Properties of shark fat in hemorrhoids. The best rectal suppositories and ointments with shark oil. Effective suppositories and ointments for hemorrhoids with shark oil: review and description Candles for hemorrhoids with shark liver oil

Today, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, there are many medicines based on natural ingredients. Shark oil from hemorrhoids is one of the natural medicinal substances that alleviates the condition, effectively relieves inflammation and promotes the resorption of hemorrhoidal formations. Ointments and rectal suppositories with shark oil have gained great popularity in the treatment of hemorrhoids due to their effective healing properties.

Shark oil in a short period effectively removes the inflammatory process in the anal area, quickly heals wounds and microcracks in the anal canal, and helps strengthen the immune system. By itself, shark oil produces a triple therapeutic effect. That is why the substance is included in the composition of many drugs that are used to treat not only hemorrhoids, but also other diseases. Medicines based on shark oil can be purchased at domestic pharmacies and used in the treatment according to the attached instructions. With hemorrhoids, the doctor can adjust the course of treatment and dosage.

Shark oil has long been used by many nations in the treatment of various diseases. Its anti-inflammatory properties allow you to quickly eliminate the focus of inflammation and infection. Shark oil is saturated with amino acids, fatty acids, organic elements and vitamins A, E, B.

Shark oil is a unique biological substance that has benefited mankind for many centuries. Of course, it is not a panacea for all diseases, but it is very effective in treatment due to its composition and healing properties. Sharks have existed in the deep sea for millions of years. They are not subject to viruses and bacteria, so sharks have a special vitality. Such strong immunity of sharks lies in their liver fat.

Recent scientific studies have shown that the fat contained in the liver of sharks is a real pantry of useful vitamins and elements. They are the main source of health for sharks. Today, shark oil gives people hope for a quick recovery from many diseases.

The composition of the substance includes:

  • powerful natural antibiotic squalene;
  • immunostimulant alkylglycerol;
  • vitamins A, D, E, B;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • antioxidants.

Immunity-stimulating alkiglycerol eliminates various types of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. The substance inhibits the development and growth of cancer cells, normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system, strengthens the vascular walls. A large amount of alkylglycerol contains breast milk.

Vitamins increase the body's resistance to disease and are natural antioxidants. Vitamins A, D, E, B strengthen the vascular walls, prevent the development of blood clots, slow down aging, perform a healing function, protect against infections and colds. By themselves, vitamins are a powerful protective mechanism that allows you to overcome many diseases.

Polyunsaturated acids, which are part of shark fat, prevent the appearance of plaques on the vascular walls and prevent the development of blood clots.

According to its composition, shark oil is a real natural pharmacy and allows you to quickly deal with hemorrhoids and normalize blood flow in the anal area.

Candles with shark oil from hemorrhoids

Rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids based on shark fat are an effective drug. Suppositories have a therapeutic effect on internal hemorrhoids, restore the mucous membrane of the rectum, regenerate the tissues of the anal canal, and eliminate the focus of inflammation. Rectal suppositories are an ideal dosage form for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids.

One package of rectal suppositories is designed for one course of treatment. It is best to insert a rectal suppository into the anal canal at night. Sometimes the doctor may prescribe the use of suppositories twice - in the morning and in the evening.

It is necessary to correctly insert the suppository into the anal canal. To do this, lie on your side, bend your knees and gently insert a rectal suppository through the anus into the rectum. The suppository must be inserted very deeply. It is impossible to get out of bed after the introduction of the suppository, otherwise the contents of the drug will flow out of the anus. If the candle is placed in the morning, it is necessary to lie down for about an hour until the medicine is completely absorbed into the tissues of the anal canal.

Already in the middle of the course of treatment with rectal suppositories with shark oil, a noticeable relief in the state of health is felt. Rectal suppositories with shark oil from hemorrhoids quickly relieve discomfort, itching and burning in the anal canal, remove inflammation, and prevent the further development of infection. Suppositories have a restorative effect on the mucous membrane of the rectum, dissolve hemorrhoids, and normalize blood flow in the intestine.

The complex treatment with candles includes the use of an ointment based on shark fat, which is used for external hemorrhoids and the treatment of anal fissures in the anus.

Ointment for hemorrhoids with shark oil is a highly effective drug for the treatment of external hemorrhoidal bumps and restoration of the skin of the anal area. The ointment lubricates the anus, sphincter, prolapsed external hemorrhoidal cones. The drug is applied to the anal area and hemorrhoids in a small amount. It is used for external hemorrhoids, hemorrhoidal inflammation of the anal area, anal dermatitis, for the healing of anal fissures and wounds.

The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerating and wound healing effects. The drug applied to the hemorrhoidal node penetrates deeply into the tissues and has a powerful therapeutic effect. The drug contributes to the reduction and resorption of hemorrhoidal formations.

Hemorrhoid ointment with shark oil can be applied to the anal area up to 4 times a day. A small amount of the drug should be applied in a thin layer to the external hemorrhoid and the anus. Within a few minutes, the ointment will begin to act and penetrate deeply into the tissues of the anal area and node. Shark oil contained in the ointment causes a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, acting on the affected vessels of the hemorrhoid. The drug eliminates burning, pain, itching in the anal area.


Preparations based on shark oil are freely sold in domestic pharmacies. They can be purchased at an affordable cost at the nearest pharmacy. The average price of rectal suppositories with shark fat is 280-350 rubles.

The price of an ointment with shark oil is about 200-250 rubles. The cost of medicines varies at different points of sale of medicines.


Main indications:

  • acute hemorrhoids;
  • arthrosis of the joints;
  • aging prevention;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Preparations containing shark oil in their composition are usually very well tolerated and do not cause side effects. However, in case of individual intolerance, the use of ointment and rectal suppositories based on shark oil should be discontinued.

If an allergic reaction to the drug occurs, it is impossible to use the remedy in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Shark oil during pregnancy

Many doctors forbid preparations with shark oil for use during pregnancy. Ointment and rectal suppositories can provoke the occurrence of various complications when carrying a child. The components of shark oil penetrate into the blood and breast milk, therefore, when breastfeeding a child, treatment with shark oil should also be abandoned.

