Types of vomiting in children. Causes and treatment of vomiting without diarrhea and fever. First aid cases. Examination of a child with vomiting

Vomiting is the involuntary eruption of stomach contents through the mouth. This is the desire of the body to clear the stomach of excess food, low-quality food or infection, as well as a reaction to excessive excitement.

If a healthy child vomits, the main danger is dehydration. Drinking plenty of water is the main concern of parents.


Vomiting associated with a head injury or symptoms such as severe headache, stiff neck, or severe abdominal pain can be a sign of a very serious illness. Call an ambulance immediately.

Babies who refuse to drink or breastfeed require special attention as they can quickly become dehydrated. If a newborn vomits again, immediate medical attention is required, as this may be a sign of birth defects.

In teenagers, frequent vomiting can be a sign of a serious digestive or nervous system disorder. In the latter case, the help of a psychologist may be required.

As a rule, vomiting goes away on its own and does not require any treatment, however, it will still be difficult for you to observe this process. The feeling of helplessness, combined with the feeling of fear that some serious violation may be the cause, as well as an irresistible desire to do at least something to alleviate the suffering of the child, will cause anxiety and internal tension. To be as calm as possible about this, find out all the possible causes of vomiting, as well as what you can do if the child begins to vomit.

Causes of vomiting in children, the child vomits

First of all, understand the difference between vomiting and simple regurgitation. Vomiting is the forceful eruption of stomach contents through the mouth. Regurgitation (most common in infants under one year of age) is the mild eruption of part of the contents of the stomach through the mouth, often accompanied by belching.

Vomiting occurs when there is a sharp contact between the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm while the stomach is in a relaxed state.

This reflex action is caused by the "vomit center" of the brain after its excitation:

  • nerve endings of the stomach and intestines, when the gastrointestinal tract is irritated or swollen due to infection or blockage;
  • chemicals in the blood (such as medicines);
  • psychological stimuli, which are irritating sights or smells;
  • pathogens of the middle ear (as in vomiting due to motion sickness in transport).

The main causes of belching or vomiting depend on age. For example, in the first few months, most babies will burp small amounts of formula or breast milk within an hour of each feed. This regurgitation, as it is commonly called, is the non-systematic movement of food from the stomach through the tube (esophagus) that goes to the stomach, out through the mouth. Spitting up will occur less often if the child is forced to burp several times, and also if outdoor games are limited for a while after eating. As the child grows, regurgitation will become less frequent, but in a mild form it can persist until 10-12 months of age. Regurgitation is not a serious disorder and does not interfere with normal weight gain.

In the first month of a child's life, a single case of vomiting may occur. If vomiting happens quite often or comes out as a fountain, tell your pediatrician about it. The cause may be nutritional problems, but it can also be a sign of more serious disorders in the life of the body.

Between two weeks and four months, persistent severe vomiting can be caused by a thickening of the muscle at the exit of the stomach. Known as pyloric hypertrophic constriction, this thickening prevents food from passing into the intestines. In this case, urgent medical attention is required. As a rule, under such circumstances, one cannot do without surgical intervention, with the help of which physicians manage to expand the narrowed part. A clear sign of this condition is severe vomiting, which occurs approximately 15-30 minutes after each feeding. If you notice this condition in your child, call the pediatrician immediately.

In some cases, regurgitation during the first few weeks to the first few months of life not only does not go away, but gets worse - although not very strong, regurgitation occurs constantly. This happens when the muscles in the lower esophagus are relaxed and allow the contents of the stomach to pass out without holding on to food.

This condition is called gastroesophageal reflux, which can usually be controlled as follows.

  1. Thicken the milk with a small amount of baby instant cereal.
  2. Don't overfeed your baby.
  3. Make your baby spit up more often.
  4. After each feeding, leave the baby in a calm upright position for at least 30 minutes. If this does not help, your pediatrician may refer you to a gastroenterologist.

In some cases, infections in other parts of the body also cause vomiting. This includes infections of the respiratory system, urinary tract, ear infections, pneumonia, and meningitis. In some cases, urgent medical attention is required, so regardless of the child's age, keep a close eye on the child for the following warning signs, and if you notice them, call your pediatrician right away:

  • blood or bile (a greenish substance) in the vomit;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • severe repetitive vomiting;
  • bloated belly;
  • apathy or excessive excitement of the child;
  • convulsions;
  • signs or symptoms of dehydration, including parched lips, lack of tears when crying, sunken fontanelle, infrequent and smaller urination;
  • inability to drink the required amount of fluid;
  • vomiting that does not stop for 24 hours.

Treatment of vomiting in children

In most cases, vomiting resolves on its own and does not require special medical treatment. Do not use medicines that can be bought at any pharmacy or medicines that you have at home. The child can be given only those medicines that the pediatrician prescribed specifically for your child in order to cure this particular disease.

If the child is vomiting, try to keep him lying on his stomach or on his side at all times. This will help prevent vomit from entering the upper respiratory tract and lungs.

If the child's vomiting does not stop and he vomits violently, make sure that there is no dehydration of the body (dehydration is a term that means the body loses so much fluid after which it can no longer function properly;). If it comes to serious complications, vomiting can become life-threatening. You can prevent this by making sure your child is taking in enough fluids to restore the balance lost during vomiting. If this fluid is vomited back up, tell your pediatrician.

For the first 24 hours of any vomiting illness, do not give your child solid food. Instead of eating, try to get him to drink liquids such as water, sugar water (1/2 teaspoon, or 2.5 ml, of sugar per 120 ml of water), popsicles, gelatin water (1 teaspoon, or 5 ml, gelatin with flavors per 120 ml of water), and best of all, an electrolyte solution (check with your pediatrician which one is better to choose). Fluids not only help prevent dehydration, but they also don't encourage vomiting in the same way that solid foods do.

Here are some rules on how to give your child fluids after vomiting.

  1. Wait 2-3 hours after the baby's last vomiting and give him 30-60 ml of cool water every half hour to an hour for a total of four feedings.
  2. If the child refuses, give him 60 ml of an electrolyte solution, alternating with 60 ml of clean water every half hour.
  3. If vomiting does not occur after two feedings, add halved formula or milk (depending on the age of the child) and continue to gradually increase the amount to 90-120 ml every 3-4 hours.
  4. If he doesn't vomit within 12 to 24 hours, gradually introduce the foods he usually eats into his diet, but still give him plenty of fluids to drink.

