Why are there black dots before the eyes. Black dots before eyes. What are these spots, causes and treatment of blurred vision. Black dots before the eyes - the main symptom of destruction

A fairly large number of women complain about the appearance of black dots in the eyes, or, as they are also called, flies in the eyes. The reason for this phenomenon is a destructive change vitreous body.

The human eye is filled with a jelly-like fluid called the vitreous humor. In newly born children, the vitreous body is a homogeneous mass and adheres tightly to the retina. As we grow older and age, the vitreous body is transformed into two components: a liquid and a fibrous substance. A fibrous substance is formed by protein molecules glued to each other. It is the fibrous jelly that begins to flake off the retina.

By itself, this process is not dangerous unless accompanied by additional symptoms, which will be discussed below. As a rule, the appearance of symptoms associated with black dots before the eyes appears after 50 years. Changes in the eyes are age-related, the process is not completely reversible. Dots can appear and disappear without harming women's health.

Now about why a person sees these dots. Inside the eyeball float particles, the so-called decay products, which enter the field of view, passing behind the lens and casting a shadow on the retina. A person sees a reflection from the retina in the form of black flies, and naturally, this begins to bother him.

I must say that people suffering from myopia are prone to the appearance of floating points to a greater extent.

Now about the symptoms that appear during detachment of the vitreous body:

  • floating in the field of view, black dots or cobwebs that move with the movements of the eye.

Danger signs to look out for:

  • a drop in the quality of vision, in combination with black dots
  • black curtain that covers part of the eye
  • a sharp increase in the number of black dots before the eyes

By themselves, black dots are not dangerous, however, it all depends on what they were caused by.
This can be determined by an ophthalmologist at his appointment.

Here are a few dangerous situations, which can also cause flies in the eyes: retinal rupture, inflammation or infection, bleeding, and even head trauma. A common reason is also nervous disorders, frequent migraines and headaches.

The appearance of black dots caused by age-related changes V female body, does not carry dangerous consequences and does not require special operations, but it is important to periodically monitor your vision and follow certain rules.

To get rid of floating dots and threads, drink vitamins that improve material metabolism, as well as vitamin B group will help. Lead healthy lifestyle life, observe the visual mode and try to worry less. Periodically, check your eyesight yourself. Closing one or the other eye, compare whether the vision remains at the same level, or worsens.

Do the following exercise: quickly move your eyes up and down, this will help redistribute the eye fluid so that the dots disappear from the field of view.
And remember, even if you don't watch yourself dangerous symptoms listed above, but black dots still appeared, you need to turn to eye doctor for appropriate advice.

Black dots and stripes before the eyes are common optical effects. The so-called front sights are especially well seen in the sky, snow, a bright screen, and an illuminated homogeneous surface. The reasons for their appearance may be insignificant: overwork, lack of vitamins or abuse bad habits. But blackheads can also be symptoms. serious pathologies organs of vision. If in the first case the flies often pass by themselves, then in the second case the help of a specialist is required.

What are flies

Black dots in front of the eyes are opacities that cast a shadow on the retina. Red blood cells, clots of protein molecules, particles of crystals and pigments can block the path of light. As noted above, these optical effects become most noticeable on a uniformly illuminated surface, such as a clear sky, snow cover, or a computer monitor screen. Since the structure of the vitreous body is jelly-like, dense opacities float following eye movements.

Allocate "points" and "strings". The former are caused by the accumulation of pigments and hyalocyte cells. They may look like dots, rings, circles, spots with inaccurate outlines. Regardless of shape, flies remain relatively stable in size and shape. This is their main difference from temporary optical effects, which are caused by drops blood pressure(for example, with a sharp change in body position), injuries from strong blows or falls.

Black threads before the eyes are the result of accumulations of connective tissue and deposits that take the form of sticks with branches. Like dots, they are stable in size and shape, in contrast to the so-called "sparkles". The latter are caused by the migration of leukocytes and erythrocytes. This is a harmless optical effect that appears when looking at clear sky. Moreover, the white heads in the "sparkles" are leukocytes, and the dark "tails" are erythrocytes.