Shark oil is a natural medicine and has no synthetic components. But, like any drug, it should be used during pregnancy with extreme caution, and only considering the possible benefits to the mother and risks to the fetus. In general, the use of shark oil during pregnancy is not allowed due to its warming effect, which can provoke complications.

Increasingly, doctors prescribe drugs for hemorrhoids, which include only. Their advantage is that they have a minimum of side reactions, while no less effective than synthetic counterparts.

One of the ingredients in such preparations is shark oil.

Features of shark oil

Preparations, which include this component, show an excellent result in eliminating unpleasant symptoms in the form of swelling, itching, inflammation, and pain.

This substance in its composition has useful trace elements in the form of:

  • vitamins such as retinol, calciferol, tocopherol, group B;
  • antioxidants;
  • fatty acids;
  • trace elements in the form of zinc, copper, iron and magnesium;
  • squalamine;
  • squalene;
  • alkiricerol.

Vitamin groups affect not only the signs of hemorrhoids, but also increase the overall resistance of the body to harmful agents.

Retinol and tocopherol, B vitamins have an angioprotective effect. That is, under their influence, strengthening of the venous walls in the rectum is observed. In addition, vitamins have an antioxidant effect, which helps prevent the formation of blood clots.

Fatty acids are able to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, thereby normalizing metabolic processes. To all this, their effect is aimed at thinning the blood and preventing the formation of blood clots.

Squalamine is considered an antimicrobial agent. It adversely affects the fungal, viral and bacterial flora, it helps to prevent purulent phenomena.

Squalene acts as a natural hydrocarbon. This facilitates the penetration of free oxygen into cellular structures. This element is an antioxidant and immunostimulant. Its effect is aimed at reducing the inflammatory process and preventing the development of oncological pathologies.

Alkylglycerol is considered an immunomodulator of natural origin. It helps the body fight off pathogenic microbes and cancer cells on its own.

Remedies for hemorrhoids on shark oil have many advantages, for example, this should include a minimum of restrictions and side effects. This makes it possible to use medicines at the stage of gestation and lactation, as well as for adolescents.

Suppositories with this component

In practice, suppositories from hemorrhoids with shark fat have gained great fame.

Candles with shark oil, which also include calendula flower extract.

This medication has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antimicrobial, laxative and analgesic effects.

Suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of acute disease and as a preventive measure.

They have a limitation in the form of increased susceptibility to the components of the drug and the gestation period in the first trimester.

Before inserting them into the anus, it is necessary to lower the candle into cool water for 5 seconds.

Repeat manipulations should be from one to four times a day, depending on the course of the disease.

The medicine costs about 200 rubles.


Candles with shark oil, which help to instantly stop the inflammatory process, relieve pain and itching in the anorectal zone.

They have only one contraindication in the form of increased susceptibility to the components of the drug.

It is easy to use the medicine. You need to enter a candle up to two or three times a day.

The cost of the drug is about 300 rubles, but recently this medicine has been very difficult to find, since its import into Russia is prohibited.

and Relief Ultra are all one series of drugs, which include shark liver oil:
  1. Relief suppositories include phenylephrine. It has a vasoconstrictive effect.
  2. Relief Advance contains benzocaine, cocoa butter and corn starch. Thanks to this combination, it is possible to achieve analgesic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effects.
  3. Relief Ultra consists of hydrocortisone, cocoa butter and zinc sulfate. This combination of ingredients provides a decongestant, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect.

This series allows you to instantly stop pain, itching and burning, reduce hemorrhoids in size, and also normalize blood circulation in the veins of the rectum.

There are a number of restrictions in the form:

  • increased susceptibility to the components of the drug;
  • tumor-like formations in the digestive tract;
  • bacterial, viral and fungal infections;
  • complicated diabetes;
  • thromboembolism;
  • children under the age of twelve.

The average cost for these drugs ranges from 440-590 rubles.

Shark based creams

Pharmacological companies can offer only two names for a creamy texture medicine for hemorrhoids with shark liver oil - Relief Advance and Shark Fat.

Relief Advance

Ointment for hemorrhoids with shark oil Relief is a multicomponent medicine. The composition of the drug also includes benzocaine. The effect of the drug is aimed at providing an anesthetic, hemostatic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

The cream is used to treat external hemorrhoids. It is necessary to apply the ointment two to four times a day. In this case, the duration of therapeutic therapy is from 5 to 7 days.

The average price of the drug is from 420 to 490 rubles.

Shark fat cream

"Shark fat" in its composition has an aqueous emulsion and fats of katrans. The main advantage of the drug is the delicate texture of the cream, it is instantly absorbed and does not remain on the underwear.

It is used to cure external hemorrhoids, thereby eliminating acute symptoms. The tool has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.

With extreme caution can be used at the stage of gestation and breastfeeding. It is necessary to apply the cream in a small layer from one to four times a day.

The cost of the drug is 250-350 rubles.

The use of shark oil during the gestation stage

Doctors about shark fat have two opinions. Some argue that it can be used. Others are inclined to believe that the active ingredient can harm the fetus.

Shark oil has the ability to penetrate into the blood, through the placenta and into milk. Therefore, drugs in the form of suppositories can be used only in the second trimester of gestation.

If we talk about creams and ointments, then they do not have such a negative impact on the development of the unborn baby. This is due to the external use of the product.

The only limitation is the increased susceptibility to the constituent drugs. If before that everything was tolerated normally, then during pregnancy, against the background of a change in the hormonal state, an allergic reaction may occur.

Candles and ointments show a good effect during pregnancy in the form of:

  • disappearance of hemorrhoidal cones;
  • removal of acute inflammation in the anorectal zone;
  • accelerated healing of anal fissures;
  • elimination of discomfort in the form of itching and burning;
  • regeneration of damaged vessels;
  • relieve severe pain.

It is best for expectant mothers to use proven and tested drugs from the Relief series, but only a doctor should prescribe this medication.

Shark oil is rich in its composition and has a beneficial effect in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Such funds have practically no restrictions and do not cause side effects. But their cost is high.

The composition of suppositories for proctological diseases necessarily includes moisturizing and lubricating substances that improve the defecation process. This criterion is fully met by suppositories with shark oil from hemorrhoids, which are quickly eliminated under the influence of a nutrient mass rich in vitamins A, C and E. The maximum amount of valuable substances is in the liver of a marine inhabitant, therefore this part of the body of an underwater predator is used to create a medicine.

