Dental deposits by the air flow method. What is professional teeth whitening and cleaning Air Flow. Is it better or worse than ultrasound? Indications for Air Flow

The benefit of keeping your mouth clean is hardly worth explaining: the plaque that accumulates on the enamel after eating and drinking is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, which, in turn, provoke tooth decay - caries.

Soft plaque is very easy to clean from the enamel with regular brush and pasta, but for this you need to follow the technique proper brushing and carry out the procedure for at least one minute. In practice, such a zeal for is rare, therefore soft plaque it turns into a hard stone - a dense film, which is almost impossible to remove with home methods.

The appearance of a smile suffers greatly from the presence of tartar on the enamel: the teeth become yellow, due to the roughness of the surface, plaque accumulates more actively. The growth of bacteria leads to inflammation of the gums, which is fraught with bad breath.

Therefore it is obvious that professional system in the struggle for the purity of a smile, it is necessary for everyone who wants to preserve the beauty and health of their teeth.

Professional cleanings - what are

Which method is better to use when planning to conduct therapeutic oral hygiene, each patient chooses independently, based on the material possibilities and advice of the attending physician.

Figuratively, all methods can be divided as follows:

  • Mechanical;
  • Ultrasonic;
  • Inkjet.

Mechanical professional cleaning known to everyone, it is carried out at every visit to the dentist, before installing braces or prostheses. It takes no more than fifteen minutes, and shows good results.

Cleaning mechanical method carried out as follows: on the surface of the teeth is applied special composition, which dissolves, softens the stone. After that, a nozzle in the form of a brush is put on the handle of the drill, and the doctor mechanically removes deposits, and polishes the enamel. As a result, the teeth become whiter, and the smooth surface of the teeth prevents the accumulation of plaque in the future, making the need for repeated brushing less frequent.

But such a professional technique has a number of disadvantages: firstly, it is impossible to clean the gaps between the teeth in this way. Secondly, the process itself may seem sick people With sensitive enamel teeth. Finally, the mechanical effect of the brush can damage the gum tissue.

Therefore, it is better to pay attention to other, more advanced methods.

Ultrasonic cleaning

If the stones formed on the tooth enamel are hard, it can be very difficult to clean them with a rotating brush. In addition, making efforts to eliminate stones can damage the enamel, which will lead to increased sensitivity of the teeth, and provoke tissue destruction.

ultrasonic cleaning used by dentists for more than a year, it is very effective and simple. During the procedure of cleaning the enamel with ultrasound, the patient does not experience any discomfort.

Large deposits are removed very effectively, but dentists do not recommend using ultrasound alone: ​​it is better to combine the procedure with other methods. Ultrasonic cleaning will remove large hard deposits, and mechanical professional cleaning will erase soft deposits.

Unfortunately, not everyone can use ultrasound. Wave methods have not yet been sufficiently studied, therefore, people with a history of chronic serious pathologies, Related immune system, hematopoietic organs and endocrine system should refrain from using these methods.

jet method

most efficient and safe method oral hygiene - brushing teeth Air flow, which literally translates as "air flow", and in fact it is. It is recommended to do it at least once every three months, so that the teeth are healthy and white. Regarding the whiteness of the smile, it is worth noting that those wishing to undergo teeth whitening must first undergo the Airflow procedure. The result will pleasantly surprise you: the teeth will be several shades lighter, and the need for chemical bleaching of the dentin will disappear on its own.

This method arose relatively recently, and its appearance was dictated by the desire to create a worthy replacement mechanical cleaning, which has a series unpleasant consequences. The very first tests showed that the cleaning result is no worse than with other methods, while the absence of a mechanical effect on the enamel allows.

Air Flow teeth cleaning is a cleaning of enamel, interdental space and gums with a jet of water, air and abrasive material. Despite the fact that the jet is quite strong, it does not cause discomfort to the patient during the procedure.

