Progesterone levels. What is the rate of progesterone in women in the blood and a detailed analysis of the indicators

The main hormone of pregnancy, ensuring its preservation, preparing the female body for the upcoming birth, as well as controlling the functioning of organs and organ systems under the conditions of this physiological process, is progesterone. What level is considered normal, what causes an increase and decrease in the content of this hormone in the blood, and what is its effect on the body of a pregnant woman, we will understand further.

The value of the norm of progesterone during pregnancy

The level of progesterone gives reason to judge the course of pregnancy in general, the state of the placenta, as well as the development of the fetus. That is why it is very important to monitor and know what progesterone is during pregnancy: the norms depend on the trimester. The number in each subsequent one exceeds the previous one. So, in the first it is 8.9-468.4 nmol/l, in the second - 71.5-303.1; third - 88.7-771.5.

Deviations from the above norms indicate any violations.

Complications caused by a decrease and an increase in progesterone

If the level of the pregnancy hormone is too low, then, unfortunately, it is not always possible to maintain the further course of the physiological process in a woman. The most common complications caused by a lack of progesterone are:

  1. insufficient function of the placenta or corpus luteum;
  2. delayed fetal development in the womb;
  3. threatened abortion;
  4. prolongation of pregnancy, entailing a deterioration in the health of the child due to a lack of essential nutrients;
  5. the birth of a newborn with problems of any organs or their systems and with a small body weight.

Exceeding the norm of progesterone is also a cause for concern. A high content of this hormone in the blood of a pregnant woman indicates the presence of abnormalities in the development of the placenta.

With a lack of progesterone in the body of a future woman in labor, it is possible to increase its rate with the help of medications. An example of the latter can be duphaston (a synthetic analogue of progesterone) and utrogestan (natural micronized progesterone, well absorbed by both the intestines and the vagina). The same funds are prescribed in the 1st and 2nd trimesters (up to 24 weeks) for women who have a threat of abortion.

Progesterone and its effect on women

Experts in the field of medicine claim that progesterone has a noticeable effect on the nervous system of a pregnant woman and on the tissues of her uterus. It prepares the body of the latter for a sufficiently long bearing of the baby, for labor, while reducing the activity of contractions of the uterine muscles, as well as preventing the possible rejection of the fetal egg and controlling the growth of the uterus. In addition, this hormone activates the work of those departments of the mammary glands that produce milk, and stimulates the formation of sebum.

Progesterone in the initial stages of pregnancy is produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries of a woman, in the second trimester - by the placenta.

The importance of this hormone is indicated by the consequences that its deficiency or excess leads to.

As you can see, progesterone is an important pregnancy hormone, therefore, in order to maintain its norm, first of all, it is necessary to lead a healthy and proper lifestyle, or rather, be less nervous, eat well, use medications prudently. It is in this case that it is possible to avoid problems associated with hormonal imbalances and, accordingly, due to this, bear a healthy child.

The main hormone of the female reproductive system, which performs a number of necessary functions for implantation and gestation of the fetus. Its indicators vary depending on many factors, but in any case, the progesterone numbers must correspond to the laboratory norm, the phase of the menstrual cycle and the age of the patient.

Obstetricians and gynecologists call progesterone "the main hormone of pregnancy", but it is naive to assume that its functions are limited to this.

He secreted by the adrenal glands, ovaries and corpus luteum, which is formed immediately after the rupture of the follicle.

Normal concentration necessary to stimulate and activate certain biological processes:

  1. Rupture of the "graafian vesicle" (follicle) and.
  2. Formation and subsequent change in the size of the corpus luteum.
  3. Strengthening the endometrium, which is necessary for.
  4. Protection of the cervix by secretion of viscous mucus in the cervical canal.
  5. Enlargement of the uterus by inhibiting its contractile function.
  6. Suppression of menstruation/lactation during gestation.
  7. Transformation of the mammary gland, alveoli for the subsequent period of lactation, as evidenced by a sharp decrease in progesterone after childbirth.
  8. Inhibition of the mother's immune responses in order to implant the fetus without rejection.
  9. Nutrition of the embryo up to the 2nd trimester of pregnancy (formation of the placenta).
  10. Stabilization of the nervous system during childbearing.

It turns out that impossible without normal concentration neither fertilization nor further development of the embryo. Its role in the body is invaluable and is not yet fully understood, as scientists put forward new hypotheses regarding its effect on the body and even everyday behavior.

