Alternative to dental implantation: existing analogues and methods. An alternative to removable dentures and dental bridges. Acrylic products

Modern technologies offer the restoration of the dentition through dental implants. It is based on screwing in a metal bolt on which a ceramic replacement tooth will sit. This method is very reliable and returns the dentition to morphological integrity.

Implants, unlike prostheses, do not strong pressure on the gums and do not contribute to their damage. They also do not require additional care and do not interfere with food intake during Everyday life. However, there are a number of contraindications in which implantation is impossible.

Alternative to dental implants necessary in the presence of absolute or relative pathological indications:

- malignant cancers;

- tuberculosis;

- blood diseases in which there is a presence of poor clotting;

- diabetes;

- violations of psychoneurotic activity;

- dysfunction of the endocrine and immune systems;

– pathology oral cavity.

To the group relative readings include:

- caries;

inflammatory processes;

- pregnancy and cycle breastfeeding;

- developmental pathologies of the jaw.

If, nevertheless, for any reason, the operation is impossible, then implant alternativemteeth - traditional methods prosthetics, the choice of which is individual for each person. Some make the choice in favor of permanent prosthetics. This method acceptable after treatment by an orthodontist of the dentition completely. The staging system requires the construction of permanent structures that cannot be removed. They are divided into two types. The first is the bridge construction, which is fixed on the pre-turned adjacent real teeth.

The second kind means dental implant alternative with a dental crown. It is installed on a living tooth root.

It is also possible to replace dental implantation with removable dentures, the advantage of which is an acceptable cost. These prostheses are made from various materials. There are acrylic models, they are quite heavy and, due to their weight, have low level fixation. Better quality and modern material- nylon. It is lightweight, has high rates for oral hygiene.

With periodontitis, clasp prostheses are placed. The foundation is a metal arch, on which a ceramic or plastic base with artificial dental units is attached. Structural loosening is impossible, because for secure fixation in the oral cavity, it becomes a single whole.

AT modern dentistry replantation is gaining popularity. AT this case, the tooth is removed from the alveolar opening, which undergoes antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy. After an hour and a half operation, the tooth is returned to its place, connecting with the neighboring teeth with a thread. it painless procedure no reason for complications. The risk lies only in the manifestation allergic reactions for drugs. However, qualified dentists provide for this scenario, being interested in the problems of the patient himself.

human teeth, main function which is the chewing of food, called chewing. It is premolars and molars that most often suffer from caries, since a person cannot provide them with sufficient hygiene on their own, and not everyone has the time and desire to visit a dentist for their professional cleaning. In addition, these teeth suffer from the fact that they are forced to endure quite heavy loads every day, and often also suffer from alcohol abuse, carbonated drinks, excessive consumption of sweets and smoking. These teeth may develop secondary caries, cysts, gums become inflamed, which leads them to complete destruction and subsequent removal.

It is known that the absence chewing teeth leads to a distortion of facial features, since the cheeks sink deeply, the formation of wrinkles, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract due to bad chewing food. In this regard, a person has a question about which implants are best placed on chewing teeth.

Dental implants

Many dentists consider dental implants to be the best. They are made of titanium, which is highly refined and looks like a tooth root. During the installation process, it is, as it were, implanted into the jaw stones and a crown is put on top. The advantages of installing it are:

  • The person again has the opportunity to chew food well.
  • They look very aesthetically pleasing, they do not differ at all from natural teeth.
  • They can be installed even if the natural tooth is completely destroyed and removed.
  • They do not cause the slightest discomfort when swallowing, chewing and talking.
  • They are able to serve for fifteen or more years, while only the crowns are changed, and the implant itself remains with the person for life.
  • When installing this kind of implants, grinding does not occur. neighboring teeth, as is done, for example, when installing a bridge.

Having thought about which implant is better to put on chewing teeth, it is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the methods of its installation available in dentistry. They are usually installed in two ways:

Dental implantation

  • With a one-step method the prosthesis is implanted deep into the bone tissue. The operation is completely painless for the patient. The implant itself is securely fixed and immediately able to withstand loads.
  • With the two-step method The first step is bone augmentation. Next, the implant itself is installed, and after a while the crown. This procedure can take up to six months, but much more effective than the first way.

