Elastic bandage for ankle sprains. How to choose and correctly apply an elastic bandage on the ankle joint? What is an orthosis

An elastic bandage for the ankle joint is a medical accessory that is prescribed to the patient in case of injuries.


The elastic bandage for the ankle joint has a number of advantages, among which are the following:

  • long period of use. It can be reused many times and is not easily deformed;
  • tight and secure fit. The bandage does not slip, so it does not need to be re-bandaged;
  • versatility. Suitable for absolutely any joint;
  • does not require special training for use;
  • ease of use (easy to remove);
  • economy.

An elastic bandage will replace about twenty ordinary gauze bandages, so this is a rational and profitable approach to business.


Any device has its drawbacks, elastic bandage is no exception. Let's consider the main ones:

  • improper imposition leads to impaired blood circulation;
  • incorrect bandaging can poorly fix to the joint;
  • the device will deteriorate ahead of time in case of poor care;
  • you need to have certain skills and abilities.

Indications for use

The ankle joint needs to be immobilized in some situations:

  • with sprain or rupture of ligaments;
  • after injury;
  • during inflammation of the joint, which is accompanied by swelling;
  • as a preventive measure during intense physical activity.

Doctors advise to always have an elastic bandage in your first aid kit, especially for people involved in vigorous physical activity.


Let's talk about reliable signs of incorrect overlay technique:

  • if the bandaging is too tight, the venous outflow is disturbed, as a result of which the fingertips turn blue;
  • tight fixation disrupts arterial inflow, as a result of which the fingers become pale and cold;
  • due to weak bandaging, the ankle will not be sufficiently fixed.

In order to improve blood circulation in the joint, it is necessary to remove the bandage at least a couple of times.

The bandage should be washed once a week, but in no case should it be twisted, otherwise it will lose its elasticity.

pressure bandage

Let's talk about the rules of imposition:

  • overlay is carried out clockwise, starting from the ball of the foot. The bandage must be pulled evenly, and it should not be pre-reeled;
  • turns the whole foot. It is wrong to bandage with one hand, both hands should participate in the process, since one should hold the beginning of the bandage. The threads must be in the same direction. The bandage should fit, but not press;
  • ankle wrap. Bandaging is carried out in an eight-way;
  • repetition of eight-shaped turns;
  • securing the end of the bandage.

The bandage must be neat. The duration of wearing can be determined by a specialist, but as a rule, it is one to two hours.

Sports tape

Dressing with a sports tape is carried out as follows:

  • first, the upper part of the foot is wrapped longitudinally;
  • then you need to fix crosswise from the foot to the ankle;
  • triple eight-shaped winding.

The elastic bandage does not harm the skin, as it is made from natural fabrics.

The patient should not feel tingling or numbness. If these feelings arise, it is necessary to replace the fixation

Tapes are called elastic patches applied to the skin. They must be additionally held by a specially applied bandage.

Before taping, prepare the following materials:

  • elastic bandage (tape is an alternative);
  • podteipnik (this is the material that is applied under the patch);
  • linings that are applied directly under the foot;
  • petrolatum.

It is important to make sure that the ankle is dry, clean and undamaged. During the procedure, the patient should lie quietly on his back.

Having prepared all the necessary materials, you can start taping:

  1. first of all, a thin layer of petroleum jelly is applied;
  2. two cushion pads are applied in such a way that the entire damaged part is covered;
  3. turns are made around the lower leg with the help of several strips of teip. Each strip should cover the previous one by about half;
  4. the previous dressing is overlapped by the following strips, which are superimposed in the form of a stirrup;
  5. starting from top to bottom, the stirrup is covered with the following strips;
  6. on the very rise of the foot, a few more strips are superimposed;
  7. the tape is fixed and fixed on the heel evenly, without wrinkles or flaws;
  8. the instep of the foot is the place where the tape should end.

Fixing bandage - instructions for use

Fixing dressings reduce the degree of stress on the place that has been damaged, and also accelerate the processes of regeneration (recovery).

People involved in sports often get bruises and injuries, which is why a fixing bandage is simply necessary.

A fixing bandage is a kind of "ambulance" or first aid for injuries.

The most reliable and optimal form of fixation is the eight-shaped bandage. It must be applied with skill, otherwise it will be harmful to health, so a specialist in his field should deal with it.

