Cough syrup instruction. Self-preparation of medicine at home. What cough helps marshmallow

Full instructions and reviews of the antitussive agent "Bronhikum"

Bronchicum is a herbal medicine sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The drug fights against colds and infectious diseases that are accompanied by a cough. Such as bronchitis, whooping cough or inflammation of the respiratory tract. The syrup contains thyme oil, which has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. This component has expectorant properties, loosens inflammatory deposits, thins sputum and removes it, and also stimulates the activity of the epithelial tissue of the upper respiratory tract.

This remedy can treat any cough and not spend money on additional expensive medicines. Since the syrup is based on plant components, it is absolutely safe not only for adults, but also for children. Thyme increases bronchial secretion, removes phlegm from the trachea and bronchi, and also activates the ciliated epithelium. Primrose root, which is also contained in the syrup, thins and removes phlegm, reduces inflammation, kills bacteria, viruses and fungi. However, the primrose root is only in the elixir, in the syrup there is only thyme extract. The most interesting thing is that the combination of thyme and primrose root not only quickly copes with a cough, but also acts prophylactically on the body, reducing the risk of acute respiratory infections.

Clinical studies of "Bronchicum"

In the course of studies conducted in Germany, the effectiveness of the drug "Bronhikum" against cough has been proven. Scientists selected 150 people who were sick with acute bronchitis, and divided them into two groups: research and control. In addition to the main treatment, the research group was given Bronchicum. The control group was given the same thing, but instead of "Bronchicum" - a placebo. Initially, all patients had cough, wheezing, sputum, shortness of breath, and chest pain. As a result, after 12 days, the research group recovered almost completely. In the control group, only a few people were cured.

Studies were also conducted on children from one year to twelve years. For this, 330 people with acute bronchitis and acute respiratory infections were taken and treated with the study drug for a week. The result was not long in coming. More than half of the children who participated in the experiment went on the mend.

pharmachologic effect

The main active ingredient in the preparation is thyme. Recovery is due to this component. Thyme acts gently and gently, and the effect comes fairly quickly. Pharmaceutical factories produce "Bronhikum" in the form of syrup, lozenges and elixir. The choice depends on the type of cough. At the initial stage, there may be hoarseness and perspiration, lozenges will perfectly cope with these symptoms. The syrup is taken with a dry cough, and the elixir with a wet one. The drug is very versatile, it can be taken at any stage of the course of the disease. At first, when it just starts to tickle in the throat, you can eat a pastille, which will eliminate discomfort and create an enveloping effect. At this stage, "Bronhikum" will have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. If a dry cough appears, you can start taking a syrup that will help overcome the obsessive attacks and make the dry cough wet. When the cough becomes wet, the drug should not be stopped, because it will help to quickly remove sputum from the lungs.

Common thyme as part of antitussive syrup "Bronchicum"

This medicinal spicy-aromatic plant is considered a perennial. In ancient times, the Egyptians made perfume from it and used it for embalming. Roman soldiers took baths with water infused with thyme, in order to have a surge of energy, courage and strength. In the eleventh century, this miracle herb was spread throughout Europe by Benedictine monks. Today, thyme is not just an herb, but also medicine, food, and perfume.

Thyme is able to cure due to the fact that it contains thymol essential oil, which has a bactericidal effect on the pathogenic coccal flora. The bacteriostatic effect of thymol on gram-negative microorganisms is undeniable. Thyme helps with expectoration, thinning sputum and accelerating its evacuation, and it also perfectly envelops the mucous membranes.

Cough syrup Bronchicum

100 ml of syrup contains 15 g of liquid thyme extract. There is also an extractant, consisting of a solution of ammonia - 10%, glycerol - 85%, ethanol - 90% and water. In the role of auxiliary components are: sodium benzoate, rose oil, cherry and honey flavor, invert sugar syrup, citric acid, liquid dextrose and purified water.

Outwardly transparent syrup has a light opalescence of red-brown color with a slight honey smell. It has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antimicrobial and bronchodilator effects, reduces the viscosity of sputum and quickly removes it from the body. Therefore, it is used for coughs, inflammation of the respiratory tract and sputum that is difficult to separate.


"Bronchicum" should not be taken by people with high individual intolerance to some components of the drug, those who have congenital fructose intolerance. Also, the drug is contraindicated in heart disease, children under six months and those who suffer from kidney or liver disease. Since ethyl alcohol is included in the composition, people with alcohol dependence should not drink the medicine. During pregnancy and lactation, it is also better to abandon this drug.

How to use Bronchicum syrup

In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to adhere to a certain scheme that the doctor gives or offers instructions. It is advisable to take the medicine after meals. In general, it is better to buy any medicine after meeting with the doctor. There is no point in prescribing medications on your own. Usually, adolescents and adults are advised to drink 10 ml or two teaspoons of syrup three times a day strictly after meals. For children from six to twelve years old, the dose should be halved, namely, 5 ml can be taken three times a day. Babies from two to six years old are given 5 ml twice a day. Children from one to two years old can take only 2.5 ml three times a day. The smallest, those who are not yet a year old, but are already six months old, should take the syrup twice a day, also 2.5 ml. It is important to drink syrup with the same time interval. How much you have to drink depends on the degree of neglect and the course of the disease.

Side effects

Some people may experience allergic reactions such as swelling, hives, and skin rashes. Sometimes there is nausea, dyspepsia or gastritis. If this happens, it is better to stop taking the drug and go for a consultation with a doctor.

Interaction of "Bronchicum" with other drugs

Do not drink Bronchicum along with other cough medicines. Also, you can not combine the intake of syrup with drugs that reduce sputum, because the process of coughing up liquefied sputum will slow down.

Release form

The syrup is sold in bottles of 100 ml. The plastic screw-on cover has the controller of the first opening. A plastic dispenser cup and instructions for use are also put in a cardboard box.

How is Bronchicum different from other drugs?

This drug has a complex effect against cough, promoting expectoration and destruction of microbes. It has been clinically proven that Bronchicum is not only safe, but also very effective. It not only treats, but also provides prevention. Since the medicine consists of plants, it can be safely given to children. The syrup can be given from six months, and the elixir - from a year. It is relatively inexpensive. There are drugs that are more expensive. Pastilles will cost 180 rubles. A syrup or elixir costs about 300 rubles.

