White discharge from the vagina. Profuse watery discharge in women

Constant abundant vaginal discharge is an unhealthy condition for a woman. Any female representative has vaginal discharge from the moment of puberty to the onset of menopause. They are almost transparent with a whitish tint. Reminiscent of egg white or rice water. Healthy discharge does not have a sharp and unpleasant odor. Their number is moderate, they do not cause any particular inconvenience to the woman. Abundant discharge, accompanied by a pungent odor, may be a sign of the development of some kind of pathology. Especially if they change color and texture, and are also accompanied by pain.

Physiological discharge from the vagina

Vaginal discharge is a fluid produced by the glands of the vestibule, cervical canal, endometrium, and endosalpinx. These are the anatomical structures of the female genital organs, which tend to secrete a secret. The composition of the fluid depends on the epithelium of the vagina. The epithelium does not have its own glands, but it also participates in the formation of the vaginal fluid through the process of extravasation - the seepage of blood serum through the walls of blood vessels.

The secret of the cervical canal is unstable. It changes depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. During ovulation, it is liquid and almost transparent, and during the luteal phase, it is yellowish, viscous and viscous. The luteal phase is the period after ovulation in the absence of fertilization of the egg. The rest of the secrets are more stable in terms of characteristics.

Transudate is a significant part of the vaginal fluid. It has a milky color, a viscous consistency and an acidic reaction. Its composition is dominated by epithelial cells. In addition to epithelial cells, lactobacilli are present in the fluid. In addition, the liquid contains a small amount (about 2%) of opportunistic microflora. These are gardnerella, mycoplasmas, anaerobic bacteria, staphylococci, streptococci and yeast fungi. An acidic environment prevents pathogens from multiplying. Lactobacilli help maintain the acidic environment of the liquid (pH 3.8-4.5).

In a healthy woman, a balance is maintained between the release of fluid and its absorption by the mucous membrane. Therefore, she does not feel uncomfortable. The daily amount of excreted fluid is about 2 ml. However, under the influence of hormones or external factors, the amount of secretion or transudate secreted may become different. In addition, the quality characteristics of the liquid also change. The reasons for the increase in secretions may be different.

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Factors that contribute to an increase in secretions

All women experience periods when there is a little more vaginal fluid.

This may be a natural process due to physiology or a symptom of a disease. During puberty and the formation of the menstrual cycle, the amount of vaginal fluid increases. This is a temporary phenomenon. During the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, the secret of the uterine canal changes not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively. A little more discharge may also occur during ovulation. A change in the hormonal background during pregnancy also transforms the excreted fluid. Under the influence of estrogens, the latter becomes much larger, and it liquefies.

During intercourse, due to sexual arousal, the amount of secretion secreted becomes greater. To change the nature of the vaginal contents, hormonal preparations are capable. Fluid excretion can be affected by stress. Constant stress is especially destructive to the body.

An allergic reaction of the body of a general or local nature can increase the amount of vaginal discharge. A sharp change in climatic conditions, a change in time zones can cause an imbalance in the body, including in the work of the genital organs. Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene can lead to a change in vaginal discharge. Various pathogenic microorganisms can provoke a disease of the genital organs of a woman. As a consequence, their activity alters the vaginal contents.

Chronic endometritis or. These are inflammations of the tissues of the uterus. With such diseases, women experience abundant liquid vaginal discharge. Before and immediately after menstruation, the vaginal fluid darkens. They become thick, curdled, frothy or streaked. A sharp unpleasant odor is a sign of the development of the disease. It is absolutely impossible to self-medicate. The consequences of this are more serious than the disease itself.

Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease of the genitourinary system. Its causative agent is Trichomonas vaginalis. Vaginal contents in this disease becomes abundant and frothy, yellow-gray. Its smell is sharp and unpleasant. Abundant discharge occurs with an allergic reaction. Pads, tampons, underwear, condoms or hygiene products can provoke allergies. An allergic reaction is accompanied by itching and irritation of the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

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Causes of a pathological increase in secretions

Abundant vaginal discharge in women can be a sign of the following diseases:

  1. Cervical erosion. This is an ulcerative defect on the mucous membrane of the vaginal part of the cervix. Such a disease is accompanied by an increased amount of discharge, especially before menstruation. The vaginal fluid may be white or clear with white streaks.
  2. is an inflammation of the fallopian tubes. The inflammatory process changes the nature of the secretions. They become abundant, mucopurulent, yellowish or greenish.
  3. is a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. As with salpingitis, the vaginal fluid enlarges and becomes mucopurulent or purulent.
  4. Vaginitis is an inflammation of the lining of the vagina. The color and consistency of discharge in this disease depends on the type of infection that caused the disease. With the bacterial form of the disease in women, abundant whitish-yellow leucorrhoea appears. With a fungal infection, the discharge looks like cheesy white flakes with a sour smell. If the causative agents of the disease are Trichomonas, the secreted liquid becomes frothy and yellow-green. Gonorrheal vaginitis is accompanied by thick and white-yellow purulent vaginal contents.
  5. Vaginosis is a disease in which there is a reduced amount of vaginal lactoflora or its complete absence. With vaginosis, the discharge becomes profuse and grayish-white, with the smell of rotten fish.

Abundant watery discharge in women can cause a lot of discomfort to their owners: underwear gets wet quickly, and for a feeling of freshness, you have to constantly use panty liners. What does such high humidity indicate, and what to do if you notice it in yourself? More often, the appearance of watery discharge in women, like water, is a variant of the absolute norm. But sometimes this symptom can indicate pathological changes in the body.

Physiology: what is normal and what is not?

Discharge from the genital tract of a woman is as natural as the excretion of saliva, sweat, tears and other fluids of the human body. Normally, they include:

  • mucus produced by the glandular cells of the cervical canal;
  • desquamated dead cells of the epithelium of the vagina and cervical canal;
  • the natural flora of the vagina, consisting of 6-10 types of microbes.

The microflora of a healthy woman is 95% represented by bacteria classified as lactic acid (Dederlein sticks, lactobacilli) - in a bacteriological study, the content of their colonies should be higher than 10 7 . In smaller quantities, streptococci, enterobacteria, bacteroids, and fungi are diagnosed. Conditionally pathogenic flora (ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas, gardnerella) in the body of a healthy woman are not detected or are sown in minimal quantities - less than 10⁴.

At different stages of life of the fairer sex, the physiological characteristics of the regulation of the reproductive system vary greatly. In most cases, the appearance of liquid discharge in women can be absolutely normal, less often it indicates health problems. The nature of the allocated secret depends on:

  • age;
  • endocrine status;
  • presence/absence of sexual activity;
  • the presence of pregnancies, childbirth, abortion in history;
  • characteristics of the microflora of the vagina;
  • the presence of comorbidities.

Note! Due to lactobacilli, vaginal discharge often has a slight sour smell and a pH of 3.8-4.4.

In girls and girls

Before the onset of puberty, that is, the age of 10-14 years, the girl has practically no vaginal discharge. This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomy and physiology of the external and internal genital organs, as well as the consistently low level of hormones in this age period: why should there be secretions from a system that is in an immature, “sleeping” state?

Wet panties in a girl that are not associated with urinary incontinence is a reason to show her to a pediatric gynecologist. The reasons why there are abundant discharges up to 10-12 years of age are associated with the dysfunction of the reproductive or digestive and urinary systems, located close to each other.

Small liquid discharge like water, a girl may first notice about a year before menarche (first menstruation). This phenomenon is absolutely normal and is associated with active hormonal changes: the body is preparing for puberty. Additional signs of changes in the reproductive system include swelling of the mammary glands, hair growth in the groin and armpits. Normally, mucous or watery discharge from the vagina at this time is transparent or has a white tint and smells almost nothing (a slight sour aroma is possible).

