Why do hands crackle? What to do if joints crunch all over the body: probable causes and treatment options. Possible causes of crunching in the joints

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The human skeleton consists of bones connected by joints that provide them with mobility and mechanical support. During the movement, which occurs constantly, even with the slightest, all the more abrupt movements, changes in positions and postures, various elements are arbitrarily displaced. Often, various unpleasant sounds are heard, reminiscent of clicks. How much can this be a cause for concern, and why do joints crackle?

The signals are unpleasant, as a rule, they make themselves felt in such parts of the body as the shins, spine or ankles, in some cases fingers and hands crunch. It is usually believed that such a problem is faced mainly by the elderly or people whose age passes a certain threshold. But the statistics stubbornly state that today such a state is often observed by the younger generation, whose representatives sometimes have not even reached 25 years of age.

Especially girls complain about these symptoms. This may be a random occurrence, the result of awkwardness and a combination of circumstances. But constant clicks are often the result of increased mobility. Doctors call this hypermobility.

The reason, as doctors explain, is the production of altered collagen in the body - a filamentous protein that is the basis of connective tissues, ensuring their elasticity. It has high strength, retaining the shape of cells and structures, but in some cases it is characterized by increased extensibility. This changes the state of individual tissues, causing, among other things, a crunch in the joints.

Such a phenomenon is far from always harmless, and often turns out to be a harbinger of unpleasant, even dangerous diseases. The components of the skeleton during movement should theoretically not make noise, functioning imperceptibly thanks to a substance called synovial fluid acting as a kind of lubricant. In the event that it is produced in a reduced amount compared to the required amount, or important elements of cartilage tissues are damaged, friction occurs. The described becomes a factor leading not only to serious ailments, but these changes can eventually turn a person into a disabled person.

Causes and degree of danger.

Most experts are inclined to believe that crunching in the joints can be considered a dangerous phenomenon that needs treatment if it is accompanied pain symptoms. In the absence of those - to worry, most often, especially it is not necessary. Structure constituent elements the skeleton is such that even a slight but unsuccessful movement can provoke a sound inside the body of a person whose state of health is not in doubt. So why are the bones crunchy? This phenomenon may also be due to a number of reasons, which will be listed below.

  • Link movement. At a time when the position of parts of the body changes, the tendons in the joint are displaced. When they return to their previous state, a clicking sound is heard. This is a common situation, often having only a local character.
  • Accumulations of gases. In the joint lubrication, gaseous substances that are very common in nature are dissolved. At the moment of unnatural tension, they gather into bubbles. When moving, these clusters burst, and a pop is heard.

The above can happen in normal everyday situations. Unfortunately, there are a number of factors that require special attention, immediate consultation with a specialist, and, possibly, long-term treatment taking years. If joints crunch all over the body, the causes may be caused by factors, which will be discussed later.

  • Diseases of certain organs. A diseased state of the liver can sadly affect the functions of the joints, as well as deviations in the activity of the gallbladder. These organs are actively involved in the production of collagen, which, as mentioned earlier, provides elasticity to tendons and cartilage. Reducing its amount in the body leads to unpleasant consequences.
  • Kidney diseases. Among other functions, the kidneys provide the maintenance of synovial fluid inside the bone frame. With various lesions, failures occur. Insufficient volume of this important lubrication in the body leads to increased friction of the articular elements.
  • Arthrosis. Occurs when the joint wears out. The disease is characterized by thinning of the cartilage. Most often, the impetus for this is age-related changes, but similar problems are also found in representatives of younger generations.
  • Osteochondrosis. A disease that is a consequence of disorders in metabolic processes. Because of this, damage to the motor tissues occurs. Most of all, overweight patients are prone to such troubles, whose load on the joints and cartilage is disproportionate.
  • The appearance of painful growths on the bone tissue. This is a pathological phenomenon, often passing without any obvious symptoms is called osteophyte. At the same time, the growths that interfere with the movement of the joints take the most various forms. They can be small or have the appearance of more massive formations, having a single or multiple character.
  • Inflammation. There may be a mismatch of the surfaces of the joints. The cause of unpleasant clicks can be changes caused by a wide variety of infections, as well as subsequent complications.
  • Pathological changes inside the bone frame. With the loss of lubrication, the rubbing surfaces are able to reproduce the sound. In a joint modified and filled with excess salts, it is possible a sharp decline freedom of movement of adjacent areas. This becomes a factor that causes a variety of unpleasant, disturbing sounds.

In situations where joints crackle all over the body, the causes of this phenomenon are so numerous that it is difficult to list them completely. Moreover, an unambiguous and exhaustive answer to this question cannot exist without a thorough examination. Here it is best to seek advice from a trustworthy specialist.

Medical preparations.

In the presence of painful changes of the described nature, doctors can offer chondroprotectors. These agents are attractive due to their low toxicity. They help reduce unpleasant symptoms while being highly tolerant. Such preparations contain two fundamental active ingredients.

  • Chondroitin. This substance is obtained from cartilage tissue animals and birds. Its function is to ensure the integrity of the tendons and ligaments. Standing out in the body, it contributes to the deposition of calcium in the bones. The lack of a substance can be compensated for more naturally including red fish in the diet.
  • Glucosamine. it important element for the synthesis inside the human body of components valuable for the joints. It also contributes to the strength of tendons and ligaments. Usually the substance is obtained from the shells of crustaceans.

Carrying out their activities through the above properties, drugs prevent the destruction of articular elements, contributing to tissue growth and improvement motor functions. Together with the data medical means often assigned, very useful in this case, vasodilators. Such a measure helps to improve blood flow to the tissues, providing them with good nutrition.

Folk remedies.

There are also methods that are not only useful, but also affordable. One of these is the course of salt procedures. Baths have a positive effect on a wide variety of disorders of the bone base, as well as diseases associated with wrong exchange substances. This is the oldest remedy used in folk medicine, the main healing component of which is sodium chloride.

Putting the method into practice, water is drawn into the bath, at first necessarily hot, dissolving sea salt in it. In the absence of this component, it is possible to prepare it yourself by adding a few drops of iodine to the usual food, as well as an infusion of sage, natural needles or chamomile. After the procedure, you can rub the problem areas of the body with medicated oils.


