What happens if you sleep on a hard bed. Is it good to sleep on a hard surface and on the floor? Who should not sleep on hard mattresses

Many patients are interested in how to sleep with osteochondrosis. Such an unpleasant disease as osteochondrosis is a problem of office workers, car drivers and other people who are forced to sit a lot in uncomfortable positions.

How to sleep with osteochondrosis?

This disease requires long-term and thorough treatment, because the consequences of osteochondrosis can be paralysis of the limbs, heart attacks, strokes, hypertension and other pathologies that are extremely dangerous for human life.

There are 4 types of osteochondrosis, depending on the location of its localization:

  • cervical;
  • chest;
  • dorsal;
  • lumbar.

In addition to medication and physiotherapy, and for greater efficiency, it is worth reconsidering some of your habits. For example, it is very important to sleep properly with osteochondrosis.

Such a seemingly trifle as the position in which you sleep plays a huge role in the success of the treatment of osteochondrosis and in the further avoidance of its exacerbations.

Consider how to sleep with osteochondrosis. The first and most important item for people suffering from osteochondrosis of any part of the spine is a mattress. The right mattress will not interfere with people with a healthy spine, ensuring the prevention of back diseases and simply providing the highest quality rest to the whole body during sleep.

When choosing a mattress, you should pay attention to its rigidity. A mattress that is too soft will not be able to ensure the correct position of the spine during sleep and thereby aggravate the general condition of the ligaments and intervertebral discs, causing increased pain.

A mattress that is too hard will also not allow the body to take the correct position.

Is it good to sleep on the floor?

There is an erroneous opinion that one should sleep on a hard mattress, and some are wondering if it is useful to sleep on the floor with osteochondrosis. The answer to this question is an unequivocal no. This is due to the fact that a hard surface cannot provide the correct S-shaped position of the spine to a person lying on his back, and bend under the shoulder and pelvis while sleeping on his side. Under such conditions, the muscles and ligaments will be in tension, and the pain will intensify.

Ideal for sleeping is a mattress of medium hardness, preferably orthopedic, that is, able to adapt to the curves of the human body, regardless of the position in which he sleeps.

In addition to the mattress, you need to pay attention to the pillow. In specialized stores you can purchase, which:

  • ensure the correct position of the head;
  • relax the muscles and ligaments of the neck;
  • will help improve cerebral circulation.

When the pillow and mattress are chosen, it remains only to figure out what is the correct sleeping position for people suffering from osteochondrosis.

How to choose a sleeping position for osteochondrosis?

Consider how to sleep properly with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. For people with this diagnosis, the position during sleep lying on the back or on the side in the fetal position is suitable.

In the same positions it is shown to sleep with osteochondrosis of the neck. In the supine position, all the muscles of the body relax, with the exception of the legs, but in order to relax them, small pillows or a sheet roller can be placed under the knees and lower back. Thanks to such supports, the lower back will bend, then all parts of the spine will take the correct position, and the patient will be able to relax completely. This pose is not suitable for people who suffer from problems such as difficulty breathing, snoring, sleep apnea, etc.

This position is suitable for sleeping with thoracic osteochondrosis and neck disease, in addition, it is ideal for people with lumbar osteochondrosis. Lying on your back with the right pillow helps to normalize cerebral circulation, if the latter has been disturbed, which increases the flow of oxygen to the brain.

But a person cannot sleep motionless all night. The fetal position is another option for how to sleep better with cervical and osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. In this position, according to scientists, you need to sleep on your left side due to the structural features of the human esophagus, the location of the cardiac aorta and the liver, the functioning of which will be impaired when lying on the right side. In this case, these organs are displaced, and they cannot work properly while a person is sleeping.

How to do the fetal position correctly:

  1. Lie on your left side, leaning on your left shoulder and pelvis, slightly bend your knees and move them towards your chest.
  2. If in this position you are not very comfortable, you can stretch one leg and leave the other bent.
  3. In addition, a small pillow can be placed between the legs in the thigh area - this will relieve tension from the pelvic muscles and relax well.

For problems with the lumbar spine, in addition to the fetal position and the sleeping position lying on the back, sleeping on the stomach is acceptable. In this position, the load from the lower back is removed, but in this wrong position, the ligaments and muscles of the neck are very stretched. This can injure them and lead to impaired cerebral circulation. The prone position is best used not during sleep, but in order to lie down and relax when the pain in the lower back worsens or just when it needs to be relaxed.