Important! In addition to the reproductive function, progesterone stimulates sexual development, activates the growth of the mammary glands, maintains a healthy skin condition, increases blood pressure, and regulates the emotional sphere.

Loop dependency

The concentration is never stable or the same. The numbers depend on many factors:

  • day of the menstrual cycle;
  • age;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives.

In addition to the above points there are others that indirectly affect on the fact of an increase / decrease in the hormone. These are stress, an exhausting diet, gynecological diseases, intense physical activity, medication. Firstly, it depends on the phase and day of the menstrual period.

First phase (follicular)

It is characterized by the active development of follicles, among which a dominant one containing a mature egg should be formed. The duration is from 11 to 17 days, depending on the total duration of the menstrual cycle.

Progesterone in phase 1 is fixed in the range 0.92 to 4.7 nmol/l. Please note that these are only average values, as each laboratory has its own reference norms.

The hormone during this period should not rise or fluctuate greatly, because its biological time is ovulation and some period after it. In the same time wrong to assume that progesterone in the 1st phase of the cycle is in a state of complete rest.

During active folliculogenesis, it gradually prepares the endometrium for the implantation of the fetal egg and indirectly contributes to the process of maturation of the “graafian vesicle”.

Second phase (luteal)

The second phase of the cycle occurs after the rupture of the Graafian vesicle and is called the luteal phase. The day before ovulation in a woman there is a sharp rise progesterone, which is a normal state because the dominant follicle should burst and form a corpus luteum.

Without enough hormone, this process takes place with pathologies or is completely absent. The concentration before ovulation is 0.5 to 4.8 nmol/l, and after its onset, the hormone rapidly increases and reaches its peak at 5-7 days after the break.

The phase makes itself felt immediately after the completion of ovulation. This is the time when progesterone is especially active, as the corpus luteum has formed, producing the hormone. His numbers can increase tenfold.

If we consider laboratory norms as a sample, then the concentration of the hormone in the luteal phase fluctuates 7 to 57 nmol/l, but reference values allow a value of up to 86 nmol / l, if it is day 18-22 of the cycle.

After ovulation

After the rupture of the dominant follicle, the mature egg is released and sent to the fallopian tubes. A corpus luteum is formed from a clot of cells, which produces progesterone in an enhanced mode.

Post-ovulatory phase characterizes itself with its highest performance. Some laboratories consider slightly overestimated values ​​as the norm, because the final numbers are in direct proportion to the size of the corpus luteum and the general hormonal status.

It is worth remembering that 6 days before endometrial rejection progesterone decreases sharply and reaches its minimum before menstruation.

Interesting! If a woman takes hormonal contraceptives, then the progesterone values ​​both after ovulation and in the luteal phase will be half the average values ​​(from 2 to 30 nmol / l).

Decoding norm

The norm is not a fixed value, it depends on the phase, emotional state, the presence of loads and diets. And so we have prepared for you the main indicators at various points in your life.

For 21 days

Marks himself maximum peak, since the corpus luteum reaches an impressive size in diameter (18-24 mm). It is logical to assume that the formed clot begins to produce even more, but then, as it decreases, the concentration decreases.

At the same time, the numbers directly depend on the total duration of the menstrual cycle. If it is more than 30 days, then on the 21st day of the cycle, progesterone will only increase. The reverse situation is observed when the total cycle time is less than 28 days.

The indicators will be slightly below average, but these nuances are not so significant. In any case, the data should fit within the range of 7 to 86 nmol/L.

Peculiarity! The total duration of the menstrual period for each woman is purely individual, but its average duration is 28 days. The interval from 21 to 35 days is accepted as the norm, but small discrepancies are acceptable depending on physiological factors.

Before, on the day and after embryo transfer

The term "embryo transfer" is inextricably linked with (in vitro fertilization). His the essence is quite simple: a woman is injected with a catheter into the uterine cavity with an embryo that was fertilized 48-120 hours ago.

In order for the implantation of the fetus to occur, it is necessary to stabilize the hormonal status, and especially progesterone. The body of a woman must be ready to pregnancy.

Before the transfer, doctors perform hormone therapy to adjust the level to the desired norm.

procedure carried out on the day prescribed by the reproductologist. Up to this point, the doctor identifies successful factors for the operation (endometrial thickness, progesterone, estradiol levels). Before replanting, the numbers must correspond to the norm of the follicular phase of the cycle (from 0.6 to 2.3 nmol / l).