What other reasons and answers to the dilemma exist: why do joints crunch all over the body? Very often, such unpleasant and disturbing sounds, and then diseases, occur due to sedentary image life. This is the misfortune of the age of high technology that has changed life.

This often happens during work that requires a long stay in a certain position: sitting at a table or standing in one place. Realizing all the harm of this state of affairs, it is necessary to introduce some changes into your usual way of life. Which ones - depends on the profession, the vicissitudes of which make the muscles and joints all the time be strictly in a certain motionless state, but what to do?

Office workers are advised to have regular classes industrial gymnastics. It will not take much time and will not affect the work, but the benefits from it are quite capable of affecting the results of labor. Exercises can be the most simple: you should perform head turns or arm rotations. It is enough even just to move your shoulders or make simple movements with your fingers, clenching and unclenching your fists. This will restore blood circulation in certain areas of the body.

The teaching profession forces the teacher in the classroom or the lecturer in the audience to stand for a long period of time without moving from one place. But even here it is not difficult to come up with a kind of gymnastics for yourself. Perhaps explaining to schoolchildren or female students new material, walk from side to side, walk between the rows of students' desks, go around the audience in a circle, simultaneously having a conversation with opponents. The speaker, standing in one position at the pulpit, should at least try, removing the load from his legs, transferring weight from one of them to another.

For a good condition of the joints, it is advisable to carry out several times a week sports training. Just remember that traumatic sports can be a problem. In this case, the best option for prevention is the gym. Regular visits to the pool and long swimming also have a great effect on the condition of the joints.

The above measures and exercises help to improve blood circulation and, as a result, the nutrition of the muscles and tissues surrounding the joints. This will improve oxygen metabolism, which will have a beneficial effect on the entire body and regenerative processes. Choosing the right physical exercises, it is possible to prevent many troubles and avoid the most unpleasant problems in the early stages.

As already mentioned, a factor that causes clicks in the joints may be overweight. Especially often in obese people, the legs and spine experience an increased load. In this case, a strict diet can help solve the problem. Especially should be excluded from the diet of foods such as fatty meats, refined white rice. Potatoes are also harmful, and of course: flour products, bread and sugar are the main enemies of a slim figure.

A great way to solve such problems are long walks in nature. Helps also physical work on the fresh air, where chores in a summer cottage can become an excellent activity: planting plants and caring for them. Cycling helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs and eliminate the unpleasant crunch in the joints.

About the benefits of gelatin.

This substance is a colorless transparent powder with many valuable properties.

Natural gelatin is obtained by digestion of some animal tissues, the main percentage of which is tendons and ligaments. Its component is collagen. Substance found wide application in cooking and cosmetology, gelatin is used and in medical purposes, helping, among other things, to eliminate the painful crunch in the joints.

The properties of this substance are really amazing, than they represent a great scientific interest. Studies conducted by American scientists have shown this the best way. The experiments involved 175 elderly patients suffering from arthrosis knee joint. Taking only 10 grams of gelatin daily, they felt a significant improvement in two weeks, and their muscle strength and joint mobility increased.

The explanation for the amazing, almost magical, properties of gelatin is hidden in the amino acids contained in it, obtained from the proteins that make up this substance. They maintain the mobility of articular cartilage and other elements associated with the process of movement, slow down or even prevent their destruction. From the archives traditional medicine maybe get one healthy recipe, which can be useful in the treatment of arthritis, osteoporosis, dislocations and sprains. It is simple, affordable, and also able to provide a great service to those who have weak hair and nails.

  • A teaspoon of gelatin should be diluted in a glass of cold boiled water, filling it exactly to half.
  • Leave the resulting solution overnight, waiting for this substance to swell by morning.
  • Next, add a teaspoon of honey to the contents.
  • Top up the glass to the top with hot, necessarily freshly boiled, water.
  • Thoroughly stir the contents of the glass and drink the mixture, slightly cooled, but warm, before the morning meal.

Such actions should be taken within ten days. After that, the break should last exactly the same amount, and then the course is repeated. So it is necessary to continue for about three or more months. The exact period is set depending on the degree of need, other conditions and characteristics of the organism.

To prevent painful changes in various elements of the joints, this recipe can be used less frequently. However, it is enough to simply change the menu to include dishes prepared using the miraculous gelatin powder. These, as you know, include: beloved and popular aspic by many, delicious aspic, sweet muses, jelly, marmalade.

Worrying about why joints crackle all over the body, you can get a lot of answers to this one, which requires detailed analysis, question. But the best thing to do is take care of your health. And if there are alarming symptoms, take timely action.

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This article talks about the causes, symptoms and treatment of crunching joints throughout the human body.

Almost every person on the planet faced such a phenomenon as a crunch in the joints. This phenomenon can be observed in different age categories, usually a crunch in the joints does not pose a danger to the health of the body. However, there are exceptions when a crunch in the joints signals the presence certain diseases serious character.

Causes of crunching joints

In most cases, the movement of the joints occurs without any noise. However, there are exceptions when the joints make a characteristic crackling sound.

The main causes of bone crunch are considered:

In medicine, there are two main reasons for the appearance of a crunch in the joints, these are physiological and pathological causes.

  1. Physiological causes of crunching joints:
  • Vacuum cotton. It is caused in the case of a sharp distance of the joints from each other.
    This phenomenon occurs, mainly with any physiological exercises, stretching the arms, exercises with the fingers, physical exercises of the gymnastic direction. Experts note that this kind of bone crunch does not cause any harm to the human body;
  • Too close connections relative to the joints during movement. When this process a dull sound occurs. It is caused by flexion or extension of the joints.
    This phenomenon can occur in such an age category as: adolescents, infants, children younger age.
  1. Pathological causes:
  • As a result of an injury;
  • The occurrence of arthritis;
  • Inflammatory process in the joint bag;
  • The appearance of arthrosis;
  • Established malformations of the joints and bones.

The occurrence of a crunch pathological causes due to:

  • Changes in the properties of fluids inside the joints;
  • A significant decrease in the amount of fluid inside the joints;
  • Identification of joint deformities;
  • Inflammatory process in the cartilage area;
  • Inflammatory process in the ligaments;
  • Inflammatory process in the synovial membrane.

Risk factors


Physiological crunch is characterized by the occurrence of:

  • in the lumbar region;
  • In the hip part of the articular activity;
  • In the knee joint;
  • In the shoulder joint.

