We choose the best drugs for bloating (intestines). Carminative

BabyCalm is a drug designed to eliminate colic in newborn babies. These drops are based on natural composition and therefore absolutely safe for the health of babies. It is important to understand that almost all children suffer from problems with the gastrointestinal tract, this is due to the body getting used to the new conditions of existence.

It is not necessary to fight colic in newborns, however, many mothers are trying in every way to alleviate the condition of the baby. Basically, BabyCalm is Dill water with any oils, which removes gases from the intestines, and also normalizes the digestive tract. The drug begins to act within 15 minutes after the person has taken it, which earned the love of many mothers. How should it be given to babies?

Baby doc is biologically active additive with a therapeutic effect. The drug is designed specifically for infants and to eliminate problems with the digestive system, characteristic of this category of children. The action of the additive is manifested during short span time.

The drug effectively eliminates colic and prevents their occurrence. Use this remedy can be a short-term course or as part of therapy in combination with other medicines.

Disorders of the digestive process varying degrees manifestations are observed in almost all people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The main direction in the treatment of patients with maldigestion syndrome (especially if the causes of its development cannot be eliminated) is enzyme replacement therapy.

Digestive enzyme preparations represent medicines, which improve the digestion process due to the digestive enzymes (enzymes) contained in them. Modern pharmacies offer a variety of enzymatic agents, which differ from each other in the combination of components, production method, enzymatic activity, release form, etc. One such drug is a drug called Pepfiz.

With the advent long-awaited baby parents face large quantity difficulties. A fairly common problem that causes a child to cry is colic. They torture almost every child.

This is due to the fact that babies are born with sterile intestines. Only a little later, the child's digestive tract begins to populate beneficial microflora. This happens about 3-6 months. At this time, the children have a very bad tummy ache.

When a child appears in the family, it is a real happiness for the mother and for the father. However, newborn babies need special care and treatment. For the first few months, babies experience terrible colic, in front of which parents are absolutely powerless.

In this situation, it may come to the rescue universal remedy- Espumizan Baby. What is this remedy, and how to give it to small children?

Aviaplant can be attributed to drugs plant origin. It has an antiemetic effect on the body, and also stimulates the production of salivation, generally stabilizes the activity of the digestive tract, and enhances the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

There can be quite a few reasons for increased gas formation - from quite harmless physiological factors associated with overeating to dangerous infectious diseases. Tablets from bloating and gas formation help to cope with an unpleasant symptom, but if the need for taking them constantly arises, you should consult a doctor.

Most drugs to eliminate dyspeptic disorders can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription. Taking them will alleviate the condition if an attack of flatulence is taken by surprise, but, nevertheless, it is desirable that such pills, like any medicine, be prescribed by a doctor.

Activated carbon

Most cheap pills from bloating - Activated carbon. Its effectiveness is based on the fact that the surface of the coal absorbs harmful substances, toxins in the intestines and excess gases. As a result, the patient's condition improves markedly.

The drug has practically no contraindications, although it is not recommended to take it for suspected intestinal obstruction or for abdominal injuries. Of the side effects, you can indicate a change in the color of the stool - it becomes dark or black. The price of the drug is from 15 to 50 rubles.

White coal

The basis of the drug is silicon dioxide and microcrystalline cellulose. Compared to activated charcoal, this drug exhibits a more powerful absorbency, that is, it acts much more efficiently, quickly eliminates increased gas formation and bloating and additionally stimulates intestinal motility.

White charcoal is taken 2-4 tablets an hour before meals. Its use is contraindicated intestinal obstruction, ulcerative lesions organs of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy and lactation, individual intolerance to the components. The price of the drug is from 120 rubles.

Another agent from the same group of sorbents, which is a powder for preparing a solution. The mechanism of action is the same as that of activated carbon, but it is more pronounced.

This drug is prescribed for adults and children at any age. Just like activated charcoal, it should not be used if there is a suspicion of obstruction or intestinal injury. average price- from 220 rubles.