Reviews for cough syrup Bronchicum

Everyone knows that the number of opinions depends on the number of people. The drug "Bronhikum" is generally liked by the people. Its pleasant taste and quite democratic cost attracts.

Review #1: My baby was one year old, a week later he got sick. Apparently after vaccination, immunity did not have time to get stronger. Before, he had nothing but a runny nose. And now there was a whole bunch: red throat, cough and stuffy nose. An indifferent and not very qualified doctor works in our children's clinic, who prescribes Aquamaris and Nazivin to everyone. After these drugs, the situation only becomes more complicated. In order to find a good pediatrician, you need to beat a bunch of thresholds and pay a lot of money. For a child, a special patient, nothing is a pity. So I called the doctor to the house. He advised not to do inhalations, because they can lower the inflammation below and a common cold will turn into bronchitis or tracheitis. Snot is also desirable not to suck, because the nose needs moisture. In addition, mechanical elimination can damage the mucous membrane. In general, some doctors prescribe, while others refute everything. As in that cartoon: "The patient is more likely alive ...". It is not clear what parents who are far from medicine should do. Whom to listen and whom to trust? Experience makes us knowledgeable, over time we begin to understand what helps a child and what is a banal sinking of money. For a cough, the doctor called to the house prescribed Bronchicum syrup, which had to be given for five days. But after three days, everything went away with my son and I stopped the treatment. I was satisfied, now I will only buy this medicine. It is inexpensive, so you can take for the whole family. And the nose passed by itself, apparently the syrup relieved inflammation, which was the source of all ailments.

Review #2: For me, the most important thing in a medicine is not the cost, taste or texture, but the effectiveness. If the drug does not help, why buy it? Pay only for quality products. My daughter coughed at nine months. It is very scary when such crumbs get sick. Don't know what to do or how to help. In such situations, one should not give vent to panic, one must gather strength and resolutely fight back the disease. To do this, you should contact a good experienced pediatrician, even if it will not be cheap. The price in this matter is a secondary matter. We had such a familiar doctor, so I immediately rushed to the phone to make an appointment. He listened to wheezing, looked at his throat and prescribed Bronchicum syrup. This drug is of plant origin, so it is quite possible to give it to babies. The baby drank it with pleasure, because it tastes sweet. Sometimes I added it to tea or water, liquids - that also needs to be taken a lot. Some children may develop allergies, so you should not prescribe this medicine on your own. I recommend this drug to everyone, it perfectly removes phlegm and makes breathing easier.

Review #3: Colds are common in autumn. Getting your feet wet, getting caught in the rain or strong wind is not difficult. Last autumn we got sick with the whole family. Worst of all suffered the disease me and my son. Our cough was terrible. I had to go to the pharmacy three times. The first campaign was crowned with the fact that I bought a medicine that was quite expensive, but it could not be given to a one-year-old child. The second time I went in order to buy additional drugs for the baby. The third trip took place after a visit to the doctor, who had to be called to the house. So as not to go to the hospital with the whole crowd. What I bought myself, I had to partly throw away, because the specialist said that many drugs are incompatible. He recommended that instead of several cough medicines, buy one, but very effective Bronchicum syrup. And he turned out to be completely right. A few days later, there was no trace of the cough.

"Gelisal" - cough syrup: instructions, application, reviews

Cough becomes one of the most unpleasant symptoms of many diseases. Unlike other signs of pathology, this problem can be treated separately. For therapy, tablets, syrups, suspensions, drops, powders and solutions for inhalation can be used. One of the effective drugs was Gelisal (cough syrup). Instructions for its use will be presented to your attention in the article. You will also learn about how to use the composition. Separately, it must be said about the reviews that the drug "Gelisal" (cough syrup) has.

The composition of the medicinal product

About the drug "Gelisal" (syrup) reviews are mostly good. Positive opinions are based on the composition of the medication. It contains only natural plant ingredients. The basis for the medicine was the extract of field ivy. 5 milliliters of the drug contains almost 29 mg of the described substance.

Also in the cough preparation there are additional components. These are purified water, ethanol, sorbitol, propylene glycol, potassium sorbate, flavors and so on. The composition is produced in a bottle of 100 milliliters, on the facade of which the name "Gelisal" is indicated - cough syrup. The instruction is present in each package of medicine.

Indications for therapy

In what cases is it necessary to take Gelisal syrup? The instruction reports the following indications:

  • inflammatory processes in the upper and lower parts of the respiratory system;
  • bronchitis chronic and acute;
  • tracheobronchitis, laryngitis;
  • asthma and bronchiectasis;
  • bronchospasm with difficulty in expectoration of sputum, and so on.

Often the drug is used in complex therapy, but can also be used independently.

Limitations and Unforeseen Reactions

When is it worth limiting or completely eliminating the drug "Gelisal" (cough syrup)? The instruction says that a contraindication to treatment are situations where there is an increased sensitivity to the components. The use of the drug during pregnancy is contraindicated due to the content in it of substances that adversely affect the fetus. With hereditary fructose intolerance, the medication should be replaced with analogues without its content.

The tool rarely causes negative reactions. Usually this happens with independent and uncontrolled use. Side effects include digestive problems such as diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Less common are allergic reactions, which are eliminated with the help of antihistamine formulations and withdrawal of therapy.

How to use

About the medicine "Gelisal" (cough syrup), the instruction says that it is used only after meals. According to consumer reviews, the constituent drugs may irritate the gastric mucosa somewhat. Particularly sensitive people strongly feel this process. The medication is taken undiluted. However, in special situations, you can dilute the syrup with a little plain water or juice.

The dosage of the medicine is always determined by the doctor. In this case, the doctor takes into account the age of the patient and the strength of the manifestation of symptoms. If the doctor did not give individual recommendations, then cough syrup is taken according to the annotation "Gelisal". The instruction establishes the following portions of the drug for patients:

  • children after 12 months and up to the age of 5 years, the syrup is prescribed 2.5 milliliters twice a day;
  • after 5 and up to 10 years, a single dose of the drug remains the same (2.5 ml), but the frequency of use increases to 3;
  • for adult patients, the solution is recommended to use 5 milliliters up to three times a day.

Babies under the age of one year, the medicine is prescribed only after consulting a doctor and comparing the benefits and risks. It is forbidden to exceed the indicated dosage on your own. The duration of application of the composition, recommended by the instructions, is one week. However, on the recommendation of a doctor, this period can be increased. You need to take the composition for another 2-3 days after the disappearance of symptoms.