Pathological crunch is characterized by the following features:

  • The appearance of a crunch is quite frequent;
  • The possibility of redness;
  • Possibility of manifestations pain;
  • The possibility of swelling in the joint;
  • It is not eliminated with repeated movements of the joint.

It is important to know that a crunch that occurs throughout the body is worth a thorough examination by a specialist in this field.

If a pathological crunch is suspected, the following diagnostic measures are prescribed:

  • A tomography is prescribed;
  • An ultrasound of the joints is prescribed;
  • A biochemical blood test is prescribed;

Why do joints crackle in adults?

If a crunch of the joints occurs in an adult, it is worth contacting a specialist, as this phenomenon can signal the process of the appearance of a dangerous disease.

This phenomenon in adults is due to the following main reasons:

  • Failure in the metabolic system;
  • Complication after injury.

For an effective and efficient treatment process, it is worth studying certain pathogenic factors.

Pathogenic factors identified against the background of a decrease in physical activity patient, the presence of pain during the appearance of a crunch.

Pathogenic factors leading to this syndrome:

  • Identification of wear of the articulations of bones;
  • Features of cartilage for anatomical purposes;
  • Reduced physical activity;
  • The occurrence of salt deposits due to malnutrition;
  • hereditary factor;
  • The process of inflammation in muscle tissue;
  • The occurrence of joint hypermobility.

Why does a child crunch in the joints?

The formation of the bone composition of the child is not perfect and continues its activity after birth. Therefore, in a small child, the bones often crunch, due to the process of formation and strengthening of the bones of the child.

In the absence of any pathologies of the joints, the crunch disappears, as a rule, at 3-4 months of the child's life. With the duration of the crunch at an early age of the child, you should contact the orthopedist for an examination.

To date, there are the following pathogenic factors that precede the crunch in the joints:

  • Dysplasia predominantly in the region of the hip joint. This factor is due to the fact that in most cases, girls during water physical education;
  • Reducing the secret in the periarticular bag. This factor due to friction of bone structures, causing a characteristic crunch;
  • Processes inflammatory nature in the area of ​​cartilage, may appear due to the occurrence childhood arthritis. With an effective treatment process in the period of early inflammation, it is possible to fully improve the functioning of the joints.

What to do with the appearance of a crunch in the joints?

In the event of a crunch in the joints without pain and a short-term nature, it is not worth worrying. Requires to determine the cause of the crunch and try to eliminate it. This type of crunch in the joints does not pose a threat to human health.

However, if crunches occur with pain, with frequent frequency, it is worth contacting medical care to a specialist in the field. The doctor will determine the cause of crunches in the joints and prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

Healing process

Treatment of this phenomenon can be carried out through the use of medications and a course of treatment of a medical nature, as well as folk remedies.

Considered treatment by the use of folk remedies. With strong crunches in the joints throughout the body, it is required to replenish the body with natural elements that are lacking in the body.

To restore the musculoskeletal process, it is recommended to eat:

  • Eat meals containing gelatin. Gelatin contains enough protein and collagen. These elements help to strengthen the tissue cover of the articular parts, while eliminating cod in the joints;
  • It is also recommended to use certain decoctions, such as: a decoction of sunflower root, which helps to eliminate salt accumulations in the joints;
  • The use of honey compresses, paraffin, horseradish, black radish, clay. This kind of compresses have a warming effect, which eliminates pain.

Medical treatment

Modern medicine considers the treatment of this phenomenon as the application pharmaceuticals aimed at the treatment of crunching joints. As a rule, ointments and gels of a warming and anti-inflammatory nature, as well as non-steroidal drugs, are prescribed.

In case of data inefficiency pharmaceuticals intraarticular injections of glucocorticoids are used. For effective result the process of removing inflammation from the cartilage is important.

For such measures, medications are used, which include the following components:

  • The use of drugs with chondroitin;
  • The use of drugs with glucosamines;
  • The use of drugs with mucopolysaccharides;
  • Combined drugs.


Physiotherapy is one of the mandatory aspects in treatment course. Mostly prescribed after the course of admission medicines to relieve the inflammatory process of the joints.

Physiotherapy helps to restore the normalization of the musculoskeletal system.

Usually, at the beginning of a course of physiotherapy, the following medical measures are prescribed:

  • The use of mud therapy;
  • The use of ozocerite;
  • The use of analgin injections in the joint area.

These measures are aimed at a significant improvement in the nutritional value of the joint, as well as the normalization of blood circulation. It should be noted that physiotherapy is not used for acute tolerance of this phenomenon.

When a crunch of joints occurs throughout the body prescribed therapeutic exercises. These events are prescribed in the presence of pain. aim therapeutic gymnastics is the strengthening of the muscular department, without additional loads on the joint.

Based on the characteristics of the pain syndrome during the crunch of the joints of the body, special physiological measures are prescribed, such as:

  • Exercises in the pool;
  • Sitting exercises;
  • Exercise while lying down.

This type of treatment significantly improves the patient's condition, while not exposing the body to additional stress from drugs and excessive physical activity. To improve the condition with a crunch of joints throughout the body, massage is also used.

Massage specially developed by specialists has the following properties:

  • Normalization of venous circulation;
  • Normalization of excitability of nerve processes;
  • Strengthening the property of elasticity in the area of ​​the muscles of the joints.

Massage actions are specially designed and work effectively in the treatment of this phenomenon. Massage is a must for crunching body joints.

Complications after injury, or the appearance of diseases due to joint crunches, is prescribed surgical intervention.

Surgical intervention is the application of measures such as:

  • The use of endoprosthetics;
  • The use of arthroplasty;
  • The use of osteotomy.

These measures are used exclusively in cases of severe injuries and the occurrence of serious diseases. A specially designed diet is also used.

To soften the crunch, you need to use the following products:

  • Aspic;
  • Bouillon of rich character mainly from fish;
  • Bouillon rich character predominantly from lean meat;

For normalization nutrients in the joints is assigned:

  • Fresh vegetables;
  • Various nuts;
  • Legumes;
  • Fruit is also required.

Prevention of this phenomenon due to constant monitoring of the state of the joints, through examinations. Same way preventive measures include constant physical exercises aimed at strengthening the bone department.

