Birch buds for men. Birch buds useful properties and contraindications. Who should refrain from using

Birch has long been known for its healing qualities. Even our ancestors actively used its bark, juice, as well as leaves and buds to treat the most various diseases. Birch buds, beneficial features and contraindications for the use of which we will consider in this article are well known to modern pharmacists. So, they include them in numerous fees. At home, you can also find ways to benefit from them.

What are the benefits of birch buds?

Birch buds medicinal properties and weight useful substances save if they are properly prepared. They have the following properties:


Treatment with birch buds is very effective. Traditionally, they are used to treat a variety of colds. Due to the presence of vitamins in them, as well as a pronounced antibacterial effect, they serve as an excellent tool in the fight against respiratory infections. For this purpose, a decoction is especially suitable, which is prepared from one teaspoon of the kidneys. They need to pour a glass of boiling water and insist for several minutes. The resulting decoction can be used instead of tea. It is also used as a gargle for sore throats. In addition, the infusion prepared in this way has a diaphoretic effect. If you take it at night with flu or a cold, then in the morning the patient's well-being will largely stabilize.

Preparation of alcohol tincture

Birch buds, whose beneficial properties and contraindications were known to our ancestors, are actively used to treat diseases such as laryngitis, bronchitis and even tuberculosis. For such cases, it is necessary to prepare an infusion of alcohol. A handful of kidneys is placed in a glass dish and poured with one hundred milliliters of seventy percent alcohol. After that, the dishes are tightly covered with a lid and the mixture is infused for three weeks. The resulting remedy must be consumed twenty drops three times a day before meals. If the patient suffers from ulcers or other gastrointestinal diseases, then water must be added to the infusion. The rest of the scheme of its reception remains unchanged.

It should be noted that alcohol tincture can be stored for a long time. In addition to the cases listed above, it also helps with bruises and joint pain. It is enough to rub it twice a day on the affected area, and unpleasant symptoms will quickly disappear.

Ointment preparation

Birch buds, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are known in folk medicine are indispensable for the treatment of rheumatism. In this case, it is recommended to use special ointment. For its preparation, eight hundred grams will be required. butter without salt and five grams of camphor. Oil and birch buds must be placed in an enamel pan in uniform layers with a thickness of no more than index finger. Camphor is added to the last layer of oil. After that, the pan is tightly covered with a lid, wrapped in foil and placed in a well-heated oven for 24 hours. The resulting ointment should be wiped every evening with sore joints.

Also, the ointment can be prepared for other, more the easy way. Pour boiling water over the kidneys, then strain them and add melted lanolin. After the mass hardens, a liquid will come out on its surface, which should be drained. The resulting ointment is good for eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases.

Application of ointment

Birch bud ointment is very popular. She has proven herself well for the treatment of rheumatism. So, if you rub it twice a day into the joints, then pain decrease much. It also helps with hemorrhoids.

Application in cosmetology

Birch buds, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which have been known for a long time, are traditionally used by many women in cosmetic purposes. It's no secret that many popular hair products are made using their infusion. Therefore, the kidneys are primarily used to strengthen and improve the condition. hairline. In addition, a decoction of them is used to reduce swelling of the face. And in combination with chamomile, they have a rejuvenating effect on the skin of the face.

Birch buds, whose healing properties are widely used in cosmetology, are especially effective in caring for dry and aging skin. An oil infusion has proven itself very well, for the preparation of which an incomplete glass is required. olive oil and three large spoons of kidneys. They must be poured with oil and put to infuse in a dark place for twenty-one days. After that, the mixture is filtered, and the resulting oil is used as a night face care product.

The healing properties of birch are exclusively beneficial effect on human skin. Not without reason from ancient times Birch broom considered an immutable attribute bath procedures. Besides, positive effect have fitovanny. To prepare them, you need to add two glasses of decoction of birch buds to the water. It is recommended to take a bath for thirty minutes.