The high life expectancy of sharks is dictated by the special composition of fat, which contains the antibiotic component squalene, immunomodulatory alkyglycerol, antioxidants and lubricating polyunsaturated acids. As auxiliary substances, some manufacturers use lidocaine and phenylephrine hydrochloride, which accelerate the complex treatment of hemorrhoids.

Beneficial effects:

  • wound healing;
  • anesthesia;
  • removal of inflammation;
  • elimination of itching;
  • improving the removal of feces.

At the same time, the fat mass has bactericidal properties that inhibit the reproduction of bacteria and viruses. By strengthening local immunity, the medication helps to completely eliminate the intensification of the inflammatory process, which occurs, among other things, due to the action of opportunistic microorganisms.

IMPORTANT! After the introduction of a suppository with shark fat, microcirculation improves, which makes it possible to eliminate blood stasis, which is dangerous during exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

Shark oil contains vitamins A, E and D.

Indications for the use of candles

In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, suppositories have a pronounced anti-thrombotic effect. due to the prevention of plaque formation on the walls of vessels located in the rectum.

Preventing the decrease in the lumen of the blood tract, the components of the suppositories also do not lead to the risk of tissue necrosis.

Reception of candles is rational, with:

  • internal hemorrhoids;
  • proctitis;
  • an increase in hemorrhoids;
  • rectal eczema;
  • anal fissures.

After a course of taking suppositories, swelling, itching, burning, severe pain during bowel movements disappear, inflammation decreases, bleeding stops, and proctological diseases in the early stages are also cured.

REFERENCE. Squalene is often compared to ampicillin, but the shark oil component is considered a more powerful antibiotic that can suppress even a strong inflammatory process.

Instructions for use

For suppositories of this group, the introduction into the rectum is carried out in the traditional way: an enema is first performed, then the anus is lubricated with a cream or lubricant, the patient lies on his side, then a candle is inserted. Due to the presence of fat, which easily lubricates any surface, the use of petroleum jelly or its analogues is not necessary: ​​after wetting the candle with water, it is quickly covered with a layer that simplifies sliding.

The main difference from other suppositories relates to the rest time, which is necessary for the dissolution of the suppository inside the rectal region after administration. Maintaining the position lying on the stomach lasts at least 30 minutes, for this reason it is better to perform a therapeutic measure at night. The number of suppository injections is allowed per day in an amount of no more than two units (with an exacerbation on the first day, an increase of up to 4–5 torpedoes is allowed), the general course of therapy lasts up to 14–20 days.

List of drugs

There are several manufacturers of suppositories in which the main active ingredient is shark fat, and the auxiliary is a natural or artificially isolated element.

  1. Vitol. It does not contain additional substances, it is used up to three times a day. An additional effect is a mild laxative effect. The brand of this type of candles is sold only on the territory of Ukraine. The tool is sold in packs of 10 rectal torpedoes.
  2. Relief. A popular remedy, enhanced with painkillers, with 12 torpedoes in one package.

    There are several varieties of antihemorrhoidal suppositories.

    They are not included in the basic version: in addition to shark fat, the Relife standard also contains phenylephrine, which constricts blood vessels, helping to drain excess blood from inflamed tissues.

    Another option is Advance, where its main purpose is to relieve hemorrhoidal pain due to the presence of benzocaine.

  3. Relief Ultra does not contain shark liver fat and is used for proctological diseases, where the inflammatory process predominates.

    Zinc sulfate and hydrocortisone help to quickly eliminate swelling and alleviate the patient's condition.

    This group also includes Relief PRO, which is prescribed primarily for pain relief due to the presence of lidocaine and fluocortolone in the composition (sales are by prescription only).

  4. REFERENCE. All types of Relief suppositories are also used to treat external hemorrhoids.

  5. Catranol. An additional component included in the composition - calendula flower extract - helps to enhance reparative processes, relieve inflammation faster, and deodorize the rectal area.

    Along with the treatment of proctological disease, it has an anti-inflammatory effect on the urogenital region of the pelvic organs. Colpitis, prostatitis, cystitis, adnexitis - all unpleasant inflammatory processes are neutralized after a course of Katranol.

    The drug is considered an effective antipruritic, anti-edematous and analgesic treatment for hemorrhoids. To enhance the therapeutic effect, it can be used in the form of capsules that start the recovery of the body in all parts of the body. Sale is also carried out only on the territory of Ukraine.

  6. Shark oil. Candles with this name are produced by Luchik-Pharm. The composition of the candles is not reinforced with excipients.
  7. Rexall. Known in Western countries, American rectal suppositories with 3% shark oil (85% cocoa butter). Not sold in Russia - the order is available only via the Internet.
  8. Price in major cities of Russia

    In different regions, the price of candles with the presence of shark oil varies slightly - from 10 to 30%. The cost of medicines is indicated in ruble terms.

    Based on the data studied, we can conclude that the cheapest way to buy candles is in Moscow and Krasnoyarsk, more expensive - Vladivostok and Novosibirsk. Vitol and Katranol are not allowed for free sale in Russia, they can be ordered in Ukrainian online pharmacies in the price range from 88 to 119 rubles. The price for Rexall varies from 750 to 900 rubles.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Candles with shark oil are well tolerated by most patients, even the elderly. However, the drug cannot be used by adolescents and children, due to the lack of knowledge of the effect of squalene on a growing body.

    Reception ban:

  • chicken pox;
  • reaction to vaccination;
  • shingles;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

It is not recommended to take it if the patient has already been diagnosed with intolerance to shark oil in the past (including when taken internally). A similar effect can be observed when using the drug in the form of rectal suppositories.

When using suppositories with benzocaine, they should not be used if the patient suffers from granulocytopenia, thromboembolism. The presence of hydrocortisone prohibits the use of suppositories for:

  • tuberculosis,
  • fungal and viral infections,
  • neoplasms in the rectum,
  • hypernatremia.

Medications with fluocortolone are contraindicated in syphilis and tuberculosis.

Adverse reactions appear mainly after an overdose or long-term use. Perianal itching, redness of the sphincter and adjacent dermis, a slight burning sensation are the likely consequences of a violation of the medication according to the instructions.

