Birch tar abstract. Preparation - birch tar: instructions for use externally. Purification with tar and honey

"Tar" literally means "burnt" or "burnt". The name of the product comes from an Indo-European root meaning "burn, burn".

What is tar?

Tar is a liquid product that is formed during the pyrolysis (dry distillation) of wood. In Russia, traditionally, tar was made from birch bark - the outer layer of birch bark. At the same time, 22.5 kilograms of pure tar is obtained from 75 kilograms of birch bark.

But you can also get it from pine, juniper, beech, aspen and some other trees.

The highest quality is considered tar, made from living or freshly cut down trees of 12-14 years of age.

In most languages, tar originally referred only to a product that was obtained from pine trunks and used in tarring ships. In Rus', he received the name "vara" or resin.

You can cook tar from coal and brown coal, peat, shale, oil. But in this case, the resulting product is very different from the traditional birch tar and is called bitumen, or pitch.

During the production of tar, 2 fractions are formed: low-boiling, or medical tar, and tar, which serves for technical needs.

History of tar

In the old days, tar was exported from Russia to other countries, where it was called "Russian oil".

In many countries, this product was used as a means of punishment. In Russia, they smeared the gates of women leading a dissolute life. In the United States, criminals were doused with tar and sprinkled with feathers. After such an execution, they were chased away through the city streets or forced to stand in a conspicuous place.

Tar was also used in heraldry. The emblem of the city of Velsk, located in the Astrakhan region, contains an image of a barrel filled with tar and standing in the middle of a golden field, which indicates the income received by the city from the sale of this product.

Folk art is not left out. But here you can see one rather strange feature. In Russia, the negative features of the substance are emphasized. Everyone knows the saying that a fly in the ointment can ruin a whole barrel of honey. At the same time, residents of other countries attribute opposite properties to this product. What's the matter? Are the tastes of Russians and representatives of other nationalities really so different?

It turns out that the matter is quite different. The conversation is about completely different substances: pine and birch tar. Pine tar is added to flavorings and food products. But birch tar, even in microdoses, can spoil the smell and taste of any product. The proverb states that despite the fact that the birch bark is white, the tar is black. But the same fly in the ointment that spoils a barrel of honey can cure a person of many diseases. It is not for nothing that the Finns endow this product with miraculous power, arguing that if it is impossible to cure a disease with the help of a bath, vodka and tar, then it is fatal.

The medical Talmuds of the Middle Ages claim that during the period of smallpox epidemics, tar water helped to stop the spread of the disease. For prevention purposes, small children were given a few drops of tar.

Types and varieties of tar

In Russia, tar was known in several varieties:

1. pit - pure tar;

2. birch bark, or raw tar - the so-called pure birch tar, which was mined in the Tula and Pskov provinces;

3. Kargopolsky - pure birch tar with the consistency of hemp oil, characterized by a bluish tint, was used for tanning leather of the highest grades;

4. Finnish - differs in a more liquid consistency compared to Kargopol, has a greenish tint and a slight reddish tint, it was used to lubricate the wheels of carriages in cold weather, when wheel tar could not be used, as it froze;

5. Vologda - birch, having a small admixture of resin and a greenish-brown color, with its help lower grades of leather were dressed;

6. aspen - aspen bark is used for its production, it has a sharp characteristic smell;

7. tar-distillation, or wind tar, or shushmin, or polovinshchik, or rug - is a mixture of birch bark tar with pine resin, in the old days such tar was widely used: it was used in the manufacture of yuft and the construction of buildings, they were lubricated with cart wheels;

8. wheel tar - a product consisting of a mixture of coniferous resin and purified birch tar;

9. steam, or cauldron - is formed during the distillation of birch bark in cauldrons and subsequent cooling of the steam;

10. korchazhny - the lowest grade of black;

11. resin - the remains of distillation of birch tar, to which admixtures of spruce and pine resin are mixed;

12. resin-tar - birch and pine blocks are used for distillation;

13. knee, or knee - the dirtiest and little for what unsuitable variety of tar, which was obtained by distillation of residues.

As you can see in the old days there were many varieties of tar, which were used in a variety of ways. As chemistry and industry developed, they were supplanted by more specialized preparations. At the moment, only tar remains in production and sale as a medical and cosmetic product.

What is tar made of?

It will take several pages to list all the components of tar, since it contains more than 10,000 different substances. Therefore, we will focus only on the main components, which include phytoncides, alcohols, organic acids, aldehydes, toluene, benzene, phenol, cresol, xylene, guaiacol and resinous substances.

Among the whole variety of components, it is impossible to single out one active substance: the product belongs to drugs that have a complex effect.


Birch tar has the appearance of a black oily thick liquid, which in reflected light acquires a bluish or bluish-greenish tint.

Concentrated tar is characterized by a specific smell, which, like the taste, is called yuft. Yuft refers to the dressed skin of animals (pigs, horses, cattle), obtained by combined tanning.

Physical properties

Tar is almost insoluble in water and floats on its surface. But alkalis and alcohols can easily dissolve it. Tar can be mixed with chloroform and ether.

The relative density of the substance is 0.925-0.95.

Medicinal properties

When used externally, tar:

- relieves irritation, itching and inflammation;

- has an anesthetic and antiseptic effect;

- promotes healing of wounds and burns;

- stops purulent processes;

- relieves boils and skin fungus;

- normalizes sleep.

If you take tar inside, then it will have a beneficial effect on all systems of the human body:

- activates the immune system;

- speed up metabolism;

- lower blood pressure;

- strengthens the heart muscle.

More recently, tar was used not only as an external agent, but also for internal use. But studies have shown that in its composition, in addition to useful substances, there are also toxins that can harm human health. Therefore, doctors recommend using tar only as an external agent. Currently, not pure tar is usually used, but pharmacological preparations made on its basis. In them, due to purification, the concentration of toxins is reduced.

But, oddly enough, the toxic substances that make up the tar, in some cases, can become useful. In particular, they have found their application in oncology in the destruction of tumors.