The advantage of Airflow is the fact that the jet goes around the entire tooth, allowing you to clean even hard-to-reach areas. In this case, soft tissue damage does not occur, which means that the process is better tolerated.


Air Flow teeth whitening is well tolerated by patients and undesirable consequences rarely make themselves known. However, no matter how effective the procedure, Air Flow has its own contraindications.

For example, you should not use the Airflow method when feeling unwell and exacerbation of any somatic pathology. This rule exists for the simple reason that it is better to postpone any manipulations in order to improve aesthetic data until the state of health improves.

An absolute contraindication to Air Flow is bronchial asthma, as a strong flow of air, water and abrasive particles can provoke an attack or exacerbation. In this case, it is better to resort to other methods that do not affect the breathing process, such as ultrasonic cleaning.

There is an opinion that Airflow should not be used by people who are forced to follow a salt-free diet. But in fact, the restriction is not absolute: the fact is that the indication for sodium restriction is dictated by kidney disease. And any nephrological pathologies require sanitation of any foci chronic infection. Plaque and stone are an excellent provocateur for the development of pathological microorganisms in the oral cavity, so people with diseased kidneys need to pay attention to oral hygiene Special attention and professional cleaning best helper in this matter.

People without health problems should safely go to a specialist and carry out hygienic treatment. The only thing that should not be forgotten is the qualifications and experience of the doctor, which are necessary in order not to cause damage to the mucosa during the procedure.

Thus, oral hygiene carried out by a specialist gives excellent results, and the air jet enamel cleaning system is the most gentle and effective.

The other day I visited for the first time in my life a complex procedure called professional dental hygiene with ultrasound and Air-flow system. I know that many people do these procedures separately, but it seems to me that it is in such a complex that the method of bringing teeth and gums in order is more effective.

3 days have passed since visiting the doctor and I can already tell you about my feelings during the procedure and after.

So. I need to start with the fact that I have never resorted to any of the procedures before. Sometimes during dental treatment, she simply asked the dentist for a polishing nozzle and special paste remove plaque from my lower front teeth, where it is most noticeable for me. That was where it all ended. But the condition of my teeth for almost 40 years I have lived cannot be called terrible, I have never had any problems.

But recently, problems with the gums began to bother me: there is no bleeding, but they began to become inflamed from time to time. The dentist advised to go complex procedure for cleaning teeth with ultrasound and Air-flow. Just in the clinic close to home whole month there was an action for this particular procedure, I decided to sign up and finally do it.

I must say that I was afraid of these procedures in advance, because, out of my stupidity, I had previously seen enough videos on the network and read reviews, most of which were that it was terribly painful and that an injection should be given (although I even treat my teeth without injections, not love them). I thought that I, sorry, would have a whole mouth of blood, etc. In fact, both procedures turned out to be completely painless for me! For teeth and gums...

Now about each of the procedures separately. Before starting to do all this with me, they put a protective cap on me, protected my eyes from splashes and powder flying in all directions with plastic glasses. A plastic dilator was inserted into the mouth, this, of course, bad moment, but necessary to have access to all the teeth in the mouth.

Ultrasonic cleaning

It doesn't hurt at all for me. I understand that under the pressure of water, the teeth with the help of a metal nozzle get rid of the most noticeable deposits of tartar. Well, yes, the whistling sound is not very pleasant, but it did not cause any irritation and fear in me. The gums felt normal, I also did not feel any unpleasant damage to the tooth enamel and an increase in the sensitivity of the teeth in the treated areas. In general, this part of the procedure turned out to be the most calm and pleasant for me.

Air-flow cleaning

I already relaxed, thinking that since ultrasound and cleaning my teeth with a metal thing are such garbage, then some kind of powder under pressure is generally a ridiculous procedure, imperceptible. But I was wrong))) Perhaps I have some kind of non-standard structure and sensitivity of the teeth and skin of the lips, but my teeth and gums did not hurt at all under the pressure of this blown powder, but my lips ... This is some kind of nightmare! I knew from the taste in my mouth that the powder used in the Air-flow method contained baking soda. And soda in such a lethal concentration brought my lips (the lower one suffered more) to a peeled state (((That was very painful! Terrible redness, as if the delicate skin of the lips had just been torn off. But, perhaps, this is mine idiosyncrasy too sensitive and delicate skin of the lips.

