Why do you need a postpartum bandage? The size of the postpartum bandage. Postpartum bandage after cesarean. Bandage after caesarean section which is better

Joyful moments of expected motherhood, sometimes overshadowed by one moment, this is an operative intervention in obstetrics - a caesarean section.

In order to restore the abdominal muscles, support and fix the pelvic organs, as well as to prevent stretch marks, a bandage is used after a cesarean section. There is still no unequivocal opinion on the effectiveness of such a preventive medical device. However, many experts still advise, especially young women, to use a postoperative bandage after a caesarean section. Before purchasing this device, a woman should consult a doctor for medical indications and contraindications.

Who needs a bandage after a caesarean section, and who doesn't?

Surely, before going to the maternity ward, the expectant mother is not only concerned about how to give birth to a healthy child, but also how her figure will look in the postpartum period, and if there are indications for surgical intervention, then this problem becomes even more acute. Wearing a bandage after a cesarean section is necessary only for obvious medical indications, which are determined by a gynecologist. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • the need to strengthen the muscular walls of the abdominal press;
  • relieving stress on the back muscles;
  • restoration of regeneration of muscle tissues damaged after a surgical scalpel;
  • support and retention of internal organs, and other indications.

The bandage after caesarean section has a strong tightening effect, and therefore it is not recommended for every woman by specialists. In addition, there are clear medical restrictions prohibiting the use of a tightening bandage. Contraindications include:

  • the threat of inflammation of the surgical suture;
  • problematic condition of the skin;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • with kidney diseases, for example, cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • allergic conditions.

A bandage is not recommended after a caesarean section, when the method of longitudinal surgical dissection of the abdominal tissue was applied. All these restrictions and contraindications must be considered on a strictly individual basis. Only after the approval of the supervising specialist, you can proceed to the selection of a drag device.

Bandage after childbirth: varieties

To the great joy of young mothers, today there is a huge selection of various bandages that support the figure. The variety of slimming belts from various manufacturers allows you to make your choice based on taste preferences and features of the figure. It is recommended to use the product only from certified manufacturers.

So, what are the varieties and features of bandages for women in the postpartum period:

  1. A bandage - a belt, is a wide elastic band that can completely wrap around a woman's stomach and hips. The main purpose is in the postpartum period, due to surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity, caesarean section. Constant wearing, provides high-quality healing of the postoperative scar (transverse incision).
  2. Bandage - a skirt that provides muscle contraction in the waist area. Due to the elastic properties of the material, such a bandage provides the fastest postoperative recovery of the muscle tissue structures of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis.
  3. Bandage - underpants, tightly fitting the figure of a woman, allow you to wear such a tool under almost any clothing. However, gynecologists strongly do not recommend this slimming device for women whose delivery was performed by caesarean section.
  4. Bandage - Bermuda shorts, this is an elongated version of slimming pants, the length of which wraps around the woman's hips almost to the knees. Such a slimming agent, perfectly helps with problems associated with the pelvis and buttocks.

For women after a caesarean section, a belt is most preferred as it provides the best support for certain indications.

Postpartum bandage for uterine prolapse: the right choice

The use of a postpartum bandage prevents the prolapse of the female genital organs after childbirth, and is a good therapeutic prophylaxis for stretching the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. The design of the bandages allows, through the use of special elastic materials, to effectively tighten the muscles that have lost their tone, without impeding blood circulation in them. The degree of contraction of the bandage is regulated by a special fastener. The material of the bandage belt is made of fabric with high air-penetrating properties. It is this bandage that can be used after a caesarean section. To determine the size, it is necessary to measure the circumference of the hips and select the appropriate model, after agreeing with the obstetrician-gynecologist.

