What are Gaviscon spark plugs from? Candles "Hexicon": effectiveness in the treatment of vaginitis (instructions for use). Contraindications and possible side effects

If any of these symptoms appear, you should contact your gynecologist as soon as possible. The disease will help cure Hexicon suppositories. Instructions for use for thrush are given below.

The main component of Hexicon suppositories is chlorhexidine, contained in them in the form of bigluconate. Auxiliary material is polyethylene oxide, with the help of which suppositories are formed.

The drug is available in concentrations of 8 and 16 mg, intended for local treatment. Suppositories are sealed in blisters and stacked 10 pieces in a cardboard box. The kit may include a fingertip to comply with the application of the medicine.

Candles have a powerful antiseptic effect. Chlorhexidine helps eliminate most gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms, viruses and protozoa:

  • treponema;
  • chlamydia;
  • pathogens of both types of herpes;
  • gardnerella;
  • Trichomonas.

Fungi, bacterial spores, some protozoa have sufficient immunity to chlorhexidine, so the gynecologist, as a rule, prescribes candles for Hexicon thrush only as part of complex therapy.

The advantage of chlorhexidine-based suppositories is their loyalty to the beneficial microflora of the vagina. Lactobacilli retain their activity during treatment with Hexicon.

In the presence of blood or purulent formations, the activity of the drug is slightly reduced.

When used, almost all the substance penetrates into the cells of the epithelium without affecting the systems of the internal organs of the patient.

Candles Hexicon: instructions for use

Suppositories are administered intravaginally at night. Upon completion of the toilet, the genitals take a horizontal position, bending the legs at the knees and pulling them to the stomach. The candle is removed from the contour blister and inserted into the vagina at a slight angle until it stops. After that, it is desirable to lie down for at least some time.

Cases of drug overdose have not yet been recorded. Chlorhexidine does not enter the circulatory system and intestines. Therefore, the effect of the drug on the body as a whole can be equated to zero.


Hexicon candles are torpedo-shaped, painted white or yellowish. The smell is practically absent.

Storage of the product is carried out in a dark place, the air temperature should not exceed +25ºC. Do not use suppositories at the end of the storage period, which is 24 months.


The use of Hexicon is an effective method for preventing sexually transmitted diseases:

  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • genital herpes;
  • syphilis;
  • chlamydia etc.

As a prophylactic, candles will be effective for about two hours immediately after the end of sexual intercourse. After this time, they will not bring much benefit, since the pathogen will have time to penetrate into the cells of tissues and blood.

Candles Hexicon in gynecology are used to prevent infections in preparation for:

  • childbirth;
  • abortion;
  • surgical operations in the genital area;
  • installation of an intrauterine device;
  • intrauterine research;
  • treatment of erosions by diathermocoagulation.

Hexicon therapy is a quick way to get rid of chronic cervicitis, mixed vaginitis, colpitis and other diseases of the female genital area.

Candles are allowed for use by pregnant and lactating women.

Contraindications and side effects

It is contraindicated to use the medicine for people with hypersensitivity to the components that make up its composition. Allergy to Hexicon can manifest itself as skin rashes. As side effects, a violation of taste perceptions and a change in the color of tooth enamel are possible. In this case, you need to consult a doctor to cancel the appointment and select a more suitable one.

You can not use the medicine simultaneously with the intravaginal administration of soapy substances (sodium lauryl sulfate, saponins, etc.), which also leads to the development of allergic phenomena.

Can the use of suppositories cause candidiasis?

Whether thrush will occur after Hexicon is difficult to say with accuracy. The appearance of vaginal candidiasis during or after the course of treatment with the drug is provoked by many factors. But the suppositories themselves are not the cause of the infection.

Thrush can be caused by admission, exacerbation of latent infections, wearing uncomfortable underwear and other reasons.

If candidiasis was treated only with Hexicon, its symptoms may reappear, since suppositories are ineffective against fungi that cause infection.

Price and where to buy?

The price of Hexicon varies depending on the region and the pharmacy chain. A package with 10 suppositories costs between 250 and 300 rubles. Candles are also sold individually - 1 piece. A box with one suppository will cost 55-60 rubles.

Candles are sold in almost all drugstores and pharmacies.

Hexicon for the treatment of thrush: reviews

In general, reviews on the use of Hexicon suppositories from thrush are only positive. The advantages of the means of the patient who successfully completed the treatment include:

  • fast and effective impact on the focus of inflammation;
  • rare manifestation of allergic reactions and side effects;
  • ease of use;
  • preservation of the beneficial microflora of the vagina with an effective effect on most harmful bacteria and viruses;
  • relatively low price.

Among the negative aspects of the use of suppositories, leakage from the vagina is distinguished some time after administration. To protect the linen in this case, you need to use a gasket. This disadvantage is typical for all vaginal suppositories.

