Tooth consequences. Complications after tooth extraction. Why is root canal refilling performed?

Each doctor tries to save a diseased tooth, since any removal of it can cause quite serious complications in the future. For example, when at least one tooth is missing, the quality of the so-called mechanical processing of food consumed by a person worsens in the mouth. This, in turn, can lead to the development of various diseases, such as: gastritis, stomach ulcers and colitis. And after the removal of the front teeth, the overall appearance deteriorates to a large extent - there is a violation of the correct articulation. This inevitably leads to the fact that a person has the strongest complexes. But, despite all these consequences, it often becomes impossible to save a tooth and it simply has to be pulled out.

Indications for tooth extraction

There is a list of indications for tooth extraction:

1. Single teeth that interfere with the fixation of the prosthesis.

People often have single teeth that do not allow the correct installation of a removable denture, which is an indication for removal.

2. Purulent periodontitis.

In the presence of this disease, the doctor decides to perform an extraction in the case when he cannot carry out a proper outflow of pus from the periodontium, since the tooth has either completely impassable canals or is very curved.

3. Granulomatous, granulating periodontitis in severe chronic form.

As a rule, the doctor decides to remove the diseased tooth if the patient has excessively curved and difficult to pass canals (we are talking about root canals).

4. Pathological processes in the zone of the wisdom tooth.

If any pathological processes are observed on the lower jaw in the zone of the wisdom tooth, it is removed.

5. Odontogenic osteomyelitis.

In the event that a person is faced with such a serious illness, he should be prepared for the fact that the extraction of the tooth will be performed immediately. The fact is that the elimination of pathogenic bacteria, and all their tissue decay products, is possible only by removing the affected tooth. This procedure allows the doctor to completely limit the course of inflammatory and infectious processes.

6. Inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses and trigeminal neuralgia.

When a patient has teeth that provoke chronic inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, or because of them, trigeminal neuralgia is observed.

The inflammatory process may be an indication for tooth extraction.

7. Atypical arrangement of teeth.

The presence of supernumerary and simply located atypical teeth also serves as an indication for removal. Such teeth greatly worsen the bite and can injure the oral mucosa.

8. Exposed roots.

If a person has a strongly protruding tooth from the hole, and the roots are exposed. Such teeth usually prevent a person from chewing food normally, injure the soft tissues of the mouth, and make the process of prosthetics absolutely impossible without their removal.

9. Fracture of the jaw.

Removal is required when the patient has teeth located directly in the area of ​​the jaw fracture, and they are not subject to reposition of the fragments, but only act as potential conductors of infection.

10. Destroyed dental crowns (roots).

If a person has a thorough destruction of dental crowns, or in other words, roots, tooth extraction is almost impossible to avoid.

11. Multi-rooted teeth.

As a rule, dentists try to treat multi-rooted teeth. But if such treatment was unsuccessful and a complication developed in the form of an inflammatory acute periodontal process, the removal of the diseased tooth is required.

Tooth extraction: possible consequences

As a rule, after completing a thorough examination of the patient's oral cavity and teeth, the dentist offers several options for treatment procedures. It is believed that tooth extraction is the cheapest method of treatment. But one should take into account the fact that prosthetics, which will certainly be required in the future, will cost, accordingly, much more expensive than tooth extraction.

Possible consequences of tooth extraction include:

Violation of the entire line.

After the extraction of a tooth, the adjacent ones begin to shift somewhat. Accordingly, a person begins to experience significant difficulties in the process of chewing food.

Deformation and destruction.

Displaced teeth begin to gradually deform and collapse, which becomes another problem and a reason to visit the dentist for treatment.

Examination by a dentist

1. Making a decision about the method of treatment.

The decision to remove a tooth can be made by the doctor only after a thorough examination of the entire oral cavity. In addition, a photograph (X-ray) of a diseased tooth is often part of a dental examination. From this picture, the dentist evaluates the general condition of the tooth, the roots and its other internal parts, which are located around the bone itself. Given all these points, the dentist offers either to perform the operation right in his office, or sends the patient to the surgeon (it all depends on the degree of complexity).

Before removing a tooth, the doctor must conduct a thorough examination

2. Poll.

Before proceeding with the extraction of a tooth, the dentist will certainly conduct not only a thorough examination, but also ask a certain list of questions that help him obtain the necessary information for the successful implementation of the planned operation.

Some questions the doctor asks:

  • about general well-being and the presence of any diseases;
  • about previous visits to dentists, about methods of treatment, about tooth extraction, how the gums healed;
  • about allergies and individual intolerance to any drugs / medications;
  • The doctor also asks about taking medications. This information is really considered important for any dentist, since even traditional medicines, such as aspirin, citramon, can reduce blood clotting, and other drugs can increase blood pressure. The danger lies in the fact that all this can cause bleeding after the tooth extraction procedure. If you are taking any hormonal/contraceptive pills, be sure to tell your doctor about it, because dry sockets are quite often observed in women who take this kind of medication.

Is it necessary to take antibiotics before a tooth extraction?

To begin with, people today have different opinions about the need to take antibiotics before tooth extraction. Some are sure that taking antibiotics is really required - this helps to avoid the development of inflammation after the tooth extraction procedure. The rest of humanity claims that taking antibiotics does not have any beneficial effect at all and only puts a strain on the kidneys / liver.

In fact, the question of taking an antibiotic should not be decided by the patient, but by the doctor himself, and such a decision is made on an individual basis, that is, in each specific situation. Usually, the doctor will recommend pre-administration of an antibiotic before the procedure for extracting a tooth in the case when he finds an excessive amount of infection present in the mouth. Accordingly, if the attending physician prescribes the intake of a certain antibiotic, the patient must strictly adhere to the regimen for its administration. In any other case, antibiotics will not only be useless for humans, but will even be harmful to the body.

There are cases when, after taking antibiotics, a person feels somewhat strange reactions of his body, for example, the appearance of a rash on the body, shortness of breath. If you observe this, immediately stop using the drug and report the deterioration of your health to the doctor.