Postpartum Bandage Size Chart:

Band size

Hip circumference, cm

Rules for wearing a postpartum bandage

How to wear a bandage after a caesarean section? This issue is very relevant, and depending on the correct operation of the tightening agent, the effectiveness of its use depends. So recommendations:

  • if the doctor recommends a bandage after a caesarean section, then it should be worn from the first day of postoperative intervention;
  • bandage, should be worn in the supine position, when all muscles are relaxed;
  • fixing the tightening fasteners, it is necessary to start from the bottom up, that is, in the supine position, this is from the hips;
  • there is no need to tightly tighten the bandage so as not to disturb the blood flow;
  • to control the healing of postoperative sutures, every 2-3 hours, it is necessary to remove the bandage for 20-30 minutes;
  • at night it is recommended to remove the support belt to avoid pinching and / or damage to the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.

On average, the recovery period lasts from 6 to 10 weeks, which is exactly how long it will take to wear a supportive belt brace. However, the restoration of abdominal tissues depends on the physiological characteristics of the female body. Therefore, the terms of wearing a waist brace can last both up and down.

Possible problems after a caesarean section

The use of a belt bandage after surgery for obstetrics may not always solve all problems. There are a number of unpleasant consequences that can occur in both the mother and the child. For the female body, a caesarean section, as a type of intracavitary intervention, can create problems in the future:

  • adhesive and cicatricial formations on the uterus and the possibility of their failure;
  • violation of menstrual functions of the body;
  • the risk of purulent-inflammatory complications;
  • suppression of the immune system;
  • unpredictable reaction to anesthesia;
  • long rehabilitation process with a number of restrictions;
  • problems with lactation;
  • significant blood loss during surgery, exceeding the physiological norm;
  • possible inflammatory complications and disorders of the pelvic organs.

All this must be known and taken into account by a woman, giving consent to surgical intervention. For a newborn, the consequences of a caesarean section can be expressed in difficulties with adapting to the environment, reduced immune defenses, problems of a reflex nature, and other situations.

However, with the right approach to the recovery postoperative period, and following all the recommendations of obstetrician-gynecologists, these problems can be successfully dealt with.

Prevention of caesarean section

To avoid the risk of surgical intervention during childbirth, it is necessary to prepare for this in advance. Prevention is as follows:

  • regular visits to the obstetrician-gynecologist and the implementation of all his recommendations;
  • attending childbirth preparation courses as a way of correct psychological perception;
  • giving up bad habits, alcohol, smoking, etc.;
  • timely elimination of chronic and infectious-inflammatory diseases;
  • proper nutrition.

Only by observing all the preventive conditions, you can not be interested in belt bandages after a cesarean section.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Do I need a bandage after a caesarean section? Millions of women around the world ask themselves a similar question, although it would be more correct to address it to their doctor. So is it worth using a bandage after a cesarean, what types of it can be purchased, how to choose and wear it correctly?

Do I need a bandage after a caesarean?

Despite the fact that the operation of a caesarean section is standard, each case is individual. That is why some women may not even remember that they need such an accessory as a supporting bandage. Such cases are more the exception than the rule, because most women need a postpartum bandage after a caesarean section.

What problems does the device help solve?

  • The bandage has the strongest compression effect, which primarily affects muscle tone. In standard childbirth, the abdominal muscles are able to recover on their own, including due to contraction of the uterus during breastfeeding. We recommend that you choose a pillow for feeding your baby. After the operation, the body has yet to “figure out” what happened in order to rebuild and begin to function normally.
  • Wearing an accessory will also have a beneficial effect on postoperative sutures. They will be reliably protected, and the tissues will have more opportunities for early scarring. From an awkward movement or an excessive burden that a woman “shoulders on her shoulders”, the seams will not open.

Attention! During the operation, various types of sutures are applied, and not all of them allow the wearing of a bandage. It is also impossible to wear it if the stitches are bleeding.

  • The bandage unloads the spine and eliminates lumbar pain, so the woman will feel better after the operation. It also supports the internal organs, primarily the uterus, preventing it from sinking.
  • The supporting bandage prevents the formation of postoperative hernias. The risk of other complications is significantly reduced.

Despite the large number of "pluses", some patients have to refuse to wear a bandage if there are a number of contraindications:

  • chronic diseases of the kidneys, stomach, intestines or liver;
  • some types of postoperative sutures;
  • skin diseases with foci of inflammation in the places where the bandage is worn;
  • individual intolerance to the materials from which the model is made (for example, latex).