In adult women

When the reproductive system works like clockwork, normal vaginal discharge tends to change depending on the day of the cycle:

  • The first phase (1-12 days from the onset of menstruation) - they are not abundant (1-2 ml per day), mucous or liquid, like water. They have a homogeneous consistency, but the presence of small (1-2 mm) mucous lumps is acceptable. Their transparency is high, the color varies from whitish to cream. They are practically odorless and do not cause discomfort (itching, burning, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes).
  • During ovulation (the menstrual cycle reaches its middle), the volume of fluid secreted increases to 4-5 ml per day. Due to the presence of cervical (cervical) mucus, they become thick, viscous and viscous, sometimes acquiring a beige tint.
  • The second phase (14-28 days) is characterized by a decrease in the volume of mucus compared to the period of ovulation. Clear or white discharge again becomes more watery, but their amount is small. Brown discharge at the end of the cycle usually indicates that a period will come in a few hours.

Note! Allocations before menstruation, as a rule, become more abundant. They may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen: this is due to cramping contractions of the uterus, expelling blood clots.

The end of menstrual function and menopause are characterized by a progressive decrease in the volume of secretions. Their composition also changes: as in childhood, the microflora of the vagina of an elderly woman is represented mainly by coccal microbes (streptococci, staphylococci). Abundant discharge from the genital tract during this period is a sign of possible hormonal disorders or organic damage to the organs of the reproductive system.

What can affect the nature of vaginal secretion

There are a number of factors that affect the female reproductive system and change the pattern of vaginal excretion. The physiological reasons for which there is an abundant discharge of fluid from the genital tract or, on the contrary, its almost complete absence, can be very different.

The first sexual experience is associated not only with a new stage in a woman's life, but also with the settlement of the vaginal mucosa with a new flora - alien, albeit non-pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, the onset of sexual activity is accompanied by a change in the nature of vaginal excretion: abundant discharge for 3-10 days (sometimes more) is considered absolutely normal.

For the same reason, abundant odorless discharge can be after sex with a new partner - this is how a woman's genitourinary system reacts to changes in microflora. In addition, the frequent change of sexual partners is a factor that provokes the development of vaginal dysbacteriosis and sexually transmitted diseases.

Sexual intercourse itself can also cause increased humidity. Each woman noted that the nature of natural secretions changes after intimacy. Sex without a condom is accompanied by the appearance of white or yellowish mucous clots immediately after intercourse. After 6-8 hours, they liquefy, become more liquid and plentiful. Allocations in the form of water can continue for several more hours (up to 5-6). If sexual intercourse took place using barrier methods of contraception, whitish or yellowish mucus will be released from the genital tract - the remnants of vaginal lubrication.

Another cause of liquid discharge is the use of hormonal contraceptives. The mechanism of action of contraceptive pills is based on drug suppression of the ovulation process. In fact, the woman's reproductive system is in a dormant state during their intake, so the volume of vaginal excretion decreases.

Normally, the work of the reproductive system should not cause the slightest discomfort in a woman. If the supposedly normal nature of the discharge is accompanied by burning, itching in the vulva, or the appearance of severe pain, go to the doctor.

Features during pregnancy and the postpartum period

The description of changes in vaginal excretion during childbearing deserves special attention. Already from the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman may notice an increase in the volume of mucus and fluid released from the genital tract. The reasons for this physiological phenomenon are increased blood supply to the internal and external genital organs, an increase in the volume of circulating blood and active hormonal changes in the body.

Abundant clear discharge during pregnancy should not have a strong odor and cause inconvenience. To make a woman feel more comfortable, you can use panty liners, changing them as you get wet.

A sharp increase in the amount of fluid released in the II-III trimester should alert the expectant mother: perhaps this is a sign of leaking amniotic fluid. The volume of physiological secretions should not exceed 5-7 ml.

The appearance of a large clot consisting of mucus and streaks of blood (sometimes it looks like copious brown discharge) is a sign of a cork discharge and one of the harbingers of childbirth. So the cervix is ​​​​cleansed and prepared for opening.

After childbirth (usually within 3-7 weeks), a woman begins to have lochia - physiological secretions, which include a large amount of mucus, blood and dead uterine cells. There is a tendency to reduce their number: in the first days, scarlet or brown discharge resembles heavy periods, later they brighten and become like egg white. By the end of 5-8 weeks, abundant clear discharge becomes normal, pre-pregnant in nature.