With the help of an elastic bandage, the cast can be removed every day, so that the injured joint will be well developed.

  • the bandage should be applied in the morning, while the limbs are still swollen;
  • after bandaging, it is better to lie down, and place your legs above your head;
  • when applying a bandage, folds should not form;
  • to avoid squeezing soft tissues, the bandage unwinds outward;
  • gaps should not form between turns of the bandage;
  • the bandage should be used during active movement, it can be removed at rest;
  • dressing begins and ends at a remote distance from the site of the lesion;
  • Separately, I would like to mention the extensibility of elastic bandages.

Medium and high degree of extensibility will contribute to reliable fixation of the limbs after traumatization. In order to prevent varicose veins after surgical interventions on the limbs, it is necessary to use low-elastic bandages.

Summing up all of the above, I would like to say that absolutely no one is immune from joint problems. Do not despair, and at the slightest injury, seek the help of specialists, and before that, make a bandage with an elastic bandage.

In case of injuries and inflammation of the ankle joint, a traditional elastic bandage for the ankle comes to the rescue. It is used to keep the joint in a normal position, to prevent extensive swelling. It is necessary to fix the injured leg for the whole day.

The bandage can be removed for massage, gymnastic exercises aimed at developing a healing joint. After exercise therapy, it is recommended to wrap a warming compress under an elastic bandage or lubricate the leg with anti-inflammatory gels and creams.

Who should use elastic bandages

Leg sprain

Ankle immobilization with an elastic bandage is required:

  • if the ligaments are stretched or torn;
  • in inflammatory processes accompanied by edema;
  • for the prevention of increased physical activity.

It will be necessary to immobilize the ankle with a severe bruise, it is easy to get it at home or in training. With such bruises, microcracks form on the cartilaginous surface. They are usually not visible on x-rays, so a tight bandage is immediately applied to the affected leg. It is important to properly bandage the ankle with a figure eight in order to get a reliable fixation that will not slip in movements.

For more severe injuries, with dislocations and, plaster casts are used for immobilization.

Series of elastic bandages differ not only in size, but also in purpose.

For example, athletes need injury prevention, and children with cerebral palsy need maximum support to keep their muscles in good shape.

Applying elastic bandages to a child is much more difficult than for an adult, especially if he screams in pain and actively moves. Children's products are produced in the form of a sock, it is put on quickly and almost painlessly.

Types of bandages

Medium elastic ankle bandage

The pharmacological industry produces several types of elastic bandages that differ in width and length. The main indicator of the quality and properties of the bandage is its ability to stretch.

By extensibility, elastic bandages are:

  • low stretch;
  • medium elasticity (example in the photo);
  • high elasticity.

From a bandage of low extensibility, bandages are made on the lower leg for chronic venous insufficiency. A bandage of medium elasticity is needed for preventive purposes or to fix the ankle with small sprains with edema. The bandage of high elasticity is designed for complete immobilization of the ankle in case of serious ligament injuries - sprains, ruptures (it is easier to wind it).

When choosing a bandage, check its elasticity, it should correspond to the degree of damage, take the tape of the desired length. Especially for the ankle joints, long tapes of 1.5-2 meters are produced. This length of the elastic bandage for the ankle is designed for a person of average build. This is quite enough to tightly bandage the entire ankle in compliance with the rules for applying a fixing bandage.

Elastic bandages are produced by different companies, the most popular are the products of firms:

  • Grozz;
  • "Maxwarp";
  • pharmaceuticals.

Their products are affordable, and most importantly, they meet the requirements of different categories of users: from infants with movement problems to long-distance runners who need to prevent foot injuries when running on rough terrain.

These firms produce children's products with comfortable Velcro or laces that are easy to tie and wind, they do not interfere with the baby's movement.

Rules for imposing a fixing bandage

Step by step application of an elastic bandage

The main requirement is to fix the elastic bands in the morning or after a long day's rest. So at the site of injury there will be no edema or it will be minimal.

You need to bandage from the narrow part of the leg to the wide one. The bandage should lie flat, without twists and folds. The ankle should be bandaged with a figure eight.

Important : unwind the roll on the skin, outward. This prevents squeezing of injured tissues.

Each new layer should overlap the previous one by a third. So between the layers there will be no gaps, the layer will be uniform. At the same time, the lower section requires the greatest tension, that is, the ankle itself needs to be bandaged somewhat tighter, denser.