During the course, it should not exceed 3.4 nmol/l. With high levels of progesterone, the chances of getting pregnant are significantly reduced, as evidenced by the results of many studies.

After embryo transfer (5-6 days), progesterone gradually increases and must be at least 9 nmol/l. If its sharp decrease is fixed, then it is advisable to start hormonal stimulation, since there is a risk of embryo rejection.

With successful implantation of the fetus, progesterone rises rapidly. In a pregnant woman, the hormone is fixed for the first time in the range 15 to 108 nmol/l.

On the in the first weeks of gestation, its indicators are 18 nmol / l. A decrease indicates a high risk of miscarriage, so the expectant mother is stimulated for the entire 1st trimester of gestation.

The dosage of progesterone is selected individually and includes the following drugs:

  • hormone therapy (Dufaston tablets, injections);
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • vaginal tablets ("Lutein");
  • progesterone creams, ointments ("Krynon").

Table by day for non-pregnant women

The indicators are constantly changing depending on the day of the cycle, age, the fact of pregnancy, taking contraceptives, etc.

The table shows the norms for non-pregnant women. It should be remembered that each laboratory has its own diagnostic standards, conversion rates, so the range of reference values ​​varies somewhat.

Interesting! Hormonal contraceptives have a huge impact on progesterone, therefore, in the follicular phase, its norms will not exceed 3.6 nmol / l, and in the luteal phase - 30 mmol / l.

Weekly in pregnant women

In the case of pregnancy, progesterone gradually rises, starting with gestation. Sometimes pregnancy itself is recognized by its increased indicators. High numbers are fixed at the end of the 1st trimester, as well as in the last weeks of gestation.

Before childbirth the hormone begins to drop sharply to stimulate uterine contractions.

The table shows the progesterone rate according to the weeks of pregnancy:

Possible deviations

Significant increase/decrease means a serious violation and pathology, but first you need to understand the causes of this condition.

Small changes on a few points may be ignored by the doctor, but significant deviations should not be ignored.

An increase is possible in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • uterine bleeding of a dysfunctional nature;
  • kidney failure;
  • adrenal tumor;
  • functional cyst;
  • neoplasms of the ovaries;
  • prolonged absence of menstruation (amenorrhea);
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • liver disease;
  • severe stress;
  • diet;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • taking analogs of progesterone, the hormone ACTH.

In the case of pregnancy, an increase may indicate a pathology in the development of the placenta., including a slowdown in its growth, maturation anomalies. However, most often the cause of high numbers is the growth of a corpus luteum cyst.

The decrease is no less dangerous and has its own reasons:

  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • tumor of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus;
  • inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis (chronic form);
  • lack of menstruation;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • infertility;
  • taking certain antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives, epostane, estradiol, etc.

In the early stages causes a miscarriage, so this condition is very dangerous and requires immediate medical attention.

Important! Progesterone deficiency in any trimester of gestation is a high risk of abortion.

What day to take the test?

To check the level, woman performs a venous blood test. According to general norms, biomaterial sampling occurs on the 21-23rd day of the menstrual cycle, that is, during the period when the concentration of the hormone is highest.

In the same time the doctor may set other terms laboratory research, if the clinical picture is not unambiguous.

In the case of hormonal pathologies, an irregular cycle, the patient is tested several times or on certain days, which the doctor has appointed.

How it's done?

It is possible to fix the level of the hormone only with the help of a study of venous blood, which performed according to the method of solid-phase chemiluminescent immunoassay.

Before taking the biomaterial, the patient should not eat for 8-14 hours, engage in increased physical activity, drink alcohol and smoke one hour before the study.

Important! Progesterone and 17-OH progesterone (17-OP) are 2 different hormones and studies that should not be confused when taking an analysis. 17-OP is the end product of cortisol bonding, while progesterone is a steroid hormone. Their indicators are calculated for different diagnostic purposes.

For the sake of the reliability of the results some medicines should be stopped for a while. Such a laboratory test can be taken at any public clinic or private medical organization.

The balance of progesterone is important for the female body, the steroid hormone promotes fertilization and the full bearing of the child. Progesterone, the norm in women, is the main indicator of the absence of violations of the reproductive function.