What cures tar?

Birch tar is known as an indispensable tool in the treatment of dermatological diseases: scabies, psoriasis, scrofula, eczema, smallpox, erysipelas, neurodermatitis, pyoderma, scaly and multi-colored lichen, diathesis, athlete's foot, seborrhea, burns, frostbite, bruises, dry calluses, trophic non-healing ulcers, leprosy, acne and rashes. Used to treat bedsores and restore skin pigmentation. It accelerates the movement of blood, stimulates regenerative processes in cells, promotes skin rejuvenation.

Until recently, psoriasis was one of the incurable diseases. But the use of ointments and tar compresses gave hope for the discovery of an effective medicine. A study of the properties of the product showed that it is able to inhibit the synthesis of DNA if there are any defects in it.

But tar will be useful not only for skin ailments. It will help get rid of tuberculosis, otitis media, tonsillitis, dropsy of the abdomen, duodenal ulcer, urethritis, night blindness, stomatitis, scurvy, mastitis, mastopathy, bronchial asthma, erosive proctitis, inflammatory diseases of the rectum, hemorrhoids, gangrene, joint diseases , benign and malignant neoplasms, stop bleeding, normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

Another unique property of tar is the ability to inhibit the growth of benign tumor cells, preventing their transformation into malignant neoplasms. Therefore, the product is widely used for mastopathy, ovarian cyst, adenoma, fibromyoma.

The use of purified tar in oncology departments makes it possible to neutralize the negative effects of chemotherapy.

Basically, skin diseases are treated with highly concentrated crude tar. To speed up the treatment of severe stages of scabies and psoriasis, tar is mixed with sulfur or salicylic acid. A product infused with alcohol or fat is used in medicine. Tar is the main ingredient in widely used medicines: Vishnevsky and Wilkinson ointments, tar soap and tar water.

In veterinary medicine, the hooves of horses and cattle are treated with tar. With its help, lichen is treated.

Tar in medicine

Tar soap is a soap that contains 10% birch tar. This soap acts as a natural antiseptic, helping with most skin problems. But tar not only disinfects, but also increases blood flow to the skin, due to which its regeneration is accelerated.

Tar soap is recommended for use in the treatment of acne, scabies, dandruff, seborrhea, pediculosis. It will come to the rescue with bedsores, burns, frostbite and with the appearance of corns. It is enough to smear problem areas with tar soap before going to bed so that the calluses soften by morning.

If you wash dogs and cats with tar soap, then fleas will disappear, as they cannot stand the specific smell of tar.

Dry skin is a contraindication to use. With frequent use, overdrying of the skin is possible.

tar water

Many folk recipes involve the use of tar water. Most often, this remedy is used to treat children and those people who cannot stand the smell of tar.

To prepare tar water, tar is diluted with boiled water cooled to room temperature in a ratio of 1:8 and infused for two days. Remove the film from the resulting solution and carefully pour it into another container. Stored in the refrigerator. Properly prepared tar water is similar in color to dry white wine.

If possible, take spring water. In this case, there is no need to boil it.

Tar water restores skin pigmentation, improves the functioning of the digestive system, heals ulcers in the stomach and duodenum, removes toxins and toxic substances from the body, has a diuretic effect, treats smallpox, erysipelas, scabies, leprosy, tonsillitis, dropsy, gangrene, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma , acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, constipation, diseases of the intestines, liver, pancreas, diseases of the cardiovascular system, relieves fever, purulent and choking cough.

Adults drink tar water one tablespoon before eating. In case of a severe course of the disease, it is recommended to increase the dosage to 2-3 tablespoons. Children are recommended to take 2 teaspoons after meals. With angina, in addition, tar water is used to gargle.

In case of violation of pigmentation, the skin is lubricated with tar water.

pure tar

It is also possible to use pure birch tar.

It is used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, increases the effectiveness of therapy in oncology. Use 10 drops of tar diluted in 80-100 grams of boiled water 4 times a day.

Tar with milk

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, tar is diluted with warm milk. This remedy is recommended for thrombophlebitis, stroke, diabetes mellitus, catarrhal cystitis, malignant neoplasms in the throat, stomach and lungs.

With atherosclerosis, half a teaspoon of tar is diluted in a glass of warmed homemade milk. Drink a glass of medicine an hour before meals 3 times a day for 45 days. After a monthly pause, the treatment is repeated. A year will require 3-4 courses of therapy.

With mastopathy, a special treatment regimen is used: 3 drops of tar are added to 50 milliliters of milk for three days, the next 3 days - 5 drops each, and the last 3 days - 7 drops each. Drink the medicine 3 times a day. Then they take a 10-day break and repeat the course in the reverse order: first add 7 drops, then 5 and at the end 3. If necessary, the course is repeated after 2 months.

For tuberculosis, pulmonary emphysema and other infections, the treatment regimen is slightly different: during the first week, 1 drop of tar is added to 50 milliliters of milk, 2 drops are added for the second week, 3 for the third, etc., bringing the number of drops to ten. Then a week break is taken and the course is repeated in reverse order, gradually reducing the number of drops.

With diabetes, thrombophlebitis, stroke, they act according to the previous scheme, but the number of drops is increased daily. You don't need to take a break.

With cancer of the throat and stomach, start with one drop of tar and gradually increase to twenty. Then begin to reduce the number of drops.

For infections of the urogenital area, it is enough to increase the intake of tar to 10 drops.

In the case of cystitis, 5-10 drops of tar are added to a glass of milk. Drink three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Tar with honey

Tar with bread

With skin diseases, ointments will have an effective result. But with different diseases, their composition can differ significantly.

A highly effective remedy is prepared on the basis of lamb or pork fat: tar is mixed with fat in equal proportions. This ointment is used for skin diseases and for wound healing.

In the presence of pyoderma, ulcers and infected wounds, pure birch tar is mixed with petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1:10.

In case of psoriasis, the damaged areas are smeared with purified tar mixed with birch ash in a ratio of 3: 1.