Extraction of teeth under general anesthesia

In recent years, modern dental clinics often perform tooth extractions exclusively under general anesthesia. Experts say that the pharmacological drug, which is used for general anesthesia, does not cause any harm to the human body.

Under general anesthesia, it is easier to survive an unpleasant procedure.

Doctors suggest removing teeth under general anesthesia in such cases:


When a patient has an uncontrollable, panicky fear of dental procedures. Such people can simply clench their teeth uncontrollably, preventing the doctor from performing the necessary manipulations.

The presence of a gag reflex.

Of course, no one likes the fact that a doctor, armed with a variety of tools, climbs into his mouth. But there are people in whom the gag reflex is developed to a large extent, and this kind of manipulation causes sudden bouts of vomiting in them. Accordingly, it is most advisable, when possible, to perform tooth extraction directly under general anesthesia.

If the patient is allergic.

When a person is subject to allergic reactions that are caused due to traditional local anesthetics, they simply have to endure the pain that occurs during the process of tooth extraction, since local anesthesia is strictly contraindicated for allergy sufferers. The fact is that such a situation can even lead to the onset of pain shock. As for general anesthesia, it never provokes allergic reactions, which is why doctors successfully use it to treat allergies.

Of course, tooth extraction under general anesthesia greatly facilitates the work of the dentist, and also helps the patient to avoid stressful situations. However, it is important to know that if you are offered to extract a tooth directly under general anesthesia, the medical institution must certainly have an appropriate license, and an anesthesiologist must work in the clinic. Calculation of the dose of anesthesia and control of the patient's condition should be performed not by a dentist, but exclusively by an anesthesiologist!

Tooth extraction: preparatory process

When a doctor informs his patient that it is necessary to perform a tooth extraction, the person usually experiences a feeling of anxiety and fear before such a procedure, which is a natural reaction. Fear is usually caused by ignorance. Therefore, we have described just below how the extraction of a tooth occurs. Well, now, let's talk in more detail about the preparation for the procedure:

1. Anesthetic injections.

Before the doctor proceeds with the tooth extraction procedure, he will certainly perform local anesthesia on the patient - he will anesthetize the gums and nerves of the diseased tooth with an anesthetic injection. Before giving an injection, highly trained doctors usually treat the injection site with the so-called ice-coin spray. This is necessary to reduce pain. Ledocine spray quite effectively reduces the sensitivity of the gums, thereby minimizing the pain from the injection itself.

Local anesthesia is used for anesthesia

2. Waiting for the action of the anesthetic

After the doctor gives the injection, he asks the patient to wait a bit for the pain medication to take effect. As a rule, the waiting time takes no more than ten minutes. The patient begins to feel how the sensitivity in the injection area gradually decreases.

Tooth extraction: a feature of the process

Be prepared for the fact that during the procedure you will feel a lot of pressure, as the doctor will use his physical strength.

The fact is that the root of the tooth is quite densely located in the bone hole. In order to extract a diseased tooth, the dentist needs to expand this hole as much as possible. Due to the fact that the jawbone is characterized by the ability to compress well, the doctor expands the hole, loosening the tooth forward / backward. These actions make the patient feel significant pressure from the doctor. But you should not strain and be afraid, after this there will be no feeling of pain. Anesthesia, used for anesthesia of all dental procedures, completely blocks all the nerve endings that are directly responsible for pain, but at the same time, such anesthesia has practically no effect on those nerve endings that are responsible for feeling pressure. Accordingly, during the tooth extraction procedure, which is performed under anesthesia, a person does not feel pain, but only feels pressure.

In the event that you suddenly (this is unlikely), suddenly feel even the slightest painful sensation, immediately inform the doctor about it. The doctor, in this case, introduces an additional volume of anesthetic into the area of ​​tooth extraction - it completely blocks the nerve endings.

Be aware that taking any analgesic drugs, such as Baralgin or Ketons, which people drink quite often to eliminate pain in the tooth, can reduce the effectiveness of anesthesia. Therefore, try not to take any drugs for about 12 hours before the tooth extraction procedure. If you still took an analgesic drug, be sure to notify your doctor about this.

Wisdom tooth extraction

The removal of such teeth is often accompanied by certain difficulties, primarily due to inconvenient access to them and the presence of anatomically important formations next to the wisdom teeth (any damage to them during tooth extraction is simply unacceptable). And the dense and strong bone tissue that surrounds the wisdom teeth, and the often occurring crooked roots, also greatly complicate the procedure. And we are not talking about various cases of tooth inclination, which are combined with incomplete eruption (or even retention).

There is another indication for the removal of wisdom teeth - their rapid and severe destruction. As a rule, the doctor warns that it is not advisable to invest a lot of money in the treatment / preservation of such teeth. Indeed, in the future, you will need to set up a pin, seal or make an inlay, a special coating with a crown. Of course, the removal of a wisdom tooth is advisory in nature, and if the patient is against it, then the removal is not carried out.

Indications for saving a wisdom tooth:

  • correct location (when absolutely nothing interferes with the tooth, and it erupts normally);
  • in cases where the wisdom tooth has no carious lesions, and nothing will interfere with its further high-quality treatment;
  • if the patient needs a wisdom tooth as the only support for reliable prosthetics and the tilt / displacement of the tooth is not so significant as to remove it.

Complicated tooth extraction

As a rule, difficulties in the process of tooth extraction arise if the roots have an irregular shape - curved / curved. In such cases, doctors have to extract the tooth fragment by fragment.

The essence of this technique is as follows:

1. Excision of the tooth into fragments.

The tooth is excised with special tools into small fragments - the doctor removes them one by one using medical forceps. Most people, having learned that the doctor is going to do such an extraction of a tooth, get scared immediately. In fact, you should not be afraid of this at all - the procedure is absolutely painless and allows the doctor to remove the tooth much faster and easier, and also avoids many complications.

2. Careful inspection.

As soon as the process of tooth extraction is completed, the dentist inspects the hole without fail in order to make sure that there are no fragments from the tooth and deposits in it.