The corpus luteum of the ovary is responsible for the synthesis of progesterone, which secretes it long before conception. A small amount of the hormone is also produced by the adrenal glands. This biologically active substance affects the favorable course of pregnancy, regulates the menstrual cycle, and stimulates protein production.

Progesterone is produced by the body during ovulation. If fertilization has occurred, then its production stops in the second trimester of pregnancy. With a negative result, the corpus luteum stops producing the hormone, collapses and menstruation begins.

Progesterone deficiency negatively affects the state of the reproductive system. The fertilized egg is not able to fix itself on the inner layer of the uterus due to the active contraction of smooth muscles. Due to the lack of a hormone, the embryo with the embryonic membrane (fetal egg) is rejected - spontaneous abortion.

Progesterone is responsible for the restructuring of the paired glandular organ - the breast, activating the ability to lactate. Therefore, an analysis for the level of this hormone is prescribed to a woman who is preparing to become a mother.

The value of the volumetric norm of the hormone for the body:

  • prevents rejection of the egg with a functional layer of the endometrium;
  • creates favorable conditions in the uterine cavity for conception with subsequent embryonic development;
  • provides support for the embryo at all stages of development.

The hormone indirectly affects metabolic processes:

  • regulates blood viscosity, contributing to the normalization of blood pressure;
  • converts adipose tissue into physical energy;
  • helps with the manifestation of fibrocystic form of mastopathy.

The norm of progesterone is a kind of guarantee that menopause will not come ahead of schedule. And also, the hormone is responsible for reducing the unpleasant symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Violation of the natural balance of progesterone has negative consequences for the woman's body. That is why gynecologists sound the alarm when they see low or too high rates in the tests.

Deviation of progesterone from the norm: symptoms

Due to the lack of hormone content:

  • the process of release of a mature egg from the follicle (ovulation) is disrupted;
  • the hormonal background changes;
  • there is a lag in embryonic development;
  • the risk of pathological bleeding from the uterus, infections, inflammatory processes increases;
  • exacerbate chronic diseases of the female genital area;
  • there is a malfunction in the work of the endocrine glands (endocrine system).

The body reacts to its shortage in an appropriate way, which will be indicated by a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • increased work of the sebaceous glands;
  • skin rashes, acne;
  • copious discharge during menstruation;
  • cycle failure (irregular periods);
  • dryness in the vagina, discomfort during intimacy.

A blood test for progesterone is mandatory for women who have reached reproductive age. The highest concentration of the hormone corresponds to the ovulatory phase of the cycle - day 14 from the moment of menstruation.

Nothing better than a lack, a high content, except in cases where the cause of this phenomenon is a successful conception. Progesterone above normal may be the result of dysfunctional bleeding from the uterus, abnormal development of the child's place (placenta), kidney dysfunction syndrome, failure of the female cycle. The most "harmless" reason is hormonal drugs, the intake of which provoked an increase in the level of progesterone in a woman's body.

The following symptoms correspond to situations of excess hormone content:

  • overweight;
  • purulent rashes on the skin;
  • fatigue syndrome;
  • bad mood, apathy.

The listed signs mean only one thing - a threat to women's health, therefore, an obligatory step when alarming signals appear should be an appeal to a gynecologist.

Analysis for progesterone: the norm of the hormone

The amount of progesterone in the body is not constant, and can experience significant fluctuations due to a combination of factors such as cycle time, the age of the woman, and the level of other hormones. The units of its measurement in the analyzes are n * mol / liter. The balance of the hormone changes with the onset of pregnancy, from the use of contraceptives, with menopause.

Indicators of progesterone content within the normal range:

  • in the follicular phase: 0.32 - 2.23;
  • in the ovulatory phase: 0.48 - 9.41;
  • on the luteal phase: 3.99 - 56.6;
  • in the menopausal phase: below 0.64.

For a pregnant woman, the normalized amount is:

  • in the first trimester, an increase in hormonal levels is observed: 80.9 - 468.4;
  • from the beginning of the second trimester, the amount of the substance gradually decreases: 71.5 - 303.1;
  • in the last trimester, reverse hormonal growth begins: 88.7 - 771.5.

The latter values, when progesterone is much higher than normal, are explained by the restructuring of the breast for feeding the baby.

