How to treat plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis. Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

About what plantar fasciitis is, many people know firsthand - among the people this pathology referred to as "heel spur". This disease develops due to overstretching of the ligament that lines inside foot pits. This ligament connects the calcaneus and metatarsals together, creating the arch of the foot necessary for stability while walking.

Plantar fasciitis or plantar fasciitis is inflammation. It is initially localized in the region of the calcaneus, and over time, deformation changes occur at the site of the lesion with tissue compaction and the appearance of a bone protrusion due to the deposition of salts in this place, which is popularly called the heel spur.

Note that this fascia of the foot is one of the strongest in the human body, therefore, inflammatory processes in it lead to a violation of gait, up to the development of permanent lameness. In addition, a person with such a pathology experiences severe pain while walking, and subsequently at rest.

The reasons

Most often, this disease affects people in old age, since the main reason for it lies in the prolonged and excessive overload of the ligament. Also, some people have a professional predisposition to such a pathology, for example, athletes and people in the ballet profession.

The main reasons under the influence of which in the fascia of the foot occur first inflammatory changes, and then degenerative, are:

  • excess weight(and as a result, excessive load on the feet);
  • prolonged wearing of shoes with high heels, as well as tight and uncomfortable shoes;
  • inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints;
  • and other gait disorders;
  • circulatory disorder lower extremities due to a disease such as atherosclerosis obliterans.

The treatment of this disease begins precisely with the establishment of the cause of its appearance, since the "" itself is a consequence of inflammatory and degenerative changes in the fascia, and trying to treat it various methods, including folk, the result can not be obtained. By influencing the cause of the pathology, it is possible to treat it quite successfully, moreover, by conservative methods.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms of a disease such as plantar fasciitis are pronounced, so it is usually not difficult to make a diagnosis. The main symptom is pain, which:

  • aggravated by prolonged walking;
  • occurs when you try to step on the heel in the morning, and by the evening it becomes so strong that it forces the person to use a cane or crutches;
  • localized in the back of the foot, but gives to the fingers and to the muscles of the lower leg;
  • has a sharp character, as if a person stepped on some kind of cutting object.

Of course, there are other symptoms of this disease that are not so obvious, but allow the doctor to make complete picture about the cause of pathology in humans. In particular, these are symptoms such as:

  • development of foot deformity with the formation of contractures, which occurs due to shortening of the fascia and a decrease in its mobility;
  • convulsions in the area calf muscles, as well as the muscles of the foot, which can occur both at night and in the morning, when a person tries to get out of bed after long period rest.

It should also be said that the symptoms of a pathology such as plantar fasciitis can be supplemented by visual manifestations. Swelling and hyperemia may be noted in the affected area of ​​the fascia. skin. General state a person is usually not disturbed.

All these symptoms impair the quality of a person's life. And if the disease is not treated in a timely manner, it can lead to disability of the patient.

Diagnosis and treatment

Before starting the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis. A person with the above symptoms should consult an orthopedist or traumatologist. If a person lives in a small town where there are no such specialists, complaints should be addressed to a surgeon who will conduct a visual examination, probe the foot to determine the location of pain, and also prescribe an x-ray. In the picture, you can see bone growths in the calcaneus.

Treatment of a disease such as plantar fasciitis is conservative and surgical. Fortunately, to surgical methods doctors resort only to extreme cases, when conservative methods do not give effect or when the disease is too advanced. In most cases, within a year, the treatment of this disease gives good result With complete cure patient.

As mentioned above, the treatment of the disease must begin with the elimination of its cause. In particular, if the cause is excess weight, it is necessary to switch to proper nutrition and add physical activity to your daily routine. If the disease arose against the background of playing sports, you need to reduce the number of loads or completely abandon this type of sports activity and replace it with another one.

Sometimes you have to change your profession, for example, if the disease has developed due to the fact that a person, by the nature of his activity, spends a lot of time on his feet. In addition, wearing a special orthopedic shoes, or the use of special orthopedic insoles reducing pressure on the heel.

Also, the treatment involves the use of a plaster splint to fix the leg during sleep, or, in cases of severe deformity, the use of a plaster cast.