3. Well clamp.

Then the doctor puts a cotton swab in the hole, which must be tightly clamped and held for about an hour.

4. Patient consultation.

The doctor will certainly advise the patient about what he should not do after the tooth extraction procedure and what should be done in order to minimize the risk of possible postoperative complications.

1. If bleeding from the hole has begun.

As a rule, the bleeding should stop after the extraction of the tooth in about half an hour. Earlier in this article, we mentioned that the doctor places a sterile cotton swab on the hole, and the patient needs to clamp it tightly for an hour. But in some cases, bleeding continues for several hours longer. In this case, you may need a sterile bandage - you need to cut off a small piece with cleanly washed hands, form a tampon out of it and repeat the procedure. But, if the bleeding continues for more than two to three hours, you need to urgently seek medical help from a doctor.

2. Formation of a blood clot in the hole.

Experts assure that such a clot after the tooth extraction procedure is actually necessary for the further successful healing of the wound. Therefore, you should not worry. It is important to follow the following list of rules in order to prevent the destruction and removal of a blood clot:

  • smoking and drinking drinks through a straw often leads to some displacement of the blood clot. This is explained by the fact that during smoking and drinking a vacuum is formed in the mouth, which, in turn, causes the displacement of the clot;
  • do not rinse your mouth and try not to spit saliva on the first day after tooth extraction;
  • do not drink hot liquids (tea, coffee) and do not eat hot food (for example, soups / borscht) - this can lead to the dissolution of the formed blood clot;

3. If there is swelling.

In the event that the cheek is swollen after the extraction of the tooth, this is normal, since this sometimes happens. It is believed that the more difficult the removal procedure was, the higher the likelihood that swelling of the soft tissues adjacent to the extracted tooth will appear. In order to remove such a swelling, doctors usually advise patients to apply lek to the cheek for about ten minutes (this should be done every hour). This procedure should be continued until the swelling disappears. Just do not apply ice to the gum itself in any case - this can lead to infectious inflammation, since pathogenic microorganisms can enter the wound.

Swelling may occur after tooth extraction

4. Temperature.

As a rule, smokers are much more likely to experience various complications, and it is they who usually develop a temperature after tooth extraction. Perhaps even inflammation of the hole. Therefore, if you are able to refrain from smoking, do it at least for 1-2 days.

5. Cleaning your teeth.

When the healing process proceeds after tooth extraction, it is very important to maintain oral hygiene. As practice shows, many people after the procedure of tooth extraction do prefer not to brush their teeth for several days. But this action inevitably leads to the multiplication of pathogenic microflora in the mouth and threatens with inflammation of the hole. Remember, brushing your teeth is a must, but first you should replace the traditional brush with a softer one. Never use any mouthwash.

6. Painkiller.

The pain that appears after tooth extraction is quite tolerable and is quickly stopped by taking painkillers. But you should definitely check with your doctor which specific drug you can take as soon as the injection ends. It is mandatory to read the instructions that are necessarily attached to each drug. And do not forget that it is desirable to combine any intake of painkillers with food intake in order to reduce the negative impact of the medication on the stomach.

Pain can be relieved with medication

7. Restriction of activity.

It is recommended to refrain from playing sports and avoid physical hard work. It is also advisable to put an extra pillow under your head during sleep. This is necessary so that the head is slightly higher (the risk of blood clot damage, which we wrote about above, is reduced).

8. Antibiotics.

Sometimes a few days before the scheduled date of the tooth extraction procedure, the dentist prescribes an antibiotic for the patient. In this case, you should not stop taking the antibiotic immediately after the procedure, as this may lead to some deterioration in the general condition.

9. Treatment of other teeth after the extraction of a diseased tooth.

When a person has diseased teeth that require treatment, he will naturally be concerned about how and when, after extraction, he can cure them. Experts generally recommend that patients wait and delay treatment for about a week.

10. Nutrition.

If the procedure for removing a tooth was not complicated by anything, then there are no special restrictions regarding nutrition. But it is important to pay attention to the fact that the food is chewed exclusively on the side opposite from the wound.

But, if the extraction of the tooth has given complications, then the dentist will usually advise the patient to follow a diet based on soft/liquid foods.

Tooth extraction: possible complications

As practice shows, the most highly professional dentist cannot give the patient any guarantee that he will not experience any complications. We will describe the main complications that are most common in people after tooth extraction:


If the removal procedure was very difficult and the gum was significantly damaged, then the doctor may suture the gum. In most cases, gums are sutured with dissolvable threads. However, insoluble threads can also be used by a doctor for suturing. Accordingly, the seams that are superimposed with such threads will need to be removed. Of course, you should not be afraid of this procedure - they are completely painless and proceed quickly.

Dryness of the hole.

Such a complication as “dry hole” after tooth extraction can be found quite often. A dry socket is formed if a blood clot has not formed at the site of the wound, which plays an important role in the healing process. At the same time, the hole itself becomes defenseless and any external influence negatively affects it. For this reason, an inflammatory process (for example, alveolitis) can develop in it.

Complications during tooth extraction cannot be ruled out

With such a complication, a person experiences pain that can be felt immediately after the tooth extraction procedure, but most often a painful sensation appears after two to three days. The mucous membrane of the gums noticeably swells, the edges of the hole become inflamed. At this point, a person may have a fever, pain when swallowing. Simultaneously with the listed symptoms, a general malaise is usually felt, and the wound begins to smell unpleasant due to a dirty gray coating.


Local and general remedies can be used to treat this complication. Sometimes it is enough just to thoroughly wash the well with an antiseptic solution - for this, the well is treated with an aseptic special paste / ointment. Then, with the help of vitamins and antibiotics, anti-inflammatory general therapy is carried out.

In severe cases, a doctor may prescribe physical therapy or laser therapy.


This complication is rare. Paresthesia is caused by nerve damage during tooth extraction. The main symptom of paresthesia is numbness in the chin, cheeks, tongue and lips. In general, paresthesia is considered temporary, and it usually disappears after 1-2 days, but can last up to several weeks.