The vitreous humor is a clear gelatinous mass that fills the eye just behind the lens. It is 99% water, and the remaining 1% is collagen, hyaluronic acid and other substances. Thanks to the “purity”, the vitreous body in the normal state remains completely transparent, and nothing prevents the passage of light to the retina.

Influenced various factors the composition of the mass changes, extraneous opaque substances appear. It could be connective tissue, medications, lymphocytes, erythrocytes, leukocytes and other blood elements that refract light and cast a shadow on the retina. This is how a visual effect appears, which ordinary people call black dots and threads, and doctors call destructive changes in the vitreous body of the eye. Despite the terrible name, a serious drug and surgery rarely required, in most cases you can get rid of flies on your own by eliminating the main factors of their occurrence.

Common Causes

There are many prerequisites that contribute to the appearance of black dots before the eyes. Often the reasons are temporary:

  • Frequent and prolonged eye strain.
  • Emotional turmoil, stress.
  • Physical stress.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Excessive drinking and smoking.
  • High or low pressure.

In this case, the turbidity disappears by itself when the negative prerequisites are eliminated.


There are more serious reasons appearance of black dots before the eyes:

  • Violation of the blood circulation of the brain.
  • Vascular spasms.
  • Consequences of head and eye injuries.
  • Stroke.
  • inflammatory processes.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Hypoxia (prolonged lack of oxygen).
  • liver disease and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Poisoning.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Internal bleeding.

When to See a Doctor

Black dots before the eyes can appear in everyone: young and old, in people with a good and poor eyesight. If in some cases the flies are caused by simple overexertion, then in others they can be a symptom of serious diseases: retinal detachment, uveitis, migraine, mechanical injury. You should consult a doctor if:

  • The number of black flies does not decrease for more than 3-5 days or even increases.
  • Vision deteriorates.
  • Other symptoms appear, including flickering and flashing, bruising, and burst blood vessels.
  • Flies suddenly appeared after an injury.

If these and other pathological visual effects are detected, it is worth contacting a specialist. Timely diagnosis And proper treatment will minimize negative consequences and get by little blood without bringing the state to a critical one, when only surgical intervention.

As noted above, the reasons why black dots fly before the eyes can be associated not only with serious pathological changes or external influence. Sometimes flies appear due to a banal lack of vitamins, the deficiency of which slows down metabolic and regenerative processes. Complex treatment the eye is not performed without prescribing the necessary micro- and macroelements to restore the organs of vision.

For eye health, B vitamins are needed. The organs of vision need them the most. For example, vitamin B1 affects metabolic processes and creates favorable conditions for eye health. Not less than important function vitamin B1 is to accelerate the transmission nerve impulses to the brain. If this process is disturbed for some reason, then visual acuity can be significantly reduced. deficit nutrients from the group under consideration can also lead to dystrophy of the eyeball and contribute to the development of inflammation.

IN without fail must be present in complex preparations designed to maintain eye health. It provides nutrition to the cornea and lens, takes part in regenerative processes. Also this vitamin helps the eye to clear itself of decay products and promotes faster tissue oxygenation. With its deficiency, a person begins to see much worse at night. A burning sensation is created in the eyes, they can often turn red.

Vitamin B6 reduces intensity inflammatory processes in cells. He also helps eye muscles relax after long and hard work. Vitamin B12 is equally important for visual acuity. Manifestations of its deficiency can be noticed even without special diagnostics. With an insufficient amount of vitamin B12, the cornea becomes dull, the vessels clearly appear on it. There is a risk of developing anemia and dystrophy of the eye.

For visual acuity great importance has not only group B. So, vitamin A helps prevent the development dystrophic processes. Preparations, which include it, can be of help in the fight against cataracts and glaucoma. Vitamin C protects cells from free radicals. It increases the tone of the capillaries, thereby providing blood flow to the retina. Vitamin E protects the eyes from harmful UV rays. It also takes part in the regeneration of damaged tissues. Vitamin D helps relieve inflammation. Its no less important function is the assimilation of useful macro- and microelements. indispensable for patients who have been diagnosed with increased intraocular pressure. It promotes the outflow of excess fluid, thereby relieving stress.