This is especially important when you need to bandage an ankle sprain.

Climbing up the lower leg, the tension of the tape should be gradually reduced so as not to compress the blood vessels. Ankle bandaging should not cause complications of varicose veins. To fix the elastic bandage on the ankle joint, special fasteners, which are sold in the kit, will help.

It is important that the bandage covers the affected area of ​​the lower leg 15 cm above and below, possibly with a heel grip if the nature of the injury so requires. Therefore, the ankle is fixed from the phalanges of the fingers to the middle of the lower leg, so that a kind of “golf” is obtained. It is necessary to wear a bandage only during active movements.

At the time of rest, the bandage should be removed, while gently rubbing the affected joint in the direction from the foot to the knee. This will be the correct fixation of the elastic bandage on the ankle joint.

How to determine if the ankle is bandaged correctly? There is a practical observation: immediately after applying the bandage, the toes turn slightly blue. With active movements, the color is quickly restored to the physiological norm. If within half an hour after applying the elastic bandage, discomfort, pulsation, numbness, tingling appear in the leg, then the bandage must be removed, it was too tight. In this case, you should bandage the lower leg and restore blood circulation in the damaged joint.

Bandaging with an elastic band is shown in the video, where you can learn how to properly bandage the ankle joint, make the “eight”, grab the heel with the bandage.

Elastic bandage care

Varieties of elastic bandages

You need to wash the tapes as needed, 2 times within 10 days. The bandaged leg should be protected from excessive external contamination, if possible, avoid getting medical ointments on fabric products.

Elastic bands can only be washed by hand, using not a surfactant, but ordinary soap. After washing, do not twist the bandages, just wring them out slightly. They should be dried on a horizontal surface in the unfolded form.

Well-dried tapes are ready for reuse. If the need has disappeared, they should be gently rolled into rolls and stored in a place protected from light. Ironing is strictly prohibited.

Every day there is a heavy load on the legs, the ankle is especially often injured. Therefore, an ankle brace for sprains and other injuries is the first aid. Such bandages (or) are necessary in order to immobilize the joint and prevent the development of complications. If measures are not taken in time, deformation of the ankle may occur, accompanied by an increasing inflammatory process.

When is a fixative required?

Orthoses are used for the treatment and prevention of ankle diseases in both adults and children. Ankle brace may be required in the following situations:

  • when stretched or , ;
  • with increased load on the lower limbs (during sports training or performing heavy physical work);
  • when you get a foot injury;
  • for rehabilitation during the postoperative period;
  • during the treatment of joint diseases (arthrosis, arthritis, etc.).

Wearing a retainer is prescribed by the attending physician. You should not make such a decision on your own, because you can harm your health. A fixing bandage is prescribed not only for the treatment of diseases, but also for preventive purposes.

The main task of the bandage is to fix the ankle. That is, the joint can move without deviating to the side. The use of a bandage has several advantages. Firstly, the possibility of injury to the ankle (if we are talking about prevention) is significantly reduced. Secondly, pain is reduced. In addition, the healing process is much faster. Another fixator on the ankle helps to avoid re-injury to the joint.

Retainer selection

When choosing an ankle brace, certain parameters must be taken into account:

  • nature of the disease and severity;
  • the size of the patient's ankle and its possible anatomical features;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases, for example, vegetovascular dystonia or skin diseases (allergies, scabies, eczema).

Bandages can be presented in soft, rigid and semi-rigid form. Each bandage is used in a specific case. In addition, soft bandages, in turn, are divided into several subspecies.

  1. Soft (elastic). This option is used for the prevention of diseases, as well as the treatment of minor injuries. The retainer fits well around the ankle, providing reliable protection against possible damage. Elastic bandages will help people who have to spend a lot of time on their feet, as well as professional athletes (during training or competition).
  2. Protective. One of the types of elastic bandage used for. The bandage prevents microbes from entering the wound, has an antiseptic effect.
  3. Drug. Such an elastic retainer helps the rapid healing of wounds.
  4. If the patient suffers from hemarthrosis, a pressure elastic bandage is applied. It quickly stops bleeding. There is also a corrective fixator used to treat ankle pathologies, such as clubfoot.
  5. Semi-rigid. This fixator is often used for minor injuries, sprains. Thanks to special straps, the brace can be securely fastened to the ankle.
  6. Hard. Such a bandage is used in particularly difficult cases. The fixator is equipped with rigid side inserts (plastic, metal, silicone) that allow fixing the ankle in one position. In addition, such a bandage is equipped with belts or laces. Similar products are used after fractures, when the plaster has already been removed. Only a traumatologist can prescribe such an immobilizing bandage.