If your child also has diarrhea, ask your pediatrician how to give him fluids and how long to cut solid foods from the diet.

Tell your pediatrician if your child is unable to retain fluid or has symptoms of deterioration. The doctor will examine the child and may ask for blood and urine tests or x-rays to make a definitive diagnosis. In some cases, hospitalization may be required.

Every child has had to experience these unpleasant sensations. In most cases, however, parents have no reason to be seriously concerned. The most common cause of vomiting and diarrhea is a viral infection of the stomach (gastritis) or intestines (enteritis). Sometimes the inflammatory process affects both the stomach and intestines (gastroenteritis).

Symptoms of the disease, as a rule, persist in a child for 3-4 days (sometimes weeks). Antibiotics will not help in this case, since the disease is associated with a viral infection. Often, oral medications only further irritate the inflamed stomach.

What methods of treatment should be applied in this case? Your main task is to prevent dehydration of the body. The child is out of danger if he drinks enough fluids. Thus, your child should drink as often as possible, but in small portions. What drinks are preferable in these circumstances? Almost any - let the child choose.

If vomiting worsens after drinking fluids, have your child suck on a slice of cheese. School-age children usually feel their body well and know what food and drink they need in given circumstances. If your child develops warning signs (fever, abdominal pain, vomiting for more than 6 hours), be sure to contact the pediatrician.

In such cases, the child, as a rule, has no appetite. Let the child eat whatever he wants. We recommend foods such as bananas, toast, oatmeal, boiled rice, crackers. In most cases, within a day after the end of vomiting, the child returns to his usual diet.

Sometimes infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are accompanied by acute pain in the abdominal cavity. Acute pain can also be a symptom of a more serious illness (such as appendicitis), so in such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Wash and change your child after vomiting. Scent the room with lavender, rose, lemon or eucalyptus oil. This will freshen the air and fight off the unpleasant smell of vomit.

Drink to maintain salt balance. This drink restores the balance of mineral salts and prevents dehydration. Do not use honey if the child is less than a year old.

  • 1/2 cup water (warm or room temperature)
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda a pinch of salt
  • 2 tablespoons honey or sugar

Mix all ingredients. Give your child a tablespoonful of drink every 10 minutes or 1/4 to 1/2 cup every half hour.

How to make a pillow with salt

One of the most effective remedies for continued vomiting is a hot pad of salt. It is used to warm the stomach and relieve cramps.

Apply it directly to the stomach (not the entire abdomen).

  1. Heat 1 cup natural sea salt in a skillet for 3-5 minutes until very hot. Pour the salt into the bag (for example, into an old pillowcase) and fold the bag several times in such a way that you get a flat pillow. Its size should correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe child's stomach.
  2. Wrap the pad in a thin towel so as not to burn the skin, and apply to the stomach. If the child says that he is too hot, wrap the pad again. It should be hot, but not burnt.
  3. Keep the pad on until you get better. If necessary, after a 30-minute break, you can heat the salt again and repeat the procedure.

How much is too much? When talking about pyloric stenosis

If the vomiting becomes progressively worse and more frequent, you and your pediatrician may suspect a condition called pyloric stenosis (pyloric stenosis). The pyloric sphincter is a muscle in the final part of the stomach that acts as a pylorus. It allows food to pass into the intestines. Unlike its too weak partner in the upper stomach, this sphincter muscle can sometimes become too thick and strong on its own and do its job too "well", having difficulty passing stomach contents down into the intestines. The term "stenosis" refers to any narrowing. In the case of pyloric stenosis, the opening in the lower part of the stomach becomes progressively narrower than it should be. The more difficult it becomes for the contents of the stomach to pass down through this narrow area, the more often these contents rise up and exit through the mouth instead.

Pyloric stenosis occurs in about 3 out of every 1,000 children and is much more common in first-born boys and those whose families have already had the condition. Pyloric stenosis causes children to spit up in the first few weeks, usually on the 21st to 28th day. Unlike normal spitting up babies or sometimes vomiting violently, babies with pyloric stenosis vomit with increasing force and frequency, most often it is really possible to talk about vomiting by 6 to 8 weeks. If your child is vomiting consistently and progressively, you should contact your doctor, and the sooner the better. If the child is indeed diagnosed with pyloric stenosis, know that there is a remedy to stop vomiting. Children with pyloric stenosis require surgery to expand the pyloric muscle of the lower stomach. Children usually recover quickly and start eating normally within a couple of days after surgery.

Vomiting fountain in a child

Fountain is a word that has often been used in the context of regurgitation and vomiting. Some parents vividly describe their child's vomiting as "a shot across the room." While relatively mild regurgitation and vomiting can cause fluid to "jump" or "fly" a few inches out of your child's mouth, true vomit is more powerful, farther, and so on. If it happens regularly, it can indicate some pretty serious problems. Read on for more information.

Gag reflex and salivation

Some babies have a higher gag reflex than others, which on the one hand is very good, because the gag reflex keeps food (or in the case of a newborn, breast milk or infant formula) from "going where it shouldn't", in particular the lungs. On the other hand, a child who vomits or who salivates profusely is certainly very frightening for parents. If your baby is throwing up or having trouble breathing while feeding, you can quickly lift him upright, pat his back, turn his head to the side or tilt it down a little to let the milk or saliva flow out of his mouth and give him a chance to catch his breath. In almost all cases, children recover quickly from such episodes on their own. If these episodes are not uncommon in your child, or especially if he stops breathing even for a short time, turns bluish in color at the time of vomiting or coughing, be sure to seek the advice of a doctor.

What to give a child if he vomits?

Most often, when you think your baby is throwing up, it's just burping from too much food or reflux. However, vomiting in newborns requires a medical examination, as it may be a sign of a more serious illness or lead to severe dehydration. Perhaps the pediatrician will recommend that you feed your baby less next time and see if he burps? However, if vomiting does not stop, you should go to the doctor or even call an ambulance.

If the vomiting becomes very strong (reaches the other side of the room), if it is profuse, happens often, or after two or more feeds in a row, it's time to call the doctor. Also, if there is bright red blood or dark brown "coffee beans" in your vomit, or if you have any other concerns, call your doctor right away or call an ambulance.