To find out the level of the hormone, an analysis is required, which is prescribed, taking into account the individual cycle of the woman. The favorable period is the 22nd and 23rd day of the cycle. These figures are relevant only if it is 28 days. With irregular periods, before passing the analysis, special testing is carried out, with the help of which they find out a favorable period for undergoing the study. A woman can do the test herself. Conditions for blood sampling for hormone content - in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Deviation from the norm of progesterone is successfully treated, only a doctor is engaged in the selection of therapy, attempts at self-treatment in this case are unacceptable in principle. The consequences can be irreversible, one of them is infertility.

Most often, intramuscular injections of 1% progesterone containing olive or almond oil are prescribed. In addition, the drug can be in the form of tablets, the administration of which is advisable with a slight deviation. When the analysis shows critical values, the hormonal background is normalized with injections, which are more effective.

Information about progesterone and its health implications should be taken into account by any woman. The appearance of the first symptoms of imbalance is an indicator of a lifestyle where there is a place for stress, overwork and malnutrition.

Analysis of progesterone - the hormone of pregnancy

Doctors called progesterone n hormone pregnancy. progesterone secretes corpus luteum(iron produced in ovary after ovulation– exit eggs from follicle). If a conception did not happen, the corpus luteum dies in 12-14 days, and begins menstruation.

The corpus luteum produces hormone progesterone before 16 weeks pregnant- as long as it is formed placenta will not take over the independent production of hormones.

Progesterone prepares tissues uterus to the implantation of a fertilized egg and the preservation of pregnancy. The hormone progesterone affects nervous system, as if preparing the body for carrying a pregnancy and childbirth. Progesterone inhibits the activity of contraction of the muscles of the uterus and the rejection of the fetal egg, stimulates the growth of the uterus. Progesterone also influences the development of those departments mammary glands which are responsible for milk production. In addition, progesterone stimulates the production of sebum.

Progesterone produced not only in ovaries produce some amount of progesterone adrenal glands, therefore, progesterone is both a female hormone and a male one, although it is much lower progesterone norms among women.

Progesterone (luteal phase) - 7.0 - 56.6 nmol / l



1 trimester of pregnancy - 8.9 -468.4 nmol/l

2nd trimester of pregnancy - 71,5 - 303,1

3rd trimester of pregnancy - 88,7 - 771,5

Attention girls!!! - do not look on the Internet for tables of progesterone norms by week of pregnancy.

Each organism has its own indicators, the main thing is that progesterone grows, so everything is fine, and that progesterone enters the framework of standards for trimesters.

A few hours after Ovulation ... progesterone is normally a little more than 7.0 nmol / l ... then it rapidly increases in the blood and at 7-9 DPO (peak VT) its value simply must approach the upper limit of normal 56.6 nmol / l ... then you can judge the full ovulation ...

Progesterone analysis- an indispensable method of research ovulation. The level of progesterone in a woman's body varies depending on phases of the menstrual cycle. Normally, progesterone rises 10 times before ovulation. As they say doctors, there is a maximum increase in progesterone in the luteal phase. If the increase in the level of progesterone in the blood does not occur, then various deviations in the woman's body are possible.

Normally, progesterone rises during pregnancy. Lack of progesterone during pregnancy may lead to miscarriage.

Therefore, the analysis of progesterone is a necessary step in the diagnosis of the condition. fetus in second half of pregnancy.

If a progesterone is elevated, for doctor this blood test result gives reason to assume:

· pregnancy

· dysfunctional uterine bleeding

· ( amenorrhea)

· deviations in the development of the placenta

· corpus luteum cyst

· kidney failure

· deviations in the formation of hormones in adrenal glands

Elevated progesterone levels may be due to certain medications.

Lack of progesterone may be a symptom of the following abnormalities in a woman's body:

· lack of ovulation

· insufficient function of the corpus luteum or placenta

· threatened abortion Consequently hormonal imbalance

· intrauterine growth retardation

· true prolongation of pregnancy

· chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital area

· uterine bleeding

· menstrual irregularities (amenorrhea).

The reproductive system of the female body functions cyclically. These changes support a high readiness for pregnancy. Conception is possible in the middle of the menstrual cycle after ovulation.

The main pregnancy hormone is progesterone. It is he who supports the fertilized egg and promotes its implantation. This biologically active substance plays an important role during all trimesters of pregnancy.

Where is the hormone produced?

In women, the main part of progesterone is secreted into the blood by a special temporary endocrine gland - the corpus luteum. This hormone-secreting formation forms at the site of the dominant follicle after ovulation.

