Compare bracket system. Which braces are best? Advantages and disadvantages of modern bracket systems. Metal structures

Our smile is a visiting card, through which we form the first opinion of ourselves among others. If you do not smile, then it is quite difficult to make a good impression on someone. Self-confidence, good mood, ease of communication - all this provides us with our own beautiful smile. And how people with crooked teeth dream of it! But modern medicine provides very effective ways to correct the situation and forget about embarrassment, smiling "openly". Which braces are best- a question that is relevant not only in childhood, because you can correct the wrong bite or align your teeth at any age. Adult and pediatric orthodontics come to the rescue, providing more and more convenient treatment methods.

Choosing a design: which braces are better to put

In vain, most people in our society still believe that it is impossible to influence the jawbones of an adult, and if an orthodontic appliance was not installed on time in adolescence, it means that you will have to suffer from ugly teeth all your life. Another prejudice against braces relates to their unaesthetic nature, because many people, at the mention of braces, still imagine the terrifying braces in the mouth, visible even with a calm conversation. But now there are already completely invisible braces, which, while remaining hidden from the eyes of others, align the dentition, and also make the face more symmetrical, regular.

All modern bracket systems can be divided into two large groups: vestibular and lingual devices. What braces are better to put in each case - to decide the patient together with the doctor individually. When choosing, the degree of complexity of the anomaly, the financial capabilities of the patient, and how important it is for a person to hide an unattractive structure are taken into account.

Vestibular orthodontic appliances

The most common and effective type of braces are vestibular. With the help of special glue, small plates are attached to the patient's teeth from the outside, facing the lips and cheeks, strung on an orthodontic arch. The arc creates the necessary tension to act on the teeth and give them the correct position, and with the help of braces, the tension created is correctly distributed.

Vestibular type braces are created for each specific patient. First, an impression of the teeth is made, according to which the braces are made.

Advantages of vestibular bracket systems:

  • reliability and versatility;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • strong arc pressure, ensuring the fastest obtaining of the desired result;
  • fast adaptation and high level of comfort for the patient.

Vestibular systems can be made from different materials. Choosing which braces are best to put, the patient and the doctor are repelled by the characteristics of various materials:

1. Classic metal braces are the most proven, the most reliable and allow you to correct any anomaly in the shortest possible time. This is a budget option for braces, which allows you to correct any pathology of the bite at an affordable price.

2. High-strength sapphire brackets, transparent, sparkling, invisible to others. A magnificent modern solution, which, however, is not available to everyone due to the high cost. Artificial sapphires, from which such braces are made, retain their color while wearing, do not oxidize under the influence of food acids, coffee.

4. Plastic braces are affordable, but they are too fragile and often break. Under the influence of food products can change the original color.

5. Ceramic - very reliable and aesthetic designs, ideal for people with allergies to metal, matched in color to the shade of tooth enamel.

Lingual braces

When choosing which braces to put on, more and more often patients ask for lingual, invisible constructions. These are orthodontic appliances, developed a long time ago, but still not widely used in our country. However, their benefits are clear. At first they were too bulky and were used on special occasions. Now these are small, elegant products that are attached to the inner surface of the dentition facing the tongue and therefore remain completely invisible to strangers while wearing. Feeling discomfort at first, the patient adapts after a few weeks and ceases to suffer due to a foreign object in the mouth.

Deciding which braces are best to put and giving preference to lingual constructions, most often patients are faced with their most common type - Incognito systems. The patient's teeth are scanned, after which a system is made that is perfectly adapted to the specific jaw and provides optimal pressure on the teeth. To adjust the pressure, the product is first adjusted on a plaster model of the jaw, after which the design is transferred to the teeth.

Benefits of Incognito braces:

  • short treatment time;
  • fast adaptation;
  • aesthetics, invisibility in communication.

Bracket systems Damon

One of the novelties in modern orthodontics is Damon orthodontic systems. Their peculiarity is in self-regulation, that is, in self-calibration of pressure on the teeth. In conventional braces, this pressure is generated by an orthodontic archwire, while in Damon systems, the force of the archwire is much lower. The teeth do not give in to such strong pressure as before, but the effectiveness of the treatment does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases. There are no microdamages inevitable when using traditional structures, tooth restoration is much faster. It is to be expected that, in deciding which brackets are best, patients and clinicians will increasingly choose self-ligating systems based on their benefits.