If the child vomits strongly, it is better not to give him anything. When the vomiting stops, try to give only fluids, more often and very little. Start with one teaspoon every 10 minutes; if the child does not vomit within an hour, you can gradually increase the portions. Your pediatrician may recommend starting with electrolyte solutions (Pedialyte, Infalitis, or Likvilit). After a few hours, if the vomiting does not return, the doctor may recommend giving some milk (breast, cow, or formula milk) or whatever else your baby is drinking again, and gradually returning to normal portions after a few feedings. Many parents make the same mistake: when a child is thirsty, they give him a lot at once. If a child has stomach problems, everything drunk will immediately come back. Solid foods are best avoided - limit yourself to liquids for the next few hours after vomiting stops. If you give solid food, do it very carefully and gradually. Start with a small amount of simple food - for example, give one spoonful of rice cereal or one cracker, wait half an hour and see what happens next.

Call the doctor if the child cannot drink even a small amount of liquid without vomiting, if the vomiting does not stop for several hours, if it shows bright red blood or dark brown "coffee beans", or if the child has symptoms of dehydration.

When to start worrying about dehydration?

When a child is sick, dehydration is a constant concern, especially if an infant or young child vomits, with or without diarrhea, in which case they quickly become dehydrated. To prevent this when the child is not feeling well, give fluids often and in small amounts if he does not vomit.

Newborns become dehydrated very quickly. Don't wait until the signs appear (listed below for infants and children 1 to 3 years old). If your newborn vomits, drinks less than usual, urinates too infrequently, or soils diapers, call your doctor.

You should call your pediatrician if your child does not retain even a small amount of fluid in the stomach, vomiting does not stop for several hours, diarrhea does not stop for several days, or other signs of dehydration are present: too few wet diapers, lack of energy, no tears, dry lips and tongue, sunken fontanel (soft spot on the head), irritability, or sunken eyes.

How to keep fluid in the stomach

In order not to end up in the hospital and do not receive intravenous fluids, remember the following prescription for children from one to three. If the baby has vomited, go back to the previous step. If vomiting continues, be sure to call your doctor or call an ambulance. In the case of an infant, it is best to consult a physician before implementing this or any other plan. Like many recipes (even from Grandma's kitchen), it can be modified slightly to achieve the desired result. The ultimate goal is this: starting small, gradually increase portions to 120-240 ml in a few hours.

  • Hour 1 - nothing.
  • Hour 2 - 1 teaspoon of electrolyte solution every 10 minutes.
  • Hour 3-2 teaspoons of electrolyte solution every 15 minutes.
  • Hour 4 - 15 ml of electrolyte solution every 20 minutes.
  • Hour 5 - 30 ml of electrolyte solution every 30 minutes.
  • Hour 6 - Carefully and gradually return to normal liquid food (milk or formula).

Vomiting is the physiological act of evacuating food masses and other substances from the stomach by its antiperistalsis (reverse movement). Vomiting is a reflex act, that is, performed outside our consciousness, although an adult person can suppress vomiting movements to a certain extent by an effort of will, this may not always be the case. Moreover, a child, especially a small one, cannot resist the reflex of ejection of food from the stomach.
The causes of vomiting can be very different, they are not always associated with the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, although this reason is the most common.
In a newborn baby, vomiting often accompanies regurgitation, so it is difficult to distinguish one from the other. This can be a manifestation of both overeating and the intake of substandard or intolerant food, which, if it occurs once or rarely, does not require intervention.
The second most common cause of vomiting in a child is an intestinal infection or intolerance to food components (complementary foods or milk). If vomiting is accompanied by rashes, the child, after complete emptying of the stomach, should be given an antihistamine in an age dosage, it is advisable to inform the pediatrician about this and discuss the further nutrition of the child. In the case of an intestinal infection, tactics depend on the severity of the child's condition. It is believed that a non-severe infection without a high fever should not be treated - it is necessary to allow the stomach and intestines to clear themselves of toxic products, not forgetting to replenish fluid loss during breaks. A doctor must be called if vomiting is indomitable and accompanied by dehydration, due to which the child has lost 5% of body weight, if the general condition of the child worsens, the body temperature persists, and in general - the process does not tend to resolve, on the contrary, it is aggravated. Such a condition, especially in young children, may require hospitalization - this is very important, because with indomitable vomiting, the baby can only be replenished with fluid by drip (through a vein). Antibacterial drugs can also be introduced there if necessary. There is vomiting in the usual acute respiratory infections, its so-called gastric form, but usually this is a one-time occurrence.
A common cause of vomiting in very young, newborn children may be an anatomical violation of the esophagus - pyloric stenosis. It can be of varying degrees and is treated only surgically. From pyloric stenosis it is necessary to distinguish outwardly a very similar condition, but having a completely different nature - pylorospasm. At the same time, there are no patency disorders, and vomiting, often quite plentiful, “fountain” occurs when the central nervous system is immature (in preterm infants) or is damaged during childbirth or during pregnancy. Treatment of such vomiting is carried out by a neurologist.
Vomiting may be associated with an injury or disease of the brain - while the vomiting center is irritated and vomiting does not bring relief, as in the gastrointestinal variant. It happens with concussion, meningitis.
There are cases in childhood when, against the background of complete health, good nutrition in children of 4-5 years old, frequent vomiting attacks suddenly begin - this may be the so-called acetonemic vomiting, due to the formation and effect on the brain of ketone bodies. Diabetes is also possible, of course, in childhood, but nevertheless, vomiting is more often observed with excessive consumption of fats that cannot be completely digested by the pancreas - when the child eats a lot of cream, butter, and other fats. The same effect occurs when trying to lose weight dramatically in a full child - not getting the proper amount of nutrients, the body burns fats, and as a result, ketone bodies are formed that cause vomiting.
Finally, vomiting can be purely neuropsychic in nature and is often very difficult to manage. Such vomiting is neurotic in nature, and can occur on a variety of stimuli - in small children - parental care, a stranger. The older ones have a fear of something, longing, a hidden unwillingness to do something (the child himself does not understand this). Such vomiting is treated by pediatric neurologists and often requires consultation with a child psychotherapist.

An attack of child vomiting is always a surprise, young parents perceive it as a dangerous disease or do not attach any importance, but the same problem always arises: how to stop vomiting in a child. Children's vomiting can be both a household problem and a symptom of a life-threatening illness for a baby. In some cases, symptoms can be eliminated with home remedies, while in other circumstances, the health of the baby depends on the timeliness of medical care.

To alleviate the condition of the crumbs, his calmness, the first measures taken by the parents are important. Appeared unpleasant manifestations must be properly qualified, adequate measures should be taken, correlated with the general condition of the child.