A woman should not decide whether to wear a bandage after a caesarean on her own. The attending physician is obliged, taking into account the complexity of the operation, the risks of complications, the age of the woman in labor and other factors, to decide whether a particular patient should use a bandage.

The most popular model of postoperative compression bandage after cesarean is an elastic wide belt with a width of 15 to 30 cm. It is easier to put on and very comfortable to wear. The bandage belt supports the abdominal cavity well, unloads the muscles and the lumbar region, improving the general well-being of the woman. The only “minus” is that the belt is almost always visible under clothing.

Supportive bandage panties are deprived of such a disadvantage. They have an elastic band on the stomach that closes the seams and tightens the stomach. True, putting on such a bandage is not too easy because of the pain. It is better to use it infrequently, putting it on for going out.

On a note! There is no universal answer to the question: “Which bandage after caesarean section is better?” For some women, the doctor recommends the constant wearing of a belt, while for others, the periodic use of drawstring panties will be sufficient.

How to choose a bandage after caesarean

If a woman already knows that the birth is planned to be carried out using a caesarean section, then you should think about buying a bandage in advance so that relatives do not have to rush to buy the first model that comes across, which may be uncomfortable or too expensive.

Before buying, it is important to pay attention to two points - material and size.

It is important that the belt is made from natural and hypoallergenic fabrics. That is why it is recommended to buy the product in specialized salons for expectant mothers or pharmacies.

On a note! Be sure to review the product certificates, which confirm the quality of the materials and the fact that the model is approved for medical use.

Some manufacturers include various buttons, laces, buttons in the model. Check out their functionality. If these elements are really necessary, then buy a bandage with them. If they are only “for beauty”, then it is better to look at another option, because all the extra details can cause discomfort, rub, dig into the body.

Attention! Examine the seams on the product thoroughly. They should be smooth, because only a flat surface will be delicate to your skin.

When determining the size, be guided by your parameters before pregnancy. If you recovered more than 15 kg while carrying a child, then buy a bandage 1-2 sizes larger.

It is best to try on the product before buying. It will not be possible to correlate the size in advance, because you will measure the bandage on the stomach, and wear it without it. But you can approximately estimate the degree of comfort of the model, whether the seams dig into the skin, whether they rub while wearing.

And of course, pay attention to the manufacturer’s company, the quality of the product directly depends on the brand, we advise you to take a closer look at Fast bandages, they have proven themselves well in the market.

How and how much to wear a bandage after cesarean

After a caesarean section, it is strictly forbidden to lift weights and excessively load the body physically. Even a seemingly harmless awkward movement can cause not only discomfort, but also negatively affect the seams.

The gynecologist must determine how long to wear a bandage after a cesarean for a particular patient. On average wear a bandage for a month, but this time can be shortened or extended. It is better to put on a bandage lying down, since in this position the muscles are as relaxed as possible, and the internal organs take the correct position. After a couple of weeks, you can put on a bandage while standing.

Attention! It is impossible to wear a bandage after a caesarean section. It is necessary to take at least half an hour breaks every 2-3 hours.

In the first couple of weeks, the bandage should be worn while doing household chores, as well as when you take the child in your arms. Until the abdominal muscles are fully strengthened, it is not even recommended to go outside without a belt.

Do not abruptly abandon the faithful "assistant". Reduce the time of wearing the bandage gradually, allowing the muscles to start working smoothly.

Bandages for those who have injured the spine are very different from postoperative and bandages for. They are made of medical plastic and silicone and are attached to the body with special fasteners. The bandages are postoperative and are made of thick cotton fabric with the addition of elastane. It allows the bandage to stretch well.

Bandages - how to use

The bandage is practically medical equipment. Its use implies compliance with certain rules:

The bandage must be removed at night (there are exceptions - for the bandage, after a spinal injury. In some cases, doctors recommend sleeping in it).

Choose a bandage by size. Usually centimeters are not indicated, they are waist measurements, or abbreviations S, M, L. Do not take a bandage less or more than you need. The first will squeeze, interfering with blood flow, and the second will not have the desired effect.

