Blacklist 5s. How to block a contact number on iPhone

From time to time, each of us needs to block the number of a certain subscriber. These can be contacts from a previous job, annoying customers shamelessly calling at any time of the day, or intrusive networkers - distributors.

But in fact, solving the problem of unwanted calls is quite simple. To do this, blocking the number is successfully applied. It is also available in Apple smartphones. Using it is easy, it all comes down to creating your own blacklist.

Call blocking options

The iPhone provides several ways to add subscribers to the "black list". The easiest option is through the native “Phone” tab. To do this, in the recent calls section, find the number of the subscriber you want to block, and click the icon - . In the drop-down list, select "Block contact". This method is mainly used when the person is not in your contacts list, but in principle you can add any recent caller.
Everything, after that the person will also be able to continue to call you, however, incoming calls to your iPhone will not be received. In this case, the blocked person himself will not know that the call is not going through. He will hear the usual beeps, thinking that you are just busy and not picking up the phone.

You can view blocked contacts in the settings, in the "Phone" section. Scroll to the desired item - "Blocked", after clicking it, a list of subscribers from the black list will drop out. Here you can both cancel the blocking by clicking on the - icon (located on the right, at the top), and add the number of the next objectionable subscriber - i.e. this is the second way to set the barring of unwanted calls.
And the third blocking option is through the "Contacts" menu. Find the number of the desired subscriber in your phone book, click on and select "Block".

In all three cases of blocking, in addition to calls from the selected contact, you will also not receive Facetime messages and video calls.

Temporary blocking of incoming

If you need to block all incoming calls only at a certain time (for example, at night or during a meeting), you can activate the Do Not Disturb mode. At the same time, you can turn off incoming calls from everyone, or allow access only to selected subscribers (or their groups - family members, friends, employees, etc.).

This service is activated in the settings, in the tab of the same name. You can set the time interval for this mode. At the end of it, the iPhone itself goes into the state of normal receiving calls. An incoming notification is also allowed if the call is repeated several times within three minutes.
During its activation, an icon with a crescent moon appears in the status bar on the iPhone. In this case, any calls, messages (notifications) will be received silently.
You can quickly activate or deactivate this mode by pressing the crescent symbol in the control center. Most importantly, do not forget to set the desired settings.

Barring calls from unknown numbers

Things are more complicated if hidden contact bothers you. Here, rather, the question is not in the settings of the iPhone itself, but in the capabilities of your telecom operator. So many of them either simply do not support this function, or provide this service on a paid basis. In each specific case, you need to contact and find out this point directly from the operator himself.

All you can do on your own is to put your iPhone into Do Not Disturb mode, indicating in the list the contacts that are allowed to dial. However, in this case, you may miss an important call from users who are not yet in your contact list, so the convenience of the method is very doubtful.

Also, as an option, you can create a contact with a number consisting of only zeros, calling it “No subscriber ID” (that is, in the way such incoming ones are usually determined by the iPhone system). And then you need to set a lock on it, as described above. Sometimes it works. You can also use third-party applications - blockers. For example, a utility with an eloquent name - iBlacklist - has proven itself well. It is presented in the iTunes store, where it costs almost $5. The application has been successfully tested in work with all the latest firmware versions in the iPhone, of the past years of release. It detects and blocks calls (messages) of an advertising nature, allows you to group and filter out unnecessary contacts, and facilitates the search for subscribers.
But again, the features of the application largely depend on the carrier, and this feature may not always be available in your area. We recommend that you clarify this point with your mobile operator before purchasing this manager.

Message blocking and FaceTime

In addition to blocking unwanted calls, you can also block receiving messages from the selected number. It's no secret that many companies send out notifications about discounts and offers without annoying calls. And often such spam exceeds the volume of really important messages by several times - they are simply lost in the general stream. However, this distribution can also be turned off.

To do this, go to the desired branch of the messages section, select the "Details" tab, and click the icon again. Scrolling down the drop-down list - to the item "Data", click on the proposal "Block subscriber".

In addition, you can filter messages, for example, set a limit on incoming calls from numbers that are not in the user's contact list. They will be automatically stored in the unknown senders subsection, from where you can delete them without even viewing them.
FaceTime calls are blocked in the same way. Only in the settings you select the appropriate item and the phone (email address) of the subscribers with whom you do not want to communicate.

Greetings! Are you tired of calling strangers? Or is your iPhone constantly being bombarded with intrusive spam text messages? A great way to protect yourself from these problems is to blacklist your iPhone. The coolest thing is that for this you don’t need to install additional programs and applications, pay some money, use the services of mobile operators - just pick up the phone and just block the subscriber!

Cool thing? Of course. It will be hard? Not a bit - even a child can handle it. Will it take a long time? No, no, and again no - a couple of minutes maximum. How to do it? Now I will tell and show in all details - the instruction is already here. Go!