Interaction with other drugs

What else does the instruction tell the patient about the preparation "Gelisal" (cough syrup)? The summary contains a paragraph on the interaction of the described agent with other drugs. It is not necessary to take antitussive formulations simultaneously with the indicated syrup. This can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition and the occurrence of a strong inflammatory process.

It is not recommended to prescribe drugs that irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines simultaneously with the described remedy. This remedy for the treatment of cough enhances the effectiveness of the latter. As a result, the patient may develop gastritis.

Do not use the suspension simultaneously with sorbents. If you need to use them, you need to take a break of at least two hours. Otherwise, you simply will not get the effect of the treatment.

special instructions

The medicine "Gelisal" (cough syrup for children) contains fructose and other sugars. That is why during the reception, the level of this substance in the blood may increase. People with diabetes should be aware of this fact.

In its composition, the drug contains ethanol. With simultaneous driving, this substance is prohibited and can be detected during laboratory diagnostics. For people suffering from alcohol dependence, the medicine is contraindicated.

With an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer, the described suspension may worsen the patient's condition. Before using in this situation, you should consult a doctor.

The drug "Gelisal" (cough syrup): reviews of consumers and physicians

The opinions of patients about this remedy are mostly positive. Consumers are satisfied with the use of the described cough remedy. They report that already on the second day after proper administration, a positive effect is noted. The cough, which used to be dry and more like spasms, becomes wet. The person begins to cough productively.

Doctors report that the composition of the drug is natural. That is why it is among the safest. Field ivy extract in combination with additional components helps to thin thick bronchial mucus. The drug also has an expectorant effect. As a result, sputum begins to separate from the walls of the bronchial tree and rushes up. About the medicine "Gelisal" (cough syrup for children), the reviews are also good because it can make it wet from a dry and unproductive spasm. Children with great pleasure use the described composition, as it has a pleasant unobtrusive taste. To enhance the effect of treatment, doctors recommend drinking more fluids during therapy.


You have learned about the medicine "Gelisal" syrup for children. Instructions for the drug, reviews and recommendations for use are presented to your attention. Remember that all antitussives should only be used as prescribed by the doctor after a preliminary examination. This will help you avoid side effects and unpleasant complications. Follow the scheme and dose of the drug prescribed by the specialist, do not make your own adjustments to the therapy. Health to you!

"Gerbion: plantain", cough syrup: instructions

Cough is essentially a protective reaction of the body to some irritants that are in the airways. Such agents include foreign body, mucus, pus and sputum. In many cases, coughing is a symptom of a cold. A similar phenomenon may be accompanied by mild acute respiratory infections and severe pneumonia. The symptom indicates the development of an oncological, infectious or viral disease of the respiratory system, as well as the mediastinum. Very often, in the treatment of certain diseases, plantain cough syrup "Gerbion" is prescribed.

The composition of the drug

"Gerbion: Plantain", cough syrup, as a rule, has a natural composition. It is often prescribed for colds in adults and children. The composition of the syrup includes:

  1. Vitamin C.
  2. A mixture of aqueous liquid extracts of mallow flowers and lanceolate plantain leaves.
  3. Auxiliary components, including orange oil, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, sucrose.

What is "Gerbion: Plantain", cough syrup

This drug is available in glass containers made of dark glass. Such material allows you to save the medicinal properties of the composition. Plantain cough syrup, the instructions for which are always attached, is a liquid that has a reddish-brown tint.

The drug has a rather specific aroma and taste. Children are happy to take such a drug. After all, the plantain syrup "Gerbion" has a sweetish aftertaste.

If a slight precipitate has formed at the bottom of the container with the drug, then you should not worry. Similar processes are allowed in medicines made from components of natural origin.

How does psyllium syrup work?

The drug "Gerbion" allows you to reduce cough in some diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by an inflammatory process. In addition, the drug protects the mucous membranes. Plantain syrup is recommended for dry cough to soften it. This drug can be given to children, but only after consulting a doctor.

Mucous components of plant extracts form a very thin film. It is she who protects the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract from all kinds of irritants. As a result, the urge to cough becomes much less. "Gerbion: plantain" (cough syrup) has a moderate antibacterial effect. The extract of this plant can significantly reduce inflammation localized in the upper respiratory tract.

Ascorbic acid, which is part of the drug, takes an active part in almost all metabolic processes that occur in the human body. This includes the formation of hemoglobin, the reaction of collagen synthesis, redox processes, as well as the stimulation of cell regeneration and an increase in the immune response.

When to Take Syrup

The drug "Gerbion" is essentially a phytopreparation. Therefore, it is very often prescribed in the complex treatment of many diseases caused by the inflammatory process of the respiratory tract, which are often accompanied by a strong cough.

In addition, plantain syrup can be taken in other cases. The drug perfectly copes with dry cough, which smokers often suffer from. Of course, plantain syrup is not capable of completely eliminating the symptom, but it improves the general condition.

Dosages of the drug

Plantain cough syrup, the price of which is from 280 to 320 rubles, should be taken orally. You can drink the drug not only with clean water, but also with tea. The dosage of the drug depends on the severity of the disease, as well as on the age of the patient. As a rule, the required amount of syrup is determined by the attending physician. Usually the drug is prescribed:

If the child is under 4 years old, then "Gerbion: plantain" (cough syrup) should be used with extreme caution and only after consulting with specialists.

Who should not take psyllium syrup

Although the drug "Gerbion" is a herbal preparation, in some cases it is not recommended to take it. You should not use the drug for those who:

  1. Deficiency of sucrose-isomaltase.
  2. Malabsorption syndrome of substances such as galactose and glucose.
  3. Congenital individual fructose intolerance.

During lactation and pregnancy, it is also not recommended to take psyllium cough syrup, since there is only limited information about the safety of this drug. Do not forget that the drug has side effects. As a rule, such phenomena manifest themselves in the form of an allergic reaction. If any side effect occurs, you should consult a doctor.

A child's illness always causes a storm of emotions in parents. If he has a cough that does not give the baby peace, then the doctor prescribes a drug that can cope with this phenomenon. But how do you know that this remedy will be effective and safe. Indeed, today there are many new products, the effect of which is not always clear and known. Syrups are often prescribed as cough medicines.

