Airflo cleansing brightens. Features of professional cleaning of teeth air flow - what is it? Benefits of an innovative hygiene procedure. How to behave after the procedure

Teeth cleaning system air flow- an effective, painless technique for ideal cleaning of the dentition from various contaminants. After treatment, soft plaque disappears, food particles accumulated in hard-to-reach places, including under bridges and braces.

The innovative technique does not cause discomfort, takes little time, and does not harm the oral cavity. The cost is acceptable for most patients. Learn more about the popular Air Flow procedure.

general information

Hygienic procedure involves deep cleansing of each unit of the dentition. Peculiarity unique technology- ideal removal of the smallest particles from the most inconvenient places where a toothbrush or a brush does not reach. After the procedure, the surface is so clean that in better side enamel color changes upper layer whitens slightly.

The innovative technique has long been used in European countries. The technology is recommended not only for preventive cleaning of enamel every six months, but also in without fail before prosthetics or removal of the tooth root.

Hygienic procedure prevents the inflammatory process of periodontal tissues and dental canals, minimizes the risk of implant rejection and accumulation of pus under the filling.

Technology features

Air flow teeth cleaning is carried out using a device from the Swiss company EMS. The name Air Flow is translated as "air flow".

The essence of the method:

  • under balanced pressure, the teeth are treated with a special medicinal solution. Cleanser composition: oxygen stream plus sodium bicarbonate;
  • the agent is fed through a special nozzle. Unnecessary substances exfoliated from the enamel are removed using dental appliances that suck up plaque, food pieces;
  • when processed, the composition gently but thoroughly cleans every millimeter of the surface, removes harmful plaque;
  • the stone does not give in to the apparatus for cleaning teeth: all deposits that have not had time to harden leave;
  • crystalline powder does not harm the enamel due to the minimum particle size;
  • after treatment, there is no accumulation of plaque, food residues in the mouth that provoke the inflammatory process;
  • deep cleansing eliminates biofilms from pathogenic microorganisms, pathological granulations are removed from the periodontal pockets.

Do not believe "specialists" who promise to clean your teeth from tartar: ultrasonic cleaning will help remove mineral deposits. Pay attention to one more nuance: after treatment, the enamel slightly brightens, but the Air Flow system cannot be called a full-fledged whitening. To lighten the top layer by 5, 6 or more tones, it is recommended in the clinic or special strips Cross 3D White for home use. (For more information about the properties and use of crest 3d white whitening strips, read the article).

Advantages of the technique

Positive points:

  • the cleanser does not harm the enamel, does not provoke surface sensitivity;
  • a special solution painlessly, effectively removes soft plaque;
  • the cleanser is non-toxic;
  • excellent disinfection of the oral cavity;
  • slight lightening of the enamel;
  • active removal of contaminants from bridge prostheses, braces;
  • Cleaning your teeth with sufficient experience of the dentist takes no more than half an hour.

Indications for the procedure

Heed the advice of a doctor if a specialist recommends deep cleaning of the teeth in the following cases:

  • you smoke a lot and often;
  • you are a fan of coffee, tea, love red wine;
  • you have dark spots on the enamel, the shade has become dirty yellow or brownish;
  • you often use White bread, pasta, love buns, cakes, greasy, sweet food, provoking the accumulation of soft plaque;
  • the dentist advises to qualitatively clean the oral cavity before prosthetics or root canal treatment;
  • air flow procedure will prepare dental tissue to fluoridation: the adhesion of the solution to fluorine ions and perfectly clean enamel will be maximum;
  • you wear braces, crowns, bridges;
  • you know that you do not always devote enough time to hygiene procedures.

Important! When wearing corrective structures, it is impossible to do without regular cleaning of hard-to-reach areas from time to time. Price innovative methodology acceptable enough. The result will certainly please patients who are forced to spend a lot of time on the care of braces or “bridges” every day.


The popular technique has several limitations:

  • advanced stage of caries;
  • noticeable thinning of the enamel, excessive sensitivity of the upper layer;
  • heavy inflammatory processes periodontal, mucosal, tongue;
  • taking medications that regulate water-salt metabolism;
  • renal pathologies;
  • allergic reactions;
  • pathology of the upper respiratory tract (Chronical bronchitis, asthma);
  • individual intolerance to the components of the cleaning solution.