So, if you have been diagnosed with osteochondrosis of one or more departments, in addition to the treatment prescribed by a neurologist, you should also take care of ensuring a comfortable position for the spine at any time.

During the day you need to keep your posture, if you can’t do it yourself, buy a special corset. And at night you need to learn how to sleep properly. To do this, you will have to suffer a little from problems with falling asleep in the correct, but unusual position. In addition, it is necessary to replace the bed, or rather, change the mattress and pillow to orthopedic ones. It will also be useful to start leading a more active lifestyle and reconsider the diet.

Changing your habits will be more difficult than buying a new pillow and mattress, but rest assured that your efforts will be worth it.

The human spine is subject to enormous daily loads, because it is a support for many organs of the body. Today it is a rarity to have a completely healthy spine.

Too soft a bed, of course, is harmful to the back - this is how a curvature of the spine can develop in a growing organism or any complications with the musculoskeletal system in adults can appear. Many choose to sleep on the floor. But is it good to sleep on the floor?

To sleep on a hard floor, you do not need expensive orthopedic mattresses or special modern devices that are purchased when arranging a special treatment bed. Sleeping on the floor is comfortable and accessible to everyone. However, even this simple way of a night's rest requires some rules to be followed.

Why is it good to sleep on hard surfaces?

Sleeping on the floor is much healthier than sleeping on a high bed. At the bottom of the room there is a higher humidity and a sufficient amount of oxygen, which is especially necessary for the vessels of the brain. As a result, a person's sleep becomes more calm and deep.

Of course, sleeping on an ordinary bed is also harmless. Only the bed should not have a too soft surface. Today, many people prefer to rest on the floor at night. At the bottom of the room there is no sweltering heat in the summer, and the hard floor surface provides sufficient comfort.

It is important to understand that it is harmful to sleep on a poor-quality and bad mattress. If there is a desire to move to the floor, then you should stock up on a dense natural rug and high-quality cotton bed linen. After a couple of weeks, the body itself will adjust to proper sleep on a hard floor surface. However, today many people do not know how harmful or beneficial this type of nightly rest is for health.

In normal healthy sleep, the human spine must have the necessary support. This function is provided by modern orthopedic mattresses. Too soft base of this product will inevitably lead to unwanted displacement of the vertebrae. And this is very detrimental to a person and is fraught with many complications. The choice of a modern orthopedic mattress must be approached very seriously and take into account all the features of this product.

As for resting on a hard floor surface, this method is certainly less expensive than purchasing an expensive orthopedic mattress. If there is no money, then you can sleep on the floor and still be completely healthy. In such a situation, the spine does not experience any load, is in the correct position, and the person himself does not feel any discomfort.

Benefits of sleeping on the floor

Preventive sleep without the presence of a mattress is very useful and necessary. The straightened spine does not experience vascular compression. During sleep on a solid foundation, the muscles of the body absolutely completely relax, there is no displacement of the vertebrae, the nerve endings are not compressed.

Due to the even distribution of body weight, the spaces between the vertebrae increase, and blood circulation improves. The restoration of body cells is stimulated, the body is cleansed, and the internal organs are maximally saturated with the necessary oxygen.

However, it should be remembered that the vertebrae of the neck always need proper support. For sleeping on the floor, it is best to purchase a special pillow in the form of a roller, which will support the head in the desired position and provide complete rest during sleep. A high-quality pillow activates all the functions of the venous vessels of the neck and brain during sleep.

If you follow these simple rules, sleeping on the floor will be very beneficial for your health. In this position, blood circulation improves and the body is completely restored, as a result of which in the morning you can feel a special surge of strength, vivacity and good mood after waking up.

Sleeping on solid ground also promotes excellent posture and helps prevent many spinal problems. After a week of such a night's rest, you can notice how your shoulders straightened, your stoop disappeared, and your well-being improved.

However, when choosing to rest on the floor, one should not go to extremes. A completely flat hard floor surface is not the most convenient for the human spine. Sleeping just on the floor is not physiological for people.

To ensure the best comfort, you need to use a dense small mattress or a special rug. Otherwise, the muscles during sleep will remain in tension. Sleeping on a very hard surface contributes to the clamping of soft tissues and blood vessels, as a result of which blood flow is disturbed in the circulatory system. If there is no appropriate mattress for resting on the floor, then it must be purchased.