ATTENTION! An allergic reaction to suppositories is possible in the presence of food intolerance to fish dishes.

Is it possible during pregnancy?

Squalene is a component that has a warming effect, which is unfavorable during gestation. A substance found in shark oil also leads to its accumulation in milk, which adversely affects the developing organism.

Despite the minimal number of studies involving pregnant patients, there is evidence of an increased risk of having children with a cleft palate, which also often occurs in mothers who have used glucocorticosteroids.


Shark oil is a natural restorative component that allows you to quickly stop the attacks of the disease and start the healing process. Using suppositories with squalene, the patient also gets a chance to prevent the development of hemorrhoids at the initial stage. Ease of use and high efficiency only add to the benefits of this remedy.

Effective suppositories for hemorrhoids Relief: composition, instructions for use, course of treatment, analogues

What suppositories for hemorrhoids and rectal fissures are best used? List of good and inexpensive products

Shark oil is a substance processed by the liver of a shark, which is widely used by pharmacists to create medicines and preventive drugs.

Sharks are not only the most dangerous fish, but also one of the longest-lived. Besides, sharks don't get sick. Scientists have proven that such resistance to external factors is associated, among other things, with the unique composition of their body.

Useful qualities of shark oil

In order to understand the beneficial qualities of this unique substance, you need to refer to its content. The composition is very complex and multicomponent.

The main ingredient is squalene. Squalene is a natural antibiotic that has anti-inflammatory and healing effects.

The next component is alkoxyglycerides that are involved in the formation of immunity.

As with any fish, shark oil contains many fatty acids that are involved in all important body systems.

The fatty layer of a shark can be safely called a storehouse of vitamins. It contains such vitamins as A, E, D. Vitamin A normalizes metabolism, stimulates the immune system. Vitamin E is a vitamin of youth, slows down the aging process of the body. Vitamin D is responsible for bone formation.

Thanks to such a complex and rich composition, shark oil fights inflammatory processes, viral diseases, and pain well.

What effect does shark oil have on hemorrhoids?

As already described above, the composition of the fatty layer of the shark contains many vitamins and trace elements. In the treatment of hemorrhoids, this substance has a complex effect on the body, namely:

  1. Eliminates inflammation in the back channel.
  2. Heals wounds and microcracks.
  3. Promotes the resorption of hemorrhoids.
  4. Normalizes the work of the circulatory system.

Of course, shark oil-based medicines are not a panacea in the fight against hemorrhoids and are used along with other medicines.

Candles with shark oil from hemorrhoids

Among the drugs prescribed by doctors in the treatment of hemorrhoids, not the last place is occupied by rectal suppositories. These funds are loved by domestic medicine for ease of use and predictable results. The most popular are shark oil suppositories. They are used for the internal manifestation of the disease.

Internal administration allows you to actively influence the affected areas and have a beneficial effect on the tissues of the rectum.

One pack is enough for a full course of treatment. If there are indications, the dosage regimen is adjusted by a proctologist.

To achieve maximum therapeutic effect, it is important correct drug administration. The most comfortable position is lying on your side, bending your knees to your stomach. This position allows you to quickly and deeply insert the product into the anus by 2-3 cm.

To get the maximum therapeutic effect, you need to lie down for some time, otherwise the contents of the medicine may leak out without having time to be absorbed into the tissues of the anal canal. Therefore, it is recommended to use at night.

Already after a few days after the start of the application, a significant improvement in well-being is felt. Almost immediately, irritation in the anus disappears, which significantly improves the quality of life.

Among the frequently prescribed rectal suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids, there are such as: Katranol, Relief, Shark Fat, Vitol. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Along with shark liver oil, the active substance of this drug is calendula extract. Calendula has long been known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Supplied in a pack of ten.

Application is shown in the following cases:

  • Inflammation of the rectum.
  • Microtrauma in the anus, constipation.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Inflammation of the genitals.

Katranol is quite easily tolerated by patients, contraindications are minimized. A serious contraindication is intolerance to the components. This medication should be avoided during pregnancy.

Rectal suppositories Katranol are used once a day. For easier administration, before use, the suppository must be moistened in boiled water and then inserted into the rectum.

Upon completion of the course of treatment with Katranol, one can expect to eliminate irritation, delay microtraumas, as well as a significant reduction in hemorrhoidal formations.

In the Relief line there are several types of this medication, namely "Relief", "Relief Advance", "Relief Ultra". Release form suppositories of pale yellow color. The active active ingredients are shark oil and phenylephrine hydrochloride, additional glycerin, paraffin, lanolin, corn oil and others.

Relief suppositories are used at various stages of the disease, constipation, postoperative rehabilitation.

Before use, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water, in order to avoid getting new bacteria on the inflamed area and carry out an external toilet of the perineum. Also, doctors recommend clearing the intestines before administering the medicine by making an enema. For easier administration, it is necessary to cool the suppository in the refrigerator, otherwise it will spread in the hands. Insert with a rounded end to a depth of about 2-3 centimeters.

Contraindications are thromboembolism, renal and hepatic failure, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, heart failure, pregnancy, intolerance to the components of the drug.

The one-component composition of this drug allows you to increase the concentration of active substances included in the fatty layer of the shark and, therefore, have a stronger effect.

The usual scheme of reception is reduced to a three-time application. May have a mild laxative effect.

Shark oil ointments for hemorrhoids

Comprehensive treatment of hemorrhoids allows you to achieve faster results. Therefore, along with candles, ointments are also prescribed. Mostly ointments consist of shark oil. Used in the treatment of external hemorrhoids and fissures in the anus.

It has a homogeneous fatty structure with a characteristic fishy smell. The composition is similar to the composition of the rectal suppositories of the same name.

Appointed in the following cases:

  • External hemorrhoids.
  • The presence of cracks in the anus.
  • Discomfort in the anus.
  • Bloody issues.

Before applying the ointment, it is necessary to wash the treated area, it is not recommended to use soap. Then apply the ointment in a thin layer and wait a while for the medication to be absorbed. Can be used up to 4 times a day. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor, but usually no more than one week.