Composition, forms of release and its action

One of the most effective and proven drugs is "Ascoril" - a mucolytic agent with an expectorant and bronchodilatory effect. They can cure quite complex diseases.

This is a combination product containing four active active ingredients: bromhexine, salbutamol, menthol and guaifenesin. Their ratio is chosen in such a way that these medicinal substances act simultaneously, complementing each other:

Thanks to these components, Ascoril can be used for dry and wet coughs. But still more often it is used to ensure that the dry form of cough quickly turns into a wet one. This syrup is suitable for the treatment of chronic respiratory diseases, and is also used for their acute manifestations. Here you can read whether ascoril is used for laryngitis in children.

Release forms

The tablet version is widely used. It comes in the form of white round pills with a score line in the middle for easy use if a half dose is to be given. Available in packs of 10 and 20 tablets.

Their main ingredients are: guaifenesin, bromhexine hydrochloride and salbutamol. Additional include: silicon dioxide, methyl paraben, calcium hydrogen phosphate, purified talc, magnesium stearate and corn starch.

The drug is also available in the form of a syrup - an apricot-colored liquid with a pleasant taste. The volume of one vial is 100 ml.

Main active ingredients: bromhexine hydrochloride, menthol, guaifenesin and salbutamol. Auxiliary are: sodium benzoate, glycerol, microdoses of sucrose, propylene glycol, sorbitol, purified water, citric and sorbic acid, dye and flavors.

Application of the drug

Ascoril is used for many diseases of the bronchi and lungs, accompanied by the formation of thick sputum, which is difficult to expectorate. These diseases include:

  • acute and chronic inflammation of the bronchi, as well as their obstruction;
  • lung atelectasis, in which the alveoli at the ends of the bronchi collapse;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • whooping cough (here you can read what to do if the cough does not go away after whooping cough);
  • pneumoconiosis is a lung disease. It can be caused by constant inhalation of dust. For example, in production. In this case, the lung tissue is replaced by a harmful connective tissue.;
  • emphysema of the lungs - the disease is associated with a progressive expansion of their tissue, which is associated with the malfunction of individual alveoli;
  • bronchiectasis - the formation in the bronchial system of some extensions that fill with pus.

The video talks about Ascoril cough syrup:


Ascoril should be carefully taken by people with hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. During pregnancy and lactation, it is better to stop using the medicine. You can breastfeed your baby, only two days after its use. The dose of this drug is prescribed by the doctor, and also recommends the duration of admission.

For adults

Most often, the dosage of the syrup is 10 ml for a single use, and you need to drink it three times a day. This is the minimum dose, therefore, if necessary, it is increased, during the course the doctor has the right to adjust it at his own discretion.

Adults take tablets one at a time, also three times. For treatment, under certain conditions, they also use ammonia anise cough drops, Hexoral cough spray, Gerbion for dry cough (here you can see the instructions) and others.

For kids

Ascoril is often used to treat babies. But if the child has a lot of liquid sputum, then the drug should not be prescribed. It can aggravate the situation and fill all the airways with excess fluid. With a dry cough with viscous and poorly lagging sputum, it is simply necessary. The drug stimulates its fastest output to the outside. This process is called transient, in which an unproductive cough becomes productive. Tablets are not recommended for children under 6 years of age, they will be completely replaced by syrup. For one-year-old crumbs, it is not prescribed. The course of admission is from five to seven days.

Syrup dosage:

  • children under six years of age drink 5 ml;
  • from six to 12 years - 5 - 10 ml.

The syrup must be taken three times a day.

For children over 6 years of age, 0.5 pills are prescribed 2 to 3 times a day.

Both forms of the drug should be taken on a full stomach, no later than an hour after eating. In order not to reduce the medicinal properties of the drug, it should not be washed down with alkaline solutions (milk with soda or mineral water with bicarbonate).

The drug can be considered one of the best remedies for dry cough in children. Here you can find the names of other cough syrups for children. They also use folk remedies. For example, you can breathe over potatoes when you cough. The link describes how to stop a coughing fit at night.

Side effects

Mainly, its reception is influenced by individual intolerance to its constituent components. Some people who take it have experienced headaches, nervousness, sleep disturbance, and cramps in the arms and legs. Exacerbation of the duodenum and stomach ulcers is possible if these diseases are chronic.

Allergic reactions may occur in the form of a change in complexion, urine, or shortness of breath. If such reactions occur, then treatment with the drug should be discontinued.

Contraindications for the use of Ascoril include the following diseases:

  • aortic stenosis;
  • arrhythmia;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • violation of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • myocarditis.

It categorically cannot be taken by pregnant women, the threat to the health of the baby is too great. Ascoril is widely used for the treatment of respiratory organs in various inflammatory processes. It effectively and quickly eliminates dry cough and perfectly removes phlegm.

It can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. The average price of a pack of tablets, consisting of 10 pieces, is 230 rubles, from 20 pills - 260 rubles, from 50 - 540 rubles. And the cost of the syrup is 250 r.

In the wild, there are many medicinal plants that effectively help with coughing. All kinds of medicines are prepared from them both at home and in the factory. Very often, the raw material for preparations is marshmallow, cough syrup, instructions for use will tell in detail about the merits of this plant.

Benefits of marshmallow for cough

The healing properties of marshmallow were known to the ancient Greek healers. Therefore, they called the plant "healing." Useful substances are found in all parts of this perennial herbaceous plant. But most of them are concentrated in the roots and rhizomes.

They have:

  • mucous substances;
  • starch;
  • lecithin;
  • amino acids, including essential ones;
  • vitamin C;
  • fatty acid;
  • carotenes;
  • pectins;
  • vitamins;
  • macro- and microelements.

Roots and rhizomes after removing the top layer are white, fleshy. The taste is sweet. If the root is crushed and poured with warm water, then it turns into a gelatinous mass and can be used as an enveloping agent.

The roots are used in pharmacology to obtain an extract, infusion, syrup. Given the fact that the plant has a high enveloping ability, they are treated with stomach ulcers and gastritis.

Flowers help with diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

The benefits of Marshmallow officinalis for coughing have been known for a very long time. Dried crushed grass is the basis of the drug mucoltin, which belongs to the proven mucolytic agents.

The roots and rhizomes of the plant are used in the treatment of many diseases of the respiratory system, for example:

  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • throat diseases.