Useful material

It is important to receive micro and macro elements in balanced proportions, which allows vitamin and mineral complexes. The latter also include additional substances that are beneficial to the health of the retina and eyes in general. These include:

  • Zinc is a natural antioxidant, as well as an auxiliary substance that takes an active part in the absorption of vitamin A.
  • Lutein is the main pigment of the so-called yellow spot(the main part of the retina), which provides protection from ultraviolet rays and too bright light.
  • Blueberries - perhaps the most useful berry for vision, improves blood circulation and cell regeneration, reduces eye fatigue.
  • Bioflavonoids. Strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, improve blood circulation.

Exercise for the eyes

Often black dots fly before the eyes due to overexertion. In this case, get rid of annoying symptoms exercise will help. Simple exercises relax muscles, improve blood flow, distribute fluid in the vitreous body, remove the feeling of dryness.

Gymnastics for the eyes can be performed in any comfortable position: sitting, standing, lying down. The set of exercises includes:

  • Deliberately frequent blinking.
  • Smooth eye movements left and right, up and down.
  • Strong squinting.
  • Circular movements.
  • Moderate pressure on the eyes with fingers in the corners and over the entire surface.
  • Change of focus with alternating concentration on near and far objects.

Gymnastics should be performed smoothly without sudden movements. It is recommended to do at least 5 repetitions of each exercise and blink as often as possible, because this physiological process relaxes muscles, relieves their fatigue, lubricates the surface of the eyeball. Exercises should be performed after prolonged reading, staying at a computer, or work that requires concentration of vision.

Medical treatment

If the cloudiness is caused by dead cells, then even a small black dot in front of the eye cannot pass by itself. It is almost impossible to completely clear the eyes of them. If there are few black dots, then treatment is not required. In this case, the brain adapts to clouding, and the person simply does not notice them. But when there are quite a lot of flies, in addition to vitamins, lifestyle correction and physical education, medications are required.

Often, with complaints of black dots before the eyes, patients are prescribed vitamin drops. The doctor may prescribe drugs such as Taufon and Quinax. IN this case potassium iodide is also effective. When acceleration of regenerative processes is required, drops "Emoxipin" and "Wobenzym" are used. Additionally, biostimulants, electrophoresis, paraffin applications and other procedures.

Surgical method

When conventional techniques do not bring the desired results, and the patient is very disturbed by black dots before the eyes, the treatment may consist of vitrectomy. This is a surgical procedure in which doctors remove the vitreous body. In the future, it is completely replaced by an artificial environment. It's about oh very dangerous operation, which, under unfavorable circumstances, can result in retinal detachment. In this case, with the help of a vitreotome (cutting instrument) and an endo-illuminator, the vitreous body is replaced with artificial materials. For this, a polymer, silicone oil, saline solution. Natural physiological composition intraocular fluid is restored a few days after surgery. The result is a clear vision.

Laser correction

Vitreolysis - alternative operation. It is carried out using a laser and consists in “breaking” the threads. As a result, the clusters of dots disappear. The safety and high efficiency of the operation was confirmed by leading American ophthalmologists and surgeons Brendan Moriarty and Scott Geller. However, since the manipulation itself is complex, it can only be performed by experienced professionals.

essence laser surgery consists in the action of the beam on a "floating" object. During the procedure, black dots turn into tiny particles. In the future, they do not interfere with vision at all. The difficulty lies in precisely directing laser ray floating opacities in the vitreous body of the eye can be extremely difficult. No less important is that this operation does not require hospitalization of the patient. A few hours later, if everything went well, he can go home.


Black dots and sticks are in most cases a harmless optical effect that goes away by itself with good eye hygiene, a healthy lifestyle and correct mode recreation. However, it is worth asking for help if there are a lot of flies, they do not disappear for a long time or are accompanied by extraneous unpleasant symptoms.

Surely, from time to time you notice black dots in front of your eyes, resembling flies, strings or cobwebs. And when you shift your gaze, they do not disappear, but swim across, invariably appearing in the field of view. As a rule, black dots before the eyes do not cause much discomfort and do not pose a danger, but in some cases they can be symptoms of serious eye diseases. To begin with, it is worth considering why black dots appear before the eyes.

Reasons for the appearance

The appearance of floating black dots before the eyes is caused by a phenomenon called vitreous clouding.

