Everything you wanted to know about breast augmentation. Breast augmentation: everything you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask Breast augmentation surgery is dangerous

A number of myths have formed around plastic surgery, which are often difficult to distinguish from reality. Most often, these myths are associated with possible complications after surgery. Is breast plastic surgery dangerous? Consider the main risks of breast plastic surgery and find out where is the truth and where is the lie.

1. Difficulty detecting breast cancer

The most persistent myths are related to breast implants and breast cancer. Almost all of them have no basis. Science says the following:

  • The implant cannot affect the detection of cancer on mammograms.
  • It cannot hide suspicious areas of tissue in the breast, making it difficult to evaluate the results of the study.
  • The implant also cannot interfere with the mammography procedure itself.
  • When squeezing the breast during the study, it is impossible to rupture the implant.

But all women with breast implants should alert X-ray technologists and physicians before starting research about implants. The X-ray technician may use special devices to reduce the possibility of implant deformation during the examination and to achieve the best visibility of the breast tissue. Using a special technique to obtain optimal x-rays in women with breast implants results in them receiving a slightly higher dose of x-rays compared to the standard procedure. However, the benefit of having a mammogram to detect cancer outweighs the risk of additional x-ray exposure.

As for the incidence of the disease, there is currently no scientific evidence that women with implants are more prone to cancer than all other women.

2. Capsular contracture

The scar tissue or capsule that normally forms around the implant cannot condense and compress the implant. If this occurs, the condition is called capsular contracture. As a result of the development of contracture, a change in the shape of the breast, its compaction or soreness is noted. There is no reliable data on how often this happens. If the condition worsens, additional surgery may be required to correct or remove the implant. In our opinion, the cause of capsular contracture is discrepancy between the volume of the formed cavity (pocket) and the volume of the implant (the pocket should always be somewhat larger). Thus, this complication can be avoided at the stage of the operation.

3. Calcium deposits in the tissues around the implant

By itself, this condition is not dangerous. When calcium is deposited in tissues, it becomes visible on a mammogram. These deposits must be identified and differentiated from other calcium deposits that are a common symptom of breast cancer. Sometimes, in order to understand whether it is cancer or not, it is necessary to surgically remove a small piece of tissue. Often this manipulation does not require the removal of the implant.

4. Additional surgical interventions

Women should clearly understand that after surgery, there is a possibility that they may need additional surgery in connection with the replacement or removal of the implant after breast augmentation. Also, in situations associated with rupture or displacement of the implant, capsular contracture, infection or calcium deposits, it may be necessary to remove the implant. Discuss the risk of additional surgery with your doctor.

5. Infection after breast augmentation

Infection can accompany any surgical intervention. The frequency of infection in patients undergoing breast surgery is unknown, the patient may ask her doctor about his personal experience. Most infectious complications occur within a few days or weeks after breast augmentation. However, the development of infection is possible at any time after plastic surgery. An infectious process that develops in the presence of a foreign body in the tissue (which is an implant) is less treatable. If the infection cannot be treated with antibiotics, the implant must be removed. Once the infection has cleared up, a new implant may be placed.

6. Hematoma

A hematoma is an accumulation of blood within body tissues (in this case, around an implant or incision). As a result of this, cyanosis, swelling, and soreness may be noted. The possibility of a hematoma after breast augmentation is not predictable, the patient may ask her doctor about his personal experience. A hematoma may appear soon after surgery. (It can also occur some time after a chest injury.) Small hematomas resolve on their own, large ones may require surgery to create an outflow of blood. Such manipulations in most women do not lead to the formation of more significant cicatricial changes.

7. Delayed wound healing

In rare cases, the implant can overstretch the skin, cutting off the blood supply to the wound edges. This leads to protrusion of the implant. This complication usually requires additional surgical correction.

8. Change in nipple and breast sensitivity

After breast augmentation, the sensitivity of the nipple and breast may increase or decrease. The change in sensitivity may be temporary or permanent.