During pregnancy, during lactation, deep cleaning of dental tissue is not carried out. The procedure is painless, but the temporary accumulation of plaque in the oral cavity, the use of a therapeutic solution can adversely affect the health of the fetus.

Stages of brushing teeth air flow

The technique is quite simple, but an experienced dentist should perform the processing of enamel. Violation of technology irritates the gum tissue, causes discomfort on the mucosa.

Description of deep cleaning of the dentition using the air flow method:

  • conversation with the patient, identification of contraindications;
  • a story about the details of the procedure, examination, assessment of the state of the oral cavity;
  • when identifying severe pathologies teeth or mucous membrane doctor directs for the treatment of inflammatory processes;
  • in the absence of restrictions - the beginning of the session;
  • to protect the eyes, hair, the doctor puts on the patient special glasses and a hat;
  • Vaseline is applied to the lips to avoid drying out;
  • the therapeutic mixture is fed to the handpiece through two channels: in one - a mixture of air and soda, in the other - water;
  • when mixing the components under pressure, the particles effectively and quickly clean each unit of the dentition;
  • the dentist holds the tip at a certain angle, carefully processes the teeth. The jet with the cleansing composition should not fall on the delicate mucous membrane of the gums;
  • the doctor regulates the force of the impact of the abrasive mixture;
  • a special dental vacuum cleaner is used to remove liquid, unnecessary masses, the patient's comfortable condition;
  • after processing all the units, the doctor covers the teeth with a special gel containing fluoride. The tool protects the enamel, keeps the result of the procedure longer.

Important! Find a doctor who is experienced in using the Air Flow device. Violation of the technique, the wrong angle of inclination of the special tip will reduce the effectiveness of the procedure. With a gross violation of the rules, there is a high probability of damage to the delicate gum tissue.

Session cost

The cost of brushing your teeth is acceptable - about 1000 rubles per session. Often for comprehensive care teeth and gums have to be spent 3-4 times more money. The reason is the combination of the air flow technique with ultrasonic cleaning teeth, polishing the cleaned surface.

At integrated approach the dentist will remove not only soft plaque, but also mineralized tartar, polish the enamel, cover the surface with a strengthening composition. If we take into account the effect of hygiene procedures, then every 4-6 months it is desirable to carry out a deep cleaning of the dentition.

Read about the features of installing ceramic veneers on your teeth at the address.

Features of care

Treatment with a therapeutic solution with an active cleansing effect temporarily deprives the dental tissue of the thinnest organic film. Correct behavior after the session will preserve the result and health of the dentition units.

During the first days under the ban:

  • drinks with coloring components: tea, wine, soda, coffee, juices. You should not eat dishes with beets, there are bright berries;
  • cigarettes. Smoking will nullify the work of a dentist.

Tips for caring for dental tissue and gums:

  • throw away old brush: it contains harmful bacteria;
  • buy good pasta with extracts medicinal herbs, medicinal components, but without large abrasive particles;
  • supplement care with regular use of a pharmacy rinse;
  • do not forget about chamomile decoction, aloe juice, which kills putrefactive bacteria;
  • try to forget about cigarettes or reduce their number. Complete failure from smoking will significantly reduce the amount of plaque, save Nice colour enamels;
  • after deep cleansing of the surface of the teeth, do not skip the morning or evening hygienic brushing of the teeth: the effect of the use of air flow technology will last longer.

The next visit to the dentist is in six months. If it seems to you that a lot of soft plaque has accumulated on the enamel, the dentition has lost its beauty, visit a doctor earlier, after 4 months.

The absence of putrefactive bacteria is the key to oral health. It is impossible to completely get rid of microorganisms, but it is possible to reduce their number. Remove harmful plaque from the teeth, and the risk inflammatory diseases periodontal, teeth, mucosa will decrease several times.

Effective, painless cleaning of the dentition with the help of innovative air flow technology is recommended by many dentists. The Air Flow technique has earned a lot positive feedback doctors and patients.