The doctor treats paresthesia through the therapy of the vitamin complex of groups C and B, as well as with the help of injections of galantamine and dibazol.

Lunar bleeding.

It can occur immediately after the operation, that is, within an hour, but sometimes the holes begin to bleed even after a day. Hole bleeding can be caused by the use of adrenaline, because as soon as it stops acting, there is a risk of a short expansion of blood vessels, which leads to bleeding.

In addition, alveolar bleeding may begin due to a violation of the dentist's recommendations in the postoperative period - usually the holes bleed due to external disturbance of the wound.

Concomitant diseases (jaundice, sepsis, leukemia, scarlet fever, hypertension, etc.) can also be attributed to the causes of bleeding from the hole.


As a rule, the effectiveness of stopping such bleeding directly depends on how the doctor correctly identified the causes of hole bleeding:

    If the blood comes directly from the tissues of the gums, then he puts stitches on the edges of the wound.

    If the source of bleeding is a vessel in the wall of the hole, then the doctor first applies local cold, then tightly squeezes the bleeding vessel and places a swab soaked in a special hemostatic agent into the hole. The tampon is removed no earlier than five days later.

    If local methods do not help, the doctor turns to more serious hemostatic general remedies.


Neighboring teeth, after the removal of the diseased incisor, begin to gradually tilt, namely, towards the removed tooth. This leads to the fact that the chewing process is disturbed, the chewing load increases to a large extent. As a result, the general condition of the jaw is disturbed and bite deformity is formed.

Each person should remember that only careful observance of all the recommendations of the attending physician will avoid complications that are possible after tooth extraction. Therefore, follow all the doctor's instructions, this will reduce the risk of unpleasant complications.

Extraction of teeth in children: features of the procedure

Of course, the removal of milk incisors in babies has a list of features. It should be noted right away that the dentist must make such a decision with all responsibility in order to prevent the occurrence of a mass of violations, for example, such as the formation of a malocclusion in a baby and a violation of the integrity of the so-called rudiments of permanent incisors.

Milk teeth are removed by a doctor with such indications:

  • When the crumbs have complicated forms of caries that are not treatable.
  • When a tooth begins to interfere with the normal eruption of the next/permanent tooth.
  • Before a woman, the question arises - what to do: continue to suffer from pain, or still decide and remove a tooth? In fact, only a specialist, namely a surgeon-stomatologist, should decide for a woman. Yes, the statement that pregnancy is a contraindication to the procedure for removing teeth, but only this contraindication cannot be considered absolute.

    Every pregnant woman should certainly visit the dentist at least once every 3 months for a preventive examination of the oral cavity. In addition, the doctor provides useful recommendations that help in caring for your teeth. But when a future mother has a toothache, she needs to contact her dentist unscheduled. And, if she has a short pregnancy, she must personally inform the dentist about the pregnancy.

    Of course, any intervention on the part of surgery in the body is a strong stress for every expectant mother. It is for this reason that all planned tooth extractions, as a rule, are carried out either after or before pregnancy, but during it - exclusively for emergency reasons. Fortunately, pharmacologists have already developed special safe anesthetics for pregnant women that are not able to penetrate the placental barrier, and, accordingly, they do not cause the slightest harm to the fetus.

    Never forget that regular and proper care of the entire oral cavity is the key to the health of your teeth.

Complications after tooth extraction can occur in any person, since this procedure involves surgical intervention. Often their cause is the erroneous actions of a specialist. Sometimes the patient himself is to blame for the negative outcome of the operation. But before you start to worry, you need to understand the seriousness of the possible consequences. In addition, it is worth distinguishing between two concepts - “consequences”, which are the norm after any operation, as well as “complications”, which require prompt treatment to a specialist. The latter will be discussed further.

Important! Complications can arise both during the operation - they are called early, and in the first days of tissue healing. They are called delayed or late complications.

Consequences: how to separate them from complications

Below we will talk about what is considered the norm after tooth extraction.

1. Increase in body temperature

The first couple of days after the operation, the temperature may rise. If the thermometer shows 37 with a little, and in the evening the indicators rise to 38 degrees, then there is an active process of tissue repair. In the case when a very high temperature lasts for more than three days, you should visit a dentist. Most likely, an infection has entered the wound, which requires a prompt solution to the issue.

2. Soreness in the area of ​​the extracted tooth

The patient may feel pain at the site of the tooth extraction. The tissues hurt because when the root is extracted, they are injured. Minor pain, again, is a normal reaction of the body. The discomfort will soon go away on its own. But if the pain only intensifies, does not go away for 2-3 days, is not stopped by painkillers, you should immediately consult a doctor.

3. Puffiness of tissues

Swelling often develops after the procedure. A slightly swollen gum or cheek is not a reason to panic. Just apply cold on the side of the cheek (but do not overcool - it is better to wrap ice or meat from the freezer in a towel). Increasing swelling that does not decrease after 3 days is a sign of inflammation, so it is better to go to the doctor.

4. Bleeding from the hole

A fairly common occurrence is bleeding. The hole may begin to bleed immediately after removal or after a few hours. This usually occurs as a result of damage to the small vessels of the soft tissues of the tooth. The wound can also be damaged by the patient himself, who violated the doctor's recommendations for rehabilitation. Normally, the blood should stop within half an hour. Light bleeding for a couple of hours is not a problem either. To speed up the healing process, it is enough to apply something cold to the sore cheek. Be sure to hold the tampon that the doctor put on the gum. If the bleeding is severe and does not stop for a long time, again, you should consult a doctor.

Important! Some diseases of the blood vessels and the hematopoietic system (hemophilia, acute leukemia, scarlet fever, infectious hepatitis, etc.), drugs and high blood pressure prevent blood clotting. In patients with such pathologies, bleeding may last longer. It is also recommended to take appropriate medications in order to normalize this process.