Particularly effective in inflammation of the respiratory tract marshmallows, syrup from the application is given below. For use in the industrial production of medicines, highly productive plant varieties are sown.

Althea root syrup, indications for use

Althea root syrup is a natural herbal preparation. It contains:

  • extract of roots and rhizomes;
  • water;
  • sucrose;
  • sodium benzoate.

Indications for treatment with marshmallow syrup are primarily diseases with a cough of various nature with thick, dense sputum:

  • asthma;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cough of various nature;
  • bronchitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pneumonia.

Getting on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, the syrup forms a layer of mucus. It contributes not only to faster sputum discharge, but also enhances the effect of other drugs.

This remedy is prescribed for stomach and duodenal ulcers, it is especially effective with high acidity.

An allergy to the drug is possible. In this case, the medication should be stopped. Marshmallow, cough syrup, instructions for use provides for the use of the drug for different categories of patients.

Althea syrup during pregnancy

During the period of expectation of a child, any infection or cold can negatively affect not only the health of the woman, but also the development of the unborn fetus. For the same reason, it is necessary to carefully select drugs for the treatment of expectant mothers. This applies to any disease, including those that are accompanied by a cough.

Direct contraindications for women in position are not indicated in the instructions for use. However, it must be remembered that the fetus is most vulnerable in the first third of the term. During this period, it is better to refuse the treatment of cough with marshmallow and other drugs. In some cases, in the first three months it is possible with the help of auxiliary means:

  • chicken broth;
  • warm milk;
  • onion jam;

If an unpleasant symptom torments a pregnant woman in the II and III trimester, then treatment with marshmallow syrup can be started after consultation with the doctor who is in charge of the pregnancy.

Marshmallow cough for children up to a year

If you carefully study the instructions for the syrup from the roots of marshmallow, then it does not indicate that the age of up to a year is a contraindication to use. Marshmallow, cough syrup, instructions for use does not prohibit the treatment of infants.

However, it states that an allergic reaction is a contraindication to taking the drug. It is babies up to a year that are most prone to allergies. At this age, they have a very limited set of foods in their diet. Prior to the introduction of complementary foods, the only source of nutrition for most infants is breast milk. Therefore, when treating with marshmallow syrup, there may be difficulties with digestion.

Parents should consult a doctor before using marshmallow syrup to treat cough in children under one year of age.

Perhaps the doctor will recommend marshmallow syrup in an amount of no more than a few drops per dose, depending on the weight of the patient and his condition. Maybe he'll prescribe another drug. Also, a baby up to a year old can be inhaled with a nebulizer, using physical for them. solution. In any case, the treatment of infants for coughing is carried out after a medical examination. It is in this that it is indicated that from the age of 3, photo:

Is it possible to use marshmallow syrup for children per year

Children over one year old are somewhat easier to treat for cough than up to one year of age. This is due to the fact that they are less prone to allergic reactions, they already have a lot of different foods in their diet. For children a year old, you can already use marshmallow syrup after consulting a specialist.

Althea syrup helps with dry cough and reduces the time of wet cough treatment. The amount of the drug at one time can be from 1/2 to a whole teaspoon for children of one year of age. The medicine can be given 3-4 times a day. The recommended duration of treatment should not be less than a week and longer than two weeks.

If red spots, rash and (or) itching appear, Marshmallow should be stopped.

Auxiliary measures will shorten the period of treatment of one-year-old children for diseases accompanied by cough:

  • ventilation of the room for games and sleep;
  • wet cleaning;
  • moderate air humidity;
  • decrease in room temperature.

Pharmacy and home medicines from marshmallow for children

If a child of preschool and school age has a dry cough, then marshmallow medicines will help him. For children, you can buy both pharmacy syrup and cook it at home. Up to 12 years, a single dose of syrup should not exceed a teaspoon, and over 12 years old, a tablespoon of the drug can be given at a time.

Many consumers are wary of the content of sodium benzoate in pharmacy syrup. Today, many foreign scientists consider this substance a harmful food additive. They recommend that manufacturers remove this compound from products designed for children.

Parents who do not trust ready-made drugs can prepare the medicine themselves.

If Marshmallow officinalis grows in the region, its roots can be prepared independently. Do it in the spring and always in an ecologically clean place. The roots are dug carefully, the thick main root and small roots are separated. Leave the lateral roots, wash them, remove the top layer. Dry in the shade outdoors. Stored in cardboard boxes.

If it is not possible to prepare the roots yourself, then they are bought at a pharmacy.

For children, the medicine is prepared as follows:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of well-chopped roots with a glass of water, boiled and cooled to 30 degrees.
  2. Leave for one hour. Strain and squeeze out the contents.
  3. Add a spoonful of honey or sugar.

Give your child a tablespoon every three hours. In addition, with this infusion, but without honey, you can wash your eyes if the disease is accompanied by their inflammation.

Is it possible to give children and pregnant marshmallow cough syrup, instructions for use do not give a direct answer. However, it does not prohibit the use of the drug by patients from these categories.

Save the information.

Many different cough medicines are available, parents always prefer products based on natural ingredients to treat children, since such medicines cause less side effects and have fewer contraindications. One of these medicines is Linkas cough syrup, the instructions for children to which should be considered more carefully to determine whether the drug is suitable or not.

Instructions for the drug - composition

Linkas cough syrup is a drug that improves expectoration, sputum discharge, has an anti-inflammatory effect, based on natural ingredients. In addition to syrup, this product is available in the form of lozenges with various flavors.

The syrup is used for various inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, bronchitis, tracheitis, influenza viruses, various bacterial infections, colds, accompanied by cough with difficulty in sputum. The drug is used as part of the systemic therapy of diseases.

The composition of the active ingredients of the drug includes exclusively natural ingredients, the basis is extracts of licorice root, medicinal marshmallow, violet, long pepper and others. All of these natural remedies have long been used to treat coughs in children and adults.

Important! Before using the medicine, you should consult with your doctor.

How much is Linkas syrup

Syrup is produced in dark glass bottles, the average price of syrup is from 130 to 200 rubles, depending on the pharmacy chain. Over time, the cost of the drug may change.

Store the drug at room temperature, it is better to remove the opened vial in a cool place. The shelf life of the drug as a whole is up to three years, the shelf life after opening the vial is up to six months.