9. Implant displacement

Sometimes the implant can move out of its original place and look unnatural. This may be a temporary phenomenon associated with muscle contraction when it is placed under the muscles. The implant may contour as a result of its protrusion under a thin layer of skin and breast. Surgery is needed to correct these shortcomings. When displaced, the implant can be felt through the skin. The location of the implant under the muscle makes it possible to minimize the occurrence of this problem. Other problems may be related to incorrect size, wrinkling of the implant, visible scarring.

10. Unknown Risk

There are a number of unanswered questions. For example, can implants cause symptoms of autoimmune diseases such as lupus, scleroderma and rheumatoid arthritis? Can they cause neurological symptoms similar to those of multiple sclerosis in some women?

According to scientific studies, women with breast implants do not have an increased risk of developing autoimmune or connective tissue diseases.

According to the experience of Dr. Aliev T.R., based on more than 2000 patients who underwent breast augmentation with modern silicone implants in our clinic, for 20 years of observation, none of the above diseases manifested itself.

11. Breastfeeding and children

The question of the possible impact of implants on breastfed children is discussed. Some women have complained about the health of their breastfed babies after breast augmentation. Very limited research has been done on this issue. There is currently no scientific evidence that this is indeed the case. There is no evidence that lactating women who have breast augmentation and their children have more health problems than others.

Before breast augmentation surgery, the surgeon must not only explain to the patient the risks of surgery, but also make sure that her expectations regarding the aesthetic result are reasonable. Then the doctor takes linear measurements to determine the initial size of the breast.

The modern technology of preoperative 3D modeling allows more accurate measurement of breast volume, determining the location of the gland, assessing the projection and symmetry of the breast. With the help of laser beams, the breast is divided into several areas, the parameters of which are then used to create a three-dimensional image, which allows modeling the future breast, taking into account the implantation of prostheses of various sizes and configurations.

3D modeling also helps to predict in advance the position that the implants will take after installation. Numerous studies, for example, have shown that the volume of breasts achieved with high projection implants is 20-23% lower than advertised. Given these data, 3D modeling systems allow you to individually select the shape and size of the breast. In addition, thanks to such images, patients know in advance what their breasts will look like after surgery.

During the operation

To place the implant in the breast and straighten it, the surgeon must make an incision, and in a place where the future scar will be the least noticeable. The size of the incision depends on the type of implant and its location. For example, in the USA, the most popular is the submammary approach, the scar from which is hidden in the crease under the breast.

Many surgeons prefer submammary or periareolar approaches when installing implants. However, in the first case, there is a possibility that the breast will not be large enough to hide the scar underneath. In addition, according to the results of one study, patients with implants placed through an incision under the breast are more likely than others to undergo a second operation to correct asymmetry, ptosis or replace prostheses. The periareolar insertion method also has its drawbacks, such as the likelihood of a visible scar, a higher risk of capsular contracture, and reduced nipple sensitivity. A limitation for the use of this method may be that the areola is too small for implant placement.

Patients, on the other hand, often ask surgeons to install implants through the axillary approach, that is, through the armpit, since in this case the scar is less noticeable. However, despite its attractiveness from an aesthetic point of view, this method of placement does not always allow for accurate placement of implants, and threatens with an increased risk of capsular contracture and damage to surrounding tissues.

To minimize the length of the incision and facilitate the placement of implants, the Keller funnel™ sleeve for non-contact placement of breast prostheses has been developed.

Breast implants are usually placed under the pectoral muscle or breast. When implants are placed under the muscle, the risk of capsular contracture is reduced, but patients with significant breast ptosis are more likely to form the so-called “double bubble” effect, or double fold. In addition, due to the natural process of contraction of the pectoral muscle, implant displacement may occur. All these effects are excluded when installing an implant under the mammary gland. But with a deficiency of the patient's own tissues, the prosthesis placed under the gland is highly likely to be easily palpable or even visible visually. In addition, the stability of the position of the implant with this method of placement leaves much to be desired: it can rotate or fall below the crease under the breast. Placement of the implant under the fascia of the pectoral muscle reduces the risk of deformities, displacement, contouring and the formation of visible waves on the surface of the breast. But this approach requires considerable skill of the surgeon.

