Leek: useful properties and contraindications. Healing properties and contraindications of leek

Among the onion family, one very interesting specimen lurked - the leek. Speaking about its taste characteristics, it is impossible not to notice that they are very different from onions. In the taste of leeks, there is no bitterness familiar to us, but subtle, pleasant notes of a delicate and sweetish spectrum prevail.

It is fair to say that this product is not popular among housewives, but those who know about its taste and beneficial properties often include it in their diet. Why is he so useful?

The composition of the leek

The highest concentration of nutrients is in the upper part of the onion stem, so you should not throw it away when cooking.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B7, B9, C (with proper storage, its amount in the product increases by 1.5 times), E, ​​K, H, PP.

Macronutrients: potassium, calcium, silicon, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus.

Trace elements: boron, vanadium, iron, cobalt, manganese, copper, zinc, chromium.

Acids: linolenic, linoleic, oleic.

In addition, the product contains mono- and disaccharides, unsaturated fatty acids, essential oils, and phytoncides, which prevent the reproduction of harmful microbes.

33 kcal per 100 g.

The presence of the above healing components make leeks the most useful product for the human body.

Useful properties and benefits of leeks for the body

  • has a diuretic effect
  • strengthens the immune system,
  • helps to cope with colds,
  • increases the level of hemoglobin,
  • stabilizes blood pressure
  • prevention of atherosclerosis,
  • ensures the normal rate of blood clotting,
  • cancer prevention,
  • is ,
  • contributes to the healthy development of the fetus,
  • improves eyesight,
  • treats eye diseases
  • strengthens bones and teeth,
  • normalizes metabolism,
  • eliminates bloating,
  • reduces cholesterol levels,
  • calms the nervous system
  • helps with depression
  • improves memory,
  • accelerates wound healing.

Leek is an indispensable vegetable in early spring, when most people suffer from beriberi and depression. Many components of this product are necessary for the efficient functioning of the nervous system, and the presence of folic acid helps prevent brain defects in infants. The ability to improve memory and concentration, help in the assimilation of information suggests that it will be useful for students to include all onions in their diet.

Also, "pearl onion" is used for cancer - scientists have proven its ability to stop the development of tumors.

The high amount of salts in onions add diuretic and choleretic functions to it, improve liver activity, and also extol a great contribution to the fight against rheumatism, obesity and gout. Another of the unique properties is its ability to cleanse the body, namely: blood, respiratory system, nasopharynx and even the heart.

Leek is able to quickly satisfy hunger, despite its low calorie content. So if you follow your figure - pay close attention to this vegetable. It is not only low in calories, but also stimulates the body's metabolic processes. The product helps to restore metabolism, improve overall well-being and naturally secrete gastric juice without irritating the digestive organs. It is not without reason that it is added to all kinds of dishes - it excites the appetite.

Are you suffering from anemia? And here the healing leek comes to the rescue. The high content of iron plays a huge role in the synthesis of hemoglobin in human blood. And with the help of vitamin C, iron is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, facilitating its functioning.

The ancient Romans and Greeks used onions to quickly heal wounds, treat pneumonia and colds, which indicates the impeccable medicinal properties of this product.

An interesting result was seen in the field of increasing libido. Prepare a mixture of onion and celery, chop, add to your daily diet and enjoy the result.

Leek contraindications and harm

  • individual intolerance,
  • gastric and duodenal ulcer,
  • diseases of the urinary system,
  • kidney ulcer.

As with everything, you should know the measure when eating leeks. Overeating it can increase blood pressure, stomach acidity and lead to a malfunction of the digestive system.

How to store leeks at home

If you make a purchase in hypermarkets, check its freshness very carefully, it should not have any signs of wilting.

The short shelf life of leeks makes it necessary to buy them immediately before cooking or eating them raw. However, there are a few secrets that will help keep the product fresh for a longer time.

Chopped onions can be stored frozen and dried as a seasoning for dishes.

If you choose a drying method, then it can be done in an oven at a low temperature of up to 60 ° C (with the door open), then almost all of the nutrients will be preserved. You can also use .

One of the ways to preserve the product is to store it in the lower compartment of the refrigerator, in a layer of sand. In this way, onions can be stored absolutely fresh for about six months. If you have a cellar, it is best to pour the earth into a bucket, put the leek in it and put it away in this form for storage. Remove product as needed.