Otherwise, everything is OK, the gums almost did not bleed, only in a few places where I had obvious problems with inflammation of the gums.

After such a comprehensive cleaning, they also polished my teeth with a special nozzle with paste, and then they applied fluoride varnish, warning that you can’t drink for an hour, but eat for 2 hours. Well, do not consume enamel-staining drinks and food for 2-3 days after professional cleaning. Which is what I did.

I was satisfied with the result, although I can’t say that my teeth became whiter, although plaque was removed from them with powder. They became a little lighter, but, most importantly, they became cleaner! Because it's still not bleaching, but hygiene procedure designed to remove visible plaque and tartar.

Well, now I'll show you a photo before and after the procedure. It's a shame, of course, that with such teeth I went for a long time... And by the way, I don't smoke, but on lower teeth plaque forms very quickly and without smoking, and without drinking wild amounts of coffee and tea ((

Shame - but these are teeth before professional cleaning

After complex hygiene, the result is as follows:

Teeth are not much whiter, but cleaner - definitely! Photo the next morning after cleaning

Moreover, I will show you with which lips I came and how they were damaged in the end. It is a pity that the photo was not taken immediately after the procedure ...

Lips before professional teeth cleaning. No damage...

The external attractiveness of a person is emphasized not only by well-groomed skin and beautiful makeup, but also snow-white smile. Unfortunately, in order to attract views and listen to rave reviews, one toothpaste with a brush is not enough. Professional teeth whitening is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. Today, the way out of the situation can be the Air Flow cleaning procedure, which can be done both in the state medical institution as well as in private clinics.

Procedure technology

Air Flow cleaning does not require any special professional equipment. The procedure is the removal of plaque using ordinary air, water and soda, which clean the teeth under the influence of high pressure. Calcium crystals can be used as an abrasive substance, gently cleaning the enamel. But in this case, the cost of the procedure will increase.

Whitening steps:

  1. Preparatory. The patient is put on goggles and a cap. The surface of the lips is smeared vaseline composition, and a saliva ejector is installed in the sublingual zone.
  2. Enamel cleaning. The tip of the device is directed to the surface of the teeth at a certain angle, with the help of which in a circular motion plaque is removed. There is no direct contact of this apparatus with the teeth. Reading takes place at some distance. The process itself is carried out under the influence powerful pressure, which, depending on the contamination of the enamel, can be adjusted.
  3. Removal of cleaned plaque. This procedure is performed with a special dental vacuum cleaner.
  4. The final stage. Cleaned tooth enamel is covered with a special protective composition.

Apply procedure Whitening Air Flow can and on teeth with artificial components. After it is carried out, all pathogenic plaque and age spots are removed from the tooth surface.

Benefits of Air Flow Cleaning

The main advantage of the procedure is its painlessness. Other benefits of Air Flow whitening include:

In addition to all of the above, Air Flow teeth cleaning is a good prevention of caries and various diseases periodontal.

Indications and contraindications

due to smoking and frequent use coffee, tea, red wine, a persistent and ugly plaque appears on the tooth enamel. It can be removed by cleaning with Air Flow. The procedure is shown in other cases:

  1. At chronic inflammation dental pockets.
  2. For the prevention of periodontitis and periodontitis.
  3. For removing pathogenic bacteria from hard-to-reach places in the treatment of orthodontic diseases.
  4. When using braces, implants, prostheses and other restorative elements.
  5. As a preparatory procedure, if it is planned to carry out professional whitening.

Even though Air Flow is a gentle cleaning, it is shown not to all categories of citizens. The procedure cannot be carried out the following diseases and states:

Because during bleaching the protective film has been removed, which recovers within a few hours, after the procedure it is not recommended for some time:

  • smoke;
  • drink coffee and tea;
  • eat coloring foods (beets).

