The remaining tooth is not included in the removable prosthesis. Which prostheses are better for the complete absence of teeth: an overview of procedures with prices. Useful information about removable dentures

Replace missing teeth. They perform an aesthetic function and look natural. You need to get used to them, they are taken out of the mouth and placed back. There are several types of products. Before making prosthetics, the dentist selects the appropriate option. The quality of human life depends on such unusual things.

What are dentures for?

Often necessary. This is a common occurrence in dental practice. After this process cannot be pulled from . The placement of dentures is important as the absence of teeth leads to periodontal pockets and abnormal mobility of the remaining teeth.

If many incisors are missing, then problems arise with the organs of the digestive system.

If the prosthesis is not inserted in time, the following pathologies occur:

  1. There is a shift of the antagonist's tooth.
  2. Bone atrophy occurs.
  3. Adjacent incisors are displaced.
  4. Proximal caries is formed.
  5. A periodontal pocket appears.
  6. The periodontal gap widens.


Installation is carried out using special models.

There are the following types of prosthetics:

  1. Removable prosthesis, when the structure is removed for hygiene procedures.
  2. Constant.
  3. when only a doctor can remove a denture.
  4. In the combined version, several parts are used at once.

Removable type designs are partial or complete. The latter are made of nylon or acrylic. They are fixed with special locking elements.

Removable dentures are of the following types:

  • a telescopic crown is also used.
  1. hooks-clasps;
  2. lock fasteners;
  3. Clasp models are made from a metal support and a plastic body, which is made from ceramics, plastics, and also from zirconium oxide. Used to replace rear painters. Fastened in several ways:
  • Telescopic products are metal prostheses that are covered with ceramics and acrylic. The fastener is based on the principle of a telescope. The support cutters are turned and cone-shaped systems are attached to them. Then the secondary parts of the product are mounted on cones.
  • Immediate-. This denture performs an aesthetic function and prevents damage to the gums. This is a temporary structure that has a butterfly-shaped mount on the sides.

There are the following fixed dentures:

  1. A dental bridge is a prosthetic system that fits over prepared teeth. These are bonded crowns with extreme hollow parts. The fastening of the structure is used, if any, that can cope with chewing loads. The structures are made from various kinds raw materials. You can make dentures. These are strong and stable structures. Sometimes mounted on implants.
  2. Microprosthetics is used to create two or one tooth using veneers, crowns or inserts. A microprosthesis closes the crown parts of the teeth in case of severe defects. There are the following types of crowns:
  • fixing and temporary;
  • aesthetic;
  • reference for future elements;
  • recovery models.

Crowns are ceramic, combined, made of metal and plastic. Zirconia products are also used.

When destroyed. Veneers are mounted on.

Dental prostheses in the complete absence of teeth are made using implants. In this case, an artificial tooth root is made, which is implanted in the gum. Crowns and orthopedic parts are attached to such systems.

With a shortage of a number of teeth, removable systems are used. They are mounted to artificial roots by a special mechanism. When restoring several incisors, bridges are used.

To put dentures, turning is necessary healthy teeth. You can do without such processing using the following methods:

  • adhesive prosthetics on bridges;
  • installation of products on microlocks;
  • prosthetics using flexible and nylon structures;
  • prosthetics with tabs.

The choice of model should be consulted with a doctor. Since the decision is influenced by factors such as health characteristics, age, condition of the gums and remaining teeth.

Which dentures are best

An important criterion when choosing prostheses is the restoration of the functions of missing teeth. Other options vary.

The structures are:

  • plastic;
  • cermet or ceramic;
  • metal (steel or gold);
  • combined.

With complete loss of teeth, removable models are used. If there is something to attach to, then clasp products are recommended.

Removable systems are acrylic. To pick up the best option, the following parameters are considered:

  1. Nylon models are soft and flexible, and also light in weight. acrylic products for a long time able to keep their shape.
  2. Dental hygiene. Nylon models are non-toxic and do not emit odors. Acrylic structures must be kept clean, as they have a porous structure.
  3. Aesthetic look. Nylon models have a natural look, but are translucent at the attachment points. Acrylics are available in all sizes and colors.
  4. Nylon systems are biocompatible, acrylic systems contribute to the appearance of allergic reactions.
  5. Nylon products are more expensive.

Partial structures of a removable type are used in the following cases:

  1. With the loss of chewing molars.
  2. as a temporary measure.
  3. If there are large defects.
  4. If it is not possible to use adjacent teeth to support the bridge.

The most reliable are clasp structures. They are designed to distribute the load between the remaining teeth. Often a metal denture is made. Clasp models are used for the treatment of periodontal disease or loose teeth.

To choose a prosthetic option, the following criteria should be considered:

  1. Quantity lost teeth. If several teeth are missing, a crown or implant is placed.
  2. Final result. To restore the function of chewing, non-removable structures are used. For the attractiveness of a smile, veneers or conditionally removable models are used.
  3. Comfort in use. Sometimes dentures for the night. Fixed items do not need to be removed.
  4. Financial opportunities. With a lack of funds, you have to choose cheaper options. These can be removable plastic models or metal crowns.

habit: yes or no

Immediately after the procedure, the patient feels discomfort. You need to get used to the design.

In the process of addiction, changes in taste appear, there are also problems with diction and psychological discomfort occurs.

Sometimes there is increased salivation and the urge to vomit.

Maybe in a few days. It will take longer to get used to removable structures.

The adaptation period depends on the following factors:

  1. From the degree and methods of fixation.
  2. Reactions of the body to the presence of a foreign body.
  3. From product dimensions.
  4. From the nature of the impact of chewing pressure, sometimes it is required to file the front teeth.