There were complaints about the appearance of symptoms of thrush during the use of suppositories or immediately after the end of the course. But this phenomenon does not confirm the ability of Hexicon to provoke the development of candidiasis.

Alexandra, 33 years old, Balashikha: “Hexicon was prescribed to me more than once, both when I was pregnant - for sanitation, and when I treated all sorts of infections. These candles have always helped. Of course, they are not very cheap, but they fully justify their price. So I recommend you to use it.

Vera, 25 years old, Voronezh: “I suffered from thrush for several years, I couldn’t get rid of it. Another gynecologist prescribed Hexicon and other medicines against the fungus. And a miracle happened - the thrush disappeared. For several years I have been checked by a doctor - smears are always good. ”

Marina, 39 years old, Krasnoyarsk: “They diagnosed me with bacterial vaginitis. Hexicon candles were prescribed - 2 pieces a day. The medicine did its job perfectly, the infection went away. I did not experience any unpleasant sensations, except that they flowed a little. And then there was no thrush, as some write.

Hexicon is one of the vaginal suppositories used in gynecology. The name of such a medicine is heard by almost every woman. It is quite possible that many have seen ads on TV for candles or may have heard about suppositories from girlfriends.

At the moment, Hexicon is a popular drug in demand among women. This drug is used for prophylactic purposes, as well as for the treatment of various diseases associated with the most important genital organs in women.

Hexicon suppositories proved to be exceptionally good, and are characterized as one of the safest medicines for both expectant mothers and for the child to be born. This is due primarily to the fact that this drug works locally.

I would like to note that the drug is approved for use during the period of bearing a baby. Candles are concentrated in the middle of the vagina and are not absorbed into the blood. Accordingly, it is clear that the drug has no effect on the fetus and cannot cause harm.

Also an important fact is that it is necessary to follow the rules for the use of suppositories. It is always necessary to follow the norms and instructions offered for the packaging of the medicine.

The composition and appearance of candles

The basis of the composition of Hexicon suppositories is a substance such as chlorhexidine bigluconate.

This drug is produced on an antiseptic basis, the ability of which lies in the active fight against bacteria of such a variety as the gram-negative type and the gram-positive type.

This drug is also well suited for protection against sexually transmitted infections.

The main feature of these suppositories is that they do not adversely affect the normal microflora of the vagina, namely lactobacilli.

It is also worth noting that the bacteria are acid-resistant. Such a drug is not applicable if the discharge is accompanied by blood or pus. First of all, because Hexicon suppositories do not have the same efficiency as the drug.

The appearance of Hexicon candles resembles a torpedo. The color of the candles is yellowish, sometimes white. The package contains 10 suppositories. In some places of sale it is possible to purchase such a drug in the amount of one candle. In addition, in the box you can see special fingertips designed for one-time use.

Indications for use

Hexigon is indicated for use in cases such as:

This drug is in demand for therapy:

  • vaginal dysbacteriosis;
  • with various vaginitis, it also has a beneficial effect.


Of course, like any other drug, Hexicon has a number of contraindications that must be observed. All contraindications are presented in the instructions that come with the medicine in the package.

The drug Hexicon can cause:

  • redness;
  • allergic reaction to the drug.

Upon completion of the drug, all reactions immediately stop. As practice shows, as such, other negative impact facts are not noted. In cases of overdose, taking the drug is also not noted and not established.

As a rule, Hexigon suppositories are easily tolerated by a woman's body, and a positive result is achieved as soon as possible.

It should also be noted that the drug is not recommended for use during menstruation. Critical days are a process of rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium. This process is accompanied by bleeding. The use of suppositories during this period will not give absolutely no result and effect.

Once inside, the Hexicon begins to melt and mix with blood. Accordingly, the drug comes out with the blood. You can understand that you won’t be able to see any benefit and effect. This is explained by the fact that the candles begin their action.

Before starting treatment with candles such as Hexicon, you must follow the menstruation calendar. If you do not observe and maintain a calendar, then the result of treatment will be zero.

If the critical days disappeared during drug therapy, then it is worth visiting a doctor for a consultation. It is possible that you will have to stop treatment with such a drug.

After recovery, the course of therapy, if desired, can be restored and continued. It is quite possible that the doctor will select a different medicine that can help you recover without failures and see the result of the treatment.

Possible side effects

Like any other drug, Hexicon has a number of side effects that can occur during therapy.

When treated with this drug, the appearance of:

  • increased dryness of the skin;
  • mucous membranes;
  • in the future, dry skin can develop into a process of irritation and go into contact dermatitis.
  • it is also possible the appearance of allergies, accompanied by burning and itching.

How to use

It is possible that many people know that candle therapy is one of the most sought-after types of treatment at the moment. As such, requirements and special preparation for taking the medicine in the form of a suppository are not required.

