Toothpaste rating: the most effective remedies. Colgate Gentle whitening. Weleda with calendula

Brushing your teeth is a habit hygiene procedure for every person. But this was not always the case, for example, in the Middle Ages, teeth were not brushed at all. In the middle of the 19th century, toothpaste appeared, consisting of chalk and soap. Nowadays, dentifrices are made on the basis of silicates, contain fluoride and various additives.

In a huge variety of pastes, gels for cleaning teeth, it is not easy to choose a quality, effective drug. Manufacturers in the pursuit of profit may include components harmful to humans in the composition of the paste. When choosing a toothpaste, you need to pay attention to the ingredients, as well as focus on well-known brands.

Types of toothpastes.

Pastes with fluorine.

Fluoride is a trace mineral recommended by the World Health Organization as an ingredient in toothpaste. When combined with tooth enamel, fluoride is incorporated into its structure. Enamel is restored by restoration required amount calcium and phosphorus. The teeth are strengthened, the process of caries is stopped.

About the benefits and harms of fluoride paste:

Pastes with calcium.

Pasta with soda.

Such a paste performs a purely hygienic function. It does not contain enamel protection components. Baking soda cleans teeth well and refreshes the mouth. The use of the paste has a mild whitening effect.

Pastes with honey and propolis.

Such additives do not add cleaning or strengthening properties to the teeth. Bee products are useful when consumed internally.

Pasta with herbs.

The paste contains herbal extracts that help strengthen the gums. This drug is especially effective for gum disease (gingivitis, periodontitis). Main function: removal of inflammation, reduction of bleeding gums. Pasta with herbs gently cleans teeth.

Whitening pastes.

The effect of whitening has not been proven, and the consequences have not been studied. There is an opinion that aggressive abrasives can contribute to the erasure of tooth enamel. It is not recommended to brush your teeth with such pastes regularly. With increased sensitivity of the teeth, it is better not to use such a paste at all.

How to choose the right whitening paste - in the video:

Product release form: paste, gel or powder?

Tooth powder in the composition has many cleansing components. It is recommended to use it no more than 2 times a week for lovers of coffee, tea, smokers, owners of dentures.

In gel pastes, plaque-dissolving agents, most often silicon dioxide, act as a cleaning component. The degree of purification is small. Pastes in the form of a gel are produced mainly for children.

Ordinary toothpaste has a good cleansing property without harming tooth enamel.

How to choose the right toothbrush?

A short digression into the history of toothbrushes.

Oral hygiene has a long history. This is confirmed by archaeological excavations, when devices for brushing teeth were found. Soaked chewing sticks were used as a brush. AT Kievan Rus oak brushes replaced the modern toothbrush. At the end of the 15th century in China, boar bristles were inserted into a bamboo stick, and in Europe it was horse hair.

In ancient Greece, teeth were cleaned with linen fabric dipped in brine with sulphurous oil. For the back teeth, a stick with a tissue attached to it was used. In India, neem tree branches have been used for brushing teeth since ancient times.

At the end of the 18th century, a prototype of a modern toothbrush appeared - a tuft of bristles from a cow's tail was inserted in a drilled hole in a handle made of cow bone. During the First World War, the base of the brush was made of celluloid. Animal bristles were used until 1937.

This year, nylon was invented in the laboratory of Du Pont Wallace H. Carothers, which received great application in different areas. A year later, the nylon bristle toothbrush Dr. West's Miracle-Tuft Toothbrush, which quickly replaced natural bristles.

It had many disadvantages: it did not dry well and contributed to the growth of bacteria. Nylon Benefits:

  • Low cost;
  • Ability to change the texture and diameter;
  • You can give the tips of the bristles a different shape

In the middle of the last century, soft nylon was created. A toothbrush with him cost more than a hard one. Today, bristles can be made not only from nylon, but also from polyurethane and polyvinyl. There is no fundamental difference between them.

Toothbrushes for sale varying degrees hardness, size, color. The choice is up to the buyer.

Types of toothbrushes.

Bristle stiffness.

  • Very soft, used for diseases of the oral cavity;
  • Soft - for children under 12 years old, with problems with gums and sensitive tooth enamel, for diabetics;
  • Medium hardness - for healthy teeth;
  • Rigid - for owners of a removable prosthesis and those with plaque;
  • A very stiff bristle brush is usually used on the recommendation of a dentist when tartar builds up.

The ends of the bristles.

  • Rounded - sparing effect on the enamel of the teeth, do not scratch the gums;
  • Pointed - very well clean the teeth and the space between them;
  • The blunt ones are designed to massage the gums.

Brush head.

  • Children's brush length - from 1.5 cm to 2.0 cm. Adult from 2.5 to 3.0 cm;
  • The movable head allows you to reach the back teeth during brushing.

Brush handle.

  • The long one regulates the pressure during cleaning, allows you not to injure the gums;
  • Rubber grips help keep your hand from slipping.

In addition to ordinary toothbrushes, special ones can be found on sale. Children's, in which ordinary or rubber bristles are used. There are special brushes for problem teeth:

  • Malocclusion;
  • dental implants;
  • The presence of orthopedic structures in the mouth.

Rules for using a toothbrush and marking on its packaging.

Each package of toothpaste contains the following information: the name of the manufacturer, its address. There must be a Rostest sign.

How to use the toothbrush:

  • Do not store the brush in a closed case;
  • Do not keep children's and adult brushes together;
  • Wash after use hot water and dry;
  • Put on a protective cap;
  • Once a week, you need to hold the brush in an antibacterial solution for several minutes;
  • Once every three months, it is necessary to change the brush, as it loses its appearance, becomes unusable;
  • After an infection in the oral cavity, it is necessary to replace the brush with a new one.

O right choice toothbrush - in choice:

Blend-a-med 3D White.

The best whitening paste in its low price range is Blend-a-med 3D White. As part of one abrasive substance, perfectly coping with plaque. The high content of fluorine helps to strengthen the teeth. Pasta is represented by six shades of taste.