But first, let's look at the main advantages of such a blacklist:

  • Integrated into iOS natively. That is, blocking an unwanted number is possible immediately after your gadget.
  • The list of "unauthorized" numbers is saved along with the backup (it doesn't matter if it was created with or ) and will be returned to the device when restored (or from the clouds). Attention! For any other, it will be necessary to enter the numbers in the emergency again.
  • Everything is free! Nobody will take the money.

Let's get down to business and find out how to block a subscriber on an iPhone (if you want to delete it completely, then read on). We go to the desktop - select the item phone (“recent”, “favorites”, “missed” - it doesn’t matter, any one will do for us) or SMS.

You need to look at the information about the contact (in front of any number there is an icon - the letter i in a blue circle, feel free to click on it!).

Detailed information opens - scroll down the screen, and we see the coveted inscription - block the subscriber.

What will happen after that?

  1. For telephone conversations - the one who will call will hear short beeps (supposedly the network is busy).
  2. SMS just won't come.

But what if you added someone by mistake? Everything can be fixed, for this it is important to know where the black list is on the iPhone. It’s easy to find it, in the settings, select the phone item, then blocked. Here they are - "undesirable" people! Edit if you want...

Updated! Thanks to Andrew and his comment. Now the menu item, which contains all the numbers added to the emergency, is called not “Blocked”, but “Block. and ident. call." I will not change the picture - sorry :)

But what if your number is blacklisted, but you really need to get through?

Here you can’t do without the help of the operator, we connect the caller ID service (most likely it will be paid, check with the operator’s subscriber service here). After that, we call whom and when we want!

And finally, personal experience of use :) You know, I am practically not annoyed by unnecessary calls and “useful” messages, but the blacklist on my iPhone 5s is far from empty. In, it just talks about what prompted me to add some numbers to the Blacklist. Why do you need blocking? Tell in the comments!

P.S. Did the instruction help get rid of annoying calls and SMS? Put "likes" and click on the buttons of social networks!

The function of blocking unwanted numbers, previously unavailable for Apple, has become a reality with the release of iOS 7. Owners of iPhone 4 and above now have the right to blacklist numbers that are unpleasant for themselves so that they will never disturb them again.

It was possible to exclude the possibility of calls from unwanted numbers before, but for this it was necessary to use special (and often paid) applications. Now you can blacklist a contact in several ways directly from the interface.

How to add a contact to iPhone blacklist

Step 1. Go to Telephone -> Contacts

Step 2. Select the contact you want to blacklist

Step 3: Scroll down the page and click the button Block a subscriber

Step 4: Confirm the lock

After this simple operation, the specified subscriber will not be able to call and send SMS messages to your number.

How to add a number to the iPhone blacklist

Step 1. Go to Telephone -> Recent

Step 2. Click on the " i” located to the right of the contact you want to block

Step 3: Scroll down the page and click Block a subscriber

Step 4: Confirm the lock

How to blacklist iPhone number from Messages

Step 1. Go to Messages and select an annoying contact

Step 2. Click Contact in the upper right corner

Step 3. In the line that opens, click the " i»

Step 4: Scroll down the page and click Block a subscriber

Step 5: Confirm the lock

A subscriber added to the black list will hear short beeps during a call to your number, and outgoing SMS messages will not be displayed at all. The latter is now very relevant, given the huge amount of unwanted SMS spam.

Together with the seventh iOS released in 2013 on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, in addition to a number of new software features, the function of blocking incoming phone calls appeared, which was enthusiastically received by many users, therefore it moved to the current iOS 8 and, they say, will move on - to the new iOS 9.

In fact, blocking unwanted contacts on iPhone is a really convenient and even useful solution. For reasons understandable to every modern person.

But what if someone blocks you in exactly the same way? Or do you just think that your (or not your) friends have already blocked you on the iPhone? In general, it is not far from paranoia.

Although more often users begin to suspect technical problems with the device itself, and some people, under the impression of surging emotions, sometimes even try to debug it in the traditional way, i.e. by mechanical action on the body and screen of the device.

Therefore, in order to avoid, so to speak, it would be nice to know more about the operation of this very blocking function, because there are some nuances here.

So how do you know if your number is blocked on someone's iPhone?

Well, let's just say right away: the surest way to find out that someone has blocked you on their iPhone is to take this iPhone and check the list of blocked contacts on it. More reliable ones have not yet been invented (or we don’t know about them yet), and Apple decided that this kind of information should be kept secret from the “hero of the occasion” himself.

However, since it’s really important for you to know that someone didn’t want to hear you on their iPhone, you can try to confirm this fact by some indirect signs. So:

if you are blocked on iPhone: what happens to your calls?
With the help of a fairly simple experiment, it can be established that at first an incoming call from a blocked number will go through, but only once and, perhaps, will be noticed. But at this time, the caller himself will hear a message that the called subscriber is not available, and will be redirected to voice mail.