The eye is designed in such a way that the space between the lens and the retina is filled with a transparent, gel-like substance - this is the vitreous body. Dead cells and decay products collect in it and eventually form dotted, opaque areas. The black dots in front of the eyes that we see are actually the shadow of such areas on the lens.

There can be several reasons for such destructive changes.

  1. Age changes.
  2. Vascular diseases.
  3. Metabolic disorders.
  4. Eye or head injury.
  5. Infectious diseases.

In most cases, the appearance of black dots before the eyes is not a threatening sign, but in some cases it is worth starting to worry and consult a doctor urgently. So, when not a single black dot flies before the eye, but a large number of dots or threads suddenly appear, this may indicate intraocular bleeding. If this symptom accompanied by clouding of the field of vision and sudden flashes of light - then we can talk about retinal detachment. In such cases, immediate medical attention may be the only chance to save vision.

In addition, black dots before the eyes can be a temporary phenomenon caused by overwork or sudden jumps in blood pressure. But in this case the black dots are not separate disease, but only concomitant symptom, which is easily eliminated along with the cause of its appearance. Enough good rest if the reason is overwork, or taking the right drugs if the appearance of dots is the result of increased pressure.

Black dots before eyes - treatment

In the case when floating black dots before the eyes are caused by clouding of the vitreous body, and are not a sign of a more serious disease, special treatment this problem does not require. Laser and surgical methods treatment is not applied in such cases, because possible consequences operations are much more serious than the slight discomfort that these points can cause in front of the eyes. In addition, many eventually cease to pay attention to them, and some of the points may simply drop and disappear from view. But, nevertheless, with the appearance of black dots before the eyes, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist to exclude risk of retinal dystrophy or detachment.

Usually, vitamin and iodine-containing supplements are used to treat this phenomenon. eye drops, B vitamins, drugs to improve metabolism. In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to the visual mode, try to reduce eye strain, engage in visual gymnastics and at least once a year to carry out an eye examination. But these measures are more preventive, and are aimed at preventing the disease from developing. It will not be possible to finally solve the problem here.

If the appearance of black dots is caused by other factors (hemorrhage, etc.), it may be necessary laser correction or surgery, up to vitreous replacement.

Black dots appear before the eyes at least once in a lifetime in 80% of the country's population. This phenomenon is often referred to as "flying flies" before the eyes. In any case, this condition frightens and alarms a person. Is this phenomenon dangerous? Let's figure it out.

Causes of the appearance of flickering "flies" before the eyes

Black dots are a very common pathology in which a flickering of "flies" occurs in a person's field of vision, especially noticeable against a light background. When blinking, it seems that the dots also move. Many people are very afraid of this condition, especially if it arose for the first time.

In order to understand what causes the appearance of flickering dots before the eyes, it is necessary to know the structure of the eye as a whole. The space between the lens and the retina is filled with a gel-like substance. This substance is called the vitreous body.

With age and due to the influence of certain factors on the body, the vitreous body is divided into liquid and protein fibers. Protein fibers are, in fact, dead molecules. It is these dead molecules that a person sees before whose eyes black dots appear. Of course, a person does not see the molecules themselves, but the shadow from their reflection on the lens of the eye.

Dots before the eyes may appear with age or as a result of injury.

The process of the appearance of “flies” or the flashing of points before the eyes in medicine is called vitreous detachment. When such symptoms appear, a person needs to see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

In addition to the aging of the body, the cause of the appearance of moving points in front of the eyes can be serious illness organism or directly to the organ of vision. If there are a lot of "flies", then this may indicate the presence blood clots in the eye, and this complication is caused by retinal detachment.

Moving dots in front of the eyes may appear as a result of an eye injury, for example, after hard hit or intense friction. In such cases, "flies" can disturb a person constantly, and can only occasionally appear for several months.

Sometimes black dots before the eyes can appear in people suffering from myopia. As a rule, this symptom goes away on its own and does not require special treatment. In the case when a person sees a large number of flashing dots, then one should not postpone a visit to an ophthalmologist, because this phenomenon may indicate hemorrhages in the vitreous body, and this threatens subsequent retinal detachment.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

As a rule, the appearance of moving "flies" in front of the eyes does not pose a particular threat to human health. You need to see a doctor if these symptoms bother you often. You can not postpone a visit to the ophthalmologist in such cases:

    Black dots appear before the eyes often and suddenly, and gradually their number increases.