  • Whitening effect;
  • Best price;
  • Pleasant flavors;
  • The antibacterial property prevents caries.


  • Slight whitening effect;
  • The content in the composition of synthetic components;
  • The presence of pyrophosphates, which increase tooth hypersensitivity.

Average price: 160 rubles.

New Pearl Fluor.

This pasta Russian production belongs to the lowest price category and is the best. She does an excellent job of cleaning her teeth.


  • High calcium content;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Low price;
  • Refreshes the mouth.


  • The composition contains many harmful substances, therefore it is not recommended for frequent use;
  • An allergic reaction is possible;
  • Content of cheap low-quality ingredients.

Average price: 35 rubles.

Forest balm.

Toothpaste perfectly helps with bleeding gums, refreshes the oral cavity. Forest balm "Forte Active" contains oil tea tree, which allows you to increase the protection of teeth and mucous membranes from harmful bacteria.


  • vegetable composition;
  • effect from the first application;
  • significantly reduced inflammation and bleeding;
  • recommended for daily use;
  • low price.


  • slight astringent effect.

The average price is 65 rubles.

Foaming toothpaste with whitening and antibacterial action. In the line of the brand, drugs that contain medicinal herbs are popular.


  • Helps prevent caries;
  • Refreshes the mouth;
  • Antibacterial action;
  • Strengthens tooth enamel;
  • Daily use.


  • No contraindications have been identified.

The average price is 110 rubles.

President White.

According to most dentists, this paste is considered the best in giving natural whiteness to teeth. The composition contains natural ingredients that cause antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

The main advantage of the paste is the presence in the composition natural ingredients, which help to restore the natural whiteness of the teeth without damaging the enamel.


  • A combination of calcium and silicon has a unique whitening effect;
  • Mint and ginseng in the composition help to strengthen the immune system;
  • The anti-inflammatory property of the paste helps to relieve inflammation;
  • Can be used daily.


  • high price.

Average price: 250 rubles.

Splat Extreme White.

According to most buyers, this Russian paste does an excellent job with the main function - whitening. This is due to two components: polydon and papain. Also, the rate of cleansing is affected by the carbamide peroxide in the paste.

As a result monthly application, teeth are whitened by two or three tones. Splat Extreme White is not recommended for daily use, it should be alternated with regular or therapeutic paste.


  • Effective result;
  • Gentle effect of cleansing components;
  • Pleasant taste.


  • high price.

Average price: 185 rubles.

Popular all over the world pasta, which previously could only be bought in a pharmacy, is now available to everyone. Pasta R.O.C.S. Pro delicately affects tooth enamel, perfectly whitens. Suitable for those who are sensitive to certain components in other pastes. Thanks to minty taste, it perfectly refreshes the oral cavity.


  • Soft delicate whitening;
  • Contains only one abrasive element;
  • Does not contain any allergens.


  • The whitening effect does not come quickly;
  • The maximum effect is possible only when using the gel of the same brand;
  • High price.

Average price: 400 rubles.

Toothpaste of this brand belongs to the medical and is the leader in this series. You can read and hear a lot of positive reviews from dentists about Parodontax paste. Its main advantage is its composition. Producers were able to make pasta best quality thanks to useful and essential ingredients.

In the composition of herbal extracts: echinacea, chamomile, sage and other useful components.


  • Strengthens gums, preventing bleeding;
  • Can be used daily;
  • Relieves inflammation;
  • Has an antibacterial effect;
  • Helps maintain the health of the mouth area;
  • Available with or without fluoride.


  • high price.

Average price: 200 rubles.

Sensodyne Instant effect.

The paste of this well-known company has an instant effect - this is how it attracts. After all, the inflammatory processes of the oral cavity are removed instantly. A large number of paste buyers have experimented with Sensodyne Express Treatment.

The product occupies a high position of the therapeutic effect due to its high analgesic effect.


  • You can change children from 12 years old;
  • Has a pleasant refreshing aroma;
  • Able to heal wounds in the mouth;
  • Relieves pain.


  • High price;
  • The composition contains artificial elements (thickeners, flavors, etc.).

Average price: 250 rubles.

Lacalut Fitoformula.

This toothpaste from a German manufacturer has many positive reviews. The therapeutic effect has been approved by experts and confirmed by various studies. Paste Lacalut is an effective remedy for periodontal disease and bleeding gums.


  • As part of herbal ingredients: St. John's wort, sage, ratania and other herbs;
  • Prevents caries.


  • This paste is not the most effective among Lacalut remedies. The greatest efficiency can be obtained after applying Lacalut Activ paste.

Average price: 250 rubles.

Weleda with calendula.

In terms of ingredients, this paste is the best for children. Many mothers respond positively after applying the paste. It contains only safe elements: seaweed, essential oils and other components.

The paste has a beneficial effect on the entire oral cavity. Pleasant aroma Calendula has a calming effect.


  • Cleans teeth well, removing plaque;
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Harmless if swallowed.


  • Alternation with other pastes is possible, as it does not contain fluorine and calcium;
  • High price.

Average price: 450 rubles.

Tooth foam SPLAT Junior.

Paste SPLAT has air lung consistency, thanks to which it is recommended for cleaning for children with actively cutting teeth. When cleaning, it gently affects the gums, eliminating soreness. Contains natural ingredients: licorice extract, calcium, lactic ferments.


  • Light delicate texture is suitable for cleaning the smallest;
  • Attractive packaging for children, convenient dispenser;
  • Can be applied without a brush;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Cleaning time 15 sec.


  • For better cleansing, you need to use a different paste;
  • Unnatural aroma.

Average price: 250 rubles.

An overview of this and a number of other remedies useful for children's teeth is in the video:

What to choose anyway?

With so many dentifrices to choose from, it can be hard to choose the right one. To do this, you need to know the characteristics of high-quality paste:

  • Gentle cleaning of teeth;
  • Ability to prevent caries;
  • Strengthening gums, relieving inflammation;
  • Removal of an unpleasant smell;
  • Maintaining a healthy oral mucosa.

