Itching in the anus. Itching in the anus in an adult: treatment. Anal itching in men and women

Itching in the anus is irritation of the anus, which is accompanied by an unpleasant burning sensation. The manifestation of this clinical syndrome may be a slight feeling of irritation of the skin around the anus, which can be eliminated by ordinary hygiene measures, or there may be a painful burning sensation and severe itching in this area, which drastically reduces the quality of life. Most often, itching around the anus is a completely independent ailment. In this case, it is considered primary, that is, not having expressed reasons for the appearance. However, itching can also be secondary, that is, one of the symptoms of a disease.

Causes of itching in the anus

The most likely factors that can cause itching in the anus include:

In some cases, the cause of itching in the anus is the use of antibiotics, especially erythromycin and tetracycline drugs.

Anal itching sometimes accompanies chronic intoxication (drug addiction, alcoholism) and mental illness (pathomimy, neurosis, psychosis, dermatozoic absurdity, etc.).

Itching around the anus can be caused by excessive consumption of certain foods and drinks (spicy foods, spices, citrus fruits, vitamin C, beer, wine, coffee, tea, cola, etc.).

The risk group for the onset of the disease also includes people who are overweight or sweat excessively.


Diagnosis of this disease does not cause any difficulties, since itching in the anus is the only complaint of patients. However, determining the type of itching, its form (wet or dry), as well as finding out the cause in the case of secondary itching is not such an easy task.

If you are concerned about itching in the anus, the treatment of the disease should begin with a visit to the proctologist. For a correct diagnosis, the specialist draws up a complaints card, in which he enters the following data: when itching appeared, whether it depends on the time of day, whether there is a burning sensation, tingling or pain during defecation. During a visual examination, the doctor assesses the condition of the skin of the anus, its color, the presence of cracks and bleeding places. After that, several tests are prescribed - an analysis of feces for the presence of worms, an analysis for occult blood, as well as an examination for the presence of hemorrhoids.

After examination by a proctologist, the patient may receive a referral to a gastroenterologist or an infectious disease specialist. These specialists will be able to determine the exact diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment for itching in the anus.

Treatment of itching in the anus

If the cause of anal itching was non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, special treatment is not required. All you need to do is to carry out thorough daily hygiene procedures - and in the near future the itching will disappear. After the act of defecation, it is recommended to use wet antibacterial wipes that clean the skin of the anus from the remnants of feces.

If itching appears around the anus, you should reconsider your daily diet - the abuse of spicy and overly salty foods can irritate the skin of this delicate area. It is not recommended to wear synthetic underwear, as it does not allow air to pass through, causes excessive sweating and creates a greenhouse effect, which contributes to the active reproduction of bacteria.

In severe cases, taking small doses of glucocorticosteroid hormones will be effective. Doctors also prescribe external agents such as corticosteroid ointments, cooling water-alcohol solutions with anesthesin, menthol, lidocaine, or novocaine.

If irritation is caused by dermatitis, you can use special drying ointments - Hydrocortisone, salicylic or zinc ointment. If a fungus is found in a patient, he is prescribed ointments that are highly active specifically for this type of fungus (Triderm, Onabet, Clotrimazole, Posterizan).

For hemorrhoids, various drugs are used: Hepatrombin, Relief, Proctosan, Bezornil, Aurobin, Detralex, Ultraprokt. Perfectly copes with itching and burning sensation in the anus, anesthetizes and relieves irritation with external hemorrhoids Menovazin. Treatment methods for hemorrhoids are determined only by a doctor. In severe cases, surgery may be needed.

If discomfort in the anus is caused by helminthic invasion, the most effective remedy for itching in the anus will be careful personal hygiene. After each act of defecation, it is necessary to wash the anus with warm water and baby soap and treat with glycerin. Underwear is recommended to be washed in hot water with laundry soap and ironed thoroughly. This will help prevent re-infection. But the most important thing with such a disease is the timely treatment of enterobiasis. The most effective in this case are drugs such as Pirantel, Albendazole,

Itching around the anus can cause poor intimate hygiene or diarrhea. When the symptom appeared and disappeared, you should not worry. If you constantly wake up from itching in the anus, you should go to the doctor: this symptom may indicate a disease of the rectum.

The disease mainly affects middle-aged men and pensioners.

People suffering from itching near the anus experience severe discomfort. Scratching this area worsens the situation: anal fissures and bleeding appear.