To correctly determine the size of the bandage, certain measurements should be made. The first step is to measure the length of the foot. Next, determine the coverage of the lower leg, ankle and ankle. These indicators should be compared with the information indicated by manufacturers on finished products. Each manufacturer may have a unique dimensional grid, so you need to check the source data with the table provided.

When purchasing a retainer, remember that it cannot be worn around the clock. It is recommended to remove the bandage at least several times a day, treat the surface of the leg with an antiseptic and only put it on again after 30 minutes.

The orthosis must be put on in a sitting position. Getting used to a fixing bandage can take several weeks (and weaning too). If the orthosis is used to treat an injury, gradually increase the load on the injured leg, bringing it up to normal. As long as the leg heals, wear the brace for so long.

If a semi-rigid or rigid bandage is recommended for you to wear under your shoes, purchase comfortable sneakers a few sizes larger. So you will be as comfortable as possible. The health of the musculoskeletal system is the key to a quality life full of interesting events, so even minor injuries need timely treatment.

In our article we will talk about bandages, dressings. Probably everyone heard about it and some even used it. For such, perhaps, our article is not interesting. But for those who hear about it for the first time and have not used it, the article will be useful.

Most people are familiar with problems with ankle pain or sprains. It makes it very difficult for you to walk. Sudden movements lead to acute pain. All this is very unpleasant to feel. Walk limping and at the same time "whining". Various ointments, creams, gels, of course, have a pretty good effect on treatment in their own way, but you don’t need to give up a bandage either.

Bandage types

Ankle brace is the right solution to avoid sudden movements. People who play sports know what sprain and bruise are. The use of a bandage is not only for damage, but also to avoid it. The bandage is used during sports. Just because it's mostly used by athletes doesn't mean it's not for everyone else.

In everyday life, there are also injuries in both men and women. Young girls are very fond of walking in high heels and do not think about how this affects the foot. In addition to flat feet, you can twist your leg. A lame girl in heels looks ridiculous. If you, of course, can walk on them after that.

For severe damage, such as a fracture, a cast is applied. But after removing it, the pain is still there and an elastic bandage (bandage) is useful here. Another bandage (bandage) is used in the postoperative period. You have probably heard doctors recommend it to some patients. Do not neglect this advice, it is better to use it, you definitely will not regret it.

The bandage is of several types:

  • pressing - with hematomas;
  • medicinal - the bandage is impregnated with medicine and applied;
  • protective - for the correction of open fractures;
  • immobilizing - with bruises, dislocations and sprains.

Many people think that applying a bandage is not very convenient - you are mistaken.

It is quite comfortable when properly fixed. Of course, if you wrapped it up like a blunder, then it will press or even subside. For fixing the bandage, a retainer is applied. It is easy to put on, so you will not have any problems with it.

Do it yourself

You can make a bandage at home using an elastic bandage. You need to take a bandage to fix the foot or the place that hurts is stretched. You don't have to pull too hard. A bandage is much more comfortable than a ready-made bandage, since you decide how much the bandage should be tightened, as well as how long it will be. Plus, it's cheaper.

Elastic bandage can be made from a cotton substitute with polyester fibers, from synthetics or natural synthetics. It is available for both adults and children.

The eight-shaped bandage on the ankle joint is used to hold the dressing in case of inflammation. It is also known as a cruciform bandage. Wearing such a bandage contributes to a quick recovery from torn ligaments, dislocations, sprains.

The bandage on the ankle joint does not allow the articular bag to fall out. Do not forget about fixing the bandage, otherwise it will “run” along the leg.

The compression bandage for the ankle joint is made using a seamless technique, while correctly distributing pressure, does not reduce movement in the joint in physical volume.

The bandage on the ankle joint is quite often used. Applying a bandage to the foot reduces pain. It is superimposed for no more than a few hours, or rather no longer than 2. Not the way we do, they dragged it on for half a day and walk, and then the question torments me: is it a marriage of a bandage or have I done something wrong? Applying a bandage is not such a simple technique. You need to tighten it, but not so that it hurts, but comfortably.

