Bloody stool in a person causes. What does blood in an adult's stool mean?

Isolation of black feces with blood indicates the need to find out the cause of two symptoms at once:

  • Black feces;

  • Blood in stool.
Black feces can be a physiological or pathological phenomenon. A variant of the physiological norm is black feces when eating foods rich in iron, as well as when using a number of medications. So, staining feces black can cause the following foods and medicines:
  • Blood sausage and meat products with blood;

  • Liver of animals and birds;

  • Chokeberry;

  • Red and black grape varieties;

  • Prunes;

  • Red beetroot ;

  • Natural juices from the listed vegetables and fruits;

  • Red wine;

  • Reception of activated carbon;

  • Taking iron supplements (Totem, Sorbifer, Ferrum-Lek, etc.);

  • Taking multivitamin complexes with iron (Vitrum, Centrum, Multi-Tabs, etc.);

  • Taking drugs containing bismuth (De-Nol, Novbismol, etc.).
If within 2 - 3 days before the appearance of a black stool, a person took any of the above medications or products, then there is no reason for concern, since the black color of feces is due to this. After the exclusion of products from the menu or the discontinuation of medication, the stool will again acquire its normal color. However, black stools are not an indication to exclude the listed products from the menu or to stop using the drug.

The second variant of black feces is called pathological and is caused by bleeding from the upper digestive tract. So, black feces is a sign of gastrointestinal bleeding. Most often, such bleeding develops with cirrhosis of the liver, as well as with cancer or peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum. Usually in such situations, in addition to black feces, a person also has other symptoms of blood loss, such as pallor, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, fainting and abdominal pain. Moreover, the severity of symptoms depends on the amount of blood loss. If black stool appears in combination with these symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

Thus, the black color of feces can be a sign of pathology or be caused by certain foods or medicines. When black feces are excreted with blood, the most likely cause of this coloration of feces should first be assessed. However, even if the black color of feces is due to the use of certain foods or medications, that is, it is physiological, then blood impurities clearly indicate pathological processes occurring in the organs of the digestive tract.

The blood in the stool can be different. The type of blood in the stool is very important for determining the specific pathological condition that caused it. A person with the naked eye can distinguish between two types of blood in the stool:

  1. Fresh blood dyed bright red;

  2. Blood in the form of dark red clots or streaks.
If drops of fresh blood are visible on the surface of the feces, then this indicates bleeding in the lower part of the digestive tract. This type of bleeding can develop with hemorrhoids, anal fissures, cancer of the rectum or colon, etc. Very often, drops of scarlet blood fall not only on feces, but also remain on toilet paper.

If the blood in the stool is found in the form of streaks or clots of a dark red color, then we are talking about chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Blood in this form is often found in the feces in Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, or dysbacteriosis.

Thus, black feces with blood may indicate the presence of the following variants of the pathology of the digestive tract:

  1. The combination of gastrointestinal bleeding (black feces) with the pathology of the lower intestines (red fresh blood);

  2. The combination of gastrointestinal bleeding (black feces) with inflammatory bowel disease (streaks and clots of dark red blood);

  3. Pathology of the lower intestines (red fresh blood) in combination with physiological black feces due to the use of a number of foods or medications;

  4. Inflammatory bowel disease (dark red blood streaks and clots) associated with physiological black stools due to certain foods or medications.

Feces with blood is not an independent problem, but a manifestation of complications from diseases of the digestive system. But the consistency of the discharge is especially important. If the feces are liquid and at the same time with impurities of blood, this can serve as a sign of internal bleeding. But if the feces are of a normal consistency, this may indicate hemorrhoids or an anal fissure. In the second case, such diseases do not pose a threat to human life and health, but cause discomfort. Therefore, they should be treated as soon as possible.

The blood in the feces can be pronounced and remain on the toilet paper, or it can be hidden. Often, feces with blood are observed in newborn babies. The main cause of occurrence is allergic reactions. Women during pregnancy are also prone to this disorder. This is due to the fact that the vessels distill blood several times more intensively. Feces with blood may appear after childbirth, because a woman experiences a tremendous load during this process.

Unlike adults, blood with feces in children is not the cause of serious disorders in the functioning of the digestive tract. The appearance of this symptom in the adult population may mean pathologies in the structure of the structure of the intestinal mucosa or a sign of the appearance of an oncological neoplasm in the duodenum.


Blood with feces is bright red, black or burgundy. It can be clearly visible to a person or, conversely, be hidden, that is, invisible to the naked eye. There are also several reasons for the occurrence, and the factors for the manifestation of blood in the feces in a child and an adult will differ. The reasons for the appearance of this symptom in adults are:

Similar processes can cause blood in the feces in women during pregnancy, but most often this pathology occurs after childbirth due to the high pressure during this process.