Fascia massage also gives excellent results, allowing you to eliminate areas with limited mobility and develop a ligament. There is also certain complex stretching exercises for the extensor muscles of the foot, which makes it possible to improve blood circulation in this area and increase the mobility of the fascia. Exercises should be performed daily until recovery for 10 minutes a day, as well as after recovery to prevent recurrence of the pathology.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Flat feet is a kind of deformation of the foot area, in which its arches are subject to lowering, as a result of which there is a complete loss of their shock-absorbing and spring functions. Flat feet, the symptoms of which are such basic manifestations as pain in the calf muscles and a feeling of stiffness in them, fatigue when walking and standing for a long time, increased pain in the legs by the end of the day, etc., is the most common disease affecting the feet.

Arteritis is the name of a group of pathologies in which inflammatory processes occur in the blood vessels. Inflammation narrows the lumen blood vessels, because of this, blood flow is disturbed, and this favorable conditions for the formation of blood clots. When the blood flow is disturbed, the organs do not receive required amount oxygen and nutrients. This leads to the development various diseases. The inflammatory process can occur in any vessel - a vein or artery.

Plantar fasciitis of the foot is an inflammatory process that affects soft tissues in the area of ​​attachment of the plantar aponeurosis to the heel. The disease has international classification according to ICD. Its code-10 indicates that the disease refers to muscle pathologies, as well as skeletal system, connective tissues.

With the accumulation of calcium salts in the heel region, osteophytes, growths, causing pain. The discomfort periodically disappears, then intensifies with physical exertion.

Causes of the disease

The following negative factors can provoke pathology:

  • obesity;
  • gout;
  • wrong walking;
  • increased mechanical stress on the legs;
  • running long distances;
  • flat feet;
  • high arch of the foot;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Causes of inflammation can be caused by wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes.

The disease can cause professional activity. Factory workers, hairdressers, athletes, dancers, and surgeons are most commonly diagnosed with fasciitis. However, the cause of the pathological process may have a different nature of origin. The risk group includes older people (45–65 years). The female sex is more susceptible to the disease.

In this video, Elena Malysheva talks about fasciitis and how to treat it:

Symptoms of plantar fasciitis

Symptoms of the disease are typical. Based on the symptoms, the diagnosis can be easily established. Patients with either right or left fasciitis have: characteristic symptoms diseases:

  • sharp pain in the heel in the morning after trying to get out of bed;
  • the sole responds with inconvenience when the mechanical load on it increases;
  • pain syndrome appears in the foot when staying in vertical position or from prolonged sitting.

Which doctor to contact

If there is constant discomfort in the feet or the presence heel spur you need to visit a doctor. It is advisable to contact a therapist first. The doctor will prescribe the necessary laboratory and instrumental examinations.

Assistance in the future will be provided by an orthopedist, if there is one in the staff of the clinic. He deals with pathologies of joints, bones and ligaments. The treatment of plantar fasciitis is part of the main specialization of such a doctor. The plantar type of pathology, in particular, its changes can also be treated by a physiotherapist.

Each of these doctors gets acquainted with the patient's history, studies the results of tests and diagnostics. Depending on the data obtained and the characteristics of the patient, the doctor prescribes the necessary course of treatment.


To determine the type of disease, the patient may be assigned the following measures:

  • foot MRI;
  • radiography;

The main condition for successful treatment is the use of a whole range of recreational activities. It includes taking pills, physiological procedures and folk recipes.

Treatment of the disease

Drug therapy involves the use special means. The drug course is based on the use of drugs that are classified as NSAIDs. They are available in the form of gels, tablets and ointments.

It is also necessary special gymnastics which can be seen in the video:

traditional medicine

The most common representatives of this class are the following drugs:

  • Ortofen;
  • Nurofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Voltaren.

Any of the drugs for damage to the ligaments and feet should be taken only after meals, if it is in the form of tablets. On an empty stomach, taking the medicine is strictly prohibited. Treatment carried out by means of cream and ointments does not require special restrictions. Medicines must be applied to the affected area. Such a home therapy course can be carried out independently.

If a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug did not bring positive result need to use corticosteroids. Do injections or take pills only as directed by your doctor. If you do not adhere to certain patterns of taking these medications, they will provoke violations of the heel bone substance. This reaction is often the cause of various complications.