Based on silicon dioxide, it is produced in the form of a powder intended for the preparation of a suspension. It is recommended to use this remedy for flatulence caused by food poisoning, as well as in the treatment of severe intestinal infections, drug or food allergies.

AT preventive purposes Polysorb is recommended for employees to take hazardous industries. The drug exhibits a pronounced detoxifying, adsorbing effect, well absorbs excess gases and removes harmful substances from the body. Contraindications for admission - intestinal atony, peptic ulcer, bleeding gastrointestinal, individual intolerance. average cost Polysorb - from 60 rubles.

The advantages of using sorbents are that they are inexpensive, allow short time improve well-being, have practically no contraindications, do not cause dangerous side effects in case of overdose, are safe and approved for use in children.

The disadvantage of this group of drugs is that if the cause of gas formation lies in chronic pathological processes, then the sorbents provide only a temporary effect. To eliminate bloating and other associated symptoms that accompany diseases of the digestive tract, a full-fledged complex therapy is necessary.

Defoamers (carminatives)

Such tablets for the treatment of bloating have a different mechanism of action. They break up gas bubbles that form in the intestines, which are then absorbed by the intestinal lining or excreted. Small bubbles, unlike large ones, cause less discomfort and are easier to eliminate from the intestines.

Popular representatives of drugs from the group of defoamers are Espumizan and its analogues. They can not be used for complete intestinal obstruction, as well as for suspected injury to the intestinal wall. Like enterosorbents, defoamers give quick effect, have few contraindications, but their price is slightly higher. In chronic conditions, they are also unable to cope with the cause of the disease.

Espumizan (Simeticone, Simicol)

The active substance of the drug is simethicone. Espumizan is distinguished by defoaming activity, is used to eliminate the symptoms of flatulence, as well as in preparation for endoscopic examinations. The active substance collapses gas bubbles in the intestines, which helps to quickly reduce heaviness, pain and bloating. The recommended dosage is up to 10 capsules per day, divided into 5 doses. Espumizan can be used for a long time. Restrictions on the use of the drug are hypersensitivity to simethicone and intestinal obstruction. The price of the drug is from 300 rubles.


A drug to reduce gas formation in the intestines based on dimethicone and guaiazulene. The active substances of the drug reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, stop inflammatory processes and reduce bloating. The recommended dose is up to 3 tablets per day before meals. Restriction to the use of the drug is the age of up to 14 years and individual intolerance to fructose. Price - from 200 rubles.


Among the tablets from gases and bloating, drugs that enhance intestinal motility are especially popular. Them therapeutic effect is that due to the acceleration of peristalsis, excess gases are quickly excreted from the body.

Motilium (Motilac, Passagex)

The most famous representatives of this group. In addition to affecting intestinal motility, it contributes to the crushing of large gas bubbles (as defoamers do). As a result, after taking the medicine discomfort, associated with bloating, quickly recede.

The active substance of the drug - domperidone enhances intestinal peristalsis and eliminates such manifestations as nausea, belching, heaviness and other phenomena associated with slow digestion of food. The maximum allowable dose is 8 tablets per day. The drug should not be used for internal bleeding, tumor processes in the intestines, symptoms of obstruction and allergies to domperion. Price - from 500 rubles.

Trimedat (Neobutin)

The action of the drug is aimed at improving the motor function of the digestive tract and accelerating the progress of the digestive masses. It is used for bloating and digestive disorders associated with slowing down motor function intestines. Permissible dose- no more than 6 tablets per day, divided into three doses. The price of the drug is from 250 rubles.

Among the popular representatives of prokinetics are such means as Ganaton, Gastricumel, Aviollant. The group of drugs under consideration has many contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with before taking the drug. The main restrictions for use are gastrointestinal bleeding, diarrheal conditions, intestinal obstruction, hepatic and kidney failure, violation of the conduction of the heart. If you suspect one of these conditions, it is better to refuse to take the drug.