Cooking leeks

In food, they mainly use the lower part of the stem of white color and flat wide sheets. Before cooking, it is advised to wash the onion very carefully, after cutting it lengthwise. This is due to the fact that, due to the structural features of the plant, dirt and sand can clog into it.

The variety of dishes in which leek is used is pleasantly surprising, since it is universal for all dishes - mashed potatoes, soups, sauces, fillings, casseroles, pies. The main products that go with it are potatoes, tomatoes, mushrooms and pastries. Everything will be distinguished by the tenderness and aroma attached to this wonderful vegetable.

Of course, onions are recommended to be consumed fresh - as an appetizer for the main course or in salads. One of the easiest and most delicious recipes is leek salad with lemon juice and olive oil. It can be prepared in seconds, and now your table is already more interesting.

What are your favorite dishes for which you use the taste of leeks? :)

Video. Leek

Leeks are good for human health no less than other varieties. The vegetable helps to increase the level of hemoglobin, improves immunity, helps to strengthen the human nervous system. Leek is an aphrodisiac that helps to solve problems with male sexual dysfunction. The vegetable is useful for those who suffer from high blood pressure. Onions are recommended for women in position due to the high content of folic acid. It prevents brain defects in children. Leek is successfully used for weight loss, as it helps to cleanse the body of toxins.

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    Nutritional value and composition

    Leeks are extremely beneficial for human health, as they contain many vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain good health and a positive attitude.

    Useful substance

    Mono- and disaccharides

    organic acids

    Alimentary fiber


    beta carotene

    The calorie content of the product is 36 kcal. The vegetable contains 2 g of protein, 0.2 g of fat and 6.3 g of carbohydrates. Energy ratio of BJU: 22% / 5% / 70%.


    The benefits of a vegetable for the human body are due to the fact that it contains many healing substances. However, it is important to remember that it should not be consumed too much.

    In order not to cause harm to health, the amount of leek eaten should not exceed 100–200 g.

    As a component of baby food, this vegetable should be added from the fourth part of the onion, which should be part of the puree with the addition of other products.

    In order to enhance the therapeutic effect, you can use the juice of leek and celery.

    The healing properties of the vegetable help to cope with many diseases of internal organs and systems:

    1. 1. Different types of anemia.
    2. 2. Problems with potency in men.
    3. 3. Violations of the functioning of the digestive tract.
    4. 4. High blood pressure.
    5. 5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    6. 6. Disorders of the nervous system.
    7. 7. Violations of concentration of attention, memory, ability of the brain to process complex information.
    8. 8. High cholesterol.
    9. 9. Arthritis, gout, cystitis.
    10. 10. Diseases of the respiratory tract.
    11. 11. Oncological diseases.
    12. 12. Violations of visual acuity.
    13. 13. Avitaminosis.
    14. 14. Rheumatism.
    15. 15. Depression.
    16. 16. Physical and mental fatigue.
    17. 17. Violations of metabolic processes.

    Use in cosmetology

    Masks prepared with leeks will complement your daily facial skin care. In order to prepare a natural and harmless peeling, it is necessary to apply a gruel based on a vegetable to the skin. This tool has effective cleansing properties. If you regularly rub a leek gruel mask into the roots of curls, this will help get rid of dandruff, improve the growth of strands, and give your hair shine and silkiness.

    The vegetable can help strengthen nails. To do this, finely chopped onion is applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nails and wrapped with cling film. The mask must be kept for half an hour. Leek is widely used in folk medicine as a remedy for sunburn and calluses. To do this, apply a vegetable gruel for 1.5 hours.

    Harm and contraindications

    Leek has contraindications for use. You can not eat a vegetable if a person has the following pathologies:

    • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
    • Increased acidity of the stomach.
    • Increase in blood pressure.
    • lactation period.
    • Tendency to form kidney stones.
    • Allergy to nickel and its complex compounds.

    Storage and preparation for the winter

    The vegetable should be stored in a dark and cool place. The term should not exceed 6 months.

    There are several ways to prepare a product for the winter.


    Vegetables should not be washed before freezing. If this had to be done, then the onion must be thoroughly dried so that no water remains. The top layer of the onion must be removed, cut off the damaged areas, cut off the roots.

    Next, the onion is cut into small circles or finely chopped. The product is placed in the freezer for several hours. After that, it must be taken out, decomposed into sealed bags and sent for storage in the freezer.