Cleaning technology teeth air flow in the following video:

To keep your smile as snow-white as possible, you should take care of the condition of your teeth even in young age. In order to prevent pathologies of the oral cavity and preserve healthy smile visit the dentist's office regularly for professional cleaning. This is the most affordable method of maintaining the health of your teeth at no significant cost. Many have been developed today preventive measures, but the most effective is Air Flow.

Indications for Air Flow

  • feeling bad taste in the mouth;
  • bleeding gums;
  • the presence of yellow or dark spots on the surface of the enamel;
  • appearance bad smell from mouth.

The effective Air Flow technique will be indispensable for those who smoke a lot and abuse coffee or tea, which contribute to the darkening of the enamel. To bring back your smile natural beauty you only need one visit to the dentist. The Air Flow hygienic procedure is indicated for all patients seeking beautiful smile regardless of their age and condition of the oral cavity.

Mechanism of action

Airflow- innovative procedure, which is carried out in order to remove accumulated plaque and pigmentation from the surface of the tooth. Air Flow cleaning is done with a special apparatus through which high pressure a special mixture is supplied, consisting of air, baking soda, a fine mixture of water. Hygiene Air Flow ensures effective removal plaque, food debris in the interdental space and hard-to-reach places. Air Flow whitening has no contraindications in the presence of crowns, dentures, and. Before carrying out professional cleaning of the teeth, it is necessary to eliminate all inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Otherwise, there will be no significant effect from the procedure. To make the prophylactic session comfortable for both the doctor and the patient, the dentist places a saliva ejector in the patient's mouth before starting Airflow enamel cleaning. During the procedure, the device is located at a distance of 5 millimeters from the tooth, the doctor makes circular movements, trying not to affect the soft tissues of the oral cavity. Once the Air Flow cleaning is complete, the rest of the mixture is removed with a dental vacuum cleaner. The final stage of the Air flow procedure is grinding and polishing of the enamel using special pastes.

Removal of plaque by the airflow system.

If the patient has a low pain threshold, the doctor may use local anesthesia, which will allow the patient to endure the Flow procedure with the least discomfort. To this end, some time before the cleaning, a safe gel is applied to the gums.

Advantages of AirFlow

  • efficiency - by cleaning, an unpleasant plaque is removed even in the most inaccessible places, where it is difficult to reach with a regular toothbrush;
  • absolute safety - during Air Flow hygiene, tooth enamel and oral mucosa are not damaged;
  • air flow cleaning is painless and does not cause discomfort even after the session ends;
  • excellent polishing - the surface of the teeth becomes smooth;
  • cleaning eliminates and has a whitening effect, which is obtained naturally;
  • efficiency - for high-quality cleaning of all teeth it will take only 30-40 minutes.

Efficiency Air flow

After cleaning Air flow, the result will be hard not to notice! The surface of the tooth will become smooth, the enamel will acquire a natural healthy shade and become several tones lighter.

Air flow result. The work of Filatova Marina Mikhailovna.

The cost of cleaning using the Air Flow method is more than affordable, so everyone can experience its effectiveness for themselves. For proper dental hygiene, the procedure should be repeated every six months. Since the main substance is ordinary soda, you can clean your tooth without the appearance of side effects and allergic reactions.

Despite the prevalence, the innovative Air Flow plaque cleaning technique is not used in all clinics. This is explained by the fact that the equipment is not cheap, the introduction of such a service requires financial investments. Not all dentists have such an opportunity, therefore, if you are offered alternative cleaning methods, you should not immediately agree, but it is better to contact another clinic.

Outdated enamel cleaning techniques play a significant role in the Airflow procedure, as they affect the condition of the oral cavity. The choice is always yours, but you should keep up with the times and use the best! Millions of patients around the world have been convinced of the effectiveness of the method of removing tartar and plaque, and numerous positive reviews testify to this.

What happens after Air Flow

Tooth enamel within a week after the procedure is very sensitive and vulnerable to external factors, so you should not alternate, too cold food with hot, otherwise there is a risk of pain. Coloring foods should be avoided for a few days and tobacco smoking should be kept to a minimum, otherwise the enamel can very quickly become darkish again. To keep the result as long as possible, dentists recommend using at home ultrasonic brush for teeth and quality toothpaste with whitening ingredients.

Air flow contraindications

  • bronchial asthma;
  • dental hypertension;
  • allergic reactions to citrus fruits, since natural lemon essence is used in ultrasonic cleaners.