You can treat psoriasis with another ointment, for which chopped celandine grass, carrot juice and tar are combined in a ratio of 1: 1: 4.

With demodicosis, an ointment from a mixture of tar and Trichopolum will help out.

An ointment obtained by mixing 2 tablespoons of tar, a tablespoon of sulfur, a tablespoon of honey, half a tablespoon of beeswax, 4 tablespoons of sunflower oil, a tablespoon of vinegar essence and a tablespoon of copper sulfate will help cure eczema. The resulting mixture is heated over low heat for a quarter of an hour.

In the case of a trophic ulcer, compresses are made by wetting the bandage in the agent obtained by combining equal parts of tar and Kalanchoe juice. The ulcer will heal in 5-6 days.

Scaly lichen is treated by wrapping compresses from a mixture of tar and fish oil, mixed in a ratio of 1: 3, for 30 minutes to the affected areas. The procedures are repeated for 10 days.

With epidermophytosis of the feet and nails, mycosis of the folds, it is best to use 5-10% sulfur-tar ointments.

To destroy boils and abscesses, tar, homemade cream and chicken protein are mixed in equal proportions. Such an ointment can become a worthy replacement for Vishnevsky's liniment. In addition, it does not corrode the skin.

An ointment made from tar, sulfur and petroleum jelly, mixed in equal proportions, will help to quickly get rid of burns. To increase the effectiveness of the product, it is recommended to replace Vaseline by half with fish oil.

Tar for joints

In diseases of the joints, a therapy will have an effective effect, in which the effects of tar and clay alternate: the tar softens the salts, and the clay draws them out.

On the first day, the damaged joint is treated with tar and left for 15-20 minutes. After the appearance of a feeling of tingling or tingling, the tar is wiped off with a soft cloth, and after an hour it is washed with a washcloth and soap. The next day, a compress of white, blue or red clay is applied to the joint: the clay is diluted with water to a creamy state and the joint is smeared with it, without covering it with anything. The compress is removed if the pain becomes very strong. Then make a two-day pause. On the fifth and sixth day, treatment is resumed, after which they rest for three days. On the tenth and eleventh day, the therapy is repeated.

Tar in children's therapy

Tar is also used to treat children.

Diathesis is very common in babies. In such cases, traditional medicine recommends smearing the rash areas with baby cream or butter, adding a few drops of tar to them.

For a cold, a teaspoon of anise fruits is brewed with a glass of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. A drop of tar is added to the filtered infusion and the child is given 30 milliliters 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Birch tar from hemorrhoids

Patients with hemorrhoids traditional medicine offers to use effective methods.

Half of the red brick is well heated on an electric stove, gas or on an open fire and placed in an empty iron bucket. Then 2-3 drops of tar are dripped onto the brick. They bare their butt and sit on a bucket for 5-20 minutes. Treatment is carried out at bedtime for a week. Already after the first procedure, the pain will decrease, and in a week the hemorrhagic nodes will disappear.

Steam a tablespoon of tar with two liters of boiling water. When the solution cools down a bit, it is poured into a basin and sit there, wrapped in a blanket to keep warm.

Tar tablets

Another option for tartar therapy is the use of tablets.

In tuberculosis, tar is mixed with licorice root powder until a thick mass is obtained, with which pills are formed. Drink them 3 times a day, 2 pieces.

In intermittent fever, tablets are prepared in the same way, but licorice powder is replaced with cinchona bark. Drink three times a day, 5 tablets.

Balneotherapy for psoriasis

In addition to the use of tar-based ointment, baths will be of significant benefit in psoriasis.

In 100 milliliters of water, dissolve 75 milliliters of tar and soap alcohol, add to the bath. Baths are taken for 15-30 minutes.

A few more recipes

Finally, we offer a few more tools.

With angina, you can mix tar with calendula oil in a ratio of 1: 3 and sweat the mixture for 40 minutes in a water bath. The medicine is dripped onto the tongue in 5-6 drops and absorbed within 2-3 minutes.

With mastopathy, it is recommended to take a piece of instant sugar and drop a drop of tar on it. Sugar is sucked until it dissolves. Every day the number of drops is increased, and then they begin to decrease. Take a break for 2-3 months and repeat the course. When starting treatment, you should be patient: it will take up to two years for a full recovery.

A remedy made from tar, lemons and garlic will help get rid of tuberculosis. First of all, take 5 medium lemons and, without peeling, grind them with a meat grinder. Add 4 minced cloves of garlic. Lemon-garlic mixture is poured with a liter of boiled chilled water and infused for 5 days. Filter. They drink the medicine three times a day 20 minutes before eating, 15 milliliters each, adding one drop of tar.

For those suffering from pneumonia, another remedy will come to the rescue. A tablespoon of crushed buds and young birch leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for an hour. After straining, add 2-3 drops of tar. Drink 2-3 times a day, 100 milliliters 20 minutes before meals.


Tar in cosmetology

In cosmetology, it is recommended to use tar for seborrhea, dandruff, acne and other rashes, to stimulate hair growth. It is a part of many cosmetics: ointments, creams, pastes, soaps, lotions, shampoos. The concentration of tar in preparations ranges from 1-30%.

Tar for hair

Birch tar will help relieve itching and irritation caused by dandruff and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It will remove the keratinized layer of cells, activate cellular respiration, saturate tissues with oxygen, increase blood circulation, and start regeneration processes.

To combat dandruff, as well as its prevention, it is recommended to combine a tablespoon of tar with two tablespoons of castor oil and dilute the resulting mixture in 100 grams of alcohol. The solution is rubbed into the scalp and left for 2-3 hours.

Another remedy for dandruff: a tablespoon of tar is mixed with three tablespoons of burdock oil and dissolved in a glass of vodka. Rub into the scalp and do not wash off for 2 hours.

To improve the condition of the hair will help rinsing with a tar solution obtained by diluting the tar five times with water.

Also, to enhance hair growth, you can use a mask of 25 ml of castor oil, 25 ml of calendula tincture and a tablespoon of tar. This mask is applied to the hair for 1 hour and washed off with shampoo.