Sign of a possible pathology

In some cases, very abundant liquid discharge can become a symptom of a disease of the female urinary system or a hormonal disorder. Common causes of wet laundry are discussed below.

Sometimes the appearance of pathological fluid from the genital tract is associated with a banal violation of the rules of personal hygiene:

  • lack of regular (2 times a day) washing;
  • irritation of the mucous membranes with an improperly selected intimate hygiene product;
  • an allergic reaction to soap impregnating the components of daily pads;
  • constant wearing of tight synthetic underwear;
  • a foreign body accidentally introduced into the vagina (sand on the beach, a piece of toilet paper).

Note! Gynecologists recommend using comfortable cotton underwear for everyday wear. Wash your face twice a day with gentle, pH-neutral intimate cleansers. Vaginal douching should only be done when prescribed by a doctor - this is not a procedure for daily care.

If watery discharge flows from the vagina due to violations of the rules of personal hygiene, it is enough to change the care of the urinary organs, and everything will return to normal in 5-7 days.

In some cases, fluid from the genital tract indicates health problems. Why pathological liquid discharge occurs - consider the most common diseases.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis, vaginal dysbacteriosis) is a common pathology of the female genital area. It is accompanied by a decrease in the proportion of lactobacilli in the vaginal microflora and an increase in opportunistic microbes (primarily Gardnerella vaginalis).

Among the risk factors for vaginal dysbacteriosis:

  • frequent douching;
  • use of barrier contraceptives (condoms, suppositories) treated with 9-nonoxynol;
  • long-term antibiotic therapy;
  • frequent change of sexual partners.

The nature of the discharge during gardnerellosis changes slightly: they become a little more plentiful and liquid, have a uniform consistency and a dirty grayish color, usually do not stain underwear. Their main distinguishing feature is the unpleasant smell of rotten fish, associated with the release of volatile amines by microbes. It can intensify after a working day, during which it was not possible to take a shower, sexual contacts.

Note! Bacterial vaginosis should not be considered an STD. A certain part of the gardnerella exists in the vagina of almost every healthy woman. The development of the disease is associated with the pathological activation of these microorganisms.

Inflammation of the appendages

Salpingoophoritis in medicine is called acute or chronic. It is caused by various pathogenic microorganisms, including gonococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli, chlamydia, mycoplasmas.

Allocations in case of inflammatory lesions of the uterine appendages are liquid, mucous or mucopurulent in nature, and may have an unpleasant odor. Vaginal excretion occurs without taking into account hormonal fluctuations and phase of the cycle.

In addition, the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the groin, aggravated by hypothermia, before and after menstruation, radiating to the sacrum;
  • instability of the menstrual cycle;
  • signs of general intoxication - headache, weakness, aches all over the body, a feeling of weakness;
  • increase in body temperature.
  • infertility (removable).

Other diseases of the genital area

Endometritis - inflammation of the inner wall of the uterus - a disease associated with damage to the endometrium during uterine probing, diagnostic gynecological examination (curettage), abortion, difficult natural childbirth.

With endometritis, an abundant fluid of an exudative (usually purulent) nature with streaks of blood and a putrid "meaty" smell is released from the genital tract. In addition, the disease is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, fever, general manifestations of intoxication.

The appearance of watery (less often mucous) foul-smelling discharge from the vagina is also possible with pathologies of the cervix:

  • erosion;
  • cervicitis;
  • cancer.

The appearance of abundant mucous fluid (sometimes mixed with blood) from the genital tract during cervical erosion is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during intercourse. The disease is dangerous with a tendency to spread and the ability to malignancy (malignancy).

Like erosion, cervicitis is characterized by an increase in the amount of fluid secreted from the genital tract. This disease is accompanied by severe symptoms of intoxication.

Watery discharge in women is not always a sign of pathology, even if their number is relatively large. If they do not cause severe discomfort, practically do not smell and are not accompanied by painful sensations and manifestations of intoxication, most likely they are a manifestation of a normal menstrual cycle. Nevertheless, any questions and doubts of the fair sex regarding her reproductive health should be discussed with a specialist. He should be contacted if, along with the discharge, there are pathological signs (pain, itching, burning, fever), as well as a sharp change (increase or decrease) in vaginal excretion.