Blood in the stool in infants and older children appears in the following cases:

  • an allergic reaction, most often to dairy products. In a newborn with artificial, and not breastfeeding;
  • (in infants is extremely rare);
  • . In this case, it is necessary to immediately carry out a surgical operation;
  • intestinal infections. Usually appear in children from the age at which complementary foods begin.

Quite rarely, causes such as fissures and hemorrhoids can cause bloody stools in children.


Blood in the stool in an adult and a child can be:

  • hidden - clots or particles of blood are so small that they are not noticeable with a normal look at feces;
  • weak - blood with feces is excreted in just a few drops and does not cause pain to a person;
  • moderate - blood looks like clots of dark red or burgundy color;
  • strong - feces are excreted with a lot of blood.

These manifestations of feces with blood are characteristic of both adults, in particular women during pregnancy, and children.


In the initial stages, the blood in the feces of a child, adults, in particular women during pregnancy, does not cause any discomfort. Often a person does not even know that he may be a carrier of any disease, because not all adults monitor the appearance of their feces. But, when additional signs begin to join, this becomes a reason for seeking help from a doctor. Thus, the appearance of feces with blood is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • decreased or complete lack of appetite (often there is an aversion to food);
  • drawing pains in the lower abdomen;
  • significant loss of body weight;
  • constant anxiety and crying are characteristic of infants;
  • false urge to emit feces;
  • a feeling of heaviness and fullness of the intestines, despite the fact that the emptying process has recently been performed;
  • bouts of dizziness;
  • the appearance of rashes on the skin is a characteristic sign of feces with blood in children under one year old;
  • general weakness of the body.

Blood streaks in the feces in infants and in adults are such a sign that you should immediately consult a doctor. It is easier to detect them in an infant, since parents must monitor the consistency and composition of the feces of the infant. In middle-aged people, they may not be noticeable, especially since not all people monitor the form in which they have feces.


As with symptoms, diagnostic measures for infants and adults will differ. In young children, such a process will consist of a set of methods:

  • counseling - you should definitely visit him, because it is he who can prescribe effective methods of treatment;
  • consultations with a specialist in allergic diseases - carried out when the child has a rash on the skin, which is an unmistakable sign of allergies;
  • examination at - must be carried out to confirm or refute bleeding and congenital anomalies in the structure of the digestive tract;
  • consultations at - if there are suspicions of blood clotting disorders in infants;
  • analysis to determine lactose deficiency - most often leads to the release of blood with feces;
  • sowing on ;
  • analyzes for microorganisms and helminths.

Adult patients are prescribed a fecal occult blood test - before this process, strict measures must be observed, because the eaten product with a high iron content or taking medications can change the value of the analysis. Preparation for delivery should last at least one week, this is the only way to guarantee a true result. The main purpose of the analysis is to detect hemoglobin in the feces. If the analysis becomes positive, then this indicates that gastrointestinal diseases occur in the body or there are cancerous tumors. But if the result of the analysis was negative, this does not mean at all that the person does not have disorders in the work of the digestive organs.


After receiving all the test results, the doctor prescribes a rational treatment. In no case should you try to eliminate blood in the stool in an adult (especially in women during pregnancy) and a child on your own, since this can only aggravate the situation.

Therapy can take place in several ways. If bleeding, ulcers or oncological tumors are detected, appropriate medical interventions should be carried out immediately. If these pathologies were found in a pregnant woman, she should be under the constant supervision of the attending physician and, and operations are prescribed after childbirth. In cases where other factors have become the causes of blood excretion with feces, drug therapy is prescribed, which are selected individually for each patient (especially carefully for women during pregnancy). In addition, a special diet is drawn up. If the causes are hemorrhoids and anal fissure, no surgery is required, you just need to enrich your diet with boiled vegetables, fermented milk products and vegetable oil.

In the case when the bleeding in a child or an adult has passed on its own, it is still necessary to consult a doctor for a preventive examination. In women, the appearance of blood in the excrement can occur during pregnancy and be eliminated on its own after childbirth.

Blood during bowel movements is a symptom that people often do not pay attention to. When nothing hurts, and the blood continues to be excreted along with the feces, this is more dangerous than the full clinical picture. Based on one such symptom, it is much more difficult to establish a diagnosis, but this does not mean that you need to wait for the appearance of other signs of the disease. Any disease is best treated at the very beginning.