Features of nutrition after prosthetics:

  • you need to eat liquid and grated food;
  • it is not recommended to overload the system with coarse food (dried fruits, biscuits, crackers);
  • after getting used to it, you can return to any food.

Sometimes at the beginning, the prosthesis rubs the gum. This gives rise to inflammatory process.

Recovery of diction occurs in two weeks. Taste perception returns to normal in a month.

To get used to it quickly, follow these steps:

  1. Structures should be cleaned. It is used for bridge prostheses. The gums are massaged.
  2. If the denture rubs, then fixing devices are used.

Sometimes a root is used for dentures.

After getting used to it, you need to apply some rules:

  1. Clean dentures from bacterial deposits and food residues.
  2. Maintain oral hygiene.
  3. Apply mechanisms that fix the dental system.

How to store them at night

  1. The design should be washed boiled water. Running water is not recommended as it may contain germs.
  2. To process the product, it is placed in a special solution for dentures. This method removes bacteria and residues of the fixing cream.
  3. A brush and antiseptic liquid are used.
  4. Disinfection of dentures is carried out using professional cleaning. It is performed in a clinic. The procedure should be done several times a year.

If you do not do the cleaning in time, then unpleasant consequences may occur:

  1. The appearance of an unpleasant odor. It is secreted by pathogenic bacteria.
  2. There is an inflammatory process in the gums, which develops into periodontitis.
  3. Caries appears on natural teeth. This is due to the accumulated plaque, which leads to the appearance of cavities.
  4. Ulcers and erosion are formed on the oral mucosa.
  5. The product loses its luster. Over time, the product may darken. Blackened dentures due to age spots or tartar.
  6. There are unpleasant taste sensations.

Whitening is carried out in dental clinic. Structures are also being cleaned. special tablets or ultrasonic cleaner.

It needs to be right at night. Previously, such structures were stored in special solutions. Modern models this is not required.

For quick adaptation, at first you should not remove removable models for the night.

Keep dentures in a clean cotton cloth and in a special box. The product should be protected from chemical influences, sunlight and heating.

Proper storage of dentures will extend the life of your dentures.

High-quality prosthetics will effectively replace missing teeth and make life more comfortable. Before the procedure, it is worth studying information about existing types models. A qualified doctor will help you choose the right product.

Unfortunately, this is not uncommon in our time, however, dentures in the absence of teeth will help solve this problem.

Today, there are several methods of prosthetics, which depend on the possibilities of the patient's budget and his individual characteristics.

What prostheses can be installed if there is not a single tooth left in the mouth?

There are practically no such people in the world who have not been touched by the destruction of their teeth.

At first, a person tries to solve it, goes to the dentist, looks for best solutions However, over time, getting used to this situation occurs, and most often the problem remains unresolved until complications appear.

Everyone knows that our body is perfect, and the loss of any of its organs will sooner or later lead to undesirable consequences.

Over time, the work of the body is rebuilt, the absence of some organ is compensated by another.

The same thing happens in oral cavity: the load of the extracted tooth is distributed between last teeth and their work becomes more difficult.

Different groups of teeth perform their function. So, the front ones help to bite off food, and the side ones grind food and form it into food bolus the required consistency.

The absence of at least one tooth in the dentition significantly affects the appearance of a person. The skin in the place of the missing tooth becomes not as elastic as before, wrinkles appear. The lower third of the face is distorted.

After the tooth has been removed, the bone atrophies and becomes thinner, which disrupts the nutrition in the tissue.

This process is manifested by a decrease in the number of vessels in the place where the tooth was removed, and a weakening of the bone structure. As a result of such processes, the teeth can shift, the bite is disturbed.

Due to the lack of teeth, muscle tone is disturbed, wrinkles form, the cheeks can fall inward, and the oval of the face changes.

If the teeth were removed from the front, then the lips fall inward, the nasolabial fold deepens, the corners of the mouth fall. All this leads to facial asymmetry, muscle tone weakens, signs of aging appear.

The main function of teeth is to grind food. If food is not chewed enough, it can cause digestive difficulties and various diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Insufficiently chewed and undigested food is poorly absorbed by the body, there is a lack of nutrients, vitamins, and trace elements. All this affects general condition body and its defenses.

In addition, the absence of teeth affects the speech of a person. Due to the lack of teeth, articulation is disturbed, sometimes a person cannot pronounce individual sounds.

Varieties of removable prosthetics

Today, medicine offers people with adentia. There are removable and non-removable dentures.

The simplest method of prosthetics is a complete removable denture, which is available to almost every patient. Doctors offer acrylic and nylon dentures in the complete absence of all teeth.

The main advantage of such a prosthesis is its low price. The product will be affordable for almost every patient. However, the prosthesis also has many disadvantages.

Firstly, the design does not adhere well to soft tissues. The product is fixed due to vacuum, sticking to the gums.

When a person moves his jaw, soft tissues also move, air gets under the suction cup, which is why the prosthesis is no longer so firmly attached to the gums.

Another disadvantage of the prosthesis is its rather large size. Because of this, the patient has to get used to this design for a long time, diction and taste perception may be temporarily disturbed.

Plastic jaws, and especially acrylic ones, can crack and even break under heavy chewing loads.

After such damage, the implant needs to be repaired in a special laboratory; repairs take not only money, but also time.

A complete removable prosthesis with fixation on spherical implants is a prosthesis with special retainers on which it is securely fixed.

Retainers consist of a plastic matrix and a ball-shaped abutment. The matrix is ​​attached to the jaw itself, and the spherical element is attached to the implant.

When the patient puts on the jaw, the matrix snaps onto the spherical element and the design is securely fixed in the mouth. To ensure that the prosthesis is well fixed and does not move, at least two implants must be used.