Cracking in the joints of the whole body alarms a person and forces him to seek medical help. This reaction well founded and correct. In most cases, these characteristics are not harmful to health, however, there are cases when the crunch became a signal developing disease or a complication after injury.

You should contact the specialists and clarify the diagnosis if a crunch occurs, since in case of neglect of complications, irreversible consequences may occur.

Have you noticed that your joints are cracking? Many people are interested in knowing what this means. There are even cases when the joints crackle all over the body. In most cases, such sounds are harmless and are not indicators of pathology. Noises - common occurrence for teenagers, young women who have very flexible joints. In addition, sounds can occur with hypermobility of the joints, as a result of physical exertion, age-related changes. If crunches are accompanied by pain, discomfort, numbness, swelling, then it is worth sounding the alarm.

Why crackle and click joints

A crunch in the joints without pain is considered relatively safe - it often goes away on its own. You can learn more about the reasons for clicks later in the article. If the crunch is accompanied by pain, the cause may be:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • excess weight;
  • lack of lubrication in the joints;
  • malnutrition;
  • stress;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • trauma;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Causes of crunching in the joints throughout the body

When moving, knees, fingers, ankles, shoulders, spine and other parts of the body may creak. Special attention it is worth paying attention to cases of manifestation of this symptom in any large compound. The shoulder, hip and knee joints are more susceptible to damage, so if they make sounds, you need to immediately find out the cause of the occurrence.

The main reasons for such clicks are:

  1. Congenital weakness of the ligaments (hypermobility). The reason for clicks and crunches is the effect on the body of a modified protein that causes excessive mobility of the joints.
  2. Bursting of gas bubbles in the synovial fluid. Occurs due to the ingress of air into the joint spaces, when it passes into a gaseous state, it explodes.
  3. Protrusion of the bone, which clings to the tendons and ligaments.
  4. Prolonged physical activity, after which synovial fluid does not have time to form.

When all the joints of the body hurt

  1. At autoimmune diseases. Breaks the body if a person has systemic scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, etc.
  2. Rheumatism. A sign of the disease - all large joints are alternately affected.
  3. Rheumatoid arthritis. Most often occurs after 40 years. When all the joints hurt we are talking about the exacerbation or aggressive form of the disease.
  4. Osteoarthritis. Accompanied by deformation and limitation of mobility of the affected joints.
  5. Infectious diseases (flu, rubella).
  6. Poisoning with toxic substances.
  7. Blood diseases, for example, acute or chronic leukemia.
  8. Physical exhaustion.

At the baby

The musculoskeletal system of newborns differs from that of an adult: they have fragile, elastic joints, weaker muscular corset. For this reason, you can often hear quiet clicks when the baby is picked up, his legs are bent. The child's joints crackle against the background different pathologies, diseases, for example, with Osgur-Schlatter disease, with gonarthrosis, polyarthritis. Perhaps the baby has a genetic feature - overly mobile joints and ligaments.

In the fingers of the hands

The most common cause of finger crunching is injury. They can be so microscopic that a person may not notice them. For example, often stretch the joints while working on the keyboard. In addition, bruises, sprains, sports and household injuries are not uncommon. Other causes of crunch:

A crunch in the knee during extension and flexion, walking, running may occur due to:

  • weight lifting;
  • high loads;
  • the use of harmful products;
  • injuries;
  • wearing shoes with high heels;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • formation of calcium deposits;
  • viral infections;
  • endocrine problems;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • sclerotization of articular tissues.

The spine crunches

Pain, crunching may indicate the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

Many people have a genetic predisposition to back problems. More reasons:

  • deposition of calcium salts;
  • spinal injury;
  • constant stress;
  • disturbed metabolism.

shoulder joint

If you are worried about a crunch in your shoulder, elbow, then the reasons include:

  • irrational nutrition;
  • genetic predisposition to joint diseases;
  • infections;
  • trauma;
  • bad ecology;
  • passive lifestyle.

The older the person, the more the motor system wears out, and the more sounds occur when moving. Sometimes the crunch appears after active physical exertion. Often the reasons are:


Clicks are almost always observed with osteochondrosis, gout, hernia, protrusion. Other reasons for their appearance:

  • mechanical injuries of the thigh, pelvic bones that caused damage;
  • salt deposits;
  • wear of articular superficial bones;
  • chondropathy of various origins;
  • oncological diseases;
  • excessive stress on the joint, muscles;
  • arthritis, arthrosis.


People who have pain in the knee when walking, squatting, crunching ankle often suffer from congenital weakness of the ligaments. Because of this, frequent dislocations and subluxations of the foot, wandering pains are not excluded. Another reason is the lack of exercise. Increased training, lifting weights can provoke a symptom. Diseases such as:

  • bursitis;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • tendinitis;
  • deforming osteoarthritis;
  • Reiter's disease (chlamydia).

Joint treatment

Sometimes crunches go away on their own, but more often you have to resort to medical treatment. Depending on the cause of the problem, antibiotics, creams, ointments, hormone injections, anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy procedures help to cope with it. Chondroprotectors effectively act on the mechanism of inflammation. As helper methods recommended folk remedies from joint pain.

Folk remedies

If the joints are very crunchy, cracking all over the body, it is necessary to provide the body with the elements it needs. It is useful to eat dishes containing gelatin, for example, jellied meat and jelly. They contain a lot of collagen and protein - building materials for connective tissues. Regular consumption of these dishes will help get rid of cod, restore the musculoskeletal system.

Treatment of crunch in the joints should begin with the use of lotions, tinctures, decoctions of herbs. In the early stages, it is recommended to use, for example, sunflower root. A decoction of it acts on salts, removing them from the body. As external means, you can use warm compresses with:


In official medicine, non-steroidal and hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to combat body aches and crunching in the joints. In almost every case, it is recommended to take chondroprotectors, for example, Chondrosamine and Teraflex. A greater percentage of recovery is observed in those who began to be treated for clicking in the joints on early dates. Put away pain syndrome help ointments "Nurofen", "Diclofenac-Acre".

With a massager

With the help of massage, it may be possible to get rid of the crunch, squeaks. Its positive effects are obvious. Apparatus:

  • helps fight pain;
  • restores movement;
  • has a beneficial effect on the surface of the skin, joints;
  • relieves the feeling of fatigue;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • regulates the work of internal organs.