Interested in the Air Flow technique? You can feel all the delights of this useful event in our dental clinic, which uses advanced equipment, safe techniques treatment. Air Flow cleaning in progress experienced dentists who are attentive and responsible in the performance of their work. Patients are treated in cozy, bright rooms. You can make an appointment or find out the price of cleaning by calling contact number phone.

AT recent times more often dental offices people began to visit not only with oral health problems, but also simply wishing to restore the lost whiteness to their teeth.

It is no secret that a snow-white smile is an additional factor that attracts a person, and the availability of professional whitening procedures offered today makes dreams of a smile without hesitation come true. In particular, we are talking about the novelty in this area - the procedure professional hygiene oral cavity using the Air Flow method.

What is the methodology?

In fact, this procedure cannot be called whitening, in the sense that it will not be able to give your teeth a whiteness that you could not even dream of before. It's just very high-quality cleaning, during which plaque, darkening and stone are removed.

As a result, the teeth will still turn white, but only to your own natural shade. Highly good effect will be noticeable in a person who has some bad habits (for example, constantly eating coffee).

The main feature of the service is that the enamel remains intact as a result. For this work it is used special device, which "can" simultaneously spray water, air and abrasive powder.

The latter is sodium bicarbonate, or, more simply, ordinary soda. When used in pure form the surface of the enamel will inevitably be damaged, and in such close coexistence it becomes completely safe and perfectly copes with any darkening on the teeth.

The cleaning composition penetrates into all the far corners of the oral cavity, and does an excellent job of removing contaminants in the interdental space.

Indications for the procedure

The main indication for this procedure is severe pigmentation of the teeth. An ugly and persistent plaque may appear due to the use of tea, coffee, red wine, and to a greater extent, due to smoking.

In addition, it is worth trying this novelty on your own teeth in the following cases:

  • In the case of orthodontic treatment, to reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria in hard-to-reach places.
  • As a prevention of periodontitis and periodontal disease, as well as chronic inflammation dental pockets.
  • As a preparatory operation before professional whitening.
  • When using prostheses, implants, braces, veneers and other restorative elements. High-quality hygiene of foreign materials in the maxillofacial system is a guarantee of the absence of infectious diseases in the future.

Let's watch a short video about the procedure of brushing your teeth Air method flow:


Despite such a successful use of this method of cleaning the oral cavity, some categories of citizens will still have to abandon it for the following reasons:

  • Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, asthma). The procedure may cause an attack of shortness of breath.
  • The need for a salt-free diet, as the cleaning composition contains some salt.
  • The use of drugs that affect processes salt metabolism in the body.
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • kidney disease;
  • Very widespread caries;
  • Increased tooth sensitivity.
  • Too thin enamel.
  • Negative reaction of the body to the citrus flavor.

How is the procedure carried out?

The whole procedure takes no more than half an hour and does not cause any pain.
. There is only a pleasant lemon flavor. Before work, the doctor lubricates the patient's lips with petroleum jelly to prevent them from drying out.

The client's eyes are closed with special goggles, a cap is put on the head. The preparatory stage is completed, and the doctor proceeds to the main stage.

A dental vacuum cleaner is inserted into the patient's mouth under the tongue, which will suck excess liquid and cleaning results. Otherwise, the client would have to swallow the waste material or constantly spit. This work is done by an assistant.

At the same time, the doctor treats each tooth with a special apparatus with smooth circular movements, holding its tip in a certain position (at an angle of 300). When brushing your teeth with the Air Flow method, gum tissue is not allowed to be affected.

After the work is completed, a fluoride gel is applied to the patient's teeth from above, which is designed to strengthen the enamel and reduce the sensitivity of the teeth.

At the time of impact on tooth enamel the cleaning composition according to this method removes the natural protective film (cuticle). It self-recovers from saliva within a few hours.

Therefore, immediately after the procedure and some time later (or rather, wait a day), patients are not recommended to eat foods that have pigmenting elements (the same tea and coffee), as well as solid food.

You should also refrain from smoking. A feeling of hypersensitivity for several days after the procedure should be considered a normal condition.