Just a few free minutes are enough, as well as the opportunity to take a horizontal position. Indeed, for the introduction of a suppository, it is necessary to ensure peace in order for the medicine to begin its effect.

Terms of use:

  1. According to the instructions, the use of such candles is recommended in the evening, before going to bed. This should be done when suppositories are prescribed for therapy once a day.
  2. When suppositories are prescribed twice a day, it is necessary after taking to lie in a horizontal state at rest. It is recommended to lie down for half an hour.
  3. It is necessary to ensure deep insertion of suppositories into the vagina. It is there, under the influence of temperature conditions, that the suppositories begin to melt and spread, which means that the drug begins its action on the immediate focus of inflammation.


Compliance with the dosage is an extremely important point in the treatment. As a rule, doctors individually prescribe the dose for treatment.

In women, the dosage may vary, but this does not happen every time:

  1. Firstly, the dose is set by the instructions that come with the package of the drug itself.
  2. Secondly, the doctor can independently vary the dose required to comply with the goal of achieving the best treatment result.

The dosage of this drug is administered intravaginally. For treatment, as a rule, doctors prescribe one suppository twice a day.

The course of therapy lasts from seven to ten days. If the goal is to carry out preventive work in order to further eliminate diseases caused by sexual infections, you can get by with one suppository, the need to take which will reach up to once a day.

Treatment regimen

As you know, any doctor selects a treatment regimen with any drug. Moreover, it should be noted that the treatment regimen for all patients is different, and it is different.

First, every woman is different. Secondly, the state of health and the neglect of an infectious disease are also different.

Therefore, the doctor independently chooses a regimen for treatment and interaction with other drugs, if necessary.

In fact, the instructions that come with the medicine contain clear requirements that must be observed.

When treating with Hexicon suppositories, it is required to administer the suppository intravaginally as deeply as possible twice a day. This must be done both in the morning and in the evening. The most appropriate time course of therapy is from seven to ten days.

The maximum duration of the course of therapy with Hexicon lasts twenty days. Exactly the same method is used during the period of bearing a child.

Preventive measures for diseases accompanied by sexually transmitted infections are carried out as follows:

As a rule, side effects can remind of themselves and in a small amount. Of the contraindications, such as intolerance to certain components that make up this drug are noted.

Hexicon- this is a fairly good remedy that can cure not only thrush, but also sexually transmitted diseases.

It should be noted the content of the antiseptic component, the impact of which allows you to get rid of problems. Such a drug is applicable for pregnant women, as well as for those who wish to be cured of genital infections.

Interaction with other drugs

As you know, all drugs, the action of which is aimed at the treatment and elimination of gynecological problems, have an active ingredient in their composition.

These active ingredients do not always allow other drugs to begin their action and effect. That is why, you need to know which drugs are compatible and whether the combination of drugs will harm the treatment process.

Also, before treatment begins, you need to know about the compatibility of this medication with other drugs. This is primarily due to the fact that other drugs used before the start of therapy can displace the active substance of hexicon and reduce its effectiveness.

It should be noted that this drug is not compatible:

  • With sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • With sodium carboxymethyl cellulose;
  • Saponins also belong to the groups of substances with which Hexicon is not compatible. It is not recommended to carry out treatment in parallel with drugs containing iodine.

At the same time, it is allowed to use such drugs that are part of the cation group. These are preparations containing benzalkonium chloride and cetrimonium bromide. Ethanol has the ability to increase the efficiency of the solution.

Candles Hexicon during pregnancy

Pregnancy- a very important period in the life of every woman. As you know, during this period there are a lot of contraindications for the female body, including the use of certain drugs.

The big advantage of this drug is that its use, in any trimester, will not have any negative impact directly on the fetus. This is because it safely and gently produces its healing effect.

It is also unlikely that adverse reactions may occur. And, as a rule, they manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions, which disappear in the near future. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the drug that make up the composition.

Therefore, for pregnant women, such a drug is approved by doctors as a provision for preventive purposes and as a therapy. You can also use it during breastfeeding.

However, it should still be noted that women during the period of bearing a child also have their own difficulties associated with health, as well as with the course of pregnancy. Therefore, of course, consultation with a doctor is required. After all, you can treat one thing, and harm completely another.

Application in childhood

Hexicon during menstruation

Often, doctors recommend starting treatment with suppositories on the first day of menstruation. This is explained by the doctors by the fact that the result of the treatment will be achievable under any circumstances and the effect will be noticeable.

As noted earlier, menstruation is the period in which the functional endometriosis layer is rejected. This process can proceed with bleeding.

The use of Hexicon candles during this period will not give a visible effect and result. Once in the vagina, the drug begins to melt instantly and penetrate into the walls of the mucosa.

However, due to the fact that the bleeding does not stop, the suppositories begin to mix with the blood and then go out together.