A coloproctologist is also involved in diagnosing problems with the anus. Additionally, it is recommended that women visit a gynecologist, and men - a urologist.

Causes of itching in the anus

When itching persists after hygiene procedures, schedule a visit to the doctor.

It is also worth considering separately why women and children suffer from itching near the anus. In the first case, this may be due to various infections, pubic lice and thrush. And in babies, there are 2 reasons: candidiasis or diaper rash, which appear if you rarely change diapers.

Accurate diagnosis

Before treating anal itching in adults, it is necessary to undergo research.

To accurately diagnose, the patient will have to be examined by several narrow specialists: proctologist, gynecologist or urologist, dermatologist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist.

You will need to pass a series of tests:

There are diseases that doctors diagnose when examining the anus. These include warts, hemorrhoids, allergies, fungi, anal fissures.

Such an examination is carried out in the proctologist's office on a special chair. For primary research, visual and finger examination is enough. If there are complaints or suspicions of more serious diseases, the doctor resorts to tools.

The function of the anal sphincter is checked by digital rectal examination. There are times when a laboratory examination of the anus is required.

The doctor writes out a referral for anoscopy, colonoscopy and angiography:

  1. Anoscopy allows you to view the rectum with an anoscope. During the procedure, a special instrument, resembling a small mirror in appearance, is inserted to a depth of 12 or 14 cm.
  2. Colonoscopy is considered the most informative method of diagnosis. To examine the rectum, a probe is inserted into the anus.
  3. Angiography is a procedure that allows you to diagnose problems with the arteries of the small pelvis.

During a consultation with your doctor, describe in detail the symptoms that bother you. It is important to mention what kind of food you ate, whether there is a burning sensation in the anal area during bowel movements, at what time the itching of the anus intensifies.

There are isolated cases when all of the above methods do not make it possible to determine the organic cause of itching.

Then the patient is referred to a neuropsychiatrist. The task of a narrow specialist is to examine the patient in order to make a final diagnosis.

Treatment tactics

  1. Medications: Hepatrombin, Relief, Proctosan, help cure itchy hemorrhoids, a local antipruritic agent effectively eliminates excessive sensitivity of the receptors. It is important during treatment to follow a diet and carry out the necessary physiotherapy.
  2. Treatment of itching and burning near the anus is prescribed depending on the disease.
  3. Self-medication is not the best way out. Only diagnostics allows you to find out what kind of itching the patient suffers from: primary or secondary. There are diseases that require surgery.
  4. In addition to drug treatment, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene and daily routine. The skin of the anus should always be dry and clean.
  5. From itching, it is recommended to wear underwear made from natural fabrics. It needs to be ironed on both sides before being put on.
  6. Buy soft toilet paper, but rather use a hygienic shower.
  7. For personal hygiene, it is better to buy baby soap without fragrances and dyes. Exclude spicy dishes from the menu, try not to consume a lot of salt, give up coffee, chocolate, carbonated drinks and citrus fruits.

Folk methods:

  1. Severe itching in the anus will be relieved with medicinal decoctions, as well as special ointments. The doctor prescribes drugs that can be used by the patient. If the patient decides to be treated himself, then manifestations of allergic reactions cannot be ruled out.
  2. Additionally may apply. Sedentary baths with potassium permanganate create a "greenhouse effect" that will soothe the irritation that occurs from itching during microcracks. Dermatitis around the anus will eliminate herbal baths. You can use medicinal chamomile, mint, sage, string and oak bark. It should be taken after defecation and washing.
  3. For oral administration, a remedy is prepared from a mixture of medicinal herbs: pharmacy chamomile, peppermint, linden flowers and yarrow. First, 2 tablespoons of each ingredient are poured into a glass jar, the mixture is poured into 1.5 cups of hot boiling water, the container is wrapped and left for 2 hours. It is recommended to take 100 ml from itching inside 3 times a day before meals.

What do we have to do,?


  1. Take off your clothes. Tight things can rub in the place where itching appeared. Change into cotton underwear.
  2. If itching in the anus is not strong then try changing your personal care products.
  3. Until the problem goes away Do not take hot baths. Instead, wash your face every day with cool water.
  4. Lead an active lifestyle. Hemorrhoids mainly affect people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. In those who are engaged in sedentary work, normal blood flow is disrupted. Lack of exercise leads to stagnation of blood and expansion of the veins of the small pelvis.