Tar against acne

Tar will also help those who suffer from frequent acne rashes and excessive oily skin. It will stop inflammation, relieve irritation, cleanse the skin and give it tenderness and velvety. For skin care, you can use tar soap, lotions and masks.

To prepare the lotion, tar is mixed with alcohol (95%) in a ratio of 1:10, and a few drops of salicylic alcohol are added.
For the mask, tar and honey are combined in a ratio of 1: 3.


Despite the enormous benefits of tar, not everyone can use it, as it can cause an allergic reaction and even cause the development of dermatitis.

Tar therapy is contraindicated for:

individual intolerance;

any problems with the kidneys, as the drug heavily burdens these organs;

pregnancy and lactation.

To identify the presence of individual intolerance, it is necessary to make a skin test before using the product, smearing the bend of the elbow with tar.

If birch tar is used on large areas of the skin for a long time, then weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, disorders of the digestive tract, and convulsions may occur.

In the process of combustion of any organic substances, tar is always formed, which enters the smoke. Such a product can cause significant harm to a person, entering the body with air, as it has a carcinogenic effect. Of particular danger is tar, which is formed during the combustion of combustible fossil materials (for example, oil, coal).

Ecology of health: Tar is a natural product obtained by dry distillation of the upper part of the bark of a young tree. The composition of tar is very diverse and includes such substances as: benzene, phenol, toluene, xylene, phytoncides, organic acids and resinous substances.

Birch tar - what is it?

Tar is a natural product obtained by dry distillation of the upper part of the bark of a young tree.. The composition of tar is very diverse and includes such substances as: benzene, phenol, toluene, xylene, phytoncides, organic acids and resinous substances.

As you can imagine, with this composition, the smell is still the same!

Due to its rich composition, it is widely used in many industries, for example:

    impregnation of sleepers;

    as a wheel lubricant;

    lubrication of wooden parts;

    for protection against garden pests;

    to protect leather products (formerly in Rus');

    as a raw material for the chemical industry;

    in medicine;

    in cosmetology;

    in veterinary medicine;

    in the old days for punishments (smear in tar and roll in feathers).

Tar in official and traditional medicine

As a medicine, tar has been used since ancient times and very widely. For example, a list of diseases in the treatment of which tar is used:




    metabolic disease;



    urolithiasis disease;

    fungal skin lesions;





    itching and skin rashes;


    chronic otitis;

    burns, bedsores;

    dry corns;


    bronchial asthma;







In addition, when using tar, acne, boils disappear, the yellowness of the skin disappears, fine wrinkles and skin irregularities disappear. And also, the topic of beautiful skin can be attributed to the fact that tar kills lichen, erysipelas, eczema, skin fungi.

External use of tar for beautiful skin

In pharmacies, you can find vials with birch bark (birch) tar for cosmetic, external use. In addition, soap with the addition of tar (tar soap) is sold.

    removal of lice and fleas (in animals);

    from dandruff;

    from the fungus (wash your feet, hands and other affected areas of the skin more often;

    from excessive sweating

    as an antiseptic against germs

Tar - external use

Cosmetic tar solution- we smear acne, fungal skin lesions, abscesses and boils.

Adding a small amount of tar in a bath for clean skin and wound healing or make the following recipe:


    Water - 70 g;

    Birch tar - 100 g;

    Grated baby soap - 70 g;

    Vodka - 100 g

We add all this to a warm bath and take it for 15 - 30 minutes (no more). Such baths are also useful for psoriasis.

Ointment with tar from scabies mite


    Tar soap - 1 tbsp. a spoon;

    Melted unsalted bacon - 1 tbsp. a spoon;

    Birch tar - 1 teaspoon;

    Sulfur powder - 15 g

We mix all this and get tar ointment. We smear the affected areas of the skin at night and so on three times.

Tar baths for hemorrhoids

Add 5 drops of tar to two liters of warm water. A sitz bath for hemorrhoids is made from this solution.

Tar from an old splinter

We smear this place with tar, but rather we make a tar compress for 15-20 minutes, which helps to pull out the old splinter

Ointments with tar

In a pharmacy, you can buy ready-made ointments with the addition of tar, these are Vishnevsky's ointment and Wilkinson's ointment.

    Wilkinson's ointment is applied: with scabies, fungus of the skin of the nail plates, eczema;

    Vishnevsky's ointment is applied: with acne, bedsores, frostbite, cuts, trophic ulcers.

Internal use of tar

On the one hand, tar is a carcinogen, on the other hand, there are many excellent results in treatment and cosmetology when using tar inside.

There are basic recipes for taking tar inside: with bread, apple, milk, sugar or honey.

The most common recipe is with bread

At night before going to bed, we take a piece of bread (even black, even white). We drip 5 drops of tar on it and without drinking, carefully chew it and go to bed. The next evening, add one more drop (it turns out already 6 drops) and so +1 drop every evening, bringing it up to 10 drops. We keep on 10 drops for two weeks (14 days), and then, on the contrary, we reduce by one drop every evening, bringing it back to 5 drops. The total course is 24 days. The expected effect of improvements begins already from the half of the course. Namely: 100% clean and velvety skin. In addition, slags will come out, sweating, joint disease (if any) will pass, you will forget about constipation.

You can do everything the same, but instead of bread, use apples, honey or sugar. Some write that allegedly with honey the effect is better for the treatment of Giardia. And cleaning with an apple is sometimes used after cleaning with bread (as if with an apple it flies faster through the body and almost immediately into the intestines).

With milk, this scheme is sometimes used

Drink in the morning on an empty stomach, diluted in 50 ml of milk according to the following scheme:

    1 week 1 drop

    2 weeks 2 drops

    3 weeks 3 drops

and so on up to 10 weeks, every week adding a drop of tar

Possible side effects

    nasty taste;


    stomach upset;



    insomnia (insomnia);


They say he ruins a barrel of honey. It is black, despite the fact that the raw material for its extraction is white. It was used to punish criminals. Meanwhile, its healing power is great, and there are legends about it. We will talk with you today about birch tar, the benefits and harms of which are still the subject of a dispute between the luminaries of science and adherents of non-traditional methods of healing.