This type of jaw holds well on the gums, it does not move or fall off. In addition, this type of implant-based prosthesis is one of the most affordable for patients.

However, the design also has disadvantages. The plastic parts that cover the gums and palate are large enough, so for some time the patient gets used to new sensations, diction may be disturbed.

The prosthesis does not have a rigid frame, it is completely made of plastic, so it can become covered with cracks and breaks.

The implants on which the structure is attached withstand the entire load. If you do not follow the doctor's recommendations and use the prosthesis incorrectly, the implant can be overloaded, which causes damage to the bone tissue under it. Such a careless attitude to the prosthesis can lead to loss of the jaw.

Removable prosthesis with bar fixation on implants in case of adentia is the most comfortable and reliable way to prosthetic mouth without teeth.

Making such a jaw is quite difficult - both the doctor and the dental technician must have extensive knowledge and skills.

To make and mill a beam system, you need modern high-precision equipment. The structure consists of the beam itself on implants and a plastic matrix, which is placed in the removable part of the prosthesis.

In order for the chewing load to be evenly distributed, the patient is given 4 implants in the front of the jaw.

Such a prosthesis perfectly adheres to the gums: due to the presence of a beam, the prosthesis does not move, which is especially important for the patient.

Loads are distributed optimally, so the implants are not loaded and the surrounding tissues remain in a normal state.

The jaws are made on the basis of a metal frame, so they are quite durable. In addition, the beam structure perfectly holds the prosthesis, so for its manufacture it takes minimal amount plastics. The gums and palate remain open.

The main disadvantage of such prosthetics is its high price. This method is the most expensive among removable prosthetics, but the result of the work is worth it.

The jaw should be removed twice a day during hygiene procedures.

Fixed prosthetics

In the name of which is indicated main principle this method.

Such a jaw is quick to make, it is convenient for the patient, and besides, it is financially affordable. The prosthesis in this case is fixed and is fixed on 4 supporting implants.

Such prosthetics does not affect the patient's food tastes or diction in any way, and does not cause any unpleasant phenomena.

Posterior implants with this technology are implanted at an angle, therefore vertical recovery bones are not required.

This suggests that such prosthetics is performed quickly enough and does not drag out.

This latest technology allows you to perform prosthetics of a completely empty mouth according to the exact plan that the doctor draws up in advance.

The process of installing such an implant takes place in 4 stages:

  • at the first visit, the doctor takes an x-ray of the jaw, consults the patient in detail and takes casts, while selecting the tone of the teeth;
  • at the second visit, the doctor will model the chewing planes and form the correct lip support;
  • during the third visit, the doctor will make the necessary correction and give recommendations for further treatment;
  • at the last session, the doctor will install a prosthesis, which will be made according to the individual parameters of the patient.

Another option is fixed prosthesis from metal ceramics on implants in the complete absence of teeth.

To install such a jaw, the doctor places four or more implants in the patient's mouth in a special way, which will serve as a support for a stationary prosthesis.

This design is much more convenient than plastic removable analogues, since it feels the most like natural teeth.

There are no plastic additives in metal-ceramic structures, so they are comfortable and compact.

If the patient has a deficit of gums in some places, then it is replenished with ceramics, which are painted in the color of soft tissues.

The main advantage of such a prosthesis is ease of use. It does not need to be removed every day.

In addition, when worn, diction and taste sensations are not disturbed. soft tissues in the mouth remain completely open, which is very important.

Metal-ceramic prostheses are very durable, made on the basis of a chrome-cobalt frame, which is resistant to damage and deformation. In addition, the prosthesis will last for many years, remaining in its original form.

Ceramic-metal perfectly imitates the natural dentition, which looks very aesthetically pleasing.

Technician with great experience can make it so that the difference between false and natural gums will practically not be visible to strangers.

The main disadvantage of such prostheses is their high price. For the manufacture of such teeth, it is necessary special equipment and high qualification of the dental technician and doctor.

Therefore, in the end, the work is quite expensive, and not everyone can afford it. However, the natural appearance of the prosthesis and its quality are far superior to plastic removable counterparts.

Another disadvantage of the prosthesis is the presence of metal, to which some patients may be allergic. However, such cases are very rare.

The newest method of prosthetics is a fixed jaw based on zirconium dioxide, which is attached to implants.

This is an innovative, biocompatible, comfortable and aesthetic type of prosthetic mouth without teeth. This material is very durable, while the whole structure is quite light, much less metal.

The material allows you to create the most natural imitation of teeth and gums, the prosthesis will look "alive" and natural.

Such a prosthesis is attached according to the same principle as a ceramic-metal one, but in all other parameters it is much superior to it.

Which prosthesis to choose?

If the patient is faced with the problem of complete absence of teeth, then the most important thing in this case is to choose the right type of prosthetics.

In recent years, patients have increasingly preferred prosthetics based on implants.

This design is securely fixed in the mouth and will not fall out during a conversation or eating, while this happens quite often with a removable denture.

Doctors recommend fixing removable dentures with special gels, but this solution is far from suitable for everyone: gels can cause an allergic reaction in the patient, and they only help when the distance between the denture and the gum is minimal.

It is important to note that there are methods that can improve the fixation and stabilization of a removable prosthesis, but no matter how experienced the doctor is, a removable prosthesis still significantly impairs the patient's quality of life.

In addition, when wearing false teeth, the bone tissue atrophies over time, so implantation can be difficult in the future.

Another disadvantage of wearing full dentures is vomiting reflex, which is individual reaction organism to a foreign body.

Often the patient's gag reflex is so strong that even during the taking of impressions, the patient feels severe discomfort. In this case, the doctor should raise the question of the reasonableness of installing a removable prosthesis.