Wash the cotton bandage in time and wipe the plastic bandage with a damp cloth.

In case of blue extremities or tissue numbness due to wearing a bandage, consult a doctor.

During pregnancy, it is especially important to monitor the condition of your body, and in particular to pay attention to supporting the growing belly. A suitable support bandage can help a woman with this. It is important to choose the right one, suitable for you among a large number of different types and models.


Then choose the model that suits you among the most commonly used types.

If your choice stops at a bandage, purchase several identical models at once - this type of bandage, with all its conveniences, requires frequent washing, and frequent replacement.
A more versatile and comfortable type of bandage is a special elastic belt that is worn over underwear.
Size adjustment allows you to adjust the belt to almost any, increasing its diameter as the abdomen grows. The bandage-belt qualitatively supports the stomach and is convenient to use, and also relieves pressure on the spine.

If you do not want to purchase a separate prenatal bandage and a separate postpartum bandage, you can have one universal bandage that can be used both for supporting the abdomen during pregnancy and for recovery after. Like a bandage-belt, such a combined bandage will be fastened with comfortable Velcro, it is wide and elastic enough to evenly distribute pressure and load, and is an effective aid for postpartum recovery.

Before buying a bandage, determine your exact one before pregnancy and try on. Buy only the bandage that fits you well without causing discomfort. To prevent the bandage from exacerbating tension, put it on correctly - lying on your back. This will keep the stomach in the correct position. It is also desirable to remove the bandage in the supine position.

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The bandage was worn during pregnancy by mothers and grandmothers. And no wonder, it greatly facilitates the life of a woman, reduces the load on the spine and internal organs, protects against the appearance of stretch marks, and relieves back pain. But these functions can only be performed by a properly selected bandage.

The postpartum bandage is selected together with the doctor, since there are contraindications for it. It is not recommended to use such a bandage for women with a section suffering from diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and skin diseases. The combined bandage can be used both before and after.

Any of these bandages must be matched to size. Only in this case from it will be tangible. To determine its size, you need to measure the circumference of the hips under the stomach. To choose postpartum bandage girth is measured directly on the hips after the birth of the child.

It should be borne in mind that different manufacturers of underwear have different dimensional grids. Sometimes they are guided not only by the circumference of the hips, but also by the circumference of the waist, as well as the height and weight of the woman or the size of the clothes. Therefore, if you decide to purchase a bandage, carefully consider the size chart that will be indicated on the package.

It is better, of course, if you measure the bandage right at the time of purchase. Then you will be sure that it is perfect for you. If you decide to buy a postpartum bandage in advance, then you will have to navigate only according to the manufacturer's size tables.

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Tip 4: How long to wear a bandage after a caesarean section

Not always childbirth is easy and without complications, and sometimes women cannot avoid a simple operation to extract the child - a caesarean section. As after any surgery, after a caesarean section, it takes some time for the suture to heal and the muscles to heal, and many doctors believe that wearing a bandage helps this process. How long should an elastic corset be worn after childbirth?

Why do I need a bandage after a caesarean section?

The answer to this question is important in order to individually determine the necessary period of wearing an elastic corset, the main purpose of which is to tighten the abdominal muscles and return to them the tone lost during pregnancy. In most cases, with a relatively normal course of gestation and childbirth, this process occurs spontaneously, but a bandage can significantly speed it up.

After natural childbirth, wearing an elastic corset is almost always a huge help in returning a woman to her prenatal shape. However, after a caesarean section, the need to wear a bandage should be determined by the doctor.

However, after a caesarean section, only a doctor can decide whether or not to wear a bandage, since there are types of sutures in which wearing an elastic belt is completely prohibited. However, if there are no contraindications, and wearing a bandage does not cause pain to a woman, then a corset can significantly facilitate the healing process of a surgical wound for her. So, fixation of the seams allows you to avoid unpleasant "pulling" sensations while walking, maintains the organs in the correct position and helps to quickly restore the figure.