Which doctor to contact

Since it is impossible to independently identify the cause of the disease and cure it without a prescription, you should first contact a therapist. He will appoint necessary tests blood, urine, and only after that write a referral to the doctor narrow specialization- see a rheumatologist. If the cause of the crunch is, for example, chlamydia, then you will need to consult a gynecologist and special methods of treatment.

In contact with

A characteristic crunch in the joints is observed in many people of different ages. It is difficult to imagine a person who does not know such a problem. And it is not surprising that for many people this causes concern and alertness. In addition, the range of sounds produced can be very diverse: from crunching and clicking to creaking and crackling. Some experts argue that the crunch is associated with increased mobility and is a congenital condition. But is it really so? Why do joints crackle? Is this a norm or a pathology? Below we will try to answer these questions.

It would seem that this problem quite harmless, but how true is it? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to know what causes this phenomenon?

The reasons may be as follows:

  1. Weak ligamentous apparatus. This is a congenital condition that occurs in people of all ages.
  2. Dysfunctions in the structure and functioning of the joint. Sometimes the surfaces of the joints do not correspond to each other, go beyond their limits, and when they touch, they make characteristic sounds.
  3. Accumulation of gases in the joints. This is the main reason for causing characteristic sounds. The joint cavity contains synovial fluid, which is a lubricant for the joints, providing them with smooth sliding and elasticity. Synovial fluid contains nitrogen carbon dioxide and oxygen. Since the joint is completely sealed, the gas bubbles cannot escape, but burst under pressure, emitting characteristic sounds.
  4. With inflammation of the muscles that are adjacent to the articular cavity. In this case, the cause of the emerging sounds has not been fully identified.
  5. Some experts believe that the joints crackle due to severe overwork and fatigue. Also a long position of the body in one position. For example, bending your knees under you, and then straightening them sharply, you can hear a click. In this case, a significant load was placed on the knees, which caused a click.
  6. excessive physical activity can also cause characteristic sounds in the joints. However, we are not talking about normal mobility while walking or running. it congenital anomaly caused by pathological mobility. It is manifested by the fact that when moving, the articular surface practically diverges, while not causing any discomfort. Joint crunching without pain is a characteristic feature of pathological mobility. But returning to its original position, the joints, as it were, “reset” on their own, making characteristic sounds.
  7. Arthrosis develops as a result of degenerative - dystrophic processes occurring in the cartilage tissue. The disease occurs in almost every elderly person. Over time, cartilage degrades. Joints are separated by a layer of cartilage that wears and wears away over time, causing joint friction and pain. It is this process that causes the loss of flexibility, elasticity and mobility of the articular tissue. Unfortunately, this process is irreversible and can overtake any person. In this case, the joints crunch all over the body, in almost every joint.
  8. Injury to the joints can cause crunching, but in this case it is called crepitus. This phenomenon develops very often during fractures, however, after the application of a plaster splint, the sounds disappear. But the consequences of an injury can remind of themselves with a characteristic click, creak or crack.
  9. Ossification of joints and cartilage with adjacent muscles. These are the so-called stagnation phenomena that are observed in people in old age.
  10. hereditary predisposition. Sometimes a crunch in the joint is observed both in children and in young people and is definitely not a symptom of pathology.
  11. A sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnant processes both throughout the body and in the joints.
  12. Excess production of synovial fluid and edema. As a rule, they are more likely to experience a deficiency of synovial fluid than its excess. But in case of its excess, fluid accumulates, which provokes swelling. Edema, in turn, can provoke a crunch in the joint.
  13. Inflammatory processes throughout the body. Sometimes the question of why joints crunch all over the body can be answered that multiple inflammatory processes in different joints provoke this problem.
  14. Elevated levels of protein in the synovial fluid can also cause squeaks and clicks. This happens due to excessive consumption of proteins.
  15. Overweight and obesity. A significant body weight loads the joints, therefore, experiencing a constant load, the joints begin to deform and collapse, and clicks indicate the initial stage of these processes.

Factors contributing to crunch

Sometimes articular clicks are acquired and appear as a result of some factors:

  • wearing uncomfortable tight shoes with high heels;
  • age factor;
  • reception hormonal drugs(contraceptives and glucocorticoids);
  • metabolic disorders and malfunctions hormonal background;
  • malnutrition;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • professional sports;
  • sedentary inactive lifestyle;
  • congenital defects of the skeletal system (flat feet).

pathology or normal

It is well known that healthy joints should be elastic and flexible, move smoothly and silently. In some cases, the appearance of a crunch makes a person think about serious pathologies. However, things are not always so dire. Most often, a characteristic articular sound is not a sign of a disease, but simply a small defect in the connective tissue that develops due to the incorrect location of the ligaments. This defect does not affect the well-being of a person or the health of the joints at all, but indicates a violation of biomechanical processes.

Anxiety can only cause a crunch, which is accompanied by pain. In this case, one can suspect the development of osteoarthritis, the main symptom of which is the growth of bone tissue. This disease occurs not only in the elderly, but also in the young. Great importance The environmental situation plays a role in the development of the disease: the water we drink, the air we breathe, the food we eat.

With osteoarthritis, in addition to clicks, other symptoms are observed:

  • crunch, accompanied by pain and numbness;
  • swelling, increase in volume;
  • redness of the skin over the joint;
  • weakness in the legs, unsteadiness;
  • crepitus of the joints, which is permanent and progressive.

In some cases, a crunch can signal a serious problems. In this case, it cannot be ignored. After all, at first, a crunch may not be accompanied by pain, but it may indicate incipient problems in the joints. In addition, it is almost impossible to prevent the destruction of the joint, you can only stop this process.

It is also important in which joint the clicks occur. If these are hands, then this is not so critical, since the joints of the hands do not experience significant loads. But with the legs, everything is much more complicated, they must withstand the weight of the human body and significant loads while running and walking. Therefore, in these cases, clicking and crunching are harbingers of joint destruction.

If clicks and crackles accompany movements in the joints of the spine, elbows, shoulders and fingers, besides, it is completely painless, then you should not worry. The anatomical structure of these joints is such that any movement can cause clicks in perfectly healthy joints.