Listen carefully to your dentist's advice on further oral care activities. Have to change brush(the old one will definitely contain the bacteria that you tried so hard to get rid of), and buy mouthwash.

Experts advise repeating such cleaning at least once a year in order to maintain the natural color and health of the entire oral cavity.


To date this technique is one of the most effective preventive procedures oral diseases. With its help, the nutrient medium in which they reproduce is completely destroyed. harmful bacteria and microorganisms, and even the color of the teeth changes by 1-2 tones.

You can count on such a result only if the procedure is carried out by a professional and experienced specialist. The price of the service may vary depending on the level of qualification of the clinic and the doctor, but in general, the amount 1000-1500 rubles per session is quite acceptable.

However, the Air Flow procedure itself is not carried out separately. As a rule, it is part of a complex for cleaning the surface of the teeth from plaque. Stone (hardened deposits) cannot be removed with it, therefore, in such cases, the Air Flow service is supplemented by ultrasonic cleaning.

In addition, the tooth surface after treatment with a water-air-soda composition needs to be polished. it separate view services for which you will also have to pay.

Well, an additional amount will need to be prepared in order to apply a strengthening composition with fluoride on top of the enamel after all the manipulations. Average, full complex services, depending on the level of service of the polyclinic, can cost up to 4000 rub.

Many clinics offer free consultation for this service. professional doctor will assess the condition of your oral cavity at a glance, and will announce whether it is possible to this moment to carry out such a procedure, and what it needs to be supplemented with.

Dental clinics often hold various promotions and provide discounts, including for cleaning teeth using Air Flow technology.

In the central part of Russia, a full range of teeth cleaning services costs an average of 2,500 - 3,000 rubles. In the cities of the Urals, this procedure can be carried out for 1500 - 2000 rubles. From 1000 rubles you will have to pay for the service in Siberia and the Far East.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing a professional teeth cleaning method, you should pay attention to Air Flow, if only because of the price. Other methods may give the best whitening effect, but you will have to pay several times more for them (up to 15,000 rubles).

In addition, the clear advantages of this procedure include:

  • Soft effect on tissues, enamel is not damaged during operation;
  • Complete safety of the service - neither the seal will be damaged during cleaning;
  • Thorough oral hygiene (even in the most secluded corners there will be no bacteria left);
  • Excellent prevention of carious formations;
  • Minor effect on the tooth surface with a leveling effect (teeth become smooth and absolutely even to the touch).

There are not so many disadvantages of this method, and it is quite possible to “put up with them”:

  • The impossibility of removing hard deposits of tartar (if there is such a need, then the doctor performs ultrasonic cleaning together with Air Flow).
  • The inability to make your own teeth whiter than they really are (why - already described above);
  • The whitening process is available only for the visible part of the bone tissue (and another question is how important this is for the patient);
  • When using the device, there is a possibility of damage to the gums (therefore, you should contact only a qualified specialist).

Perhaps these are the most basic points that can cause a negative reaction from customers. For the rest, those who have already tried this new methodology, do not see significant shortcomings, and are ready to periodically repeat the procedure.


The Air Flow procedure was included in the list of dental clinic services not so long ago, but very quickly found its fans. To painlessly clean soft plaque, while restoring their natural shade to the teeth for such a modest fee - the ultimate dream of many.

And judging by the reviews, there are quite a few who want to apply for a second procedure. If you have a similar experience, please share it in the comments. Perhaps your story will help a still doubting person decide to transform his appearance.

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  • Svetlana

    February 8, 2015 at 18:50

    I experienced the whitening procedure using this technology on myself and even more than once. After it, the teeth are really completely cleaned, and even in those places where you can’t get it with a brush, no matter how hard you try. They become a little lighter, apparently due to the removal of plaque, but are more sensitive, although this quickly passes. There are undoubtedly pluses, because thanks to such a thorough cleansing, the spread of caries, the main destroyer of our teeth, stops.

  • Ludmila

    February 17, 2016 at 10:01 pm

    Apparently this good procedure, which does not cause any pain, which is very important to me. Only now, to my regret, I can’t do it yet, because I feed the child, and this is in contraindications. Although, I really want for little money, it is indicated that something about 4 thousand rubles per course, with repetitions 1 time per year, to restore oral hygiene.