The old toothbrush has bacteria on it, so after cleaning it will need to be replaced with a new one. Experts recommend whitening teeth using the A ir F low procedure at least once a year.

Teeth whitening Air Flow - reviews

I work as a dental assistant, so I know firsthand about brushing my teeth. I use the AirFlow procedure every six months. And this is very important for everyone, since coffee, tea and smoking negatively affect the color of tooth enamel. Chemical bleaching is not done in our clinic as a matter of principle, as it damages the enamel. But before this procedure need to remove stones and plaque from the teeth That's what patients come to us for. Many of them do not agree to whitening after Air Flow. This cleaning result is quite satisfactory.

Svetlana, Russia

Yesterday I went to the dentist who cleaned my teeth. I mentally prepared for this for quite a long time, as I read a lot of negative reviews. Cleaning I needed because you need to put braces. Before this, the teeth must be cleaned of plaque and stones. At 25, I have fairly clean teeth. Only inside there is a small plaque, but no one sees it. I have finally chosen a clinic that matched my price and for the first time in my life I went to the dentist. I was very afraid, remembering the reviews about how someone's gums were torn, and that teeth ached after the procedure.

However, I was very pleased with the result! At the very beginning, the attentive doctor told me everything and warned me about possible discomfort. During the procedure, she was interested - does it hurt me and how do I feel? When they put me in a chair, they first smeared my lips with some kind of cream, put on glasses and silicone sponges. The sound during bleaching is like drilling with a machine. At the same time, there are no unpleasant sensations. It was a little painful in the most sensitive and hard-to-reach places. Most of all, I was afraid that my gums would hurt during the procedure. It wasn't.

The most disgusting thing was cleaning between the teeth. After whitening all my teeth polished by machine and treated with fluorine. After that, I waited a bit for it to dry out and joyfully went home. Days passed, but no negative consequences I didn't feel it. Only the teeth have become even cleaner, and the smile is whiter.

I decided to whiten my teeth for the wedding and chose purge Air flow. Already making an appointment with the doctor, I came across negative feedback about her, but still decided to go. Moreover, the doctor advised me so well and answered all the questions that I, without a doubt, went for the procedure. According to the doctor, my plaque is formed due to the fact that i drink a lot of coffee and my saliva is very thick.

The procedure consisted of two stages and took an hour in time. The dentist had to try hard, as there were a lot of stones on my teeth. I had almost no pain at all. Everything turned out to be tolerable, although pain threshold I have low. In the most painful places, the doctor took breaks, and supported me throughout the procedure. Before cleaning my mouth was smeared with Vaseline, and they put on me a cap, a cape, glasses and a napkin on my face. The doctor herself and her assistant were all sterile. After the procedure, the gums were smeared with a special medicine, and the enamel was coated with fluorine. At first, the gums bled and hurt, but then everything went away.

Zinaida, Moscow

I really like the Air Flow procedure. It can help restore tooth enamel natural color in just 45 minutes. After it, pebbles and specks remain in the distant past, and the teeth become bright and smooth. During the procedure itself, everything is tolerable and almost painless. Although pleasant, of course, is not enough. For the first time in the clinic, my teeth were cleaned even when they didn’t hear about Air Flow. And I liked the effect of this procedure. Compared to conventional cleaning, after such whitening, the tooth enamel becomes smoother.

However, there are also negative points. Advertise that this procedure is whitening. In fact, it's just cleaning and polishing with a laser. Very annoying sensitivity of the teeth after brushing, which increases significantly. Promise lasting effect whitening, but the teeth begin to stain after a couple of months. I'm already did five Air Fiow procedures, after which I warn you in my review - you can’t brush your teeth more often than once every six months. Otherwise, the sensitivity of the teeth will be disturbed. Dentists should pay attention to this.