As a dentist, I am often asked which toothpaste to choose. This is not my favorite subject. I am not a chemist and I do not have a laboratory, nor can I organize independent clinical trials on my own. There are other organizations for this, such as Roscontorl, where I also get a lot of useful information:

In order to still answer the question "Which toothpaste is better", I am happy to cite a study by Roskontrol on this topic =).

Toothpaste - for every taste and budget

People always tried to follow oral hygiene, using the most unusual means. For example, in Ancient Egypt teeth were cleaned with ashes and sand; in ancient Scandinavia, wool and chalk were used for this procedure, and in medieval Europe even glass and coal. Russia had its own way: tooth enamel was cleaned with eggshells, and then with resin coniferous trees. Today we use toothpaste.

On the Russian market there are many toothpastes from different countries, manufacturers and price categories. Such a wealth of choice, on the one hand, pleases, on the other, it sometimes baffles, because the selection right pasta- this is half the success of the prevention, and sometimes the treatment of caries. As a rule, we rarely read the composition of the paste, recommendations for use, most often we simply buy what is obsessively advertised on television and radio.

The Consumer Rights Protection Society "Roskontrol" decided to find out which toothpastes are safe for our health, and which ones do not meet accepted standards. For this purpose, an examination of seven popular brands of toothpastes was carried out: "A unique toothpaste R.O.C.S. double mint", Toothpaste Blend-a-med"3-Effect Soft Freshness / 1-2-3", Toothpaste with a light mint flavor " new pearl", Toothpaste Colgate"Triple Action Natural Mint" , Professional Series Toothpaste " Splat (SPLAT) Active / Active, Preventive toothpaste , Toothpaste Aquafresh"Maximum".

Test results

Product Grade

Lacalut toothpaste is quite different high price, but the quality turned out to be worthy - the paste contains enough fluoride and taste good.

"3-effect", Blend-a-med

Blend-a-med toothpaste ranked high in palatability and cleansing properties. Moreover, in this sample high content fluorine - such a paste the best way suitable for people living in areas with a lack of fluoride in the water.

"Double Mint", R.O.C.S.

Expensive but high quality toothpaste. It does not contain fluorine, therefore it is recommended for use by residents of regions with an excess of fluorine in the water.

"Maximum" Aquafresh

Aquafresh toothpaste has good cleansing properties and a pleasant taste. The sample contains enough a large number of fluorine, however, its actual content is 3.5% less than stated in the labeling.

Colgate toothpaste has a pleasant taste and smell and good cleaning properties, but the actual fluoride content in it differs from what is indicated on the label. In fact, the paste contains 17% less fluorine than stated.

"New Pearl"

Affordable New Zhemchug toothpaste has a pleasant taste and smell and good cleaning properties, but the actual fluoride content in it differs from that indicated on the label. In fact, the paste contains 20% less fluorine than stated.

"Splat Professional"

The paste does not have the most pleasant taste, but it cleans tooth enamel well. The experts found a discrepancy between the information on the fluorine content on the tube and on the product box, which is a violation.

Fluoride is normal?

Fluorine is a vital element for the body. It is especially important that an adequate amount of fluoride enter the human body, since it is a component of tooth enamel. With insufficient or overconsumption fluorine disrupts the formation of tooth enamel, and dental diseases develop. With a lack of fluorine - caries. With an excess of fluorine - fluorosis (first white spots appear on the teeth, then yellow and brownish, and then the bones are affected).

In the tested samples, the most fluorine is contained in the pastes Blend-a-med, Lacalut and Aquafresh, and in paste R.O.C.S. he is not. The label on the tube of Splat Professional paste says “does not contain fluorine”, however, in fact, fluorine is found in the amount indicated on the secondary packaging - the box in which the tube is enclosed. Such self-contradictory labeling is a serious violation.

According to experts, none of the samples contains fluorine that exceeds the level allowed by the technical regulations. ( Technical regulation customs union TR TS 009/2011 "On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products"). It is worth noting that the benefits of fluoridation of toothpastes are questioned by some doctors.

Is fluoride in toothpaste harmful or helpful?

Andrey Mosov, head of the expert department of NP Roskontrol, doctor: “The need for fluoride to form tooth enamel is not questioned by any of the specialists: they only argue about whether fluorine enters the body due to local penetration into the tooth tissue or from a small amount toothpaste that is swallowed while brushing your teeth. One way or another, the preventive and even therapeutic effect of fluorinated toothpastes in relation to dental caries can be considered proven. Fluoride-free toothpaste is needed only in regions where there is an excess of fluoride in drinking water- for example, in some settlements suburbs. For more information about the situation in your area, please visit dental clinic or local administration of Rospotrebnadzor. If we talk about Moscow, where water is supplied from a surface source - river water, poor in fluoride - then the use of toothpastes with fluoride is mandatory here.

We clean cleanly, without germs and irritation

With the cleaning properties of toothpaste, such a characteristic as abrasiveness is associated ( Abrasives- these are small particles of various compounds that mechanically polish tooth enamel). As abrasives, as a rule, calcium carbonate (chalk) or silicon compounds are used. It must be understood that calcium carbonate in toothpaste is not a source of calcium and does not have the effect of restoring enamel. During testing, it was found that all samples have a good cleaning effect and meet the mandatory requirements. best score in Blend-a-med and Lacalut pastes. On the label of the Splat Professional paste, the manufacturer declared a cleaning efficiency of 40.3%, in fact, this figure turned out to be even higher and amounted to 57%.

Natalya Dmitrieva, head of the laboratory of microbiology of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "TsNIIS and ChLH" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ph.D.

“According to the results of the examination, it was found that all tested toothpastes meet the requirements for them, that is, total mesophilic, aerobic and facultative anaerobic species fine. No microbial contamination was detected in any of the samples. None of the pastes are irritating. All samples tested are non-allergenic."