Apart from internal impact on the pathological process, you must also use certain procedures. These activities contribute to the removal inflammatory response with fascia, ensure the normalization of metabolism in the affected joint.

Here are some of the prescribed procedures:

  • ultrasound;
  • therapy with a device that provides shock-wave effects.

You can even be treated with mud applications with natural bioactive components. A laser may be used to treat the disease.

Inflammation of tissues, as well as pain relief, are removed using the following procedures:

  • applying ice;
  • massage manipulations;
  • use of Botox;
  • organization of warm baths;
  • gymnastics;
  • rubbing with warming ointments against inflammation;
  • taking analgesics - Ibuprofen, Naproxen.

Treatment with folk remedies

As an additional tool for influencing the affected heel, treatment at home should be organized using people's councils. You can make a compress from honey or buy bile. Effective way the fight against plantar fasciitis are:

  • hot potatoes that need to be mashed;
  • grated horseradish;
  • carefully crushed garlic;
  • petrolatum.

A useful product from this pathology is recognized as a tincture of red elderberry, which must be used for rubbing. To prepare it, you need to take the berries, pour them with alcohol and leave for 2 weeks where there are no ultraviolet rays. Sunflower pulp tincture has a similar effect.

Popular experience shows the effectiveness of such activities - an adult is able to feel relief 8 months after treatment. However, in order to cure the pathology correctly and without complications, it is necessary to connect the whole range of wellness procedures.

If the patient's condition does not improve after using the ointment, Dimexide, plaster, massage, training, Bubnovsky exercises and taking pills, you should immediately contact the doctor, who will probably prescribe surgical intervention.

last resort

After surgery, a person is recommended elastic stickers that help reduce the heel load.


Prevention of plantar fasciitis involves wearing comfortable shoes with special insole. For sports activities and home use need to change because prolonged wear shoes stop supporting the foot.

If the provocateur of fasciitis becomes overweight- you need to lose weight. This will help special diet and daily exercise.

Plantar fasciitis is a disease that is formed as a result of inflammatory and degenerative processes in the plantar (plantar) fascia.

The disease is accompanied by pain in the heel, which becomes stronger with the load on the foot. Also, fasciitis occurs due to damage to soft tissues, bone growths.

In the common people this disease called "" ', but this name is not reliable, since the bone outgrowth appears as a result of the disease.

The most vulnerable group of people are women over 40. Plantar fasciitis can also occur in athletes when they experience heavy stress in the heel area.

Causes of the disease

plantar fasciitis may occur due to prolonged and severe overload of the ligaments.

This disease mainly affects middle-aged and elderly people.

Weightlifters, ballerinas and athletes are also very often found with fasciitis due to special loads.

The list of the main problems due to which the disease occurs includes:

  • strong and prolonged loads on the legs;
  • when the shoes are trampled, the position of the foot takes wrong position, also called pronation, i.e. twisting of the foot when walking inward;
  • prolonged wearing of tight shoes and shoes with high heels;
  • in lumbar spine;
  • problems with inadequate blood supply legs, due to obliterating atherosclerosis;
  • excess weight;
  • high arch of the foot and are also dangerous factors;
  • diseases of the inflammatory and degenerative type (arthrosis and arthritis);
  • on the background age-related changes thinning of the layer of subcutaneous adipose tissue in the heel area may occur;
  • and thin the layer of tissue in the heel area, which provokes the appearance of the disease.

Factors provoking the development of the disease

These factors can contribute to the development of fasciitis, so they also need to be looked at and corrected for any errors.

  1. The first factor is uncomfortable and tight shoes, so it's better to walk in sports shoes, or put a soft insole in them.
  2. The second factor is walking barefoot. If you like to walk barefoot, then you should stop doing it. At home, you need to walk only in slippers.
  3. The third and final factor is overweight. Because of the superfluous, and so many different serious problems such as diseases of cardio-vascular system, but at the same time there is also a huge load on the heel, because of this, the disease can worsen. So it's worth starting healthy lifestyle life, excluding fatty and starchy foods from the diet and exercising regularly.

Symptoms of plantar fasciitis

The most common symptom of the disease is acute pain in the heel, which usually occurs when walking.

This pathology has characteristic feature, which is pain during the first steps, immediately after waking up.