That is, the drug begins to flow out along with the blood, and thus, the effectiveness is lost. To be more precise, the drug does not even begin to act. The use of the drug during menstruation is prohibited and not recommended.

The use of Hexigon candles in gynecology

In gynecology, Hexicon is used to treat such pathologies as:

Analogues of candles Hexicon

Like any other drug, the Hexicon drug has analogues that allow you to replace the drug itself directly. Analogues are those preparations that contain an active component in the form of chlorhexidine bigluconate. Or such substances that are similar in principle of influence.

It should also be noted that drugs in the form of a suppository with such a composition as chlorhexidine are not so many these days. There are analogues in the form of a solution.

Among the known drugs you can use:

  • Clioron;
  • Kathejel;
  • Depantol.



It's mid-April, spring is in full swing - this is the best time for crazy love adventures and stormy romances. If you get carried away, it’s easy to lose your head, and you don’t want to think about the consequences in advance! Alas, not all novels last long, and men can leave behind not only pleasant memories, but also various unpleasant infections. It depends only on you whether you can not lose your own health this spring. What to do if passion is dizzy, but there is no condom at hand or your partner refuses to use it, referring to various reasons?

Protection that never fails

There is a time interval from the moment of infection with a sexually transmitted infection until the onset of the development of the disease. As a rule, this interval is approximately two hours. Therefore, Hexicon should be used to prevent sexual infections as early as possible, but no later than two hours after intercourse.

The danger of getting infected from your sexual partner in our time should not be taken lightly. Among all other infections, sexually transmitted infections are the most common, and the number of cases is growing from year to year. This is not strange: often people themselves may not be aware of their disease and “share” their disease with their sexual partners for years. According to statistics, the number of women suffering from sexually transmitted infections is greater than the number of infected men. A particularly high percentage of diseases in the age group of 20-29 years. If you want to protect yourself from such "surprises", then the ideal solution is a drug.

This drug can be attributed to the emergency prevention of sexual infections. It is applied after sexual contact. And even when sexual intimacy is already over, you can still protect yourself from unpleasant "surprises".

The use of just one suppository minimizes the risk of infection with such "popular" infections as genital herpes, chlamydia, trichomaniosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, and does not harm women's health. The main condition is the use of the drug no later than 2 hours after intimacy.

Hexicon is available in the form of vaginal suppositories - this is one of the simplest and most reliable "methods of delivery" of the medicinal substance directly to the site of possible infection for women.

If the infection caught you by surprise...

Unfortunately, spring is not only a time for love, but also a time of exacerbations of various diseases, including diseases of the “female” sphere. Now it is not at all difficult to “catch” some kind of infection, and not necessarily sexually transmitted.

It will come to your rescue in this case too. After all, it can be used not only as a means for the prevention of sexual infections, but also as a means for the treatment of common and known to many women of vaginal infections! Especially for this, there is a packaging of the Hexicon preparation, where the package contains ten vaginal suppositories at once. It is convenient to use the drug in such packaging when a whole course of treatment is ahead.

It is important that it preserves the normal microflora of the vagina - the drug does not violate the functional activity of beneficial lactobacilli.

In the treatment of vaginal infections, suppositories are much more convenient to use than vaginal tablets. Candles do not need to be soaked under running water, and due to their plastic base, they do not injure the mucous membrane at all. Smoothly spreading, suppositories evenly distribute the active substance along the walls of the vagina, which contributes to a quick recovery from diseases.

Indicated for the treatment of non-fungal infections. For treatment, you need to apply one candle twice a day. A full course can last from seven to ten days. But do not forget that if you need help, you should first contact your gynecologist - treatment can only be started after consulting a doctor!

It is recommended not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of exacerbations of vaginal infections. Previously, in such cases, douching was recommended. But, as practice has shown, douching is harmful to women's health. This procedure is fraught with many "pitfalls".

Frequent douching increases the risk of developing allergic reactions and irritates the tissues, washing away the natural lubricant. The main danger of douching is that they change the acidic environment of the vagina, and this inhibits the natural (beneficial) microflora. As a result, a woman develops a disease - bacterial vaginosis. The uncontrolled reproduction of harmful microorganisms in this disease contributes to the fact that the infection can go up the cervical canal into its cavity, fallopian tubes and ovaries. According to American scientists, douching triples the risk of infection and inflammation.

To replace douching in order to prevent exacerbations of vaginal infections, it is recommended to use a suppository at night. The candle acts on the principle of a therapeutic bath. When dissolved, it flows out, washing out pathological secretions, and the medicinal substance contributes to the normalization of the vaginal flora.

Simultaneously with the use of Hexicon suppositories for prevention and treatment, you should not use intimate hygiene products that contain soap. The same goes for vaginal showers. The fact is that soap inactivates the medicinal substance of Hexicon suppositories, and souls reduce the concentration of the drug in the vagina.