3 days before ovulation, vaginal discharge becomes very abundant and watery, which is the norm, not a pathology.

sexual arousal

Some women may experience copious, watery vaginal discharge immediately after sexual intercourse. This is a variant of the norm and indicates a high jump in hormones and sexual arousal against this background. Discharge, similar in consistency to water, can be produced by a woman for several hours and even days after intercourse.

Pathological causes of watery vaginal discharge

The causes of vaginal discharge that do not have a pathological picture were discussed above. That is, they are caused by completely natural physiological processes in a woman's body.

Also, we have already said that if the discharge of a watery consistency lasts for more than 5 days in a woman, then in this case you need to visit a gynecologist.

Inflammatory process in the body

If the discharge from the vagina is watery and at the same time very abundant, then in this case this may indicate an acute inflammatory process. In particular, the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and also the mucous membrane of the uterus can be affected by an inflammatory or infectious process.

In this case, the discharge from the watery ones will become yellowish in a few days, sometimes with an admixture of pus or blood. Painful vaginal discharge changes its odor (becomes offensive), as well as its color and texture.

It is important to prevent the development of the inflammatory process in time and stop it. This can only be done if you consult a gynecologist.

A woman's careful and attentive attitude to her health will help to avoid many problems, prevent serious and minor violations at their initial stage of development. You can notice changes in women's health by the nature of the secreted mucus from the genital organs, since it is mucus that is an indicator of pathological changes and the reason for a visit to the gynecologist.

Mucus from the vagina is inherent in everyone. This is a characteristic feature of the woman's body. As a rule, various types of mucus from the vagina are normal and have an understandable origin.

Normal discharge has the following features:

  1. They can be transparent, white or red in color;
  2. Do not cause redness, itching or burning;
  3. Have no smell;
  4. Have a small amount;
  5. Pass asymptomatically - in the absence of temperature, pain and discomfort.

It should be noted that the norm is when a small amount. Abundant discharge should be a wake-up call for a woman.

The mucous fluid as a whole is a sign of the normal functioning of the woman's appendages. This is a standard figure for any age range.

Starting from the 1st month of life, each representative of the weak half of humanity has mucus discharge, which is caused by hormonal changes. In the first month of life, mucus is a residual effect of the destruction of maternal hormones.

To the maturation of their own sex hormones, mucus appears again - more often, during puberty.

As a rule, the production of mucus falls in the period a year before the onset of menstruation. By the age of 8, the mucus is like rice water with a sour smell.

As soon as the menstrual cycle begins to be established, the discharge will become cyclical, their appearance changes. In the first half of the cycle, mucus is usually moderate, but by the second phase, its consistency thickens.

It is customary to divide selections depending on their type:

  1. White. They can also be called whites. The causes of their occurrence can be vaginitis, colpitis, adnexitis. Their appearance is also observed when taking oral contraceptives, with stagnation in the pelvic region, with violation of the rules of personal hygiene, as well as with a sedentary lifestyle;
  2. Transparent. They depend on the amount of hormones in the body, as well as on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Their presence indicates the work of the ovaries. The composition of such secretions includes cell fragments and lymph transudate, as well as microorganisms, mucus from the cervical canal and residues from the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  3. Mucous. Such discharge is not a pathology until it has a color and smell. Otherwise, it is necessary to pass a comprehensive analysis and consult with your doctor;
  4. Watery.

With normal development, discharges that do not require intervention by a specialist can be:

  1. Scanty, in the form of a creamy or jelly-like substance. Inherent in the second phase of the cycle;
  2. Transparent discharge, inherent in the phase before ovulation;
  3. Mucus with bloody streaks - inherent in the period after ovulation.
  4. Creamy mucous clots - inherent before menstruation;
  5. White clots - when taking oral contraceptives;
  6. Pink ichor - lochia, inherent in the postpartum period;
  7. Creamy discharge during unprotected intercourse or when using a condom. Such secretions are odorless and do not cause itching.

