongue. Normally, they produce up to 2 ml of saliva every 10 minutes. In a day, the normal volume of saliva in a healthy person is up to 2 liters. Indicators above this figure indicate hypersalivation and the presence of problems in the body.

The secretory function of the glands plays important role in digestion. Thanks to saliva, food is swallowed more easily and its digestion is ensured. In addition, saliva has a number of other equally valuable functions for the body:

  • antibacterial and antiseptic action in the oral cavity;
  • oral cleansing;
  • moisturizing the mucous membrane in the mouth;
  • healing of microcracks;
  • anesthesia of the gums during teething;
  • ensuring normal pronunciation of sounds;
  • maintaining taste perception.

Symptoms of excessive salivation

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The main sign of excessive salivation is an excessive amount of fluid in the mouth, which leads to a reflex desire to swallow it.

If salivation rates exceed 5 ml in 10 minutes, then this confirms the diagnosis of true increased salivation. AT rare cases Nausea and changes in taste perception may accompany the problem.

However, there is also false hypersalivation. In this case, the patient has a feeling of excess saliva in the mouth, but it is not associated with disturbances in the work of the salivary glands, since the secretion is produced normal amount. This phenomenon is usually caused inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, tongue injuries, burns of the mucosa with boiling water or pericoronitis, in which the swallowing process is disturbed.

Before eating

Salivation in a healthy person is a normal response to the smell of food. Nerve endings taste analyzers are located on the mucous membrane in the oral cavity, as a result of which, with their maximum irritation, a person drools abundantly. This is a kind of signal gastrointestinal tract that he is ready to go. The tastier the cooked dish smells, the faster the appetite flares up, and the more saliva is released.

After meal

To profuse salivation a feeling of fatigue and impaired appetite may join. More often helminthic invasions children are exposed. A child, especially a small one, regularly puts dirty objects in his mouth, nibbles on unwashed hands, or eats a dirty fruit or vegetable.

There are other diseases that are associated with gastrointestinal problems, leading to increased salivation. Drooling strongly runs after eating with:

  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • pancreatic tumors.

Salivation during sleep

During a night's sleep, salivation normally decreases. However, there are a number of reasons why at night, while an adult or a child is sleeping, saliva flows more than expected. Among the main factors of profuse salivation in a dream are:

Causes of increased salivation

The most common questions about hypersalivation that adults seek explanations for are why, when you sleep, you choke on saliva in your sleep, and because of what Small child lets out and chokes on saliva. In the first case, the spectrum of causes is very diverse - from a simple cold or allergic rhinitis to the curvature of the nasal septum or the presence of features in the structure of the jaws.

For children up to a year, increased salivation is considered the norm. Their salivary glands are just beginning to fully function, and besides, babies have not yet had time to fully master the process of swallowing. Plus, during this period, most babies begin to cut their first teeth, and this process is also accompanied by large quantity saliva.

Pathologies of the salivary glands in adults

Quite often, excessive saliva production is directly related to pathologies of the salivary glands, which are most often inflammatory in nature.

With the development acute inflammation in the area of ​​​​the salivary glands, symptoms such as fever body, pain and in some cases, the appearance of purulent secretions simultaneously with saliva.

Another option for the development of pathology is due to the formation of tumors in the area where the salivary glands are located. It is important to contact a specialist in time to exclude serious problem or properly treat the cause of excessive salivation.


During pregnancy, certain changes occur in the body of women, a side effect of which can be hypersalivation. The following are a number of factors that can provoke an abundant flow of saliva in pregnant women:

  1. Toxicosis. Firstly, at this time, normal blood circulation is disturbed in the brain. Secondly, due to constant bouts of nausea, there are problems with swallowing saliva.
  2. Heartburn. violated acid balance in the intestine.
  3. Increased sensitivity to medicines. Certain of them can increase the work of the salivary glands.

Like everyone else, pregnant women may begin to drool profusely during sleep. It is important to inform the doctor about such nuances, because a serious illness can be the cause.

Other reasons

Among other factors leading to hypersalivation, it is worth noting:

Treatment of hypersalivation

The main focus in the fight against hypersalivation is on the treatment of the disease that provoked it. To do this, you need to come to an appointment with a therapist who, after examining, examining and studying the patient's condition, will either prescribe the appropriate therapy or give a referral to a specialist of a narrower profile. For example, to a gastroenterologist, dentist, neurologist or endocrinologist:

However, there are a number of measures aimed specifically at eliminating excessive salivation during sleep and wakefulness.

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