5. Hematoma

It is also an absolutely normal process, especially when removing complex teeth. For example, impacted, i.e. those who are inside the bone tissue. Or have many branched roots. Hematoma often appears on the cheek from the side of the operation.

Complications: when to see a doctor

This section lists problems that require prompt medical attention.

1. Dry socket and tissue inflammation

But this is no longer a normal consequence, namely a complication. If a blood clot has not formed in the socket, if it has been damaged or resolved, the patient will face the problem of a dry socket. It is accompanied by slight pain and extremely bad breath. The clot is necessary for tissue rehabilitation to take place quickly and efficiently. Its damage leads to inflammation of the hole, which requires a visit to a doctor and drug therapy.

2. Paresthesia or nerve damage

A numb tongue or paresthesia develops if the nerve endings were affected during complex extraction (tooth extraction). In addition, "goosebumps" are sometimes felt on the lips, cheeks, chin. In the case when the unpleasant feeling does not go away for a long time, the doctor prescribes medicinal injections, taking vitamins B and C. Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed.

3. Alveolitis of the socket

This is the most common and serious complication that can develop with the extraction of any teeth.

With alveolitis, as a result of a violation of the healing processes, inflammation of the tissues of the tooth socket occurs. A possible reason is ignoring the postoperative recommendations of the dentist. Or bacteria that penetrated into the open wound and started the development of the inflammatory process. The patient experiences severe pain in the area of ​​the missing tooth, difficulty in swallowing, swelling of the gums is possible. If these symptoms worsen after three days, you should immediately consult a dentist. He will prescribe physiotherapy and select certain medications, clean the hole from inflamed tissues.

Important! Rinsing during the healing period of the hole is contraindicated - they can damage the blood clot and thereby provoke the development of alveolitis. The broth should be cooled to room temperature, then put in your mouth and hold for about three minutes.

4. Osteomyelitis of the jaw

Osteomyelitis is a purulent-inflammatory process in the bone tissue that develops due to infection. The course of the disease is characterized by arching pain at the site of infection, general weakness, sweating, and fever. In the area of ​​the affected area, a slight swelling is noticeable, the skin is hot, changes color. Over time, the swelling grows and a purulent fistula forms in its place. The patient is treated strictly in the hospital. After tooth extraction, osteomyelitis does not occur often - as a rule, inflammation passes to the entire upper or lower jaw if the patient does not treat the alveolitis.

Symptoms and causes of the development of pathologies

Remember these manifestations: they all indicate that you need to immediately consult a doctor - often this is an indicator that the healing process of the hole is going wrong.

The danger of tooth extraction in pregnant women and children

There is no categorical ban on removal in pregnant women. However, during this period, women are prohibited from taking most drugs, including antibiotics. A high load during the operation can affect the well-being of the expectant mother and child. Therefore, if there is the slightest opportunity, it is better to abandon this procedure. But it is also worth remembering that a diseased tooth, affected, for example, is a hotbed of infection, which can cause much more damage than such a surgical intervention.

What local complications can occur in pregnant women? As a rule, a simple extraction of incisors and molars ends safely. But with difficult removal, there is a high risk of bleeding, a sharp increase in temperature, the occurrence of acute pain, a general deterioration in the condition of the pregnant woman and the development of inflammatory processes. In some cases, you will need to drink antibiotics. It is also worth remembering that a woman in a "position" is quite emotionally sensitive, so even a simple tooth extraction procedure can provoke an early miscarriage or premature birth in the 3rd trimester.

In a small child or young children, complications usually do not occur. But if the dentist was not careful, the roots of the milk tooth could break. Removing the debris left in the hole can cause severe inflammation. You also need to make sure that the child does not touch the wound.

Treatment and prevention of severe consequences

If after 2-3 days the pain has not subsided, it radiates to the ear, neck, the temperature has not returned to normal, the swelling has not gone away, bad breath has appeared, you need to rush to the dentist. The doctor will determine the cause of the problem, if necessary, treat complications:

  • clean the hole from suppuration, remove the fragments of the root,
  • treat the wound with an antiseptic,
  • apply a medical application (bandage),
  • prescribe certain medications: antibiotics, medicines.

To avoid serious consequences after surgery, following preventive recommendations will help:

  1. remove the gauze swab no later than 20 minutes later,
  2. refrain from eating for about 3 hours,
  3. for three days to exclude and diet solid, spicy foods, hot dishes,
  4. gently brush your teeth, refuse to rinse,
  5. temporarily exclude sports loads and thermal procedures.

To reduce the risk of serious complications, you just need to carefully monitor your well-being, and if alarming symptoms occur, consult a specialist. And if you had to deal with tooth extraction, then it's time to think about restoring a smile, while the best option for today remains.

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Having imagined a mouth with rotten teeth and the smell that emanates from them, it is easy to guess how repulsive and unpleasant a person with such a problem looks. Bad teeth greatly spoil the impression of a person’s appearance, prevent him from communicating normally with other people, and disrupt his psychological state.

However, this problem is not only aesthetic. Dentists warn that rotten teeth cause arthrosis, polyarthritis, and disrupt the state of the skeletal system. The products of decay and the microbes that provoked them with saliva and blood are carried throughout the body. A person begins to have problems with organs that, at first glance, have nothing to do with teeth. The infection gradually affects the bone tissue, can reach the brain.

What will happen if you ignore the signals of the body, drown out the pain with pills, mask the smell with fresheners? It may be possible to hide negative symptoms for a while. However, accumulating, they will lead to the appearance of other and not only dental problems.


Causes of decay of teeth. How to stop it?

To conduct adequate treatment, the doctor must first establish the cause of the disease. Otherwise, the activities may be useless, the process will continue to develop. The causes of tooth decay are external and internal factors. Despite the fact that enamel is considered one of the most durable materials in the body, under adverse conditions it quickly deteriorates. As a result, microbes get unhindered access to the inner, less protected part of the tooth.

To cope with this problem at the initial stage, one visit to the dentist is usually enough. It cleans the cavity from the affected tissues and closes it with a filling. However, the banal neglect of their health, the fear of the dental office make people postpone the visit. The result is a deterioration in the condition of the teeth, their loss.