    The shelf life when using the freezing method is 3 months.

    In the refrigerator

    Keep in mind that the smell of a vegetable can be absorbed by other products in the refrigerator. Therefore, it must be packed in cling film.

    Leek should not bewash before sending to the refrigerator. The shelf life in this way is about 14 days.


    The entire stem is used to dry the vegetable. The vegetable is thoroughly washed and cut into slices.


    When pickling a vegetable, the green part of the plant must be cut off. White stems are cut into circles, poured with boiling marinade, which includes water (1 l), coarse salt (50 g), granulated sugar (70 g), apple cider vinegar (100 ml).

    The resulting mixture is transferred to pre-sterilized glass jars and rolled up with iron lids.

    Leek in cooking

    All varieties of leeks have a delicate, refined taste. It is added to pies, meat or vegetable casseroles. Leek is used for stewing in cream or sauteing in oil with other vegetables. You can cook it as an independent dish. In addition, leeks are included in many recipes for cooking side dishes with meat, added to salads, soup.

    For use in cooking, a fresh product without signs of wilting is suitable. The bulb should be white and dense, and the leaves should be green. It is better to buy it immediately before use in food.

    Vegetables need to be washed thoroughly. This is due to the fact that often due to the structural features of the lower part of the plant, the stems can accumulate a lot of dirt and pebbles. In the process of preparation, the leaves are cut off, the roots are removed. After that, each bulb is cut lengthwise and thoroughly washed under a strong stream of water.

    Salad with chicken

    This light dish is somewhat similar to Caesar salad, but due to the fact that it includes leeks, it turns out to be more tender.

    Cooking process:

    1. 1. The white part of the vegetable (8 pieces) is placed in salted water and boiled for 10 minutes. The finished vegetable is removed with a slotted spoon and washed with cold water.
    2. 2. Chicken fillet (2 pcs.) Fry on both sides in olive oil (1 tablespoon). The meat must be cut into small cubes.
    3. 3. To prepare the dressing, 1 yolk is mixed with mustard (1 tablespoon) and the same amount of olive oil. Parmesan (2 tablespoons) and 1 peeled garlic are added. To the resulting mixture, add apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon) and cream (2 tablespoons). Salt to taste, pepper, mix thoroughly.
    4. 4. The cooled leek is cut lengthwise into 2 parts, laid out on a plate. Pieces of chicken fillet are distributed on top of the vegetable and poured with dressing.
    5. 5. The salad is decorated with parmesan, chopped parsley, crackers.

In the article we are talking about leek - the benefits and harms of the plant. You will learn who should include leeks in their diet and why, and who should abstain. We will give recommendations on self-care, teach you simple ways to improve your health with the help of leek.

Leek is a vegetable crop from the Amaryllis family. What does a leek look like? The photos show a vegetable with a long stem and leaves. The main difference from the onion we are used to is that the leek stem is thicker and fleshy, the feather leaves are large and flat, and the bulb is absent.

Appearance (photo) of leek

Chemical composition

Leek is 90% water and contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magnesium and iron salts.. The essential oil of this plant contains sulfur, proteins, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, thiamine, riboflavin and carotene.

Leek has a unique property that no other vegetable has. During its storage, the content of ascorbic acid in the white stem increases by more than one and a half times.

Benefits of leeks

A natural question that arises for everyone who sees on the counter for the first time: leek: what is the use of this unusual vegetable? Leek is a natural pantry of vitamins and microelements, an excellent alternative to synthetic preparations from a pharmacy. The high content of iron and vitamin C in leeks will help to cope with anemia.

The vegetable fibers of the upper leaves contribute to the normal functioning of the intestines and reduce bloating.

For people with high blood pressure, eating leek will help lower the numbers on the blood pressure monitor, due to the high content of potassium in this vegetable. Phosphorus, magnesium and folic acid in leek are the best friends of accountants and programmers, these trace elements improve memory, increase the ability to concentrate and process large amounts of information.

During seasonal outbreaks of influenza and acute respiratory infections, eating onions will help strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to colds.

Eye health is promoted by the presence of lutein and zeaxanthin in the leek.

Prevention of oncological diseases of the prostate, intestines and ovaries will help quercetin and kaempferol, which are abundant in leeks.

Leek is also a strong herbal aphrodisiac.