Contraindications for use are thromboembolism, hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system, pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

It has a more delicate structure compared to the ointment, so it is more popular to use, as it does not leave marks on clothes. Along with the main component, the cream contains: chondroitin, camphor, glucosamine. This composition allows you to quickly dissolve hemorrhoidal formations and tighten existing cracks.

Contraindications and method of application are similar to contraindications and the order of application of the previous ointment.

Candles Relief in their form resemble small "torpedoes", have a slight fishy smell and a yellow tint. The therapeutic effect of rectal suppositories provides the content of ingredients such as:

  • shark liver oil, which has the above qualities;
  • phenylephrine - a substance that constricts blood vessels, reduces tissue swelling, reduces the volume of exudative secretions, and eliminates hemorrhoidal itching.

Since the drug has a hemostatic effect, it is primarily prescribed for bleeding from internal cavernous formations.

The approximate cost of a package of drugs is 385 rubles.

Often, patients are dissatisfied with the fact that suppositories intended for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids are powerless before the disease. This usually happens due to the fact that patients themselves choose a medication for themselves, not focusing on the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Rectal suppositories from hemorrhoids are conditionally divided into several large categories.

  • Anticoagulants (anticoagulants). With internal hemorrhoids, microscopic blood clots often occur, which then, when combined, develop into thrombosis of hemorrhoids. Heparin, the active ingredient in such drugs, prevents the formation of blood clots, strengthens the walls of veins and capillaries.
  • Hemostatic (hemostatic) drugs. These drugs include anti-inflammatory suppositories that constrict blood vessels, restoring damaged tissues in hemorrhoids. The combination of these effects helps to prevent bleeding.
  • Hormonal suppositories. The inclusion of glucocorticosteroids in the composition of rectal suppositories allows you to give analgesic properties of candles. In addition, hormonal substances reduce vascular permeability and reduce the outflow of fluids into tissues, which reduces the severity of inflammatory processes. Usually antihemorrhoidal hormonal suppositories are prescribed in severe cases.
  • Angioprotectors. Hemorrhoids are characterized by increased permeability of blood vessels in the rectum. Angioprotective suppositories for internal hemorrhoids and fissures reduce the permeability of venous and capillary membranes, normalize metabolism in blood vessels, improve microcirculation and regenerate cells.
  • Astringent suppositories. Bismuth and zinc are the main ingredients that astringent hemorrhoid suppositories contain. Such drugs are able to dry inflamed tissues, resulting in reduced swelling and soreness. In addition, the active ingredients have a disinfecting effect and protect damaged areas with the help of the created film.
  • Immunity modulating drugs. Hemorrhoids often become a "gateway" for pathogenic microbes, therefore, for complex therapy, proctologists can prescribe immunomodulatory suppositories for hemorrhoids. They improve local protection, regenerate damaged tissues, relieve inflammation and increase the body's resistance to harmful bacteria.
  • Candles with herbal ingredients. Effective and fairly inexpensive candles for hemorrhoids, which are popular among patients of all categories. The composition of these natural medicines includes such herbal ingredients as calendula, ginkgo biloba, sea buckthorn extract and pomace from belladonna leaves.
  • Homeopathic preparations. Gently affect the damaged areas of the rectum. The effectiveness of such suppositories is not as high as that of other medicines, but they are distinguished by relative safety, the almost complete absence of restrictions and insignificant contraindications. Most often homeopathic candles for the treatment of hemorrhoids used in the complex therapy of the disease.

Such a variety of drugs that affect internal hemorrhoids simply obliges patients to consult a specialist before choosing the optimal medication.

In the case of incorrectly selected rectal suppositories, the condition may worsen, the transition of acute hemorrhoids to a chronic form. And if used improperly, patients are not immune from cracks.

Is it possible during pregnancy?

Pregnant and lactating mothers are severely limited in the use of any medication. The active components of the drugs can cause abnormalities in the development of the fetus, and a newborn baby may experience many adverse reactions. Unfortunately, the baby's liver is not able to properly neutralize the substances that have entered the baby's blood with mother's milk, and therefore many suppositories during pregnancy and lactation are contraindicated.

Hemorrhoids often occur precisely during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth. And it is very undesirable to treat it yourself. Therefore, they use such safe drugs as:

  • Natalside or Alginatol;
  • Sea buckthorn candles or Olestezin;
  • Posterisan;
  • Neo-Anuzole;
  • Relief.

Any other drugs are excluded from the first-aid kit of this category of patients.

Squalene is a component that has a warming effect, which is unfavorable during gestation. A substance found in shark oil also leads to its accumulation in milk, which adversely affects the developing organism.

Despite the minimal number of studies involving pregnant patients, there is evidence of an increased risk of giving birth to children with a cleft palate, which also often occurs in mothers who used glucocorticosteroids.

Suppositories Relief and Relief Advance can be used during childbearing and breastfeeding, but with some caution.

Of course, expectant and nursing mothers, before using even local medicines, need to consult a specialist who will weigh the likely benefits and harms. This is necessary to eliminate the possible danger to the fetus and newborn child.

It is better for expectant mothers to use safer means, for example, candles with sea buckthorn oil, glycerin, ichthyol, methyluracil. Also allowed during pregnancy are suppositories Natalsid, Posterizan and Gepatrombin G.

It is not easy to choose candles for hemorrhoids for pregnant women, especially for pregnant women in the first month. However, there is a list of those suppositories that can be used during pregnancy to treat this unpleasant condition. These are, first of all, natural remedies - candles with belladonna, with calendula, Glycerin candles, sea buckthorn suppositories. The drugs Natalsid, Betiol, Olestezin, Nigepan, Posterizan, Neo-Anuzol are also allowed.

In late pregnancy (3rd trimester), a wider range of drugs can be used. Also, if indicated, suppositories for hemorrhoids during lactation are used. Such suppositories for hemorrhoids during breastfeeding can be used: Gepatrombin G, Relief, Relief Advance, Ultraprokt. However, it is very important that any treatment for hepatitis B is prescribed by a doctor. Only some natural remedies can be used independently for nursing mothers. For example, sea buckthorn is effective for hemorrhoids during breastfeeding: sea buckthorn oil can be used to treat and prevent hemorrhoids. Sea buckthorn oil is used for compresses.

It is important to follow the rules of hygiene. In order to avoid constipation, you can use Lactulose.