Also, some surgeons practice a combined implant installation method, in which the upper part of the prosthesis is placed under the pectoral muscle, and the lower part is placed under the gland. Among the advantages of this approach are the low risk of capsular contracture, the non-palpability of the implant, and a more natural breast shape. Some experts believe that the combined approach increases the likelihood of implant deformity and visible retraction of the pectoral muscle. However, this way of placing breast implants is becoming more and more popular.


  • Seromas and hematomas
    Accumulations of blood and serous fluid are common complications after surgical interventions involving the formation of a cavity. Both seromas and hematomas can lead to swelling and tenderness. Hematomas form in 0.9-3% of cases, and their formation does not depend on the age of the patient, the type of implant or the surgical approach used. Seromas resolve spontaneously in most cases, but sometimes ultrasound-guided drainage is required.
  • infections
    Breast augmentation through the armpit carries the highest risk of infection. This is due to the many manipulations required to install the implant. In addition to soreness and implant rejection, even moderate infection can cause capsular contracture. With regard to the use of systemic antibiotics, the results of various studies and reports on the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy before surgery are very controversial. Therefore, there is no unequivocal opinion regarding the significance of antibiotic therapy for the safety of breast augmentation.

  • Capsular contracture
    This is a contraction of the fibrous membrane around the implant, which leads to painful, palpable and visible deformity of the breast. Capsular contracture is one of the most common complications after breast augmentation with implants. There are several ways to prevent the formation of capsular contracture, including irrigating the surgical pocket with an antibiotic solution and placing an implant under the pectoral muscle. To eliminate capsular contracture, various methods are also used: removal of the implant, capsulotomy, stretching of the capsule, reconstructive surgery using a cell-free dermal matrix. Non-surgical ways to reduce the manifestations of capsular contracture - capsule massage, ultrasound and shock wave therapy - are not effective in all cases.
  • Systemic diseases
    As you know, in the United States in the period from 1992 to 2006 there was a moratorium on the use of silicone breast implants, which was caused by the suspicion of the latter in an increased risk of developing systemic diseases. In the course of multiple studies, scientists have not been able to establish a relationship between the installation of silicone implants and the occurrence of symptoms of systemic diseases. Specialists have identified pro-inflammatory proteins that, when attached to the surface of a silicone implant, stimulate the formation of capsular fibrosis, and can also cause autoimmune diseases in patients with a predisposition to them. However, the exact relationship between such pro-inflammatory proteins and systemic diseases has not yet been established.
  • Loss of nipple sensation
    Decrease in sensitivity or soreness of the nipple and areola are common consequences of breast augmentation. According to experts, the site of the surgical incision is a key risk factor for the formation of paresthesia of the nipple-areolar complex, the likelihood of which increases threefold when the implant is placed through an incision in the areola. Despite this, this method remains the most popular among patients.
  • Lactation
    Many women who decide to have breast augmentation surgery are worried about how the implants will affect their ability to breastfeed in the future. Possible surgical procedures to eliminate complications such as infection or capsular contracture carry additional risks of damage to the breast. However, despite the fact that an experienced surgeon is able to minimize all possible complications after breast augmentation, the placement of implants increases the likelihood of hypolactation by 10%. As for the safety of breast milk, implants do not affect its quality in any way.

Patient satisfaction

Numerous studies have found that, on average, 99% of patients 1 month after breast augmentation surgery experience extreme satisfaction with its results. After 6 years, this figure is 95%. The level of satisfaction of patients includes an assessment of their own attractiveness, psychological state and sexual life.

But despite these high patient satisfaction rates, numerous studies have shown that the suicide rate among women who have undergone breast augmentation is almost three times higher than among women with natural breasts. The risks are especially high in the age group over 40 immediately after surgery or after a long time after it. Among the probable reasons for this relationship, experts name the presence of significant psychological problems before the operation, unreasonable expectations from its results and psychological difficulties in the event of postoperative complications.