As for prosthetics with implants, the patient can grind food much better, which affects the state of the gastrointestinal tract and the whole body, but the owners of removable dentures often complain of discomfort in the stomach and intestines.

Modern dentistry allows you to restore the beauty and health of the oral cavity, even if there are no teeth at all. A denture in the complete absence of teeth is chosen depending on the material capabilities of the patient and on the capabilities of the clinic to which he applied.

The complete absence of teeth (dentia), which occurs mainly in the elderly, is a common problem. Regardless of the reasons, adentia is a complete and unconditional indication for urgent prosthetics. What are the best dentures for the complete absence of teeth? This article will help you understand the many dental services aimed at restoring the dentition.

Several factors contribute to the occurrence of adentia: the natural wear of enamel and dentin, periodontal disease, untimely appeal to the dentist, ignoring the elementary requirements of hygiene, injuries, chronic diseases.

The lack of even 2-3 teeth is very noticeable and unpleasant, and when we are talking about their complete absence, it can be said without exaggeration that such a state - serious pathology, which brings with it many negative consequences:

Adentia can be the result of injuries, as well as various diseases.

  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), as a result bad chewing food and malnutrition.
  • Negative changes in appearance- a patient with a complete absence of teeth acquires a characteristic elongated oval of the face, a protruding chin, sunken cheeks and lips, pronounced nasolabial folds.
  • Significant violations in colloquial speech: teeth are the most important and integral part of the articulatory apparatus, and their shortage, and even more so the absence, lead to the appearance of diction defects that are very noticeable to the ear.
  • Dystrophy bone tissue alveolar processes(gums), which, in the absence of roots, become thinner and decrease in size, which in the most advanced cases makes difficult or impossible high-quality implantation (prosthetics).

The cumulative result of all the above problems is significant psychological discomfort, communication disorders, limiting oneself in vital needs: communication, work, good nutrition. The only way to return to a quality life is to get dentures.

Contraindications for prosthetics

Cases in which dental prosthetics are prohibited are rare, and nevertheless, a qualified dentist must make sure that his patient does not suffer from one of the following ailments:

  • individual allergic reaction to the chemical components that make up the material;
  • intolerance local anesthesia(relevant for implantation);
  • any viral disease in the acute stage;
  • severe form of diabetes;
  • oncological disease;
  • mental and neurological disorders during the period of exacerbation;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • severe lack of weight and depletion of the body (anorexia, cachexia).

Obviously, many contraindications are temporary, while others lose their relevance with the right choice of restoration method.

Removable dentures in the complete absence of teeth: difficulties and features

Another negative point with adentia is very little choice possible ways restoration of teeth. Existing Methods or expensive, or have many disadvantages. A nylon prosthesis is in great demand in the complete absence of teeth. But choosing best way prosthetics, it should be remembered that a complete removable restoration of the entire dentition has a lot of features:

The main feature of complete dentures is that they do not have fasteners.

Does this mean that it is better not to resort to this method of restoration? Certainly not. Although best method restoration with absolutely missing teeth is, the use of covering prosthesis also makes sense. It will help those who do not have the financial ability to put implants, as well as patients whose bone tissue is loose, which is a contraindication to implantation.

Types of complete dentures

Orthopedic products used to restore completely missing teeth have approximately the same design. These are arched prostheses, which are mandible they are held only on the gum, and on the upper one they also rest on the palate. The teeth in dentures are almost always plastic, and the base can be made of different materials. It is on this basis that they are classified.

Expert opinion. Dentist Yanovsky L.D.: " named after the name of the polymer from which their basis is made. Nylon is a translucent, strong, flexible and elastic material with good wear-resistant qualities. Its advantages include good aesthetic performance and hypoallergenicity, which favorably distinguish this type of dental structures from others. Considering that two out of ten people on the planet suffer from allergies to acrylic or various types of metals, for many, a nylon prosthesis in the absence of teeth is a panacea in terms of convenience and quality.

Made of acrylic - a more modern and perfect variety of plastic. It is distinguished by resistance to wear and aggressive acid-base environment, which makes acrylic a fairly popular material in dental practice. However, he has a number shortcomings, which put it an order of magnitude lower than nylon:

Both nylon and acrylic prosthesis do not have any fasteners - this causes difficulties in fixing them. The use of special glue, which lasts for 3-4 hours, can slightly improve the situation, but this also brings only temporary comfort. The only possibility to get rid of discomfort is the installation of polymer prostheses on implants.

Prosthetics on implants in the complete absence of teeth: advantages and types of procedures

The main advantage of implantation is reliable fixation, thanks to which the patient does not have to worry that the prosthesis will fall off at the most inopportune moment. The chewing of food is also greatly facilitated: there is no need to limit oneself in taking solid and viscous products, and this has a positive effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal motility.

One of the first questions of interest to people who decide on implantation is the required number of implants. In each specific clinical case, this is decided individually, and the decisive factor is the condition of the patient's bone tissue. On average, at least two implants should be installed on each jaw to hold the entire structure.

If the patient is determined to undergo surgery, and the condition of the alveolar processes does not allow it, he can undergo a sinus lift - a technique for building up bone tissue using special materials. Modern dentistry has several ways to implant implants, however, in the complete absence of teeth, it is rational to use only two of them - beam and push-button.

Button implants- a fairly reliable and relatively inexpensive method of restoration. During the operation, two implants are implanted into the gums, which end in a ball that looks like a clothes button. On the side of the prosthesis, there are holes, which are the second part of the attachment. This device allows the patient to remove the prosthesis daily for thorough cleaning.

Implantation on beams provides for the implantation of 2 to 4 implants interconnected by metal beams that increase the support area for a more thorough fixation of the prosthesis. Just like button implantation, it requires periodic removal, but at the same time pleases with good functionality.