This factor appears due to the fact that at night, with a long rest, micro sprains on the ligaments begin to heal, and when a person begins to walk, the ligaments stretch again causing pain.

Also pain may appear after a long stay in one position, after special physical activity and in general active sports. According to the descriptions of patients, pain with fasciitis is similar in sensations to pain when piercing the foot with a pin.

Also, with the development of the disease, it may appear Blunt pain. As a rule, pain occurs only in the plantar region of the heel. But in some cases, the back surface of the bone may also begin to hurt.

If fasciitis is in an advanced form, then a person may stop walking altogether, since it is very difficult to move around without stepping on the heel, this can also cause other diseases associated with socks and outer part feet.

Diagnosis of fasciitis

Marginal osteophyte calcaneus (calcaneal spur) on x-ray of the foot

If you experience the symptoms described above, you should immediately contact a specialist. He, in turn, must examine the patient's leg and be sure to conduct an x-ray examination, only then the doctor will be able to accurately determine the severity of the disease and prescribe an effective method of treatment.

During the examination, the doctor examines the heels for swelling and points where pain occurs. But on the results of the x-ray, growths of the calcaneus will be visible.

Often, with symptoms of fasciitis, patients do not know which specialist to contact, this disease is dealt with traumatologists and orthopedists, but if there is no clinic nearest to you this specialist, you can seek help from a surgeon.

Treatment of plantar fasciitis

When the disease is used anti-inflammatory and painkillers medical preparations. As a rule, they use various massages and physiotherapy exercises. With more severe cases also use laser therapy.

Medical treatment

To cure fasciitis, take anti-inflammatory drugs (not containing steroids). From painkillers you can take:

  • Naproxen;
  • Hydrocortisone ointment;
  • Aspirin;
  • Ibuprofen (ointments and tablets);
  • Indomethacin ointment.

Means will remove inflammation in the leg, and reduce pain. You also have the choice of using tablets or creams.

If you decide to be treated with tablets, take them only after meals. And if you resorted to creams, then without any prescriptions, simply apply them to the inflamed area.

If the symptoms are severely exacerbated, then it is worth using corticosteroids (diprospan, flosterone). injections this drug temporarily relieve the pain, but still do not forget that this is only a temporary solution to this problem.

The injections are quite painful, and if you abuse them, you can seriously damage the heel.

Surgical interventions

Before resorting to surgery, you need to visit a specialist physiotherapist. He will definitely tell you what to do, and will be able to say whether it is necessary to resort to such serious methods cure of the disease.

See a physiotherapist only after using all other (non-medical) treatments. You may not have to lie down on the surgical table at all, and other methods will help eliminate plantar fasciitis.

If, nevertheless, no methods could stop the development of the disease, then of course it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention, since this is the only remaining method. This procedure can completely eliminate inflammation in the ligaments and relieve sprains. During surgery, part of the ligaments is removed, which eliminates fasciitis.

But not everything is so good, during the operation you need to be aware that there are a number of risks, the list of dangers associated with surgical intervention includes:

  • development of a neuroma;
  • infections;
  • tarsal tunnel syndrome;
  • constant sharp pain and swelling.

There is also a risk that long time after the operation, the ability to regenerate wounds will slow down.

The operation should be approached seriously and will turn to really good specialists, remember that health more expensive than money. Therefore, you need to go to a clinic with a good reputation.

Use of extracorporeal shock wave therapy

This method is more safe option than surgery. Treatment is through referral. sound waves into the affected area, the method is aimed at relaxing the leg muscles.

This type treatment is used only if the symptoms of fasciitis do not disappear after 6 months of treatment.

The procedure also has side effects such as swelling of the treated area, and bruising. The method is not as aggressive as surgery, but also less effective.

Various alternative and home treatments for fasciitis

Insoles for shoes

To reduce the load on the feet, you need to apply different kinds insoles and heels. It is advisable, of course, to use orthopedic insoles. This type of insoles is an additional support for the feet.

You need to put orthopedic insoles in two shoes, that is, if you only have one foot in pain, you do not need to use insoles for only one foot. After all, shoes should be balanced, which can prevent the occurrence of heel pain.

To choose the right insoles, you need to contact the appropriate specialist, who, in turn, will find out the parameters of your feet and write out an order for special orthopedic shoes.