The most common of these bracket systems are the Damon 3 and Damon 3MX models, which are almost the same. The only difference is that in Damon 3MX each bracket has a rounded shape and a transparent base, they are also smaller in size, which makes this design very aesthetic.

Another common system is Damon Q, in which the braces are even smaller in size, the geometry is perfect. In these braces, each element of the system creates an optimal pressure, and the entire operation of the system gives simply amazing results. This treatment method is based on a weak effect, so it can be used even in pediatric orthodontics.

Advantages of Damon braces:

  • maximum healing speed;
  • slight discomfort, minimal injury;
  • stealth;
  • versatility.

Of course, when choosing which braces are best, each time an individual decision is made depending on the state of the oral cavity, the capabilities and special needs of the patient. In any case, as soon as you start looking at orthodontic structures, you take the first step towards a healthy and beautiful smile.

), Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Dentistry of the KSMA, Assistant Head. department for educational work. Awarded with the medal "Excellence in Dentistry" in 2016.

Wearing braces in the modern world has become familiar and even fashionable. The mere fact of their presence suggests that a person is serious about his image and his own health. In this article, we will look at the positioning and rating of braces.

Braces are used to correct malocclusion. These designs are represented by special orthodontic devices of a removable or non-removable type. Bracket systems are installed on one of the jaws (upper or lower), or on both at once. These plates apply pressure to the teeth in a chosen direction to move and return the teeth to their normal position.

With the help of braces, you can solve various problems of bite correction. Such designs help to form the desired position of the dentition, create the necessary space between the teeth, expand the palate or jaws.

Depending on the complexity of the pathology and the type of devices used, the course of treatment with braces usually ranges from six months to three years.

Types of braces

Bracket systems are very diverse. They are divided according to the methods of attachment to the teeth and the material from which the plates are made.

Braces can be described as a kind of micro-locks that will attach to each tooth individually, joining a special arc. The arc is made of metal and is pulled through the grooves of the brackets.

Methods for fixing the arch of dental structures can be made using removable rings or ligatures (elastic or metal), as well as using special "caps".

In this regard, bracket systems are divided into and non-ligature (or).

Also, these types of corrective plates are divided into vestibular (located outside the dentition) and lingual (located on the side of the tongue) structures.

In addition, bracket systems are divided depending on the material used for their manufacture: composite, combined, etc. We will also try to understand the sea of ​​various models of braces.

The best braces

It is impossible to say which are the best braces. For each patient, the features of his malocclusion, financial possibilities, the skill of the orthodontist, etc. are important. At the present stage, braces can be standard (vestibular or external) or custom-made (lingual or internal).
The selection of the type of corrective structures is determined by a specialist. A good result in the correction of any type of malocclusion largely depends on the skill of your orthodontist. We will present the rating of braces of various types below.

Metal braces

Metal structures are considered the most reliable. Made of durable medical steel, they are resistant to corrosion and are effective in many bite pathologies. Metal structures are affordable, and modern technologies make it possible not to create any (physical or psychological) discomfort for patients.

Metal braces have the following advantages:

  • high-strength, minimally susceptible to fractures and deformations;
  • used for serious bite pathologies;
  • sensations of discomfort or pain in patients are minimal at all stages of treatment;
  • highly effective with minimal treatment time (20% less than brackets made of other materials);
  • do not change their color until the end of treatment;
  • do not stain tooth enamel.

Metal braces have the following disadvantages:

  • not aesthetic;
  • the impossibility of individual production;
  • high price;
  • the possibility of allergic reactions in the oral cavity (more expensive designs are made of gold or titanium).

Rating of metal braces

Let's take a look at some of the best types of metal braces:

  1. Damon It is a self-ligating system with minimal treatment time. Has convenient locks and system of sliding, a low degree of friction. These qualities determine the accuracy of the installation and the effectiveness of the treatment.
  2. Alexander– made of a unique alloy of hypoallergenic medical steel. Installed without ligatures. The materials are particularly durable and resistant to various deformations. The system has a small size and "wings" that allow you to control their movement. The price for these types of structures is available: from 9 to 12 thousand rubles.
  3. Ormco these are classic ligature systems with a small thickness. This ensures high patient comfort. It has three varieties, which are made of titanium, an alloy coated with gold or nickel. The system provides patients with excellent closure of all teeth. It can be fixed even with incomplete teething. The price varies depending on the type of alloy: from 9 thousand rubles (nickel-titanium) to 25 thousand rubles (gold).

Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces are the best in terms of aesthetics. These include ligature and self-ligating systems. The color of the structures is as close as possible to the shade of the patient's tooth enamel.

Ceramic plates are very comfortable for patients. For their manufacture, photopolymers or chemical materials are used.

The advantages of this type of braces are:

  • sufficient structural strength;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • minimal discomfort;
  • resistance to coloring when using products;
  • high aesthetics and the absence of psychological complexes when used;
  • no yellowing when worn;
  • minimal degree of injury to soft tissues due to the absence of sharp parts and increased surface smoothness.

Ceramic braces also have a number of disadvantages:

  • high cost of systems;
  • possible demineralization of the enamel due to the tight fit of the plates to the teeth;
  • an increase in the correction period by several months;
  • the unpleasant process of removing them at the end of treatment.

The best ceramic braces

The most popular models of ceramic braces are:

  1. reflections are relatively inexpensive. They are made using aluminum oxide. For these designs, original attachments called "swallow tail" are used, which provide an ideal attachment of the system to the teeth. Their cost is about 42 thousand rubles ().
  2. Aspire these are plates made of almost completely transparent ceramics, they have metal grooves with gilding. On the teeth, such structures are invisible. The disadvantage of this type of plates is their price. from 50 thousand rubles per jaw.
  3. represented by structures made of high-strength ceramics. The plates are made strictly according to the shade of the patient's enamel. The price is about 85 thousand rubles (for two jaws).

Sapphire braces

Sapphire designs are the most transparent of all other types. These are the most aesthetic types of records for people whose status forces them to take special care of their appearance. These are the most expensive braces. Such plates are made of single-crystal sapphires. Most often, these types of braces are used for patients with minor malocclusion.

Sapphire braces are valued for the following features:

  • invisibility on the teeth;
  • the invariance of the color of the structures at the entire stage of correction;
  • lack of discomfort and excellent habituation of patients;
  • exclusion of mucosal injury due to smooth polishing of the plates;
  • optimal grip for secure fixation and ease of removal;
  • exclusion of traumatism for tooth enamel;
  • the most precise positioning to achieve the perfect smile shape;
  • indispensable for visitors to nightlife, as such structures do not glow in the rays of neon.

The main disadvantages of such systems are

  • the high cost of structures;
  • long wearing period;
  • the need for a particularly careful attitude due to the fragility of these structures;
  • especially careful oral hygiene;
  • the impossibility of using the method for serious bite problems.

Rating of sapphire braces

Sapphire braces are considered a new generation of orthodontic innovations. The most commonly used models are:

  1. Ormco (Inspire ICE) This is an American system of braces, characterized by the maximum transparency in the dental market. This type of plates is characterized by the highest degree of polishing.
  2. American Orthodontics (Radiance) plate system with special strength. These designs are reinforced in the center with sheathed edges, which makes them easy to install and remove.
  3. Ortho Technology (Pure) look especially neat and aesthetically pleasing. They have a special coating of zirconium dioxide powder, which greatly facilitates the removal of these plates.

Sapphire braces are the most expensive among other types. These designs are divided into 2 categories depending on the cost. The economy option category is characterized by a price of 90 to 120 thousand rubles. For the business option, the cost of the plates ranges from 120 to 200 thousand rubles.

The cost of sapphire braces includes the following stages of treatment:

  • the cost of manufacturing plates for both jaws;
  • teeth polishing;
  • patient care for the installation and removal of plates;
  • production of a fixed retainer to consolidate the result of treatment.

Plastic braces

Plastic braces have emerged as an alternative to metal plates. Such designs made it possible to make corrective devices more aesthetic. The appearance of these braces can be compared to sapphire and ceramic designs. Currently, the color of the plastic is also matched to the color of the patient's enamel. These braces are not lingual.