Before the wedding, my sister wanted to whiten her teeth so that she could sparkle with a snow-white smile at the celebration. She immediately refused dry cleanings, and the choice fell on Air Fiow. There was little time left before the wedding, so she went for almost the first teeth whitening procedure that came across in advertising. The essence of the method turned out to be that the teeth are simply brushed with water and soda mixed with air. My sister went to the procedure for three days in a row, where she was cleaned for 20 minutes. According to her, the sensations are not very pleasant, especially when the jet touches the gums.

To prevent staining of teeth, my sister was forbidden to smoke, drink coffee, tea and eat beets and everything that paints. Her teeth really are smooth and white. But all the pleasures ended there. The gums hurt after the procedure for 10 days, including at the wedding. Therefore, throughout the celebration, the sister ate little. Teeth reacted to hot, cold and even sour. This reaction turned out because for 3 procedures the enamel has become much thinner. It turns out that my sister has such tooth enamel that such cleaning is contraindicated for her.

And it became even more offensive when, literally two weeks later, the teeth quickly began to darken again. In my review, I want to warn everyone that before you start whitening your teeth even at home, consult first with an experienced specialist.

Nina, Russia

During next visit my dentist, I was advised to clean my teeth from plaque and tartar. I trust the doctor and agreed to the procedure easily. They put on glasses, a hat, an apron. All this is necessary so that small particles do not get into the eyes and hair. So that the lips do not interfere, in the mouth put in a special tool. During the process with special device teeth were cleaned with water and something similar to sand. The dental assistant made sure that no liquid dripped down my chin.

Each tooth is cleaned individually. The whole procedure took 30 minutes. I liked her very much. I did not feel any pain or discomfort, although my teeth are quite sensitive. After looking in the mirror after the procedure, I was very pleased with the result. The teeth became lighter, and there was no plaque even between the teeth. The process is simply divine. After her, not only beautiful teeth but also fresh breath.

Marina, Nizhny Novgorod

To the latest technologies modern dentistry can be attributed to the technique of brushing teeth called Air Flow. What it is? It is mainly used as a preliminary, softening tartar, polishing. With the help of a special device, a jet of a medical solution consisting of sodium bicarbonate and an oxygen stream is directed into the patient's mouth under balanced pressure. The solution effectively acts on the surface of the enamel, removing specific plaque. Air Flow does not remove hardened hardened dirt such as tartar, it only removes the top, more pliable layer. This hygienic procedure is safe and painless, it can be compared with a global toothbrush, but it should only be carried out professional dentist. So, the Air-Flow jet is directed under a certain pressure scale and is not aimed at the gums; certain qualification skills must be present to operate the device.

Features of Air-Flow Technology

The peculiarity of Air-Flow technology is a unique opportunity to clean all hard-to-reach places between teeth and in enamel crevices. Knowing this advantage, dentists sterilize the patient's mouth using the Air-Flow method before installing fillings and implantation. Thus, there is no infection left in the root of the tooth, and the filling lasts longer and is more stable. Professional implantation generally regarded as quite serious surgical intervention, in which it is very important to maintain sterility and carry out hygienic actions.

It is advisable for the patient not to smoke cigarettes a few weeks before the operation and to carry out the procedure with Air flow technology immediately before the process, then the implants will qualitatively and firmly fit into the intended place in the jaw. And the probability of inflammation subsequently will be almost completely eliminated. AirFlow solution is non-toxic, but effective against plaque and discoloration on enamel, this unique combination has long been recognized and popular in European countries. There, AirFlow is done more often than once every six months, and just like that, for whitening.

It is worth emphasizing that brushing with Air Flow does not whiten teeth, but cleans - after removing the smoker's plaque, for example, the natural color of the teeth reappears in all its glory. Another plus is that no tools are used during cleaning, except for a water jet, which has such a beneficial effect on bacteria and plaque on the teeth.

Technology Benefits

Air Flow helps to maintain healthy teeth, as it is an excellent prevention against all dental diseases. Harmful microorganisms do not withstand the exponential action of sodium bicarbonate (soda), and after cleaning they are not able to linger on the polished surface of the enamel.