Birch tar: benefits and harms, reviews

In Rus', there were several types of tar, depending on the feedstock and the quality of the resulting product. What is tar made from? Today it is obtained from coal, shale, oil, as well as pine and birch. It is wood - environmentally friendly. Tar from birch is obtained by distilling birch bark in tar, it is easy to recognize it in appearance: it is thick, oily, black with a greenish-blue tint. The specific smell, which is due to the high content of paraffin, also gives out this product.

"Russian oil" was nicknamed birch tar in the countries where it is exported. What is the value of this "oil"?


The composition of the birch bark remedy is rich, it includes:

  • benzene;
  • phenol (carbolic acid);
  • aromatic compounds guaiacol and toluene;
  • xylene;
  • cresol;
  • resin

"Russian oil" has found wide application in industry and economic use for:

  • lubrication of wheels and wooden parts;
  • impregnation of wood (sleepers);
  • protection of leather products;
  • destruction of garden pests and prevention of their occurrence.

Even if you have never seen real tar, you definitely came across it, because it is this substance that is included as an active substance in Vishnevsky's ointment and the famous tar soap.

Do not be shy, ask questions to our consultants, right here on the site. We will definitely answer

birch tar treatment

What does this "Russian oil" treat?

The most common external use is as a means for cleansing the skin from various kinds of dermatological ailments. The tool has such properties as:

  • disinfectant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipruritic;
  • regenerating.

Veterinary medicine recognizes tar as a cure for lichen. The use of tar water as a protective agent against midge bites is common among the people.

The substance is not only suitable for outdoor use. With care, it can be used internally. But the most common method of use is as part of various preparations (similar to Vishnevsky's ointment or Wilkinson's ointment). The product is actively used in cosmetology (not only domestic, but also industrial!). Healing properties are aimed at eliminating skin problems, against hair loss and diseases, as an eliminater of unpleasant odors (sweat, genital secretions), etc.

Birch tar: reviews of doctors

Perhaps, an important quality, for which birch tar is so loved by the people, is the price, in the pharmacy the remedy is inexpensive. The healing properties proven by generations speak in favor of this natural natural “medicine”. Say what you like, but the experience of the ancestors is worth trusting.
Today, the use of Vishnevsky ointment is very common. Despite the fact that it was created back in the late 20s of the twentieth century, the Soviet defenders of the Fatherland passed a real test for quality. In wartime, a natural "medicine" was actively used by front-line doctors to heal soldiers' wounds.

Today, about a natural remedy as a medicine, there are also negative reviews, justified by the results of scientific research. It has been proven that there are a lot of carcinogenic substances in tar, which, with prolonged use, can cause serious complications, up to skin cancer. Hematologists also warn: the circulatory system may suffer from the aggressiveness of its active components, since:

  • guaiacol in the composition of tar can cause skin eczema and damage to the respiratory tract;
  • toluene negatively affects the state of the nervous system and the hematopoietic system;
  • phenol is poisonous, although the negative impact on the human body of the substance has not yet been proven;
    cresol causes skin irritation of the respiratory tract;
  • benzene is toxic in high doses.

However, such reviews did not justify themselves in practice, since the use of tar is practiced in small dosages, for a short time and, often, not in its pure form.

Application, contraindications, possible harm

Despite the fact that tar treatment is considered effective, it does not always have a positive effect on health. If used incorrectly, it can be harmful! The high content of carcinogens, which cannot be eliminated during the manufacture of the substance, makes its use inside unsafe for:

  • pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • children;
  • persons with blood diseases;
  • cancer patients.

With prolonged external use, the skin suffers: it peels off, dries, and may look older than it is. That is why, for external use, pure tar must be mixed with creams or other bases.

Birch tar: application

The tool is used extensively for a number of ailments to maintain beauty.

birch tar for hair

Do you want luxurious hair without dandruff snowflakes and split ends? Then here's help!

Tar anti-dandruff mask.

A mixture of:

  • a tablespoon of tar;
  • 30 g of burdock oil;
  • 100 ml of vodka.

After the exposure time has elapsed, the hair is washed with a neutral shampoo. This mask is done once a week.

Mask for hair loss.

Would need:

  • sour cream - a glass;
  • birch tar - a tablespoon;
  • vitamin A - 1 ampoule.

Mix all ingredients until smooth consistency in a convenient bowl. On the scalp, slightly rubbing, applied for an hour under a plastic cap. Then the hair is washed in the usual way.

Tar water to improve the appearance and shine of hair.

In a liter of water, 50 grams of birch tar are diluted. It dissolves poorly, usually precipitates. But a significant part of the useful components passes into the water. After standing the infusion for 3 days, it is carefully drained from the sediment. Turbid liquid - this is the medicine for hair. She rinses her head after washing no more than 3 times a week.

Abuse of tar leads to dry skin and hair!

Birch tar for psoriasis

Treating psoriasis with a natural remedy is considered by many to be very effective. To get rid of the external manifestations of the disease, a special ointment is prepared by mixing 2% boric acid and tar in equal proportions. Three times a day (if possible, because of the smell it is problematic to withstand this amount, and you can leave the application only overnight) rub the mixture into the skin. After an hour and a half, it is allowed to wash off with warm water.

Taking tar inside, you can also forget about psoriasis.

It should be remembered: the drug is started with 1 drop, gradually increasing the dosage (up to 8-15 drops), then it is also gradually reduced!

From the fungus

There is another way to use birch tar - from nail fungus, reviews assure that the result is not long in coming. For treatment, the nail is pre-steamed, the keratinized part of the nail is cleaned off with a nail file. Apply a few drops of birch bark to a dry nail plate, leave for at least 2 hours, you can - under a bandage for the night.

With mycosis of the nails, birch tar from the fungus has also been used in another version: birch bark, pork fat and sulfur powder are mixed in proportions of 3:10:2, the agent is applied to the affected areas every other day under a bandage at night.