Today, the attitude towards complete removable dentures among the people is largely negative - many associate them with " dentures”, which must be removed at night and stored in a glass of water. It is generally accepted that they are very uncomfortable to wear, violate diction and can even fall out of the mouth when eating or talking.

Well, all these "horror stories" are not without certain grounds, but to a large extent they are remnants of the Soviet era, when the situation with the quality of manufactured dentures was far from being the best.

On a note

As the name implies, a complete denture is called a denture, used in the complete absence of teeth in the oral cavity. Such prostheses are removable - when the patient himself can remove them (for example, for hygiene procedures), and conditionally removable - when the prosthesis can only be removed by a doctor with the help of special tools.

Fortunately, medicine does not stand still, and today, even with the complete absence of teeth in the oral cavity, quite convenient orthopedic solutions can be found that will not only restore the ability to chew food normally, but also restore the long-lost beauty of a smile.

And last but not least, a full denture today does not have to be uncomfortable to wear, rub the gums, cause a gag reflex or disrupt diction. For example, there are conditionally removable dentures without a palate, fixed on implants, which radically change the idea of ​​the possibilities of prosthetics in "toothless" patients. The combination of surgical and orthopedic treatment allows not only to improve the aesthetic qualities of prostheses, but also to ensure their secure fixation with a significant improvement in functional characteristics that provide comfort while eating, talking, singing, etc.

Exist interesting options prosthetics and without implantation, when for a relatively small amount you can get a completely comfortable and outwardly attractive complete removable denture.

What types of complete removable dentures are in the arsenal of dentists

Complete removable prosthetics is considered one of the most difficult areas of orthopedics - after all, the prosthesis needs to be somehow fixed in the oral cavity, where, it would seem, there is simply nothing to attach it to. Partial dentures can be attached to the remaining (supporting) teeth, but with full dentures you have to look for alternative ways mounts.

In this case, the orthopedic dentist has to take into account the following nuances:

  1. Causes of tooth loss. For example, difficulties with complete removable prosthetics may arise when teeth are removed against the background of generalized periodontitis severe degree (the situation is much easier with the planned removal of relatively strong “roots” that cannot be restored);
  2. Time since tooth extraction. If all the teeth were removed a long time ago (for example, more than 10 years ago), then the degree of atrophy of the bone tissue of the alveolar process of the jaw will be significant, and the conditions for prosthetics are worse than if it were carried out soon after the extraction of teeth (1-2 years);
  3. Past and current diseases and operations on the jaws. Row somatic diseases(especially severe) can worsen the conditions of complete removable prosthetics, forcing the prosthodontist to look for suitable alternatives. This applies primarily to elderly patients and people with comorbidities (blood diseases, endocrine pathologies, oncological, musculoskeletal, etc.).

During prosthetics, the orthopedic dentist takes into account the condition of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), mucous membranes (their compliance, mobility), the degree of bone tissue atrophy, checks the condition of the cords and the presence of scars, as well as the depth of the palate (deep, medium, flat) and a number of other factors that, in the case of a complete removable denture, can play a decisive role.

On a note

Having determined the conditions for complete removable prosthetics (favorable or difficult) and the financial possibilities of the patient, the doctor may suggest best option future prosthesis, explaining the pitfalls of each of the possible options.

It is clear that not everyone can afford full dentures without a palate with attachment to implants (that is, conditionally removable), although they are as convenient and aesthetic as possible. When choosing more budget options, it makes sense to give preference, in the presence, again, of financial opportunities, to products made from the most modern materials. The least comfortable prostheses are made of rigid acrylic plastic.

Complete removable dentures of teeth, depending on the material used in their manufacture, are:

  1. Acrylic;
  2. Nylon;
  3. Silicone;
  4. Polyurethane.

All these removable dentures are attached in the oral cavity due to the adhesive mechanism (they stick to the palate and gums - therefore they are sometimes called suction cup dentures, although there are no suction cups as such in their design).

As for the types of fastening of conditionally removable prostheses fixed on pre-installed implants, the following options are distinguished here:

  1. Cover;
  2. Button;
  3. With beam-type clamps.

Each of the dentures, from the simplest (acrylic) to any conditionally removable, has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of option largely depends on the financial capabilities of the patient. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that regardless of the type of complete denture chosen, the result of treatment will directly depend on the level of training of the orthopedist, the dental technician and the logistics of the clinic.

From the practice of a dentist

If you go to order a prosthesis in the dentistry in the basement of an apartment building, where the doctor accepts crowns from the "supplier" wrapped in a bag of newsprint, then it is difficult to count on first-class work. In very many cases, patients then cannot get used to such prostheses - due to manufacturing errors, they greatly interfere and rub the mucosa. As a result, the prosthesis gathers dust on the shelf, since the patient does not wear it.

Complete removable acrylic dentures

The first technologies for the manufacture of complete removable dentures made of acrylic plastic (AKR-7) were introduced in the early 1940s and are still being found today. wide application in the production of bases of various modern designs in orthopedic dentistry.

The basis is the base of a complete removable denture, on which artificial teeth are fixed. On the upper jaw, the basis is a plate that covers the mucous membrane hard palate and the alveolar process, and on the lower - the mucous membrane of the alveolar part from the outside and inside.

On a note

Due to the fact that the basis of a complete removable denture is a plate, such dentures are also called laminar.

A complete removable denture does not have the ability to "cling" to the teeth, as they are completely absent. Therefore, these structures upper jaw the effect of "sucking" to the sky is used, as well as some effect that keeps from displacement is provided by natural anatomical folds and the alveolar ridge.

The prosthesis for the lower jaw does not have such a large “suction” area as in the case of the prosthesis for the upper jaw adjacent to the palate. The design is held due to natural anatomical formations - largely due to a snug fit to the alveolar part.