That is, if you are locked in someone's iPhone, then you still have the opportunity to leave a voice message to its owner. The device will not separately notify about such a message, but it will appear in the inbox list, however, only in the “ Blocked“where, as a rule, they rarely look.

if you get blocked on iPhone: what happens to your text messages?

If you can't get through to someone, then you send him/her an SMS, right? Correctly. SMS leaves safely, there are no error returns, and you are waiting for an answer. But, if you are on the black list of the addressee, then, of course, you will not get answers.

Therefore, if there is a suspicion that you have been blocked, you need to send a message via iMessage. In the version for iOS 7, that program will first make several attempts to send the letter to the desired iPhone, and when it fails, it will notify you that the message cannot be received by the subscriber who blocked you.

But here, too, not everything is so clear. In iOS 7, such a trick rolls, but in iOS 8 - no longer. In iOS 8, iMessage will supposedly send a message and report that it is " Delivered“, but the iPhone will not accept messages from blocked contacts even through iMessage.

As you can see, it is possible to guess that the subscriber has blocked you on his iPhone in one call if you call carefully (and if you were actually blocked, and it didn’t just seem to you). The key here is the fact that you are transferred to voicemail after the first ring.

If the iPhone is turned off, then the call simply will not go through. In the mode " Do not disturb» The iPhone receives calls (beeps), but without sound, plus repeated calls are often allowed in this mode. So you can try dialing again if the call is really urgent.

And in conclusion, we repeat: the listed methods do not allow you to reliably establish that you are blacklisted on someone's iPhone, so you should not rush to conclusions and with unnecessary emotions. But even if you have been blocked, then before you start to get nervous about this, consider whether it is really necessary for this person to call.

Each iPhone owner has the ability to block an unknown number when completely strangers call him. To do this, you do not need to perform a dance with a tambourine, call the operator or install programs, just blacklist the annoying contact. All incoming calls and SMS from such a subscriber will be blocked, and you will get rid of unnecessary attention.

If such a need arose, then it is easy to do. To do this, open the "Phone", and then the tab "Recent" or "Contacts". Near each subscriber in the list there is a round icon with the letter "i", by clicking on which we get access to information about him. Now we need to find the contact of interest and click on the icon. Scroll down the list to the item "Block subscriber". One touch with your finger and this person will no longer bother you.

All versions of the operating system from Apple, starting with iOS 7, are equipped with a contact blocking function, so there is no need to install third-party software. To block incoming calls from unknown or hidden numbers, you need to use the Do Not Disturb mode.

To do this, open the "Settings" menu and select the "Do Not Disturb" item. Next, turn on the switch in the "Manual" line.

A crescent-shaped icon will appear on the smartphone screen and your iPhone will not emit any beeps.

In the "Admission of calls" item, two options "From Favorites" and "All Contacts" will become available. The first option is chosen when they want to receive calls only from selected contacts. At the same time, the numbers of friends, relatives and the most necessary people should be added to the "Favorites". If you select this option, you will not receive calls from other numbers.

In the second case, anyone who is in contacts can contact you.

Before enabling this feature, think carefully about whether you will miss an important call from a subscriber not listed in your address book.

When you are in the "Messages" section, it is not enough to open a dialogue with the subscriber of interest by touching, clicking on the name or phone number and, scrolling the pop-up list to the "Block subscriber" item, touch it. It's strange, but it's true. First you need to go to "i" about SMS and after clicking on the contact, the item "Block subscriber" will appear. The disfavored person may try to send a voice message, but you will not receive any notification about this. SMS is also not delivered. At the same time, the victim does not even suspect that he is blocked.

How to view blocked contacts

To do this, go to the "Settings" menu, then "Phone" and go to the "Block and call identification" item. You will see the entire list of objectionable contacts on your smartphone. Here you can add new ones or exclude rehabilitated ones.

Software for blocking contacts

There are quite a lot of unwanted call blockers, and most of them are paid. Of the free ones, you can select. Its capabilities are identical to those built into the iPhone iOS, with the only difference that the owner has the right to block any numbers that are not included in his contact list and edit it.

Another free utility with two functions: blocks unwanted calls and determines the ID of the caller. Any of these functions are available. The utility works with any numbers. You can specify the country of residence in the program settings and add to the black list within the same country.

Blocks incoming calls from any numbers, including those that the owner of the gadget does not even know about. The application is based on crowd technology. It allows you to analyze numbers marked as spam by other users and automatically adds them to the blacklists it has generated. Turning on the smart blocking option will help you avoid spam on your smartphone.

The effectiveness of the application depends on the number of community users, and in Russia there are few of them. With this blocker, you can create your own blacklist and send it to the developers.

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