When fixing, make sure you are comfortable. Hardly anyone likes to redo everything.

What can't be done?

You have already understood that there should not be any sudden movements. Tight tightening, wearing a bandage for a long time - this can only do harm. Frequent bandaging is also not allowed. The skin needs to rest.

The main thing is to choose the right bandage for yourself. To do this, you should go for a consultation with a doctor. He will give advice on what material it is better to purchase a retainer from, and will also take into account your financial situation. The bandage is taken according to the size of the foot. It is important that he does not rub your leg. It is necessary to choose personally, we do not recommend entrusting it to someone else, even if this person knows everything that is needed.

No one will choose better than you. You can explain what the discomfort is, where it presses.

We hope that after reading our article, you learned at least something new. We wish you a speedy recovery!


The ankle is part of the fibula at the ankle joint. It acts as a stabilizer and is located on the side of the lower limb, slightly above the foot. Thanks to the ankle, the weight of the body is transferred to the foot.

Quite often, ankle pain appears due to injuries. In this case, pathological processes can develop.

Causes of pain

Ankle problems occur for a variety of reasons. The appearance of pain is also the result of trauma, joint diseases and other diseases. Uncomfortable shoes can also lead to ankle pain. Excessive load leads to weakening of the ligaments, their anguish. During movement or as a result of injury, the foot may accidentally turn out.

Active sports activities

Active sports load can lead to injuries - the appearance of cracks or fractures of the ankle. The pain may continue for a long period. Timely diagnosis of damage is not always possible. If the pain is severe, it may indicate a muscle tear or fracture. Especially often this condition occurs if sharp, unexpected rotational movements are made with the foot.

The pain can be very severe, and there is swelling at the bottom of the injured leg, making movement much more difficult. The skin around the damaged area changes its color. The ankle hurts with a fracture for quite a long time, since this problem can be detected on ultrasound and the correct diagnosis can be made - a traumatic fracture is possible only after 6 to 8 weeks have passed after a serious injury.


One cause of ankle pain can be tendonitis. This is an active inflammation that appears in the area where the bone connects to the tendons. With this disease, the tendons are partially torn, over time they heal.

The cause of this disease may be:

  • the load on the feet is exceeded (typical for athletes, active people);
  • age-related changes that appear after 40 years;
  • rarely - infectious diseases, changes in the autoimmune system, metabolic disorders, the result of injuries, sprains in the Achilles tendon.

During a general examination, ultrasound, x-rays may be prescribed. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, creams, gels with capsaicin, electrophoresis, phonophoresis and other physical procedures are used.


Long walking, standing still can lead to the development of bursitis, which is also accompanied by pain caused by the inflammatory process occurring in the ankle bag. It is a protective pad and is a bag containing liquid. Located on the heel. Sharp pain appears most often during physical exertion, during warm-ups, and exercises. Movement becomes more limited. The skin at the site of inflammation turns red, the temperature rises at the site of inflammation.

For diagnosis, general clinical tests, x-rays, ultrasound, examination of the synovial fluid are prescribed, a puncture is taken from the bag for bacteriological examination.

Treatment of bursitis depends on the degree of pathology in each case. Treatment is conservative, it is necessary to provide rest to the ankle. Symptoms can go away on their own, pain can be relieved with aspirin. Severe pain is relieved with novocaine or hydrocortisone.

Wearing uncomfortable or tight shoes

If a person wears shoes that are not very comfortable or narrow, pain in the ankle area may also appear. To avoid problems associated with pain in the ankle, you need to choose shoes according to the size of the foot, it is desirable that it be with an instep that provides the necessary support for the foot and its arch. This will prevent pronation, the tendency of the foot to turn inward. It is especially important to monitor the condition of the arch supports for people with flat feet.

In addition, shoes must match the occupation. It is not advisable to wear old shoes for a long time, which not only lose their shape, but may also lose the elasticity of the sole, and the quality of the instep supports decreases.


The ankle also hurts with arthrosis of the ankle joint. In this case, pain appears in the ankle on both sides, and it is associated with synovitis, which develops a second time. The pain is accompanied by stiffness in the morning, lasting about half an hour.