Side effects may include upset stools, intestinal cramps, abdominal pain, malabsorption nutrients, allergic reactions. Cases are described negative impact on the endocrine system– violations menstrual cycle in women, in rare cases- provocation of prolactinoma in men and women.

Tablets from flatulence and bloating from the group of motility stimulants are not recommended for children, pregnant women, nursing mothers. Just like the other two groups of drugs, they do not cope with chronic conditions, but they give a quick effect when you need to get rid of flatulence as quickly as possible.

Probiotics and prebiotics

For treatment chronic conditions associated with bloating, there are not enough drugs described above in best case they will provide temporary relief, but will do little to promote recovery, and sometimes mask a gradual worsening of the condition.

One of common causes chronic bloating - dysbacteriosis, that is, an imbalance in the microflora in the intestine, in which opportunistic pathogens begin to predominate, and the number beneficial bacteria decreases.

This condition disrupts the bowel, causing bloating, gas, diarrhea, pain and heaviness in the abdominal region, nausea, and lack of appetite. Probiotics and prebiotics restore the natural intestinal biocenosis.

Probiotics are preparations containing strains of live bacteria that are protected from acid environment stomach.

Prebiotics are preparations containing components that support the reproduction of normal bacteria. This is a kind of nutrient medium for natural human helpers - bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

The best and most popular of these funds are Linex, Laktofiltrum, Probifor. There are practically no contraindications for the use of these drugs, they are allowed for adults and children. younger age. Many probiotics can be used even in newborns.

The composition of the drug includes lacto- and bifidobacteria, as well as enterococci. Thanks to the combined basis, it is possible to cope with the most various violations digestion, including various dyspeptic manifestations, expressed as bloating, excessive gas formation, nausea, diarrhea. The drug is well tolerated, can be used in children and pregnant women, does not cause side effects and has a minimum of contraindications (intolerance, internal bleeding).


A combined preparation that contains a sorbent of plant origin lignin and a prebiotic lactulose. Effectively binds and removes toxins, allergens, salts from the intestines heavy metals and other harmful substances. Lactulose normalizes the intestinal microflora, activating the reproduction of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which leads to an improvement in peristalsis and a decrease in the formation of gases and bloating. The drug is available in the form of tablets. The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually. The cost of the drug - from 280 rubles.

Combined probiotic based on concentrated bifidobacteria sorbed on activated carbon and lactulose. Possesses powerful detoxifying and antidiarrheal properties, copes well with intestinal infections even without the help of antibiotics.

Eliminates such concomitant symptoms like bloating, flatulence, promotes activation motor functions, improves the production of amino acids and vitamins, improves immunity, restores the intestinal mucosa. The drug is well tolerated, has practically no contraindications and is recommended for the treatment of adults and children (from the first days of life).

The list of drugs in this group is quite extensive. Among other remedies that are successfully used to treat dysbacteriosis and dyspeptic disorders (bloating, flatulence, diarrhea and other symptoms) are:

  • Bifidumbacterin Forte,
  • Lactobacterin,
  • Hilak Forte,
  • Acipol,
  • Bifiform,
  • Maxilak.
Enzyme preparations

Medicines of this group are used for insufficient production of digestive enzymes by the body. Such violations lead to a deterioration in the breakdown of incoming food, as a result of which its undigested particles are decomposed by bacteria, which causes increased gas formation.

Mezim Forte (analogues Pancreatin, Festal, Creon)

Pancreatin-based drug is designed to improve the functioning of the pancreas. Digestive enzymes in its composition help to improve digestion and remove such unpleasant symptoms like heaviness, bloating, excess gas.

The doctor selects the dosage individually, taking into account the severity of the violation. digestive processes. Contraindications to taking drugs are allergic to active substance exacerbation of pancreatitis. The average price of the drug is from 150 rubles.