When is a person guilty that he has bad teeth?

Experts identify a number of causes of tooth decay, in which the patient himself is to blame. Knowing them, you can take timely measures to prevent the development of the disease. These reasons include:

  • Smoking. The components released from tobacco disrupt the metabolic processes in the tissues of the teeth. Due to this, their ability to resist adverse effects is sharply reduced.
  • Alcohol, drugs. They negatively affect the work of the whole organism, worsen its protective functions, the ability to recover.
  • Wrong nutrition. The lack of minerals, vitamins in food leads to a weakening of the enamel. An excess of sweets, sour fruits, berries contributes to the destruction of enamel.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle. Lack of physical activity, constant presence in dusty rooms, abuse of fatty, fried foods reduces the protective functions of the body.

In addition, the lack of oral hygiene or its improper conduct contributes to the formation of plaque. It becomes a source of nutrition for microorganisms that gradually destroy teeth.

Negative factors beyond the control of the patient

If a person does not smoke, engages in an argument, monitors nutrition, why does his teeth begin to rot? There may be several reasons for this:

  • Bad ecology. Polluted air, poor quality water, an excess of some and the absence of other important components. A lack of fluoride is often cited as the cause of dental problems.
  • Heredity. If the parents had bad teeth, during pregnancy the mother did not visit the dentist, children often have similar problems.
  • Physiological features. Violation of the hormonal balance in adolescents during the growth period, in pregnant and lactating mothers.

Tooth decay is often the result of other diseases. Problems with periodontal tissues - gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease - lead to the development of caries, cause tooth loss. If a purulent cyst has formed near the root, the infection quickly spreads to the tooth. Often the deterioration of the condition of the teeth is due to diseases of the stomach, intestines, thyroid gland.

Characteristic symptoms and stages of development of the disease

Dental problems manifest themselves in different ways. It depends on the degree of damage, the sensitivity of the body, the number of problem areas. Tooth decay does not take place in one day.

Dentists distinguish several characteristic stages, which are characterized by certain symptoms:

  • Bad smell. It's not very noticeable at first. Gradually, even during a conversation, the interlocutor feels a putrid "aroma". Pathogenic bacteria become its source. They inhabit the plaque that forms at the point of contact between the gum and the tooth.
  • Enamel stains. This is the next stage in the development of the disease, when the damage spreads deeper, damaging the enamel.
  • Black areas. If they are located on the root, it is very difficult to notice them. X-rays are taken to determine the extent of damage.
  • cavity formation. A cavity forms in place of the black spot. Through it, food debris enters the inside of the tooth. The tooth actively "signals" about the problem with painful sensations, a reaction to hot, cold.
  • pulpitis develops. Without going to the doctor in time, the patient allows the inflammation to reach the pulp. Soft tissues containing blood vessels, nerves undergo decay. It is accompanied by a sharp, unbearable pain.

The process of decay ends in different ways. If it started from the top of the tooth, it gradually spreads to the root. After the death of the nerve, the intensity of pain decreases. If decay first hit the root, then the tooth may fall out or have to be removed.

Why do teeth rot at the gums?

Caries near the gums and on the visible parts of the tooth are no different. The causes of its occurrence are the same, but it is more difficult to identify and treat the disease near the gums. Therefore, patients usually go to the doctor at the stage of progressive pulpitis.

Timely detection helps to prevent the development of caries in the gingival part. To do this, it is necessary to periodically visit a dentist who will correctly assess the condition of the enamel and detect the development of caries in time. Experts call gum disease a common cause of its occurrence. Remains of food accumulating in the gum pocket promote the development of bacteria. In addition, an incorrectly installed crown, poor hygiene, and a change in the composition of saliva can provoke the disease.

What to do with a decayed tooth?

If the root is rotten and therapeutic measures do not give a result, you have to remove the tooth. The loss of the upper part leads to the development of pathologies:

  • the appearance of a cyst at the top of the root;
  • fracture or dislocation of the root;
  • injury to the gums by a fragment;
  • periodontal diseases.

A rotten root becomes a source of infection that spreads to nearby tissues.

In any case, the doctor chooses the treatment. If there is a high probability of negative consequences, removal will be carried out. In order not to bring to it, it is recommended not to miss periodic examinations at the dentist.

Rotting teeth in a child: to treat or not to treat?

Rotten teeth in most cases are the problem of adults. However, such a process can affect milk teeth. Moreover, the path from the appearance of a small spot to a severe stage passes very quickly. The reasons for this phenomenon are the same as in an adult. At the same time, it is possible to identify characteristic factors that have a negative impact on the teeth of babies:

  • excessive love for sweets;
  • inadequate oral hygiene;
  • maternal dental problems during pregnancy.

It is impossible to stop rotting at home. You must contact your dentist immediately.

Caries on baby teeth

As a result of long-term research, scientists were able to identify the main cause of caries in milk teeth. It becomes: microorganisms transmitted to the child from the mother. Streptococcus gets to the baby with a kiss, through the nipple licked by the mother, common cutlery. In the same way, microbes get from other people. When teething, babies are especially vulnerable to streptococcus. In addition, the lack of oral hygiene, a disturbed diet, and the composition of saliva have a negative impact.

Dentists point out that regular consumption of formulas from a high-carbohydrate baby bottle creates ideal conditions for the development of bacteria. Teaching the baby to a cup, rinsing the mouth after eating helps to reduce their negative influence.

Removing the nerve of a tooth is endodontic dentistry, or root canal treatment.

Root canal treatment is a safe procedure. In some cases, there is a possibility of side effects or recurrence of pain. Today Estet Dentistry will detail some of the side effects of root canal treatment.