The benefits of birch buds for hair

What are the benefits of birch buds for hair? They can be used to improve their structure. An ointment made from birch buds, chamomile and nettle is considered especially effective. To prepare it, you will need one large spoon of kidneys and herbs, as well as a third of a glass of olive oil and half a spoon of lanolin. Mix all the ingredients and boil over low heat for half an hour. While the mass is still warm, the yolk and juice of one lemon are added to it. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair for an hour, after which the head must be wrapped in a towel, and then washed with shampoo.

In addition, the decoction can be used to rinse the hair. To get it, just pour a handful of kidneys with a glass of boiling water, and then strain. It must be said that such decoctions are very often included in the composition various means for hair care.

Preparation of skin care products

What are the benefits of birch buds in skin care? They have proven themselves in the fight against acne. Especially effective is a mask made from kidneys, as well as calendula and chamomile flowers. These ingredients must be taken in equal proportions and mixed with boiling water until a slurry is formed. The resulting mass is wrapped in gauze, squeezed out a little and in this form is superimposed on clean skin faces. The positive effect of such a procedure is noticeable after the first time.

In addition, birch buds have a rejuvenating effect on the skin of the face. To smooth and make less noticeable crow's feet in the eye area, you need to hold gauze soaked in broth on your eyelids in the evening. And as a means for washing, you can use the infusion.

Birch buds: contraindications

In some cases, the use of birch buds should be limited. First of all, this applies to pregnant women and young mothers who are breastfeeding. They are also recommended to be used with caution in people who suffer from various diseases urinary system. Reception of funds containing birch buds in one form or another can be started only after consulting with your doctor.

It should be noted that the treatment folk remedies on birch buds is of an auxiliary nature. Their use does not change traditional treatment with the help of medicines prescribed by a doctor.

When and how to collect birch buds?

Birch buds retain their beneficial properties, provided they are properly harvested. All year round you can buy them at the pharmacy. But not everyone wants to use finished product. Some prefer to prepare healing remedy on one's own. When to collect birch buds? About it will be discussed farther. They are prepared in compliance with all the rules that ensure the complete safety of the useful substances contained in them.

When to collect birch buds? How to do it right? A number of rules must be observed:

  • The best time to collect is the period from February to April. At this time, the buds swell, become resinous, but leaves do not yet appear on them;
  • for the harvesting of raw materials, you need to choose dry weather. This applies not only to birch buds, but also to any other medicinal herbs;
  • young trees or new shoots on an old birch are best suited for collecting buds;
  • it is desirable that birch forest located as far as possible from sources of pollution, for example, a busy highway or an industrial enterprise;
  • after collecting the kidneys, they are dried in a dark place at room temperature, and then grinded. This process will help keep their beneficial properties as long as possible. If the raw material is properly prepared, it will emit a specific balsamic smell;
  • in any case, do not store raw materials for more than twelve months. After all, too long storage leads to the loss of most of their qualities.

Birch buds: reviews

According to the reviews, quite a lot modern people birch buds are used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Very often, tea is prepared from them, which has established itself as excellent tool from fatigue, irritability and weakness. Dentists advise rinsing your mouth with a decoction, because due to the content of tannins and flavonoids in the kidneys, they perfectly relieve inflammation in stomatitis, periodontal disease and other diseases of the oral cavity.

Birch buds are widely used for the treatment and prevention of colds. Inhalations are considered especially effective. In addition, the use of even a simple infusion saturates the body with vitamins, which, in turn, helps to strengthen the immune system.

Birch buds, the properties and contraindications of which you already know, you can now use for the right purposes. Health to everyone!

Birch buds are unique natural remedy, which helps to get rid of a whole bunch of diseases, it is noteworthy that this is a very effective and environmentally friendly medicine available to most people.

After all, birch is one of the most common trees in the temperate climate zone.

The healing properties of birch buds were valued in antiquity, as soon as the sap flow began in the spring, and the buds began to swell, they were carefully cut from the branches and dried, later used for cooking healing decoctions and infusions.

In the same period, they also collect healing birch sap, which brings great health benefits.

