Weight loss along the coast. Bragg field power supply system. Summer salad with egg according to Paul Bragg

Paul Bragg- activist alternative medicine, actively promoted the idea of ​​fasting in order to improve health. In his book The Miracle of Fasting, he touched on the topic of healthy eating in general. Expressed a view of what is useful for human body and what is harmful. The idea was new and caused a strong reaction in society. Paul Bragg did not have medical education however, his technique was a success.

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The best proof of the action was the author himself, who lived to the age of 81 in perfect health.

A feature of fasting according to Paul Bragg is the intake of fluid in an unlimited amount. The author recommends the abundant use of distilled water.

The preferred fasting period is a week or 10 days, the system is carried out without supervision by a doctor or specialist.

4 theses of fasting according to Paul Bragg:

  1. Lots of distilled water;
  2. None - it's unhealthy;
  3. The best place for hunger is nature. It is better to adhere to the technique in solitude, while leading an active life.
  4. A favorable way out of hunger is on a liquid diet with a further rejection of meat.

The system I followed

  • One-day cleansing - once every 7 days;
  • Seven-day hunger - once every 3 months;
  • Fasting for 21 days - once a year.

The main thing to remember is that fasting is a voluntary refusal to eat. When the technique is perceived as a difficult and unnecessary event, it is difficult to achieve favorable results; rather, nervousness and self-pity will increase.

Why distilled water?

Distilled water, according to Bragg, is most suitable for fasting, as it is pure and does not contain impurities of minerals of inorganic origin. Water containing impurities adversely affects the kidneys, creates stones. But it is the kidneys that have to work hard and hard. For the sake of its own favorable condition, it is better to cleanse with distilled water.

Paul was convinced that distilled water does not wash out organic matter from human body. On the contrary, it is good for health, supports vitality and youth.

How long does hunger last?

In his research, Paul Bragg came to the conclusion that few people can give accurate information about the timing of fasting. Nutritionists in this area have not developed single point perspective, opinions differ widely. AT different countries their deadlines.

So, English doctors claim that optimal time- 30 days. Cleansing takes place inactive manner life, in lying position, do exercises and give the body physical activity Not recommended. The Germans are starving for 3 weeks, and the French for 2, the Americans adhere to the methodology, lasting a month.

Paul Bragg believed that 3 weeks (and more) of unforced fasting is sheer nonsense, it is worth resorting to this in case of emergency.

In his book, Paul Bragg wrote that fasts lasting >10 days should be avoided by unprepared people. You should start small, from one day. It is not recommended to fast for 3 weeks, until you have completed 6 ten-day cycles with breaks of 4 months, then the body will be more or less prepared for further cleansing. But even experienced practitioners are not recommended to prolong fasting >15 days.

Paul Bragg considered ten-day fasting 4 times a year sufficient for himself, while in 3-month breaks the author of the method did not eat very much. Paul advised not to eat until you feel very hungry, no jamming of emotions. Food from nothing to do is the body's worst enemy.

Bragg was sure that it was possible to cleanse and improve the body with the help of one-day fasts, provided healthy lifestyle life during breaks.

Paul's book "The Miracle of Fasting" is interesting and easy to read, you should familiarize yourself with all the author's thoughts on healthy eating, and not just the section on therapeutic fasting. It describes a case that confirms the cleansing properties of hunger: in childhood, Paul was sick a lot, he was often treated with mercury-based medicines. Once the author had a terrible stomach ache, and the body brought out all the accumulated substance during the medication in childhood.

Fasting for 1 day

During hunger, it is allowed to drink pure distilled water, you can add 5 g of natural raw honey and 10 ml lemon juice, these products will help cleanse the body. After the expiration of the term, the first meal will be a salad of grated carrots and white cabbage with seasoning from citrus juice. No salt or spices.

The first 2 days after 24 hours on distilled water, acidic foods should not be taken.

Fasting for 3, 7, 10 days

During three day fast you need to be able to rest. It is better to stick to the system in solitude. The body will begin to remove toxic substances, health may worsen. At this time, you can not load the brain extra work- read, have fun with friends, watch TV, for 3 days you will have to give up this. It is not necessary to move away from society and engage in hermitage for 3 days, it is enough to be in complete peace, solitude and in nature.