You can also use the so-called orthoses, prosthetic devices in the form of boots. The orthosis is a fixator for the legs during sleep, as the foot is rigidly placed at an angle closer to the lower leg.

This method will help to properly heal the micro-tears that form during the day.

Physiotherapy exercises (6 effective exercises for plantar fascia)

Exist complex exercises for the prevention of plantar fasciitis. The list will list a total of 6 exercises.

1 exercise.

In the first exercise, you need to lean on the wall and stretch your arms. When you are sure that the leg is extended as far back as possible, while the other should be slightly in front, transfer the weight to the back leg.

Then, move your body forward without lifting your heels and stay in this position for 30 seconds until you feel a stretch.

2 exercise.

In this exercise, you need to stretch your feet as much as possible, and then bend all your toes back with your hands, Special attention should be given to the thumb.

This exercise must be done alternating, that is, first bend the knee, and then do the exercise with the leg straightened.

The foot should be held in a state of tension for greater efficiency. The exercise is performed 10 repetitions, 2-3 times a day.

3 exercise.

For execution this exercise you need to take a small stool. Stand on a stool, lean your hands on a stable support, ideal option there will be a wall. When you are sure that you can maintain balance, then begin the exercise.

Stand on your toes and strain your foot, in this position you need to stand for 30 seconds, and then return to the starting position. The exercise is performed 10 repetitions, 3 times a day.

4 exercise.

To do this exercise, take a small towel and spread it on the floor. Then try to lift it up using only your toes. Hold the towel for about 30 seconds and then slowly release and relax your legs. Do 10 repetitions, 3 times a day.

5 exercise.

This exercise is to stretch the feet so that the toes are in tension. Then lightly press on the area of ​​the fascia and make circular motions.

This exercise should be done several times a day until there is a feeling of relaxation in the arch of the foot.

6 exercise.

For this exercise, you need to take a cold can, for example with soda, or some kind of small ball, and then press on it with your foot and start rolling on the floor in order to achieve relaxation of the arch of the foot. It is worth doing 30 to 50 repetitions a day so that the feet are relaxed.

Other methods of treating the disease.

Other methods of treatment include massages, mud and mineral baths and warming rubs. Gamma therapy is also sometimes used.

Gamma therapy is performed on radiotherapy units widely used in the field of oncology.

Disease Prevention

Some of the treatments are also applied beforehand to prevent fasciitis. A few of these methods should be highlighted:

  • body support in the appropriate form;
  • wearing comfortable shoes, and it is better to get orthopedic;
  • do not test the legs with excessive physical exertion;

Plantar fascia prognosis

This disease has a very favorable prognosis and can be a health hazard only in its advanced form. Also, with a fracture of the bone formation on the fascia, the disease can take a severe form.

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Very dangerous. You need to start worrying already when you feel discomfort when getting out of bed in the morning.

Problem Diagnosis

In most cases, foot pain is caused by plantar fasciitis. it inflammatory disease can lead to lameness, and advanced cases Patients cannot even stand up without help.

You can independently suspect the development of this disease if you notice morning pain on the soles of the feet in the heel area. Usually discomfort subside, and often disappear altogether by the end of the day. But they can resume after a long rest of the legs. Plantar fasciitis should not be underestimated. Symptoms, the treatment of which is desirable to begin immediately, are becoming more noticeable every day. As a result, getting up in the morning becomes a real torture, and the pain does not subside throughout the day.

At the first problems, it is advisable to go to the doctor. The surgeon will examine the affected leg, send it for x-rays to identify a heel spur and exclude others. possible problems. He will also listen to all your complaints and clarify exactly when the pain occurs. According to the description you provided, visual inspection and X-ray data and the final diagnosis will be established.

Causes of the disease

In most cases, plantar fasciitis develops for a reason. The most susceptible to this disease are people with flat feet, high instep, overweight. Also, problems with the fascia can begin due to a sharp intense load, regular wearing high heels and other shoes that are uncomfortable for the foot.

Sole fasciitis occurs due to the fact that when walking and other loads on the foot, there is an incorrect distribution of weight. Normally, a person should lean on the outer edge of the foot, and then move to its inner side. But with excess weight, flat feet and other related causes, this mechanism is violated. As a result, overstretching of the fascia occurs, followed by its micro-ruptures. They are the ones that cause pain.