After the installation of prostheses, it is very important that a person can chew again, there is no rejection of the implants. Crowns on them, as a rule, are made of metal-ceramic.

An alternative to an implant is a pin

Having learned which dental implants are better, it is also worth considering that they have an alternative in the form of metal pins. This method is good when the root of the tooth is intact and unharmed. Pins are made of gold, zirconium and chromium, they are installed only when the tooth and its root are reliably treated, and a crown is placed on top. This method of tooth restoration is good because it is cheaper. The pins are securely fixed, do not require engraftment, allow the root to withstand chewing loads.

Only a dentist will be able to choose which type of prosthetics the patient needs, after clinical researches, as a rule, when the root of the tooth can be saved, it is recommended to put a pin.

Varieties of implants

The choice of implants is quite wide, so when deciding which dental implants are the best, you need to become more familiar with the features of each of them. They are divided into the following forms:

The dentist can determine which type of dental implant should be given to the patient by conducting numerous clinical examinations of the patient's oral cavity.

Indications for installation

  • Lack of one.
  • Lack of all chewing teeth.

But, there are also contraindications to this procedure:

  • Oncology.
  • Disorders in the nervous system.
  • Diseases bone tissue.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Diabetes.
  • Deformed jaw.

It should be understood that all calculations regarding the cost of prosthetics are carried out directly with the participation of the doctor on the basis of the examination.

What to look for when choosing implants

During prosthetics, the dentist will point out certain advantages of a particular implant. The patient should be familiar with what material it is made of, it can be titanium or zirconium dioxide (more expensive). The thread on the prosthesis should have several types, and its surface should be rough for faster engraftment. Its length is selected depending on the existing problem and ranges from 6 mm to 16 mm.

Zirconium oxide implants

The connection between the crown and the implant should not have gaps, which prevents reproduction pathogenic microorganisms. Also, the patient is required to provide information about the survival rate of the prosthesis, its service life and a quality certificate of one kind or another.

Which manufacturers are the best

In modern dentistry, there a large number of implant manufacturers. Prostheses from German manufacturers are considered one of the best and most affordable, they take root in 99%, do not form microcracks and crevices. Swiss implants are also very popular, which are also easy to take root and can last for a long time. Root and Nobel Biocare prostheses are also known, which have affordable prices and long service life. From the Russian manufacturer, the most popular implants are Conmet, which are made with the help of foreign the latest technologies, and are not inferior to them in quality.

In any case, only a dentist can help decide which implants are needed for a particular patient. To date, the cost of the implant itself and its installation varies quite widely, so each patient can afford to install it by choosing the most affordable one.

To choose an implant, you should contact your dentist

As for the care of implanted teeth, there are no strict guidelines and recommendations for it. Before starting the usual hygienic cleaning, as well as for their native teeth, it is necessary to let it take root. After that, the usual daily care and examination and professional cleaning by the dentist several times a year will be enough.

Method of basal implantation in last years became one of the most popular in Russia for receiving beautiful smile. The opportunity not to wait half a year for engraftment of implants, and even to do without bone grafting, certainly captivates. However, this medal also has a downside.

For reference: In the USA and most European countries, basal implantation is practically not used due to possible complications.

Teeth in 3 days without bone grafting in most cases can be obtained using classic implants. Modern techniques classical implantation allows you to restore teeth in as soon as possible, a bone grafting ceased to be a necessity. The use of the classical method makes implantation the safest, and the result is durable. What is the difference between these approaches and what are the pros and cons of these procedures - we will consider in this article.

Basal implantation: cons and risks of the procedure

So, the method of basal implantation has its own nuances, namely:

1. The percentage of complications of basal implants is higher than when installing root-shaped screw implants. In this case, in case of rejection of the basal implant, bone resorption is formed, the hole T-shape bigger size. Reoperation, without long-term bone tissue growth, it becomes impossible. In the case of non-engraftment of classical screw implants, such problems do not arise.

2. The widespread opinion that the invasiveness of the procedure is extremely small is actually a myth. Due to the large size of the T-shaped implant, a large flap needs to be pulled back, which causes significant swelling. Recovery after such a difficult procedure usually takes at least two weeks. The healing itself often takes place with discomfort.