Bragg believes that poisons are excreted through the kidneys, so they need to be protected and not loaded in everyday life. Feeling better as soon as the body is rid of congestion and toxins.

The gastrointestinal tract does not work during hunger, it has nothing to process. This fact worries most people, because then the functions of the intestines and stomach will have to be resumed, and this can cause discomfort. At right approach and the exit from the cleaning of this will not happen.

Paul Bragg had a negative attitude towards enemas, did not believe in their benefits. The author believed that food residues should not be removed by taking laxatives, this can harm the digestive system.

The intestine has antiseptic properties, so food residues are neutralized during hunger without additional intervention. After completing the cycle and starting normal nutrition, the digestive tract will begin to work regularly and better than before cleansing.

At right exit From hunger, your food should (at least) consist of 1/2 - vegetables and fruits. It is not recommended to consume products of animal origin > 3 times in 7 days. You can achieve protein balance in the body with the help of nuts, seeds and other vegetable protein, eat germinated wheat.

Bragg calculated that he had 75 days of fasting per year, which is quite enough to restore the kidneys, pancreas and other internal organs.

Paul Bragg's book details examples of the effects of hunger on his patients. After complete cleansing of the body, the smell from the mouth disappears, caused by great content toxins. The author believed that it was better not to bring the body to a state where there were so many poisons accumulated that it emanated from the whole body. bad smell. It is better to prevent contamination of the body and start observing the fasting system while the body is still healthy.

Way out of a week of fasting

At the end of a seven-day fast, both the stomach and intestines are greatly reduced in volume, so it is necessary to return to the usual diet gradually. AT last day, closer to the afternoon snack (17:00) take 4 medium-sized tomatoes, cut into large pieces and put in a pot of boiling water so that the water covers the tomatoes. When the water and tomatoes have cooled, they will become room temperature then he can eat them. There are no restrictions, you can use 4 pieces.

In the morning next day prepare a salad of cabbage and carrots with dressing from citrus juice. Such a dish also helps to cleanse the body, after which you can eat stewed greens or 2 crackers (toast) for breakfast. During the day, do not forget about distilled water. For lunch, eat a carrot with celery + 2 boiled vegetables. Skip dinner.

On the 2nd day after hunger, breakfast can consist of fruits, it is allowed to sweeten with honey. Lunch is the same as the previous day. For dinner (no later than 18:00) - lettuce with lemon juice, toast, a couple of tomatoes and boiled vegetables.

Breaking out of a ten day fast

The difference between a weekly cleansing and fasting, lasting 10 days, is not great, but there is. The output is generally the same, stewed tomatoes on day 10, 11 and 12 correspond to 8 and 9. Important: do not eat beyond what seems necessary to you, food for the sake of food is not what your body needs. The psychological desire for food should not confuse you, focus on the stomach.

Because digestive tract reduced in volume, he does not need a large number of food. It will take some time for the body to adjust to the daily mode of assimilation of food.

Don't Worry About Your Gut

Recovery of bowel function may not begin immediately, but you should not worry about this. People who adhere to the technique have a small stool after the first meal, however, everyone is individual. There is no strict routine regarding the work of the gastrointestinal tract after the cessation of hunger, digestion returns to normal after 3-4 days (subject to the correct exit).

Bragg advised not to have breakfast immediately after waking up, to wait about an hour and eat something from fruits and greens. Prunes, dried apricots are well suited. An hour later, the author recommended eating something else of the same type, with boiled vegetables.

Paul Bragg argued that when eating raw vegetables and fruits at the beginning of each meal, body tissues will be renewed, in general, the body will receive an antioxidant effect.

Bragg allowed the use of animal protein, but not more than 20% of all food (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products), zealous with nuts and seeds is also not recommended. 60% of food should come from raw vegetables and fruits, the remaining 20% ​​includes cereals, oils, natural sugars in the form of dried fruits and honey.

Paul Bragg's attitude to fasting

In The Miracle of Fasting, the author devoted a whole section to hunger, as health system However, fasting is not a cure for serious illnesses. The author did not believe that fasting is curative, to the full extent of this word. However, cleansing the body and maintaining it in natural processes in itself leads to healing.

The body's cleansing system will help get rid of bad habits, addiction to nicotine, alcohol, sweets by getting rid of excesses.