Bleeding during a trip to the toilet is, for the most part, an integral part of the onset of the development of the pathology of the intestinal tract.

Most often, the discharge of blood in an adult or a child appears as a result of the development of a certain disease.

Defecation may be accompanied by the release of blood in such cases:

  • colon cancer;
  • the formation of polyps;
  • hemorrhoids, especially in the acute stage;
  • cracks in the anus, as well as the rectum;
  • diverticulosis (protrusion of the intestinal wall);
  • intestinal ulcer;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • a tumor neoplasm in any of the sections of the intestine (most often, the large intestine, sigmoid and rectum);
  • phlebectasia;
  • endometrosis of the large intestine, does not occur in men, only in women;
  • ischemic colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • intestinal damage by helminthic invasion (men are less susceptible than women, but the main risk group is children);
  • infectious diseases of the intestine (dysentery, salmonellosis and others);
  • chronic constipation can cause the rectum to bleed;
  • girls may notice drops of blood on toilet paper while in an interesting position - being pregnant, this is due to a change in the location of some organs and their pressure on the intestines;
  • tuberculosis of the intestine can rarely cause bloody stools.
Blood on toilet paper

If during a bowel movement or after going to the toilet you notice blood on paper or underwear, then you should not leave this symptom unattended. The same applies to blood impurities in the stool.

All of the above diseases and conditions, if left untreated, have a lot of complications, so it is better to establish the reason that the anus bleeds and blood feces come out as early as possible.


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What does bloody stool look like?

The allocation of feces with blood can be different. There are such possible options:

  • The feces come out dense, small blood clots are visible on it.
  • The feces are also dense, on which traces of blood are found.
  • Feces are very hard, may resemble - a characteristic sign of constipation. Droplets of blood remain after that on the toilet paper.
  • Blood in the feces during a bowel movement looks like a homogeneous mass, the feces are dark in color, the blood cannot be separated from the feces itself.
  • With diarrhea, mucus comes out with feces, then mucus and mucus with blood just comes out, it resembles a jelly-like consistency of yellow, orange or red.
  • The blood comes out with the stool (feces are very soft) in the form of threads.
  • The blood itself is not visible, but the stool has a black color. It is observed with constipation, when bleeding began in the small intestine.
  • Feces of normal consistency and color, blood dripping from the anus, regardless of whether there was a bowel movement or not.
  • Bleeding from the intestines becomes strong, blood flows from the anus, the feces are liquid, constipation is sometimes noted.

What symptoms will indicate pathology?

When fecal excretion, when the presence of blood is noted, a person should analyze his condition in recent days.

If he notes certain symptoms in himself, then this is a reason to see a doctor.

Signs of pathology are also:

  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • it hurts to go to the toilet in a big way;
  • there is a lot of mucus or even pus in the feces;
  • when going to the toilet, a burning sensation is felt in the anus;
  • itching in the anus;
  • discharge with feces of parts of worms;
  • belching;
  • heartburn;
  • bloating;
  • tightness of the abdominal muscles;
  • after emptying, there is a feeling of incompleteness of the process.

If, when going to the toilet, you notice a change in the consistency of feces. The presence of impurities in it, as well as other symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the causes.

What needs to be done?

When there is blood from the rectum, many do not know what to do, although the answer is quite simple. You must immediately consult a doctor.

He will examine the patient, prescribe tests, such as:

  • analysis of feces for occult blood;
  • general blood analysis;
  • analysis of feces for helminthic invasion;
  • endoscopy or as indicated.

When this situation occurs, patients often do not know which doctor to contact. The surest decision is to go to a therapist, and he will write you a referral to a proctologist, gastroenterologist or oncologist, and maybe a gynecologist for women, so that a narrower specialist will already prescribe you treatment according to an established diagnosis.



To prevent problems with the intestines, it is enough for a person to follow simple rules that will strengthen his immunity and restore vitality.

These rules include:

  1. Healthy lifestyle. Giving up bad habits helps to normalize the work of all parts of your body and strengthen weakened immune defenses.
  2. Proper nutrition. A diet menu that includes vegetables and fruits, non-fat meat, drinks without gas and alcohol, dairy products, hearty cereals and salads with the addition of vegetable oils will help restore intestinal health and improve digestion.
  3. Drinking regime. It will help prevent constipation and the consequences that it can cause - bleeding and pain from damage to the hemorrhoids, as well as the formation of cracks in the anus.
  4. Active lifestyle. It will improve intestinal motility, strengthen the muscles of the abdominal cavity, as well as the perineum and pelvic muscles in women. It will make you feel energized and healthier.