Collection of birch buds

Birch buds are harvested in the spring during the swelling period. They collect birch buds while they are not yet open, but already swollen - during the movement of birch sap along the tree trunk.

This is very important, because picking birch buds too early is useless. They still have too few nutrients. The buds are harvested by hand or cut off along with the branches.

The color of the kidneys is brownish-brown, sometimes greenish at the base. The smell is balsamic, aggravated by rubbing. The taste is slightly astringent, resinous.

It is better to collect birch buds outside the city, away from roads and factories, then it will be an environmentally friendly raw material.

Dry them on outdoors or in dryers at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Store them in cloth or paper bags or in glass containers.

Healing and beneficial properties of birch buds

To evaluate the benefits and healing properties of birch buds in full, you need to consider them biochemical composition. Those who like to take a steam bath with a birch broom know how pleasant the air becomes. So - the same fragrant essential oils, as in birch leaves, are also found in birch buds.

Birch buds contain essential balsamic oil, which includes betulenic acid, betulol and betulen, resinous substances, alkaloids, flavonoids, fatty acid, vitamin C, PP, carotene and saponins, tannins and minerals (magnesium, calcium and iron).

The oil obtained in the amount of 5-8% during the distillation of the kidneys with steam is a thick yellow liquid with a pleasant balsamic scent.

The beneficial properties of birch buds are known not only to folk, but also traditional medicine. They have a diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic, blood-purifying, analgesic, disinfectant, wound-healing effect.

It's beautiful anthelmintic, birch buds relieve inflammation, have a strong antibacterial effect, killing the microbes of the typhoid series.

Tincture of birch buds (1:5) exhibits antimicrobial activity against antibiotic-resistant forms of 144 strains of staphylococci isolated from patients various forms purulent infection.

This allows you to treat various purulent infections such as phlegmon, furunculosis, peritonitis and mastitis. Essential oils contained in birch buds have a destructive effect on invasions.

Preparations prepared from plant buds are prescribed for swelling cardiac origin . Birch buds increase diuresis and quickly reduce swelling in the periphery, even when traditional diuretic drugs do not have the desired effect. For edema caused functional disorders kidneys, such treatment is not recommended, as tarry substances can cause irritation of the kidney tissue.

The choleretic properties of birch buds are used in diseases of the liver and biliary tract . In addition, they are used in the treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis as a disinfectant and expectorant. Birch bud preparations are also used for hygienic and therapeutic baths.

As can be seen from the above, medicinal properties there are a lot of birch buds.

The use of birch buds

As mentioned at the beginning, this medicinal raw material is mainly used in the form of decoctions of infusions. It is also widely used in folk medicine in the form of alcohol tinctures and ointments.

Infusions and decoctions of birch buds are used in otolaryngology and dentistry as an anti-inflammatory, decongestant and epithelizing agent for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, glossitis, tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, acute respiratory diseases in the form of rinses and applications of gauze napkins moistened with infusions or decoctions.

In folk medicine, birch buds are used in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, and joint pain. They will help in the treatment of burns, eczema, the appearance of acne. Compresses made from a decoction of birch buds will have a wound healing effect.

Due to their regenerating effect, birch buds contribute to faster cell regeneration. In the treatment of arthritis, trophic non-healing ulcers, edema decoction of birch buds will have a diuretic and strengthening effect on the body.

For diseases oral cavity and throat, it is recommended to gargle with a decoction, which includes birch buds.

Decoction of birch buds - recipe

10 grams of kidneys (this is about 5-6 pieces) is poured into 0.2 l hot water, after which they boil for 15 minutes, cool and filter. Such a decoction is recommended to be consumed every day for half a glass between meals. It will help restore the body colds and the flu essential vitamins spring. They can gargle with sore throat, stomatitis or periodontal disease, it reduces swelling, having diuretic and choleretic properties.

Alcohol tincture of birch buds

Alcohol tincture of birch buds is recommended for colds, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, indigestion, poor appetite, in diseases gastrointestinal tract, gastric ulcer and duodenum, with dysentery and dyspepsia in children, pinworms and roundworms, as a choleretic and diuretic, with kidney stones and diseases Bladder, with headaches and migraines, with atherosclerosis.