Paul Bragg is a well-known promoter of a healthy lifestyle and the practice of fasting. But in addition to fasting, he developed a diet that, in his opinion, will help a person stay healthy, be alert and full of energy until old age.

The basis of the diet is environmentally friendly and healthy foods with a reduced calorie content, table salt, refined sugars.

Although to some, Paul Bragg's views on proper nutrition may not seem entirely scientifically sound, but with his life he fully confirmed the main provisions of his system. proper nutrition.

This is how Paul Bragg describes his diet in his book The Miracle of Fasting:

"The first step is the rejection of all devitaminized industrial products of civilization - coffee, tea, alcohol, various drinks. This is the rejection of various types of animal products and the gradual addition of a large amount of fruits and vegetables to your diet until their number reaches 50 -60% of the entire diet If you live on a diet that consists of most cooked foods, such as different kinds meat, protein, bread different varieties, pasta and flour products You should not immediately add a lot of raw fruits and vegetables to your diet. After each weekly fast, you will find that you will enjoy adding raw fruits and vegetables to your diet more and more. This is because with each fast you become cleaner.

After three months of these weekly fasts, spent believing in them, you can already replace 40% of the entire ordinary food raw fruit and vegetables.

FRUITS ARE THE HEALTHY FOOD FOR HUMANS. I start my list with fresh and dry fruits. I attribute them to the best food person. They can both make up a meal and be added as a dessert to other products.

Apples, apricots, fresh or dried, processed without the aid of sulfur, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, nutmegs, fresh and dried figs, grapefruits, grapes, honeydew melons, lemons, mangoes, sweet peaches, papaya, oranges, fresh and dried pears, persimmon, raspberry, plum, prunes, strawberries, watermelon, pineapples.

VEGETABLES - CLEANERS AND PROTECTORS. Brussels sprouts, artichokes, asparagus, beets, yellow wax beans, all kinds of cabbage, carrots, celery, onions, corn, cucumbers, dandelion greens, eggplant, garlic, green pea, lettuce of all kinds, mustard greens, parsnips, potatoes, green peppers, radishes, spinach, green beans, different pumpkins, zucchini, tomatoes, sprouted wheat, wheatgrass.

LIST OF NUTS AND SEEDS. They are rich in proteins, you can add any two of the listed types. If you eat meat, you should not do this more than 3 times a week, the rest of the week you can eat nuts and seeds as proteins.

Almond, brazil nuts, peanuts (roasted if you do), pecans, walnuts. Legumes - can be introduced into your diet several times a week, because. they are rich vegetable proteins, especially soy. Beans - 9 varieties - lentils, dry peas, soybeans.

OILS - do not take oils containing chemical impurities introduced into them to prevent rancidity.

Corn oil, peanut, orchard seed, soybean, sunflower, walnuts, soflorous.

NATURAL SWEETENERS. The substances listed are highly concentrated and must be used with the greatest care.

Pure raw sugar, yellow sugar, date sugar, honey, maple syrup, crude molasses.

NATURAL COARSE CEREALS. Cereals can be consumed no more than 3 times a week if your work is not heavy physical labor on the fresh air: barley, dark rice, buckwheat, coarse groats, millet whole wheat, unprocessed, rye, flax-seed, millet.

DO NOT USE: any fatty meals, fillet meat, located along the ribs, tongue, duck.

EAT: Any lean meat such as lean lamb, veal, red beef only.

DO NOT EAT: canned beef, liverwurst, the same sausages, meat dishes for breakfast, corned beef. These meat products contain a lot of salt and poisonous chemical products added to protect against decay.

Bread should be consumed with great care, especially those made with green flour. People who want to lose weight should give up any bread. If they want to eat it, then only very dried. People who work physically outdoors can eat as much as they like. Limit bread consumption to 2 slices per day.

DOMESTIC BIRD. The best is chicken and turkey, because. they contain the least amount of fat.

BEVERAGES. You should always drink between meals and do not dilute the food entering the body with water. I drink fruit juices, distilled water and hot teas.

ADVICE FOR COMPOSING THE MENU. I don't have breakfast, I eat closer to noon fresh fruits and boiled - apricots, prunes, seasonings from apples or baked apples. For lunch with "eat fresh salad. I also eat from boiled greens: spinach, cauliflower, green mustard. These are green vegetables, and then I add yellow ones: sweet potato, sweet potato or yellow puree, I add two more types of ground seeds.