The main country producing this drug is Pakistan, in other countries Linkas is not specifically produced, but you can find its direct and indirect analogues.

What kind of cough helps?

This drug is advised to take when a wet cough occurs, especially when it is difficult to expectorate sputum. The substances contained in the medicine help thin the sputum, increase the cough and provoke its active exit from the lungs. Therefore, the drug is not prescribed immediately from the onset of the disease, usually it is switched to when expectoration occurs.

Linkas from dry cough should not be used, since this remedy increases cough. With a dry cough, sputum has not yet begun to form and accumulate in the lungs, so the medicine will only provoke seizures and worsen the patient's condition.

At what age can you take

Many parents are interested in whether this drug is suitable for infants. The official instructions for use say that the medicine can be used from six months, but dosages must be strictly observed. Also, in very young children, treatment is advised to take place under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Important! At the same time, Linkas lozenges are allowed only for adults and older children, they should not replace syrup.

How to take the remedy - dosage

The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the person, it should not be violated. The course of treatment lasts from one week, sometimes it can last longer, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease. Syrup is usually taken in children and adults as follows:

  1. Children from six months to three years old are given half a teaspoon of syrup up to three per day.
  2. Children from three to eight years old are given one teaspoon up to three times a day.
  3. From eight to eighteen years old, give one teaspoon up to four times a day.

Adults can take two teaspoons up to four times daily. If desired, the drug after taking it can be washed down with a glass of water, it is advised to take the medicine after a meal.

Reception during pregnancy

At the moment, the required studies on the safety of taking the drug in pregnant women have not been conducted, therefore, according to the official instructions for the syrup, it is not recommended to take it while carrying a child. There are enough analogues of this remedy that are acceptable during pregnancy.

During lactation, this drug is also not advised, the safety of the drug in this case has not been proven. In extreme cases, at the time of taking the syrup, it is advised to stop breastfeeding.


Despite the safety of the drug, several contraindications should be considered. First of all, you should not use the drug with hypersensitivity, allergies to the components of the drug - extracts of various medicinal plants.

Important! Also, you should not take Linkas at the same time as cough suppressants, these drugs will conflict with each other. You should also not combine the medicine with other cough medicines.


Cases of overdose are usually not detected, even with excessive use of the drug, various symptoms occur extremely rarely. However, if symptoms of intoxication occur due to too much of the drug, it is advised to do a gastric lavage and take activated charcoal.

Side effects rarely occur, usually they manifest themselves as allergic reactions, skin rashes, itching, urticaria. In this case, treatment with syrup should be stopped, consult a doctor. Symptomatic therapy may be prescribed.


The syrup has a number of direct and indirect analogues, most of them can be used for children. However, it is worth remembering that the analogues are still slightly different in action from the drug itself, so you need to read the instructions and choose the most suitable drug. The most common analogues are:

  • Herbion syrup for wet cough;
  • Travisil;
  • Mukaltin tablets and others.

In general, Linkas syrup is one of the safest and most affordable cough medicines that can be taken without restrictions by children. It is only important to strictly follow the instructions.

The list was created for a general acquaintance with the existing modern drugs, the main task of which is to transform an unproductive cough into a productive one.

List and names of dry cough syrups

Althea syrup. Refers to vegetable syrups for dry cough and other ENT diseases. The drug is characterized not only by anti-inflammatory, but also by an expectorant effect. Developed from the root of the plant. It also contains sodium benzoate, purified water and sucrose.

Indications for use - prolonged pathology of the respiratory system. In the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the syrup, intolerance to fructose or glucose-galactose malabsorption, it is forbidden to use this syrup.

Dosage and administration: for children up to a year old, one teaspoon of the drug dissolved in one glass of warm water is prescribed. For adults and children over 12 years of age - a tablespoon of the drug in 0.5 liters of water. The syrup is taken after meals. There should be 4-5 doses per day. The duration of treatment is approximately two weeks.

Licorice syrup. One of the most common cough medicines. An expectorant that facilitates the process of excretion of sputum. In connection with the properties that the main component has - licorice root, the drug has a number of contraindications for use:

  • the presence of viscous sputum;
  • violations of the kidneys;
  • obesity 3 or 4 degrees;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • individual intolerance.

The daily dose of syrup for children from one year to 3 years - no more than 20 ml; from 4 to 9 years - 7.5 ml-22.5 ml; from 10 to 12 years - 22.5-40 ml; adults are prescribed from 45 to 60 milliliters. The drug can not be diluted, it is enough to drink plenty of warm water. The multiplicity of reception is 3-4 times a day.

Omnitus. The main component of the drug is butamirate. The agent contributes to the inhibition of effects on the cough center and a decrease in the cough reflex. Contraindications are the period of breastfeeding, the first trimester of pregnancy and individual intolerance to the components. Also, the medicine is not prescribed for children under 3 years of age.

The daily dose depends on age: children from 3 to 6 weighing less than 22 kg are prescribed 10 ml 3-4 times a day; from 6 to 9 years (22-30 kg) - 15 ml of syrup; adults are recommended to take 30 ml.

Side effects include slight dizziness, nausea, and intestinal upset.

Stodal. Homeopathic medicine that helps get rid of dry cough. Dosage: children under 12 years old - 5 ml of syrup 2 times a day; adults - 15 ml three times a day. The course of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease and is determined by a specialist.

There is no information on overdose. To avoid undesirable consequences, you should not prescribe doses yourself.

Dry cough syrups for children

Cough is one of the most common symptoms in children, regardless of age. It can be wet or dry and allergic, bacterial or viral in nature. Violent bouts of coughing exhaust children. In addition, dry cough is very dangerous. It is accompanied by severe headaches, high fever, an increase in the size of the lymph nodes. When the first symptoms appear, medical attention is needed.

Modern medicine offers many effective syrups that help relieve coughing fits and thin phlegm. The choice of drug depends on the age of the child. Do not self-medicate. Only a qualified specialist will be able to choose the most effective remedy that will not harm the baby.

The most effective and safe syrup for dry cough up to 1 year - Gedelix. It is based on plant components and has an antispasmodic effect. The active element of the syrup is ivy extract. Within a few days, coughing fits noticeably decrease.

According to the instructions, children under one year of age should take the drug once a day, 2.5 ml. However, the doctor may prescribe a different dosage, depending on the condition of the baby.