It is useful to give the tincture to seriously ill patients after stress, especially to women after an artificially interrupted pregnancy, during a severe menopause, with edema of cardiac origin, with liver disease.

Preparation of alcohol tincture (internally)

Pour 20 g of dry crushed birch buds with 100 ml of 70% alcohol or vodka, insist in a dark, cool place for 3 weeks, shaking the contents from time to time, strain, squeeze out the rest.

Take 20 - 30 drops per 1 tablespoon of water 3 times a day 15 - 20 minutes before meals.

Alcohol tincture for external use

As an external analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent alcohol tincture birch buds are used for rubbing and compresses for rheumatism, gout, joint pain, lumbago and bedsores, in the treatment of minor wounds, skin erosions, skin irritation purulent secretions, in the treatment of acute and chronic forms eczema, poorly healing ulcers, in the treatment of myositis and arthritis, with toothache in the form of rinsing the mouth.

Preparation of tincture for external use

Birch buds are ground in a mortar and poured with alcohol from the following calculation: for 1 part by weight of the buds - 5 parts of alcohol. In the absence of alcohol, you can use high-quality vodka. A week later, the tincture is ready for use.

Ointment from birch buds

There are two ways to prepare an ointment from the kidneys:

The first method requires 700-800 grams of unsalted butter and birch buds as needed. An enamel pan is taken and oil and birch buds are alternately applied to it in equal layers a finger thick. After that, the closed pan is wrapped in foil and put in a preheated oven for a day. Camphor can be added to the resulting ointment to enhance therapeutic effect(a little, five grams).

The second method is simpler - pour birch buds with boiling water, filter this liquid and mix it with melted lanolin. After solidification of the resulting mass, we drain the liquid formed on the surface. The ointment is ready to use.

The ointment obtained by these methods can be rubbed into sore joints every evening. In addition to rheumatism, it will be useful in eczema.

Birch buds. Contraindications

There are birch buds, albeit minimal, but contraindications for use. Should not be used in medicinal purposes birch buds for women during pregnancy and lactation.

They are also advised to be used with extreme caution. acute diseases urinary system and renal failure.

Ideally, a doctor should be consulted before ingesting birch buds. This is not always possible, but will avoid many troubles.

Video about the healing properties of birch

An affordable natural remedy that can help in the treatment of many diseases is birch buds. Their collection coincides with the beginning of sap flow. This type of remedy is available to almost everyone. Dried kidneys can always be purchased at the pharmacy chain.

This is an ecological product. People have long noticed the healing properties of birch buds. After swelling, they are cut from the branches and dried under awnings. Dried, suitable for cooking medicinal products, or for preventive measures.

The process of collecting birch buds

It occurs in the spring before the opening of the kidneys. It starts around the second half of April and lasts until the first days of May. When collecting, the main thing is that the swollen buds are not open. Gathering in more early period does not bring a positive therapeutic effect from infusions and decoctions, since they do not have sufficient healing properties.

The process of collecting buds from a tree is carried out manually, or branches are cut and then they are taken. buds are dark brown. Their basis in some cases is greenish tint. If you rub a birch bud in your hands, you will feel a balsamic smell. They taste resinous, with a barely noticeable astringent property.

Important! You should not collect buds from birch trees located within the city, near large factories and highways with high traffic. If these requirements are met, then collected material will be suitable from the point of view of environmental cleanliness.

Drying takes place under sheds or in specially constructed dryers. The temperature in such dryers should be about 28 degrees. Dried kidneys are packaged in paper bags or glass containers.

The biochemical composition determines birch buds. Even the use of a bath broom made of birch allows you to feel the aroma that fills the steam room. The composition is identical to unblown birch buds. They have a significant amount:

  • fatty acids;
  • butylene acid:
  • tannins;
  • betulol;
  • betulen;
  • flavonoids;
  • minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium).