DINNER. Salad of various vegetables and add boiled potatoes and carrots, raw nut oil or almond, peanut butter. I have been following this diet for many years, but I do not want anyone to follow it without a preparatory period.

The process of transition to such nutrition is long, but worthwhile.

For people who are used to eating three times, I offer the following menu:

Breakfast - fresh fruit meal, wholemeal bread sweetened with some kind of honey or syrup, coffee substitute or herbal tea.

Lunch - raw vegetable salad, a dish of fish or meat and poultry, baked and boiled, but not fried, boiled vegetables, fruit, dessert - a substitute for coffee or herbal tea.

Lunch - raw vegetable or fruit salad, any dish of meat, fish or poultry boiled, boiled vegetables, fruits, dessert is the same.

2. Breakfast - fresh or boiled vegetables, fruits, egg, in no case fried, cool is better, 2 slices of bread, herbal tea.

Lunch - raw vegetable salad, baked slice of beef, apple puree sweetened with honey, herbal tea.

Lunch - raw vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, beets. Seasoning - lemon, butter under mayonnaise, green pepper stuffed with dark rice, any boiled vegetable. Dessert - dates, coffee substitute, herbal tea.

3. Breakfast - fresh or boiled fruit, bran bun with honey, tea, coffee substitute.

Lunch - fresh vegetable salad, corn on the cob, baked potato and baked apple, dessert substitutes.

Lunch - raw vegetables and fruits, fruit salad, any meat dish or fish, poultry, baked or boiled, baked eggplant, boiled tomatoes. Dessert - fruits, coffee substitute, herbal tea.

AVOID THESE FOODS: Refined sugar, white flour bread, confectionery, ice cream, cheese, cold meats, often stabilizers are added to preserve color and taste. Avoid using birds that have been fed growth hormones, processed milk, processed cheese, processed cheese, and chocolate.

SUMMARY. Majority food products are currently subjected to various processing or refining processes, as a result of which they have lost vitamins, minerals, and some of them contain dangerous impurities. This vitamin-free food is main reason bad health. Huge increase over the past 50 years in arthritis, heart disease, tooth decay, etc. confirms these findings. Many of these misfortunes can be prevented, beginning can be prevented, beginning can be stopped, and in some cases even normalized, by the right natural image life and nutrition.

Nika Sestrinskaya -specially for the sitefotodiet.ru

Paul Chappius Bragg is a well-known promoter of a healthy lifestyle and the practice of fasting. But in addition to fasting, he developed a diet that, in his opinion, will help a person stay healthy, be alert and full of energy until old age.

The basis of the diet is environmentally friendly and healthy foods with a reduced content of calories, salt, refined sugars.

Although Paul Bragg's views on proper nutrition may not seem completely scientifically grounded to some, but with his life he fully confirmed the main provisions of his proper nutrition system.

This is how Paul Bragg describes his diet in his book The Miracle of Fasting:

"The first step is the rejection of all devitaminized industrial products of civilization - coffee, tea, alcohol, various drinks. This is the rejection of various types of animal products and the gradual addition of a large amount of fruits and vegetables to your diet until their number reaches 50 -60% of the total diet If you live on a diet that consists of most cooked foods, such as various types of meat, protein, bread of various varieties, pasta and flour products, you should not immediately add a lot of raw fruits and vegetables to your diet.After each weekly fasting, you will find that you will enjoy adding more raw fruits and vegetables to your diet, because with each fast you become cleaner.

After three months of these weekly fasts, spent believing in them, you can already replace 40% of your regular food with raw fruits and vegetables.

FRUITS ARE THE HEALTHY FOOD FOR HUMANS. I start my list with fresh and dry fruits. I consider them to be the best human food. They can both make up a meal and be added as a dessert to other products.

Apples, apricots, fresh or dried, processed without the aid of sulfur, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, nutmegs, fresh and dried figs, grapefruits, grapes, honeydew melons, lemons, mangoes, sweet peaches, papaya, oranges, fresh and dried pears, persimmon, raspberry, plum, prunes, strawberries, watermelon, pineapples.