Application in cooking

Leek is prepared as an independent dish and used as a condiment.

Knowing the benefits of leeks will give you an extra incentive to use them in your meals. Cooking dishes with leeks does not require special culinary skills. Read more about cooking in.

Simple tips on how to combine the taste and benefits of leek:

  • Vegetable salad with the addition of fresh leek will acquire a pleasant onion taste without sharpness and bitterness.
  • The French add leeks to egg and cheese pie fillings.
  • This type of onion will add spice and flavor to fish and chicken dishes.
  • Sandwiches, soups, sauces with the addition of leeks will get a richer taste and a fair portion of vitamins and minerals.

Application in cosmetology

Adherents of natural recipes actively use leeks to maintain youth and beauty. The benefits of such procedures in the care of the skin of the face, hair, nails and skin of the legs will become apparent after the first time.

Fresh leek puree is added to facial masks, especially for oily skin.

It is useful to rub gruel from this vegetable into the scalp to strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff, the rest of the mass can be applied to the nails, after removing the varnish, and wrap the fingers with a film. Strengthening of the nail plate will become noticeable after a few such procedures.

Grated leeks will help with sunburn, cover the burnt skin with onion mass and leave for an hour for complete pain relief. Calluses will soften if you apply pureed leeks to them overnight, securing with a film.

Application in traditional medicine

Leek is widely used in folk medicine

The appearance of leek in our diet has drawn attention to it as a remedy.. Leek, whose properties are unique, is easy to use, which makes it indispensable for various health problems.

For the treatment of wounds and boils

A simple and effective recipe will help to cope with wounds and boils.


  1. Leek stem - 1 pc.

How to cook: Grind to a smooth slurry.

How to use: Apply the resulting mass to the inflamed area, cover with a film, put gauze and a layer of cotton wool on top. Leave for 6 hours.

Result: Edema and inflammation disappear, pus is drawn to the surface.

From a sore throat

Freshly squeezed onion juice, diluted in equal proportions with water at room temperature, will help to cope with a sore throat.


  1. Freshly squeezed leek juice - 1 part.
  2. Boiled water at room temperature - 1 part.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients.

How to use: Gargle every three hours with this mixture.

Result: Removes pain and inflammation in the throat.

From pneumonia

Even with such a serious disease as pneumonia, leeks can effectively help.


  1. Leek stalk - 1 pc.

How to cook: Blend until pureed and place in a small bowl.

How to use: Lean over a bowl and inhale the onion vapors.

Result: Essential oils containing phytoncides inhibit the activity of pathogenic bacteria when inhaled.

With a cold

To quickly cope with a runny nose is a natural desire of anyone who has ever encountered this unpleasant condition. Try to help yourself by using leeks.


  1. Leek stalk - 1 pc.

How to cook: Grind to a puree and squeeze out the juice.

How to use: Put 2-3 drops into each nostril or soak cotton swabs and insert into the nose.

Result: Discomfort is possible in the first minutes of application, but after several procedures, the state of congestion disappears.

For potency

A proven folk remedy for restoring potency is much more effective than medications.


  1. Leek stem - 1 pc.
  2. Celery stalk - 1 pc.

How to cook: Puree the ingredients with a blender.

How to use b: Take three tablespoons three times a day for 2-3 months.

Result: "Long-lasting" effect guaranteed.


Not everyone can take advantage of the unique properties of leeks by eating them. Who should refrain from a fragrant green vegetable:

  • breastfeeding mothers;
  • children under 1 year old;
  • people with food allergies;
  • people allergic to nickel;
  • people with gastrointestinal diseases.

For more information about leek, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Leek, whose properties are unique, deserves a place on your table.
  2. Make friends with leeks - onions, the benefits of which will be both when eaten, and when used in cosmetology, and for self-treatment.
  3. With certain diseases and characteristics of the body, it is impossible to eat leeks.
  4. Now you know everything about leek, the dangers and benefits of this vegetable.

Leek is a plant that belongs to the bulbous family. Unlike its "brother" - green onions, there is no bulb in the very structure of this species, and besides this, there is a thickening approximately in the lower part of the trunk. The vegetable is endowed with a peculiar aroma, and the long leaves have a dark green tint. As for taste, leek has a sweetish aftertaste and is often used as a fragrant seasoning.