The development of the inflammatory process

because of excessive load on the plantar fascia, which connects the calcaneus to the forefoot and supports its longitudinal arch, and all problems arise. Most often, the ligaments are injured at the point of attachment to the heel. As a result of this, micro-tears appear, which are ways to heal on their own. But the constant injury of these areas leads to the fact that in their place there is inflammation, accompanied by pain. In most cases, plantar fasciitis is also accompanied by an overgrowth of the heel bones. The x-ray shows a spur-shaped growth.

It is worth noting that women most often suffer from the disease, and people over 40 years of age are mostly affected. The risk group includes all patients with overweight, problems with the spine, diseases of the joints, injuries of the heel bones, gout, circulatory disorders, flat feet and other similar problems.

Disease prevention

It is desirable for every person to know how to avoid such a disease as plantar fasciitis. Treatment initial stages diseases and preventive methods are very similar. So, you can prevent the development of the inflammatory process with the help of simple gymnastics and stretching exercises. But no less attention should be paid to the choice of shoes and insoles. It is desirable to use orthopedic options in which the foot is well supported.

Do not forget about exercises for uniform stretching of the plantar fascia. Every day it is desirable to roll with pressure of the foot through any interior threshold. For these purposes, a regular bottle is also suitable. Another exercise that can help prevent plantar fasciitis is stretching. To do this, pull your feet towards you for 10 seconds daily, repeat this 20 times for each leg. effective method also is the stretching of the calf muscle.

Treatment of the initial stages of fasciitis

If you neglected preventive methods and did not see a doctor at the onset of the first symptoms, then you will most likely need medical methods. Of course, at first the doctor will recommend using simple ways that help most patients with plantar fasciitis. Symptoms for which treatment will be effective must not yet be expressed too clearly. That is, the patient may have problems with the feet when getting out of bed in the morning. But during the day, the sensations subside and completely disappear by the evening. In this case, you can use the cold: for this you can roll with your feet plastic bottle with ice or just well-chilled water for 10 minutes several times a day. This method is able to relieve swelling and reduce inflammation.

Also, doctors in most cases recommend reducing the load on the legs, for example, giving up long walking and running. At night, the doctor may advise you to wear special boots that prevent the fascia from contracting during rest. In a hospital setting, various physiotherapeutic procedures can be carried out, which also give a noticeable effect, inflammation decreases after just a few sessions.

Medical treatment

If a simple methods do not give the desired result and plantar fasciitis does not go away, then surgeons may recommend other ways to get rid of problems. Your doctor may recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This group includes drugs that contain ibuprofen, naproxen or regular aspirin. These can be drugs such as Motrin, Advil, Aliv, Diclofenac, Indomethacin.

In more advanced cases, corticosteroid injections may be given. It's special hormonal preparations with a pronounced anti-inflammatory mechanism of action. Only a doctor can do them, since the slightest mistake in the introduction of these funds can cause damage to the fascia. And this will provoke flat feet and chronic pain.

If the heel hurts, it most likely develops plantar fasciitis. This disease manifests itself inflammatory process in the fascia - a flat ligament connecting the calcaneus with the bases of the phalanges of the fingers. The people call fasciitis "heel spur", but this is not entirely correct, since the spur is one of the consequences of the disease.

Inflammation of the plantar fascia begins due to excessive and regular stretching and overloads.

Therefore, runners and people who are forced to spend the whole day on their feet are more susceptible to the development of pathology. To risk factors fasciitis also include overweight, physiologically high elevation of the foot, the presence of flat feet, wearing unsuitable shoes, diseases of the joints and vessels of the legs.

The disease is so characteristic symptoms, that it is simply impossible not to notice it or confuse it with any other disease. Plantar fasciitis has the following symptoms:

  • pain in the heel and foot in the morning after getting out of bed;
  • burning sensation when supporting and transferring weight to the heel;
  • swelling of the ankle and ankle;
  • pain in the ankles and in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon.