Discharge in the form of mucus in women: causes

There can be many reasons for the occurrence of discharge. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between secretions according to the type of their consistency, as well as depending on the smell and color. So it is customary to distinguish:

You should also know that mucus is the norm for:

  • first sexual contact;
  • when changing sexual partner;
  • when excited before sexual intercourse, as well as during unprotected intercourse.

White may stand out:

  • in the presence of a foreign object in the vagina;
  • with advanced diabetes mellitus;
  • with the development of polyps;
  • in the presence of other benign formations in the uterus;
  • with erosive wounds of the cervix, as well as cervicitis, salpingoophoritis, adnexitis;
  • with the development of a malignant process in the uterine cavity.

It is noteworthy that the cancerous process in the uterus passes under the transparent and watery discharge. At the same time, such discharge has an unpleasant odor, with a small admixture of blood.

The inflamed endometrium, as well as the cervical mucosa, can develop mucus with a thin, watery consistency. In this case, the surface of the gasket will be dirty.

Why are copious clots of mucus secreted in women

Mucus is produced in the cervix by a special gland. As a rule, such production has a specific smell. Depending on the hormonal background and the work of the ovaries, as well as the menstrual cycle, the consistency of the secretions and their nature also vary.

Abundant clots of mucus are a cause for concern, as this is a fact that confirms the presence of various kinds of microorganisms in the vagina. In parallel with the release of clots, pain, burning or itching may occur.

It has been confirmed by numerous studies that the penetration of opportunistic microorganisms into the microfoolora of the female vagina is expressed by the presence of abundant mucus secretion. Such microorganisms are prone to rapid reproduction, respectively, sensations may change every day.

Quite frequent "guests" are:

  1. Mushrooms from the Candida series;
  2. Gardinella.

Their presence entails the development of thrush and dysbacteriosis.

What to do with mucus discharge in women

It is very important to be attentive to your health and pay attention to every little thing. If you find any discharge that differs from the norm, you should contact a specialist. Especially if the appearance of such secretions is accompanied by symptoms.

Treatment and prevention

Therapy of abundant discharge and mucus from the vagina involves a visit to a gynecologist, who, based on the examination, will make a diagnosis.

Self-treatment, as a rule, does not lead to good results, since it is not complex and systematic. Most often, such an irresponsible approach leads to poor health, as well as the development of many complications.

In the treatment of infections most often include such measures:

  1. Douching. At the same time, appropriate preparations or herbal preparations are used;
  2. The use of special baths;
  3. Taking oral medications, the action of which is intended to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms;
  4. The use of suppositories vaginally.

An examination by a gynecologist involves checking for four degrees of purity:

  1. The first degree involves checking for the presence of pathogens, the reaction must be acidic, its predominance in the vagina of lactobacilli, in the absence of pathogens;
  2. In the second degree, the number of leukocytes should be no more than 10, against this background, the indicators of latobacilli should be lowered. Pathogens are present and the reaction is acidic.

The first and second degrees are a sign of a woman’s health, confirm the absence of pathologies.

The next two degrees are pathology:

  • At this stage, the environment becomes alkaline, while pathogenic conditional pathogens can be detected, the level of leukocytes is increased;
  • The fourth degree characterizes the abundance of leukocytes, pathogens. Dederlein sticks and lactobacilli are completely absent.

A timely appeal to a specialist will allow you to stop the disease at the initial stage, which means ridding the genitals of inflammation in a short period.

As a rule, timely and competent therapy reduces the excreted mucus, and also eliminates unpleasant symptoms.

Moderate mucus secreted from the genitals of a woman is the norm and part of the physiological process in the body.

An increase in its quantity, a change in its consistency and smell is a cause for concern that requires consultation with a specialist. The first signs of pathology must be considered by a gynecologist.

It is important to be attentive to health and minimize the entry of microorganisms into the genitals - follow the basic rules of personal hygiene, visit the gynecologist systematically, identifying various pathologies in the early stages. Undergo, if necessary, systematic courses of therapy.

For more information on which discharge can be considered pathological, see the following video.

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