Storage conditions: the drug must be stored out of the reach of small children at a temperature of 5 to 25°C. The closed vial is stored for 4 years. Once opened, it is allowed to be taken within 6 months.

Ambrobene- dry cough syrup from a year. The drug is prescribed for acute bronchitis, asthma, pathologies of the respiratory system. The syrup helps to increase the mucociliary transport of sputum.

To take the drug, it is recommended to use a special measuring cup: for children from one to two years old - 2.5 ml (half a cup) twice a day; 2-6 years - 0.5 cup three times a day; 6-12 years - 5 ml two / three times a day. Also, the drug can be taken by adults. A single dose is 10 ml (two cups) 3 times a day. The syrup is taken after meals. For maximum effectiveness in the treatment process, it is advisable to drink plenty of fluids.

Shelf life - 5 years. An open vial can be stored for a year. After this period, the use of syrup is strictly prohibited.

Dry cough syrups for children from 2 years old:

  • Herbion. The drug helps to relieve inflammation in the respiratory tract, providing an antibacterial and enveloping effect. The basis is an aqueous extract of plantain. The drug is taken three times a day. Children from 2 to 10 years old - 5 ml, adults - 10 ml. Syrup intake does not depend on food intake;
  • Linkas. Developed with botanical ingredients. For children under 3 years of age, the recommended single dose is 0.5 teaspoon (3 times a day); from 3 to 8 years - a teaspoon (three times a day); 8-18 years old - a teaspoon (4 times); adults - 2 teaspoons (3 times);
  • Pertussin. It is an expectorant drug. The active substances are thyme extract and potassium bromide. The drug calms the central nervous system, muffles coughing attacks. For children under 3 years of age, syrup is prescribed three times a day for half a teaspoon. With regards to interaction with other drugs, it is worth noting that the drug is not allowed to be taken with syrups that are used to treat a wet cough.

Dry cough syrups for children from 3 years old:

  • Doctor Mom. Helps to improve the productivity of cough, facilitates the process of sputum discharge. Dosage: children from 3 years old are recommended to take 2.5 ml of the drug three times a day after meals, if necessary, the syrup can be diluted with a small amount of warm water; adults - 1 measuring cup three times a day;
  • Synekod. The active substance of the drug is butamirate. The syrup has a bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is taken three times a day: children from 3 to 6 years old - 5 ml; from 6 to 12 - 10 ml; from 12 - 15 ml. According to reviews, the syrup helps relieve cough and removes sputum as soon as possible;

  • Lazolvan. The active ingredient is ambroxol hydrochloride. Children from 3 to 7 years old are recommended to take 2.5 ml of syrup three times a day; from 7 to 12 years - 10 ml (5 ml 2/3 times a day); from 12 years - 30 ml (10 ml 3 times a day).

Dry cough syrups for adults

Today, there are many effective drugs designed to combat cough. The leading positions are occupied by syrups. They can be purchased without a prescription, they have a pleasant aroma and taste.

The most popular modern drugs are:

  • Ascoril. The drug contains guaifenesin, salbutamol, bromhexidine. Eliminates spasms, has an antitussive effect. Doses: adults - 10 ml of the drug three times a day; children from 6 to 12 years old - 5/10 ml 3 times a day; children under six years old - 5 ml 3 times a day;
  • Codelac. Substances of the drug penetrate into the infected body, and begin to act after half an hour. Promotes stimulation of mucous secretion of the bronchi, which leads to the excretion of sputum. Patients who represent the adult age group take 3 teaspoons of syrup at a time. Multiplicity of reception - 4 times a day. It is strictly forbidden to dilute the drug or drink it with water. The syrup is prescribed for children 3-6 years old - a teaspoon three times a day; 6-12 years old - 2 tsp 3 times, over 12 years old - 3 teaspoons each;
  • Plantain syrup is an old proven remedy that still helps to get rid of a dangerous dry cough. The active ingredients of the syrup destroy pathogenic bacteria and remove sputum. The syrup is used regardless of the meal. Dosage: adults - two teaspoons 3/5 times a day; children from 7 to 14 years old - the same amount of the drug, but three times a day; from 2 to 7 years - one teaspoon.

Dry cough requires mandatory treatment. To speed up the healing process and find effective methods of therapy, you should undergo an examination.

Very often, a cough becomes a real test, both for the child and for his parents, and then marshmallow syrup comes to the rescue.

This is an excellent herbal remedy that fights an unpleasant symptom in a short time better than many expensive drugs.

The main advantage of the remedy is its natural origin, thanks to which it is safe and has a small number of contraindications.

Composition and medicinal properties

The main active ingredient of the drug is marshmallow extract. The composition also includes auxiliary substances - sucrose, sodium benzoate and purified water.

which is especially important for young children, and has a specific smell.

Marshmallow officinalis is a perennial herbaceous plant that has been valued for many years due to its medicinal properties. It contains a large amount of mucous substances, useful macro- and microelements, vitamin C, essential oil. The following medicinal properties of Althea root should be highlighted:

  1. removal of inflammation and pain;
  2. and acceleration of its removal from the body;
  3. cleansing the bronchi and trachea from pathogenic microorganisms;
  4. restoration of damaged mucous membranes;
  5. suppression of the cough reflex;
  6. stimulation of the immune system.

Doctors usually prescribe marshmallow root syrup as an effective expectorant.

Indications for the use of marshmallow root syrup

The remedy is used to treat diseases of the respiratory system, in which the patient suffers from a severe incessant cough and poor separation of accumulated mucus.

These include all types of bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, whooping cough, inflammation of the larynx, bronchial asthma.

Althea preparations are also used to treat certain diseases of the digestive system, such as stomach ulcers and gastritis.

Marshmallow herb is effective in the treatment of infectious diseases of the genital organs, skin problems, tuberculosis, tumors.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Since the medicine belongs to natural herbal remedies, it has few contraindications. The main one is hypersensitivity to the plant extract or intolerance to its components, for example, sucrose.
Source: website If the dosage of the drug has been exceeded, side effects may occur. The patient may experience nausea, vomiting, heartburn, rashes, itching and redness of the skin. In these cases, drug withdrawal is necessary. After that, allergic reactions go away without treatment.