Terms of wearing a bandage after cesarean

The duration, as well as the need to wear a bandage after a cesarean section, is determined solely by the doctor based on the individual characteristics of the woman's health and her postoperative condition. Usually, on average, it takes three to five weeks to wear an elastic belt, however, in some special situations, it will take a little longer.

Only a doctor can competently assess the period of wearing a bandage in each specific case based on an assessment of the general condition of the woman, the tone of her abdominal muscles and the type of surgical suture made.

An important nuance of wearing a bandage is that after a few weeks of wearing it, you need to wean it slowly. If you refuse the corset at one moment, this can lead to pain and other types of discomfort. During the weeks of wearing a belt, a woman's muscles "get used" to constant support from the outside, and they need some time to "learn" independence again. You can start with 15 minutes without a bandage every day, gradually increasing this time. However, it must be remembered that long enough after childbirth with the help of a caesarean section, it is categorically not recommended to go outside without an elastic belt.

In the last months of pregnancy, women often begin to worry about back pain. In order to soften the load and to compensate for the increased weight, pregnant women try to arch their back and lean back. As a result, the sacral spine experiences a constant load, and the woman feels muscle pain in her back. To remove these problems, special elastic belts have been created, called bandages. A properly selected bandage gives a woman the opportunity to continue the active lifestyle she was used to before pregnancy, while maintaining her correct posture and a healthy back.

You will need

  • bandage


In order to determine the size prenatal bandage, you will need to make one measurement - the volume of the hips under the abdomen. So, bandage ninety-two the size but suitable, in which the measurement result fits in the range from eighty-nine to ninety-two centimeters, and one hundred and twelfth - from one hundred nine to one hundred and twelve centimeters.

It cannot be said that there is a universal model suitable for all women without exception. When buying a bandage, you should try on several models and determine the one that suits a particular one.

One way to understand how well it is done is to put on a bandage and hold the back between the tummy and the elastic band. If it is picked up, the hand will either slide freely, or the elastic will press hard on it.

In addition, it is important to understand whether the bandage is comfortable at, and when, or worth it. That is why it is recommended to buy it in a specialized store, where experienced consultants will help you choose a bandage for everyone and tell you which cream is better to use when wearing it in order to avoid peeling stretch marks and give the skin elasticity.

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The bandage helps the child to be in a physiologically correct position, and this is very important in order to reduce the possibility of complications not only during pregnancy, but also during childbirth.

Useful advice

It is necessary that the bandage is chosen correctly, therefore, in no case should you purchase it without trying it on, not in a specialized store, and even more so from a friend. Some believe that the prenatal band should be taken in a larger size, based on the increase in the abdomen and hips. But this is wrong, since everything is predetermined in the design of the bandage. The only exception is a multiple pregnancy or significant weight gain, in which case a woman may actually need to change the bandage several times during pregnancy.


  • how to choose a bandage for pregnant women

Tip 6: How to tidy up the stomach after childbirth with a bandage

A postpartum bandage helps a woman regain her shape. It tightens the skin, muscles, allows the seam left after a cesarean section to grow together correctly.

Postpartum bandage - what are they

There are two types of postpartum bandages - bandage-belt and bandage-panties. The first is suitable for women who have had. It more tightly supports the abdominal muscles that were cut during the operation. Also, this bandage is convenient in that it is easy to put on and take off, does not interfere with walking in. While panties with tight inserts are removed quite tightly, which can cause pain in the postoperative period. That is why it is better to choose them for those who gave birth in a natural way. In addition, panties provide better support, allowing her to contract and recover faster.

The postpartum bandage not only allows you to restore muscle tone, but also reduces stretching of the skin, helping to reduce stretch marks. A bandage paired with a cream for stretch marks is especially effective.

You need to choose a bandage according to the size of your underwear, adding one. The bandage belt is usually marked not only with the usual symbols "S", "M" or "L", but also with a size in centimeters. And to find the right one, you will have to measure the volume of the abdomen three centimeters lower.

Bandage - what you need to know about the use

The main mistake they make when putting on a bandage is to do it while sitting or standing. But in order for it to take the correct position on the body, you need to put it on only while lying down.