During proper sleep, which will provide the best complete rest of the whole body at night, it is necessary that the body does not fall into the mattress, but takes a natural position. For this, the product should not be too soft or have a large thickness - a thin, dense mattress is enough for sleeping.

It is important that the place chosen for the night's rest is very clean and hygienic. After all, the floor is the area that accumulates the most dirt. If there is no desire to move to the floor, then you can place a hard wooden shield on a regular bed, and lay a mattress with a minimum thickness on top of it. Also, do not sit on the floor in drafty places.

When choosing bedding for sleeping, you should give preference to natural, rather than synthetic materials. It will allow the skin to "breathe" during sleep and absorb sweat well.

Properly selected bedding will ensure a complete and relaxing holiday. In case of back pain, you should definitely consult a doctor who will recommend how to properly organize sleep on a hard surface.

With osteochondrosis of any part of the spine, a person feels pain and discomfort, which prevent him from falling asleep for a long time. Do I need a special orthopedic mattress to improve the quality of sleep? Sometimes a solid and even bed has a better effect on a person's well-being than other expensive materials. Often the question arises, is it possible to sleep on the floor? It must be borne in mind that getting used to such a sleeping place will not be easy, and the adaptation process usually lasts up to several weeks.

It doesn't matter if you sleep on the bed or on the floor. Much more important is to choose the right pose. Benefits for the spine in osteochondrosis will be obtained only if the person sleeps lying on his back.

If you lie down on a firm place, the clamped muscles will gradually relax, and the vertebrae will take the correct position. Due to this, back pain will pass, the person will sleep well and feel great every day.

Why do people in Japan sleep on the floor?

Almost all Japanese women have a healthy posture. At the same time, the Japanese rarely have diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Why is this happening? The thing is that the Japanese sleep on the floor. This tradition arose in Japan not by chance. Due to high temperatures, the inhabitants of the country had to look for less hot and more comfortable places to spend the night. As a result, almost everyone started sleeping on the floor. Gradually, the tradition entered the life of the Japanese.

However, they do not lie directly on the floor. For sleep, special mats are woven, called tatami, which are made from straw. They are highly breathable, allowing the body to breathe and sweat while sleeping. A thin rug made of cotton and wool is placed on top. And although the tradition is very ancient, it is followed in almost every home. And this is due to the fact that such a dream brings many benefits to the body.

Disadvantages of sleeping on soft surfaces

Sleeping on an overly soft sofa is bad for the body. After all, the body almost completely sinks under the weight of its weight, which is why the spine does not relax, but bends in an unnatural way for it. At the same time, the muscles are in an excited state all night, trying to make the body position more or less normal.

A person may not experience discomfort from such a dream. But such a situation is harmful to the work of internal organs. You can get diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, heart. In addition, various diseases of the joints and spine may appear.

Benefits of sleeping on the floor

Is it good to sleep on the floor? Yes, but only if it's not too cold. If you lie on a cold surface for a long time, the endings of the spinal nerves may catch a cold, which is accompanied by severe pain. One way or another, sleeping on the floor is useful, because:

  • During sleep, the natural curves of the spine are preserved. Sleeping on your back improves your posture.
  • The pressure is distributed evenly throughout the body. Therefore, the load is removed from the hips, which reduces the likelihood of their omission.
  • All cells of the body are better enriched with oxygen, due to which the internal organs work better.
  • It is also useful to sleep on the floor because in this position a person gets as much sleep as possible, and the body relaxes. In the morning he is alert and has a great boost of energy for the whole day.
  • The cervical vertebrae deserve special attention. They constantly need support. In the case of proper sleep, the functions of the blood vessels passing through the neck are activated. Pain in the cervical region decreases, the crunch disappears.

The air in the room is distributed unevenly. Warm rises, and wet remains in the lower tiers. In addition, there is much more oxygen here, due to which sleep will be more efficient. Blood circulation in the brain tissues will also increase, so that the next day the person will be in a good mood.

Indications and contraindications for sleeping on the floor

But choosing a hard place to sleep is not recommended if you sleep on your side and not on your back since childhood. During pregnancy, it is also better to give preference to orthopedic mattresses. In general, during the period of bearing a child, it is harmful to lie on your back, since the stomach puts a lot of pressure on the spine. Obese people should also not sleep on hard mattresses. Under the influence of body weight, soft tissues are pressed to the floor, due to which blood flow is disturbed in them.