For acne

Birch tar is also used for acne, the maximum benefit is achieved with internal use. The skin of the face is gradually cleansed, the production of sebum is normalized, irritation disappears.

It is enough to drip a couple of drops of tar into a glass of milk (the first day - drop by drop), drink on an empty stomach in the morning before breakfast.

In gynecology

Fragile women's health can be easily corrected using a natural remedy. Diseases of the genitourinary system of an inflammatory nature with a birch remedy are treated as follows:

  • day one - 1 drop of tar is dripped into a tablespoon of milk and drunk;
  • day two - take two drops with the same volume of milk;
  • third day - three drops and so on for 15 days, bringing the amount to 15 tar drops;
  • sixteenth day - 14 drops;
  • day seventeen - thirteen, and so on to subside until it reaches 5 drops.

During pregnancy and individual intolerance to the drug, such treatment is strictly contraindicated!

With erosion and inflammatory processes, tar tampons can be used. To do this, mix 80 grams of honey with a tablespoon of tar. The mixture should be as homogeneous as possible. Apply a generous amount of the product on a cotton swab and insert it as deep as possible into the vagina at night. 5-7 applications are enough, and erosion disappears. When making your own tampon, remember to attach a string to it for safe removal. For the period of treatment, intimacy should be abandoned!

Birch tar instructions: for external use

Many people experience discomfort when using tar, as the unpleasant smell and bitter taste make the treatment not the most pleasant procedure. What can I do to make her more comfortable?

Decided to buy birch tar? In the pharmacy, do not forget to grab Vaseline. By mixing these components, you can get a simple recipe for tar ointment for many skin ailments. Tar can be dissolved in alkalis and alcohol, but dissolution will not occur in water.

  • External use of tar is done in courses, constant everyday use can cause a deterioration in the appearance of the skin!
  • Before use, be sure to test for sensitivity to the substance by applying a couple of drops to the elbow and observing the skin reaction for 48 hours.

Birch tar instructions for use inside

Extreme caution should be used orally birch tar! Ingestion, reviews of which are very contradictory, can have negative consequences up to food poisoning. The case can be both in individual intolerance to the substance, and in improper use. How to take birch tar inside? Be sure to gradually increase the dosage! To make nausea less disturbing, there are a few tricks:

  • you can drip tar on bread and eat it with milk;
  • some seize the remedy with citrus, honey or apple;
  • It is easy not to feel the taste and smell if you buy inexpensive vitamins in capsules, remove the dietary supplement powder itself, fill the capsules with tar and simply swallow the tar pill.

Birch tar for children

Use the remedy for the treatment of babies is very, very careful! The reaction of a growing organism to a substance is unpredictable, which is why ingestion is strictly prohibited! External use is practiced in the form of compresses for non-healing, festering wounds, chiria, boils. It is not recommended to use it in its pure form, tar should be diluted with cream, petroleum jelly. It is convenient to use Vishnevsky's tar-containing ointment.

Cleansing the body

  • Use the substance with milk. Tar is added to 1/4 cup, starting with one drop and increasing by one daily until it reaches 10. Then the amount of tar should be gradually reduced. Milk perfectly interrupts the specific smell of the birch product, softens the taste.

During cleaning, moderate nausea can be observed, stool thinning is a normal reaction of the body. With an increase in negative reactions, the course of cleaning should be stopped or the dosage should be reconsidered.

This is an ancient remedy, tested by generations of our ancestors. The naturalness of such a “medicine” puts it in a more favorable light in front of chemical production preparations. Here he is, birch tar, benefit and harm it must be taken into account - this is a prerequisite for successful treatment.


Health 09.01.2018

Our ancestors knew about the benefits of birch tar for a long time, they learned how to get it by long-term distillation of birch bark and used it for health improvement and for various household needs. Now birch tar is produced industrially and is used in pharmacology and cosmetology. Tar has a specific pungent odor and an oily thick consistency; it is made from birch bark plants, so sometimes you can find the name birch bark tar. Today we, dear readers, will consider in detail the scope of birch tar.

Healing properties of birch tar

Tar has many useful and medicinal properties that are used in the treatment of various diseases. Let's look at its main useful properties:

  • Tar has a pronounced antimicrobial effect;
  • Removes inflammatory processes;
  • Reduces pain in soft tissues;
  • Reduces itching when applied topically;
  • Accelerates tissue healing;
  • Has anthelmintic properties;
  • Removes swelling of tissues;
  • Improves blood circulation.

The list of diseases in which tar can help is quite extensive, mainly all kinds of skin problems. You can buy tar in health shops, in a green pharmacy, in online stores, sometimes it is also found in ordinary pharmacies.

Birch tar - benefit and harm

In the formulation of many pharmaceutical preparations, birch tar can be found, mainly ointments for external use, such as ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky and Wilkinson ointment. Tar soap and tar shampoo are popular at all times, which help to cope with many skin and hair problems. But the healing properties of tar are not limited to this, they are much more extensive and traditional medicine uses them widely.

The use of birch tar for skin diseases

The use of birch tar for skin diseases is recognized by both folk and traditional medicine; tar can be used to treat

  • dermatitis,
  • eczema,
  • neurodermatitis,
  • psoriasis,
  • scabies
  • bruises,
  • trophic ulcers,
  • bedsores,
  • burns, frostbite,
  • corns,
  • fungal skin lesions.

Instructions for the use of birch tar must be attached if you buy it at a pharmacy. It can be used in its pure form for various skin problems, but most often it is more effective when used in a mixture with other ingredients.

To prepare the ointment at home, pure pharmaceutical tar and pork internal melted fat are taken, which are mixed in equal amounts. The ointment is applied to the affected area under the bandage with a thin layer twice a day.

Birch tar is useful in the form of baths, for which an alcohol solution of tar is prepared. You need to take 1 part of pure tar and 5 parts of alcohol, 100 grams of such a solution is enough for a bath. They take baths with itchy dermatitis, they relieve itching well and dry the skin in the affected areas.