Thus, it is important to determine whether articular clicks are accompanied by painful sensations whether there is pain in other joints, whether the person has chronic articular pathologies. And analyze all the answers, you can draw the appropriate conclusions. If, for example, a person is very worried about this problem, then you need to visit a specialist to calm down.

Joint clicks in children

Oddly enough, but such a problem is present in children. Usually this fact causes anxiety and panic among parents. After all, it is enough to squeeze the child in his arms as a characteristic click is heard, which, of course, greatly frightens parents. But don't worry. This problem is due to the fact that children's joints are very fragile, and the ligamentous - muscular apparatus is imperfect due to early age. In children, especially younger ones, the skeleton and bones are just being formed, the bone and muscle mass grows and strengthens. The skeleton is fully formed only by the age of 25.

The crunch usually disappears with age, but some residual problems are not dangerous.

However, this fact still does not exclude the pathology of the musculoskeletal system in a child. Unfortunately, at present, there is a rapid rejuvenation of many ailments, and arthrosis is no exception. Children, like adults, are prone to many joint ailments. However, you only need to worry if the same joint clicks.

To exclude articular pathologies in your beloved child, you should seek the advice of a specialist. To do this, the doctor will advise you to donate blood to identify C- reactive protein, phosphatase, rheumatoid factor, instrumental research(X-ray, CT, MRI). If there is no pathology, then the doctor will reassure the parents and advise how to improve the metabolic processes in the child's joints for its functionality.

Click Diagnostics

In order to find out if there is a problem with the musculoskeletal system, you need to consult a doctor for advice. And diagnostics. Diagnostics is carried out in several stages:

  • collection of anamnesis;
  • examination of the patient;
  • x-ray;
  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the articular cavity;
  • computed tomography (CT);
  • magnetically - resonance imaging(MRI);
  • study of synovial fluid;
  • general blood analysis;
  • a blood test to detect C-reactive protein;
  • analysis for rheumatoid factor.

Treatment of crunch in the joints

Crunch treatment must begin after diagnosis. If no pathologies have been identified, then the crunch does not need treatment. If clicks and crackles are the result of an inflammatory process, then treatment is necessary.

In this case, assign complex therapy, since a crunch in the joint is a symptom of arthrosis and arthritis, but to a greater extent still arthrosis. Therefore, the principles of treatment do not differ from the treatment of these ailments.

So, for crunch therapy use:

  • drug treatment;
  • physiotherapy methods.

Medical treatment

As part of drug treatment use:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from the group of NSAIDs for external and internal use. This group includes: diclofenac, movalis, ibuprofen, indomethacin.
  2. Chondroprotectors. These drugs improve the condition of cartilage and prevent its destruction. The composition of chondroprotectors includes glucosamine and chondroitin.
  3. Steroid hormonal agents used in the form of injections into the articular cavity. Hormonal injections have a very good effect.
  4. A complex of vitamins and microelements. Particularly needed are drugs that promote bone tissue regeneration: zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium. Vitamins D3, A, C and group B.
  5. Dietary supplements that stimulate the restoration of cartilage tissue.

Physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapy is an indispensable method for the treatment of joint problems and their rehabilitation. The following methods are very effective:

  • phonophorosis;
  • iontophoresis;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • shock wave therapy;

Additional treatments are:

  • paraffin therapy;
  • ozokeritotherapy;
  • vacuum therapy;
  • massage;
  • reflexology;
  • manual therapy;
  • sanitary-resort treatment.

During the recovery process, it is necessary to fix and immobilize the joint, wear special orthoses, knee pads and bandages.

An important role in the treatment of joint ailments is played by diet therapy. You need to adjust your eating habits:

  • limit fatty, fried, salty, smoked and canned foods from the diet;
  • daily consumption of milk and dairy products, as they contain a lot of calcium, potassium and magnesium;
  • enrich the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • regularly consume fish and seafood containing phosphorus and vitamin D3;
  • consume nuts of different varieties and sesame seeds.

Why does the jaw click?

A lot of people are alarmed by clicks in the jaw. They occur for the following reasons:

  1. Physiological norm. In most cases, clicks and pops mandible is the norm. And the reason for the crunch is still the same - gas bubbles that burst with intense movements of the lower jaw. In this case, no pain is observed.
  2. Arthritis of the jaw. In this case, clicks are accompanied by pain, swelling and redness of the skin. In addition, a person hardly opens and closes his mouth, moves his tongue, and even when talking, feels pain.
  3. Jaw injury. Injury to the jaw bones sometimes manifests itself years later. In some cases, clicks remain for life.
  4. Changing the shape of the teeth and bite. These problems arise from different reasons and can be observed in both elderly and young children.

Do not think that a crunch in the joints or bones is a harmless phenomenon. Often this portends serious illness, since ideally the joints should move without noise and pain.

When cartilage tissue is damaged and minimum quantity liquid, friction occurs, which causes crackling sounds. A special synovial fluid acts as a joint lubricant. Over time, cracking joints can lead to chronic illness and even disability.

Despite the fact that an unpleasant “squeak” was previously considered to be a problem for people of elegant age, according to statistics, regular joint crunch is already observed in eighteen-year-old young people. So, it remains to find out why the joints crunch all over the body.

Crunch all over the body: causes

If the joint is healthy, then you will not feel it. In case of violation of biomechanics due to anatomical features structures, a crunch may occur. For example, an incorrect arrangement of ligaments can lead to a defect. As long as the sound "effects" are not accompanied by pain, no one pays attention to them.

The crunch itself is not a reason for panic, but may indicate the beginning of a disorder in the articulation of the bones. When the hands are affected, the problem does not become so significant, since the joints do not experience much stress. But with legs there are much more problems, since they account for most of the axial loads.

The crunch appears in the following cases:

  • Excess salt;
  • post-traumatic syndrome;
  • arthrosis;
  • hypermobility;
  • Inflammation of the muscle adjacent to the joint;
  • Building damage.

The accumulation of salts strengthens the bones, but also leads to hardening of the cartilage. Movement becomes difficult and can cause pain, clicks. This disorder can occur in people who live in settlements where the water is oversaturated with mineral salts.

The consequence of cracks and fractures are seals and inflammation, which, recovering, can impede movement. Arthrosis is characterized by wear and tear of the cartilage. It usually occurs in older people, but in some cases it can occur earlier. With the loss of cartilage strength and weakening of flexibility, the sound of "rust" occurs.