Plastic structures have the following characteristics:

  • low cost of structures (lower than all other types of systems);
  • the ability to match the color of the plastic to the color of the teeth;
  • the use of colored plates in pediatrics to attract patients.

The negative features of plastic braces include:

  • Due to the brittleness of the material, the plates can break easily. Therefore, many patients often have to order new records.
  • Do not eat solid food while using the plates.
  • A high degree of friction makes it difficult to move the teeth, which increases the correction time.
  • Plastic is easily stained when using many products (tea, coffee, chocolate, berries, soda, etc.), when smoking.
  • Frequent replacement of plastic plates increases the cost of bite treatment.

Rating of plastic braces

In the modern market of orthodontic services, the best and most reliable braces of the plastic system are:

  1. silkon- due to the manufacture of non-porous material, there is a reduction in friction at the time of movement of the arc. The system is perfectly fixed to the dentition.
  2. - have metal grooves, which improves glide and have increased resistance to abrasion.
  3. Elan- have special embossed bases for duplicating uneven surfaces of teeth and improving fixation. The metal frame increases the strength of these structures.

The pricing policy of this type of plates (excluding the cost of maintenance and their installation) fluctuates:

  • for economy option - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • for business option - from 30 thousand rubles;
  • for VIP class - from 50 thousand rubles.

It is difficult for any patient to independently decide on the choice of the best type of braces for him. Leave this choice to a competent and experienced orthodontist. And then your health and your beauty will be in good hands.

Sources used:

  • American Association of Orthodontists (USA)
  • "Fixed technique in orthodontics" (Tokarevich N.A.)
  • Goldstein, Ronald Aesthetic dentistry. In 3 volumes. Volume 1. Theoretical Foundations. Communication principles. Methods of treatment / Ronald Goldstein. — M.: STBOOK, 2003. — 496 p.

Recently, we talked about what ways to correct an overbite exist. The decision on whether you should correct the bite and which method of correction to choose should be taken only after consultation with a specialist. If you are taking too long to see a doctor, or you already know that you need to correct your bite, but just don’t decide, someone else’s experience may come in handy. We asked girls and young adults who have had braces as adults to tell us how easy it was for them to take the step, how braces have changed their lifestyle, what challenges they have faced, and what they have learned from the experience.

Yulia Yeltsova

editor of The Village

I got braces at the age of 29, almost 30. My husband had been persuading me to do this for a couple of years by that time. It seemed to me that my teeth are not so uneven. Just think, one front upper tooth sticks out a little. It was hard to decide, because everything new and not too pleasant is always like that. Plus, it's not cheap fun. When I went to the doctor, it turned out that I did not diagnose myself very correctly. There were enough problems: in addition to straightening my teeth, I had to correct my bite.

I wore braces for a little over a year. I had ceramic ones - they are less noticeable than metal ones. I felt uncomfortable for the first few days. And then she was not shy, but rather got used to new sensations. I see no reason to feel uncomfortable with braces. This is something unusual that not everyone has, almost like a tattoo on the face, only for a while. I even asked myself to put multi-colored rubber bands on my braces. Usually they are given to children, but they were such beautiful colors that I also decided to look like that.

It is difficult to bite with braces, especially something hard like apples. Firstly, the bracket can fall off, and secondly, it causes, if not pain, then discomfort for sure. So I gave up fast food and apples - eating on the go is impossible if you can't bite. It was uncomfortable when something went wrong: the bracket fell off or the arc moved and pierced the cheek. But in fact, now I understand that it was worth it. Not only did my teeth become straighter, but the oval of my face even changed a little, cheekbones appeared.

Anton Ganyushkin

system analyst ""

For as long as I can remember, I have had crooked teeth. As a child, I went to the doctor, and he said that it was necessary to put braces, but time passed, and they were still on the table at the orthodontist, and not in my mouth. Over time, the situation worsened. At some point, when the wisdom teeth began to grow, I began to feel discomfort. I was already 23 years old. A second trip to the doctor - and the diagnosis is as clear as daylight: let's say yes to braces. But before that, it was necessary to heal all the teeth and remove the wisdom teeth. Putting fillings on your teeth is easy, but extracting wisdom teeth is, say, a dubious pleasure. And this is only the preparatory work, which stretched out for a little more than six months.