Another way of external use of tar is tar water. To prepare it, ½ liter of tar is mixed with a liter of boiled water, infused for at least 12 hours, then carefully drained, leaving a sediment at the bottom of the container. Tar water is used for rubdowns for any skin problems, it can be used for treatment.

The use of birch tar for psoriasis

In psoriasis, the benefits of birch tar do not appear immediately, but after some time, tar is used by folk healers in addition to drugs prescribed by a doctor. The disease is complex, difficult to treat, so a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. To prepare the ointment, mix a spoonful of tar and castor oil, add 2 tablespoons of natural honey and half a beaten egg white. Mix everything well until a homogeneous consistency and leave in a cool place for a day to infuse. After that, mix again and apply to the affected areas once a day under a bandage.

On the first day of treatment, mix one drop of tar with a teaspoon of liquid honey and drink on an empty stomach. Then add drop by drop every day, bringing the amount of tar to 10 drops. Take this amount for three more days, then reduce it drop by drop a day. If honey is contraindicated, it can be replaced with a spoonful of milk or fresh apple juice and the drug can be taken in the same way as with honey.

Birch tar from nail fungus

Fungal lesions of the nail platinum is a very common disease that requires long-term treatment. The pharmaceutical industry produces many antifungal agents, but they are all quite expensive.

There is an excellent inexpensive remedy that helps to cope with the fungus - this is ordinary birch tar. But it will help only at the initial stage, when the disease is not too advanced. Be patient and do the procedures daily to not only stop the spread of a fungal infection, but also get rid of it forever.

There are many methods of using birch tar for the treatment of nail fungus, consider the simplest and most affordable.

  • Before applying the tar, steam your feet well in hot water with the addition of natural laundry soap and baking soda. After the bath, cut your nails, remove keratinized skin with a pumice stone or a special nail file, wipe your feet dry, paying special attention to the skin between the fingers and nails, as a humid environment promotes the spread of the fungus. Apply tar to the affected areas, wrap with linen or cotton cloth and put on socks on top. Leave overnight, wash off in the morning. A more gentle way is to lather your toes and nail plates with tar soap instead of pure tar.
  • Grate a piece of tar soap on a fine grater, mix with a small amount of water and baking soda so that a not very liquid consistency is obtained. Rub into clean and dry affected areas overnight. In the morning, rinse with warm water, wipe dry and put on clean socks.
  • Grate tar soap, pour hot water over it, stir to dissolve the soap, and soak your feet in this soap bath for 10-15 minutes. After that, just dry your feet with a clean towel and put on clean socks. It is best to do these procedures at night.

To get the full benefit of birch tar during treatment, hygiene must be especially carefully observed. You also need to be prepared for the fact that sheets, towels and socks will have to be thrown away, as tar stains do not wash well.

How to make tar soap yourself

There is nothing better than making soap at home, because in this case you will be sure of its quality. It's not at all difficult to do this. For the base, you need to take a standard piece of baby soap without additives and fragrances, grate it and pour ½ cup of warm boiled water.

Keep this mixture in a water bath until the soap is completely dissolved, then add 2 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil (sold in a pharmacy).

Wait until the mixture cools down a bit, and add 1 tablespoon of natural clean tar, mix, pour the resulting tar soap into any molds and leave until completely solidified. Soap is ready!

Birch tar is good for hair, it copes well with dandruff, especially if its appearance is associated with oily seborrhea. In stores and pharmacies, shampoo with tar, tar soap is sold, you can just wash your hair with this soap once a week. But if you have natural pure tar, you can make your own dandruff remedy. To do this, mix a spoonful of tar and castor oil and dilute this mixture in 1/2 cup of vodka. Rub into the scalp an hour before washing, then wash your hair with regular shampoo. Such procedures relieve itching, reduce the fat content of the scalp, and dandruff will gradually disappear.

In case of hair loss, mix pure tar with glycerin in equal proportions and rub into the scalp twice a week. Many are repelled by the specific smell of tar, but after washing and drying the hair, it quickly disappears.

Before using tar, conduct a test to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a drop of tar on the crook of the elbow and do not wash off for a day. Irritation, redness, severe itching at the site of application indicate individual intolerance to tar.

And for the sake of mood, I want to invite you to take a walk around our New Year's Eve Yaroslavl.

see also



    16 Mar 2018 at 18:09

    The course is 12 days, drink at night before going to bed without eating or drinking anything.

    So we start with 1 drop of birch tar for 1 teaspoon of honey and so on every day, the amount of honey does not increase, but there is 1 drop more tar, that is

    The first day - 1 drop of tar for 1 spoon of honey,
    - the second day - 2 drops of tar per 1 spoon of honey,
    - the third day - 3 drops of tar per 1 teaspoon of honey ...
    and so on up to 8 drops (it turns out for the last 5 days to drink 8 drops per teaspoon of honey), if it’s too disgusting right away, you can eat a maximum of half a spoon with the same melted honey! You can't miss a single day. Advice pour 1 teaspoon of honey immediately into a tablespoon as the tar will not fit!

    ATTENTION - cleaning must be carried out once a year, every year, always in spring or autumn.

    P.S. You can drink tar with honey, with milk, dripping on a piece of bread or on a piece of apple.

    Birch tar production

    Birch tar is an oily, dark, viscous liquid with a pungent odor. It is a product of dry distillation of birch bark. Tar is translated as "burnt" "or burnt".

    The ancient craft is still relevant today, the principle of obtaining tar has not changed much. Craftsmen stuffed special containers with birch bark - sleeves with a narrow hole for resin to drain and heated them with a torch. The birch bark steamed, melted and released tar.

    The modern production of tar is iron boilers, in which the bark is compacted. Hermetically sealed containers are heated, distillation in time takes 10-11 hours. From 75 kilograms of birch bark, 22.5 kilograms of pure tar is obtained.