This disease is treated with nonsteroidal drugs, which can reduce the severity of its manifestations. Another symptom of arthrosis of the ankle joint is swelling - soft, painful, symmetrical.

Therapeutic measures for arthrosis should be taken comprehensively with the participation of diversified doctors:

  • rheumatologist;
  • therapist;
  • surgeon
  • orthopedist;
  • if necessary, an endocrinologist should also be involved.

Degenerative Arthritis

Degenerative arthritis can also cause ankle pain. This problem most often occurs in middle-aged people, when wear begins to occur in the smooth tissue that connects bones and cartilage. The process of inflammation occurs in the joint, the ankles hurt and swell. This process develops gradually. Pain and stiffness increases over time.

Arthritis is diagnosed by specialists: a rheumatologist, a traumatologist, a dermatologist, an infectious disease specialist through examinations, checking joint mobility, and conducting laboratory tests.

Deforming arthrosis

This disease affects the musculoskeletal system. Deforming arthrosis is often the result of injuries to the outer or inner part of the ankle, tibia or talus. The clinic is expressed by pain in the ankle, lower leg. Swelling of the joint appears, its mobility is limited, a defect in gait appears. The pain is aching, may be accompanied by a crunch in the joint.

Diagnosed by pain, X-ray, radionuclide and morphological studies are prescribed.

With this disease, you can contact an orthopedist, traumatologist, surgeon, you may need to consult other doctors.


Arthritis - rheumatoid or post-traumatic also leads to ankle pain. The disease begins to manifest itself as a result of an infectious process.

Post-traumatic arthritis is the result of a displaced rupture of the soft connective tissue of the joint.

With mono arthritis (inflammation of one joint) or polyarthritis (several joints), the affected areas swell, the skin turns red, and the shape of the joint may change. The pain intensifies during movement, while mobility is limited, body temperature rises to 37-37.5 degrees.

Treatment for arthritis is prescribed in a complex by specialists: a rheumatologist, an orthopedist, a traumatologist, an arthrologist.


The ankle also hurts with gout. Its character is jerky, it can be quite intense, paroxysmal and last from several hours to several days. The joints swell, as uric acid crystals are deposited in them, redness appears in the affected area, a surge of heat. The pain can be unbearable. In addition, deepen the pain:

  • bone spurs (minor pieces of bone or interarticular cartilage);
  • impaired circulation;
  • nerve damage;
  • rheumatoid arthritis.

It consists in a special diet, from which dairy products, liver, kidneys, nuts, oysters, crabs, alcohol must be excluded. It is necessary to consume a lot of liquid, mineral alkaline water, to remove lactic acid. If there is excess weight, which is typical for gout, it is necessary to lose it in order to reduce the load on the ankles. Often, to normalize the sensations in the ankles, it is enough just to reduce body weight.

During attacks, the doctor prescribes the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, severe attacks are stopped by indocin, naprostin, kolchisin.

In which case should you immediately contact a doctor?

You should not disregard the symptoms that ankle diseases manifest themselves, even when there are no obvious causes of the disease, there were no injuries, bruises.

Mild pain that is random and infrequent may go away on its own. All other cases require immediate medical attention. This is explained by the fact that periodically occurring pain cannot but have a certain basis. Usually they are caused by developing pathology, concomitant diseases.

First aid, pain relief

The most common cause of ankle pain is ankle sprains. In this case, you need to know what degree of dislocation has occurred.

It is possible to determine what kind of damage is caused to the ligaments using an x-ray. If there is severe pain, it is necessary to contact a traumatologist.

But at the same time, you need to provide first aid, for this you need:

  • lay the injured leg on a small elevation - a roller, ensure peace;
  • fix the foot with an elastic bandage;
  • apply ice to the damaged area;
  • take a pain reliever.

If the ligaments are torn, you need to apply plaster, undergo therapeutic procedures prescribed by the doctor, and do physiotherapy exercises. It takes about two months to heal this injury. To reduce pain, anesthetic creams or ointments are applied to the site of the lesion.

If there were no injuries, the cause of pain may be hidden in joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, tendonitis, bursitis, etc.), which are the result of the development of degenerative changes. These diseases are accompanied by a sharp increasing pain, inflammation. A person with one of these conditions has limited mobility.

If pain does not occur often, you need to pay attention to shoes, replace them with more comfortable ones.