What makes the procedure especially pleasant is the presence of lemon flavor in the AirFlow solution. Of course, processing and cleaning is contraindicated for people with allergic intolerance because of this, but there are other tastes that, unfortunately, are not very common.

Air Flow not only cleans your teeth, but also helps to keep them healthy, as it is an excellent prevention against all dental diseases.

Respiratory diseases are also taken into account, but since professional teeth cleaning with AirFlow takes only an hour and a half, there is an opportunity to take a chance and try.

Who benefits from the Air-Flow service?

Many food products contain certain types dyes, which, when used, significantly change the color of the teeth. Over time, all dyes can penetrate into, causing a permanent darkening. Substances harmful to the teeth:

  • tobacco;
  • cosmetics;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • tea and coffee;
  • medicines.

It turns out that almost all people over the age of 25 require regular prophylaxis (cleaning) with the help of Air Flow. You can get a service at a discount on a promotion, for example.

Sandblasting gently touches the enamel, removing plaque over the entire surface of the area to be treated. Thanks to cleaning with Air flow teeth whiten by three tones.

Injuries to the teeth, for example, also cause the loss of the natural color of the enamel over time. Also reception medicines and antibiotics during the formation of teeth negatively affects the surface of the enamel. And the remnants of food in the crevices between the teeth, decomposing, attract the appearance bad smell from the mouth and caries, if a thorough cleaning of the teeth is not carried out in the mornings and evenings, as well as after meals.

How does Airflow work?

The Air-Flow solution contains sodium bicarbonate crystalline sand powder mixed with a specific dose of a soda-like substance. The jet is delivered through the handpiece of a dental unit designed specifically for AirFlow technology.

With circular movements, the doctor operates the Air-Flow jet in the patient's mouth, methodically treating each tooth. Sandblasting gently touches the enamel, removing plaque over the entire surface of the area to be treated. Thanks to brushing with Air Flow, teeth become three shades whiter.

With Air-Flow, it is convenient to clean bracket structures and implants, as well as to pre-treat teeth for fluoridation and prosthetics. Professional Air Flow technology does not harm tooth enamel in any way, so brushing your teeth is absolutely safe and effective. people acquire healthy smile about half an hour at the dentist's office.


AT recent times more often dental offices began to visit people not only with health problems oral cavity, but also simply wishing to return to the teeth the lost whiteness.

It is no secret that a snow-white smile is an additional factor that attracts a person, and the availability of professional whitening procedures offered today makes dreams of a smile without hesitation come true. In particular, we are talking about the novelty in this area - the procedure professional hygiene oral cavity using the Air Flow method.

What is the methodology?

In fact, this procedure cannot be called whitening, in the sense that it will not be able to give your teeth a whiteness that you could not even dream of before. It's just very high-quality cleaning, during which plaque, darkening and stone are removed.

As a result, the teeth will still turn white, but only to your own natural shade. Highly good effect will be noticeable in a person who has some bad habits(for example, constantly eating coffee).

The main feature of the service is that the enamel remains intact as a result. For this work it is used special device, which "can" simultaneously spray water, air and abrasive powder.

The latter is sodium bicarbonate, or more simply, ordinary soda. When used in pure form the surface of the enamel will inevitably be damaged, and in such close coexistence it becomes completely safe and perfectly copes with any darkening on the teeth.

The cleaning composition penetrates into all the far corners of the oral cavity, and does an excellent job of removing contaminants in the interdental space.

Indications for the procedure

The main indication for this procedure is severe pigmentation of the teeth. An ugly and persistent plaque may appear due to the use of tea, coffee, red wine, and to a greater extent, due to smoking.