Intestinal problems, which are accompanied by bleeding, in some cases cause complications, and treatment requires a lot of time and money.

Therefore, it is better to take care of your health in advance and not neglect preventive measures. And if an alarming symptom nevertheless appears, then you should not delay going to the doctor.


Blood during bowel movements is a polyvariable sign of many diseases. There is no cause for concern if such a deviation from the norm was a one-time occurrence. With a tendency to repeat and develop, it is better to consult a doctor to find out what it is: a serious systemic pathology or temporary indigestion. Consider the occurrence of a symptom, varieties, methods of detection.

Causes of blood in the stool

The etiology of an unpleasant condition depends on the nature of the bleeding and the location of its source. The farther it is from the anus, the darker and thicker the spotting will be. The reasons for the change in color and consistency of the biological fluid are associated with its partial coagulability, which occurs as it moves along the digestive canal. The feces are fetid and look like tar.

Bright scarlet drops on top of the stool or smeared on toilet paper are observed if the hemorrhoids or the anal mucosa are damaged. This is the most harmless form of the symptom in question.

The following signs already speak of a dangerous disease:

  • Blood is dissolved in the stool.
  • It is excreted in clots or a trickle during defecation.
  • The feces contain pus and (or) mucus.

Circumstances that aggravate the general condition include:

  • Vomit.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • Pain during bowel movements.

Tar-like feces are a sign of a number of pathologies, including:

  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Proctitis.
  • Enteroviral infection.
  • Helminthiases.
  • Salmonellosis.
  • Dysentery.
  • Diverticulosis.

Bloody stools may appear as a result of radiotherapy sessions, which negatively affects the vessels of the digestive canal. A symptom is possible in an adult male who has been irradiated to the prostate gland. Endometriosis is indicated by blood secreted from the rectum during menstruation.

The mucous membrane of the digestive canal can be injured due to alcohol abuse, prolonged use of antibacterial agents that disrupt the balance of microflora in the intestine. As a result, an allergy develops, which provokes the release of blood during bowel movements. A similar symptom is observed with chemotherapy using cytostatics.

When not to worry

False blood in the stool appears after eating beets, blueberries, tomatoes, and also as a result of taking certain medications. The fault can also be drinks or desserts containing dyes.

Light bleeding can be recognized by anemia. The situation with hemoglobin deficiency is easily remedied. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor prescribes complex iron-containing preparations that quickly restore the level of the most important trace element in the composition of red blood cells.

When self-medication is dangerous

A serious condition is indicated by constant discharge of a scarlet color. The doctor will accurately diagnose based on the results of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

Urgent hospitalization will be required if, along with this, the patient has:

  • Nausea, vomiting with splashes of blood.
  • Hematomas that have arisen without tissue injury.
  • Weakness, confusion.
  • Pain in the abdominal region.
  • Elevated temperature.

In such cases, attempts to cope with the problem on your own are unacceptable. The desire to wait for a doctor's consultation at the clinic also poses a threat to the patient's life.

After stopping the dangerous symptoms, an examination is prescribed to identify the cause of the condition. With a further treatment regimen, a specialist of the appropriate profile is determined.

If black stools appear, this may be due to non-dangerous bleeding, which is detected in the laboratory diagnosis of feces. The reason is the localization of the source of the lesion in the upper parts of the digestive canal. Self-diagnosis in such situations threatens the health of the patient.

This applies not only to systemic infections and malignant processes. Advanced cases of hemorrhoids, cracks in the anus also lead to conditions requiring urgent intervention and surgical treatment.

Feces with blood without a sharp deterioration in well-being is a reason for contacting a proctologist. Using the method of palpation, he examines the rectum in detail, if necessary, prescribes an endoscopy of the large intestine.

The physician of first choice can also be a general practitioner. Based on a preliminary diagnosis, an infectious disease specialist, a gastroenterologist and other highly specialized doctors are connected to the diagnosis.

Infectious diseases

Blood in the stool is a symptom of pathologies in the lower alimentary canal. Its inflammation (proctitis) can be acute or chronic. Accompanied by pain in the perineum and abdomen, malaise, frequent urge to defecate, fever.

The causes of scarlet blood not mixed with the stool are as follows:

  • Anal fissures, accompanied by profuse painful discharge. After heavy physical exertion, their traces can be found on underwear. In the treatment, ointments, compresses, rectal suppositories of anti-inflammatory and wound-healing action are used.
  • Polyps. In order to avoid malignancy of growths, their timely surgical removal is practiced.
  • Tumors (benign or malignant).
  • Chronic form of hemorrhoids.