    These phenomena cause inconvenience and discomfort to a person.

    The age of a person is over 55 years old and the appearance of black dots is becoming more frequent.

    Recently, an eye or head injury was received, after which black dots appeared before the eyes.

    Human myopia and an increase in the number of "flies".

How to get rid of flickering "flies" before the eyes

Flashing dots can disappear on their own, without treatment and medical interventions, but this does not mean that a person may not contact an ophthalmologist. As a rule, the disappearance of "flies" indicates that the opacities simply left the visible zone, but remained in the vitreous body.

With black dots constantly disturbing a person in front of the eyes, the number of which increases each time, the doctor conducts a detailed examination and prescribes treatment. Good results seen with laser therapy. The laser beam breaks the "flies" into tiny particles, the shadow of which is not reflected in any way on the lens and does not interfere visual function patient. Sometimes a patient is assigned a full or partial removal vitreous body surgically. However, to carry out such an operation, there must be strong evidence.

Approximately 80% of the world's population at least once in their lives began to flash the so-called black flies or dots before their eyes. At this moment, they not only prevent you from seeing normally everything that surrounds a person, but also cause concern about your health. Black dots before the eyes - what are they and what are they harbingers of?

The structure of the eye

To begin with, in order to fully understand what kind of black dots these are, you should delve a little into human physiology and understand how our eye is arranged and works. Its shape resembles a ball, because the organ of vision is often called eyeball. If we talk about its structure, without going into details, then The eye has three layers - the retina choroid and outdoor. In front of the apple outside is the cornea - it is through it that the rays of light can enter inner part eyes and through this process a person is able to see. All the rest outer shell represented by the sclera, which is not endowed with transparency and is more like a boiled egg in color.

The choroid is responsible for supplying blood to the eye. One of its parts is the iris, the one that gives color to the eye due to the pigment it contains. In the center of it is the pupil, which reacts to changes in the level of illumination by increasing and decreasing in size. Also inside the eye is the lens, the role of which is to refract the light entering the eye.

The retina has several layers. Thanks to her and nerve cells one can see fully. On it, like a photograph, visible objects are displayed. The picture is then sent to optic nerve V human brain which deals with the processing of incoming information.

Inside the eye there is also a vitreous body. In structure, it resembles a gel and separates the lens and retina. It is 99% water and 1% is protein substance, consisting of collagen, as well as hyaluronic acid and various other components. Both collagen and hyaluronic acid are the most important substances that make up the visual organ. The first creates the frame of the vitreous body, the second helps it to reach the gel structure.

What are black dots

So, where do black dots come from in the eyes? Why do they suddenly begin to flicker before your eyes? It turns out that in the process of aging of the body, the substance, which is the same vitreous body, gradually begins to delaminate - separate water and protein (collagen) fibers appear. The latter are obsolete elements of tissues. That's just them and a person involuntarily notices when he looks at something light in sufficiently bright light. These points will also move when you move your gaze, and while fixing your gaze, they continue to move.

On a note! A person does not see the protein fibers themselves, but only their shadow cast on the lens.

Thus, black flies are a sign of the ongoing process of stratification of the vitreous body, and physicians call it "destruction of the vitreous body." The flickering of black dots can also be a signal of the development of a disease. But by themselves they may not interfere with one person's life, but for another they will be strong annoying factor. Only in severe cases these flies will significantly interfere with vision.

Attention! At in large numbers before the eyes, a visit to the ophthalmologist should occur as early as possible. It may no longer be protein fibers, but blood clots - main feature retinal detachment and loss of vision.

Reason for the appearance

Black flies can appear as a result of aging of the body or in connection with a number of pathologies. The main reasons for their occurrence are shown in the table below.

Table. The main reasons for the appearance of flies.


This is the most common and natural cause the appearance of flies before the eyes. They are usually celebrated by people over the age of 60. After 80 they are not noticed because of the developed habit. This natural process, no need to worry. But if the flies are very disturbing, then it is best to go to an appointment with an ophthalmologist, since the flies can be clear sign retinal detachments.