Then you come to the doctor, he appoints a time, makes casts, and voila - braces on your teeth! A day after installation, you understand that you can’t live like that: your teeth start to hurt and itch, it’s almost impossible to eat something harder than semolina. At the same time, the mouth was completely rubbed with these damned braces, and the wire tore the cheek at the base of the jaw. But, as they say, it's scary only the first time - subsequent changes of the wire, of course, cause discomfort, but half as much as the first time.

The doctor laughed that my girlfriend would leave me after getting braces, but she is still with me. In general, I'm not a supermodel and before that I didn't look much better than with braces. Therefore, my self-confidence cannot be shaken! It's been seven months now. The only bad thing is that I'm starting to forget the taste of nuts and "Orbita" without sugar, but after removing the braces, I will definitely arrange a "partyhard" with apples and crackers.

Katya Baklushina

Senior Designer at Wonderzine

I got braces at the age of 19, when it became obvious that a bad bite greatly affects the health of the teeth, they will not last long and something needs to be done. An example was the older brother, who himself put braces at 25. Six months after that, I went to the first appointment with his doctor. Therefore, it was not difficult to decide, I knew what awaited me. The most unpleasant moment was the need to remove four healthy teeth in order to free up room for maneuver. This causes some psychological discomfort, in addition to physical.

I wore them for a relatively long time (four years) and it was difficult: with additions in the form of a palatine clasp (this is a metal spacer under the palate to push the molars apart) and elastic bands that move the upper and lower jaws relative to each other. At the same time, I do not remember that I was embarrassed by my appearance at that time. Perhaps because we chose clear sapphire braces, which are not as conspicuous as metal ones. And even vice versa, almost immediately after the installation, I began to smile more openly. For a person who has been ashamed of his smile all his life, when you reflexively cover your mouth with your hand, this was a big breakthrough in the fight against complexes. I even got married with braces: I just asked the doctor to put a white arc instead of a metal one. She, of course, was sympathetic to such a request and congratulated on the event. And now, when I look at photos from the wedding, the presence of braces seems just a nice detail.

Naturally, they have a strong impact on everyday life, because you have to go to check-ups often and regularly, pay much more attention to hygiene and get used to the "pieces of iron" in your mouth. At such moments, you especially appreciate that the oral mucosa quickly heals and adapts to innovations. But, firstly, all this is temporary, and secondly, if the difference is as outstanding as I had, this is exactly the decision that positively affects the rest of my life, both in terms of health and in terms of self-esteem.

I got braces a year and a half ago when I was 32 years old. The dentist recommended to do this, just so that the bite is correct and the teeth do not grind down, there are no chips. The decision was easy, because anyway, no one guesses how the braces will really feel. You realize this later, when the deed is done and the money is paid. I got lingual braces that are placed on the back of my teeth. I wore them for about nine months.

Lingual braces greatly affect diction and distort the voice at first. The mucous membranes are strongly rubbed. In general, it’s blood and tears for the first month for sure, and then you get used to it. The oral cavity adapts, and all this is already calmly tolerated, speech is also gradually restored. I did not lose confidence in myself, just at first I constantly experienced a feeling of discomfort and pain. Confidence, probably, is lost by those whose braces are visible. But braces have changed my daily life. They need to be additionally looked after, constantly cleaned, washed with an irrigator of food debris after eating. Do not chew apples, do not chew gum.

It was a wonderful experience. My teeth are now even, and I didn’t have to wear braces for three years - everything turned out pretty quickly compared to many friends. Of course, you need to go through all this in childhood, but in my childhood such systems were not even close. Therefore, you have to do this already in adulthood.

Andrey Orekhov

event manager

When I was almost 23, I got braces. It’s not that I was very worried about my smile, but the problem was still obvious: one of the lower teeth was squeezed by the neighboring teeth and it ended up behind, at an inclination of about 25 degrees. Accordingly, it was not possible to properly clean it, it darkened and soon ceased to be noticeable. When I smiled, there was a feeling that I didn’t have a tooth at all. I like to smile, but to mislead people - not very much. Something had to be done about it.

My parents, especially my mother, pushed me to the decision to put braces. I thought that my mother would not advise bad things, the more I understood that the sooner I start correcting my bite, the sooner it will all end. I had several worries about this: I was afraid that a girl would leave me, that I wouldn’t be able to eat normally, smile, live a full life, and in general I would be such an overripe teenager a la Butthead.