The use of kidneys in traditional medicine

Treatment with preparations from dried kidneys is carried out both by traditional medicine and traditional. Specially prepared infusions can be taken as a diuretic, for pain relief, for disinfection, and as a remedy for wounds. residents temperate latitudes they were used as a way to remove worms and remove inflammatory reactions organism.

Even some forms of staphylococci and purulent infections lose their ability current membership tincture of birch buds. This makes it possible to treat serious purulent diseases: mastitis, peritonitis, furunculosis and phlegmon.

Preparations based on birch buds have a good decongestant property. Their ability to increase diuresis prevents the occurrence of edema from insufficient work of the heart muscle.

Important! At inflammatory processes in the bronchi and trachea, infusions are used as an additional remedy for expectoration of accumulated mucus.

For hygiene purposes, they are used for taking baths.

Recipes for tinctures from birch buds

Which should be taken orally is prepared as follows. Grind 30 g of kidneys. Place them in a container with 150 ml of 70% alcohol or plain vodka. Place this mixture in a dark, cool place, and a couple of times a day, shaking, insist for 3 weeks. Express the composition, and take orally half a tablespoon diluted with the same amount of water.

Tincture, applied externally, is prepared by mixing 50 g of crushed birch buds and 300 ml of medical alcohol. After a week of exposure to the composition - the tincture can be used. It is used in the form of compresses and rubbing for pain relief with:

  • gouty attacks, rheumatism;
  • bedsores and ulcers;
  • various diseases of the joints;
  • eczema;
  • myositis;
  • and diseases of the oral cavity.

Using birch bud ointment

It rubs the affected joints. Recipes for preparing ointments differ in components and the way they are prepared.

  1. It will take 700 g of butter and about the same volume of kidneys. Transfer them to a metal, clay container in 1 cm layers. Then cover the container with a lid and place in the oven for 20 hours to warm up. Remove the mixture from the oven and add half a teaspoon of camphor. After that, the finished ointment can be used.
  2. Boil birch buds in boiling water. In the cooled add lanolin. After it solidifies, water is drained, which rises up. The rest is the ointment itself. It can be applied immediately.

Treatment and prescriptions for various diseases

The composition of birch buds is rich in several types of vitamins and, moreover, has antibacterial properties.


They are used to treat colds and respiratory diseases. To do this, in this way: 1 tsp. unblown buds are poured with boiling water and boiled in a water bath for several minutes. This infusion can be rinsed sore throat or consumed for general health benefits in place of regular tea.

Tincture for laryngitis and bronchitis

The infusion works well when patients receive patients with laryngitis, and even tuberculosis with a closed form. For this, an infusion prepared as follows is used:

  • place a squeeze of dried or fresh birch buds in 120 g of medical alcohol;
  • within 3 weeks to insist;
  • take orally three times a day before the main meal, 20 drops.

Important! If at the same time there are any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then the composition is diluted with water.

For joint pain

Such a tincture is suitable for rubbing painful joints, or for alleviating the condition with minor soft tissue bruises. Lubricating the affected area 2 times a day, you can eliminate the pain syndrome.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

For digestive problems (in particular, indigestion), you need to drink tincture of birch buds and vodka 25-30 drops up to 5 times a day. This will relieve spasmodic pain.

The inhabitants of Siberia use a tincture of birch buds from worms: pinworms and roundworms. It is necessary to take 6 times a day, 20 drops of tincture. Treatment of bladder problems is carried out both with water decoction and alcohol infusion.

Baths from decoctions of birch buds

There are preventive medical measures with the help of fitovann. To do this, pour a couple of glasses of a strong decoction of birch buds into the water for a bath. It will also help relieve the itching that occurs with dermatitis and eczema.


For wound healing measures, compresses from infusions of birch buds are used. This requires 1 tbsp. l. birch buds, pour a glass of boiling water. After cooling down to room temperature the infusion will be suitable for this procedure.