  • Anastasia

    April 21, 2016 at 0:15 am

    I did this procedure last year. I'll start with the fact that it was a little painful at the very beginning, when they brushed their teeth with a skyler (if I remember correctly), but when a jet with a sweetish aftertaste was given to the mouth, there were no unpleasant sensations. After the procedure, the teeth became very white, but, unfortunately, the sensitivity of the teeth increased. After 2 weeks everything was back to normal.

  • Sabina

    July 1, 2016 at 13:00

    Personally, I'm cleaning Air Flow More than satisfied, I do about once every six months. Significantly removes soft plaque on my "slightly crooked" bottom teeth. It cannot be brushed off with a brush. Yes, and the teeth themselves turn white by tone, I can’t say anything about sensitivity, it doesn’t bother me.

    True, then for 2 days I strictly do not drink coffee and black tea and other coloring products, maybe prejudices and overkill, but I do just that!

  • Maria

    January 14, 2017 at 1:41 am

    Air flow cleaning is a wonderful procedure. Both I and my teeth are delighted with it. I do it constantly on average once every half a year or a year. It is also good to pass it just before visiting the dentist, so that defects and holes for sealing can be better seen, since it is easier to treat caries when it is minimal. After the procedure, there are very unusual sensations in the mouth: the teeth are all smooth, clean and every crack is visible. Somewhere within a week after the procedure, I find any reason to look in the mirror at my teeth. Well, after a while, of course, everything returns to normal, as smoking and cigarettes do their job.

Toothbrush - excellent tool to clean the mouth, but sometimes it is not enough. A snow-white smile will adorn any person, no wonder that many seek to get it.

It has the following properties:

  • Evens out damage and fills microcracks on the enamel surface
  • Effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of caries
  • Restores natural whiteness, smoothness and shine to teeth

Indications and contraindications for Air Flow

Indications for use

  1. The presence of tartar, plaque and pigmentation of tooth enamel.
  2. predisposition to or initial stage(upon agreement with the doctor).
  3. To prepare the teeth for the whitening procedure, it is recommended to first clean with Air Flow.
  4. To remove marks from tooth enamel prolonged wear braces.


The procedure has a number of limitations, so a preliminary consultation with a dentist is necessary. Well-known contraindications are asthma, periodontal disease, complex forms of beriberi and hormonal disruptions due to dieting. Can't brush teeth during pregnancy and lactation.

Preparing for the Air Flow procedure

First of all, you have to go preventive examination dentist. Your doctor may also recommend a cleansing procedure after scheduled inspection if it detects plaque and other indications. The cleaning powder may have a menthol or citrus flavor, so if you have an allergy or excessive sensitivity to the components, you should tell your doctor about it.

It is not necessary to apply makeup before the procedure, because the particles of the cleanser get on the face when sprayed and after completion it will be necessary to wash.

How to behave after the procedure:

  1. Refrain from eating and drinking for two hours.
  2. Do not use coloring drinks and fruits (coffee, tea, beets) for several days and do not injure the oral cavity with hard nuts and seeds.
  3. Buy toothpaste recommended by your dentist.
  4. For several days, you should rinse your mouth with a solution of soda, a decoction of chamomile.

Many patients complain of excessive sensitivity, discoloration of the enamel and caries. Toothpaste with a filling effect does not thin the enamel, but, on the contrary, strengthens it as much as possible.

Thanks to hydroxyapatite, it firmly seals microcracks on the enamel surface. The paste prevents earlier tooth decay. Effectively eliminates plaque and prevents the formation of caries. I recommend.

Service price

Air Flow is an oral hygiene maintenance treatment that is an advanced version of chemical polishing and tartar removal. The composition of the cleaning agent contains the smallest soda granules that do not injure the enamel. The price is lower compared to other cleaning methods.

Average cost per dental clinics St. Petersburg - order 1 800 rubles.

Patient reviews on the advantages and disadvantages of the Air Flow procedure

O clear benefits This manipulation is evidenced by the fact that tooth enamel is lightened by several tones. The technology of hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity has a number of disadvantages for some patients, they should also be mentioned.