In fact, everything turned out to be somewhat simpler. Although the first day turned out to be the peak of despair and frustration, and for some time it was really difficult to eat, then it became easier and easier. You get used to everything, and sometimes you find pluses. From the initial misunderstanding of how it is possible to live like this, soon there was no trace left, and then there was even a confident feeling that braces had become part of me and my style. It's funny that I began to smile even more than before. Maybe based on the comments of friends and acquaintances, or due to simple self-deception, I became convinced that braces are a thrill, and I'm handsome. Whatever it was, I realized that braces are certainly not a repulsive factor. Rather the opposite.

The whole process of correcting the bite took only a year. They say it's very fast. However, I had enough. As much as I sometimes miss braces, I have to admit that life is much freer without them. I am sincerely glad that one fine day I nevertheless reached the clinic and took this step. In the past, I would have given myself a slap on the back of the head for not making up my mind for a long time. Now I wear plastic caps, made from a cast of teeth immediately after braces, to consolidate the result. By the way, they turned out to be even worse at first. But that's another story.

Diana Kostina

I decided to get braces at the age of 22, in the spring of this year, after a preventive examination by a dentist-therapist. Outwardly, my imperfections were almost not noticeable, a non-specialist doctor did not have strict recommendations, but I suddenly realized that I wanted (and could!) One day see perfectly even teeth in the mirror. I thought for a few days and signed up for the removal of wisdom teeth - this is preparatory work before braces. Removal is the most unpleasant part, but the main thing is to get to the chair of the dentist-surgeon (I got a great one!) And endure the anesthetic injection. After the extraction, the doctor describes in detail what can go wrong, but everything can turn out even better than average: immediately after the removal of the first two teeth, I even went to a party - and the party was super.

In parallel with the removals, I was looking for an orthodontist. Braces are a long-term treatment, so it is important not to miscalculate with a doctor. As a result, the method of “ask good doctors about other good doctors” helped: I chose an orthodontist on the recommendation of a dental surgeon. It's funny that after frequent trips to the dentists, I opened a "third eye" that distinguishes people with an imperfect bite. Alas, almost always perfectly straight teeth are the result of correction. Keenly noticing the details around is a so-so superpower, the world has turned into a kind of perfectionist hell, but it seems that this period has passed.

I have visible metal braces on my teeth. Firstly, the doctor said that they are effective and unpretentious - transparent mouth guards, for example, must be worn 22 hours a day, they should be removed for meals, that is, after dinner or lunch outside the home, you need to look for a washbasin and put your jaw in order to put on a cap. Secondly, really inconspicuous braces cost several hundred thousand rubles, such an investment of money in my situation does not seem reasonable.

I hardly feel any household inconvenience with braces. Teeth usually do not hurt, but it is better to refuse radishes and whole apples. Braces involve careful care of the oral cavity with all sorts of devices, but this business is generally useful for everyone, a good habit. I was a little worried about the braces in connection with the profession, because sometimes there are important meetings at work. However, in vain: no one attaches importance to this, besides, braces hardly worsen diction (these are not children's records), on the contrary, they can even improve it. Pleased with the reaction of loved ones. A loved one said that braces really suit me (doubtful, but actually a very nice compliment). Friends praised for the strength of the spirit. Braces have really added a healthy amount of self-confidence as a conscious and balanced life choice, I am very glad that I went for it.

Rationally, braces are straight teeth and health benefits at the cost of certain organizational efforts and time constraints. But when making a decision to install, many are confused by irrational things reinforced by stereotypes in popular culture: “I’m not a teenager, it’s already late, I’ll be like Katya Pushkareva, and everyone will point the finger at me, oh, lost time ...” The strangest thing is, what I heard from this series: “I would like to put braces ... but I can’t, I’m afraid that the lower jaw will change and become too masculine, ugly, oh, I should have done it earlier.” The truth is that after getting braces, you don't wake up as a new person. Passers-by do not hide their children when they see you on the street, the flowers do not wither from your smile, the “crown of celibacy” does not suddenly grow on your head. There are reasonable difficulties in installing braces, this is a serious decision, but prejudices here will not help you make a choice.