Hollywood smile

Many are sure that you can whiten your teeth without a dentist, at home with the help of toothpaste. You can agree or disagree with this, but the manufacturers have adopted this as well. Advertising of a beautiful, snow-white Hollywood smile does not leave the screens, on the packaging - the same thing, perfect, white teeth. So do toothpastes whiten or not?

The R.O.C.S., Blend-a-med and Splat Professional pastes have been claimed to have a whitening effect. However, all the samples that participated in the testing are not bleaching and do not contain components specific to this type of paste. Most likely, the manufacturers had in mind the cleansing of enamel from contamination - plaque. High-quality teeth whitening can only be done in the dentist's office. This will be the procedure professional whitening. No toothpaste, unfortunately, will make a smile as snow-white as in a commercial. From toothpaste, you can expect only cleansing the enamel to its original color.

Marina Volkova, dentist, general director of the STOMADACT clinic:

“The whiteness of the teeth depends, firstly, on heredity. The whitest teeth are in people with I and II blood groups. Secondly, from age: the younger the person, the denser the enamel, and the teeth whiter, and the older, the more transparent the enamel, and the teeth darker. Thirdly, from bad habits- coffee, nicotine. In the process of life, cracks and scratches form on the enamel. They are filled with food dyes (pigments), which leads to a darkening of the color of the tooth, and nicotine resins, at times, make the situation simply catastrophic. And, of course, no toothpaste can cope with a strong darkening of the enamel.

To taste. And not only

Which paste has the most fluoride, is it possible to whiten teeth with paste without resorting to the services of a dentist? What else is important for us when choosing a toothpaste? Of course, her taste. To this end, we gathered six people in one room and had a real pasta tasting. From her taste characteristics The length of time you brush your teeth is directly related. And from it, in turn, depends the beauty of a smile. Dentists believe that brushing your teeth should be at least three minutes in order to be effective, and if you don’t like the taste of the paste, most likely you will try to finish it as soon as possible.

According to the results of the tasting, Blend-a-med toothpaste was recognized as the winner: most of the participants liked its taste and smell, the second place was taken by two samples - New Pearls and Colgate, the third place was given to Lacalut. Toothpaste R.O.C.S. "Double mint" was not to my taste at all, and scored the lowest number of points. According to the focus group participants, the taste of this paste bears little resemblance to the taste of mint.

What else do we look for when choosing this dentifrice? Of course, the price and the manufacturer. Many people think: the more expensive the pasta, the better it is. Is it so? Two Chinese-made samples participated in the examination - Blend-a-med and Colgate, Lacalut - made in Germany, Aquafresh - made in the UK, the remaining three samples - "New Pearl", Splat Professional and R.O.C.S. - domestic production. The most expensive paste is R.O.C.S., 209 rubles for 60 mg, and New Pearls turned out to be the cheapest, the price for 75 mg is only 29 rubles.


Based on the sum of all indicators, Blend-a-med and Lacalut became the winners - they clean best, and they taste good. And the Splat Professional paste was on the list of products with violations due to labeling violations.

I'll add on my own:

- Whatever toothpaste you use, for the greatest cleaning efficiency, you must regularly alternate manufacturers and specific brands of toothpastes -

Toothpaste is very important product in the life of any person. If we can go to a beautician to improve the quality of the skin, then it is impossible to return lost teeth. That is why it is so important to properly care for them. And great helper This is where the right toothpaste comes in. Toothpastes have different purpose and differ in composition. Manufacturers in pursuit of profit often hide the most harmful chemicals behind bright packaging. Even the most expensive products can harm the health of the teeth and the body as a whole.

That is why experts pay attention to the fact that it is worth using only proven means. What are the advantages of the best quality pasta?

  • Careful cleaning of enamel.
  • Improving the appearance of teeth.
  • Prevention of caries.
  • Treatment of periodontal disease and bleeding gums.
  • Maintenance healthy cavity mouth.
  • Elimination of an unpleasant smell.

But do not forget about the possible disadvantages of using such funds. Customer reviews suggest that the wrong choice or low-quality toothpaste can lead to backfire.

  • Poor cleaning of the teeth.
  • Irritated gums.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Negative effect on the whole body.

This proves once again that it is important to know which product is safe and which is better not to use. The rating of dental care products of various categories will help you choose best product that suits you. We have selected the highest quality toothpastes in six categories. Here you will find the best baby, treatment, low cost and whitening options. There are also selected products without fluoride and specialized for those who like to drink a lot of coffee or smoke.

The best children's toothpaste

The child's body is very sensitive and it is important that the child uses only proven products. The composition of the paste should be completely natural and non-allergenic, the most suitable consistency is a gel, because. It's soft and won't harm the little ones. Many manufacturers offer toothpastes for the smallest, but not all of them can be used without harm to clean children's teeth. Therefore, we have selected the best options for kids from leading companies. Only proven children's toothpastes that will definitely not harm.

3 Lacalut Baby 0-4 years old

Best Cleansing and Whitening
Country: Germany
Average price: 247 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Pretty good toothpaste for kids. In reviews of her, mothers of many children speak very warmly. She likes kids, at the same time cleans their teeth qualitatively and helps to get used to daily brushing. Eliminates plaque, refreshes and whitens even yellowed enamel. There are many benefits to this toothpaste.

  • Minimum consumption - it foams very well, one pea is enough.
  • Safe if swallowed when brushing.
  • Minimum fluorine content.
  • Contains vitamins A and E.
  • Perfectly cleans plaque.


  • There is no smell of raspberries there - the smell is chemical, the taste is a bit harsh, not all children like it.
  • The composition contains benzyl alcohol, which is not recommended for use in newborns and especially premature babies.

2 Toothfoam SPLAT Junior

The softest texture
Country Russia
Average price: 250 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Due to its lightness and airiness, this paste is the best among competitors for children with active teething. She helps brighten unpleasant moments growth of the first teeth. Contains calcium, licorice extract, important lactic enzymes.