For women suffering from exacerbations of female infections less than 3 times a year, it is best to prevent diseases with Hexicon suppositories, 1 suppository at night for 5 days. The course should be started 5 days before the expected period. The course is recommended to be carried out 2 times a year (spring and autumn), when your own immunity is reduced.

Women who suffer from exacerbations of the disease more than 3 times a year are recommended to use the same scheme (1 suppository at night for 5 days, start the course 5 days before menstruation), but immediately before each menstruation.

Be that as it may, these "magic candles" will never be redundant either in your first aid kit or in your purse. After all, as you know, there is no such thing as too much protection!

Don't let sickness spoil your spring.
Your safety is in your hands!

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that this is a local antiseptic preparation, in which such an active substance as chlorhexidine bigluconate dominates in an amount of 16 mg. This antiseptic is quite active against gram-positive, protozoan and gram-negative microorganisms, in particular, it effectively eliminates infectious agents of diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis.

However, this is where its productivity ends, as acid-fast bacteria, yeast-like fungi and viruses are adamant to such exposure. It is also important that Hexicon suppositories do not violate the functional activity of lactobacilli and retain weak activity in the blood.

This medication is produced in the form of a suppository for intravaginal administration. In addition, many people know the complete analogue of Hexicon in the face of the drug Chlorhexidine, which has an identical chemical composition and spectrum of action.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Hexicon suppositories

The use of Hexicon suppositories is relevant only when there are diseases caused by the predominance of the above infections in the vaginal microflora. So, Hexicon suppositories are recommended as a prophylaxis for trichomoniasis, syphilis, gardnerellosis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and ureaplasmosis. Also, such treatment is appropriate immediately before abortion and childbirth, before operable treatment of gynecological diseases, when setting up an intrauterine device and during diathermocoagulation of the cervix, on the eve of clinical trials. Vaginitis of various etiologies is also productively treated with this drug.

Among the contraindications, it is necessary to highlight hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, which can manifest itself during treatment in the form of allergic reactions and itching at the site of direct contact with the drug. Otherwise, there are no restrictions, besides, such treatment with Hexicon during pregnancy and lactation is allowed.

Side effects and overdose during treatment with Hexicon suppositories

In modern obstetric practice, cases of overdose with Hexicon have not been recorded, suppositories do not violate the usual functionality of the body and do not harm health, however, there are rare notes on the detection of side effects that prevent productive treatment. Among such anomalies, only allergic reactions are distinguished, expressed by rash and itching at the injection site.

It is important to clarify that after discontinuation of the drug, they disappear as suddenly as they appeared. In general, Hexicon suppositories are well tolerated by a sick body.

Instructions for use of the drug Hexicon candles

This medication is designed specifically for intravaginal administration. So, Hexicon suppositories as a healing agent are administered twice a day, one suppository, preferably in the morning and at night for 7-10 days. If we are talking about preventive measures, then it is enough just to introduce one candle, but no later than a couple of hours after a dangerous sexual intercourse.

Features of the use of the drug Hexicon candles

Interactions with other drugs have not been found, but you should not combine Hexicon suppositories with detergents and soaps.

This treatment with Hexicon is allowed during pregnancy and lactation, however, in any clinical picture during intensive care, it is better to avoid any sexual contact and wait for the final recovery.

Reviews about Hexicon candles

The drug really "works", at least that's what the vast majority of patients think, who have experienced its effect on themselves and left feedback on their impressions on thematic forums on the network. However, it must be clarified here that a higher efficacy is still observed as a prophylactic appointment, since there are no reports of infection after the introduction of a vaginal suppository.

If we talk about treatment, then medicine knows, unfortunately, more effective drugs of this pharmacological group that can quickly eliminate a disturbing disease and all its accompanying symptoms. Hexicon candles are treated, despite the reviews, mediocre. Therefore, sometimes it happens that you have to change the chosen treatment regimen due to the lack of improvement. One way or another, the drug deserves special attention.

The price of Hexicon candles No. 10 is from 210 rubles.

Instructions for Hexicon vaginal suppositories from the manufacturer of the drug Nizhpharm JSC (Russia)

04:25 Hexicon candles: instructions, application, reviews -

Today, every modern woman must take care of her health on her own and always have at hand a safe and reliable remedy for the prevention and treatment of genital infections. The choice of a treatment agent must meet the following requirements: high-quality and timely elimination of a pathogenic infection and preservation of the constancy of the vaginal microflora. These requirements fully comply with the drug Hexicon, whose suppositories act as [...]

One suppository Hexicon includes 16 mg Chlorhexidini bigluconas

Part candles Hexicon D includes 8 mg Chlorhexidini bigluconas , as well as a polyethylene oxide base (polyethylene oxide 1500/Polyaethylenoxydum 1500, polyethylene oxide 400/Polyaethylenoxydum 400).