A congenital anomaly is hypermobility. The structure of the joints in this case has its own characteristics - parts of the cartilage diverge without causing pain, but when they return to their original position, they crunch.

Also, if the articular surfaces do not match, they can go beyond the box. When we meet, when the position changes, we clearly observe how this happens. You could hear a crunch all over your body, the causes of which are completely unknown to you. If a certain part of the body has received a load for a long time, then a click or crunch may occur. Legs, hands, neck can suffer from this phenomenon.

It is curious that the first signs of osteoarthritis were described by Hippocrates. He described this ailment as a lesion of large joints. Arthritis scientists in the nineteenth century noted that the number of patients is growing every year.

To date, a crunch in the joints without pain“younger” due to harmful ecology, malnutrition and inactive image life.

Why bones crunch all over the body: body health

Any symptoms that appear outwardly signal certain deviations in human health. For example, plaque on the tongue may indicate diseases of the liver, stomach, the presence of inflammatory processes.

A crunch in the bones is a phenomenon that not only causes embarrassment for the “crunchy”, but can also tell a lot of interesting things about your body.

Why can joints crackle?

  • Osteoarthritis and arthritis are joint diseases that can result from inflammation or wear and tear.
  • Kidney ailments can lead to a decrease in joint lubrication. A decrease in the amount of synovial fluid leads to friction.
  • The gallbladder and liver are the organs responsible for the production of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the tendons.
  • Bursitis and tendinitis are inflammations of the joint capsule and tendons, which can be the result of significant loads.
  • When the cartilage is damaged, osteoarthritis can occur due to high pressure. This disorder is often found in overweight people.
  • With gout, urates are deposited in the joints. Lovers of the liver, kidneys, meat, strong coffee and tea.

In addition, cartilage crunching can occur due to metabolic disorders. Patients with diabetes and those suffering from a lack of calcium and vitamin D experience joint friction. A crunch does not always indicate mortal danger.

For example, when a tendon touches a bone fragment, a dull click may occur. Usually, if the sound is not accompanied by spasms, then there is nothing to worry about. When the dissolved gas accumulates in the synovial fluid and increases in volume, a click is heard.

Crunch - a pathology or an accident?

Hearing a crunch, people react differently. Some urgently run for medical advice, others simply do not notice. To understand how great a threat to health, you should understand the features of the occurrence of a crunch.

The joints have an identical structure, being formed by the surfaces of bones - two or three. The hyaline cartilage that covers the bones allows for gliding and friction. The joint is located in a capsule or sheath where there should be some synovial fluid. Thereby indispensable substance, the joint is lubricated for the bones to glide, and friction is minimized.

Additional folds of capsules are bags or bursas. With their help, motor depreciation is provided, which is characterized by high-amplitude indicators, for example, while running, jumping. Between themselves, the components are strengthened by extra- and intra-articular ligaments.

Movement leads to vibrations, stretching and displacement of the components. Of course, the work of the joints causes noise - clicks, crackling, crunching. different intensity. Often we catch a crunch called crepitus. Such sounds are produced by the joints of the spine, neck, ankle, knees, hands.

Joints crunch with every movement: who is at risk?

Do not panic when you hear that the joints are working. If the body does not give you signs in the form of pain signals, then the crunch may be a temporary phenomenon.

Risk factors for the appearance of a crunch in all joints in young age are:

  • professional sports loads;
  • taking contraceptives and glucocorticoids;
  • hormonal disruptions, metabolic processes;
  • wearing the wrong shoes and high heels;
  • excess body weight;
  • physical inactivity.

If, along with crepitus, pain or swelling was noticed, and outwardly the joint increased in volume, turned red, then most likely the disease is pathological.

In case of violation of the functions of the connection, mobility is limited, that is, the joint "jams". Do you experience some instability in the limbs, and numbness and “goosebumps” complement the crunch? Then crepitus progresses, and you should urgently consult a doctor.

Crunch in cartilage and joints: how to get rid of

If the disease is not pathological and chronic, then it is in your power to improve the condition of the cartilage and protect the joints from crunching. By following some recommendations, you can forget about the unpleasant “creaking” in your knees and the terrible “creaking” of your fingers for a long time.

pay attention to following tips experts:

  • wear comfortable orthopedic shoes;
  • watch your posture;
  • exercise safely;
  • give up mono-diets;
  • keep track of your weight.

The greater the body weight, the greater the pressure on cartilage and joints. To reduce friction, of course, care should be taken to reduce weight with rational nutrition. Diets should not be based on necessary for the body trace elements, otherwise you will only exacerbate the problem. Menu based - necessary trace elements and vitamins.

Replenish the diet with vegetables, eat fruits, but reduce the amount of fatty meat. Sources of calcium and phosphorus, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of cartilage - milk, sea fish. Morse, fruit jelly are delicious treats that you can diversify your menu with.

To help thin the blood in the body and avoid blood clots, don't forget to replenish your body's water reserves.

A common method of preventing arthrosis and other joint ailments is to eat vegetable oils and seeds. Pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds are not just a tasty treat, but also a source of lubrication for the joints.

When sedentary work, take breaks to stretch your bones - at least once every two hours! Do not sit in a fixed position for a long time, change the position of the body, get up, warm up.

Don't wear too much high heel. The optimal height is a wide four-centimeter rise. As a preventive measure, you can take chondroprotectors and dietary supplements to normalize the joints.

Do not exclude sports loads, for fear of cartilage damage. On the contrary, the movement will allow the joints to work stably. Walking, cycling and swimming are for everyone. In caring for the joints, the main thing is to stick to the golden mean. Give the body a gentle load, but do not stay too long in one place.

How to treat crunch?

To cure the vessels, you should reduce the load on them by using drugs that restore the cartilage structure and remove inflammation. This is how cartilage receives building material to restore volume and elasticity.

To unload the joints, you should lie down and put a pillow under your neck. With the help of bandages or clamps, it is possible to provide rest to damaged cartilage until they are rehabilitated from overwork.

Along with traditional ways Physiotherapy is the treatment for ailments. With the help of knee pads, bandages and canes, you can reduce the load on inflamed areas. Thanks to injections into the affected cartilage, it is possible to restore their work. The appointment of treatment after an injury is handled by an orthopedic traumatologist, who prescribes X-rays, tomography and ultrasound to study the joints.