Among the advantages of a complete removable acrylic prosthesis are:

  1. Low price compared to other designs;
  2. Possibility of repair various types damage;
  3. Ease of operation;
  4. Acceptable aesthetics, taking into account the relatively low bill for the service.

However, these prostheses are not without serious drawbacks:

  1. Allergy to residual monomer in acrylic bases (although in more expensive options there are ways to eliminate the monomer from plastic);
  2. The relative fragility of the plastic and the risk of fracture under a large simultaneous load;
  3. Low elasticity due to hard acrylic plastic;
  4. Frequent terrain mismatch inner surface basis of the prosthetic bed of the mucous membrane (as a result, the reliability of fixing the structure in the oral cavity decreases).

On a note

Acrylic resin dentures can be quite high tech. For example, in 2015, technologies from the Swiss company CANDULOR appeared in Russia, offering a line of high-quality acrylic removable dentures. High aesthetics is achieved, among other things, through the use of plastic, which imitates the gingival capillary system in detail.

The situation is similar with prostheses based on other polymers (polyurethane, silicone, nylon): there are budget products, and there are also more expensive and technologically advanced ones. For example, for the manufacture of the base of a complete removable denture, the Dentalur material based on polyurethane can be used. He was awarded the Gold Medal of the ninth International Forum of High Technologies of the 21st Century and other awards. Dental dentures based on Dentalur are strong, quite elastic (due to this they are comfortable) and have a significant cosmetic advantage over standard acrylic dentures.

Nylon dentures: their pros and cons

Full removable dentures made of nylon are perhaps at the peak of their popularity over the past 10 years today - and there are a number of reasons for this.

Here are some of the main benefits nylon prostheses:

  1. No allergy to the material. In the case of using a nylon prosthesis, unlike acrylic, there is no risk of developing an allergic reaction to the plastic monomer. Against this background, nylon greatly benefits from acrylic plastic, especially in complete removable prosthetics;
  2. High aesthetic values. This parameter could even be put in the first place. Compared with the same acrylic prostheses, nylon ones look “rich”, and, if I may say so in relation to a full denture, they are chic (it is not for nothing that they are sometimes called invisible prostheses);
  3. Wearing comfort. In most cases, these prostheses are easier to get used to and adapt to than standard acrylic ones;
  4. Resistance to mechanical damage. This quality is largely due to some elasticity of the prosthesis - it is not fragile, unlike acrylic plastic. Breaking a nylon prosthesis or somehow severely damaging it is quite difficult.

However, for all their advantages, nylon dentures retain a number of disadvantages that are useful to know about in advance (in many ways, these disadvantages are typical for complete removable dentures in general):

  1. Gradual atrophy of the prosthetic bed. With the complete absence of teeth, the alveolar ridges, experiencing an uneven load from the prosthesis, strongly “sink”. The process can take years, but is almost inevitable;
  2. Enough fast loss aesthetic qualities. Over the years, a change in the color of the prosthesis is possible, which sooner or later will require replacement of the product;
  3. Repairing a nylon prosthesis (unlike acrylic) is almost impossible - it will be easier to make a new product.

It is interesting

Thanks to Acry Free prostheses, it was possible to combine the positive properties of acrylic and nylon prostheses, getting rid of a number of disadvantages that create obstacles for free prosthetics with acrylic and nylon. Acry-free has a good fit ("stickiness") to the mucous membrane, which improves the possibility of fixation in the complete absence of teeth in the upper and lower jaws. The prosthesis is light, non-allergenic, can be corrected, and most importantly, it provokes the phenomena of atrophy of the alveolar bone to a lesser extent.

The photo below shows the Acry-Free prosthesis:

Features of prosthetics with conditionally removable structures

Against the background of the above, a number of well-founded questions arise:

  1. Are such methods of fixation of full dentures as “suction” and anatomical retention (retention due to anatomical formations) sufficient for reliable attachment of the structure in the oral cavity and comfortable use?
  2. Is it possible to somehow improve the reliability of fixation of the prosthesis and increase the degree of comfort when wearing it?

For active elderly people, not only beautiful, but also securely “sitting” prostheses are especially important, capable of chewing almost any food normally.

From the practice of a dentist

Not all patients have the patience to use a removable prosthesis, which, although it does not “rub”, does not “press”, does not “press”, but there is still a feeling of the presence of a foreign object in the oral cavity. And what is most unpleasant is that there is no certainty that this “foreign object” will suddenly one day not fall out of the mouth, for example, when sneezing ...

significant help in secure fixation of complete dentures provides conditionally removable prosthetics with fastening of the prosthesis on implants. Usage dental implants makes it possible not only to significantly reduce the size of the future prosthesis, making it as comfortable and easy to use as possible, but also completely eliminates the option of “falling off” the prosthesis during chewing or talking.

On the this moment There are different types of implantation systems in order to fix a removable prosthesis:

  • Classical - in the spongy bone of the alveolar processes are installed classic implants. Usually, prosthetics are stretched for several months, while the implants take root in the bone tissue;
  • Basal - in a dense bone, which is deeper than spongy, basal implants are installed. In this case, even with significant atrophy of the bone of the alveolar processes, there is no need to increase it (that is, a sinus lift is usually not required);
  • Mini-implantation - in this case, narrow mini-implants are installed in the bone, designed to secure the prosthesis. Unlike classic and basal implants, mini-implants are not designed for a significant load, so a full prosthesis must also distribute the load to other parts of the oral cavity (palate, gums).

According to the methods of fixing complete removable dentures on implants, a significant niche in orthopedic dentistry is occupied by:

  • Micro locking;
  • Beam fastenings;
  • Magnetic clamps;
  • Spherical (spherical) types of fastening;
  • silicone rings;
  • Combined options.