VEGETABLES - CLEANERS AND PROTECTORS. Brussels sprouts, artichokes, asparagus, beets, yellow wax beans, cabbages of all kinds, carrots, celery, onions, corn, cucumbers, dandelion greens, eggplants, garlic, green peas, lettuce of all kinds, mustard greens, parsnips, potatoes, green peppers, radishes, spinach, green beans, various pumpkins, zucchini, tomatoes, wheat germ, wheatgrass onions.

LIST OF NUTS AND SEEDS. They are rich in proteins, you can add any two of the listed types. If you eat meat, you should not do this more than 3 times a week, the rest of the week you can eat nuts and seeds as proteins.

Almonds, Brazil nuts, peanuts (roasted if you do), pecans, walnuts. Legumes - can be introduced into your diet several times a week, because. they are rich in vegetable proteins, especially soy. Beans - 9 varieties - lentils, dry peas, soybeans.

OILS - do not take oils that contain chemical impurities introduced into them to prevent rancidity.

Corn oil, peanut oil, garden seed oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, walnut oil, soflor oil.

NATURAL SWEETENERS. The substances listed are highly concentrated and must be used with the greatest care.

Pure raw sugar, yellow sugar, date sugar, honey, maple syrup, crude molasses.

NATURAL COARSE CEREALS. Cereals can be consumed no more than 3 times a week if your work is not related to heavy physical labor in the fresh air: barley, dark rice, buckwheat, coarse grains, millet whole wheat, unprocessed, rye, flaxseed, millet.

DO NOT EAT: any fatty foods, sirloin meat located along the ribs, tongue, duck.

EAT: Any lean meat such as lean lamb, veal, red beef only.

DO NOT EAT: canned beef, liverwurst, the same sausages, meat dishes for breakfast, corned beef. These meat products contain a lot of salt and poisonous chemicals added to prevent rotting.

Bread should be consumed with great care, especially those made with green flour. People who want to lose weight should give up any bread. If they want to eat it, then only very dried. People who work physically outdoors can eat as much as they like. Limit bread consumption to 2 slices per day.

DOMESTIC BIRD. The best is chicken and turkey, because. they contain the least amount of fat.

BEVERAGES. You should always drink between meals and do not dilute the food entering the body with water. I drink fruit juices, distilled water and hot teas.

ADVICE FOR COMPOSING THE MENU. I don’t have breakfast, I eat fresh fruits and boiled fruits closer to noon - apricots, prunes, seasonings from apples or baked apples. For lunch, I eat a fresh salad. I also eat boiled greens: spinach, cauliflower, green mustard. These are green vegetables, and then I add yellow ones: sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes or yellow mashed potatoes, I add two more crushed seeds.

DINNER. Salad of various vegetables and add boiled potatoes and carrots, raw nut oil or almond, peanut butter. I have been following this diet for many years, but I do not want anyone to follow it without a preparatory period.

The process of transition to such nutrition is long, but worthwhile.

For people who are used to eating three times, I offer the following menu:

1. Breakfast - a dish of fresh fruit, a wholemeal bread sweetened with some kind of honey or syrup, a coffee substitute or herbal tea.

Lunch - a raw vegetable salad, a dish of fish or meat and poultry, baked and boiled, but not fried, boiled vegetables, fruits, dessert - a substitute for coffee or herbal tea.

Lunch - raw vegetable or fruit salad, any boiled meat, fish or poultry dish, boiled vegetables, fruits, dessert is the same.

2. Breakfast - fresh or boiled vegetables, fruits, egg, in no case fried, cool is better, 2 slices of bread, herbal tea.

Lunch - raw vegetable salad, baked slice of beef, apple puree sweetened with honey, herbal tea.

Lunch - raw vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, beets. Seasoning - lemon, butter under mayonnaise, green pepper stuffed with dark rice, any boiled vegetable. Dessert - dates, coffee substitute, herbal tea.

3. Breakfast - fresh or boiled fruit, bran bun with honey, tea, coffee substitute.

Lunch - fresh vegetable salad, corn on the cob, baked potato and baked apple, dessert substitutes.

Lunch - raw vegetables and fruits, fruit salad, any meat dish or fish, poultry, baked or boiled, baked eggplant, boiled tomatoes. Dessert - fruits, coffee substitute, herbal tea.