  1. Safe removal of pigmentation from tooth enamel from exposure to dyes, which leads to the systematic use of red wine, coffee, tea, beets, some berries, smoking.
  2. Manipulation is performed without anesthesia because it is absolutely painless. Mild discomfort occurs the first two days after the procedure only in people with too sensitive enamel. This problem is easily solved by using a local anesthetic.
  3. Compound medical device used for the procedure is not a chemical, therefore, does not harm tooth enamel, which cannot be said about the whitening procedure.
  4. The Air Flow procedure is also a preventive measure dental diseases(caries, periodontitis).
  5. Deep cleaning of the periodontal canals which eliminates the unpleasant smell.
  6. At the end of the procedure, the tooth enamel is varnished, which provides additional protection.
  7. Medical manipulation will not take much time, it is made within half an hour.


  1. Air Flow does not give a radical whitening effect, tooth enamel will retain its natural yellowish tint. Dazzling whiteness will be provided only by chemical bleaching, the preparation for which is also the Air Flow cleaning procedure.
  2. Tartar ( hard plaque) with great difficulty lends itself to jet action cleaning agent, while the soft is removed from the most inaccessible places.
  3. Obstructive respiratory diseases, as well as periodontal disease, are a contraindication to the procedure.
  4. Airflow cleaning is an alternative to whitening safe method impact on tooth enamel, but precautions must also be taken to avoid damage to gum tissue and the oral cavity.
  5. If the natural yellowish tint haunts and really creates visual discomfort, then more effective procedure will be laser correction or photobleaching, for example,.

  1. No need to panic, manipulation is painless. And don't expect snow-white smile. The result will depend on the natural shade of the enamel.
  2. It is better for girls to refrain from using cosmetics when going to the procedure.
  3. Within a few hours after the procedure, the gums may bleed, so you should prepare a decoction of herbs for rinsing and toothpaste (or a gel to relieve swelling, such as Metrogyl) in advance.
  4. Allergy sufferers should be careful.

What is the difference between Air Flow and whitening?

The effect of this procedure depends on the natural shade of the enamel, but it differs from chemical bleaching. The technique is called whitening, because it cleans a large area of ​​the tooth surface (including in hard-to-reach places), therefore, the reflective effect increases and the enamel brightens.

In addition to cosmetic, it works psychological effect. Cleaning can be a full-fledged replacement for whitening, so Air Flow clinics present it as an alternative natural effective whitening of tooth enamel.

All large quantity of people choose Air Flow teeth whitening. We will provide a description, photos, prices and reviews in more detail, so that you can figure out whether it is worth using such a procedure and for what purposes.

It has long been known that keeping the oral cavity in a clean state allows you to avoid many problems and diseases with both teeth and periodontal tissues. In addition, the lightening effect also plays a significant role in creating perfect smile and aesthetic appearance business person.

Description of the procedure

System Whitening Air Flow (you can meet the name Air Flow or Air Flow) is modern technique cleansing the oral cavity yellow plaque, tartar and other troubles that provoke various diseases.

The doctor uses a special apparatus with which he acts on the tooth surface with a strong stream of air, water and soda. Thus, with a targeted jet and competent manipulations of the doctor oral cavity can be qualitatively cleaned from most of the formations.

Having understood what it is, it is enough to assume that the main function of the procedure is not so much whitening as it is. Enamel lightening here occurs only as side effect from the removal of the raid. And if by nature the teeth were white, light, then after applying this system they will return to their original shine.

Advantages and disadvantages

Teeth whitening using the Air Flow method has become popular among the population for a reason. It has significant advantages that contributed to this:

  • Getting rid of plaque leads to additional effect fresh breath. After all, when there are no extra bacteria in the mouth, it becomes clean on its own.
  • Nearly painless procedure, which does not cause particularly strong discomfort. Only people with can experience discomfort during its implementation, and this is easily eliminated with a mild painkiller.
  • The natural composition of the product conquers many. After all, most other whitening methods are based on aggressive chemical attack. Here only water, air and baking soda are used.
  • By the way, the last listed ingredient is so crushed and fine-grained that it will not damage the surface of the enamel in any way, will not scratch it and will not lead to soft tissue injury.
  • Due to a sufficiently strong jet, plaque of any complexity, dental and even plaque, is very well cleaned, which has a beneficial effect on oral health in general.
  • After the procedure, there is no enamel sensitivity or gum problems.
  • The intensity of the jet is regulated by the doctor, which makes it possible to fully control the entire process.
  • In addition to plaque, the formed pigment from coloring products is also removed, which leads to a significant lightening of the enamel by several tones.
  • The duration of the procedure is 30-45 minutes, which is much less than with any other methods.
  • The cost of such a cleaning is quite acceptable for most patients and is low compared to other whitening methods.
  • Uniform whitening and cleansing of both natural units and foreign materials (crowns, bridges, veneers, implants, etc.).