In addition, it is worth trying this novelty on your own teeth in the following cases:

  • In the case of treatment of orthodontic diseases to reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria in hard-to-reach places.
  • As a prevention of periodontitis and periodontal disease, as well as chronic inflammation of the tooth pockets.
  • As a preparatory operation before professional whitening.
  • When using prostheses, implants, braces, veneers and other restorative elements. High-quality hygiene of foreign materials in the maxillofacial system is a guarantee of the absence of infectious diseases in the future.

Let's watch a short video about the procedure for brushing your teeth with the Air Flow method:


Despite such a successful use of this method of cleaning the oral cavity, some categories of citizens will still have to abandon it for the following reasons:

  • Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract(bronchitis, asthma). The procedure may cause an attack of shortness of breath.
  • The need for a salt-free diet, as the cleaning composition contains some salt.
  • The use of drugs that affect processes salt metabolism in the body.
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • kidney disease;
  • Very widespread caries;
  • Increased tooth sensitivity.
  • Too thin enamel.
  • Negative reaction of the body to the citrus flavor.

How is the procedure carried out?

The whole procedure takes no more than half an hour and does not deliver any pain
. There is only a pleasant lemon flavor. Before work, the doctor lubricates the patient's lips with petroleum jelly to prevent them from drying out.

The client's eyes are closed with special goggles, a cap is put on the head. Preparatory stage completed, and the doctor proceeds to the main stage.

A dental vacuum cleaner is inserted into the patient's mouth under the tongue, which will suck excess liquid and cleaning results. Otherwise, the client would have to swallow the waste material or constantly spit. This work is done by an assistant.

At the same time, the doctor treats each tooth with a special apparatus with smooth circular movements, holding its tip in a certain position (at an angle of 300). When brushing your teeth with the Air Flow method, gum tissue is not allowed to be affected.

After the work is completed, a fluoride gel is applied to the patient's teeth from above, which is designed to strengthen the enamel and reduce the sensitivity of the teeth.

At the time of impact on tooth enamel the cleaning composition according to this method removes the natural protective film (cuticle). It self-recovers from saliva within a few hours.

Therefore, immediately after the procedure and some time later (or rather, wait a day), patients are not recommended to eat foods that have pigmenting elements (the same tea and coffee), as well as solid food.

You should also refrain from smoking. And the feeling hypersensitivity for a few days after the procedure should be considered normal.

Listen carefully to your dentist's advice on further oral care activities. Have to change brush(the old one will definitely contain the bacteria that you tried so hard to get rid of), and buy mouthwash.

Experts advise repeating such cleaning at least once a year in order to maintain the natural color and health of the entire oral cavity.


To date this technique is one of the most effective preventive procedures oral diseases. With its help, the nutrient medium in which they reproduce is completely destroyed. harmful bacteria and microorganisms, and even the color of the teeth changes by 1-2 tones.

You can count on such a result only if the procedure is carried out by a professional and experienced specialist. The price of the service may vary depending on the level of qualification of the clinic and the doctor, but in general, the amount 1000-1500 rubles per session is quite acceptable.

However, the Air Flow procedure itself is not carried out separately. As a rule, it is part of a complex for cleaning the surface of the teeth from plaque. Stone (hardened deposits) cannot be removed with it, therefore, in such cases, the Air Flow service is supplemented by ultrasonic cleaning.

In addition, the tooth surface after treatment with a water-air-soda composition needs to be polished. it separate view services for which you will also have to pay.

Well, an additional amount will need to be prepared in order to apply a strengthening composition with fluoride on top of the enamel after all the manipulations. Average, full complex services, depending on the level of service of the polyclinic, can cost up to 4000 rub.

Many clinics offer free consultation for this service. professional doctor will assess the condition of your oral cavity at a glance, and will announce whether it is possible to this moment to carry out such a procedure, and what it needs to be supplemented with.

Dental clinics often hold various promotions and provide discounts, including for cleaning teeth using Air Flow technology.

