Uneven growth of hair on the chest of a man. Hair on arms and legs. Male hairiness is sexually attractive: testosterone is off the charts

The growth of hair on the body is a normal phenomenon, and moderate vegetation in certain areas of the body indicates the health of the body. However, excessive growth of body hair or its abrupt loss can be due to a number of factors that indicate some health problems that need to be urgently addressed with the help of a doctor. So, as a result of which increased body hairiness or a sharp loss of hair on the body can be observed? Let's look at a few reasons.

1. Genetic predisposition

The intensity of body hair growth may depend on your genetic characteristics and your nationality. Too dense vegetation on the body is usually characteristic of people of southern and eastern blood. The hair of representatives of "hot" nationalities is usually dark, thick and coarse, so in their case there is no need to worry about their presence. If you do not ethnically belong to the eastern and southern nationalities, and also your parents do not have dense, hard vegetation, then sudden appearance thick dark hairs on your body may indicate hormonal disorders, especially if you have not previously been prone to increased hairiness.

2. Autoimmune disorders

Sometimes malfunctions immune system can affect the functioning of hair follicles. In this case, there may be a sharp loss of hair on the head and body in whole handfuls, "bald spots" form in certain areas or throughout the head and body. Such disorders are treated with systemic steroids, but it is not always possible to restore the vegetation completely.

3. Hormonal disorders

A sudden increase in body hairiness or sudden loss of body hair can be the result of a disruption in the production of male hormones in the body in both men and women. If testosterone levels are higher than normal, then body hairiness rises sharply, and the hair begins to become darker, stiffer and thicker, and can also begin to grow even in areas where it was not there before. Sudden hair loss on the body may indicate sharp drops workings female hormones, which is also not favorable for your body. In both cases, it is necessary to contact an endocrinologist so that he prescribes the appropriate treatment with hormonal drugs.

4. Problems with the ovaries in women

If women, in addition to increased body hairiness, have irregular critical days, most likely, this indicates problems with the ovaries. Most often, increased hairiness in combination with irregular periods indicates the presence of a disease such as polycystic ovary syndrome. In this case, in addition to the above symptoms, there is also sharp increase weight. Contact your doctor immediately for timely treatment.

5. Tumor

A sharp and sudden increase in body hair can be a sign that you have a tumor in your body. As a rule, in this case, the tumor most often affects the adrenal glands or ovaries, so it is these glands that need to be examined with particular care.

6. Iron deficiency or thyroid disorder

Sudden hair loss on the head and on the body may indicate a lack of iron in the body or disorders. thyroid gland. Most often, people who abruptly switch to vegetarianism suffer from iron deficiency. Thyroid disorders are often accompanied by the loss of eyebrows, the formation of grooves on the nails and severe baldness of the head and body. In this case, it is urgent to donate blood for analysis and begin treatment of the thyroid gland. Also, a sharp hair loss can be observed in women due to pregnancy or abrupt discontinuation of the drug. contraceptives. In this case, hair loss is short-term, and does not require enhanced medication treatment.

7. Bad habits

Smoking and drinking narcotic substances lead to the death of hair follicles, since they do not reach the follicles and hair roots nutrients necessary for nutrition and hair growth. The obvious solution to hair loss in this case is to stop smoking or taking drugs.

Incredible Facts

It seems that the whole body of a man is covered with hair. Some men are proud of the dense vegetation on the body, others want to get rid of excessive hairiness, especially when summer comes and the body is more exposed.

AT fashion magazines men are increasingly presented with smooth breasts, although women have conflicting opinions on this.

What do you need to know about body hair?

1. Body hair begins to grow in the womb.

The first thing men should know about body hair is that it begins to grow even before birth. Of course, it's hard to imagine a cute little hairy man in the womb, but by the time a baby is born, it's shedding some of its first body hair, called lanugo. These small and very thin hairs cover almost the entire body of the baby. Some babies who are born prematurely can see fluff covering their entire body, but don't worry as it will eventually fall off.

2. There are three different types of body hair.

Lanugo is the first type of hair to appear, followed by soft, thin, colorless hairs called vellus hair. Vellus hair is not attached to subcutaneous tissue or sebaceous glands. They are the exact opposite of another type of hair - shaft hair, which appears during adolescence. They are much tougher, attached to the subcutaneous tissue and sebaceous glands, which contributes to the appearance of body odor.

3. Most women prefer natural but gentle

What do women think about male body hair? AT different times women had different attitudes towards male hairiness, but it was always considered socially acceptable.

In Western culture, women themselves are expected to be impeccably smooth when it comes to any type of body hair. However, surveys of women revealed that many would not mind if men also put themselves in order, although in most cases their requirements are much more modest. We can say that shaving the hair on the legs, arms and in armpit too risky business. Regarding the hair on the chest, women are divided into two opposing camps: for some it turns on a lot, while others prefer a smooth chest. As for hair on the back, although women are ready to put up with it, they do not mind seeing at least attempts to pacify excessive hairiness.