Syrup Althea: what kind of cough

The benefits of syrup are obvious in any kind of cough, regardless of the nature and severity. Althea syrup with a dry cough moisturizes the mucous membranes, dilutes the viscous pathogenic mucus. Under the influence of the components of the preparations, pathogenic sputum is quickly "expelled" by the body.

With a wet cough, the epithelium of the respiratory tract is stimulated. The amount of discharged mucus increases significantly, which speeds up recovery and prevents the transition of the disease into a protracted chronic form.

Alteyny syrup: instructions for use

Cough medicine with marshmallow with the same degree of effectiveness stops coughing attacks in both adult patients and very young children. For persons over 12 years old, it is necessary to take one tablespoon diluted in 100 ml of warm water. Marshmallow cough should be drunk three to five times a day after meals.

The purpose of the application is to relieve pain, moisturize damaged mucous membranes, heal microcracks, relieve inflammation, and separate sputum. Duration of admission should not exceed 5-6 days.

If the therapeutic effect is insufficient or absent, an additional consultation with a doctor and taking antibiotics is necessary. Taking the drug for a long time without the consent of the doctor is not desirable.

Marshmallow syrup for children: how to take?

How safe is it to give syrup to a child, and at what age can it be done? The drug is successfully used to treat dry and wet cough.

The answer to the question of how to give marshmallow syrup to children is to calculate the required dosage. It depends on the age of the child. Babies under six years of age are prescribed 0.5 teaspoon up to three times a day.

In the age period from six to twelve years, the dosage is increased to a teaspoon no more than five times a day. Adolescent children are prescribed the same dosage as adults. Before taking, it is advisable to dilute the product in a small amount of warm boiled water.

An important condition: to trace how the child's body reacts to the components of the product. To do this, give the child a small amount of syrup and monitor his condition. In the absence of skin rashes or itching, a full course of treatment is carried out.

How justified is the appointment of this remedy for children under the age of one year? Doctors note that Althea not recommended for infants because at such a young age, babies are often prone to allergies.

Taking the drug is justified only if it is prescribed by the attending physician after eliminating the risk of developing allergies. In no case should you independently increase the recommended doses.

Althea syrup during pregnancy

Instructions for use do not provide data from a study of the use of the drug during the period of bearing a child and lactation. This means that it is approved for use if the benefit is higher than the possible negative impact on the development of the fetus.

Therefore, even if pregnant women have not experienced allergic reactions before, this is not a guarantee that they will not occur during the period of bearing a child. Marshmallow during pregnancy can be used for treatment only after a doctor's prescription and in small doses.

Most doctors recommend refraining from taking the drug in the early stages of pregnancy (in the first trimester), when the vital systems of the child's body are actively formed.

The same precautions must be observed when breastfeeding.

special instructions

For people with allergies, it is better to use other cough suppressants. With great care, the use of syrup is necessary for people diagnosed with severe liver pathologies, epilepsy, and diabetes mellitus.

In rare cases, a negative effect of the drug on the state of the central nervous system is noted, which is manifested by headaches, dizziness, and daytime drowsiness.

Marshmallow syrup can be combined with sodium bicarbonate. The drug does not reduce the speed of reactions and does not affect the ability to concentrate. Thus, it is freely assigned to persons, regardless of their profession and type of activity.

Interaction with other drugs

Syrup is usually prescribed in the complex treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. However, it should not be taken with other antitussive drugs. This combination leads to a weakening of sputum liquefaction and a delay in its removal from the patient's body.

Self-preparation of medicine at home

Medicines (syrup, tincture, decoction) can be prepared by yourself. To do this, collect the root of the plant. The leaves and flowers also have medicinal properties.

The best time to collect raw materials is the first half of autumn. Althea root is thoroughly washed, finely chopped and dried. To prepare the syrup, you need a root, water and refined sugar.

The root is poured with boiling water, kept in a water bath for up to 30 minutes, filtered, put in a pot and placed in the oven for two hours.

At this time, sugar syrup is prepared. Water and refined sugar in a ratio of 1: 2 are mixed and brought to a boil over low heat. The prepared root is added to the resulting mixture, mixed. To increase the effectiveness of the product, a small amount of honey is added.

Infusion and decoction

Another method of treatment is the use of infusion or decoction. The crushed marshmallow root (about 20-30 g) is poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and infused for 10 days in a dark, dry place. Then the tincture is filtered. Take 10-15 drops of infusion two or three times a day before breakfast or lunch. Can be diluted with a little water.

A decoction is prepared from a mixture of a tablespoon of the root of the plant and a glass of water. The mixture is boiled for several minutes, insisted for half an hour, filtered and drunk 1-2 tablespoons per day.
For the preparation of a medicinal decoction, herbal preparations are used. Marshmallow root, wild rosemary and coltsfoot are mixed in equal proportions, poured with boiling water, simmered and insisted for several hours. The recommended dosage is half a glass half an hour before meals 5-6 times a day.

Similar herbal cough syrups

Modern pharmacology offers many herbal preparations that help eliminate cough and pain without harming the body. They can serve as a good alternative to marshmallow syrup.


The drug produces an expectorant, antimicrobial and bronchospasmolytic effect. The main components are thyme extract and potassium bromide. Under the influence of the plant component, effective liquefaction of sputum occurs, the cough becomes wet, the bronchi quickly get rid of accumulated mucus.

Potassium bromide stops attacks of severe coughing, has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and softening effect.

Pertussin is used for the same diseases as marshmallow syrup. But when prescribing it, it is necessary to take into account a number of contraindications.

The drug is not prescribed for babies under three years old, expectant mothers, patients with hepatic or renal insufficiency, suffering from epilepsy and mental disorders

Since the drug contains ethyl alcohol, it is not recommended for people who abuse alcohol. A patient with diabetes mellitus syrup is prescribed only in extreme cases, since it contains sucrose.

Liquorice root

Licorice is an herb from the legume family known for its medicinal expectorant properties. The root of the plant is the medicinal base of the syrup. The composition also contains starch, sucrose, glucose, flavonoids.

The drug is effective for any type of cough, which is one of the symptoms of pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Despite the beneficial properties of the plant, a syrup based on it must be taken with caution, not exceeding the dosage and strictly following the instructions. Duration of admission should not exceed 10 days.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, people with heart failure and those suffering from high blood pressure.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Marshmallow-based syrup should be stored in a dark place, at a temperature not exceeding 23-25 ​​C. Shelf life - 1.5 years.

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