On a note

Pre-installation of implants makes complete removable prosthetics as reliable and comfortable as possible, especially in difficult cases (with significant atrophy of the alveolar ridge, strands, etc.), when wearing almost any prosthesis (acrylic, nylon, Acry-free) promises endless trips to the dentist -orthopaedist, torment during addiction and, as the most last resort, - sending the "puller" to the shelf.

Bar fixation on classic or basal implants is considered one of the most reliable and durable - it provides a secure fit and fixation of the prosthesis even under non-ideal prosthetic conditions.

Magnetic retainers (attachments) hold the prosthesis due to magnetic attraction. This mounting option, compared with other methods, does not provide maximum reliability in holding the prosthesis.

As for ball-shaped attachments, some experts argue that the materials of this type of attachment tend to abrasion and failure (although there are systems that have replaceable wearable parts - their replacement does not require a lot of time and money).

Currently, mini-implantation is actively used (and promoted in advertising by many clinics) for fixing prostheses on the edentulous jaw, however, a number of experts believe that mini-implants are suitable only for temporary prosthetics, but not for permanent ones. Dental mini-implants differ from others in simplified surgical and orthopedic protocols, as well as low cost. They can be installed even in those clinical cases where the use of classical implants is impossible without additional preparatory operations, which can be difficult to tolerate or be contraindicated, especially in the elderly.

As for implant-supported dentures, they can be made from all the same materials as removable dentures (usually nylon, Acry-Free, polyurethane).

Principles of manufacturing complete removable dentures and their installation in the oral cavity

One of the most important stages of prosthetics is the examination of the patient - it includes the study of the state of general health, possible allergies for certain preparations (materials), as well as an assessment of the state of the prosthetic bed in many ways.

great attention is given to assess the degree of atrophy of the alveolar processes in the upper and lower jaws. The condition of the mucous membrane is checked: mobility, color, “looseness”, the condition of the folds along the ridge and other points. All this makes it possible to clarify important nuances design of the future prosthesis.

Below, using the example of a complete removable denture made of acrylic plastic, the main stages of manufacturing this design are considered:

  1. Taking impressions and sending them to the laboratory for dental technicians;
  2. Model casting;
  3. Making individual spoons (as needed);
  4. Creation of a basis with bite rollers;
  5. Definition central occlusion according to wax rollers;
  6. Making a basis for bite rollers (relief modeling);
  7. Setting teeth on glass or on a plane;
  8. Model plastering;
  9. Evaporation of wax;
  10. Mixing and "packing" of plastic;
  11. Finishing the prosthesis;
  12. And, finally, the delivery of the prosthesis to the patient - fitting in the oral cavity.

It is interesting

Standard removable acrylic dentures are made as follows: a liquid material is poured into the mold, where it polymerizes and hardens. In the process of this, a large shrinkage of the material occurs, that is, a decrease in its volume, as a result of which the prosthesis may not correspond to the prosthetic bed and inaccurately adhere to it. In addition, micropores often form in the base, where bacterial plaque will accumulate in the future, provoking bad smell from mouth.

A new technique for creating acrylic prostheses using the IVOCAP system (Ivocap) by IVOCLAR (Switzerland) made it possible to eliminate these problems using the injection molding method - plastic is dosed in capsules and pressed under constant pressure and temperature. With this method of manufacturing, the characteristics of the prosthesis are improved.

How to take care of your dentures to make them last longer

After the patient receives a complete removable denture, the orthopedist always explains the nuances of its fixation in the oral cavity, and sometimes also teaches special speech exercises for quick adaptation to the product. Much attention is also paid to the rules for the care of the prosthesis in order to increase its service life and minimize the loss of aesthetics.

It's important to know

Complete removable dentures need daily cleaning, if only because they fit snugly against the mucous membranes and create zones that are poorly washed by saliva.

The most common care products for complete removable dentures are:

Standard denture care regimen:

  1. In the morning and evening, clean from food particles and bacterial plaque with toothpaste and a brush. At the same time, attention should be paid to cleaning not only outer surface prosthesis, but also internal, which is in contact with the gum and palate;
  2. Rinse your mouth after each meal and rinse the denture under running water;
  3. Clean the prosthesis before going to bed with special solutions.

For some, it may seem surprising, but dental plaque and even tartar can also be deposited on dentures, so at least once a year it is useful to contact preventive examinations. In case of significant contamination of the prosthesis, it is given to dental laboratory where the dental technician processes the prosthesis to perfect condition.

Proper care of the prosthesis is the key not only to its long service life, but also an important factor that determines the health of the mucous membranes, the absence putrid smell from the mouth and the preservation of aesthetic characteristics (you don’t want the artificial teeth of the prosthesis to turn brown, and the plastic to acquire an unnatural shade for the gums?)

How much is a complete "puller" now?

The cost of a complete removable denture is determined by a number of factors, among which the most important are the following:

  • The material from which the denture is made (for example, an acrylic denture will be cheaper than a nylon one);
  • The presence in the clinic of its own dental laboratory;
  • Staff qualification level;
  • The territorial location of dentistry (prices in megacities are usually higher than in small towns);
  • Individual characteristics of the patient (some anatomical nuances can complicate the manufacture of a high-quality prosthesis).

Simply put, today only complete removable dentures made of ordinary acrylic plastic are relatively cheap - their use is considered the most budget option complete prosthetics.