Be sure to watch the following video

Very often, people leading an active lifestyle experience various injuries and dislocations. The most common is ankle injury. With such injuries, the lack of proper fixation can lead to prolonged inflammatory processes in the damaged area, and sometimes degenerative changes, which have a number of serious consequences.

  • Types of clamps
  • How to properly bandage your ankle
  • Related videos

The fixing bandage on the ankle joint is a first-line remedy for injuries and injuries in this area. With ankle injuries, it is very important to relieve the load from this area and fix the leg in a stable position. Depending on the complexity of the injury, the means of fixation may vary.

Types of clamps

Regardless of the nature of the injury, the eight-shaped bandage on the ankle joint is the most reliable and optimal. Each type can only be applied by a specialist. The fact is that there are special rules for fixing the ankle, non-observance of which can cause irreparable harm to the health of the victim.

How to properly bandage your ankle

The imposition of a bandage on the ankle joint is carried out according to the rules that must be strictly observed. Before you start fixing, prepare everything you need: a retainer, clamps for it. Place the victim on a flat surface and place his leg on your knees. Such a system can be used in emergency situations and in the absence of clinical conditions.

The cruciform bandage on the ankle joint is superimposed as follows:

  • We start with circular movements in the lower leg area, make several turns, make sure that there are no creases;
  • Then the bandage moves to the outside of the foot, there is no need to tug, just gently lay the end;
  • Further, through the place of raising the foot, the bandage is retracted to the inside of the ankle;
  • We make one and a half turns around the foot and take the bandage to the outside of the ankle;
  • We make a few more turns and fix with special brackets.

A properly applied bandage can help out an injured person and maintain joint mobility. All tourists and extreme athletes, as well as ordinary citizens, need to buy an ankle bandage and place it in the first aid kit.

Very often, fixation has to be applied in difficult conditions, there are not always special dressings, so you need to know some of the features. My patients use a proven remedy, thanks to which you can get rid of pain in 2 weeks without much effort.

A bandage or elastic retainer is best applied to the sock. This will eliminate the discomfort of the victim and will not allow too much tightening of the ankle area. With excessive density, blood flow becomes difficult, and the condition of the injured may worsen.

In case of heavy bleeding, it is necessary to apply a tourniquet, cover the wound and contact a medical specialist as soon as possible. It is possible to apply a bandage only if there are no visible injuries and open wounds.

If you find obvious displacements in an injured person, it is better not to use bandages. Apply a cold compress and call your doctor. If the ankle is injured, you should not walk or even step on your foot, in order to avoid additional injuries and undesirable consequences.

The main thing to remember is that for any damage, only a doctor can recommend the correct method of treatment, as well as recommend a means for fixation.

An elastic bandage is a universal remedy that is used to treat and prevent diseases and damage to the joints. To wind it, you do not need to have a medical education or special practice, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the rules and recommendations of the doctor and follow them clearly. If the technique is followed, the bandage does not slip off the ankle, does not untie and does not interfere with blood circulation in the limb.

Indications for use

Elastic bandage on the ankle is necessary in the following cases:
  1. injuries (bruises and sprains);
  2. arthritis and arthrosis, accompanied by swelling and pain;
  3. high loads associated with sports.

In case of sprain and rupture of the ligaments of the ankle joint, a plaster splint is applied to the patient. In "tandem" with it, an elastic bandage is used. He is tied up on the second day after the incident, when the plaster has dried well. This design allows a person to easily remove the bandage on their own and try to work out the damaged limb.

For arthritis and arthrosis, it is applied together with ointments or folk remedies for external use. They are smeared under it, so a compress effect is created.

Intense sports are fraught with a potential risk - getting microtrauma of the joint. If you wear an elastic bandage for training, the likelihood of damage will be reduced significantly.

Important! For people who are engaged in sports or physical labor, doctors recommend that you always have an elastic bandage in your first-aid kit.

Advantages and disadvantages of an elastic bandage

Elastic bandage is actively used in the treatment of injuries and inflammation of the ankle

Due to the presence of the following advantages:

The disadvantages of an elastic bandage appear if a person has not mastered the rules for applying it to the ankle joint and other parts of the body. Mistakes made in the bandaging technique lead to impaired blood circulation in the injured limb, tissue collapse and untying, and its rapid deterioration.

To avoid adverse consequences, when bandaging, it is important to take into account all the recommendations of specialists.