4. Each hair is protected by tiny glands

As mentioned, with the onset adolescence, men lose most of their vellus hair and it is replaced by shaft hair. This thickened hair is protected sebaceous glands or glands that produce sebum. It protects the skin and hair follicles from bacteria. it positive side. However, the bacteria decompose, which causes body odor.

5. We traded body hair for fat.

There is an interesting hypothesis regarding the relationship between body hair and body fat. People began shedding wool as they acclimatized to living near the sea. The less hair there was on a person’s body, the easier it was for him to swim and catch fish, and a large number of adipose tissue helped compensate for the loss of protective heat.

6. Body hair plays two main roles.

For the most part, humans have evolved in such a way that they don't need body hair to survive, but they still have a few basic functions. In cold weather, body hair helps keep us warm, and in hot weather, as we sweat, body hair helps absorb moisture from the skin, cooling us down.

7. The amount of hair on the body is associated with intelligence.

According to an American psychiatrist, the more body hair you have, the smarter you are. In 1996, in his study, Dr. Aicaracudi Alias(Aikarakudy Alias) stated that chest hair is more common among doctors and highly educated people. When they compared the academic performance of students, they found that hairy men had higher grades, and some of the highest smart men they also had dense vegetation on their backs. However, everyone who was born with a smooth chest should not be upset, as there are also many "non-hairy" among smart men, including Albert Einstein.

8. Body hair has muscles.

Your body hair actually has muscle cells. You could see it when the effect occurs goose bumps or goosebumps that ran down the skin. smooth muscle hair follicles shrink when certain conditions, such as exposure to cold, with fear or pleasure, and the hair rises. This reflex is called piloerection.

9. Body hair grows faster in summer

According to Brian Thompson(Brian Thompson), an American hair specialist, body hair actually grows a little faster in spring and summer. Why is this happening? There are suggestions that this is due to a faster metabolism during these months. In any case, more fast growth concerns androgenic hair, that is, the hair on the head and those hairs that are affected by hormones.

10. Sexual attraction comes from body hair.

It is the hair on the body, and not on the head, that serves as a method of attracting the opposite sex. This is how pubic hair and armpit hair hold and promote drying. special hormones secreted by our body so that they soar in the air and reach the sense of smell of the opposite sex.

Most men have hair on their chests, and this is normal. But not all representatives of the stronger sex have hair on this part of the body, this is due to many factors. But where does vegetation come from?

Why do men have hair on their chests?

Hair growth in men depends on the amount of androgen hormones produced. The more of them, the more vegetation on chest. These hormones control the development of male sex characteristics. hair follicles respond to androgens and thus, hormones stimulate them to work more actively.

The skin on the chest is very sensitive to androgens, which is why hair appears on it. Both sexes have them - both women and men, but nevertheless, this sign is more pronounced in the representatives of the stronger sex.

For most guys, chest hair starts to appear between the ages of 16-18, this is average. Much depends on genetics, hormone levels, individual development organism. For someone, vegetation begins to appear at the age of 14-16, for someone - only after 20 years.

Bad or good?

Many guys worry about this, because they think that a lot of chest hair is embarrassing. But this is not so, since this is a sign that the man's body has matured and there is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, the absence of hair on the chest in guys and men suggests that the body lacks male hormones.

You can also often hear statements from girls that they do not like it when a man has a hairy chest. You should not pay attention to such statements, since everyone has different tastes, and many girls will be delighted with a man with dense vegetation on his body.

How to get rid of chest hair

If you think that the vegetation in this area does not look too aesthetically pleasing and you want to get rid of it, you can choose one of several methods:

The cause of increased hairiness in men is hypertrichosis. This concept means overgrowth terminal and vellus hair in places where normal hair growth is quite normal. This must take into account age and national characteristics person. For example, the growth of hair on the chest in a man is considered the norm. But increased hairiness indicates hypertrichosis. Hypertrichosis can be congenital or acquired. With congenital hypertrichosis, hair is observed in a person even at birth. This phenomenon may occur due to the intake of certain drugs and chemicals.

Congenital hypertrichosis

The term "congenital hypertrichosis" refers to the appearance of hair on the body of a child at birth. Sometimes this pathology is noticed even before the birth of the baby, when he is in the womb. The cause of hypertrichosis here are hereditary syndromes. In this case, both terminal and vellus hair. There is increased hairiness in all children in different ways. In some, the hair is distributed throughout the body, while in others it is in some specific areas. There is an opinion among people that increased hairiness affects the temperament of a man. However, this theory is wrong. The mistake of this opinion is proved by experts.

Acquired hypertrichosis

The occurrence of acquired hypertrichosis in a man is usually observed due to the use of certain medicines. Also, the occurrence of such a phenomenon could be affected by mechanical effects, exposure to ultraviolet radiation or certain chemicals, such as diphensipropenone, dinitrochlorobenzidine, psoralen.

Increased hairiness - an ornament or a defect?

Increased hairline in a man indicates a high level of testosterone in his body. Some people believe that this indicates a sign of a man's high sexuality. In fact, these concepts are completely unrelated. If a woman likes brutal men, then for her his increased hairiness, of course, will be a sign of attractiveness. Some also link brutality with aggression.