AVOID THESE FOODS: Refined sugar, white flour bread, confectionery, ice cream, cheese, cold meats, often stabilizers are added to preserve color and taste. Avoid using birds that have been fed growth hormones, processed milk, processed cheese, processed cheese, and chocolate.

SUMMARY. Most food products are currently subjected to various processing or refining processes, as a result of which they have lost vitamins, minerals, and some of them contain dangerous impurities. This vitamin-deprived food is a major cause of ill health. Huge increase over the past 50 years in arthritis, heart disease, tooth decay, etc. confirms these findings. Many of these misfortunes can be prevented, those that begin can be prevented, those that begin can be stopped, and in some cases even brought back to normal, by proper natural lifestyle and nutrition.

Sergey, 02/21/2014, age: 46, height: 178, weight: 76

I am now on a fast, weighed 83, now, on the sixth day of fasting, I began to weigh 76, I will starve for a week. On Saturday I will start to come out of fasting. I drink water from a jug of aquaphor, distilled water is expensive. I have been cleaning my body for the second year, 4 times a year. This year is my first fast. I feel great, but I need willpower! The next fast I will have for 10 days, in May-June.

Paul Bragg is a well-known promoter of a healthy lifestyle and the practice of fasting. In addition to many techniques of curative fasting, he developed a diet that, according to many experts, is one of the most healthy ways lose weight, return the skin to a blooming appearance, and the body - health and vigor.

Bragg's principles of nutrition

The basis of the diet is environmentally friendly and healthy products with low content calories, salt, refined sugars.

Some nutritionists sharply criticize Paul Bragg's views on proper nutrition for the lack of fat and calories in the diet, considering such a reduction in fat intake to be scientifically unfounded.

Proponents of the Bragg method are convinced that own life he fully confirmed the main provisions of his proper nutrition system, demonstrating its effectiveness on himself.

Steps to transition to Bragg nutrition

This is how Paul Bragg describes his diet in The Miracle of Fasting:

“The first step is the rejection of all devitaminized industrial products of civilization - coffee, tea, alcohol, various drinks.

This is the rejection of various types of animal products and the gradual addition of a large amount of fruits and vegetables to your diet until their amount reaches 50-60% of the entire diet.

If you live on a diet that consists of most cooked foods, like various types of meat, protein, various types of bread, pasta and flour products, you should not immediately add a lot of raw fruits and vegetables to your diet.

After each weekly fast, you will find that you will enjoy adding raw fruits and vegetables to your diet more and more. This is because with each fast you become cleaner.

After three months of these weekly fasts, spent believing in them, you can already replace 40% of your regular food with raw fruits and vegetables.

FRUITS ARE THE HEALTHY FOOD FOR HUMANS. I start my list with fresh and dry fruits. I consider them to be the best human food. They can both make up a meal and be added as a dessert to other products.

Apples, apricots, fresh or dried, processed without the aid of sulfur, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, nutmegs, fresh and dried figs, grapefruits, grapes, honeydew melons, lemons, mangoes, sweet peaches, papaya, oranges, fresh and dried pears, persimmon, raspberry, plum, prunes, strawberries, watermelon, pineapples.


Brussels sprouts, artichokes, asparagus, beets, yellow wax beans, cabbages of all kinds, carrots, celery, onions, corn, cucumbers, dandelion greens, eggplants, garlic, green peas, lettuce of all kinds, mustard greens, parsnips, potatoes, green peppers, radishes, spinach, green beans, various pumpkins, zucchini, tomatoes, wheat germ, wheatgrass onions.


Nuts and seeds are rich in proteins, you can add any two of the listed types. If you eat meat, you should not do this more than 3 times a week, the rest of the week you can eat nuts and seeds as proteins.

Almonds, Brazil nuts, peanuts (roasted if you do), pecans, walnuts. Legumes - can be introduced into your diet several times a week, because. they are rich in vegetable proteins, especially soy. Beans - 9 varieties - lentils, dry peas, soybeans.

OILS - do not take oils that contain chemical impurities introduced into them to prevent rancidity.

Corn oil, peanut oil, garden seed oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, walnut oil, soflor oil.


The substances listed are highly concentrated and must be used with the greatest care.