The second mistake is too tight bandage. It should not put much pressure on the body, otherwise blood circulation may be disturbed, which is quite dangerous in the postpartum period. You can check whether the bandage is correctly worn by inserting the index

Many women, starting from the second half of pregnancy, use a bandage. This device supports the abdominal muscles and reduces the load on the back, relieving pain and reducing the risk of stretch marks. Sometimes its use is continued in the postpartum period for a speedy return to previous forms. But is a bandage necessary after a caesarean section?

Childbirth in an operative way differs significantly from the natural birth of a child. In fact, a woman undergoes an abdominal operation, in which the abdominal muscles are dissected. A bandage in this situation can speed up the recovery process, but in some cases it can also do harm. Let us consider in more detail the nuances of wearing it after a cesarean section.

The bandage is designed to maintain normal tone and tighten the abdominal muscles. After natural childbirth, it helps to quickly return the stomach to the prenatal state, but its wearing is not mandatory.

In the case of surgical delivery, the use of a bandage greatly facilitates the postoperative period. Thanks to him, a woman can quickly return to an active life and more easily endure the physical stress associated with caring for a child.

A cesarean bandage supports the suture and injured muscles, helps prevent displacement of internal organs, and improves uterine contraction. Most obstetricians recommend that women in labor who have undergone this operation do not stop using it.

But keep in mind that there are exceptions. With a number of complications, the bandage is contraindicated, therefore, before wearing it, you should consult your doctor.

Indications and contraindications

In addition to the desire of the mother to return to shape faster, there are medical indications for the use of a bandage after a caesarean. It is recommended for the following conditions:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • muscle tension in the suture area;
  • pathologies and diseases of the spine (sciatica, curvature, etc.);
  • insufficient contraction of the uterus.

But the decision on the advisability of wearing a bandage in each case is made by a specialist. A doctor may prohibit its use if a woman has:

  • inflamed postoperative suture;
  • disrupted the work of the digestive tract;
  • developed an allergy to the material from which the bandage is made;
  • edema appeared due to cardiovascular or renal pathology;
  • a skin disease occurred in the area in contact with the surface of the bandage.

Opinions on the admissibility of using a support belt with a vertical seam differ. Some experts believe that this will not be beneficial, while others recommend that their patients wear a bandage after a cesarean section in this situation as well.

Product types

In most cases, a caesarean section is a planned operation and it is also better to take care of a comfortable postoperative bandage in advance. Almost every pharmacy has a wide range of such products. What should be given preference?

The main criterion is the convenience of a bandage for a woman, because it will have to be worn for 1.5-2 months. The following models are most popular among young mothers:

  1. Bandage belt. It completely embraces the stomach, reaching the hips. The belt can be of various configurations (elongated in front, straight, with inserts), and its width varies from 15 to 30 cm. Such a bandage does an excellent job of maintaining the abdominal muscles, but is not very comfortable (it can slip or deform when worn). The belt is more often used in the early postoperative period.
  2. Bandage-panties. After discharge from the hospital, many women choose to wear a bandage in the form of high-waisted panties for everyday wear. It is made of elastic material, evenly supports the seam and does not restrict movement, but for comfortable use it is important to choose the right size of the product.
  3. Bermuda bandage. This is a variation of the previous model, affecting not only the stomach, but also the hips. The bandage is in the form of shorts, sometimes their length can reach the knees. This product is ideal for women who want to get rid of fat deposits on the thighs.
  4. Bandage in the form of a skirt. The model resembles a support belt, but its effect also extends to the hips. Due to the large area of ​​girth, the bandage is fixed more securely and practically does not slip. But in terms of convenience, it is still inferior to supporting underwear.

If possible, it is worth buying 2 bandages (you can use different ones) in order to have a replacement for the time of washing the product. In the first two weeks, it is preferable to use a belt of sufficient rigidity, and then switch to supportive and corrective underwear.

How to choose the right one?

Even the same bandage model can be presented in different variations. When making a choice, you need to pay attention to the quality of the product, in particular to the material from which it is made.