3. Basal implants can become loose over time and eventually fall out. This is due to the fact that such implants integrate with a large volume. fibrous tissue. Especially often this effect occurs in cases where the rules of the installation procedure were violated or the chewing movements were incorrectly calculated.

4. The non-separability of basal implants is another reason discomfort during the procedure. The implant has to be filed and "customized" under right size directly in the patient's mouth.

Given these features of basal implants, patients need to weigh the pros and cons, and then decide on the choice of one or another method of dental implantation.

Implantation at total absence teeth of both jaws. Left - classic implants. Right - basal implantation.

New technologies of classical implantation

Advanced dental implant centers are widely using a new generation of implants with a thin diameter or short length, made of especially strong alloys. For example, Straumann Roxolid. This makes it possible, in most cases, to carry out implantation with a shortage of bone tissue. The design features of such implants make it possible to withstand heavy loads, which makes them applicable, including for implantation of chewing teeth.

It is important to note that Straumann Roxolid are NOT mini implants. They are classic implants from a more durable alloy (85% titanium, 15% zirconium).

Interesting fact: studies have shown that complications with thicker implants occur 3.4 times more often than with implants of standard thickness or thin implants.

The procedure for installing such implants is less traumatic. After all, what larger size implant, the larger the hole for it needs to be made in the bone tissue. When installing a thinner implant, the bone tissue around it is maximally preserved, and it just depends on it whether the implant will last for many years.

Although many implant systems, such as Astra Tech implants, have 3.0 and 3.5 mm diameter implants in their range, these implants cannot be used in the posterior region due to their thin diameter. Otherwise, it may lead to breakage of the implant or abutment.

New technologies will allow you to:

restore teeth without bone augmentation;
spend no more than three days on the procedure - a fixed prosthesis is installed immediately after the installation of implants;
· get a guaranteed result, confirmed by 20 years of practice in leading clinics in Europe and the USA.

In conclusion, I would like to note the following: the world's leading implant manufacturers Straumann and Astra Tech do not have basal implants in their line.

Many people want to have a beautiful smile. Often, after tooth extraction or serious damage, dentists recommend implantation. This service is considered one of the most demanded in modern dentistry. However, implantation is an expensive pleasure, therefore it is not available to everyone. First you need to know about all existing contraindications, and after that find out what is the alternative to implantation of teeth and to whom it can suit.

With the help of implants, you can easily restore the normal functionality of the teeth without a big load on the gum itself. If the roots of a damaged tooth remain in the jaw, then dentists can put a crown on them.

In the absence of teeth, implantation makes it possible to restore them so that patients do not feel discomfort with the functionality of the jaw and its appearance. This procedure is suitable for those who want to solve the issue of missing teeth once and for all. Reliable implant can last long term, but for this, patients should take care of their teeth daily and strictly follow the advice of a doctor.

During the implantation procedure, there is some chance that the gum will be deformed. It is important to note that when choosing traditional prosthetics in the form of removable or fixed dentures, the appearance of structures deteriorates over time, so they will need to be replaced. If this is not done, then other people will see artificial teeth. That is why implantation is considered the right solution for restoring the dentition.

But it's important to consider everything. possible contraindications, which in some cases do not allow such a procedure. Then you should pay attention to the alternative of implantation.

Contraindications for implantation

After many studies, dentists have identified relative and absolute contraindications to dental implantation. If a person matches at least one item from the list absolute contraindications, the implantation procedure will not be possible. These indicators include:

  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Problems in the work of the nervous system.

  • Oncology.
  • Problems with tissue repair.
  • Obvious problems with the immune system.
  • Diseases of the oral mucosa.
  • Tuberculosis.

Relative contraindications - diseases of the mouth and teeth. It will be possible to carry out implantation after proper treatment. To relative contraindications include:

  • Insufficient.
  • carious formations.

  • Gingivitis and other inflammatory processes in the body.
  • smoking and frequent use alcohol.
  • Problems with the bone tissue of the jaw.
  • Breastfeeding and childbearing.

  • Use of illegal drugs.

The list of such contraindications is quite extensive, so you should pay attention to the alternative of dental implantation, which has fewer prohibitions.