An attack of vomiting cannot be considered as an independent disease. As a rule, vomiting is only one of the symptoms of a pathology; when observing a baby, one can accurately determine the cause of an attack and take adequate, timely measures. To find out how to stop vomiting in a child, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence.

The cause of children's vomiting can be pathologies that are dangerous to health, life, crumbs, as well as domestic problems caused by unwillingness to eat an unloved dish, the reason may be severe fear, migraine, dizziness.

Factors that provoke children's vomiting are divided into 5 groups.

First group

The first group of causes is noted most often, associated with food intake:

  1. Food poisoning. The ingestion of harmful substances causes cramps, the stomach tries to get rid of poor-quality food. The attack is one-time or it is a series of several urges, until the contents of the stomach are completely removed. Occurs within 0.5–1.5 hours after a meal.
  2. Drug poisoning. Symptoms are similar to those described above, occur after a long time (1-2 hours).
  3. Binge eating. Usually the attack appears 20-30 minutes after eating.
  4. Aversion to certain foods. The child vomits during meals or immediately after eating.

Second group

The second group is caused by the presence of a disease of the digestive tract, pathologies require long-term medical treatment:

  1. Salmonellosis, intestinal flu (rotavirus infection), dysentery. Along with vomiting, there is diarrhea, a sharp increase in body temperature, severe pain along the intestines, and flatulence.
  2. In newborns - stenosis, hernia, diverticulum, etc. (in the absence of patency of the gastrointestinal tract). The baby loses weight, is restless, cries a lot, the tummy is tense, vomiting occurs during feeding or immediately after breastfeeding.
  3. Gastritis. The child complains of nausea, pain in the epigastric region, stool disorders are observed, more often relaxation. Vomiting occurs after eating, accompanied by severe nausea, accompanied by heartburn, belching.
  4. Dysbacteriosis. Attacks occur against the background of severe wandering pains in the intestines, flatulence, loosening of the stool.

Third group

The third group is associated with diseases, conditions requiring immediate hospitalization of the child, they are caused by dangerous craniocerebral pathologies:

  • meningitis;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • concussion.

Vomiting attacks occur immediately after the incident, in the morning, after a sharp change in body position, along with them, severe headaches, nausea, and dizziness are noted. There is confusion, visual disturbances.

Fourth group

The fourth group includes seizures provoked by other diseases, painful conditions:

  • increased body temperature during teething;
  • allergies;
  • an increase in body temperature as a result of colds;
  • purulent otitis;
  • sunstroke.

Fifth group

The fifth group includes factors caused by domestic causes:

  • too much motion sickness;
  • motion sickness in transport;
  • a feeling of intense fear.

In this way, the children's nervous system reacts to uncomfortable conditions.

Repeated vomiting, repeated at regular intervals (several minutes, an hour, tens of hours), signals dangerous diseases.

Types of multiple seizures are conditionally ranked according to the degree of danger, depending on the indicators of body temperature.

SymptomsPossible pathologiesWays to eliminate the disease, condition
no fever in the morningSign of diseases of the central nervous systemConsultation of a pediatrician, pediatric neuropathologist is required
No fever in the evening or at night, after mealsThe condition indicates the presence of pathologies of the digestive systemGastroenterologist consultation
Vomiting before feverSign of gastrointestinal diseases, food, drug poisoningNeed to urgently call an ambulance
Vomiting after feverInforms about the presence of an infection (from influenza, SARS to meningitis)Treatment depends on the type of infection, is carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician, in a hospital, may be required urgently

Treatment of vomiting begins after the cause is established.

Particular attention is paid to the type of vomit. The presence of green color, interspersed with blood, bile or mucus requires emergency doctor call.

Growing bouts of vomiting, the occurrence of convulsions, and frequent loose stools are dangerous for the health of the child.

Urgent help to the crumbs before the arrival of the doctor consists in rinsing the mouth with warm water, soldering with saline solutions (see the table below). The baby is given a saline solution often, with an interval of 15-20 minutes, they give a drink in small portions (30-50 g).

Treatment of vomiting in infants

Help with vomiting in a newborn is significantly different from the activities carried out for older children. A common cause of vomiting in infants is the insufficient development of the digestive tract. Among the complications associated with this is overfeeding the baby, excess food enters the esophagus, causing a gag reflex.

To eliminate the symptoms, you need:

  1. Give the baby less breast milk, formula, complementary foods.
  2. Hold the baby after feeding with a "column" for 25-35 minutes. Older children are in an upright position after eating for half an hour.
  3. Immediately after feeding, the baby does not need to shake, play outdoor games with him.
  4. You should not put pressure on the baby's stomach (wear tight clothes, hold in this area).

In children of the first - third year of life, an unloved food causes a gag reflex. The baby refuses to eat, he is force-fed, vomiting occurs as a response to undesirable actions. After the incident, the child's mouth is rinsed with warm water, the food is replaced with a more acceptable one.

The factor that causes vomiting in infants, older children, is heat stroke. The baby was heavily wrapped up, overexposed in the sun. To eliminate the symptoms, the child is undressed, placed in a cool room, the body temperature is brought down, and water is given with cool, clean, salted water.

If the newborn is poisoned by drugs, then gastric lavage is required, the procedure is not done for food poisoning (there is a high risk of loss of consciousness).

Fever, signs of a cold, vomiting will indicate a respiratory disease, appropriate treatment will be required. To eliminate vomiting, use a saline solution, which is easy to make yourself. For cooking, you need 1 tsp. sugar, ¼ salt, a glass of filtered water. Salt, sugar are dissolved in water, give the baby 2-3 teaspoons of the mixture (interval 10 minutes). During the period of illness, they give a lot of ordinary purified water for drinking, decoctions. Teas are not recommended for newborns.

Attention! If a newborn baby loses weight, vomits after each feeding, cries, sleeps poorly, an urgent consultation with a gastroenterologist or surgeon is needed.

Treatment of toddlers

The range of causes of vomiting in children from year to year expands significantly, food poisoning and infectious diseases come to the fore. In the treatment of babies older than a year, more methods are used, a two-year-old baby is able to explain what hurts him, can do more actions. Before you stop vomiting in a child, you will need to find out its origin.

Advice! Immediately after an attack of vomiting, you should offer the crumbs to rinse their mouth with warm water. This will relieve tension, eliminate discomfort, and calm him down a bit.