How to choose the right bandage

Doctors distinguish the following rules that must be observed when choosing a bandage:

  1. Length Consideration

Bandages are available in various sizes. The choice depends on which joint needs to be fixed. For the wrist area, options up to one and a half meters are used, for the ankle - from one and a half to two, for the lower extremities - at least five meters.

2. The right choice of elasticity

To fix the ankle joint after the injury, bandages with low and medium elasticity are used. Highly elastic designed for the treatment of varicose veins

Important! Some patients are reluctant to apply an elastic bandage on doctor's orders, fearing that it will harm the skin. Such suspicions are groundless: dressings are made from natural materials, therefore they are absolutely safe.

How to wrap an elastic bandage: general rules

How to properly area and other joints:

  • It is best to bandage limbs in the morning, after a night's sleep. If it becomes necessary to do this during the day, the patient must first lie down with the limb raised by 30 degrees for at least a quarter of an hour. Failure to comply with this rule entails the occurrence of puffiness.
  • When bandaging, you need to move from a narrower place to a wide one. For example, you can go from the ankle area up the leg.
  • The bandage should lie as evenly and neatly as possible. Bandage the ankle without folds, gaps between the layers of fabric and other "blots".
  • Bandaging the limb with an elastic bandage, reduce the tension as you move up. The maximum compression should be in the narrowest area, the minimum - in the widest one.
  • Bandage the joint by twisting the bandage outward. Expand it as close to the skin as possible, this will save you from wrinkles and inaccuracies. Each next turn of the bandage should cover the surface of the previous one by a third.
  • The injured joint should be bandaged over a larger area than the injured area. Rewind an additional 10-15 cm up and down from it.
  • Fix the bandage and be sure to check the correctness of its application. This is indicated by a simple test: the fingertips of the injured limb should turn slightly blue. This blueness immediately disappears as soon as the patient makes a couple of movements with his arm or leg. If it did not arise, or it did not disappear from the movement, the bandage was applied incorrectly, it needs to be redone.

Important! It is necessary to bandage the limb with fixing materials only if the patient makes movements with it. If he is going to be at rest or sleep, the bandage must first be removed.

If within half an hour after or another joint, a person felt numbness in the limb, a clear pulsation is felt under the bandage, the bandage was applied too tight and blocked normal blood circulation. You need to take it off immediately. To normalize the situation, the patient should hold the affected limb in an elevated position for 10-15 minutes.

How to bandage the ankle area correctly?

The application of an elastic bandage to the ankle occurs only after it has been verified that the ankle

the patient is dry and clean and free from serious damage. The optimal position of the patient is lying on his back.

To properly tie a bandage in the ankle area, follow these recommendations:

  • Start bandaging just above the ankle, wrap the limb in a downward circular motion.
  • It is necessary to wind the elastic bandage on the heel (a couple of turns) and on the foot.
  • Move crosswise: from the lower leg to the foot and back.
  • Attach the bandage to the bandaged person in the ankle area.

Avoid common mistakes. Too tight imposition of an elastic bandage will lead to impaired blood and lymph flow. Outwardly, this will manifest itself in the fact that the fingers will become cold and bluish. If you don't manage to bandage your leg tightly enough, the bandage will fall off the lower limb when you move, and your efforts will be in vain.


Video - Applying a bandage on the ankle joint

Elastic bandage care

To properly fix the limb, it is not enough to master the technique. It is important that it be of good quality. To keep the consumer properties of the elastic bandage as long as possible,

  • Do not wash the bandage too often. The optimal frequency is once every five days.
  • Use regular soap to wash before applying. The use of aggressive chemicals is not allowed.
  • Do not squeeze the fabric too hard: this will cause the bandage to lose its elasticity. A couple of moves are enough.
  • Lay the bandage horizontally on a thin natural cloth to dry.
  • In no case do not iron the elastic material with an iron.

Storage of an elastic bandage should be carried out in a specially designated cabinet or package. Direct ultraviolet rays falling on the fabric deprive it of the necessary consumer properties.

Elastic ankle bandage is a recipe for many troubles. It helps to immobilize the limb in case of injuries and inflammatory processes, eliminates the possibility of injury during intense sports training.

To achieve the desired result, follow the recommendations of specialists on how to care for the dressing accessories and how to properly bandage the ankle.

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