Soak two layers of gauze in the solution and apply to the wound. Polyethylene is applied over the gauze and covered with a towel. After 2-4 hours, the compress can be removed. The ability of the kidneys to provide regenerative properties to skin cells will help speed up healing. To provide this effect, you can also use ointment from birch buds.

Contraindications to the use of birch buds

The medicinal properties of birch buds and contraindications for the use of medicinal products based on them have long been established. Even considering the fact that they help with many diseases, for some patients this remedy is not recommended for use:

  1. Preparations containing components obtained from birch buds should not be used by women during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.
  2. With extreme caution, such drugs should be taken by people with diseases of the urinary system and kidney problems.

The healing properties of birch buds have long been used not only in folk medicine. Medicine based on them can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself. It is known that they are used for weight loss and in diseases. respiratory tract. When to collect and how to save useful properties? Are there any contraindications for this medicine? We have prepared answers to these questions, as well as photos and videos for you.

As we have already said, birch buds (buds) are very useful, however, in order to effectively use all of them at home medicinal qualities, it is important to remember a few rules, and especially when to collect them. This can be done several times, as they are collected from January to the end of April. However, we will only need swollen ones, when they have not yet opened up and detached the scales. Blooming buds no longer have such useful properties. It is not recommended to tear birch on a rainy day, it is best to prepare the drug in sunny weather. You can cut young branches with buds, which also have useful properties, or you can collect them yourself separately.

If the kidneys are collected and dried correctly, then this medicine for another two years it retains all its useful properties. You can store them as glass jar as well as in a cloth bag. So, in order to properly prepare the drug, it is important:

  • collect only swollen early spring buds;
  • harvest in dry weather;
  • dry gradually at room temperature;
  • store for a year in a suitable container.

What is it used for?

The beneficial properties of birch buds are simply unique, so they found a very big circle applications. Of course, first of all, it is medicine. Harvested rudiments at home are used for many ailments. First of all, their infusion is taken as a tonic and immunity booster. Recommended during colds and flu, as well as for the treatment of throat. Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, young kidneys are quickly excreted from the body harmful substances. birch tea, as in the photo, speeds up recovery.

In addition, treatment with a decoction of birch cobs is effective in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, for example, with bronchitis, with closed forms of tuberculosis, and with laryngitis. For this, it is most often used alcohol solution, which thus retain all useful properties. This medicine is also used for ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. For ulcers and gastritis, the infusion is diluted with water. good remedy and in the treatment of joints, for the speedy healing of bruises and abrasions. For example, today in a pharmacy you can often find birch ointment for the treatment of joints. But you can cook it at home and yourself from the kidneys based on butter. Enhances the beneficial properties of this drug and camphor oil.

Do not forget that the treatment with the kidneys of this tree also includes the use of herbal baths and teas. For example, for this it is good to use the collected young twigs with young cobs. That is why we have a tradition from ancient times to bathe in a bathhouse with birch brooms. They perfectly warmed up the body and helped fight many ailments. The vapors inhaled in the bath, saturated with birch antioxidants, quickly penetrated the lungs, eliminated inflammation and cleansed the body's blood. It is a pity that today this procedure is a little forgotten.

Birch in combination with a bath is a wonderful tool for losing weight. Why not remember a good tradition? To lose weight, you need to visit the steam room once a week, and it is advisable to do this regularly. And if after the bath you brew tea from birch buds, leaves, then the effect of losing weight will only increase. Please note that the procedure may have contraindications: if you experience heart problems, then it is better to refuse the steam room and choose another way to lose weight.

Why is birch good for weight loss? Substances that contain birch buds remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body. So, the body is cleansed, and it improves metabolic processes. And this is the basis of successful weight loss and health in general.

Another area of ​​​​application of birch buds is cosmetology. No wonder this tree is considered a symbol of girlish beauty. Manufacturers of care products use a decoction of birch buds and leaves to create natural cosmetics. In the photo - one of the examples of such products. But you can prepare the remedy yourself.