SPLAT Junior toothpaste rightfully occupies a high position in the ranking due to its features.

  • Light and delicate texture, suitable for the smallest.
  • Convenient dispenser.
  • Fun packaging for kids.
  • Pleasant taste.
  • Possibility of application without a brush.
  • Usage time: 15 seconds.


  • requires the use of another tool with a brush;
  • has a "not natural" aroma;
  • does not clean intensively.

1 Weleda with calendula

Best Cast
Country: Germany
Average price: 448 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

This is the best toothpaste for children in terms of its components. The composition includes essential oils, seaweed, etc. All this has a beneficial effect on the oral cavity. The tool occupies a leading position in the ranking according to the results of surveys and reviews of parents.

What are the advantages of Weleda?

  • Removes plaque well.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Not harmful if swallowed.

Customer reviews also point to shortcomings.

  • It does not contain all the necessary elements (fluorine, calcium), therefore it requires alternation with other means.
  • Has a high cost.

The best medicated toothpaste

A good toothpaste can have a healing effect, fight inflammation, cavities, and so on. To achieve these results, the composition must be active and useful material. Rating of the best medicinal pastes will help you choose the product that is right for you and will help maintain oral health.

3 Lacalut Fitoformula

Country: Germany
Average price: 249 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

German-made toothpaste has proven itself among consumers. Lacalut is the best in terms of price-quality ratio. Its therapeutic effect is confirmed by numerous studies and the approval of specialists. main feature funds - effective help with bleeding gums and periodontal disease.

Thanks to its advantages, toothpaste has firmly established itself as a leader in the ranking of the best remedies.

  • The composition includes sage, ratania, St. John's wort, etc.
  • The components have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Fights caries.


  • The greatest effect is achieved only after applying the Lacalut Activ paste.

2 Sensodyne Instant effect

The fastest result
Country: UK
Average price: 241 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Toothpaste of a well-known company is recognized as the best remedy instant action. The name of the remedy speaks for itself - it instantly prevents inflammation. Express treatment with this paste was carried out by a large number of buyers. In the ranking medicinal products Sensodyne occupies a high position due to its strong analgesic effect.

What other advantages does the "Instant Effect" have?

  • Nice fresh scent.
  • Can be used from 12 years old.
  • Heals wounds.
  • Excellent and fast pain relief.

However, the paste has one most important drawback:

1 Parodontax

The best paste for daily use
Country: Germany
Average price: 185 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Parodontax toothpaste is the undoubted leader among toothpastes with a healing effect. Many clinicians in different countries have positive reviews about this brand. Its main feature is its composition. Manufacturers have taken the trouble to add the most necessary and useful components to it, making the pasta the best in quality. Echinacea, ratanya, chamomile, sage and other substances are not easy to find in other products.

What are the benefits of using Parodontax?

  • Suitable for daily use.
  • Prevents bleeding gums.
  • Fights inflammation.
  • It has an antibacterial effect.
  • Supports oral health.
  • Sold in several versions: with and without fluoride.
  • Not detected.

best whitening paste

One of the most popular types of toothpaste on the market today is whitening toothpaste. She is able to correct the yellow color of the enamel without harming the teeth. At the same time, such a paste protects them from further contamination. Of course, she will not work miracles, but at least she will bring her a little closer to the desired Hollywood smile. Manufacturers in pursuit of the number of sales forget about the quality of products. Buying low quality paste leads to enamel damage and other unpleasant consequences. Our rating will help clarify the question of choice the best pasta for whiter teeth.

3 R.O.C.S. Pro

The most gentle formula
Country Russia
Average price: 391 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

A popular toothpaste that used to be sold only in pharmacies. Today it has become one of the most common on the market, earning the recognition of buyers. The reviews praise its softness and quality. R.O.C.S. Pro is the best toothpaste designed for gentle whitening. Suitable for people with individual intolerance to certain substances that make up other products. Has a pleasant minty smell. Experts recommend it for daily care.

  • soft effect;
  • one abrasive element instead of several;
  • does not contain allergens.
  • slow whitening effect;
  • high price;
  • maximum effect only after using the gel of the same series.

2 SPLAT Extreme white

The best Russian whitening paste
Country Russia
Average price: 184 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The whitening paste of a Russian manufacturer, according to customer reviews, does an excellent job. It is not intended for daily care and requires alternation with therapeutic or neutral toothpaste. The splitting of plaque occurs due to the action of two components at once: polydon and papain. As a result of monthly use, lightening reaches two to three tones. Differs in carbamide peroxide, which has a positive effect on the speed of whitening.


  • good result after application;
  • smoky abrasive substance;
  • unusual pleasant taste.


  • high price.

1 President White

The best natural whitening
Country: Italy
Average price: 247 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

According to most dentists, PRESIDENT White is the best natural whitening toothpaste available. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, contains useful natural ingredients and rightfully deserves one of the first places in the ranking of the best whitening pastes.

An important feature is the unique natural substances that, without harm to the enamel, return it to its natural shade. But the arguments in favor of President White do not end there.

  • The unusual combination of silicon with calcium has a unique whitening effect.
  • Ginseng and mint strengthen the immune system.
  • The analgesic property helps with inflammation.
  • Suitable for daily use.


  • High price.

Best Inexpensive Toothpaste

Budget does not mean poor quality. Inexpensive toothpastes fully confirm this. Among them one can find good options, which will cope with cleansing and refresh the oral cavity. But it is important not to forget some nuances when choosing. Toothpaste is a product that, for the greatest benefit and best result must contain natural ingredients. Pasta should not be very cheap and low quality, because it affects our teeth, gums and oral health. However, based on customer reviews and the opinion of experts, we managed to rank good inexpensive pastas.

3 Colgate Gentle Whitening

The best paste for fresh breath
Country: USA (made in China)
Average price: 69 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Standard toothpaste from the "very budget" category. Not cheap with a bunch of terribly harmful components, but a strong “middling” with a good composition. It cannot be called completely natural, but this is not required from a budget paste. You should not expect the fulfillment of all the promises of the manufacturer - even expensive options cannot cope with this. But its purpose - to clean your teeth from plaque and freshen your breath - this paste performs perfectly.