When bowel movements are not done every day, this leads to constipation, which in turn causes bile stasis, anal itching, and painful bowel movements.

Itching in the anus is a delicate problem, in almost all cases it causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. Today you will learn what this symptom may indicate and how you can get rid of itching in general.

The most common cause of itching is the banal neglect of personal hygiene. A person does not wash himself in time, uses hard toilet paper, shaves the hair around the anus too often, wears tight synthetic underwear, which causes diaper rash first, and then burning and itching. As a rule, this phenomenon does not need serious treatment - it can be solved by observing the same hygiene.

But in some cases, anal itching is a symptom of other, sometimes even dangerous diseases.

Table. The main causes of itching

NameCause Description

One of the main symptoms of helminthiasis is just itching around the anus. This is because the worms can lay their eggs near the sphincter, which leads to itching and burning in the intestinal mucosa. Another helminth can cause diarrhea, and frequent defecation, as you know, also often leads to burning and itching.

One of the specific signs of this disease is itching in the genital area and anus.

They may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the anus. This may indicate the appearance of polyps, malignant or benign tumors, diseases of the pancreas and liver, poisoning.

A sign of dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema is severe itching, and these diseases can manifest themselves not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membrane of the anus.

Most of the diseases that are sexually transmitted are accompanied by a characteristic itching of the genitals. And infections caused by bacteria and fungi may well "get" to the anus.

Itching can also be a symptom of hemorrhoids (both external and external), anogenital warts, anal fissures, genital warts and fistulas.

Itching may occur after drinking low-quality liquor, foods containing preservatives or artificial colors. In addition, allergies can be a consequence of taking antibiotics.

In addition, itching can be a consequence of the use of antibiotics (especially tetracycline and erythromycin), chronic intoxication (excessive use of alcohol, drugs), mental illness (psychosis, neuroses, dermatozoic absurdity or Ekbom's syndrome, etc.).

Note! The above are only the most common diseases, a symptom of which is anal itching. But in rare cases, it is a manifestation of other, less common pathologies.

How is it diagnosed

Due to the fact that the list of diseases that can cause itching is quite large, in any case, one cannot do without the advice of a qualified doctor. A proctologist can identify the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment (although a woman can also contact a gynecologist). Next, a general analysis of blood, feces (for helminthiasis) and urine is prescribed. Sometimes a biochemical analysis is required, as well as a consultation with an endocrinologist.

Further treatment depends mainly on the cause of the problem described. Consider the most common options.

Skin diseases

In this case, itching is treated with topical corticosteroids, such as prednisone or hydrocortisone. Such drugs are hormonal, therefore, therapy should be a course, and between courses it is necessary to take a short break.

As for symptomatic treatment, it should include sedatives and antipruritic drugs. In the treatment, mild agents are used, which are taken in a course of about two weeks. If allergies are being treated, antihistamines may be used (they also have antipruritic properties).


If the doctor has diagnosed a disease that is sexually transmitted, then antibiotics will be required. Also, broad-spectrum agents (such as Amoxicar, Ciprofloxacin, etc.) can be used, which are highly effective, which means that the course will be reduced to six to seven days.

Women may be given topical antimicrobials (vaginal suppositories), while men may be given external agents (chlorhexidine bigluconate).

Finally, if there is a fungus, then the doctor may additionally prescribe antimycotic agents - clotrimazole, fluconazole, etc.

At the initial stage, the disease is treated with topical preparations (ointments, rectal suppositories), as well as anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.

Sometimes itching is caused by genital warts. To eliminate them, a doctor may prescribe imiquimod in combination with immune-boosting drugs.

If drug therapy is ineffective, then condylomas are removed surgically - by cryodestruction or with a laser.

Helminthiasis - treatment

Note! While treatment lasts, the patient must pay special attention to personal hygiene. Wash your face twice a day and after every bowel movement. Soap is desirable to use hypoallergenic (for example, children's).

To reduce itching after a bath, you can use talcum powder - this will not affect the effect of medications. In addition, after contact with animals, you need to wash your hands. As for the special diet, which can also be prescribed, it consists in the complete exclusion of fatty, canned, salty and spicy foods (all of which irritate the intestinal walls).

Folk remedies for itching

There are many folk remedies for anal itching, although it is worth remembering that they are all symptomatic, that is, they eliminate (to one degree or another) the symptoms, but the cause of discomfort remains.