Combined preparation based on dry bile and pancreas of cattle. Improves digestion by increasing the production of bile. Helps eliminate bloating and other dyspeptic symptoms associated with chronic diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

The drug is used in complex therapy gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, colitis. Contraindications - subhepatic jaundice and acute stages pancreatitis. Cholenzym is well tolerated, rarely causes side effects, which appear mainly allergic reactions. The cost is from 250 rubles.


Preparations of this group alleviate the condition with bloating, relieve spasms and pain that occur when the intestinal walls are stretched by an excess amount of gases. The most popular antispasmodics include:

  • No-shpa;
  • Papaverine;
  • Drotavenrin;
  • Duspatalin;
  • Sparex;
  • Spazmalgon.

Before taking antispasmodic drugs, you should consult your doctor and find out possible contraindications.


Another cause of chronic flatulence - intestinal infections. These diseases always proceed violently, with severe diarrhea, vomiting and fever. reproduction pathogenic bacteria in the intestine is manifested by bloating, changes in appetite, malabsorption of nutrients.

In this case, antibiotics are needed to fight the infection. They should be prescribed only by a doctor after identifying the pathogen, making a diagnosis, and determining the sensitivity of bacteria to drugs. Only in this case is it allowed antibiotic therapy. It is impossible to prescribe antibiotics on your own, based on reviews on the Internet about similar cases - this can lead to a worsening of the condition.

After primary antibiotic treatment, a course of probiotics is usually given for recovery. intestinal microflora. It should be remembered that the course of treatment should always be completed, even if the improvement came earlier. It is impossible to take antibiotics without confirmation that the patient has any intestinal infection.

General principles of treatment

Treatment of chronic bloating using both etiotropic and symptomatic remedies acceptable and often used in practice. In such cases, a course of treatment with drugs that act on the cause of the disease is usually prescribed, and, if necessary, taking funds intended to normalize the functions of the digestive system.

Other important element, in addition to taking medications, is a diet correction, which implies a decrease in the proportion of fatty, smoked foods, legumes, yeast dough, tonic drinks. At the same time increase the content in the diet fermented milk products, dietary meat, vegetables and fruits. Overeating has a negative effect on intestinal motility, so it should be avoided. In any case, moderate physical activity, healthy lifestyle life and a well-balanced diet.

Carminatives help get rid of gases in the intestines. Everyone has gases. They are formed as a result of the digestion of food and naturally leave the body. This is completely normal. But sometimes the amount of gases increases significantly, and a condition occurs, which is called flatulence. This is not a disease, but only a warning about trouble in the body. Symptoms are familiar to many - this is bloating, discomfort and pain, a feeling of fullness and increased gas discharge. Sometimes flatulence occurs episodically in absolutely healthy person. In this case, it makes no sense to swallow packs of medicines, but it is better to understand the reasons for its appearance and use natural carminatives.

Causes of flatulence

Flatulence may be a satellite various diseases such as gastritis, peptic ulcer or cholelithiasis, intestinal infections. Insufficient production of enzymes, dysbacteriosis, mechanical obstructions in the intestines in the form of adhesions and tumors also cause increased gas formation. Sometimes the cause of flatulence is elementary overeating or intolerance to any food, swallowing air when combining conversations and food, drinking carbonated drinks, nervous strain and stress.

Natural remedies for flatulence

The presence of diseases requires medical advice and treatment. If the problem occurs after eating any products, then you need to eliminate nutritional errors and use folk remedies with a carminative effect.

1. Excellent remedy- dandelion. Not a large number of(about 2 teaspoons) of the roots should be crushed, pour a glass of chilled boiled water and leave overnight. Drink 1/4 cup before meals.

2. Prepare parsley seeds (20 grams) in the same way, but heat for an additional half an hour in a water bath. Take 25 grams (tablespoon) several times a day.

3. Dill or fennel seeds. This remedy can be prepared in the form of a decoction and drunk half a glass in between meals. A tablespoon of seeds requires one and a half cups of boiling water, leave for 3 hours. And you can just chew a small amount of seeds after eating, but do not swallow, but spit out.