Principles of complex treatment

  1. My daughter suffered a lot with hemorrhoids after giving birth. She used various drugs, but nothing helped, and the operation was scary. Then the doctor advised her to apply an ointment based on shark oil. After using it for 7 days, it became noticeably better. The main thing is that the drug is of high quality, and not a fake.
  2. Before giving birth, I had no idea what hemorrhoids were. After I became pregnant, discomfort began in the anus, and then pain appeared. The doctor said that it is necessary to apply ointments with shark oil. I bought them. Satisfied with the results. I use only 10 days.
  3. Shark oil is effective for hemorrhoids. My husband has this disease. We use both suppositories and ointments. After the first application, the pain was gone. But we use ointments for prevention. The effect is wonderful.

It is important to understand that the principle of complex therapy does not mean the simultaneous use of all varieties of suppositories of the Relief line.

This is possible only in one case - if Relief rectal inserts are used after a brief treatment with Advance or Ultra suppositories, which remove soreness and severe inflammation, respectively. However, before doing this, you need to consult a doctor.

Complexity implies the simultaneous use of venotonic drugs, for example, Detralex, Venarus, Phlebodia 600. These medicines fight directly with the cause of the disease - venous insufficiency, increasing vascular tone and improving blood outflow.

In addition, alternative medicine can also be used - baths, microclysters with a decoction of medicinal plants, homemade ointments, suppositories made from natural ingredients. This method must be approved by the proctologist!

We must not forget about the principles of proper nutrition, which involve the use of foods enriched with natural fiber, and compliance with the water regime. You should also abandon a sedentary lifestyle, providing yourself with moderate physical activity.

Relief suppositories are an effective medicinal antihemorrhoidal agent that can quickly relieve negative symptoms.

It is only important to choose the right type of drug, set the exact dosage and duration. This will help to make an experienced proctologist.

If you have ever used these drugs, share your impressions in the comments. Your feedback will help other patients faced with hemorrhoidal disease.

All remedies for hemorrhoids in women and men should be prescribed by a doctor, since complex treatment is the most effective. It provides for the application of all measures aimed at improving the condition. Therefore, any medicine for hemorrhoids for women, reviews of which can be found on the network, cannot be used for treatment in women and men without a clear regimen and recommendations from a specialist.

In combination with the use of suppositories, the doctor may prescribe ointments, inexpensive and effective tablets. Special gymnastics should also be practiced.

If anesthetic suppositories are prescribed for hemorrhoids or anesthetic ointments, then other drugs can be used in combination that strengthen the vascular wall, normalize stools, and eliminate congestion.

For example, in complex treatment, Detralex tablets are prescribed. The drug Detralex provides an angioprotective and venotonic effect.

Glivenol capsules, which contain tribenoside, are also effective. Glivenol (tribunoside) has an angioprotective effect.

Ointment Aurobin contains capronate, dexpanthenol, lidocaine hydrochloride in the composition of prednisolone. Aurobin is prescribed to relieve pain and inflammation.

Means Anestezin in the form of an oil solution is used to reduce pain. Pain is also reduced by lidocaine ointment, etc.

Thus, if you analyze reviews of hemorrhoid suppositories to determine which ones are better, it becomes clear that the best hemorrhoid suppositories are different for each patient. For those who want to find cheap and effective suppositories for hemorrhoids, reviews will help you navigate the offers of the pharmaceutical market, but a specialist should still make a decision on the appointment.

The determining factor in the selection process should not be the price of candles from hemorrhoids. Their cost varies. You can choose heparin or ichthyol suppositories, the price of which is low. You can buy candles with propolis already at a higher price. The cost of some drugs is quite high. But still, the price of inexpensive and effective suppositories for hemorrhoids is mostly affordable, so each patient can conduct effective treatment by choosing the right drug.

Hemorrhoids is a vascular disease that causes great discomfort and interferes with leading a full life. The anal veins expand, become inflamed, as the process progresses, hemorrhoids appear, which impede the act of defecation.

The disease can cause serious complications, including bleeding, colitis, neoplasms. Do not delay treatment, when the first alarming symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. You may be alerted by itching, burning and a feeling of fullness in the anorectal region, pain during the act of defecation.

The choice of treatment is handled by the proctologist. First of all, it is necessary to undergo examinations to make an accurate diagnosis. In order to finally get rid of hemorrhoids, you need to change your entire lifestyle. From your diet, you should exclude foods that have a bad effect on the work of the intestines. Physical activity plays an important role, moderate physical training will only benefit. What about medical treatment?

Today there is a huge variety of medicines based on natural ingredients. Shark oil is a natural substance that helps to alleviate the condition of patients with hemorrhoids, relieve the inflammatory reaction and reduce hemorrhoids. Rectal suppositories and ointments based on this component have gained wide popularity due to their high efficiency and the absence of negative effects on internal organs. Such drugs heal wounds and eliminate microcracks, and also help strengthen the immune system.

Auxiliary drugs in complex therapy

Those who have conducted complex therapy for hemorrhoids note that the use of auxiliary agents helps to cope with unpleasant symptoms more effectively. These are homeopathic remedies, Chinese remedies, an ebonite stick, etc. However, such medicines should be taken only after the approval of a doctor. Any forum or site that describes what these tools are called and how they work should not be a guide to action. Therefore, turning to the doctor with a request: “Advise the drug”, be sure to tell what exactly you are going to treat hemorrhoids, as well as the names of those remedies that you intend to use.

Phlebotropic agents

The cost of medicines varies depending on the composition (high cost of excipients), the country and the manufacturer. Candles with shark oil from hemorrhoids have different names, and you can only understand that this component is in the composition by reading the instructions.

Means of this group increase the tone of the venous wall, improve the outflow of blood and lymph from the affected area, normalize microcirculation, contributing to the rapid healing of injuries.

When choosing a drug for the local treatment of hemorrhoids, you need to consider which symptom of the disease is most pronounced: pain, inflammation, thrombosis or bleeding. Depending on this, multicomponent preparations or products based on shark liver oil are used.

Effective treatment of hemorrhoids is impossible without softening the stool. For this purpose, you can use the seed of flax or plantain, increase the intake of dietary fiber. If such measures are ineffective, it is recommended to take osmotic laxatives containing macrogol, for example, Forlax.