The vegetable gained the greatest popularity in the Mediterranean countries. It is there that he is the main part on the dining table of every family. Salads are prepared from onions, they are used for first courses, and no matter how strange it may seem, it is often used as a filling for gastronomic pies. For many years, the main supplier has been France (it is in this state that onion soups are most appreciated and loved).

In order to further understand the benefits and harms of a vegetable for the human body, one should initially delve into its composition.

Nutritional value per 100 grams of product:

Varieties of leeks

  1. Early variety. Basically, late varieties of vegetables are considered to be the most productive. But the thing is that leeks have a big early harvest. Thus, early varieties are ready for use already at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn. You can identify them by a thin stem. This type does not simply tolerate cold. As for the place of growth, the southern countries are best suited for early varieties;
  2. Varieties of medium maturation. The yield of this species is less than that of the previous one, but the taste is much better. The harvest takes place around mid-September;
  3. late varieties. This species, on the contrary, is not afraid of cold weather and frosty cold. Cultivation takes place preferably in greenhouse conditions. Some people simply transplant the vegetable into a box and wait for it to ripen until frost sets in.

In the event that a person likes to add ordinary green onions to any dishes, then he will definitely like leek, which, in addition to its taste, is also incredibly useful. Thus, this vegetable leaves a huge imprint in medicine. In order to fully understand the benefits of the product, one should consider the diseases in which it is used.

  1. Anemia (low hemoglobin). Due to the high content of iron in the product, it is simply of great importance in the process of stabilizing hemoglobin. Thus, it is leeks that can fight a variety of types of anemia. And taking into account that it also contains vitamin C, iron from the product enters the blood as quickly as possible;
  2. Decreased libido. Leek, as well as garlic, as well as celery, have for many years been considered simply an ideal pathogen. You should mix the ingredients and beat and after a short period of time you can feel the result;
  3. Problems of the digestive system. Due to the peculiar fibrous structure, this vegetable stabilizes the work of the gastric system, distributes beneficial bacteria throughout the intestines and thereby eliminates bloating in the intestines;
  4. Stabilization of high blood pressure. This product is very useful for people who have problems with constant high blood pressure. All due to the presence of potassium in the composition (in its natural form). It is this element that reduces and normalizes pressure;
  5. Problems of the nervous system. Magnesium in combination with phosphorus in the composition of the plant is simply necessary for the human body for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Thus, these components help improve memory and develop the brain to improve concentration. Also, folic acid in the product prevents the appearance of mental retardation in newborns;
  6. Lowering high cholesterol. The product is of particular benefit in atherosclerosis and high cholesterol levels in the blood. And if you reduce the level of cholesterol, then a person can completely avoid the appearance of atherosclerosis.
  7. Inflammatory processes in the body. Leek has a remarkable anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. With the help of it, arthritis and problems associated with the urinary system are often treated;
  8. Respiratory diseases. The presence of essential oils has a calming effect on the entire human body. Thus, leeks simply need to be consumed with the flu or SARS.

In our country, unfortunately, leek is not very common. But, even considering this fact, there are many dishes in which it is used. And even more so, experts in the field of nutrition strongly recommend eating this vegetable, simply replacing ordinary onions in the diet.

Thus, the product can be added to first courses, used as an ingredient for salads, but leek is not used as an independent dish.

This product, in addition to all of the above, can be pickled or dried. It is practically not suitable for conservation, because due to long-term storage, gastronomic qualities deteriorate greatly, which is why it is not even worth experimenting in this direction. But in the dried form, it will remain for a long time and it can be used in the future as a seasoning for a variety of dishes.

Like any other product, leeks also have their downsides. Thus, it is better not to use it fresh for those people who have problems with the digestive system or with the liver. All this is due to the fact that due to the high content of vitamin C, acidity will greatly increase, due to which chronic gastric diseases can worsen.

As for the liver, such a plant becomes dangerous due to the presence of oxalite in the composition. But this applies exclusively to fresh consumption, since when cooked or stewed, the substance evaporates and the vegetable becomes safe for everyone.

  1. Leek has the ability to increase sexual desire. Especially if, when used, it is combined with celery;
  2. If we refer to ancient records, then the builders of the pyramids supported their energy and restored their strength with the help of this vegetable;
  3. In folk medicine, this product is considered a good remedy for headaches. That is, to get rid of a migraine, you just need to smell a piece of onion.