At a low price, pasta has its positive qualities.

  • Gentle composition without many dangerous chemical components.
  • Pleasant taste and a long feeling of freshness after application.
  • Availability - available in almost every store.


  • The whitening effect is not pronounced. Rather, the paste stops further “yellowing” and brightens a little, but it will not make your teeth perfectly white.
  • Too "minty" taste will pinch the tongue of unaccustomed people and children from 6 years old.

2 New Pearl Fluorine

Good cleansing effect
Country Russia
Average price: 33 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Russian-made toothpaste is recognized as the best among care products in the lowest price category. The new Fluorine pearls are among the cheapest on the market. Despite this, according to experts, it has a good cleansing effect. That is, the toothpaste does its job. main task- brushing your teeth. It is necessary to understand in more detail all the advantages and disadvantages.


  • leaves nice smell in the mouth;
  • has a fresh aroma;
  • contains a lot of calcium;
  • low price.


  • The composition includes a large amount of parabens and harmful substances because of this, it is not recommended for frequent use.
  • May cause an allergic reaction.
  • It has cheap low quality components.

1 Blend a med 3D White

The best ratio of price and quality
Country: Germany
Average price: 159 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The best whitening paste in a low price category. Blendamed 3D White consists of a single polymer substance (abrasive) that quickly breaks down plaque. The manufacturer has created six different flavors. The main feature of the paste is its high fluorine content. It is considered a very useful component for strengthening enamel.


  • optimal cost;
  • pleasant taste;
  • antibacterial effect prevents the appearance of caries;
  • whitening effect.


  • a high content of pyrophosphates, leading to hypersensitivity;
  • not obvious whitening results;
  • unnatural composition.

The best fluoride free toothpaste

The body's need for fluorine is not too high. And in some regions of Russia (for example, in the Urals) right amount this element can only be obtained from tap water. Therefore, the need for fluoridated toothpastes simply disappears. After all, excess can even hurt. Especially if all the teeth have not yet erupted - for example, children younger age. As a rule, fluoride-free toothpastes contain more calcium - this element binds excess and remineralizes tooth enamel. So the benefit is obvious. Therefore, it is worth choosing the best fluoride-free toothpaste.

3 President Unique

High calcium content
Country: Italy
Average price: 221 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

A toothpaste with a loud name, designed to restore teeth with a lack of calcium. It is pleasant both in taste and in appearance - it is gel, pale green in color with blue splashes of cleansing particles. Of course, for its quality, the paste is a little expensive, but it copes well with the declared functions. I am pleased with the relatively natural composition with a minimum of harmful substances (although parabens are still present). This toothpaste is not deprived of certain advantages.

  • Perfectly cares for the gums, preventing bleeding.
  • It has a pleasant, very mild mint flavor.
  • Contains a large amount of calcium, remineralizes teeth.
  • Has low abrasiveness, suitable for sensitive teeth.

In some reviews, people also highlighted the shortcomings:

  • For the price it doesn't clean well.
  • The toothpaste does not lather well, making it difficult to brush your teeth.

2 Biorepair Intensive Night

The best restoration of tooth enamel
Country: Italy
Average price: 550 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

A special tool created for brushing your teeth at night. The creators of the product are proud to add MicroRepair microparticles to it, which are almost identical to "natural" enamel. Due to this, it restores the tooth and nourishes it with minerals. It doesn't happen very often, but it's definitely worth looking for. In fact, this is one of the few pastes that can fully restore tooth enamel. Reviews are literally full of the following benefits.

  • In the morning there is a feeling of cleanliness in the mouth.
  • Sensitivity drops quite a bit.
  • Perfectly cleans and polishes teeth.
  • Restores damaged mucous and bleeding gums.

But not without drawbacks.

  • Very high price (which, however, is justified by the quality).

1 SPLAT Professional Ultracomplex

Active effect on the entire oral cavity
Country Russia
Average price: 129 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

This paste is recognized as the leader in the rating of fluoride-free pastes for a reason. It cares for the entire oral cavity at once and is ideal for owners of overly sensitive teeth. After some time, the strengthening of the enamel becomes noticeable. The paste at the same time accelerates the regeneration of wounds and eliminates bleeding. In the reviews, people note that the paste works great "on all fronts." So it definitely deserves attention.

The positive qualities of this paste are encouraging.

  • The composition is almost completely natural, there are no harmful substances and reagents.
  • Great for reducing tooth sensitivity.
  • It has a mild taste and suits most people.
  • Refreshes - pleasant breath lasts for a long time.


  • Virtually no effect on the color of the teeth.

The best toothpaste for smokers

For those who smoke or drink a lot of coffee, special needs associated with clean teeth and gums. The impact on the oral cavity occurs constantly and intensively - due to smoke and drinks, a stable yellowness and a nasty plaque are formed. And they hold on much stronger than other people. Therefore, ordinary toothpastes cannot get rid of the unpleasant yellow plaque, capable of instantly giving out a coffee or cigarette lover. It was for cleaning the enamel that special options were created. They are designed for intensive "contamination" of the teeth and are able to cope with this without problems. So we offer to choose the best paste for smokers.

3 President Smokers

Natural active ingredients
Country: Italy
Average price: 244 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Toothpaste straight from Italy for smokers. According to the manufacturer, it refreshes and whitens to the maximum. But in reality, the effect is slightly worse than stated. Rather, this fluoride paste protects the teeth and prevents tar and drink deposits from eating into the enamel. And also with it, the teeth will become lighter by 1-2 tones. It will not give the effect of cleaning at the dentist. But this pasta also has its positive sides.

  • Soft impact - the toothpaste does not have a high abrasiveness, so there is no sanding effect.
  • Pleasant taste and stable aroma - the smell of tobacco will disappear from oral cavity for a long time.
  • An almost completely natural composition - it features lime, bamboo charcoal, parsley, etc.