But sleeping on the floor for the spine is very useful. This allows you to correct deficiencies in posture, reduce the degree of scoliosis and other more serious diseases. After all, while sleeping on a hard floor mattress, the load on the back areas that are in constant tension is reduced. It is useful to sleep on the floor for people who have suffered various spinal injuries.

Proper sleep

It is very important to pay attention to how to sleep on the floor correctly. After all, failure to comply with just a few rules can only aggravate the situation. Before you lie down on the floor, it should be carefully prepared:

  • It is good to clean the surface of any contaminants.
  • You can't just lay on the floor. A warm blanket or woolen rug should be laid down. Sleeping on a surface that is too hard leads to compression of the soft tissues, which causes bruising.
  • You need to make a bed in the same way as a bed. A sheet, a blanket spread over the top. Instead of a pillow, it is better to use a small roller. It should not contain the entire head, but only the neck and part of the back of the head.
  • If a door or window is too close, it is recommended to close it. It is advisable to lay yourself near heating appliances. The ideal option is to lie down on a warm floor, which is heated by special polyurethane pipes located under the laminate. Warm water flows through them, warming the floor covering. Sleeping on a floor that is too cold is not only harmful, but also strictly prohibited.

Do not lie down on a dirty surface, because the dust irritates the respiratory tract, leads to allergies. Therefore, if it is impossible to sleep on the floor, a wooden layer is placed on the bed. True, in this case, there is a chance of rolling off the couch at night.

In addition, for the spine with osteochondrosis and other diseases, it is harmful to constantly be on a surface that is too flat. After all, it has natural curves, and under the weight of the body, the spine can completely straighten.

Restful sleep is the key to health

Not everyone can sleep on the floor. What about people who, due to their state of health, do not have this option? It is recommended to purchase a high-quality orthopedic mattress. It repeats all the curves of the spine. And although such pleasure costs a lot, sleeping on an orthopedic mattress helps to eliminate the symptoms of osteochondrosis, scoliosis, arthrosis and other diseases.

When it comes to sleep - many do not have to be persuaded. Lie down and fall asleep - often not a problem. Unless, of course, you have a comfortable bed.

Not everyone has the habit of sleeping on their back, but if necessary, it is developed very quickly.

You don't like a hard bed

  • if you are used to sleeping on your side and sleep only like this
  • if you are pregnant
  • you are overweight

In case of violation of posture, curvature of the spine () sleeping on a hard surface helps to relieve stress from those parts of the back that are always tense. At the same time, when the back is relaxed, the joints and muscles can work as levers, at the moment of involuntary movements of the legs and arms during sleep. This helps the vertebrae gradually return to their normal position. So over time, you will improve your posture and feel better.

It is good for you to sleep on the floor if:

  • your posture is far from perfect
  • you had a back injury
  • you have a herniated disc
  • rachiocampsis
  • persistent back pain
  • sleeping on the bed does not bring rest

Natalia Trohimets

Oddly enough, one of the main causes of persistent back pain is the lack of comfortable sleeping conditions. A person spends almost a third of his life in a dream - it is not surprising that the incorrect position of the body on the mattress as a result negatively affects the health of the spine. Many people think that to solve the problem, it is enough to purchase a hard orthopedic mattress or, conversely, put the softest and most comfortable bedding in bed. But is it really that simple? Perhaps it is time to analyze the most interesting question. Is it good to sleep on the floor?

In culture

Spending nights on the floor rather than in bed is typical of households in the Land of the Rising Sun. Many residents of developed Western countries also believe that such a habit, if not improving health, then significantly increases overall vitality and prevents back pain. Even in classical literature and cinema, if you wish, you can find examples of this habit. The Count of Monte Cristo, for example, did not at all wonder whether it was useful to sleep on a hard floor: he had simply become accustomed to such rest during the time he had spent in prison.

The interested reader is given the opportunity to make an independent decision on this controversial issue.

Back pain and spinal problems

For unknown reasons, most patients with back pain find that a soft mattress will certainly ease their discomfort, help eliminate pain, and bring extra comfort to everyday life. In fact, overly soft mattresses are simply not able to provide sufficient back support, as a result of which the position of the body (and, accordingly, the skeleton) in the prone position takes on an irregular shape. Eventually, the spine curves to follow a predetermined pattern of position on the bed.