4. Carrot seeds help a lot. Take as a warm infusion of a tablespoon of seeds and a glass of boiling water, store in a thermos. Or grind them and use the powder on the tip of a knife before eating, as an option - add directly to food.

5. You can also prepare decoctions of chamomile flowers, plantain seeds, mint leaves, cumin, elecampane roots, St. John's wort, yarrow, valerian root. The use of basil, coriander, sage, lemon balm, oregano, thyme as seasonings helps to reduce gas formation.

And finally, a few unusual tips. At acute manifestation flatulence will help butter and which has become exotic in our time pork fat. Relief will come if you generously lubricate the stomach with one of these improvised means. Homemade charcoal made from thin poplar chips helps well. Wood burn, grind and take before and after meals. A warm heating pad or water bottle will also help relieve an acute attack.

Flatulence - delicate issue, delivering not only physical, but also psychological discomfort. Elimination of errors in nutrition and natural carminatives will help get rid of this unpleasant condition.


(carminativa) are prescribed to remove from the intestines the gases accumulated in it. With improper digestion, with the development of abnormal processes of fermentation and decomposition in the digestive tract, with a disorder of activity nervous system, a change in the innervation (contraction) of the intestine (for example, with hysteria), a very large amount of gases (carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, etc.) can accumulate in the intestinal canal. The accumulated gases, stretching the intestines, raise the chest-abdominal barrier high and cause a significant disruption of blood circulation and respiration, and, being absorbed blood vessels intestines and entering the blood, cause painful phenomena of poisoning. In order to reduce or completely stop the formation of gases in the intestines, various anti-fermentative and nervous means depending on the development of gases; in order to enhance their excretion from the body through natural way or substances that absorb gases are prescribed, for example. coal, with which they are displayed, or special - "V. means". In the broadest sense of the word, all means and medicinal substances that make bowel contractions more correct and accelerate the removal of its contents from the intestines, such as laxatives, massage, electrization (faradization) of the abdominal walls, compresses, etc. As a carminative, very big number medicinal substances, mainly from the plant kingdom, acting by the substances contained in them essential oils. In what way they act, for very many of these remedies it has not yet been completely clarified. The main and most commonly used "carminatives" in Russia are the seeds of anise (anisum), dill (foeniculus), parsley (petroselium), fragrant cumin (carvus), cloves (caryophylus), mint leaves (mentha), lemon balm (melissa), laurel (laurus), etc. As a carminative, some nerve agents are also used, mainly anticonvulsants: strychnine, valerian, camphor, belladonna, chloroform, ether. In the old days, the arsenal of carminatives was very rich, but in our time it is rapidly declining; very many means, formerly considered powerful, are now recognized as invalid.

A. Lipsky.

encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .

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A lot of people are faced with various problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. One of these unpleasant ailments is flatulence. Simply put, excessive accumulation of gases. Someone flatulence does not deliver big problems, occurring rarely. As a rule, gases can accumulate in the body after a person has eaten any food that provokes their formation. But for some, this unpleasant state becomes real problem. It is difficult for a person to be in society. Flatulence can put him in a very awkward position, besides causing severe pain, colic in the abdomen. And it can help carminative. What it is and how to use it will be discussed below.

We are not as worried about ourselves as we are about our children. The problem of bloating also torments the little ones. Especially immediately after birth. It is very difficult for parents to understand what is wrong with their child. The accumulation of gases in the tummy brings the child suffering, to which he reacts with loud crying. A carminative for flatulence in this case is a matter of prime necessity.

What to do with gas formation in the body?

In our time, it is not difficult to solve this unpleasant and delicate problem. You just need to choose a good carminative. If you have never heard of this concept and do not know what it is about, then read the information below. We will talk about medical preparations, as well as the means traditional medicine.

Carminative - what is it?

So, as we said above, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms and normalize the state of the gastrointestinal tract with the help of pharmaceutical preparations, and it is possible with the help of herbs. We will cover some of them to help you speed up your gas problem.