From young cobs, an oil infusion is prepared for aging and withering skin, a decoction for wiping the face and cleansing the pores. Based on the kidneys, an excellent mask is made for restoring and strengthening hair. After several times of using it, the hair becomes thicker and noticeably healthier. If there is no time to prepare a mask, just brew the kidneys with a glass of boiling water, and rinse your hair after washing.

The beneficial properties of this natural storehouse of vitamins are also used by many cosmetic companies. For example, according to unique ancient recipes, today they create natural masks and face creams.


As you already understood, the healing properties of the kidneys are simply endless. You can talk about their benefits for a very long time. Once again, I would like to note that they contain a large number of flavonoids and phytoncides, which destroy and destroy pathogenic flora. In addition, the kidneys have saponin. This is a specific substance that helps to remove bile and urine from the body in a timely manner. We list all the healing properties of the kidneys:

  • anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent;
  • diuretic and diaphoretic drug;
  • heals blood vessels and heals wounds;
  • anthelmintic;
  • helps treat gastrointestinal disorders;
  • prolongs youth and beauty of the skin;
  • strengthens and restores hair.

One of the main advantages is their unique composition- they contain almost all known vitamins.


Like any other medicinal plant, birch cobs have some of their contraindications. So, for example, experts do not recommend the use of tinctures and decoctions for pregnant women. Also, despite all the useful medicinal properties, their use should be extremely careful in diseases of the urinary system. Contraindications in this case are justified by the fact that this medicine increases the burden on the kidneys.

If you have a number of ailments, before taking birch preparation inside, consult your doctor. They can be painlessly used only for the treatment of upper external ailments, for example, with bruises, wounds, and also with pain in the joints. AT this case It is advised to give preference to the use of alcohol tincture. Contraindications to alcohol tincture of the kidneys will be for those who cannot take alcohol.

Video "Tincture of birch buds"

Video "Use of birch rudiments"

Birch grows almost throughout our country. birch is real folk healer. In addition to birch tar, which our ancestors used for treatment thousands of years ago, they also used other gifts of this beautiful tree, including birch buds. Their medicinal and curative were used to treat many diseases, both inside and in the form of compresses and lotions. They prepared decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures and ointments.

Birch is distributed throughout the world. On the this moment there are about a hundred species. On the territory of our country grows in the main weeping birch. Our birch groves occupy a significant area and are second only to coniferous and mixed forests, in which birch is often the main representative of such a forest. This tree grows up to 20 meters in height. It has a smooth trunk covered with white bark and hanging branches. In early spring birch leaves are covered with drops of resin, for which the birch got its name weeping.

Useful properties of birch buds

Starting from the end of March, birch buds begin to appear on the birch. During this period, the kidneys contain the largest number useful substances.

Birch buds have useful properties only at the moment of their swelling, when the leaves have not yet begun to bloom. It is at this moment that they need to be collected, carefully cut together with a branch. Dry the kidneys in the open air under a canopy. And only after complete drying, they are separated from the branch.

The beneficial properties of birch buds were known even to our distant ancestors. Today, numerous studies are scientifically confirmed. Birch buds contain:

  • organic acids;
  • volatile compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties;
  • saponins, which give the kidneys diuretic properties;
  • flavonoids, which have a positive effect on capillaries;
  • essential oil with disinfectant properties;
  • tannins;
  • various resins and bitters.

Due to its composition, birch buds have the following properties:











Healing properties of birch buds

The healing properties of the kidneys have long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases. They can be used to treat:

Urinary tract and kidneys as a diuretic and antibacterial agent, except for the period of exacerbations;

Gallbladder and biliary tract as an antispasmodic and choleretic agent;

Gastrointestinal tract as an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent;

Upper respiratory tract as an anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, expectorant and antibacterial agent;

Tuberculosis as a hemostatic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent;

Enterobiasis as a sedative.

Birch buds are used:

With edema of various origins;

Locally for the treatment of burns, wounds, skin diseases, ulcers;

AT combined treatment cancerous tumors;

Outwardly with inflammation of the joints and the treatment of hemorrhoids;

With hair loss.