The appearance of flies can be a sign of development vascular diseases or pressure problems. In this case, urgent treatment is needed. If blood pressure is lowered or increased, then the process of stratification of the vitreous body goes more active, since the vessels are not sufficiently filled with blood. Sometimes the formation of black dots signals an internal hemorrhage - sometimes this is the only sign.

Black dots are well known to diet lovers. The lack of nutrients and vitamins negatively affects the entire state of the body, including the eyes.

Sometimes the destruction of the vitreous body is a sign of developing osteochondrosis cervical spine. Dots appear due to a violation of pressure in the vessels that feed the brain.

Black flies can appear due to a blow or injury to the head. In this case, it is imperative to go to the ophthalmologist, because due to trauma, retinal detachment can easily occur, and this is fraught with loss of vision.

Any infection can adversely affect the health of the organs of vision. In this case, it is important to immediately go to the hospital for qualified assistance.

If it enters the body toxic substances that have a negative effect on nervous system, then the eyes immediately react to it.

Sometimes the destruction of the vitreous body is observed in pregnant women. This is a serious signal about the development of eclampsia, which is dangerous for both mother and baby.

On a note! Black dots can be seen periodically and people suffering. However, in this case, you don't have to worry too much if dark spots do not interfere with life. Otherwise, you need to urgently contact an ophthalmologist.

Sometimes flies are a symptom various pathologies, and sometimes appear as concomitant syndrome for a number of diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • anemia;
  • hypertension;
  • uveitis;
  • migraine.

It is worth remembering that the appearance of black dots does not always signal the beginning of the development of destruction of the vitreous part of the eye. Sometimes they arise even from taking a series medicines or due to mechanical action on the eyeball.

Attention! Often flies appear due to the banal lack of rest or severe sleep deprivation. It is important to alternate work with rest and breaks, during which you should be as distracted and relaxed as possible.


Treatment for vitreous destruction may include:

  • lifestyle change in better side And general health improvement organism;
  • the use of medicines;
  • vitreolysis (laser treatment);
  • vitrectomy (removal by an operable way of the vitreous body).

To get rid of is usually enough drug treatment or just relaxing, depending on the situation. Operations are extremely rare. Although sometimes it may be necessary to remove the vitreous body. In any case, the ophthalmologist will decide on the appointment of the required treatment.

If points appear due to fatigue, you need to take a vacation and drink vitamin complexes. It will not be superfluous to rid yourself of stress, strengthen immunity.

If the flies appeared for other reasons, then it may be necessary long-term treatment. It should be prescribed only by a doctor - you should not self-medicate. To prevent the occurrence of this syndrome, it is better to take regular preventive examinations and check the condition of every part of the body.

Advice! You can check the condition of the eyes yourself. It is enough to put a palm to one eye, and with the other, open, carefully look at any object located at some distance from the person. It is important to pay attention to how clearly it is visible, whether you have to strain to see it, whether black dots appear in this case. The second eye is tested in the same way.

You should not be afraid of an examination by an ophthalmologist - the doctor will examine the fundus of the eye, conduct tests. All examinations are painless. The doctor may prescribe eye drops, vitamins, preparations containing iodine. Sometimes physiotherapy is also prescribed. It is worth remembering that the sooner treatment is started, the faster it will be possible to get rid of black flies.

Attention! In the event of such a symptom, the eyes will need to be protected. Otherwise, the disease will begin to progress.

How to get rid of dots in the eyes?

Step 1. Flies sometimes disappear if you look from one object to another. It is enough to move your eyes left-right or up-down.

Step 2 If the flies appear frequently and this is not associated with fatigue, then you need to go to an appointment with an ophthalmologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Step 3 You will need to provide yourself with the necessary rest and, if possible, not pay attention to the flies - their appearance is absolutely normal in moderation.

Step 4 At home, you can start taking vitamins and nutritional supplements. But they must be prescribed by a doctor.

Step 5 If the ophthalmologist prescribed drops, then it is important to complete the entire course of treatment with them.

Step 6 You need to learn how to deal with stress and relax.

Step 7 If all else fails, the doctor will prescribe an operation on the eyes.

Video - Flies in the eyes

To avoid the appearance of black dots, it is important to follow preventive measures. This is a regular check-up with a doctor, a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and attention to your health. And then the probability of occurrence of this syndrome will be extremely small.

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