Additional factors associated with rectal bleeding include:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Frequent constipation.
  • Hard physical labor.
  • Stress.

Blood on toilet paper appears during anal sex and non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

Colon diseases

Bleeding from the anus is often a sign of colitis. Inflammation is accompanied by:

  • Offensive odor of feces.
  • Wandering pain.
  • Flatulence and stool problems.

The reason may be a violation of the usefulness of the intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis). In this case, the clinical picture is supplemented by:

  • Nausea.
  • Flatulence.
  • Constipation.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Bad breath.

Bleeding from the anus is characteristic of colon cancer, while the color of the blotches can be different: from bright scarlet to black tarry, sometimes with clots. The constant symptoms of oncological lesions of the digestive canal include:

  • Changes affecting the shape, consistency, thickness of feces.
  • Bloating.
  • Weakness and weight loss.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.
  • Feeling of an empty bowel.

With such symptoms, it is urgent to consult a doctor to refute the suspicion of cancer or start appropriate antitumor therapy. At an early stage of the disease, the prognosis is favorable.

With age-related changes in the body, angiodysplasia is associated - a disease in which the vessels on the surface of the intestine expand and become too fragile. In such cases, symptomatic treatment is prescribed.

Diverticulosis is characterized by swelling that forms on the weak walls of the intestine. They are more common in patients over 40 years of age. They do not cause discomfort until their breakthrough occurs. Violation of the integrity of the sacs is accompanied by bloody discharge from the anus and severe pain.

Their color depends on the location of the source of bleeding. The condition is dangerous and requires surgical intervention, especially when giant protrusions are detected. Small bags are disposed of with medication or with the help of a diet. Complex therapy improves the patient's condition.

Blood streaks in stool

Regardless of the consistency of the stool, the red "threads" in its composition indicate inflammation in the digestive canal. Provocateurs of the phenomenon can be:

The symptom should not be ignored, especially if it is accompanied by loss of appetite, sudden weight loss, pulling pains in the abdomen. After all, streaks of blood can also be a manifestation of Crohn's disease, a tumor process, bleeding polyps, diverticulitis. With timely treatment to the doctor, the chances of a full recovery increase.

Research on occult blood in the feces

A painless, safe immunochemical method that detects hemoglobin when red blood cells are not visually detected under a microscope. A week before the analysis, in agreement with the attending physician, the use of laxatives, as well as medications containing bismuth and iron, is canceled. 3 days before the manipulation, you can not eat apples, as well as liver and meat. The session can be carried out only 2 days after the X-ray of the digestive canal. On the eve of the forbidden enema.

Feces should not contain urine and menstrual fluid. The biomaterial is collected during self-emptying of the intestine and delivered to the laboratory on the same day.

If the result of the analysis is positive, the patient is examined additionally until the cause of the condition is identified. If negative against the background of non-disappearing symptoms, occult blood is determined again. If necessary, other more informative methods of instrumental and laboratory diagnostics are prescribed.

Doctor's conclusion

Annual medical examinations, moderate physical activity, proper balanced nutrition, responsible attitude to one's health are the most important conditions to avoid pathological conditions accompanied by blood in the stool. Elimination of the symptom itself will not give anything and is practically impossible until the source of bleeding is established. Highly qualified professional help already at the first signs is the key to a favorable prognosis and successful treatment.

  • Haemorrhoids. Bleeding in this disease is not plentiful. They are observed most often after the passage of hard stools.
  • Fissures of the rectum. With this problem, the patient periodically appears small clots of scarlet blood on the surface of the feces. Sometimes a person feels discomfort and cutting pains in the anus. Blood impurities can occur not only during bowel movements, but also after strong physical exertion.
  • Diverticula of the large intestine. The disease develops in people after 50 years of age. Bloody liquid discharge with this disease is bright scarlet.

Polyps in the large intestine do not manifest themselves for a long time. However, occasionally a person may have small blood impurities in the stool.

Loose stool with blood

Sudden onset of severe diarrhea, accompanied by discharge of blood clots, may indicate intestinal infections. At the same time, a person also feels severe pain in the abdomen, and sometimes nausea. Loose stools with blood in an adult occur due to the following diseases:

  • dysentery;
  • salmonellosis;
  • amoebiasis.

Intestinal infections that are accompanied by bloody diarrhea sometimes cause serious and life-threatening complications. In addition, they can amaze others. Therefore, when such symptoms appear, it is urgent to consult a specialist. If bouts of diarrhea with blood are repetitive, although not prolonged, then diseases such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease can provoke them. Most often, such problems occur in people aged 40-50 years.

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