During pregnancy, blood clotting disorders, thrombophlebitis, these drugs are contraindicated. If medicines do not help, then surgical intervention is prescribed to return the patient to a normal life with the help of artificial implants.

In most cases, the sounds made by cartilage are normal, but this process should not be left to chance. If discomfort occurs, it is better to undergo an examination for early diagnosis of the disease.

Joints can crackle regardless of age - this problem is faced by both old and young. And it does not always signify the presence of serious diseases, but you still need to understand the problem. Today we decided to reveal the question - “Why do joints crunch?” And what needs to be done to prevent this from happening again.

Joints crunch: the main causes

Joints are made up of several articulating surfaces of bones, bony protrusions, capsules, tendons, and ligaments. Depending on the problem, the crunch can appear in different departments. are audible clicks that accompany active and passive joint movements.

Sometimes, crunching in the joints can be normal. This happens in the following cases:

The formation of a carbon dioxide gas bubble may not cause a crunch, but a pop, which many mistake for a crunch. Repetition of the crunch is possible after 15-20 minutes, when gas is again formed in the synovial fluid.

When there is an excess of protein and a lack of water in the synovial fluid, this is also accompanied by a crunch in the joints.

When the bones and ligaments slip, the elevations slip at the same time. In this case, you can also hear a characteristic crunch. Usually so crunchy hip joint or shoulder.

But a crunch in the joints can be not only the norm, but also a pathology:

  • Weakness of the ligamentous apparatus of the joint due to rupture, sprain, fractures, dislocations, hypermobility of the joints. The latter means the special structure of the joints, in which they are very mobile. This is a very rare congenital anomaly in which parts of the joint separate without causing pain. Returning back, the joint makes a crunch;
  • Violation of the structure of the joints, when the articular surfaces do not coincide and go beyond the articular box;
  • Inflammation of a nearby muscle also gives a crunch in the joints. True, this reason has not been fully elucidated: some experts believe that the crunch occurs in the process of fatigue and overload, others argue that the crunch appears after being in the same position for a long time, and then changing it abruptly. It does not matter here which part of the body was overloaded;
  • As a result of arthrosis, the joints also emit a crunch. This disease accompanies, as a rule, the elderly, but it can also develop in young people;
  • An excess of salts in the joints inevitably leads to a crunch. The matter is that bones, and consequently, and cartilages with muscles harden. This makes it difficult to move the joints, which causes clicking, crunching and pain.
  • Destruction of the articular surfaces of the joint in osteoarthritis, bursitis and coxarthrosis;
  • The presence of a foreign body in the joint. With this problem, the joint can not only crunch, but also hurt, as well as wedge;
  • Diseases of the liver and gallbladder can also provoke a crunch in the joints. The fact is that these organs are responsible for the production of collagen, which ensures the elasticity and strength of cartilage, tendons, and in diseases, the production of collagen becomes insufficient, which leads to a crunch in the joints;
  • Kidney diseases. The kidneys are responsible for removing excess water and salt from the body. When this organ ceases to function normally, the secretion of joint fluid decreases, cartilage and tendons do not receive normal lubrication and begin to crackle.

How to help the joints?

According to statistics, joint crunching has become more common among people aged 18-25. This is due to malnutrition, bad habits, ecology and hereditary predisposition. In order to minimize the consequences of the crunch and not fall apart at all by old age, you need to start taking care of your health from your very youth.

To prevent cracking joints, be sure to include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts in your diet, minimize protein intake, drink at least 2 liters of water per day. The traditional jelly, which everyone loves to eat and cook for the New Year, also helps the joints.

Do not sit in front of the TV, but at least walk more often. Forcing your joints with fitness is also not recommended - excessive physical activity provokes the development of injuries, breaks the cartilage layer and can lead to inflammation, arthrosis and arthritis. Especially for the joints, swimming and cycling are useful - these sports knead the whole body and bones.

You can not sit in the same position for more than 40 minutes. In case of sedentary work It is recommended to get up every hour and stretch. Walk around the office, between floors, go out during the lunch break for a walk.

Never snap your fingers. It's disgusting and not helpful. Abuse of clicking injures the joints, increases the risk of developing arthrosis. Yes, you may not notice the pathologies, but over time, the articular cartilage will wear out and by old age you will creak like a Tin Woodman not smeared with machine oil.

Crunch in the joints is not always a problem, but you need to “listen” to it. We noticed not only a crunch, but also other symptoms that are not typical for you, running to the doctor. He will prescribe treatment. It can be medicated, tableted, physical, or simply prescribe you warming up.

Sometimes, with active movements of the body, the joints begin to make unpleasant sounds - crack, grind, click. How dangerous is a crunch in the joints, and is it necessary to run to the doctor at the first appearance of an alarming symptom?

Why do joints crackle?

The occurrence of an unpleasant rattle when bending the limbs - physiological mechanism, which can be considered as the normal limit for human body. To verify this, you should get a little acquainted with the structure of the joints and the features of their functioning.

A joint is a movable connecting organ located between parts of the human skeleton. It consists of cartilage that covers the bones, an articular sac that forms between them with synovial fluid that fills the sac. As joints of bones, the shoulder, hip, jaw and other joints play the role of a kind of shock absorber that reduces the friction force between parts of the skeleton.

With any movement of the limbs in the articular organ, a displacement of all its components occurs. As a result of such a mechanical process, a kind of noise arises - gnashing, crackling, crunching. In medicine, there is a special term for this phenomenon - crepitus.

Crepitus is most common in the knees, hands, spine, neck, and ankle joint. AT adolescence with increased and uneven growth bones of the skeleton, the joints crunch especially actively. There are other harmless causes of crepitus.

Joints crunch when moving: when there is no reason for concern

The physiological causes of crepitus include the following factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • structural features of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • accumulation of gas bubbles;
  • increased physical activity.

genetic predisposition

A weak ligamentous apparatus is the norm for some people. As a rule, young women face this feature of the body. As part of their cartilaginous tissues, a somewhat modified collagen is formed, which contributes to increased extensibility of the connective organs, and as a result, hypermobility of the joints appears. With age, the range of motion of the joint becomes smaller and the crunch almost disappears.

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