From this article you will learn:

  • what are the braces for teeth: photos, which ones are better,
  • ceramic braces, metal braces - reviews,
  • how much do braces for teeth cost - price 2020 in Moscow.

Braces have been used to correct crooked teeth since 1955. The term "braces" refers to only one element of the bracket system - these are metal or ceramic plates that are glued to the teeth. In addition to the braces themselves, such a system includes a metal arc, ligatures, springs and many other elements ...

How many wear braces -
the average duration of bite correction with braces is approximately 2-3 years. But with small changes in the bite, it can last about 1 year. The optimal period for the start of correction of malocclusion is from 8 to 14 years (at this age, the facial bones are still growing, which fits the movement of the teeth). In adults, tooth movement takes longer than in children.

Ceramic, lingual and metal braces: photos

How braces work

The standard bracket system consists of 3 main components –

  1. braces (special plates that are glued to the teeth),
  2. metal arc (with its help the braces are interconnected),
  3. the mechanism for fixing the arc in the bracket groove (with the help of ligatures or locking fasteners).

Braces work by applying constant, slight pressure to the teeth. Pressure is generated by a metal wire that passes through each bracket and connects them to each other. In the process of treatment, the orthodontist will use metal arcs of different shapes and thicknesses, will weaken or tighten the ligatures more - all this allows you to change the degree of pressure on the teeth, achieving their desired position.

It must be said that not only the teeth themselves experience pressure, but most importantly, the bone tissue around them. Under the pressure experienced in the bone tissue, the processes of bone remodeling are triggered (parallel bone resorption in the direction of tooth movement, and its formation behind the direction of tooth movement). This process is very slow and therefore the treatment takes a long time.

Types of braces -

All types of braces can be classified according to several parameters, for example, according to the type of material and design features. The pros and cons of each type are detailed below.

Bracket system: types (table 1)

Braces: photo

In the photo you can see different types of braces listed in Table 1

How to choose the right braces

We offer you a model for choosing braces based on several points:

  • firstly, to determine the acceptable level of aesthetics,
  • secondly, with the level of comfort, reliability and speed of treatment,
  • thirdly - with a design (ligature or non-ligature),
  • the fourth criterion is the cost of braces.

1. Evaluate the acceptable level of aesthetics first

To choose the right braces, first you need to decide on the level of aesthetics that you expect from them (website). If you are not at all embarrassed by the fact that people will see them, feel free to choose metal braces that are fixed on the front surface of the teeth. Such braces are the most reliable and effective.

If you would like braces to be less visible, then you will have to choose between sapphire and ceramic braces on the one hand, and lingual braces on the other. Braces that are fixed from the inside of the dentition are called lingual braces (these braces are not visible at all).

There is practically no difference between sapphire and ceramic braces. The former are made from monocrystalline alumina, the latter from polycrystalline alumina. They differ from each other only in the degree of transparency. Ceramic - white opaque (they are suitable for people with a darker shade of teeth). Sapphire - translucent (they are more suitable for light-colored teeth).

2. Compare different types of braces with each other in terms of comfort, reliability and speed of treatment -

table 2

Ceramic/sapphire braces
Reliabilityvery highhighlow
Healing speedhighhighlow
Frequency of visits to the orthodontist1 time in 2 months1 time in 2 monthsas needed
Convenience for
fast adaptationfast adaptationheavy adaptation
Price of treatmentmedium to highhighextremely high

To learn more about each type of braces (their advantages and disadvantages), to find out which manufacturers produce this type of braces, and which manufacturer's braces are better to choose - you can read in the detailed reviews ...

3. Ligature braces and non-ligature braces - which are better?

Ligature braces - they have special elastic bands or thin orthodontic wire as a mechanism for fixing the arc in the bracket groove (Fig. 1-5,11,13). Non-ligating braces are also called self-ligating braces; on their surface there is a special snap lock that securely holds the metal arc in the bracket groove (Fig. 12,14, gif).

Non-ligature braces: photo

Non-ligature braces can be made of metal, ceramic, or a combination of materials (for example, the body of the bracket is made of ceramic, and the bracket groove or lock is made of metal, as in Figure 9).