By consuming this product stably in the diet, you can not even think about possible viral diseases, since they simply will not be overtaken now. Be sure to consume a vegetable for health and general appetite.

In ancient times, leeks were revered by different peoples. The ancient Roman gourmet Apicius advised using it as a seasoning and adding it to salads. Emperor Nero used it every day to strengthen the ligaments, and the Egyptian nobles ate leek in large quantities in order to maintain health.

Leek belongs to the same family as onions, shallots, garlic, and green onions. It has a less pungent taste and smell, but a larger size compared to its "brothers".

The composition and calorie content of leek

The energy value of leeks is 32-36 kcal (depending on the maturity and size of the vegetable).

The following useful substances are contained in the greatest amount:

Leek contains flavonoids, especially campferol and sulfur.

The beneficial properties of leeks are due to its composition. Thanks to flavonoids and sulfur-containing nutrients, leeks are an important component in the diet.

Leek has a diuretic effect and cleanses the body - this phenomenon occurs due to the content of water and potassium salts.

Since the leek is also a low-calorie product, it can be consumed by those who are struggling with excess weight and trying to adhere to the rules of a balanced diet. When combined with physical exercise, it speeds up metabolism and dulls hunger.

Vitamins B, K, E and C in onions strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of hypovitaminosis.

Regular consumption of leeks affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The plant contains iron, which ensures the synthesis of hemoglobin. As a result, the risk of developing varicose veins and anemia is reduced. This type of onion contains polyphenols that protect blood vessels and blood cells from oxidation. Epidemiological studies have proven a link between the consumption of foods containing kaempferol and a reduced risk of developing heart disease. The same substance.

Scientists have found a preventive effect in the fight against oncology of various types (in particular, with colorectal cancer). Allicin plays a significant role here - a substance that not only kills harmful bacteria and viruses, but also produces sulfonic acid, which acts as an antioxidant.

Due to the presence of vitamins E and C in leeks, it should be included in the menu for arthritis, gout and rheumatism. These substances restore cartilage tissue, strengthen tendons and ligaments.

Another benefit of leeks is to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Since leek is a valuable source of minerals and macronutrients, its positive effect will also be when applied externally in the form of masks and ointments. So, gruel from crushed leaves has restores and rejuvenates the skin.

In food, only the white stem, called the "leg", is mainly consumed. Green leaves-feathers are eaten only in young plants. In other cases, they can be used to make a fragrant bouquet garni - a bunch of dried herbs, which is used as a seasoning during cooking.

You can use leeks both fresh and heat-treated (i.e. after stewing, frying, boiling). In the first case, it is used for salads and they try to cut it very thinly. If you decide to fry an onion, pay attention to the softness, not the color: the onion has become soft, which means it is ready.

Leek Recipes

Here are a few recipes where leek is one of the key ingredients.

Leek Diet Soup

To prepare 4 servings you will need:

  • leek - 1 pc;
  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter - 100 gr;
  • broth (chicken or vegetable) - 1.5 l;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc;
  • parsley - 1 small bunch;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.


  1. To prepare such a soup, you need to thinly chop the onion stalk into rings, simmer in butter until it becomes more or less soft.
  2. Pour the pre-prepared broth into the pan, a raw chicken egg in a thin stream and season.
  3. Boil for 20 minutes and sprinkle with fresh chopped parsley.

Spring salad with leek and green apple

For 2 servings you will need:

  • leek - 1 pc. small size;
  • green apple - 1 pc;
  • fresh lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • olive oil - 2-3 tablespoons.


  1. Cut the white leg of the leek into thin rings, the apple can be grated or cut into thin slices.
  2. It is necessary to sprinkle the resulting mass with lemon juice and pour olive oil. You can add chopped rosemary or basil if you like.


For 2 servings you will need:

  • leek - 1 stalk;
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs;
  • milk - 100-150 ml;
  • fresh spinach - 60 gr;
  • hard cheese - 20 gr;
  • fresh dill - 10 gr;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.


  1. We cut the onion into thin rings or half rings and fry it in a pan with vegetable oil until soft.
  2. Cut the washed spinach (leaves or small fibers), add it to the onion and leave to simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  3. We drive eggs with milk, add salt and spices. Pour the fried vegetables with the egg mixture, add grated cheese and chopped dill on top.
  4. Cook on low heat for 5-8 minutes.
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