Video - Intestinal infections

Urgent help for poisoning

Food poisoning is one of the most common causes of vomiting in children, for the most part, with the right behavior of the parents, they are not dangerous for the child.

Poisoning is manifested by severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, which is not always present. The first signs occur with an interval of 30-60 minutes after ingestion of low-quality products.

  1. Induce vomiting. Give the child a large amount of clean, salted (1/4 tsp / 200 ml of water) water or a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate (0.01%). For a baby 2-3 years old, the norm is 2 cups, for preschoolers - 3. Wait 1-2 minutes and press on the root of the tongue, induce vomiting. The actions are repeated until pure water goes instead of the contents of the stomach (evidence of the complete removal of low-quality food).
  2. Give the baby a sorbent. Use a pharmaceutical agent, prepare a solution, as described in the table.
Name of the sorbentImageConcentrationApplication schemeSpecial remarks
1 sachet for 1 liter of waterTake 1 tsp for children up to a year; from 2 to 3 years, 2-3 tsp; older kids 4-5 teaspoons,

The interval is 10–15 minutes. The course of treatment is set individually

Do not mix with baby food or other ingredients, do not sweeten
For ½ liter of water take 2 tsp. sugar, ½ tsp. saltTake for children up to a year - 1 tsp. interval - 10 minutes, from a year - 4 tsp, interval 15-20 minutes and after each eruption of the stomach. The course of treatment is individualBetween doses give small sips of clean water.
First, boil 100 g of raisins in a liter of water for 40 minutes

The resulting mass is rubbed through a sieve, add 4 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp salt, ½ tsp. soda

Take every 10-15 minutes in the same way as Regidron. Treatment course up to 5 daysChildren take more willingly due to the taste of raisins

Between doses of the sorbent, the child is given small sips of clean water, decoctions of chamomile, mint (1 tsp / glass of boiling water). Frequent, severe vomiting, accompanied by fever (+ 38, 9), diarrhea - a reason to call ambulance.

The patient is placed in bed on his side. Feeding is carried out 4-6 hours after the cessation of vomiting. They give fermented milk products (kefir, unsweetened yogurt, yogurt), slimy cereals on the water, salted crackers.

Emergency measures for infectious diseases

Infectious diseases have a number of symptoms similar to poisoning: vomiting, diarrhea, fever, which in such cases is mandatory.

The lethargy of the baby, apathy will be distinctive, older children complain of a headache. Among the important signs are severe diarrhea (with intestinal infections), a sharp increase in body temperature to high levels (+ 39.0).

If a child is suspected of an infectious disease, in addition to alleviating vomiting, diarrhea, a number of emergency measures are taken:

  1. If possible, the type of disease is established: SARS, influenza, salmonellosis, rotavirus infection, suspected meningitis.
  2. Limit the patient's contact with other children.
  3. Put the patient to bed.
  4. Take measures to restore the water-alkaline balance (Rehydron, drink plenty of water). For children with infectious diseases, there is no need to cleanse the stomach.
  5. Call for emergency medical attention.

Salt solution, Regidron, will help neutralize the gag reflex. The solution is given after each attack and at intervals of 15-20 minutes.

Along with sorbents, the crumbs are fed with clean water (mineral alkaline is allowed, without gas), infusion of chamomile, mint 40-50 ml / time.

Important! Gagging excludes taking any medications orally (by mouth).

At the next eruption of vomit, the drugs are removed from the child's body. Body temperature should be reduced by rectal suppositories or by intramuscular injection (consultation of a pediatrician is required).

Help with heat stroke

If the cause of vomiting was heat stroke, then the baby should be given salted water to drink, remove excess clothing, and put to bed.

Repeated vomiting is stopped by a home-made sorbent, alkaline water without gas.

Be sure to bring down the temperature (rectal suppositories will help). Throughout the day, the baby is fed with water at room temperature.

What to do with TBI?

A characteristic sign of craniocerebral pathology is frequent nausea, vomiting, along with it drowsiness, amnesia, headache, and pallor of the skin.

With pathologies of a craniocerebral nature, the patient is provided with urgent medical care. It is not necessary to take measures to eliminate vomiting, it is enough for the child to rinse his mouth after the eruption of vomit, give a slightly salty drink, and put him to bed. An ambulance is called immediately.

Elimination of household problems

The cause of an attack of one-time vomiting can be too intense motion sickness of the baby, a trip in an older baby's transport, a stuffy room. Severe stress, fear, nervous strain before an injection can cause an emetic reaction in an impressionable baby.

It is necessary to calm the child, eliminate the cause of discomfort, rinse the baby's mouth, give cool water.

To avoid similar cases in transport in the future, it is advisable not to feed the child before traveling by transport. During the trip, you can offer him caramel, small swallowing movements will relieve nausea. Children from 2 years old are allowed special pills for motion sickness Dimenhydrinate(sold in a pharmacy, give ¼ tablet 2 hours before the trip). When buying other medicines, you must carefully read the instructions, not all drugs are allowed for children.

Video - Child food poisoning

Recipes for decoctions for vomiting

In the treatment of vomiting, folk recipes will be a good help - these are decoctions, infusions of herbs. They can be used for children from 1.5 years old. For smaller ones, only pure water is recommended.

Drink nameImageCompoundCooking guideTerms of Use
Mint, lemon balm - 1 tsp
Water - 200 ml
Pour boiling water over chopped herbs.
Infuse for 20 minutes, drain
Take 40 ml at a time, no more than 3 cups/day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days
Chopped valerian root - ½ tsp
Water - 250 ml
Pour valerian root into a thermos. Pour boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes.
Take 2 tbsp. l. at a time, 1-2 cups / day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days
Chamomile baskets - 2 tsp
Water - 250 ml.
Boil water, put chamomile in it. Boil 2-3 minutes, coolDrink 50 ml at a time. Up to 3 cups / day. The decoction is taken up to 10 days
Ginger - 1 tsp
Water - 200 ml.
Grind the ginger root on a grater.
Pour into a thermos, pour boiling water.
Leave for 20 minutes, strain
Drink 2 tbsp. l. at a time, no more than 1 cup per day. Course of treatment - 10 days
Green tea - 1 tsp
Sugar - 1 tsp
Water - 250 ml.
Brew regular tea, add sugarDrink in small sips an unlimited number of times. You can drink all the time
Lemon zest - ½ tsp
Sugar - 1 tsp
Water - 200 ml.
Get lemon zest, take ½ tsp, pour boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes, strainTake 1-2 tbsp. l., alternating with ordinary water. No more than 1 cup per day. Course of treatment 5 days

In the event of child vomiting, it is important not to get confused, not to panic for the mother herself, the baby is sensitive to her condition: he is scared, he feels bad, he is afraid that he has soiled furniture and clothes. The calm behavior of the mother will help calm the child.