So that the bandage after cesarean section does not irritate the skin, it should be soft, pleasant to the touch, without any decorative elements and protruding seams. It is better to give preference to natural materials.

As for fixing the product, models with strong Velcro or zippers are more convenient. Bandages with buttons, snaps, and laces take a lot longer to attach, and they don't always provide the support you expect.

If we are talking about a product in the form of panties or shorts, you should give preference to a model that has not only a zipper on the side, but also a fastener on the bottom. This will allow you not to remove the bandage when visiting the toilet.

Deciding on the size

When buying a bandage before surgery, it is advisable to purchase the same size that you wore before conception. But if during pregnancy the weight gain was more than 15 kg, the product should be a size larger than usual.

If it was not possible to buy a bandage in advance, after a cesarean section, the selected model must be tried on. The product must exactly match your volumes - do not reap or sit too loosely. A consultant in a pharmacy or a specialized store will help you choose the right option.

How much and how to wear a bandage?

The bandage after caesarean section can be worn from the first day after the operation. The duration of use is determined individually, depending on the well-being of the woman. It is usually used to maintain the abdominal muscles for 5-8 weeks after the operation.

In order for the use of the bandage to give the expected result and not harm your health, it is important to wear it correctly. This is done in a prone position, relaxing the muscles as much as possible. You can wear a bandage both over underwear and on your naked body, depending on the model.

Products in the form of linen are fixed first on the hips, and then tightened along the figure, avoiding strong pressure. A bandage of any shape should tightly wrap around the body, but not cause discomfort. Excessively strong tightening can disrupt blood flow, slowing down the recovery processes.

During the healing phase of the suture, the support belt must not be worn continuously. Every 2 hours it should be removed, providing air flow to the skin. Rest from the bandage lasts 15-20 minutes, after which it is put on again.

You need to stop using special underwear or a belt gradually, because during the period of wearing them, the muscles got used to the support. With a sharp rejection of the bandage, pain and discomfort in the abdomen may appear.

The wearing time of the product is gradually reduced during the week, making longer and longer breaks in its use. At this time, you need to check the body's reaction to stress - sit and walk at home without a bandage. For long walks, it is better to put it back on. If for 7-10 days you feel good and the pain does not bother you, you can abandon the bandage and return to your normal lifestyle.

Can you sleep in it?

It is strictly forbidden to constantly be in supporting underwear or a belt, and even more so to sleep in them. This can lead to serious circulatory disorders that affect the functioning of internal organs. Therefore, at the time of night's sleep, the bandage must be removed.

Abdominal support is essential for women who have had a surgical birth. But moderation is important in everything, so you should follow the rules for wearing such products and take into account the opinion of your doctor. When all recommendations are followed, a bandage after a caesarean section will reduce the discomfort associated with the postoperative period and help you quickly return to your previous forms.

Useful video: wearing a postpartum bandage

Pregnancy and childbirth are unique for every woman. Some go through this phase of life with ease. Others face difficulties and problems that are easy to deal with if you follow all the doctor's recommendations. When something threatens the life of a mother or child, doctors perform a caesarean section - an artificial delivery operation. There is nothing terrible in this, but a long recovery period is quite possible.

To get in shape faster, many women purchase a special support belt. But is a bandage necessary after a caesarean section?

When the baby is born and the placenta comes out, the uterus begins to shrink due to its frequent contractions, causing the abdomen to drop. Helps speed up the process of breastfeeding a newborn. You don't have to give up breastfeeding. Firstly, it is very important for the baby and his health, and secondly, it will help you quickly restore your shape. The problem arises when the birth of a child was carried out artificially. The difficulty is that milk after such a delivery comes longer than after natural childbirth. Due to the loss of tone, the muscles need a longer recovery period. And exercise is contraindicated.

To help your body, you can wear a drag belt after a cesarean section. The product will make the abdominal muscles elastic, as before, prevent the displacement of internal organs and contribute to the active contraction of the uterus. By fixing the seam after surgery, such a belt will accelerate healing and prevent it from dispersing. In this way, you can protect yourself from accidental injury to the wound site.