A few of the downsides are:

  • Being for the most part a cleansing method, this procedure will not give a guaranteed whiteness of the enamel, if it was not there by nature.
  • Too strong and old tartar may not be affected by the flow and then a more serious one, for example, ultrasonic cleaning, will be required.
  • There are several nuances that make it inaccessible to some groups of people.

Photos before and after

Indications and contraindications

The patient himself may wish to carry out such a cleaning if he wants to maintain healthy teeth and regularly remove excess plaque and other disease-causing formations. Dentists will insist on carrying out similar procedure in the following cases:

  • If you need high-quality cleaning of plaque and tartar throughout the entire row.
  • When is removal desirable? hard formations not only on the visible part, but also subgingival.
  • With the aim of additional food fluoride and enamel healing.
  • For cleaning braces, dentures and other systems that complicate simple hygienic cleaning of the tooth surface.
  • Prevention of problems etc.
  • For the sake of disinfecting the oral cavity and eliminating pathogenic bacteria.
  • For the purpose of the highest quality cleaning of teeth in their natural crowding, when conventional cleaning is unable to effectively remove plaque in hard-to-reach places.
  • For further preparation for various complex dental procedures.
  • With inflammation of the dental pockets, especially chronic form.
  • thinned enamel by nature or as a result of careless dental care;
  • its increased sensitivity;
  • extensive carious cavities;
  • kidney disease;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • salt-free diet for any reason;
  • problems with respiratory system especially asthma or chronic bronchitis;
  • allergic to citruses, as a little lemon is added to the product for a refreshing effect.

Before carrying out such a cleaning, you should always consult with your doctor and decide whether you can do it, and whether there is some more suitable alternative in your case.

Although the Air Flow method, compared to other whitening methods, has least amount contraindications. Therefore, it often acts just as an option when other methods cannot be applied.

Preparatory stage

Special preparation for professional cleaning by the Air Flow method is not necessary. All the doctor will do is protect the patient's body parts from the possible entry of small particles.

Thus, it will be enough just to put on a hat, glasses, install a retractor and a saliva ejector, and also lubricate your lips with Vaseline so that they do not dry out. Doing anything extra at home before the procedure is not worth it.

How is teeth whitening performed with the Air Flow system?

Having completed the short and simple preparatory stage the doctor installs the device and, adjusting the air flow, directs it at an angle of 30-60 degrees to the patient's dentition. Conveniently, there is no direct physical contact with the enamel surface. The tip is kept at some distance from it.

The intensity of the flow, as well as the duration of the procedure, depend on the complexity of the dental formations, the sensitivity of the patient and the volume of the contaminated surface. At the very end, a protective varnish is applied, which will help to avoid the rapid formation of fresh plaque and additionally nourish the tooth enamel.

Doctors recommend that you refrain from eating and coloring drinks, as well as from smoking, for the next three hours after the procedure. After all, because of this, there may be an early appearance age spots on enamel, which will reduce the effect of manipulation to a minimum. It is also advisable to change right now toothbrush to clean and new.

Conduct professional whitening using the Air Flow method once a year is enough, although with abundant plaque and stone formation, it can be done every six months, but not more often. A longer effect cannot be expected, since, depending on the life habits of a person, plaque appears again, sooner or later.

Video: VLOG - AirFlow teeth whitening.


To find out how much such whitening costs, you need to contact the clinic where you are going to order this service. On average, prices in Moscow for Air Flow fluctuate around 2500-3500 rubles per jaw.

Although sometimes the cost is set for one tooth and then the total amount for the procedure is calculated. Kyiv is characterized following prices- 350-700 hryvnia.

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