Discoloration of the tooth (darkening of the tooth) - when the nerve is removed

When the nerve is removed from the tooth, after a time (from six months to several years) due to the fact that the nerve, circulatory and lymphatic nutrition of the tooth has stopped, the color of the tooth changes - discoloration and darkening are noted in the future. If the chewing teeth have undergone depulpation, then the discoloration is not noticeable in most patients, unlike the anterior teeth. Anterior teeth after root canal treatment often need color correction to achieve smile esthetics. This is achieved through endodontic whitening, veneers or crowns. In most cases, when a tooth crown is filled or a fixed prosthesis is placed in the form of a crown, after root canal treatment, this discoloration is not noticeable. In cases where a tooth crown is not required, and the tooth itself is in the frontal zone of a smile, whitening or veneering helps to eliminate tooth discoloration.

Weakening of the tooth - after the removal of the nerve

Since the structure of the tooth is slightly weakened after root canal treatment, the original capabilities of the tooth are partially lost. This translates into a higher risk of tooth fractures. Those patients who have had root canals should avoid eating hard foods such as nuts or use other teeth to chew them. To avoid the risk of tooth fracture, after root canal treatment, you should consider installing a dental crown.

Failed root canal treatment

Root canal treatment may fail in about 5% of patients. This often results in tooth extraction. Such cases occur for various reasons, sometimes not even dependent on the quality of canal filling.

Infectious disease - when the nerve is removed

There is a small risk that a root canal tooth may become infected like other teeth. If, after treatment of a tooth with root canal treatment, you notice symptoms of the presence of an infection (inflammation of the gums, pain “inside the gum” or “above / below the tooth”, etc.), you should immediately contact your dentist for re-treatment.

Some Precautions After Dental Nerve Extraction and Root Canal Treatment

Have you treated a tooth with root canal treatment? So you must observe the following precautions. Most of these instructions apply to all people, even those who are lucky enough not to experience the root canal procedure.

  • Avoid chewing foods that are too hard, such as raw nuts that have been root canal treated.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day, use dental floss or floss.
  • Do not forget to rinse your mouth after eating, snacks.
  • Observe oral hygiene (periodic change of toothpaste, visits to the dentist to brush your teeth)
  • Get rid of bad habits such as tobacco smoking.

Myths about nerve removal

There are rumors among dubious sources that root canal treatment can cause sinus infection or visual impairment - this myth is unfounded, and there is no evidence in medicine and science. With modern dental technology, the chances of infection are almost zero.

), Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Dentistry of the KSMA, Assistant Head. department for educational work. Awarded with the medal "Excellence in Dentistry" in 2016.

Rotten teeth are a serious problem of the whole organism, not just the oral cavity. All organs of the human body are in direct relationship with each other, representing a single system. Dental disease causes deficiencies in the functioning of the entire digestive system, as well as the heart and musculoskeletal system. In some cases, tooth decay can lead to the development of severe heart disease - endocarditis.

The causes of dental tissue decay can be very diverse, and they are not always associated with poor care or its absence. The causes of putrefactive processes can lead to:

  • bad habits - smoking, using drugs and alcohol;
  • diseases of the body systems or oral cavity;
  • poor environmental ecology, the presence of chemical compounds in the air;
  • malnutrition, deficiency of the vitamin-mineral complex;
  • the use of products that destroy the structure of enamel, cold or hot drinks;
  • decreased immune defense;


Nicotine slows down the process of blood circulation in the gum tissues, depriving them of the timely intake of nutrients. Without proper nutrition, pathological processes begin in the gums, leading to undesirable changes in bone tissue. The roots of the tooth do not receive enough necessary for full functioning, thus, the process leads to decay of one or several teeth at once.

Reduced nutrition of gum tissues results in the development of periodontitis and other periodontal diseases. If the process of pathological development of the soft tissues of the gums is started, this will eventually provoke the loss of completely healthy teeth. Also, periodontal disease affects the health and full functioning of the entire gastrointestinal system.

As a result of a constant nicotine attack, the enamel first acquires a yellow, and then a dark brown hue. As a result of a decrease in the protective properties of enamel, caries begins to develop. If you do not visit the dentist in time, the process of decay can cover the entire oral cavity.


The effect of alcohol on the body is expressed not only in poisoning, but also in the poor absorption of important trace elements. Also, calcium is washed out, which forms the basis of dental tissue. Under the influence of aggressive acids found in wine drinks, the protective layer of enamel is destroyed. All this provokes the development of putrefactive processes in the structure of dental tissues.

Of particular danger is the group of low-alcohol drinks that are considered "harmless". These liquids contain a large amount of sugar, which has a destructive effect on dental tissue.

Impact of ecology

The use of poor-quality tap water can lead to various pathologies of bone tissue. This is due to the presence of harmful compounds, heavy metals and drug residues in the water. Poor-quality food, which is sold through a retail network, also has an adverse effect.

Preservatives, food additives and various flavorings aggressively affect the dental tissue and enamel, destroying and causing developmental pathologies over time.

The abuse of drugs also has its negative effect on the teeth: after a long time of taking medications, they begin to “crumble” one after another. Chemical remedies should not be taken whenever herbs or homeopathy can be dispensed with.


Everyone knows that after eating it is necessary to rinse your mouth. But not everyone understands why it is dangerous not to do it. Dietary sugar is present in food - favorable soil for the nutrition of plaque bacteria. Bacteria use sugar in their life, the end product of which is acid, which is aggressive for the health of enamel.

Plaque has an aggressive effect on the gum tissue - they become sensitive and often begin to bleed. Soon, periodontal disease develops, which leads to dental disease. The danger of the adverse effects of food is underestimated by people, since the process of destruction of the structures of the dental and gum tissue drags on for years.

What food contains dietary sugar? In varying concentrations, sugar is found in the usual food for people - milk, vegetables, cereals and fruits. Therefore, after breakfast / lunch / snack, you must rinse your mouth or clean it in another way.


How can immunity provoke pathologies of the oral cavity and affect the quality of dental tissue? The mucous membrane of the mouth acts as a barrier between the environment and the body, as it is located on the border of the media. It is from the health of the mucosa that the state of general immunity, teeth and human health in general depends.