The drug is produced in powder for the preparation of a solution. Per day take 10 - 20 g of powder dissolved in water. As a result, the stool softens well, which relieves pain and traumatization of hemorrhoids during defecation.

Undesirable effects include abdominal pain, loose stools, and allergic reactions. "Forlax" and other products containing macrogol are contraindicated in ulcerative colitis, intestinal obstruction, abdominal pain with an unclear cause.

Every person suffering from this unpleasant disease would like to know what is the best and most effective cure for hemorrhoids. Treatment for hemorrhoids is always prescribed taking into account the symptoms, the severity of the disease. To choose antihemorrhoids, it is important, first of all, to assess which symptom prevails in the patient. It can be itching, pain, bleeding, inflammation.

If there is uncomplicated hemorrhoids, anticoagulants should be used that can stop thrombus formation and dissolve blood clots that have already formed. Shown are hemorrhoidal suppositories with heparin (Nigepan, Gepatrombin), heparin ointment.

If a person suffers from severe pain, the best remedy for hemorrhoids is ointments and suppositories, which contain anesthetics - neomycin, lidocaine, benzocaine, anesthesin, lauromacrogol, cinchocaine. These components are in the preparations of Emla, Relief Advance, Olestezin, Nigepan, Proctosedil M, Doxiprokt (some sources use the erroneous name Doxiprost).

If bleeding is noted, hemostatic and venotonic drugs should be used. Suppositories for hemorrhoids with bleeding should effectively constrict blood vessels and relieve swelling. The most effective suppositories for hemorrhoids during bleeding are with adrenaline, as well as those that contain phenylephrine hydrochloride, tribenoside (Procto-Glivenol, Relief). With bleeding hemorrhoids, especially if the patient notes the regular appearance of bowel movements with blood, hemostatic drugs should be prescribed by a doctor immediately.

In the case of an inflammatory process, Ichthyol, Levomekol, NSAIDs are used. The most commonly used suppositories are Ibuprofen, Diclofenac. There are also ointments Ibuprofen and Diclofenac.

If the inflammatory process accompanies itching, and the patient has no contraindications to taking corticosteroids, hormonal rectal agents are prescribed - Hepatrombin G, Ultraproct, Proctosedil, Aurobin ointment.

It is most effective to use combined treatment - preparations for local use (ointment, gel, suppositories), and for oral administration (tablets). These are Hesperidin Diosmin (Detralek, Venadiol, Venarus), Troxevasin (Troxerutin), Diosmin (Flebodia, Vasoket). It takes at least a week to treat hemorrhoids with these remedies. Ginkor Fort is also prescribed - a combined remedy containing ginkgo biloba, heptaminol, troxerutin. Detailed information and photos can be found online.

Almost every second person faced the problem of hemorrhoids. To alleviate discomfort, a large number of various products and creams are used. Not all medicines show a positive cure trend for hemorrhoids. Distinctive features in the struggle for the comfort and health of the human anus have a cream for hemorrhoids with shark fat, as well as rectal suppositories on shark fat.

Ointment shark fat

In parallel with these funds, a hemorrhoid cream with shark oil is used. It differs from the ointment by a smaller amount of fat that is part of the composition. In the cream, it is 50% less, the rest is represented by an aqueous emulsion.

Ointments with shark oil have the same medicinal properties, but the form factor of the drug allows them to be effectively used for the treatment of external hemorrhoids and fissures. The method of application of the ointment is quite simple: it is applied to the anus and foci of the disease.

The therapeutic effect of the application can be observed after a few days:

  • nodes are reduced in size;
  • pain disappears.

In addition to the above ailment, this ointment is used for dermatitis, inflammation of the joints, to accelerate the healing of burns and other damage to the skin. In cosmetology, this ointment is used to relieve puffiness in the area under the eyes, to reduce the vascular network or asterisks, and also to accelerate regeneration after cleansing the face. It is believed that such ointments promote rejuvenation, smooth wrinkles and slow down the aging process of the skin. The ointment is applied at least twice a day, morning and evening, if possible, more frequent use is desirable.

Rectal suppositories and ointments are an indispensable element of the complex treatment of hemorrhoidal disease. They deliver medicinal substances directly to the rectal mucosa and the area around the anus and allow you to achieve a quick effect.

Candles Relief on shark oil from hemorrhoids is perhaps the most popular name for drugs on the domestic market of antihemorrhoidal drugs. Consider the features of each drug and the nuances of its use.

For more information about suppositories from Relief hemorrhoids, the features of their use and contraindications, read the article of our specialist.

Ointments Relief from hemorrhoids and Relief Advance are a highly effective multicomponent remedy for hemorrhoids. The composition, pharmacological properties and contraindications for ointments of the Relief series are the same as for similar suppositories.

Application features: the ointment is applied to the hemorrhoidal cones with a thin layer from 2 to 4 times a day after the toilet of the anorectal zone. The course of treatment is from 5 to 7 days.

Average cost in Russia:

  • ointment Relief - 420-480 rubles per tube (28.4 g);
  • Relief Advance ointment - 480-520 rubles per tube (28.4 g).

Cream "Shark Fat" consists of fat of katrans and water emulsion, which ensures instant action.

The undoubted advantage of the Shark Fat cream is its more delicate structure: unlike ointments, it does not transfer to underwear and clothes due to rapid absorption.

The use of Shark Fat cream for external hemorrhoids allows you to eliminate acute symptoms of hemorrhoids, such as pain, itching, burning and swelling in the tissues of the anal region, within a few days. The drug also has anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects.

The use of Shark Fat cream is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in case of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.

Features of application and dose: the drug is applied to the tissues of the anus and hemorrhoidal cones with a thin layer from 1 to 4 times a day for 5-7 days.

The average cost in Russia is 250-350 rubles per tube (75 ml).

All preparations based on shark oil, despite their naturalness, are prescribed exclusively by a proctologist. Shark oil products may be called differently, but this does not affect their effectiveness. The drugs are widely used in the complex therapy of hemorrhoids and its complications.

If you had to use shark oil to treat hemorrhoids, leave your impressions about it, telling which drugs you used, whether they helped you.