The following ingredients are mixed in a 1:1:1 ratio:

  • propolis;
  • 70% alcohol;
  • badger fat.

All this is thoroughly mixed and stored in a cold place for three days. A candle is cut out of a potato, then it (the candle) is dipped into the prepared mixture and inserted into the anus for fifteen minutes. This remedy is especially effective in cases where itching is caused by anal fissures.

herbal decoction

You will need the following ingredients:

  • walnut leaves;

  • burdock root;

  • chamomile.

All this is mixed in equal proportions and boiled for fifteen minutes (four tablespoons per liter of water). It is necessary to take about 100 ml three times a day.

Baths (sitting)

A bowl of ½ is filled with a not too hot decoction of oak bark (three tablespoons per liter of water). You need to sit in the pelvis for half an hour. It is worth knowing that oak bark can be alternated with birch buds and calendula.


Dried calendula flowers are poured with boiling water (100 ml of water for each tablespoon), after which the liquid is brought to a boil, removed from heat and infused for an hour. When the broth has cooled, two teaspoons of sea buckthorn oil must be added to it.

An enema is given before bedtime.


200 g of Vaseline should be diluted in 50 ml of cranberry juice. The finished mixture is used to lubricate the anus, the procedure is repeated twice a day.

There is another recipe: roasted oats are ground to a powdery consistency, mixed with butter (1: 2), and the finished ointment is rubbed into the “problem” place twice a day.


Two teaspoons of Veronica are poured with 400 ml of boiling water and infused for two hours. Ready broth should be drunk four times every day (before meals).

A similar decoction can be prepared from other plants, such as:

  • mint;
  • yarrow;
  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • succession.

All ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 1:1:1:1:1. Then you need to take three tablespoons of the resulting collection and pour a glass of boiling water. The mixture is kept on fire for five minutes, after which it is infused for several hours. The decoction is taken three times a day, 100 ml (also before meals).

Preventive measures

As noted above, the main thing in this case is personal hygiene. Ideally, to prevent anal itching, you should wash yourself after each bowel movement, so you should try to make yourself such a habit.

Note! Hard toilet paper, or worse, newspaper, can irritate the delicate skin around the anus, which in turn can lead to burning and itching. There is a huge amount of bacteria in the feces, which, penetrating into vulnerable skin, can cause discomfort. read on our website.

Video - Anal itching

A symptom like itching in the anus familiar to many people. The people explain it simply: helminthic diseases, but in practice everything turns out to be much more complicated. The reasons that cause such a problem are enough and often they can only be established at a specialist’s appointment.

Advice. We recommend that everyone who encounters such sensations contact a local therapist or pediatrician if the question concerns a child. After questioning and making preliminary conclusions, the doctor will refer you to the right specialist. It is highly undesirable to delay the visit, to try to treat on your own, not paying attention to the fact that there is no improvement.

We will tell you why there is a strong and constant in the anus in an adult, we will explain possible treatment regimens, we will advise folk remedies. If the burning sensation is not due to a serious internal or external disturbance, then the advice will help.

Itching and burning in the anus: negative factors

Let's start with the fact that the problem is extremely delicate. That is why many people do not go to the doctor: it is embarrassing to tell, and in general, it is difficult to imagine how one can speak frankly about such a thing. But you should not be shy at all: as statistics show, almost every person experienced itching in the anus in varying degrees of manifestation. Is the disease really that common?

That's not the point at all. In general, the anus in an adult itches for various reasons. This is just a symptom that has a huge number of degrees and forms of manifestation. Everyone can face it, because:

  • Burning around the anus and inside the anus accompanies many diseases;
  • The skin in this place is very sensitive and easily irritated, cracked;
  • Failure to follow the basic rules of personal hygiene causes ongoing discomfort;
  • Mechanical influences (contact with tight underwear, wiping, and so on) also adversely affect the condition of the anus.

In other words, the symptom is one, and the causes of its occurrence are infinite. Itching and cracks near the anus, worms, all kinds of diseases, both acute and chronic, a frivolous attitude to the rules of hygiene - all this can provoke trouble. But if it has appeared, it can be incredibly difficult to get rid of.

First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause, which is not always hidden on the surface. Often unfavorable factors are the processes occurring inside the body and established only with the help of special studies.

And now let's try to figure out what to do if you are worried about periodic itching, pain and itching around the anus in adults.