In the central part of Russia, a full range of teeth cleaning services costs an average of 2,500 - 3,000 rubles. In the cities of the Urals, this procedure can be carried out for 1500 - 2000 rubles. From 1000 rubles you will have to pay for the service in Siberia and the Far East.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing a professional teeth cleaning method, you should pay attention to Air Flow, if only because of the price. Other methods may give the best whitening effect, but you will have to pay several times more for them (up to 15,000 rubles).

In addition, from clear benefits this procedure can be distinguished:

  • Soft effect on tissues, enamel is not damaged during operation;
  • Complete safety of the service - neither the seal will be damaged during cleaning;
  • Thorough oral hygiene (even in the most secluded corners there will be no bacteria left);
  • Excellent prevention of carious formations;
  • Minor effect on the tooth surface with a leveling effect (teeth become smooth and absolutely even to the touch).

There are not so many disadvantages of this method, and it is quite possible to “put up with them”:

  • The impossibility of removing hard deposits of tartar (if there is such a need, then the doctor performs ultrasonic cleaning together with Air Flow).
  • The inability to make your own teeth whiter than they really are (why - already described above);
  • The bleaching process is only available for the visible part bone tissue(and another question - how important is this for the patient);
  • When using the device, there is a possibility of damage to the gums (therefore, you should contact only a qualified specialist).

Perhaps these are the most important points that can cause backlash at clients. For the rest, those who have already tried this new methodology, do not see significant shortcomings, and are ready to periodically repeat the procedure.


The Air Flow procedure has recently been included in the list of services dental clinics, but very quickly found its fans. To painlessly clean soft plaque, while restoring their natural shade to the teeth for such a modest fee - the ultimate dream of many.

And judging by the reviews, those who want to apply for repeated procedure not a little. If you have a similar experience, please share it in the comments. Perhaps your story will help a still doubting person decide to transform his appearance.

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  • Svetlana

    February 8, 2015 at 18:50

    I experienced the whitening procedure using this technology on myself and even more than once. After it, the teeth are really completely cleaned, and even in those places where you can’t get it with a brush, no matter how hard you try. They become a little lighter, apparently due to the removal of plaque, but are more sensitive, although this quickly passes. There are undoubtedly pluses, because thanks to such a thorough cleansing, the spread of caries, the main destroyer of our teeth, stops.

  • Ludmila

    February 17, 2016 at 10:01 pm

    Apparently this good procedure, which does not cause any pain, which is very important to me. Only now, to my regret, I can’t do it yet, because I feed the child, and this is in contraindications. Although, I really want for little money, it is indicated that something about 4 thousand rubles per course, with repetitions 1 time per year, to restore oral hygiene.

  • Anastasia

    April 21, 2016 at 0:15 am

    I did this procedure last year. I'll start with the fact that it was a little painful at the very beginning, when they brushed their teeth with a skyler (if I remember correctly), but when a jet with a sweetish aftertaste was given to the mouth, there were no unpleasant sensations. After the procedure, the teeth became very white, but, unfortunately, the sensitivity of the teeth increased. After 2 weeks everything was back to normal.

  • Sabina

    July 1, 2016 at 13:00

    Personally, I'm cleaning Air Flow More than satisfied, I do about once every six months. Significantly removes soft plaque on my "slightly crooked" bottom teeth. It cannot be brushed off with a brush. Yes, and the teeth themselves turn white by tone, I can’t say anything about sensitivity, it doesn’t bother me.

    True, then for 2 days I strictly do not drink coffee and black tea and other coloring products, maybe prejudices and overkill, but I do just that!

  • Maria

    January 14, 2017 at 1:41 am

    Air flow cleaning is a wonderful procedure. Both I and my teeth are delighted with it. I do it constantly on average once every half a year or a year. It is also good to pass it just before visiting the dentist, so that defects and holes for sealing can be better seen, since it is easier to treat caries when it is minimal. After the procedure, there are very unusual sensations in the mouth: the teeth are all smooth, clean and every crack is visible. Somewhere within a week after the procedure, I find any reason to look in the mirror at my teeth. Well, after a while, of course, everything returns to normal, as smoking and cigarettes do their job.

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