A detailed review of hemorrhoid medications that contain shark liver oil will allow patients to understand the beneficial properties of this natural product, learn about contraindications and potential negative consequences.

Do you want to know a detailed list of the best and most effective candles for hemorrhoids, as well as a description of their beneficial properties? Read our expert's article.

We also bring to your attention a detailed review of the most popular hemorrhoid ointments, a description of their therapeutic effect and application features.

Candles Relief from hemorrhoids with shark fat contain:

  • phenylephrine;
  • shark liver oil;
  • cacao butter;
  • methyl parahydrocybenzoate;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • corn starch.

Phenylephrine reduces the effect of high blood pressure drugs, while the use of antidepressants (MAO inhibitors) is high risk of hypertensive crisis.

When fighting a disease such as hemorrhoids, proctologists most often prescribe suppositories with shark oil from hemorrhoids. It is believed that this component is the most effective in the treatment of the first stages of development of internal and external hemorrhoids, as well as an excellent prophylactic for varicose veins.

Relief - powerful candles with shark oil from hemorrhoids. The composition of the ointment of the same name also includes this component. This drug may also be called Relief Ultra or Relief Advance. The only thing that distinguishes these drugs is the name and ratio of active ingredients. The mechanism of action of the funds is absolutely identical.

Relief is a powerful immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and wound healing effect. Due to the complex effect, the signs of hemorrhoids stop quickly.

The indication for the use of the drug is external and internal hemorrhoids. Also, the remedy can be used in cases where combined hemorrhoids progress.

Among the indications for the use of the ointment, microtrauma, cracks or erosion of the anus are distinguished. Rectal suppositories Relief are not recommended for these pathologies.

How to use these remedies for hemorrhoids? The ointment is intended for rectal administration. But if external hemorrhoids progress, then the gel can be applied externally. The multiplicity of the use of the drug is 3-4 times a day. Relief can be applied inside the anus with a special applicator that comes with the kit.

Suppositories are used with the same frequency - 3-4 times a day. It is advisable to administer suppositories rectally after spontaneous bowel movements or the use of a cleansing enema.

Candles and ointment with shark oil Relief are contraindicated for people suffering from hypersensitivity to the components of the drugs. Also contraindications are diseases such as granulocytopenia and thromboembolic disease.

Side effects during the use of funds are extremely rare. With medical therapy, only local allergic reactions may appear.

Shark oil cream for hemorrhoids is used quite often. The tool is cheaper than its group counterparts, and has high efficiency rates. This drug is advisable to use both for external and internal hemorrhoids.

Also indications for use are anal fissures and microdefects of the anorectal zone. Moreover, doctors believe that the remedy will be effective even with combined hemorrhoids.

How to use the tool? According to the instructions, the rules are as follows:

  • Initially, you need to put a cleansing enema. If for some reason it is contraindicated, then it is necessary to perform the procedure after spontaneous emptying of the intestine.
  • After an act of defecation or a cleansing enema, the anorectal area should be carefully treated with a soapy water solution. Ordinary wet wipes are also suitable.
  • Next, you need to apply Shark Oil ointment to the anorectal zone with a thin layer. It is recommended to apply the product to areas that are adjacent to the inflamed node. So you can enhance the therapeutic effect. Usually signs of hemorrhoids stopped after 5-10 minutes, as the drug is quickly absorbed.

On the day you need to apply the product to the affected area 3-4 times a day. Is it possible to use the remedy if internal hemorrhoids progress in women during pregnancy?

Shark oil ointment is completely safe, so you can use it when carrying a child. The only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the main component of the cream.

Ointment is usually used for external hemorrhoids. The product is applied to the inflamed area of ​​​​the skin about four times a day. Consider the main therapeutic effects of shark oil ointments:

  • elimination of cones;
  • stop acute inflammation;
  • removal of discomfort;
  • accelerated healing of wounds and cracks;
  • relief of pain syndrome;
  • skin restoration;
  • normalization of blood flow in the pelvic area.

Patients of the proctological profile prefer to be treated with drugs of natural origin, since some of them are not inferior to synthetic drugs in their effectiveness. It is for this reason that candles for hemorrhoids with shark oil are popular and are often purchased in pharmacies.

Today, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, there are many medicines based on natural ingredients. Shark oil from hemorrhoids is one of the natural medicinal substances that alleviates the condition, effectively relieves inflammation and promotes the resorption of hemorrhoidal formations. Ointments and rectal suppositories with shark oil have gained great popularity in the treatment of hemorrhoids due to their effective healing properties.

Shark oil in a short period effectively removes the inflammatory process in the anal area, quickly heals wounds and microcracks in the anal canal, and helps strengthen the immune system. By itself, shark oil produces a triple therapeutic effect. That is why the substance is included in the composition of many drugs that are used to treat not only hemorrhoids, but also other diseases. Medicines based on shark oil can be purchased at domestic pharmacies and used in the treatment according to the attached instructions. With hemorrhoids, the doctor can adjust the course of treatment and dosage.

Instructions for use

With hemorrhoids, the most effective and fast-acting drugs are those that are applied topically, that is, rectally. For the treatment of hemorrhoidal cones located directly inside the anus, suppositories are prescribed, they have different names, depending on the manufacturer.

Suppositories help fight the main manifestations of the disease: they relieve inflammation of the mucosa, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, soften and reduce the size of existing hemorrhoidal bumps. Rectal suppositories contain analgesic and disinfecting components that help prevent the spread of infection. The package usually contains from 8 to 10 pieces, which must be applied in a course, as indicated in the instructions.

Depending on the severity of the course of the pathological process, the doctor may recommend doubling the dose or extending the course. As a rule, they have no side effects, except for a small laxative, so their long-term use cannot harm your health.

Shark oil-based suppositories have the same shape and volume as those that are given to small children for constipation or to reduce fever, so you should not be afraid that the procedure may be painful. You need to enter them in the supine position on your side, the deeper the better. After that, it is necessary to lie down in this position for 15 minutes so that the agent dissolves and absorbs directly into the affected tissues of the rectum, and does not leak out.

Expected effect from suppositories:

  • reduction of hemorrhoids in volume;
  • anesthesia;
  • facilitating the process of defecation.

In addition to candles, there are also preparations in the form of ointments with shark oil.

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