    In ancient times, tar was indispensable in almost all spheres of life. Leather shoes and armor were smeared with tar so that they would not get wet in the rain, be soft and not dry out. Traditional medicine put birch tar in the first place, its use was very wide. Folk healers prescribed tar as an anthelmintic, healed the wounds of animals and people, and recommended it as an antitumor drug. Nowadays, the use of tar has decreased significantly, but pharmacologists use it as a component in the manufacture of medicines.
    Treatment with birch tar. What treats birch tar?

    Tar is obtained as a result of the decomposition of bitulin, which includes benzene, phenol, toluene, xylene, phytoncides, organic acids.

    With atherosclerosis, these components will be unusually useful. There is a wonderful method of treatment with birch tar. Half a teaspoon of birch tar is mixed in a glass of homemade warm milk. Take 45 days for one glass of 3r. per day one hour before meals. One month break. It is necessary to complete 3 or 4 such courses per year.

    Tar is well cured of angina, gangrene, bronchial asthma, when used, a decrease in hair loss is observed, and fungal diseases of the skin are eliminated. The use of birch tar for long-term non-healing tropical ulcers, scrofula, inflammatory diseases of the rectum, erosive proctitis, erosions and ulcerations of the rectal mucosa has a positive effect. There is a rapid recovery of those suffering from itching of the skin, skin ulcers, rashes. Women with a diagnosis of postpartum mastitis are effectively cured. Easily treatable microbial eczema, tumors, smallpox, bedsores, psoriasis.

    In the treatment of skin diseases such as scabies, psoriasis, dandruff, erysipelas, leprosy, versicolor, epidermophytosis of the feet, pure tar in combination with drugs has an invaluable effect, improving the quality of treatment.
    Properties of birch tar

    Purified tar is used in oncology, it neutralizes the negative effects of chemotherapy and drug treatment. It is able to suppress the growth of tumor cells in ovarian cysts, mastopathy, fibroids, adenomas, and is a prophylactic that prevents the transition of benign tumors to malignant forms.
    Birch tar with milk

    Birch tar with milk is an effective remedy for tuberculosis and the clinical form of tuberculosis, characterized by the presence of a rounded formation in the lung, emphysema and all kinds of infections in the body. Take on an empty stomach according to the scheme, diluted in 50 ml of warm milk:

    1st week - 1 drop;

    2nd week - 2 drops;

    3rd week - 3 drops and so on up to 10 days, each time adding a drop of tar. Seven days break and repeat the course again, the entire period will take six months.

    Cleansing of pinworms and ascaris will be very effective if one teaspoon of liquid honey is mixed with birch tar and taken before bedtime. The course is twelve procedures. Every day the number of drops is increased by one and brought up to eight.

    For prevention, it is desirable to conduct a course of treatment annually.
    birch tar for hair

    Itching and irritation of the surface of the scalp with the appearance of dandruff is removed with the help of birch tar. This phenomenon is not pleasant, added oily hair, hair loss. The use of a natural natural product will soothe irritated skin, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Purifying the scalp from the keratinized layer of cells, tar activates their respiration, cells are saturated with oxygen. At the same time, blood flow increases, and regenerative processes are accelerated.

    You can use an excellent remedy as a prophylaxis against dandruff: dissolve 1 tablespoon of tar in 2 tablespoons of castor oil. Add 100 grams of alcohol. Rub the mixture with massage movements into the scalp. Wash off after 2-3 hours.

    birch tar for acne

    A natural, environmentally friendly product can be used to treat acne skin. With oily facial skin, frequent acne rashes, tar soap with a high concentration of birch tar will help, which will relieve irritation and inflammation, cleanse and make the skin soft and velvety. Also, tar can be used to prepare various products that cleanse problem skin:

    Treat the skin daily with lotion:

    50 grams of 95% alcohol, 5 grams of tar, a few drops of salicylic alcohol.

    · Honey and tar are mixed in the ratio 3:1. The prepared mask is applied to the skin with a thin layer. Wash off with water at room temperature.

    How to take birch tar inside?

    Birch tar, when taken orally, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the heart muscle and improves metabolism in the body. It is useful to take tar water in the morning on an empty stomach, in the afternoon two hours before meals and in the evening before going to bed. This is an excellent remedy for fever, purulent cough, dropsy. Used for the treatment of internal diseases, birch tar cleanses the blood, liver, intestines, and pancreas of toxins and toxins. Over time, patients feel an improvement in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum heal.

    How to drink birch tar?

    Tar water helps to cure many ailments. It can be easily prepared according to a recipe known since ancient times: 4 liters of cold spring water, 500 g of tar, mix thoroughly in a vessel, which must then be tightly closed and allowed to stand for two days so that the tar settles. Carefully remove the foam, drain the clear liquid. Store in a sealed container.

    Adults take 100 g in the morning 15-20 minutes before meals. Also, for some infectious diseases, you can take birch tar diluted in warm milk.

    birch tar recipe

    At home, you can prepare an ointment from birch tar. Tar, mutton or pork fat, mixed in equal amounts, is used to treat wounds and skin diseases; Ointment from pure birch tar and petroleum jelly, in a ratio of 1:10, treats ulcers, pyoderma, infected wounds.

    Birch tar for children

    Young children very often suffer from an unpleasant allergic disease - diathesis. Birch tar is able to cope with these problems. Traditional medicine recommends lubricating the affected areas with butter or baby cream with the addition of a few drops of birch tar.

    Birch tar contraindications

    Pure birch tar and tar preparations can cause allergic skin irritations, up to the development of dermatitis. The use of birch tar as a remedy is possible only after medical consultation. It is not recommended to use tar during an exacerbation of chronic skin diseases. In acute eczema, dermatitis, exudative psoriasis, folliculitis, it should be used with extreme caution.

    Applying birch tar to large areas of the skin for a long time can lead to toxic effects on the kidneys. Weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, convulsions may appear.

    After applying the tar, patients experience a burning sensation, but the itching disappears. If the burning sensation stops after 10-15 minutes, then the treatment can be continued. Before you start using birch tar, you need to check the tolerance on a small area of ​​the skin, examine the urine.

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