Every young mother should know how to stop vomiting in a child, so that in the event of unpleasant symptoms, she can quickly respond, calm the sick baby, and take measures adequate to his condition.

Video - How to drink with acetone and vomiting?


Dear readers, I think everyone will agree that vomiting in children is quite common. And, without a doubt, it always indicates certain violations in the body. In today's conversation with doctor Tatyana Antonyuk, we will find out what provokes this phenomenon, how to stop vomiting in children and how dangerous it can be. I give the floor to Tatyana.

Good afternoon, readers of Irina's blog! Vomiting is not an independent disease, it is a signal of the process of intoxication of the body, the presence of a disease or various malfunctions in the work of internal organs. There can be many reasons why it occurs. Vomiting is often accompanied by other symptoms, is repeated and carries a risk of dehydration, but may also be completely harmless to the baby.

In most cases, it is a protective reaction of the body to a number of negative factors. When impulses come from the stomach, liver, intestines, a reflex expulsion of food occurs. The period before the onset of vomiting is characteristic: the child feels nausea, salivation intensifies, breathing quickens.

Most parents see vomiting as a sign of food poisoning, but it can have other causes as well. Vomiting in a child without fever and diarrhea occurs with the following pathologies.


These are spasmodic attacks in the stomach that occur against the background of underdevelopment of the nervous system. Usually seen in newborns and infants. In addition to profuse vomiting with a fountain, the baby has restless behavior, poor sleep, and insufficient weight gain. Vomiting with pylorospasm should not be confused with the usual regurgitation that occurs in all infants and is not a pathology.

CNS disorders

Their main reason is failures caused by intrauterine developmental pathologies, fetal hypoxia, and prematurity. The attack of vomiting in this case is not associated with food intake and is accompanied by dizziness, severe weakness, convulsions.

Intestinal obstruction

In this case, vomiting occurs against the background of severe pain and cramps in the stomach. There may be blood in the stool. Intestinal obstruction occurs due to damage by worms, in the presence of polyps or tumors.

Foreign body entering the esophagus

If the baby is not able to talk about his feelings, symptoms such as increased salivation, pain in the neck, shortness of breath of the child will help to suspect the presence of a foreign body.

Inflammatory processes in the digestive organs

Toddlers may complain of nausea, heartburn, pain, and bloating. In the vomit, mucus and bile can be seen.

Traumatic brain injury

They often occur in infants and children of younger preschool age, since children in this category are especially active and cannot yet control their actions. If, after a fall, the child vomits, he is excited or, conversely, sluggish, you should definitely consult a doctor!

autothenic syndrome

It occurs as a result of the accumulation of a large amount of acetone in the blood. In this condition, vomiting is sudden and uncontrollable, increasing the risk of severe dehydration.

Also, vomiting in a child without fever can be one of the symptoms of increased intracranial pressure, epilepsy, migraine and other neurological disorders.

When does vomiting and diarrhea occur in a child?

Diarrhea is a symptom that often accompanies vomiting in food poisoning and some other pathological conditions. These include:

  • metabolic disorders, when vomiting and diarrhea indicate lactose or gluten intolerance, or may be a sign of a food allergy;
  • attack of appendicitis. Vomiting occurs simultaneously with severe pain in the right side and around the navel;
  • food poisoning or intestinal infections. Severe vomiting with further dehydration occurs with dysentery, rotavirus, salmonellosis. The presence of poisoning or intestinal infection is indicated by diarrhea with a fetid odor, mucus and foam;
  • dysbacteriosis. Useful disorders develop after prolonged use of antibiotics, with reduced immunity. The child is worried about frequent diarrhea, stomach cramps, skin rash.

Poisoning usually occurs when eating poisonous berries or mushrooms, low-quality or expired products, alcohol-containing substances. Vomiting and diarrhea occur when an overdose of drugs occurs, when a child comes into contact with household chemicals or dangerous dyes (on toys, clothes). Nitrates and pesticides, which are generously treated with vegetables and fruits, can provoke vomiting and diarrhea. Accumulating in the body, they cause poisoning.

What is psychogenic vomiting

Children are very sensitive and emotional, so vomiting can occur as a result of fear or strong excitement. Some young children are prone to so-called demonstrative vomiting, when the child feels slighted and alone and thus subconsciously tries to attract the attention of adults.

In adolescent girls, vomiting can be one of the symptoms of anorexia or bulimia. With these violations, the child needs the help of a psychologist.

How to stop vomiting in a child at home

The first symptoms of poisoning are observed in the time interval 4-48 hours after ingestion. The child must be shown to the doctor if vomiting lasts more than a day, is aggravated by an increase in body temperature, and appears in other family members.

The resulting vomiting always indicates a serious pathology, if blood, mucus are visible in it, and the child is diagnosed with clouding of consciousness, impaired coordination of movements, and incoherent speech.

Often parents do not know what to do when a child vomits, and begin to panic. This, of course, is not worth doing, you need to make sure that the child is in a position where vomit cannot enter the respiratory tract.

Toddlers should be turned on their side and held semi-vertically, babies should be kept upright. If vomiting occurs without a temperature in a child, one should not rush to immediately give medications. Without a preliminary examination and establishing the cause, they can only do harm. Also, do not do a gastric lavage before consulting a doctor.

If a child has food poisoning and is vomiting, the main thing to do is to ensure that he has plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. After each vomiting attack, you need to give the child a little water to rinse the mouth.

If the baby has all the signs of poisoning, but there is no vomiting, parents can cause it on their own. To do this, the child is given to drink water or milk, and then pressed with a finger or a spoon on the root of the tongue. If vomiting was provoked by poisoning with detergents, it is impossible to induce artificial vomiting so that acids and alkalis do not cause burns of the mucous membranes.

In this video, Dr. Komarovsky tells what to do when the temperature rises with diarrhea and vomiting.

The use of drugs is possible only after consultation with a pediatrician. The doctor prescribes the most optimal remedy and determines the dosage depending on the age and weight of the child.