The disease is diagnosed with Ultrasound of the soft tissues of the foot. But before visiting a doctor, you can identify fasciitis on your own. This disease is indicated sharp sharp pains in the morning hours, which gradually weaken, and by night intensify again. The heel also begins to hurt if you stand up abruptly after sitting for a long time. And if you click on the arch of the foot, it will be soft and flabby.

At first, plantar fasciitis does not cause much inconvenience, and therefore many people ignore it. Meanwhile, delaying treatment can lead to chronic pain, growth of the heel spur and further difficulties with movement.

Fundamentals of Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

Plantar fasciitis responds well to treatment, and more than 90% of patients with this diagnosis recover within a few months after the onset. conservative therapy. Treatment of fascia pathology is always complex and includes:

  • The use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, naproxen, special ointments, corticosteroids);
  • Gentle walking mode, wearing comfortable shoes;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures - laser, ultrasound, thermotherapy, shock wave therapy(with pronounced spurs);
  • Massage, performing special exercises;
  • Usage orthopedic devices- instep supports, heel clamps, night splints.

An important condition for treatment is reducing the load on the affected area as much as possible. For this purpose, wearing custom-made orthopedic insoles with a soft lining under the heel is suitable. Shoes should also be as comfortable as possible, do not press, do not press, and do not load the foot in any way.

If you are overweight, then you need take measures to reduce it This will also help reduce stress on the foot.

During treatment, walk hard surface you need as little as possible, and also reduce the intensity of physical activity. Foot massage can be carried out independently at home once or twice a day.

To surgical way treatment of the disease is resorted to only in very rare cases, and then, if exists direct threat of ligament rupture with irreversible dystrophic changes in the tissues of the ankle.

What is the best ointment for treating plantar fasciitis?

Fasciitis is best treated topically. For this, various creams and ointments- they are prescribed by a doctor, or you can choose them yourself on the advice of a pharmacist at a pharmacy.

One of the most effective means local application in the treatment of plantar fasciitis is a cream fasciitis stop.

The preparation contains shark oil and comfrey grass - components that relieve inflammation and strengthen the tissues and ligaments of the foot. Shark oil is also a kind of antibiotic that acts directly on the focus of inflammation. The cream is rubbed into the heel area and the sole 1-2 times a day. For achievement best effect the leg from above should be covered with a warming bandage.

Ointment "Golden mustache" also widely used in the treatment of fasciitis and heel spurs. This remedy contains, in addition to golden mustache grass, shark oil, corn oil, cinquefoil extract, bay leaf, plantain, propolis, eucalyptus and fir oil and others natural ingredients . The method of application is similar to the previous drug.

We treat plantar fasciitis with folk remedies

Folk methods for treating inflammation of the fascia are in no way inferior pharmaceutical products in terms of efficiency. In addition, they are cheaper and you can always be sure what these homemade medicines are exactly made of.

Alternative medicine offers various ointments, compresses for the treatment of fasciitis.

But before such procedures, it would be advisable to take foot bath. In a bowl of water, add 2 tablespoons of large sea ​​salt and keep your feet for 15 minutes. Or, for example, a bath with iodine and salt: for 3 liters of water you need 10 drops of iodine and 3 large spoons of soda. The duration of this procedure is 10 minutes, and after it it is necessary to lubricate the sore heel with iodine.

Effective ointment for compress, consisting of a chicken egg, 200 grams of butter and two tablespoons of vinegar. over broken egg pour vinegar, and at this time melt butter but don't let it boil. Add oil to the rest of the ingredients, do not mix. Close everything with a lid and leave for three days, then mix and use. A clean cloth must be soaked with this ointment, applied to the sore heel, wrapped with a bandage on top and put on a sock. It is recommended to carry out treatment course until the ointment runs out. But in practice, this is unlikely to happen, since fasciitis soon ceases to bother.

Night compress from the herb cinquefoil prepared as follows: pour 2 large spoons of chopped cinquefoil root with a quarter cup of water and leave to infuse under a table lamp. After two hours, grind the softened roots into a pulp and apply to the affected heel, secure with a napkin and bandage. Put on a bag and a tight sock over it. Keep the compress for at least 10 hours.

Suitable for rubbing a sore foot red elderberry tincture. Put the berries in a half-liter jar, leaving space on top. Pour in alcohol and set aside to infuse in a dark corner. Use daily - as a rub or compress.

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