AT solution for external use contains 0.5 mg solution Chlorhexidini bigluconas with a concentration of 20%, purified water (Aqua purificata).

in one hundred grams gel contains 0.5 g Chlorhexidini bigluconas and auxiliary components: cremophor - RH 40 (Cremophor RH 40), poloxamer 407 (Poloxamerum 407), purified water (Aqua purificata).

One Hexicon vaginal tablet contains 16 mg Chlorhexidini bigluconas (as a solution Chlorhexidini bigluconas with a concentration of 20%) and auxiliary components: microcrystalline cellulose (Cellulosum microcrystallisatum), pregelatinized corn starch (Amylum maidis), low molecular weight povidone (Povidone), stearic acid (Acidum stearicum), lactose monohydrate (Lactose monohydrate).

Release form

The manufacturer produces the drug in the form of:

  • vaginal suppositories 8 and 16 mg;
  • solution;
  • gel;
  • vaginal tablets 16 mg.

pharmachologic effect

Hexicon belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of drugs antiseptic and disinfectant action . Interacting with structures microbial cell , it disrupts vital activity, inhibits development and provokes death pathogenic .

The use of various dosage forms of Hexicon in gynecological practice allows not only to successfully deal with pathogenic microorganisms , but also to carry out the prevention of infectious diseases transmitted by PP.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Hexicon, which is part of the active ingredient, is a strong disinfectant, the sensitivity to which shows a wide range microorganisms , including including Gram (+) and Gram (-) bacteria , protozoa , herpesviruses .

Hexicon is effective against:

  • gonococci (Neisseria gonorrhoeae);
  • pale treponema (Treponema pallidum);
  • chlamydia (Chlamydia spp.);
  • gardnerell (Gardnerella vaginalis);
  • ureaplasma (Ureaplasma spp.);
  • bacteroid fragilis (Bacteroides fragilis);
  • Trichomonas (Trichomonas vaginalis);
  • herpesvirus type II (HSV-2).

Individual strains are characterized by weak sensitivity to the drug. pseudomonas (Pseudomonas spp.) and protea (Proteus spp.). Resistant to its effects are viruses , mushrooms , bacterial spores , acid resistant bacteria .

Thanks to the Hexicon chlorhexidine drug has a number of advantages over others antimicrobial and antiseptics . He:

  • does not violate the natural microflora of the female genital tract and does not affect activity. lactobacilli ;
  • does not cause addiction and resistance to its action in those sensitive to it microorganisms (even with repeated use);
  • licensed for treatment pregnant and lactating women ;
  • retains (albeit to a lesser extent) activity in the presence of spotting and pus.

The effectiveness of suppositories is also ensured by the features of their constituent polyethylene oxide 1500 (Polyaethylenoxydum 1500) and polyethylene oxide 400 (Polyaethylenoxydum 400). These substances provide a more uniform distribution of the active substance over the surface. mucous membrane and deeper penetration into tissues.

In addition, the polyethylene oxide base dehydrates pathogenic microorganisms and cleanses the mucosa from the products of their vital activity accumulating on it.

Hexicon vaginal tablets have been developed as an alternative to suppositories. For some women, they are somewhat more convenient than candles, since they do not increase the volume of secretions and, therefore, do not require the use of additional hygiene products.

Practically not absorbed from gastrointestinal tract , as well as through the skin and mucous membranes when applied topically. Systemic absorption when using Hexicon tablets intravaginally is extremely negligible.

In case of inadvertent ingestion of 0.3 g Cmax is reached after half an hour and is 0.206 µg / l.

The drug is eliminated from the body mainly with the contents of the intestine (90%), less than 1% is excreted by the kidneys.

Indications for use

Candles Hexicon - what are they from?

Candles Hexicon are indicated for prevention sexually transmitted infectious diseases caused by activity sensitive to the action of the drug microflora , for treatment inflammation of the genitals in women, to prevent the development of the inflammatory process and infection of the genital tract before childbirth, gynecological operations, abortion procedures, intrauterine examinations, etc.

Indications for the use of Hexicon D suppositories are children's gynecological diseases .

Indications for the use of solution, gel and vaginal tablets are the same as for suppositories.

Additional indications for the use of the solution

The solution is used as a disinfectant for processing festering wounds and infected burns . In gynecology, surgery and urology, it is used to treat skin infections and mucous .

Dentists prescribe rinses with Hexicon for aphthous stomatitis , gingivitis , inflammatory lesions of periodontal tissues and terminal parts of the respiratory tract .

Additional indications for the use of the gel

Gel Hexicon use for the treatment of inflammatory diseases in gynecology , dentistry and urology . In addition, they are treated with infected areas of the skin.


Contraindications to the appointment of Hexicon are hypersensitivity to its components.

Additional contraindication for the solution -.

Gel and suppositories are used with caution in the treatment of children. The optimal dosage form for a child is Hexicon D suppositories.