But you should not decide on your own whether to wear a postoperative bandage after a cesarean section. After all, there are some cases when it is contraindicated and harmful to health.

In what cases is it forbidden to wear a bandage after a cesarean?

After examining a young mother, she may be forbidden to wear a slimming device. The reason for this may be:

  • gastrointestinal disorders: diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, vomiting, etc.;
  • spread of skin diseases in the abdomen;
  • redness of the seam;
  • edema in case of diseases of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels;
  • an allergic reaction to the fabric of the device;
  • non-standard seam shape or size.

Experts do not advise wearing a postpartum belt after a cesarean section if there are any of the above problems. Although there are exceptions. Sometimes doctors make compromises if the woman who gave birth feels good and her health is in perfect order. At the same time, a young mother should remember how to properly wear a bandage after a cesarean so as not to accidentally harm herself.

The bandage eases the load on the abdominal muscles in the process of caring for a child

Rules for wearing a drag belt

About how much you need to wear a bandage after a cesarean section, each new mother is told by a physician. Usually this period does not exceed two months. But you can't wear a belt all the time. Be sure to remove during sleep and during daytime rest. In general, during the day, put on the device for three to four hours, and then take a break. After twenty minutes, you can again pull the stomach.

After removing the sutures, you can wear the device much less frequently so that the incision heals faster. But do all the housework and picking up the child in supportive underwear until the wound heals after the operation.

How to put on a bandage correctly so that it brings an effect, and not harm? To do this, you need to sit horizontally: the abdominal muscles will relax, and all organs will fall into place. Fasten the belt and slowly rise to a vertical position. It is very important not to make sudden ascents. This often results in loss of consciousness and an increase or decrease in blood pressure.

Important! Immediately stop using the postpartum corset if you begin to feel discomfort and pain after putting it on. Seek help from a doctor who will help solve the problem and choose a new product. Otherwise, it is quite possible to harm yourself.

Models of postpartum bandages

If a new mother decides to wear a belt after a cesarean, she needs to carefully approach his choice. It's not just for one day. A rich assortment in pharmacies can confuse. Consider existing models and their features.

Which bandage is better to choose? Certainly comfortable. The most popular are the following models:

  1. Bandage belt. The device can be of various types: straight, elongated in front or with inserts. Its width is 15 to 30 centimeters. The belt supports the press well, but has the properties of twisting and sliding. Used for the first time after surgery.
  2. Skirt bandage. Wraps around the waistline and hips of the mother. Sits firmly without slipping. There is a minus: it is not very comfortable to wear it.
  3. Bandage with panties. A similar invention is often chosen by young mothers. Made of stretchy material, such products after caesarean section support the seam and do not restrict movement. The main criterion in choosing is the size. Small underpants will press, large ones will not support well.
  4. Bandage - Bermuda. The product looks like shorts. Sometimes the length reaches the knee. Wearing a bandage of this type is advised to women who want to get rid of accumulations of fat in the thighs.

If possible, it is worth buying several dragging belts of various variations.

Choosing the right bandage

Before buying a device to support the abdominal muscles, you need to figure out what criteria you need to select it. The same model is presented by different companies, so the quality will vary significantly. Because the bandage has to be worn for a long period, it is important that it does not irritate the skin. Therefore, choose it from natural fabrics, pleasant to the touch, without decor and pronounced seams.

The fastener on the product is better to choose in the form of Velcro or a zipper. Bandages fixed in this way are easy to use and have good fixation. If the choice fell on shorts or shorts, purchase a device with two fasteners: on the side and on the bottom. This will make it possible not to remove it every time you go to the toilet.

The principle of operation of the slimming corset

We offer you to watch a useful video in which an expert from the Academy of Maternity talks in detail about the pros and cons of wearing a bandage, about the criteria for choosing the right model.

A bandage after surgical delivery should be worn if there are no contraindications for health reasons. With the help of such a slimming belt, a woman will shape her body and eliminate the risk of seam divergence. In order to avoid questions about how long to wear a bandage after a cesarean section, how to put it on correctly, you need to consult with the attending gynecologist.

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