Does not deny the healing properties of birch buds and official medicine. Pharmaceuticals mainly can be bought in the form of tinctures for alcohol.

The presence of flavonoids, saponins and vitamin PP allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the body.

With hypovitaminosis, carotene, vitamins C and PP present in the kidneys can reduce depression, irritability, drowsiness, which are often symptoms of vitamin deficiency in the body.

With atherosclerosis, thanks to flavonoids and saponins, birch buds will reduce cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Cholesterol plaques can cause diseases such as heart attack and stroke. People over 50 are recommended to drink a decoction of the kidneys in order to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

The use of birch buds in folk medicine

In folk medicine, birch buds are used in the form of decoctions, infusions, alcohol or vodka tinctures. There are many recipes for the use of kidneys for the treatment of a number of diseases.

Birch bud tincture

To prepare a tincture of 25 grams of birch buds, pour 250 ml of vodka or 100 ml of alcohol. Insist for 10 days in a dark place, periodically shaking the container.

Take tincture of 0.5-1 teaspoon 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

For the treatment of bronchitis, laryngitis, closed form tuberculosis prepare such a tincture.

Pour a handful of birch buds with 100 ml of alcohol (70%) and insist for 3 weeks in a dark place, shaking the jar occasionally.

Take 3 times a day, 15-20 drops before meals.

In the same way, you can take an alcohol tincture for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, after diluting it with water.

The tincture is also used for rubbing with diseased joints, rubbing it into the affected areas twice a day.

For the treatment of toothache, a cotton swab dipped in tincture is applied to the diseased tooth.

Decoction of birch buds

To prepare a decoction, pour 1 teaspoon of kidneys into 100 ml of boiling water and insist for several minutes.

This decoction is taken menstrual pain, in postpartum period to restore uterine function.

For oral administration, you can prepare such a decoction. Pour two teaspoons of kidneys into a glass of cold boiled water and put on the stove. Bring to a boil and simmer, reducing heat, 30 minutes.

Cool the decoction to room temperature and strain. Top up to the original volume with cold boiled water. Take one tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Infusion of birch buds

Pour a tablespoon of kidneys with two cups of boiling water. Leave for one hour. Strained infusion is taken 0.5 cup 4 times a day before meals.

You can take the infusion with cardiovascular diseases, with edema associated with kidney disease.

Lotions with infusion are used for eczema, dermatitis. They will help relieve inflammation and itching.

Not a strong infusion of birch buds is used for gargling or as a tea for colds, flu.

Prepare the infusion as follows. Pour one teaspoon of kidneys with a glass of boiling water and insist.

For colds and flu, it is better to drink the infusion at night, as it has diaphoretic properties.

Another infusion recipe that can be taken orally is prepared from 2 teaspoons of kidneys and a glass of boiled water. Pour the kidneys with water and put on water bath for 15 minutes. Then insist 45 minutes and strain. Top up with water to the original volume.

Ointment with birch buds

This ointment is used to treat rheumatism of the joints. Prepare it as follows.

Take 700-800 grams of butter good quality. Put in a clay pot or enamel pan, sprinkling a layer of oil with a layer of kidneys. The kidney layer should be about the thickness of a finger.

Cover the pot with a lid and wrap in foil. Put in a warm oven for a day. To increase the healing properties of the finished ointment, add 5 grams of camphor. Rub the ointment overnight into sore joints.

The second way to prepare the ointment is with lanolin. First prepare an infusion with birch buds. Then strain and mix it with melted lanolin.

After the ointment hardens, drain the water that will be on top.

Contraindications to the use of birch buds

People with birch buds should not take drugs with birch buds. kidney failure. It is not recommended to take birch buds during pregnancy.

The shelf life of birch buds is 2 years. But it is better to store them for no more than a year.

Kidneys can be bought at a pharmacy or collected by yourself. Kidney collection should be carried out in an ecologically clean area, away from roads and harmful enterprises.

Collect them in dry weather. by the most healing properties have buds collected from young birches.


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