Cerucal is one of the most effective remedies for vomiting and nausea in children. It is produced in the form of injection solutions or tablets, which are intended for children over 6 years of age. The weight of the child must be at least 20 kg. The usual dosage of Cerucal tablets for children with vomiting is 0.5-1 tablet three times a day.

The remedy is taken 30 minutes before meals, drinking plenty of liquid. Children under 6 years of age or those weighing less than 20 kg are prescribed the medicine in the form of injections. Contraindications include kidney pathology.


Forms of release of the drug - tablets or a sweet suspension, which is prescribed for babies under 5 years old. The active substance of the drug is domperidone. It blocks the vomiting center of the central nervous system, stimulates the passage of food into the stomach, and prevents the development of congestion in the intestines.

The drug is approved for use by newborns with profuse regurgitation and cyclic vomiting. However, during treatment, a small patient should be under medical supervision.

According to the Motilium instructions, for children with vomiting, the dosage is 0.25-0.5 ml per kilogram of the child's weight. The drug is taken 3-4 times a day for half an hour before meals. Contraindications - intestinal obstruction and gastric bleeding. The drug is prescribed with caution to children with neurological problems.


The drug belongs to the group of sorbents. The therapeutic effect of "Smecta" with vomiting in children is as follows: the active substance creates a protective film, preventing the absorption and spread of toxins and bacteria. The product is not absorbed into the blood, so it is absolutely safe even for newborns.

The drug is produced in the form of sachets, the contents of which must be diluted in tea, water or formula for infants. Duration of admission - from 3 to 7 days.


High fever and vomiting in a child cause severe dehydration. This can be dangerous not only for health, but also for the life of the baby. "Regidron" for children with vomiting is prescribed to normalize the water and acid-base balance.

The release form of the drug is a powder in sachets, which is diluted in water. When using the drug, it is important to follow the recommended dosages, start taking it with small doses. Contraindications for use - diabetes mellitus, renal failure.


The antimicrobial drug has proven itself in the fight against food poisoning. "Enterofuril" with vomiting in a child without diarrhea gives an effective result, is not absorbed in the intestines, activates the immune system. The release form for children is a suspension with a pleasant aroma. Children older than 3 years can be prescribed the drug in the form of tablets.

"Enterofuril" is taken regardless of the meal. It is not recommended for simultaneous use with sorbents. Side effects are very rare.

We invite you to watch a video in which Polina Dudchenko, family doctor, neonatologist, lactation consultant, shares recommendations for a situation when a child vomits.

The concern of parents who want to know how to feed a child after vomiting is understandable. During this period, you need to follow certain nutritional principles:

  • do not force-feed the child;
  • observe a plentiful drinking regimen to reduce the risk of dehydration;
  • introduce into the menu products that have a gentle effect on the digestive system;
  • the first dishes after vomiting should be liquid dietary cereals from rice, buckwheat or oatmeal;
  • when choosing products, the reasons that caused vomiting are taken into account.

Breastfeeding with vomiting does not stop, but previously introduced complementary foods must be stopped until complete recovery.

How to feed a child after vomiting in the first days?

In addition to cereals, these can be:

  • in the form of puree;
  • boiled carrots and broccoli;
  • homemade crackers or biscuits;
  • bananas;
  • boiled eggs;
  • vegetarian vegetable soups;
  • fruit jelly with starch.

Fish and meat dishes are canceled in the first 3-4 days of illness. With good health, they can be included in the menu in the form of steam cutlets or meatballs. Meals should be fractional, every three to four hours. During the week, all meals should be low-fat and dietary.


There can be many reasons for vomiting in a child without fever, ranging from overeating at night and excessive water intake to the manifestation of diseases. Only a doctor can determine why the baby begins to feel sick and vomit. The body's defense mechanism helps to cleanse itself of toxins, but if there is frequent vomiting in a child, this is an alarming symptom in which an ambulance should be called.

What is vomiting

Vomiting accompanied by nausea is a subcortical reflex. A single release of the contents of the stomach out through the oral cavity and esophagus is necessary to cleanse the body of harmful substances that are produced by its own organs and tissues, or obtained from outside: chemical compounds, poisons, toxins. Before the baby vomits, he has a copious salivation (salivation), he begins to feel sick. This feeling can be described as if "sucking in the stomach." Vomiting in a child without fever is accompanied by:

  • cold sweat;
  • a feeling of nausea;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • semi-conscious state.

Child vomits without fever

An alarming symptom is vomiting in a child, which is not accompanied by fever and cough. To help the baby, you need to find out the source of the pathological condition and eliminate it. In most cases, quickly identifying the causes of vomiting in children without fever will help analyze the actions preceding the malaise: fast riding on a carousel, drinking carbonated drinks, eating unripe fruit, strong and pungent odors. Vomiting in a child without fever, combined with diarrhea, rash or weakness, signals a serious malfunction in the child's body.

The reasons

Factors that cause vomiting are divided into those requiring medical or surgical treatment and those that can go away on their own. These include a functional reaction to the product, climate change, excessive consumption of fatty and sweet, teething, rejection of complementary foods at an early age, psychogenic causes. In infants, regurgitation is observed, in which spasm of the muscular wall of the stomach does not occur, therefore it does not require treatment and is considered normal. Among the diseases and conditions, when it starts to feel sick and vomit, there are:

  • traumatic brain injury,;
  • taking medications;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • pylorospasm (congenital pathology) or gastroesophageal reflux;
  • neurological abnormalities;
  • pyloric stenosis;
  • diverticulosis;
  • entry of a foreign body into the esophagus;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acute gastritis (the child has a stomach ache);
  • surgical pathologies;
  • inflammatory process in digestion;

No fever or diarrhea

There are 3 categories of causes of vomiting when the temperature does not rise: psychogenic factors, functional (caused by physiology) and disease-related. A psychogenic gag reflex often occurs in children older than 6 years. The release of food occurs on a nervous basis in adolescents, often against the background of growing up. Vomiting in children without fever and diarrhea can occur for the following reasons:

  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • pyloric spasm;
  • pyloric stenosis;
  • intestinal intussusception;
  • acute gastroduodenitis;
  • alimentary gastritis;
  • diseases of the pancreas;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • CNS damage.