Side effects

The most common side effects of candles are, itching and burning into the vagina. These symptoms do not require specific treatment and disappear on their own after stopping the course of treatment.

Hexicon D vaginal suppositories provoke unwanted side effects in less than 0.1% of cases.

Undesirable reactions to the use of the solution are also extremely rare. As a rule, they are expressed in the form allergy symptoms and itching passing after the termination of the course of treatment.

For some, the Hexicon solution causes dry skin of the hands, sticky hands (usually no more than three to five minutes), photosensitivity . Rinses of the oral cavity with them lead to staining of tooth enamel, deposition of tartar, taste disturbances. Gel can also provoke similar phenomena.

Instructions for use Hexicon

Candles Hexicon: instructions for use

Candles are intended for intravaginal use.

For medicinal purposes, twice a day for 7-10 days, one suppository is administered intravaginally. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 20 days.

For a warning sexually transmitted diseases it is recommended to enter one suppository no later than two hours after unprotected intercourse.

Instructions for the use of Hexicon D are similar to the instructions for the use of 16 mg suppositories.

Gel Hexicon: instructions for use

For treatment of inflammatory urological and gynecological diseases the gel should be applied to the affected surfaces twice a day. The duration of treatment can vary from 7 to 10 days.

Infectious dermatological diseases treat by thinly applying the gel to the affected surfaces two or three times a day. How long the treatment will be depends on the clinical situation.

In dental practice, the ointment is used in the form of applications with a multiplicity of 2-3 times a day. The duration of one procedure is from one to three minutes. The duration of the course is determined depending on the clinical situation.

Instructions for use of the solution

The solution is used externally and topically in the form of applications, irrigations and rinses. For one procedure, it is necessary to apply on the affected surface of the skin or mucous membranes from five to ten milliliters of the product with an exposure of one to three minutes 2 or 3 times a day (the solution can be applied on a swab or by irrigation).

For prevention infections , which are transmitted by PP, it is advisable to use Hexicon if the procedure is carried out no later than two hours after sexual contact.

Using a nozzle, the liquid contained in the vial is injected into urethra (both women and men) or vagina . Dose for injection into the urethra for men - from 2 to 3 ml, for women - 1 or 2 ml. In vagina injected from 5 to 10 ml of solution. The nozzle is delayed for 2-3 minutes.

Also, the solution should treat the genitals and the skin of the inner surfaces of the thighs and pubis. It is not recommended to urinate within two hours after the procedure.

At inflammation of the urethra (including complicated ) complex therapy is supposed, which is supplemented by injection for ten days once or twice a day into the urethra of a solution in a volume equal to 2-3 ml (it is recommended to carry out the procedure every other day).

At diseases of the oral cavity appoint rinsing with a solution of the drug. The frequency of procedures is 3-4 per day. The amount of solution required for one procedure is from 5 to 10 ml.

Instructions for use of vaginal tablets

Before use, the tablet is moistened with water and injected into vagina .Daily dose depending on the diagnosis is 1 or 2 tablets. Treatment is carried out within 7-10 days.

For infection prevention , which are transmitted by PP, the tablet, like suppositories, is recommended to be administered within two hours after unprotected intercourse.


Since the drug is practically not absorbed from gastrointestinal tract and is not absorbed when applied topically through skin covering and mucous , the likelihood of an overdose of them is considered unlikely.

To date, there is no information on cases of overdose with Hexicon.


The effectiveness of the drug is enhanced with simultaneous use with ethanol .

Hexicon should not be used with intravaginally administered preparations containing iodine.

Sanation external genitalia does not affect the efficacy and tolerability of suppositories, since they are applied intravaginally.

Pharmaceutically incompatible with anionic detergents (saponins, Sodium lauryl sulfate, Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose) and soap. Chlorhexidine is inactivated in the presence of soap, therefore, before using the drug, it is necessary to thoroughly wash off soap residues from the skin and mucous membranes.

It is allowed to combine Hexicon with preparations containing a cationic group.

Terms of sale


Storage conditions

In a dry place, at a temperature not higher than 25°C for tablets, solution, suppositories and not higher than 20°C for gel.

Best before date

special instructions

Hygiene procedures do not affect the efficacy and tolerability of vaginal tablets and suppositories, since the drug in these dosage forms is administered intravaginally.

When using the solution in patients with head and spinal cord injuries as well as in patients with perforation of the tympanic membrane should be avoided getting into the wound.

If the solution accidentally gets on mucous membranes of the eye , they are recommended to be rinsed quickly and very well with water.

Contact with bleaching agents containing in their composition on clothes that were previously in contact with drugs chlorhexidine , provokes the formation of brown spots on them.

An increase in the temperature of the solution causes an increase in bactericidal action . However, at temperatures exceeding 100°C, there is a partial decomposition of the drug.

How to enter candles?