Carminatives - drugs that reduce and eliminate the amount of gases in digestive tract are struggling with flatulence. By using them, you can help yourself and your child.

Carminative drugs

So, we answered the question of what a carminative is. Now let's talk directly about the drugs.

Nowadays, pharmacies have on sale great amount various medicines. It is difficult not to get confused in such an assortment. Most often, specialists prescribe the means listed below.


It is considered one of the most sought after drugs. The components in the "Simethicone" actively fight gas bubbles and relieve stress. The drug is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, while protecting against re-development flatulence. Discomfort goes away, gases are excreted naturally.

The drug is produced in two forms. These are capsules and suspension. For an adult, 1-2 capsules per day or 25 to 50 drops of suspension are enough. This remedy rarely causes allergies. The use is prohibited only with individual intolerance to the components of the drug and with intestinal obstruction.

He has analogues. These are drugs "Espumizan", "Bobotik", "Simikol".


This carminative is often used to treat gas in the body. It copes well with pain, removes gases, and helps the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. As part of the drug "Gerbion" part of the components has natural origin, they relieve all the symptoms very gently.

It is prescribed 20-30 drops three times a day 30 minutes before meals. But "Gerbion" has a number of contraindications. It may cause an allergic reaction.

Means "Gerbion" should not be taken for problems with the liver, brain diseases, during pregnancy and lactation, for problems with alcohol, epilepsy, and should not be given to children.


Dimethicone is main component, which fights gas bubbles. It promotes their removal from the body. The drug is taken 5 drops 4 times a day. The medicine "Kuplaton" can cause allergic reactions.


It contains dimethicone, as in the previous remedy, but in combination with pancreatin. It is he who reduces gas formation, relieves pain. It also prevents the recurrence of the disease, helps the digestive tract.

It is necessary to take 1-2 tablets. Intolerance of components is possible.

Natural Carminatives

How often do we forget that we are surrounded by countless medicinal herbs. All of them can help to cope with various ailments. For each disease, in addition to the medicine that is sold in the pharmacy, you can pick up a natural analogue, which often has a much milder effect. And as we mentioned above, for children, such treatment is in many situations better than using chemicals which may also be of low quality.

Traditional medicine for flatulence

  • Dill. Our grandmothers in gas formation, especially when it came to children, always used dill, or rather, its seeds. Everyone can get them, they do no harm, but the benefits have been tested for centuries. So, all you need is to brew 2 tablespoons of dill seeds with half a liter of boiling water, cool and take half a glass 15-20 minutes before meals.
  • Caraway. Based on it, there are many recipes that help with illnesses. Cumin seeds are rich in various active substances. You need to brew it in the same way as dill. Just take half the dose. Not a tablespoon, but a teaspoon per glass of boiling water. Use 2-3 times a day for half a glass, you can and a third.
  • Fennel. The fruits are used to make the infusion. Take a tablespoon of fennel, pour 250 ml of boiling water, let it brew. Take in the same way as the previous remedy.
  • Ginger. Root is used here. This infusion can be drunk as tea. And it's very easy to make it. Cut off a piece no larger than one centimeter from the root, pour boiling water over it, cool, add honey and lemon.
  • Chamomile. Everything is prepared according to the same principle. A spoonful of dry grass - in a glass of boiling water. You can additionally use honey, mint, lemon, cumin seeds and dill. This composition is enough to take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.

Prevention of flatulence

Of course, in order not to provoke the formation of excess gases in the body, you can not eat many foods. But for most people, this is not an option, and it is unrealistic.

You can do it much easier. Drink the infusions and decoctions that we recommended above, not only at the moment when you already have unpleasant symptoms or pain, but also as a preventive measure. All of them are not unpleasant in taste, do not cause disgust. And the effect of the use will be obvious. The fact is that natural ingredients help to cope with ailments and additionally saturate the body with vitamins and useful elements.

We think we have answered the question of what a carminative means and what is its principle of action.

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