If the mattress on the bed can cause significant harm, is it good to sleep on the floor? For the spine, there is a definite answer: yes. The hard floor provides excellent support for the back and lower back, keeping the skeleton naturally straight even while sleeping.

People who tried to change their soft bed for one night to a seemingly cold and uncomfortable floor found that their back pain subsided a little, and their general well-being improved markedly. If you still doubt whether it is good to sleep on the floor with a herniated vertebrae, take the risk of trying this method just once - and you will soon return to it.

How to

Instead of a thick soft mattress, a very thin mattress or summer blanket is placed on the floor. You need to sleep without a pillow so that excessive raising of the head does not pinch the vessels in the neck. The ideal sleeping position is lying on your back. In this form, the spine will remain in a neutral position, and you will be able to avoid discomfort in the shoulder blades and lower back.

  • If a thin mattress or blanket seems too soft for you, feel free to lay it on the floor suitable for yoga. It's thin enough to allow the ground to support your spine, yet soft enough that you won't feel uncomfortable as you change positions.
  • If you are determined to find out for yourself whether it is healthy to sleep on the floor, try to lie only on your back for the first time. In the morning you will be able to see the results with your own eyes: no pain and discomfort, increased tone, excellent health. You can, of course, sleep on your side or on your stomach, but such positions do not provide adequate back support.
  • You should not sleep on your side in the baby's position for more than five hours in a row, as this position can lead to severe stretching of the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and chest. Unlike healthy stretching of the muscle during active sports, in this case, you are not threatened with perfection of the body, but with severe pain both at the top and bottom of the back.

Other hints

  • Is it useful to sleep on the floor if the pelvic bones and shoulder blades rest against a rigid structure? No, because the discomfort of an unfortunate position cancels out the benefits that a good night's rest on the floor gives people. Try bending your knees while lying on your back; in this position, the pelvis gets a rare opportunity to get rid of accumulated tension, and the weight of the body is more evenly distributed over the entire surface of the body in contact with the floor.
  • Make sure you have enough space left to feel free. The level of comfort will decrease significantly if your gymnastic mat is surrounded on all sides by furniture that does not allow you to turn around and spread your arms and legs.
  • If you sleep on a carpet, try to change your resting place periodically so that the carpet does not deteriorate and dent from constantly finding the same weight in the same place.
  • Perhaps you asked another question: "Is it useful to sleep on the floor in a special one provided for hiking?" The usefulness of this option has not yet been studied, but it is quite capable of providing you with optimal conditions for a comfortable stay.

First nights

And yet, is it useful to sleep on the floor with osteochondrosis and other diseases? Yes, but within a few nights of starting this popular method, a person may experience significant discomfort. Many immediately begin to dream of a hundred pillows. However, if you really care about the quality of sleep, you can put only one pillow on the floor - under your head. Never sleep with your back in soft feathers or synthetic down. It is not necessary to provide softness to the spine - it is necessary to guarantee good and stable support for it.

If the question of whether it is healthy to sleep on a hard floor has surfaced in a friendly conversation, do not fall for the oratorical tricks of friends who want to prove to you that sleeping on the floor is extremely harmful. Perhaps people who are overweight or simply used to relaxing on soft downy mattresses will experience certain discomfort in the morning after spending a whole night on the floor, but such discomfort is quite natural and even looks like that divine muscle fatigue that covers the entire body after an intense training in the gym.


For healthy people, the question of whether it is healthy to sleep on the floor, strictly speaking, is not even a full-fledged question. They give an unequivocal positive answer. However, it should be borne in mind that sleeping on the floor has contraindications. Experts do not recommend following the new fashion trends to copy the lifestyle of the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans if the doctor has prescribed you to rest exclusively in a specially designed bed or if you live on the ground floor of an apartment building or a country cottage where concrete floors make a night's sleep extremely dangerous. .

If you still have doubts, give the new technique a chance - sleep on a hard floor for a week or a little longer. You will see from your own experience: it is enough to endure a little discomfort in the muscles and unusual rigidity, how this way of resting at night will become a habit, and you will no longer be able to settle back into a soft bed with the same comfort. It's not so much about convenience as it is about health: going to bed for the first time on the floor, you take the first, but very significant step towards completely getting rid of back pain.

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