Unfortunately, there were some negatives.

  • It does not have a full whitening effect.

2 R.O.C.S. Coffee and tobacco

The best effect on yellow plaque
Country Russia
Average price: 249 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Specialized toothpaste designed to eliminate the effects of smoking, drinking coffee, tea and wine. But it also saves from coffee. An excellent option for getting rid of a nasty plaque or unpleasant odor. Copes with the task at 100%. And all this without aggressive components, so that the impact on the teeth is very gentle and gentle. With constant cleaning, it removes stains on the enamel and evens out its shade.

From merit.

  • After cleaning, there is no mint aftertaste, although freshness lasts a very long time.
  • The composition contains a special flavor that eliminates the smell of tobacco.
  • Suitable for sensitive teeth, partially restores (remineralizes) the enamel.

Negative points.

  • The tube is small - only 74 grams.

1 SPLAT Professional Maximum

Maximum longevity
Country Russia
Average price: 171 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Officially, this paste is not declared for smokers, but is ideal for them due to its properties. Eliminates all unpleasant odors and blocks them for 6-8 hours. Removes plaque even from the most hidden gaps between the teeth. It does not whiten perfectly, but it is unrealistic to achieve a full-fledged effect with the help of only toothpaste. I am pleased with the standard for this brand excellent composition of natural ingredients. There is nothing superfluous and harmful to be found there.

Of the advantages, buyers noted the following.

  • Refreshing effect for the whole day - toothpaste has excellent resistance.
  • Very bright and pronounced mint taste, can bake the oral cavity.
  • Qualitatively cleans plaque and whitens yellowness relatively well.
  • Soft when brushing - even sensitive teeth do not hurt.

But there is one drawback.

  • Toothpaste is too minty and not everyone will like it - it can pinch the tongue and lips.

Choosing the Best Teeth Whitening Paste

Nowadays, an attractive snow-white smile is associated with success and health. But for some reason, many people believe that a Hollywood smile is the privilege of stars. Healthy white teeth available to many, the main thing is desire. How can you restore radiant whiteness to darkened teeth? Our article presents a rating of the most effective whitening toothpastes that will help you make the right choice.Our rating:

  • Crest
  • Splat
  • Thai
  • R.O.C.S.
  • Rembrandt
  • Chinese
  • Opalescence
  • White Glo
  • Yotuel
  • Blend-a-med Whitening
  • Sensodyne
  • President
  • swiss smile
  • Swissdent
  • Dontodent Brillant Weiss
  • Colgate
  • Lacalut whitening
  • Aquafresh
  • Japanese pasta Kobayashi
  • Are whitening pastes harmful?


At the request of many patients: "advise which toothpaste is best for whitening", many dentists answer - "Crest" from the well-known company Procter & Gamble.

Today, the Crest brand is synonymous with a healthy and snow-white smile! The strongest oral health experts, the most powerful research base, the latest scientific advances, and as a result, the American Dental Association accepts and recommends more and more Crest products.

Crest products are recognized as the most effective and safest and are approved by dentists in Europe and the USA.


Effective Russian-made paste contains an innovative formula for safe whitening teeth, suitable for very sensitive enamel.

  • Polishing particles in combination with papayin and polydon break up plaque in hard-to-reach areas, effectively brighten the enamel, making the surface of the teeth perfectly smooth.
  • Potassium ions provide a decrease in enamel hypersensitivity. Natural antibacterial ingredients care for fresh breath and prevent plaque formation.
  • Splat normalizes the pH balance of the oral cavity, preventing the development of caries, ensures the absorption minerals, calcium, safely whitens and perfectly polishes the enamel.
  • Pasta Splat perfect for lovers strong tea, coffee and smokers. For a month of use, the enamel is lightened by one and a half tones.


Hygiene products from Thailand have no analogues, they are usually organic and combine 3 important properties: enamel strengthening, whitening and gum regeneration.

An unsurpassed and completely unique toothpaste due to the presence of many active substances and special composition, has a powerful whitening effect, prevents the growth of bacteria and the occurrence of tartar, caries and periodontitis.

Whitening paste does not contain chemical additives and preservatives, created exclusively from natural ingredients based on several medicinal essential oils.


Sensational whitening, providing radiant whiteness of teeth, is guaranteed by Rox whitening toothpaste (manufacturer Switzerland-Russia).

The ROCS formula is based on one of the principles of preventing plaque development and strengthening teeth. The combination of biological components: xylitol, bromelain, as well as mineral compounds - sources of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, provide:

  • delicate whitening of enamel;
  • prevention of tartar formation;
  • strengthening teeth and preventing the development of caries;
  • long-term cleanliness of teeth;
  • giving freshness to the breath;
  • elimination of bleeding gums;
  • normalization of the composition of the microflora of the oral cavity (has the properties of a prebiotic).

As an addition to delicate whitening, dentists recommend using ROCS oxygen whitening paste. Due to the unique properties of active oxygen, this tool deeply whitens tooth enamel, eliminates inflammatory process in the gums and an unpleasant odor.

Whitening toothpaste R.O.C.S. Sensation Whitening for sensitive teeth


The action of Rembrandt is based on the principle of low abrasiveness, the level of which corresponds to the standard of toothpastes for children.

Rembrandt brightens teeth by approximately 2 tones without damaging the enamel. This product contains citroxaine, a mixture of the natural papain enzyme and a very mild polishing agent that will restore the natural color of the teeth.

Chinese Pasta Orecare

Orecare whitening paste combines elements of modern technology and features of Chinese medicine medicines.

Orecare has an anti-inflammatory hypoallergenic composition: an extract of the root bark of the Chinese national flower - peonol, which has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial effects and is completely safe.

Chinese whitening paste:

  • gently and effectively cleans plaque;
  • reduces enamel abrasion;
  • preserves the natural whiteness of the teeth;
  • long time provides fresh breath;
  • effectively reduces tooth sensitivity;
  • renders effective prevention oral diseases and caries.