The corpus luteum releases a lot of progesterone in the first ten days after an egg is released. Then, if pregnancy does not occur, its function progressively decreases. If conception has occurred, then the corpus luteum is preserved and continues to work actively for several more weeks.

In the second and third trimester, hormone production mainly occurs in the placenta. The corpus luteum dies away and ceases to secrete biologically active substances.

In addition to the placenta and the corpus luteum, progesterone is secreted in small amounts by cells of the pancreas and adrenal glands. This secretion is always very low and does not affect fertility.

Hormone effects

The hormone progesterone affects women during the luteal phase of the cycle and during pregnancy.

Its action:

  • prepares the endometrium for egg implantation;
  • relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus;
  • prevents the onset of menstruation;
  • supports the dominant of pregnancy in the central nervous system;
  • helps prepare the mammary gland for breastfeeding;
  • stimulates the growth of the uterus;
  • increases the concentration of steroids;
  • suppresses immunity;
  • affects the activity of the skin glands;
  • provokes an increase in body weight;
  • increases libido.

In girls and women in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, there is often a tendency to edema and acne. Closer to the beginning of menstruation, many note pain and engorgement of the mammary glands, weakness, increased appetite. All these phenomena are associated with a high concentration of the hormone.

In pregnant women, this hormone supports the development of the fetus. From the early stages of gestation to childbirth, it is progesterone that prevents miscarriage. In addition, thanks to this substance, the secretory sections of the ducts of the mammary glands develop, and adipose tissue accumulates. After the birth of the baby, these results of the work of progesterone help the development of lactation.

normal hormone levels

The norm of progesterone is different for adults and children, men and women.

In boys and girls, this hormone should be up to 1.1 nmol / l. With the onset of puberty in adolescents, gender differences in this parameter begin to be traced. Thus, the normal values ​​of progesterone for young men are 0.7-3.5 nmol / l. In girls, this figure is usually much higher: from 0.3-41 nmol / l.

In men, progesterone is determined in stable low concentrations. Its normal level is from 0.3 to 2.2 nmol/l.

In women, the hormone depends on the day of the menstrual cycle. In the follicular phase, it should be from 0.3 to 2.2 nmol / l. At the time of ovulation, this parameter rises to 0.5-10 nmol/l. Even higher is the rate of progesterone in women in the luteal phase - from 7 to 57 nmol / l.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the indicator falls within the range of 9-470 nmol / l, in the second - 70-300 nmol / l, in the third - 89-770 nmol / l.

In women after menopause, progesterone ceases to be produced in significant quantities. Its concentration is reduced to 0-0.6 nmol/l.

Too much or too little hormone

High progesterone occurs with placental dysfunction, with some types of amenorrhea and metrorrhagia. Medications can also increase hormone levels. Some of them are specially appointed for this purpose.

You can increase progesterone by:

  • clomiphene;
  • ACTH;
  • mifepristone;
  • synthetic progesterone;
  • tamoxifen;
  • valproic acid;
  • ketoconazole.

A low level of the hormone is observed in various diseases of the reproductive system.

Most often, girls and women are found:

  • chronic inflammation of the uterus, tubes and ovaries;
  • follicular cysts;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • lack of menstruation;
  • insufficiency of the placenta;
  • violations of intrauterine development of the fetus;
  • prolongation of pregnancy.

Medicines (contraceptives, ampicillin, danazol, etc.) can reduce progesterone.

Low hormone levels often cause infertility. Pregnancy may not occur at all or be interrupted at different stages.

You can increase the concentration of progesterone with the help of drugs. Gynecologists very often prescribe natural or synthetic analogues of the hormone. These drugs are usually taken from the middle of the menstrual cycle until the start of the period (or until the 25th day). In this way, doctors mimic the natural rises and falls in progesterone levels.

If pregnancy occurs, then hormonal medications are left until 14-20 weeks. After this period, it is not advisable to use progesterone analogues.

How to take an analysis

Usually gynecologists recommend examining the hormone on the 22nd day of the cycle. You need to come to the analysis strictly on an empty stomach (hunger for more than 8 hours). It is advisable to donate blood in the morning (from 8 to 11 am). The night before, it is necessary to limit fatty, heavy foods, alcohol. In addition, it is recommended to stop smoking at least one hour before blood sampling.

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