Causes of itching, and why it itches in the anus in adult men and women

The main causes of itching in the anus in adults cannot be named unambiguously. It is more expedient to divide them into several groups:

It happens that the condition worsens when a person sleeps. The reasons why severe itching and itching in the anus at night are again different, but are associated either with the manifestation of helminthic diseases, or with the fact that at rest many people listen more closely to the sensations of their own body. This is a psychological component, which must be discussed separately.

Treatment of itching in the anus: folk and medical remedies

Treatment of itching, burning in the anus is usually complex. It is impossible to give a person just one pill and guarantee that the problem will disappear. In general, for its effective solution, patience and full adherence to all the doctor's recommendations will be required.

Advice. Do not take self-prescribed medications at home. They can only aggravate the condition. We recommend using only folk remedies to relieve or relieve burning sensation, and seek medical help from a specialist.

Many, for the first time or even repeatedly encountering an extremely unpleasant symptom, do not know what to do if itching and itching in the anus in an adult, and the treatment raises questions and fear. Below we will talk about some effective folk remedies, but for now, let's find out who can help to correct the disease.

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with the anus and intestines is carried out by a proctologist, or coproctologist. Based on the history taken from the patient, he will draw up a general picture and suggest a possible diagnosis. Next, you will need to conduct a visual examination, the necessary laboratory tests, sometimes an internal examination of the rectum. Only then is the final diagnosis established and the correct treatment tactics developed.

And yet, often the disease is not so serious. Usually one visit is enough, during which the patient is explained how and how to treat itching in the anus. The problem is fixed fairly quickly.

How to get rid of itching - home treatment

The described ailment has been known for a long time, humanity has probably faced it throughout the history of its development. Of course, people have long invented their own means of dealing with an itchy problem. Let's find out how you can relieve itching in the anus at home, what recipes and tips can really alleviate the condition or even eliminate irritation.

  • baths. You need to take them regularly, at least 3-4 times a week, lie down for about 25-30 minutes. Add: a decoction of chamomile, oak bark, birch buds, succession, colloidal oatmeal (you can just pour a handful). It is advisable to mix the ingredients.
  • Lotions and rubbing. Effective with daily use for at least a week or two. Means: infusion of borvinka leaves, a mixture of vaseline (50 g) and natural cranberry juice (200 g).
  • Decoctions for oral administration. Take 100 ml daily, 3 times a day, preferably before meals. The course of treatment is not less than a week. Recipes: mint leaves + yarrow grass + linden flowers + chamomile flowers (taken in equal parts), burdock roots + pharmacy chamomile + walnut leaves (also in equal parts).

So, now you know what it can be and how to remove, eliminate, cure the itching of the anus, using folk remedies. What do pharmacies offer?

Cure for itching in the anus

Medications for itching in the anus can come in many forms. Moreover, the same remedy is often produced in the form of a cream, ointment, tablets and suppositories for convenience and efficiency.

All medicines work differently and are not suitable for every case. A doctor should prescribe them, self-treatment can lead to sad consequences: the transition of the disease to a chronic or more advanced form, disruption of the organs, development and growth of erosions, tumors, etc.

Perhaps the most famous ointment for itching in the anus is Relief. There are also candles with this name. Also, doctors often prescribe Proctazan, Aurobin, Anuzod, Posterizan and others. All of the listed drugs, both suppositories and ointments, should be used only in accordance with the attached instructions.

Burning, discomfort in the anus is a very common nuisance caused by a number of completely different reasons. To get rid of the problem, it is important to understand why it appeared, and what remedy will be most effective.
If you have questions, you can ask them in the question-answer section.

Itching in the anus is irritation accompanied by burning.

The syndrome can manifest itself as a slight feeling, which is removed with the help of hygiene procedures, and a strong burning sensation, which significantly reduces the quality of human life.

In most cases, primary anal itching is an independent disease. In the case when discomfort is a symptom of a disease, experts talk about secondary itching.

It itches unbearably, but why?