To prevent leakage of the contents after the introduction of the suppository, the woman should lie on the bed, spreading her legs bent at the knee joints. The candle is inserted as deep as possible into vagina index finger (if possible to the depth of the finger).

If the suppository is not inserted deep enough, it may fall out after the woman gets up before it dissolves.

The principle of operation of Hexicon is similar to the principle of vaginal baths. A feature of these candles is that they are driven several times a day, as a result of which the amount of discharge increases significantly. Given this, during the treatment period, daily pads should be changed as often as possible.

Another feature of suppositories is that there is no need to prescribe additional sanitation before their introduction. vagina or douching, which makes their use more convenient than other vaginal suppositories.

An important recommendation for the period of treatment is the exclusion of sexual intercourse. If therapy is carried out against the background of a regular sexual life, then a positive result will not be achieved. There remains a risk of re-infection and as a result, it may be necessary to prescribe drugs not only local, but also systemic.

The use of Hexicon during menstruation

Quite often, questions arise whether it is possible to use suppositories during menstruation and whether it is allowed to be treated with vaginal tablets during menstruation.

The instructions for Hexicon indicate that the use of suppositories and tablets during menstruation is permissible. This is due to the fact that the active substance of the drug retains (albeit to a lesser extent) pharmacological properties in the presence of pus, spotting and other biological fluids.

Hexicon's analogs

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Analogues in composition for Hexicon in the form of a solution and gel are drugs Amident (solution for topical application) and Chlorhexidine in the form of an alcohol solution, solution, concentrate for the preparation of a solution, spray.

According to the mechanism of action, they are closest (cream), (cream), Lavasept (concentrate for preparing a solution), (solution).

Candles and tablets Hexicon have a similar composition with, respectively, candles and tablets Chlorhexidine . Similar drugs according to the mechanism of action for suppositories are (suppositories), Hyposol (spray can), Yodovidone (candles), (candles), (cream, capsules, tablets, suppositories), vaginal suppositories with trichomonacid, vaginal suppositories with eucalimine, Trichomonacid (tablets), (powder, tablets, granules for suspension), Vagiflor (capsules), (suppositories), (cream), (capsules).

Hexicon during pregnancy

All dosage forms manufactured under the Hexicon brand, with the exception of vaginal tablets, are allowed to be prescribed during and during the period. In the instructions for candles Hexicon at pregnancy and lactation it is indicated that this remedy is considered not only effective, but also safe for both mother and child.

As for vaginal tablets, their use is possible if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus.

Candles Hexicon at pregnancy are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for the treatment and prevention gynecological diseases . The safety of the drug is ensured by its local effect and is confirmed by many years of experience in use.

Acting locally, its active substance practically does not enter the systemic circulation and thus does not pose a threat to the normal development of the child. Therefore, candles are allowed to be used at all stages of pregnancy.

Hexicon effectively affects pathogenic , which are the cause of women's diseases, but at the same time does not provoke any violations of their own vaginal microflora .

In the 1st and 2nd trimesters, this allows you to prescribe a remedy for prophylaxis infectious diseases

During pregnancy Hexicon is most often prescribed for bacterial vaginosis when in vagina dominated pathogenic bacteria , and the quantity lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli) - reduced or these bacteria are completely absent.

Decrease in quantity lactic acid bacteria a pregnant woman in the background bacterial vaginosis may lead to the development vulvovaginal candidiasis (or, in other words, ).

As practice shows, every year cases of combination and is getting bigger. For this reason, it is widely believed that Hexicon candles are effective in thrush .

Candles Hexicon from thrush

Provokes development vulvovaginal candidiasis yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida who, like many viruses , bacterial spores and acid-fast bacteria , immune to the effects chlorhexidine .

So why are these candles prescribed for pregnancy from thrush ? It's all about the reason thrush is uncontrolled growth Candida fungus colonies , which can be provoked, among other things, by the activity of infectious pathogens - gonococci , Trichomonas and others bacteria and protozoa .

In such cases when infection wears mixed, fungal-bacterial character , the expediency of using Hexicon is due to its ability to effectively remove signs of inflammation, reduce tissue swelling and significantly reduce the severity of pain.

To combat the over-proliferated fungus , which is the direct source of the disease, use antimycotic drugs in the form of gels, creams and vaginal tablets (for example, or).

It is important to remember that self-medication - especially during pregnancy - unacceptable, and Hexicon from thrush prescribed only on the basis of a medical examination and the delivery of all necessary tests.

Thus, Hexicon candles are an effective and safe antibacterial agent for local use, but for treatment candidiasis it is recommended to choose drugs that can actively suppress the main culprit of the disease.

A prerequisite for successful treatment is compliance with the requirements of personal hygiene and - in some cases - the preparation of a special dietary menu that involves limiting the amount of food with a high content of carbohydrates in it, and introducing a sufficient amount of fermented milk products into the diet.

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