Neglect of care for the mucous membrane leads to pathological processes in the oral cavity, and then to the pathology of other body systems. Timely treatment, prevention and attention to the condition of the mucosa will help to avoid trouble.

Rotten teeth as heredity

The factor of heredity plays a decisive role in the state of dental health. At the moment, it is not possible to eliminate the negative impact of genetic predisposition. What is the hereditary predisposition to decay and caries?

Firstly, in deviations of metabolic processes, on which not only the health of the teeth depends. Secondly, malocclusion also leads to carious diseases. Thirdly, the predisposition to periodontal disease has an impact on health. Fourth, hereditary disorders of the immune system have a decisive influence on the state of the oral cavity.

Consequences of putrefactive processes

Consider the question: rotten teeth are consequences for the body. A common consequence of putrefactive processes in the oral cavity is a headache. Another consequence may be a violation of appetite and the digestive tract. Serious consequences include disruption of the cardiovascular system.

An unfavorable consequence of tooth decay for the body is the pathology of the development of the musculoskeletal system. In old age, this can affect the general well-being and the development of serious ailments - osteoporosis, etc. Pathologies in the dental tissue are also dangerous for the young developing organism of a child whose skeletal system is in the process of formation and growth.

Rotten teeth in children are a direct consequence of the malnutrition of the mother in the process of bearing a child. This has been scientifically proven. Therefore, pregnant women should be careful about their diet. The fact of a hereditary predisposition to caries has also been proven: if the mother has caries, then the baby will also have it.

Why are rotten teeth dangerous? A dangerous consequence of putrefactive processes is the transmission of bacteria through the blood to the systems and internal organs of the body. This can lead to various ailments that require therapeutic intervention.

Aesthetic consequence of the development of pathological processes in the structure of bone tissue is baldness. It has been proven that diseases of chewing molars provoke baldness at the back of the head, and anterior incisors - in the temples.

Rotten teeth in children

Why do baby teeth rot? The cause of caries in babies is an excess of sweets in the diet and poor oral hygiene. Many mothers dip their nipples in honey, jam or condensed milk to soothe the baby - this is a direct path to the pathology of the development of the baby's teeth.

Milk teeth are the beginning of becoming permanent, and a violation of the mineral metabolism of milk molars will cause a violation in the formation of permanent ones. Particular attention should be paid to the formation of molars in premature babies. Treatment will not help much - it is necessary to choose a vitamin-mineral complex for the proper development of bone tissue. This can be done by a specialist.

Remineralization is also used to prevent the development of carious lesions. You should also independently examine the child's mouth in order to notice the initial process of decay in time. If the diseased molar is not cured, the rest of the teeth may also rot.

How to protect the baby from pathological processes:

  • you can not lick the nipples, dip them in jam or condensed milk;
  • limit sweets in the baby's diet;
  • choose the right toothpaste/brushes;
  • monitor the cleanliness of the baby's oral cavity, teach hygiene;
  • strengthen your baby's immunity.

Important! Modern dentistry uses the method of inhalation anesthesia for the treatment of caries - this relieves the baby and mother of stress. During examination and treatment, the child sleeps.

Remember that any putrefactive process in the body, including rotten teeth, affects the health of the baby as a whole, and treat the child in time.


What is the danger of rotten teeth, we found out. It remains to consider an important point - how to avoid trouble? Dentists divide preventive measures into two categories:

  1. general;
  2. local.

General preventive measures involve strengthening immunity in general. This category includes:

  • proper diet;
  • measures to strengthen immunity;
  • avoiding stressful situations;
  • intake of mineral preparations - fluorine, calcium, etc.

Local prevention measures include care directly for the oral cavity:

  • thorough timely sanitation;
  • restriction of acids and carbohydrates in food;
  • fluoridation and remineralization;

A complete diet involves limiting sweet and flour products, concentrated juices and carbonated sugary drinks. Instead of soda, you should drink mineral water, unsweetened tea. Instead of flour products, preference should be given to vegetable salads and fruits (do not abuse citrus fruits).

Important! A large number of substances necessary for bones are found in fish - phosphorus, vitamin D, calcium. Fish is an essential part of a healthy diet. It is very useful to use seaweed and other marine products.

Food culture also contributes to the proper absorption of nutrients:

  • food should be chewed slowly;
  • food on the go and dry food is not allowed;
  • Snacking between main meals is detrimental to health.

Sweet snacks are especially unfavorable - cakes, ice cream, desserts. It is better to replace dessert with fruit or a glass of kefir.

After eating, you should clean your mouth. If this is not possible, chewing gum will help clean your mouth - it provokes a copious secretion of saliva, which copes with cleansing no worse than a brush. Xylitol, which is part of the gum, neutralizes aggressive acids.

Medical prevention

It includes remineralization and fluoridation of teeth. These procedures are painless and necessary for the comprehensive protection of enamel from abrasion. Dental prophylaxis (remineralization) also helps to restore the mineral balance in the tissues.

Fluoridation can be carried out independently after the recommendations of the dentist. For this, special mouth guards are used, which are put on the crowns of the teeth. The composition of the kappa saturates the enamel with the necessary substances. To replenish tissues with fluorine, a special rinse with fluoridated water is also used.

Important! Self-fluoridation without the supervision of a dentist is prohibited. The doctor will calculate the correct dosage that will not harm your health. An excess of fluorine can cause.

Fissure sealing is the filling of depressions and pits on the surface of the crown with special sealing polymeric materials. According to statistics, fissure sealants protect against tooth decay in 90 cases out of a hundred.

Tooth decay and decayed teeth can be prevented by taking care of them consistently. A visit to the dentist will be painless if you seek help before the development of putrefactive processes.

Sources used:

  • Bykov V. L. Histology and embryology of the organs of the human oral cavity. - St. Petersburg, 1998.
  • Handbook of dentistry / Ed. A. I. Rybakova.- M., 1993.
  • Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources
  • SOUTH. Kononenko. Local anesthesia in outpatient dentistry / M .: Book plus, 2004

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