Vomiting and diarrhea in a child without fever

Loose stools, vomiting without hyperthermia indicate an attempt by the body to remove toxins. This condition develops with an intestinal infection, food poisoning, allergic reactions to food (new complementary foods) or a drug. Intestinal dysbacteriosis - the absence of bacteria necessary for the normal functioning of the intestine, can also provoke indigestion. Vomiting and diarrhea in babies under one year old can be signs of appendicitis.

Vomiting in the baby without fever

In infancy, the release of food is typical for children of the first month of life and disappears after six months. In premature babies, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract may not be fully formed, which is also the reason, but in healthy and developed children, regurgitation is observed several times a day. Parents should be alerted by the situation if abundant regurgitation occurs at each feeding and masses of green or yellow. Other causes of regurgitation in children include:

  • liquid food intake;
  • short esophagus;
  • sensitivity of gag reflex receptors in the stomach, esophagus and throat;
  • weak development of the circular muscles.

Child vomits water

After the child vomits, it is necessary to drink him in small portions, because a large amount of liquid provokes the ejection of the contents of the stomach with water. In this case, vomiting attacks are repeated. If the baby vomits with particles of eaten or undigested food, and the vomit is watery, then this is the result of taking medications that are not suitable for the child's body. The components of medicines negatively affect the gastric mucosa, irritating it. Rotavirus infection provokes vomiting with a fountain of water and diarrhea.

Vomiting mucus

The presence of mucus in the vomit indicates an intestinal infection, diseases of the nervous system, or may occur after various surgical interventions. In case of repeated ejection of the contents of the stomach with the presence of mucus in the masses and the absence of other symptoms of intoxication, you should consult a doctor and get tested. In infants, a similar condition is caused by overeating. Mucus enters from the nasopharynx and bronchi, breathing is disturbed, the baby is restless.

Vomiting in a dream

When the discharge of stomach contents occurs at night once, then the culprit may be a bad microclimate, a large amount of food eaten, fright, air in the stomach, or an uncomfortable position of the baby during sleep. These conditions do not require treatment. The situation is different if the vomiting at night is accompanied by suffocation. In order to avoid dangerous pathologies, it is necessary to follow the elementary rules of hygiene, feeding, and everyday life.


If the child is sick without fever, then you should consult a doctor. At the next attack of vomiting, visually inspect the contents of the ejected masses: quantity, color, smell, presence of impurities of bile, pus, mucus and blood. To determine the cause of vomiting will help laboratory research and instrumental examination of the digestive tract (X-ray, ultrasound, examination with a probe - gastrofibroscopy). You can determine the cause of the appearance of a dangerous symptom with the help of medical measures:

  • detailed biochemical blood test;
  • immunological research;
  • general clinical analysis of urine and blood;
  • an allergen test;
  • bacteriological analysis of feces and vomit.

What to do

Dr. Komarovsky claims that there is nothing to worry about in a single vomiting. If the child continues to vomit, his stomach hurts, then you should immediately call the pediatrician, because this may be a sign of the disease. Before his arrival, make sure that the baby does not choke on masses - turn his head to one side, raising it by 30 degrees. After the baby vomits, it is worth rinsing the mouth with warm water, wiping the lips, corners of the mouth, and oral cavity with a cotton swab, after wetting it with water, a solution of boric acid, potassium permanganate, or another disinfectant.


To prevent dehydration, solder the child with glucose-salt solutions (for example, the drug), which can be given from a syringe in small portions or a teaspoon. Names of other rehydration solutions: Oralit, Trihydron and Hydrovit. Drugs are dispensed without a prescription in Russian pharmacies. Release form - powder, which should be diluted in boiled water, after cooling it. In the absence of special preparations, give the baby plenty of fluids.

Physiotherapy treatment

When emptying the intestines caused by pyloric spasm and diseases of the gallbladder, physiotherapy prescribed by the doctor is indicated. This method includes applications of paraffin and ozokerite, with novocaine on the epigastric region (administration of medicinal components using electric current), galvanization, Bernard currents.

What to give a child

If the cause of vomiting lies in the allergens and toxic components in the body, there are symptoms of intoxication of the body, then the child is given sorbents of natural origin, groups of carbon agents or containing silicon, preparations with lumogel, from aluminosilicate (Smecta). Children should not take medicines intended for adults. Funds are assigned in accordance with the age of the child and the determination of the presence of the disease. Children's preparations, suspensions and sweet syrups, the baby will accept with joy - they are very tasty.

You can give children antiemetics (Motilak, Cerucal), preparations with vitamins, except for calciferol. Excessive intake of vitamin D causes vomiting. Homeopathy helps not only to stop vomiting, but also to eliminate the problem that caused it. Homeopathic medicines have no side effects and contain only natural ingredients. The following anti-vomiting agents are distinguished:

  • Phosphorus;
  • Kokorysh ordinary;
  • Arsenicum album;
  • Ipecacuanha;
  • Nux vomica;
  • Pulsatilla;
  • Tabacum;
  • Veratrum album.

Folk remedies

For treatment with folk remedies, only remedies that do not harm the newborn are chosen: a decoction of raisins or rice, chamomile, mint or dill tea. One-year-old children can be helped by pear broth, soaked rye crackers, barley flour. To stop vomiting in a child aged 3 years, in addition to the above, other folk remedies prepared from oak bark, gooseberries are suitable. A weak solution of potassium permanganate is considered an old remedy for vomiting.


To improve the well-being and health of the baby after a painful condition will help to drink plenty of water, proper nutrition, a sparing diet that excludes food that is difficult to digest. The weakened food tract will not be able to cope with it, and the condition will worsen. The child needs to stop eating such foods: raw vegetables, grapes, fish, meat dishes, sweets, fats, sausages, carbonated drinks. You can improve the work of the stomach if you add the following food to the baby's daily diet:

  • yogurt without additives;
  • boiled carrots, broccoli;
  • baked apples;
  • kefir;
  • a decoction made from dried fruits.

Possible Complications

In addition to general stress for the body, there are 3 main complications: dehydration, weight loss, and airway obstruction. With diarrhea, profuse vomiting, there is a rapid decrease in body weight due to lack of appetite, which is dangerous for small, premature babies. Obstruction of the respiratory tract occurs due to the ingress of vomit into them. To avoid this, you need to keep the baby's head upright. Against the background of a violation of the water-salt balance, loss of mineral salts, fluid, dehydration of the body occurs, the symptoms of which are:

  • lethargy;
  • dry diaper for 4 hours;
  • tight, dry skin;
  • when crying there are no tears;
  • rapid weight loss.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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