“I have been wearing acrylic upper and lower prostheses for only 2 weeks. The top sits great, and the bottom walks. One has only to move the tongue, as the prosthesis rises immediately. I don’t even know what it is about…”

Inna, Moscow

Here are examples of prices for full-removable dentures in one of the St. Petersburg clinics:

  • Acrylic prosthesis - from 8 thousand rubles;
  • Prosthesis from Dentalur - from 12 thousand rubles;
  • Lamellar prosthesis (Ivoclar plastic) - from 14 thousand rubles;
  • Nylon prosthesis - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • Nylon prosthesis (materials made in Germany), Acry Free - from 25 thousand rubles;
  • Removable prosthesis (materials made in Switzerland) "Kandulor" - from 40 thousand rubles.

The combination of orthopedic and surgical care many times increases the price of treating a patient with a complete absence of teeth - when it comes to conditionally removable prosthetics, the cost of implantation itself makes the main contribution to the final price.

if you have personal experience the use of a removable prosthesis in the complete absence of teeth in the upper or lower jaw - please share the information by leaving your feedback at the bottom of this page (in the comments field).

What you need to know about nylon dentures (not advertised)

Interesting nuances of full removable prosthetics

Removable dentures are used for complete or partial loss of teeth, in the latter case this is especially true for the loss chewing teeth. Removable dentures can be used even if one chewing tooth is lost. In the arsenal of modern dentistry, there are technologies for the manufacture of removable dentures, which have extraordinary convenience, high wear resistance and aesthetic properties. Bulky and unsightly removable dentures, which our grandfathers and grandmothers left in a glass of water at night, are gone forever. Complete removable lamellar dentures are used in the complete absence of teeth in one or both jaws. Their task is to make up for the absence of all teeth. Removable partial dentures are used in the absence of single teeth or a group of teeth in the dentition. This type of prosthesis is used for the loss of the main chewing teeth and for defects in the dentition of a large extent. They can also be used as temporary prosthesis or missing one tooth. Lamellar partial dentures are used to restore lost fragments of the dentition and are the simplest and most affordable.

An immediate prosthesis can be used as a temporary structure that is applied to the jaw immediately after tooth extraction or in preparation for prosthetics with a permanent prosthesis.

Clasp prostheses (from German "clasp" - an arc) can be used in almost all cases associated with the absence of teeth, both complete and partial. The clasp prosthesis is the most reliable, expensive and convenient design. Its main difference is that the chewing load is distributed evenly between the gingival surface of the jaw and the remaining teeth, in contrast to partial dentures, where the entire load falls on the gum. In the manufacture of such prostheses, an accurate calculation and modeling of all elements of the prosthesis is carried out. Clasp prosthesis is used for periodontal disease and increased mobility teeth.

Removable segments are unilateral prostheses used for the loss of a row of chewing teeth on one side of the jaw.

Removable dentures are usually used when one chewing tooth is lost. Such a prosthesis can be fixed on adjacent abutment teeth using metal paws. The supporting elements of such a prosthesis can be glued to the tooth or fixed with light-curing cements. The patient does not need to remove such a prosthesis, which is why it is called conditionally removable.

Modern dentures are made from dental acrylic plastics by injection molding, hot and cold compression polymerization. The use of such plastics allows the prosthesis to retain its properties for a very long time - shape, color, density and strength. Artificial teeth, which are used in the manufacture of such prostheses, are available in the form ready-made kits, differing in color shades, shape, size. This allows you to choose exactly the set of teeth that the patient wants.

Modern removable dentures are fixed in the mouth in different ways. They can be fixed with the help of clasps - metal hooks that "hold" on the abutment teeth that are extreme to the defect. Clasps are made of stainless steel or noble metals with high spring properties. Thanks to these properties, the clasp securely holds the prosthesis in the mouth. Clasps are fixed at the very base of the tooth and are not visible when laughing and talking. This type of attachment can be used in partial lamellar dentures.

Removable dentures can also be fixed with the help of attachments - locks consisting of two elements. One of these elements is inside artificial tooth or the base of the prosthesis, and the other - on the abutment closed by the crown or at the root of the tooth. This option, compared with clasps, has a number of advantages - higher reliability and aesthetic properties.

Removable dentures need periodic cleaning, as they lie on the gingival surface of the jaw and create poorly washed areas. It is also necessary to periodically remove the dentures after eating to clean the surfaces. After that, you need to rinse your mouth well and return the prosthesis to its place. It is optimal to clean your dentures daily, at least before going to bed, and as a maximum after each meal.

Is it possible to leave a removable denture overnight? After evening hygiene procedures for cleaning the prosthesis and oral cavity, this is quite acceptable. It all depends on the desire of the owner of the prosthesis to leave it in the oral cavity at night or, conversely, to take a break from his presence. Many dentists recommend leaving a removable denture in the mouth overnight for better habituation in the first weeks after prosthetics.

Patients with removable dentures are advised not to consume viscous and sticky foods such as toffee, chewing gums etc. These products can stick to the denture and cause it to break. Do not use at first solid food. We are not talking about any special diet here, but in the first weeks after prosthetics, it is necessary to take well-chopped food in small portions. To practice chewing skills, you can use sliced ​​​​fruit - they are hard enough, but not hard enough to break the prosthesis.

If a removable denture causes discomfort in the mouth or rubs the gums, you need to contact your dentist to correct it.

Previously, when the basis of a removable prosthesis was made of rubber, it was absolutely necessary to put them in a glass of water overnight, since the rubber could crack and lose shape in the air. When did they appear plastic prostheses, they also began to be placed in a glass of water at night - apparently, from old memory, although air is not terrible for plastic. Then publications began to appear that water in a glass is favorable environment for bacteria to grow, and dentures must be kept dry.

What about modern removable dentures? Some dentists recommend that during the first months the prosthesis is constantly in a humid environment - in the mouth or in a glass of water at night. They explain this by the fact that moist conditions contribute to the final formation and consolidation of the properties of the prosthesis.

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