What are the alternatives to implantation?

Only qualified specialist can determine whether implantation is suitable for a particular person or not. If the doctor has determined that it is impossible to place an implant, then great solution will become an alternative - traditional prosthetics. It is presented in the form of removable and permanent structures.

Removable dentures

In modern dentistry, there are such alternative:

  • Plate structures. They can be installed when the patient does not have one or all of the teeth. But these products have many disadvantages: they are uncomfortable to wear, they cause discomfort, they need proper care and provide inconvenience when chewing food.

  • Nylon products help restore lost teeth. They are attached using hooks, which are made from the same material as the design. The prosthesis is perfectly attached and does not cause discomfort when talking and eating. But sometimes the gums can become inflamed in the place where they are attached.
  • Clasp structures considered the best dentures that can be removed. This is due to the fact that they hold securely and evenly distribute the load across the jaw. Such a design is fixed on a metal arc, which does not provide discomfort and does not rub the gums.

Fixed dentures

An alternative in the form of permanent prosthetic devices is designed to restore chewing function. These types of structures can be made of metal, zirconia or ceramics. They are more expensive than removable options.

Alternative permanent prostheses include bridges and crowns. The first product looks like artificial teeth, which are arranged in a row. They are specially fixed to adjacent teeth. Pre adjacent teeth carefully grind so that the structures sit securely and do not fall off while eating. The crown is placed when the tooth root has been preserved. People with this product in the oral cavity should be careful, because with a careless attitude, it can break, because of which it will have to be replaced.

Combined options

If a person has natural teeth, then an alternative to implantation can be presented in the form of a simultaneous combination of permanent and removable products. The non-removable part can be easily fixed on the abutment teeth using a special cement composition.

Removable products are the prosthesis itself. These two parts can be interconnected using special lock fasteners. These systems can be safely attributed to clasp prostheses, which can be attached using attachments or clasps.

Mini implants

A good alternative to a dental implant is the installation of a mini-implant, which is several times smaller than conventional products. They can have a diameter of 2 mm. Such dimensions make it easy to fix a pin with a small hole to the jaw. Removable products can be attached to the mini-implant, which are held more securely than on simple hooks.

What specific alternative implantation option is suitable for a person in his case, a qualified doctor determines. After that, a thorough dental treatment and their professional cleaning. In parallel, alternative prostheses are manufactured for a specific patient.

Implants are not suitable for everyone, which is why patients are trying to find what alternative exists for them. In modern dentistry, clients are offered traditional prosthetics, which are presented in the form of removable and non-removable structures. They may have different cost and service life, and installation can take several days. At the same time, the list of contraindications for such dental systems is much smaller compared to the installation of implants.

Healthy white teeth is not only beauty, but also a necessity. Only regular care will help to achieve perfection in this regard, timely treatment, correction of existing defects. For example, the lack of teeth after extraction or injury can be filled thanks to modern technologies. Among them are implantation, prosthetics and other methods available in the arsenal of dentists.

Implantation is the only way normalization of the functionality of the jaw in case of complete loss of dental units. An artificial rod is screwed into the jawbone, which acts as a tooth root. After engraftment, a crown is attached to it, which in shape and color does not differ from the natural one. In the presence of preserved roots, it is possible to install a dental crown on them. This option is ideal for those who want to solve the problem for a long time.

Advantages of the technique:

  • natural appearance of the dentition;
  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • no need to turn neighboring units.


  • high cost;
  • a large number of contraindications.

Implantation can be used both with partial loss of teeth, and with their absolute absence.

The technique is shown when there is a need to solve the problem for a long time, and maximum naturalness is also required. Implants are no different from their teeth, which cannot be said about traditional dentures. The latter eventually become noticeable due to atrophy of the gingival tissues.

Are there any contraindications for implantation?

Numerous studies of implantation techniques have shown the existence of a number of contraindications. They are classified into absolute and relative.

  • blood diseases (for example, poor clotting);
  • psychoneurological disorders;
  • malignant processes in the body;
  • serious violations of the immune, endocrine systems;
  • diseases that are characterized by difficulty in restoring connective tissue;
  • pathology of the oral mucosa;
  • tuberculosis;
  • masticatory muscle dysfunction.