Pure raw sugar, yellow sugar, date sugar, honey, maple syrup, crude molasses.


Cereals can be consumed no more than 3 times a week if your work is not related to heavy physical labor in the fresh air: barley, dark rice, buckwheat, coarse grains, millet whole wheat, unprocessed, rye, flaxseed, millet.

DO NOT USE: any fatty dishes, fillet meat located along the ribs, tongue, duck.

USE: any lean meat such as lean lamb, veal, red beef only.

DO NOT USE: canned beef, sausage

liver, the same sausages, meat dishes for breakfast, corned beef. These meat products contain a lot of salt and poisonous chemicals added to prevent rotting.

Bread should be consumed with great care, especially those made with green flour. People who want to lose weight should give up any bread. If they want to eat it, then only very dried. People who work physically outdoors can eat as much as they like. Limit bread consumption to 2 slices per day.

DOMESTIC BIRD. The best is chicken and turkey, because. they contain the least amount of fat.

BEVERAGES. You should always drink between meals and do not dilute the food entering the body with water. I drink fruit juices, distilled water and hot teas.

I don’t have breakfast, I eat fresh fruits and boiled fruits closer to noon - apricots, prunes, seasonings from apples or baked apples. For lunch, I eat a fresh salad. I also eat boiled greens: spinach, cauliflower, green mustard. These are green vegetables, and then I add yellow ones: sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes or yellow mashed potatoes, I add two more types of ground seeds.

DINNER. Salad of various vegetables and add boiled potatoes and carrots, raw nut oil or almond, peanut butter. I have been following this diet for many years, but I do not want anyone to follow it without a preparatory period.

The process of transition to such nutrition is long, but worthwhile.

For people who are used to eating three times, I offer the following menu:

breakfast - a dish of fresh fruit, a wholemeal bread product sweetened with some kind of honey or syrup, a coffee substitute or herbal tea.

Lunch - a raw vegetable salad, a dish of fish or meat and poultry, baked and boiled, but not fried, boiled vegetables, fruits, dessert - a substitute for coffee or herbal tea.

Lunch - raw vegetable or fruit salad, any boiled meat, fish or poultry dish, boiled vegetables, fruits, dessert is the same.

2. Breakfast - fresh or boiled vegetables, fruits, egg, in no case fried, better steep, 2 slices of bread, herbal tea.

Lunch - raw vegetable salad, baked slice of beef, apple puree sweetened with honey, herbal tea.

In fact, Bragg fasting for weight loss is used very often, it allows you to keep the body in good shape and avoid serious illnesses. Also important is the exit from the 7-day recovery course. All this is clearly described in the book developed by this theorist. On the American continent enough followers of the Bragg theory.

The effectiveness of the day has been confirmed by more than one publication of many doctors, so you can safely trust everything that the author said. His book "The Miracle of Fasting" made a splash in society. Many readers have tried on themselves the method of fasting described by the doctor, and were pleasantly surprised by the result.

Paul Bragg's personality

Paul Bragg was no different from childhood good health and suffered from tuberculosis. At the age of 16, doctors put an end to his recovery and refused to take any action. Then the young man went to Switzerland, where he began to be treated by the famous physician Auguste Rollier. P. Bragg's Perfect Miracle fasting is extremely popular due to its simplicity and accessibility. Today there are many followers and students of the Field who work all over the world.

The essence of the treatment was the regular stay of the patient in the fresh air, taking sunbathing and normalization of nutrition. The diet included only healthy natural products. Paul Bragg was completely cured within 2 years. Since then, he began to actively promote this way of life, adding to it his observations and knowledge. Using quality and first natural products nutrition has always been useful, and Bragg understood this. His theory was called "Fasting for health", he was looking for a way to get rid of incurable disease and yet he found it.

Despite the fact that Bragg is no longer there, he lived a long and happy life. Pursuing useful and healthy eating, using fasting to cleanse the body, he achieved incredibly high results. Already today we can say with confidence that his technique is one of the most effective and reasonable.

On his own experience, a person has proved how well you need to eat, so as not only not to get a disease, but also to get rid of it. Any organism with right conditions can heal on its own. Let us consider the essence of his methodology in more detail.

How to fast according to the Paul Bragg system?