Many perceive men as increased hairiness as attractive and sexy individuals. This is usually due to the fact that they have increased levels of testosterone in the body, and this substance is a "male" hormone.

There are many opinions about the sexuality and attractiveness of men. Various sources talk about it in their own way. Sometimes baldness or long fingers are considered attractive. For every woman, the concept of male attractiveness is purely individual.

Representatives strong half humanity is celebrated more active growth hair on the torso than in women. In fact, nature has inherent hairline in both sexes (the area of ​​the body is covered with hair equally in both men and women), but in men it is clearly visible, while the female fluff is often lighter, lighter and less noticeable. Why can hair grow so strongly in men on the body, and what functions they perform, we understand the material below.

Types of hair on the body of a man, depending on the place of growth

Trying to figure out why men grow body hair, first of all it is worth noting their structure. So, the vegetation of the representatives of the strong half of humanity is thicker, denser and tougher. That is why it is so clearly visible. In addition, the cover of vegetation on the body of a man has a pigment, in contrast to a woman's, which is weaker.

It is important to know that a lot of body hair in a man is a whole combination of certain factors, such as:

  • Heredity (genetic predisposition);
  • Nationality;
  • physical, hormonal and sexual health representative of the strong half of humanity.

Initially, trying to figure out what the hair on the body of a man is talking about and why it grows so actively, it is worth knowing that the growth activity of the body cover is formed even when intrauterine development fetus. That is, the baby in the womb is covered with a thin primordial fluff - lanugo. Later, after birth, within 1-3 months, this layer of vegetation is independently erased, and already thin fluffy hair grows in its place. And only by the period of puberty they change to more mature and adult - bristly.

The structure of the hair consists of the following components:

  • Protein - 76%;
  • Water - 15%;
  • Lipids - 8%;
  • Pigment - 1%.

Understanding the question of why men grow body hair, it is worth classifying all vegetation into types according to their location:

  • Beard and mustache. A bristly cover covering the line of the cheekbones, chin, neck and area above upper lip;
  • Pubic vegetation. Forms a cover in the groin area, somewhat affecting lower part belly and upper part hips;
  • Hair on the chest in men. Form a cover varying degrees density depending on the characteristics of the organism and nationality, as well as genetics;
  • Underarm vegetation. It is an indispensable proof of the sexual maturity of a man, as well as pubic.

In addition, a certain degree of hair density is observed in men on the arms / legs, as well as on the back.

Important: the intensity of growth of the vegetation cover on the male torso is determined by the level male hormone testosterone. For its production, in turn, the testes and only the anterior lobe of the actively working pituitary gland are responsible. It is noteworthy that the head is covered with hair also under the influence of testosterone, and also bald under its influence.

What is the function of body hair?

Understanding the topic “why hair grows on men on the body”, it is very important not to lose sight of the main functions that this vegetation performs. The fact is that nature has thought of everything in a person to the smallest detail. Initially, a man is a getter, a hunter, a protector. This means he must be able to survive in difficult conditions. wildlife, save your kind and continue it. In order to help the representative of the strong half of humanity in this as much as possible, nature has genetically laid hair in his body. Thanks to this, a representative of the strong half of humanity can:

  • Stay in the cold for a long time. A dense cover of vegetation along the torso allows you to normalize heat transfer and retain heat;
  • It is normal to tolerate heat. In conditions of heat, the torso of a person begins to sweat. To prevent the body from cooling at a high rate through the released moisture, the hair somewhat restrains its evaporation and at the same time warms the person. That is, they perform the function of regulating heat transfer again;
  • Attract a female. In a modern interpretation - like women. The fact is that the axillary and pubic vegetation is able to retain the dried male hormone-pheromone, which is felt by the chosen female (potential sexual partner).

In addition to the listed functions, the hair on the torso of the "male" enhances the sense of touch and is even erogenous zone. With a light touch to the male vegetation, it gives a signal nerve endings. The signal enters the brain, excitation occurs.

In addition, it is the vegetation on the torso in certain areas that prevents skin or tissue from rubbing against the skin during walking and other actions performed by a person. This is especially true for underarm and groin hair.

What determines the amount of hair in men?

Finding out the answer to the question “why men grow chest hair”, you need to know that it is testosterone that is responsible for the density and density of vegetation on the body of men. And the higher the level of this hormone, the more hairy the representative of the strong half of humanity will be. And the presence high level testosterone indicates that the potential male is hardy and capable of procreation.

Also, the growth of hair on the chest is stimulated by another male sex hormone - androgens. They, along with testosterone, are responsible for puberty boy. In this case, the vegetation follicle reacts very subtly to androgen, responding with growth to a natural stimulus. Normally, hair on the chest of a young man begins to appear already at the age of 16-18 years. If at 20 they are still not there, then this may signal a lack of male sex hormones androgens.

So, we found out why men have a lot of body hair and how it affects all areas of a person's life. It is worth understanding that the vegetation on the torso of a man is only a sign of masculinity. However, excessive hairiness (too thick cover over the entire body, including the back, neck) may indicate a reason such as hormonal pathology. In this case, you should contact an endocrinologist or at least a family doctor.

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