Relative contraindications after treatment, they cease to be. Among them:

  • the formation of carious cavities;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • malocclusion;
  • anomalies of the jaw bone tissue;
  • alcohol abuse, drugs, smoking;
  • reception medicines that affect the nervous system;

The presence of contraindications does not mean that the problem cannot be solved. There are other options that are often used in modern dentistry and provide good results.

What alternatives exist in dentistry

The choice of an alternative to implantation is a purely individual matter. The doctor, on the basis of the examination, the study of the anamnesis, decides which method of restoring the dentition for a particular patient is most acceptable. It could be:

  • replantation.

Before the start of the procedure, the specialist treats the oral cavity, after which prostheses are made according to an individual order, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's maxillofacial apparatus.

Removable dentures can be placed instead of implants

Removable systems are a relatively cheap option. They are easy to care for, are used for complete or partial loss of teeth. Some clinics make them from acrylic. Such designs are not entirely convenient due to bulkiness. Their disadvantage is the possibility of allergic reactions to the material, impaired diction, insufficient fixation.

Clasp prosthesis

A worthy alternative to acrylic prostheses are nylon and polyurethane models. They are light, soft, with comfortable suction cups. In addition to non-toxicity, they differ aesthetic appearance, high hygienic indicators. This is the best offer of all removable structures.

Another option is clasp prostheses. Recommended for patients suffering from periodontal disease. A feature of the device is a metal arc on which a plastic base is placed with artificial teeth. Thanks to the rigid frame, the structure is securely fixed and makes it impossible to loosen the remaining units.

Removable dentures only partially restore chewing function, unlike implants. They also do not exclude the risk of bone tissue atrophy. Therefore, they are not best method restoration of lost teeth.

It is also worth mentioning mini-implants. In size, they are much smaller than usual, which allows them to be introduced even into the narrow jaw bone. A removable structure is attached to the mini-implant. This method of prosthetics provides reliable fixation.

Permanent dentures are a great option

Permanent systems are non-removable structures that fall into two categories.

dental bridge

  • Bridge. Arched system consisting of 1-3 artificial teeth. Fastening is carried out by fixing on adjacent turned teeth. Violation of the integrity of the enamel of nearby units is a big minus of the method. Plus, the load of the bridge prosthesis contributes to their loosening.
  • Dental crown . Set when the root is saved.

The advantage of permanent prosthetics lies in the effectiveness of the restoration of chewing function. However, from bone atrophy bridge prosthesis won't protect.

In some cases, tooth replantation can be done

The old forgotten classic "replantation of teeth" is now gaining popularity again in terms of application modern technologies. This is a fairly effective and less expensive way to restore the dentition compared to implantation. The essence of the technique is the return of the tooth to be removed to its place as a natural implant. Feature a two-hour operation is the doctor's painstaking work, as well as maintaining the integrity of neighboring teeth.

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. removal of a tooth;
  2. hole cleansing;
  3. anti-inflammatory therapy;
  4. filling channels, holes, polishing;
  5. return to the original place with the laying of a special medication under the implant;
  6. fixation with a photopolymer thread to neighboring units.

Replantation - the return of the tooth to the socket

Some time after the operation, the drug is absorbed, which contributes to the restoration of the bone, as well as reliable fixation of the reimplant. Engraftment usually takes three months (in conventional implantation up to 9 months).

Advantages of the technique:

  • no need to grind adjacent teeth;
  • minimal risk of rejection;
  • relatively low cost in relation to conventional implantation.

The good news is that the person receives the tooth immediately. While, traditional implantology implies setting a crown only after 6 months.


Prices for restoration procedures in each clinic depend on the materials used, the qualifications of specialists, and many other factors. In the regions, they are usually lower than in the capital.

Type of dental restoration average price
Installation of one implant with a crown from 35000 rub.
Replantation from 1000 rub.
Clasp (depending on the attachment mechanism and the number of teeth) 8000-90000 rub.
Nylon (partial, full) 7000-20000 rub.
Acrylic from 12000 rub.
Prosthetics on implants:
ALL-ON-4 from 100000 rub.
ALL-ON-6 from 200000 rub.
Clasp prostheses on implants 80000-200000 rub.
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