Itching and burning in the anus can be caused by several factors:

  1. Helminths. Common infestations, especially in children, are caused by pinworms. At night, female pinworms lay their eggs in the anus. In addition, discomfort can occur in the presence of lamblia and ascaris.
  2. Encoprese. With insufficiency of the anal sphincter, feces easily penetrate the surface of the skin near the anus, thereby causing irritation and itching.
  3. Liver pathology. With liver diseases, the process of removing harmful substances from the body is significantly disrupted. Toxins, getting into the bloodstream, irritate the receptors, causing discomfort.
  4. Wrong linen.
  5. Dysbacteriosis.
  6. STD. The most common cause of itching in women is candidiasis. In addition to this disease, discomfort in the anal area can occur in the presence of chlamydia, pubic lice, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea.
  7. Obesity.
  8. Diabetes.
  9. Allergy.
  10. Diseases of the nervous system.

Diseases of the rectum

Diseases of the rectum are the main cause of itching and itching in the anus.

Among the main ones:

Itching may come in waves. Most often it is observed after physical exertion, drinking alcohol. During the period of remission, no discomfort is observed.

Features of the occurrence of itching in women

The main causes of itching in the anal area in women are:

Itching in the anal zone prevents a woman from leading a full life, hinders movement, and causes discomfort. Itching is complemented by symptoms such as bleeding during bowel movements, burning, swelling, pain.

If "there" itches in a man

The causes of discomfort in the anal area in men are:

  • heredity;
  • constipation;
  • prolonged stay on your feet or, conversely, sedentary work;
  • physically hard work;
  • intoxication;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • infectious diseases.

Itching occurs most often in the perineum and near the anus. In some cases, eczema develops. In case of skin injuries, infections can occur, purulent processes develop.

To children - special attention!

Causes of itching in the anus can be:

  • prolonged sitting on the potty;
  • strong attempts at defecation;
  • constipation;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of food intake;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora;
  • increased emotionality, prolonged crying;
  • heredity;
  • neoplasms;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • low physical activity.

Children after three years can describe how they feel. If the child constantly complains of discomfort in the anal area, you should consult a specialist.

Unpleasant sensations can be in the form of a feeling of a foreign body, tingling, burning, itching. When discomfort occurs in the anal region, the child becomes irritable, constantly touches or scratches the ass.

Primary and secondary itching

Idiopathic - primary itching. It is not always possible to identify the cause of its occurrence. Most often, men from 29 to 59 years old suffer from this form of itching. Dealing with symptoms is extremely difficult.

Secondary itching is a symptom of the disease. When it occurs, a thorough diagnosis is necessary, which will help to identify the disease in the initial stages of development. Eliminating discomfort is not difficult. The underlying problem should be removed and the symptom will disappear on its own.

Itching can be both chronic, with a gradual increase in symptoms, and acute, wearing an intense character.

In an acute course, the skin of the anal area becomes moist, which increases discomfort. In a chronic course, the skin is dry. Unpleasant sensations are often aggravated at night.

Diagnosis as the first step to getting rid of the problem

Identification of the problem that caused the appearance should begin with a visit to the proctologist.

During the first appointment, the specialist will take a scraping, prescribe tests and studies:

triple analysis of feces for the presence of helminths;

help yourself

How to get rid of anal itching with traditional medicine?

Alternative medicine offers a number of effective methods to help cope with:

  1. colloidal oatmeal. Fill the tub with water, add colloidal oats. The duration of the session is no more than 14 minutes. The procedure should be carried out daily at bedtime for 8 days.
  2. periwinkle. Add 2 teaspoons of the medicinal plant to a glass of hot water. Leave for 14 minutes, and then clean the solution of impurities. Apply as a lotion.
  3. Cranberry. Add to 100 g of vaseline 25 g of cranberry juice. Apply the ointment twice a day with a thin layer on the affected area. The duration of treatment is 9 days.
  4. Veronica officinalis. Pour boiling water over 2 teaspoons of the dried herb of a medicinal plant, leave for 1.5 hours. Take a decoction 4 times a day, 90 ml after meals.

Traditional Treatments

Depending on what disease is caused by itching in the anal area and the methods of treatment will differ:

Approach to the treatment of hemorrhoids

After each act of defecation, it is necessary to wash with warm water without soap.

After a shower, you can use talcum powder, which will reduce the appearance of itching, but at the same time, will not affect the medicinal properties of local preparations.

Preventive measures

As well as to reduce the manifestation, a number of recommendations should be followed:

In most cases, itching near the anus occurs due to the presence of diseases of the rectum. In order to eliminate it, you should contact a proctologist who will prescribe drugs for treatment.

It is possible to carry out treatment with non-traditional methods only after visiting a specialist.

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