Types of non-ligature braces –

  • "Victory", "SmartClip" and "Clarity SL" (Germany),
  • "In-Ovation- R", "In-Ovation- FROM", "In-Ovation- L"(USA),
  • "Damon clear" (Fig. 14), "Damon Q", "Damon 3-MX" (USA).

If your doctor says that only non-ligature braces are suitable for yours, then he is clearly disingenuous. The fact is that they usually cost 2-3 times more to correct an overbite with such braces. And such a price appears not so much due to a slightly increased cost, but primarily due to the fact that self-ligating braces are positioned in advertising as the most modern and most effective.

Comparison of ligature and non-ligature braces -

  • Ease of changing the type of ligation(universality)
    there is active and passive fixation of the metal arc in the bracket slot (ligation type). Active fixation means that the archwire will be tightly clamped in the bracket groove and will not be able to slide freely in it (Fig. 15). With passive fixation, there will be no tight contact between the wire and the bracket slot, and the wire will slide freely in the slot (Fig. 16).

    The only disadvantage of metal braces is that they are clearly visible on the teeth. But you can give them personality and make them colorful by using multi-colored rubber ligatures. And for the most fashionable, it is possible to install braces in the form of hearts, flowers, soccer balls or stars. See table 2 for all the advantages and disadvantages of metal braces.

    How much do braces cost: price in Moscow 2020

    1) Consultation with an orthodontist - usually free of charge,
    2) Diagnosis (taking and making casts, analysis of control diagnostic models, calculation of TRG, analysis of OPTG, preparation of a treatment plan) - 1,600 rubles.

    The cost of braces with installation and retainer −

    Braces - the cost is indicated on average in Moscow for 2 jaws. The price also includes: wire retainer + braces installation + braces removal. Accuracy ±10,000 rub.:

    3) Ligature metal braces - price from 35,000 to 45,000 rubles.

    4) Non-ligating (self-ligating) metal braces −

    • braces "Victory" - 110,000 rubles.
    • braces "Smart Clip" - 120,000 rubles.
    • braces "Damon Q" - 115,000 rubles.
    • braces "Damon 3 MX" - 160,000 rubles.

    5) Ceramic braces −

    • ligature - price from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles.
    • non-ligature (self-ligating) - price from 130,000 to 175,000 rubles.

    6) Artificial sapphire braces −

    • ligature "Inspire-ICE" - price 150,000 rubles.
    • non-ligature "Damon clear" - the price is 160,000 rubles.
    • braces Stb - price from 190,000 to 230,000 rubles.
    • braces In-Ovation-L - the price is about 250,000 rubles.
    • braces brand "Incognito" - price from 300,000 to 400,000 rubles.

    8) Braces correction session (performed once a month) - about 2-2.5 thousand rubles.

    Bracket info: frequently asked questions

    How safe are braces for teeth?

    In general, wearing braces is a safe procedure. However, wearing them complicates oral hygiene, which can lead to the accumulation of plaque and hard tartar. If plaque and stone are not removed in time, this is hello to the development of caries and inflammation of the gums.

    Secondly, the process of moving the teeth leads to the fact that the roots of the teeth become a little shorter (the tops of the roots are partially dissolved). Loss of root length can lead to less tooth stability, especially in people who initially have short physiological root lengths.

    What are the benefits of early treatment?

    When correcting an overbite, in most cases the patient will go through a stage where his upper incisors will (temporarily) protrude forward. Such protruding teeth, especially in children, are most susceptible to injury from falls and bruises; besides, it's not very aesthetically pleasing. Early treatment avoids this situation.

    Also, early bite correction allows the orthodontist to positively influence the growth of the jaw, the width of the dental arches, improve the aesthetics and self-esteem of the child, and eradicate bad habits. The process of eruption of permanent teeth is also improved by creating a place for eruption (if it is lacking), the total time of orthodontic treatment and its cost are reduced, and diction is improved. We hope that our article on the topic: Braces reviews of patients and doctors turned out to be useful to you!


    1. “Orthodontics. Textbook for dentists "(Kutsevlyak V.I.),
    2. American Association of Orthodontists (USA),
    3. National Library of Medicine (USA),
    4. "Conceptual Orthodontics" (Stefan Williams),
    5. "Fixed orthodontic equipment" (Gerasimov S.N.),

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