Chinese whitening paste Orecare with medicinal herbs


Opalescence Toothpaste is a minimally abrasive toothpaste. home use. It is perfect for anyone who wants to maintain whiteness after teeth whitening or restoration.

The unique formula of Opalescence promotes the maximum accumulation of fluoride in tooth enamel.

White Glo

The unique White Glo ensures maximum oral hygiene. Thanks to a special formula, the paste fights the yellowing of tooth enamel that occurs after the consumption of coloring foods and drinks.

White Glo whitening paste contains minerals, herbs, natural ingredients

Microwax particles protect tooth enamel from the formation of new stains. WhiteGlo contains vitamin-rich rosehip oil to improve protective qualities mucous membrane. The effect is noticeable after 3 days.


Yotuel bleaching agent is perfect choice for daily use. The combination it contains active ingredients(carbamide peroxide, fluoride, xylitol, calcium and phosphates) has not only a whitening effect, but also a deep healing effect, remineralizing enamel and actively fighting caries, gingivitis symptoms and tooth sensitivity. Yotuel has a low abrasive composition, allowing you to remove the yellowness of the enamel without scratching.


Blendamed is produced by the well-known American company P&G. Its innovative formula contains natural pearl extract, as well as whitening particles that act as an abrasive and restore tooth enamel to its natural color.

Blend-a-med is suitable for sensitive teeth - it delicately comes into contact with the enamel, removing plaque and deposits, and preventing their reappearance.

Minerals included in the Blend-a-med paste strengthen the enamel, protecting the oral cavity from caries. With its regular use, the teeth are guaranteed reliable protection from harmful bacteria and microbes. This hygiene product includes vanilla extract and mint, which fight against bad smell and give freshness to the breath.


GSK's Sensodyne actively whitens teeth. At the same time, its active component - potassium nitrate penetrates into the hard tissues of the teeth and protects them. nerve endings making teeth less receptive to hot or cold food.

Thanks to its formula, Sensodyne not only effectively removes plaque, but also reliably protects against the formation of new stains.

Contained sodium fluoride strengthens tooth enamel, preventing the development of caries

Sensodyne can be used for a long time as daily remedy for oral care. In its composition, sensodyne does not contain inherently harsh abrasives, therefore, after its use, tooth enamel does not collapse and does not become more sensitive.

The effect of using Sensodin paste is noticeable after a couple of weeks.


Pasta President saturates tooth enamel with calcium salts and has a whitening and remineralizing effect. Its unique formula provides high-quality whitening while strengthening enamel and protecting gums.

President contains the following active ingredients:

  • a compound of calcium and silicon - this combination perfectly whitens teeth without harming the enamel, as it has low rate abrasiveness;
  • increased concentration of fluorine ions in combination with calcium provides enamel remineralization;
  • Icelandic cetraria has an immunostimulating, bactericidal and wound-healing effect;
  • ginseng extract has a tonic and tonic effect on the metabolism in soft tissues.

swiss smile

Swiss Smile whitening product is the result latest research scientists from Switzerland, which is ideal for regular use. In its unique formula there are no chemically active substances, acids, abrasive components and other rough compounds.

A special combination of active ingredients perfectly whitens teeth, removes plaque and slows down its formation for a long time.

Swiss Smile whitening kit: toothpaste, conditioner and toothbrushes


The Swiss company Swissdent is known for its high quality dental health products.

Swissdent is issued using the latest technologies, combining the action of already proven whitening ingredients with the most advanced nanotechnology.

Effective and safe paste has a low abrasiveness and does not damage the enamel.

With the help of antioxidants, minerals and enzymes, dark spots and plaque are naturally removed. The composition of the product also includes coenzyme Q10 and fluoride, due to which the teeth become not only snow-white, but also healthy.

Swissdent whitening kit: toothpaste, whitening stick, spray

Brilliant has an excellent whitening effect, restoring natural whiteness to teeth.

Brilliant hygiene product protects teeth from plaque and calculus, strengthens enamel, destroys bacteria that cause periodontal disease and caries.


Colgate high-quality toothpaste restores the natural whiteness of your smile by gently removing dark spots from the surface of the enamel.

Colgate is:

  • bleaching agent for regular use;
  • safe deep whitening;
  • non-abrasive technology;
  • protection against caries;
  • fresh breath.

Whitening toothpaste Colgate Whitening with soda and peroxide


German manufacturer Lacalut restores the natural whiteness of teeth, preventing the formation of tartar and caries.

Therapeutic German whitening toothpaste Lacalut White

"Lakalut" contains aluminum lactate - lactic acid salts that are very useful for teeth, which strengthen the gums, have an astringent effect and reduce the sensitivity of the enamel. The composition of Lakalut toothpaste also includes aluminum fluoride, allantoin, bisabol and chlorhexidine, which strengthen tooth enamel, which have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, quickly destroy plaque.


Aquafresh is a comprehensive protection for the oral cavity. It contains fluoride, which helps to resist harmful bacteria.

Regular use of Aquafresh restores the natural color of the enamel, prevents caries and refreshes the oral cavity.

Japanese pasta Kobayashi

Kobayashi Whitening - Mint Charcoal Toothpaste:

  • polishes and whitens enamel;
  • removes dental stains and plaque;
  • herbal aroma prevents odor and freshens breath.

Are whitening pastes harmful?

Although modern dentistry has safe bleaching agents, there is a category of people who should refrain from using them.

  1. In order not to aggravate the problem, it is not recommended to do teeth whitening for people with carious lesions of the teeth, thin sensitive enamel or periodontal disease.
  2. Pregnant and lactating women, as well as children, should refrain from using bleaching agents.
  3. If you wear braces, have crowns or many fillings, the whitening will be uneven.
  4. Do not use a paste containing more than 0.1% hydrogen peroxide!

The use of abrasive whitening pastes is only possible for short courses! With prolonged use, significant damage to tooth enamel is possible.

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