It is enough for a person seven days a month to fast and achieve good results. Of course, this period can be extended by several days. However, an unprepared person is not worth the risk. So it's better to start with one day fast to be done once a week.

In the evening before the day on which you plan to refrain from food, you need to take a laxative or make a cleansing enema. The next 24 hours you need to completely refuse food. It is only allowed to drink purified water or herbal tea based on mint, parsley, lemon balm or chamomile. If desired, you can add a little honey or lemon juice to the water. There are no restrictions on the amount of fluid received in this system. In his book, Paul Bragg wrote more than once about healing properties pure water, so it must be used in large quantities.

The amount of energy produced in the body is not large, so on the day of fasting, you should not go in for sports, give up intensive work. On this day, if possible, you should stay in the fresh air as much as possible, take sunbaths. Paul Bragg also advises to stop watching TV and listening to the radio. In our time, it will also not be superfluous to refuse to work at a computer, use gadgets.

After the procedure, you should not abruptly return to your normal lifestyle. You need to come out of one-day fasting smoothly. On the second day, you can afford a light vegetable salad or fresh fruit. On the third day - protein food and only then use familiar products. Medical workers and the author of the book himself believes that this system of fasting will not be effective without complete failure from bad habits and a gradual transition to proper nutrition. Almost all aspects of the fasting miracle developed by Bragg include only healthy eating.

Over time, you can switch to a fasting system consisting of 7-10 days. However, this option is more stringent. In case of deterioration of health, it is important to immediately stop fasting and smoothly switch to healthy diet nutrition. In fact, therapeutic fasting according to the Bragg field is the schedule and plan for life that every person should adhere to. The rules that should be followed were discussed above, so you need to start prevention today. In any case, wet fasting will have a positive effect on you.

The meaning of therapeutic fasting

The food that enters the human body can be compared to fuel. If this fuel is of poor quality, the amount of energy produced can be reduced, unnecessary toxic substances begin to be deposited in the body. A healthy wet fast should include an incredibly large amount of water procedures only in this way will it be possible to achieve the goal. Of course, for each person, their own recovery program should be selected using such methods.

According to Paul Bragg, during fasting, the source of energy synthesis disappears in the body. It begins to be produced not from food, but from various toxic products accumulated in tissues and cells. Thus, a person who has survived only a day of fasting significantly cleanses his body of toxins and at the same time gets rid of excess weight.

For 24 hours of therapeutic fasting, you can lose about 3 kg. excess weight. It is easy to calculate that if you fast every week, as recommended by the author of the book, you can lose more than 10 kg. per month. However, this value is very approximate. The amount of weight lost during a fast depends on several factors:

Human age
Fasting experience
Physical activity
body constitution

If you use fasting and the basics of proper nutrition at the same time, you can not only significantly lose weight, but also improve your health, get rid of many diseases, and extend years of life. It can also be done at home.

As explained above, Paul Bragg and his miracle fasting, strongly recommended to give up bad habits that poison the body. To begin with, it was enough to hold out for seven days, then everything became much easier.

First of all, from smoking, taking alcohol and other illegal drugs:

1. The basis of the diet should be fresh fruits and vegetables. Less often you can afford vegetable and animal protein. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of bread, salt, sugar.
2. The author of the book compiled 10 main commandments for losing weight with the help of curative fasting. Their essence is as follows:
3. Salt, sugar, coffee, fatty food, White rice and flour products are harmful products, it is important to reduce their consumption as much as possible.
4. During meals, you need to chew food thoroughly. Breaks between meals should be no more and no less than 4-5 hours.
5. In the morning you need to eat fresh fruit or special energy shakes.
6. Drink at least 8 glasses of filtered (distilled) water daily, not counting herbal teas and juices.
7. Replace cow's milk goat.
8. In the morning to use raw foods, in the second - thermally processed.
9. If possible, replace animal protein with vegetable protein.
10. The minimum duration of sleep is 8 hours.
11. Go in for sports, walk and walk as much as possible.
12. Think positively.

Proper fasting by Paul Bragg has been around for a long time, and many major health centers practice this technique. Following certain rules, reviews of losing weight and the recommendations of the doctor himself, you can achieve incredibly high results. Regarding the medical block of rules, it is only important to regularly attend doctor's consultations and do the right way out of fasting, everything else should clearly follow the pre-established plan.

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