It has long been known that men like a lush female bust. What woman does not dream of being attractive to the stronger sex. When the parameters do not match, and other methods have been tried, silicone breasts help to get closer to the ideal. Correction of the shape and enlargement of the mammary glands with the help of prostheses is a popular plastic surgery today. It is not easy to take such a step. To avoid dangerous results, you need to study the issue thoroughly.

Possible contraindications

First of all, you need to know that there are contraindications to artificial breasts.. There are not many of them:

  1. Malignant tumors.
  2. Individual intolerance to polymer products.
  3. Prostration.
  4. Inflammatory processes and other pathologies of the mammary gland.

So, if everything is in order with your health, you can discuss further issues.

What are dentures filled with?

The implant looks like a transparent rounded bag, it is made of silicone. This polymeric substance is also poured into the medical device in a jelly-like state. There is another version of the content - a physical solution. These modifications have both advantages and disadvantages. The minus of salty liquid is gurgling when moving. Advantages in affordable price and safety: if it gets into the tissues, there will be no harm.

The advantage of a jelly-like substance is that the gel does not spread when the shell breaks. Strong models are now produced, the surface is damaged in rare cases. There is also a negative side to this. When the silicone leaks out, the breast needs to be operated on again.

Experts advise not to save and choose high-quality products, the shelf life of which is unlimited.

What forms of implants are best

Previously, only round samples were produced. Their purpose is to give the bust a voluminous raised look.

Now they produce other models that look like a drop. These types are more expensive, but almost do not betray their presence, since the mammary glands remain smooth and natural. The disadvantages of anatomical options include a probable displacement.

Regardless of the configuration of the medical device, it can be understood that the surgeon has worked on the body. The signs are:

If the patient is concerned about how the silicone breast looks, natural or unnatural, then it is better to put drop-shaped endoprostheses.

Installation methods

Mammoplasty is performed in different variations. Surgeons determine the optimal place for the incision based on the characteristics of a particular patient:

Do not be afraid of scars, the level of modern medicine allows you to operate so that the scars are not noticeable. It is worse if health problems begin after the intervention.

Is silicone implant safe?

Manipulation with a scalpel is always a risk of worsening the condition. No doctor guarantees a favorable outcome, since complications are likely:

All operations that are repeated are more expensive. When explantation is done, the skin needs to be tightened, after which large scars remain on the chest. There are negative aspects of mammoplasty - which surgeons are silent about.

What are the consequences

In the 1980s, the famous American implant manufacturer paid for multimillion-dollar lawsuits from women who had mammoplasty. The victims had serious health problems due to the fact that the shells of the prostheses leaked silicone. The substance spread over the tissues, causing deformation, swelling, pain, and severe diseases of the mammary glands.

The public was alarmed, doctors said that neurological consequences and malignant tumors appeared due to implants. Then in the 90s in the states such operations were banned for almost a decade.

In 1999, several independent American scientists gave presentations and confirmed that silicone does not cause cancer. The researchers noted that the condition of the operated patients worsens as a result of:

  • postoperative complications;
  • intolerance to a polymeric substance;
  • in case of violation of the technology of production and installation of a silicone product.

However, in 2012, Ukrainian scientists published a study on the negative impact of polymers used in medicine. The facts confirm that over time, due to silicone prostheses, toxic microparticles are formed, which is why the body is poisoned gradually. This is fraught with damage to the lungs, immune, nervous system, as well as the liver, skin, and the appearance of allergies.

Many years of experience of the Russian scientist Anatoly Borisovich Shekhter proved that implants with a smooth surface cause chronic inflammation in the body, as the gel comes out through the shell. Therefore, textured products are safer.

The polymer can break imperceptibly, while the spreading of the liquid is not felt. Therefore, experienced surgeons advise clients to undergo an MRI every three years.

Warranty period of medical products

According to surgeons, the shell of a modern endoprosthesis is very durable. In addition, there are harmless fillers. Therefore, women can live in peace, silicone breasts in old age will not cause inconvenience.

The manufacturer of quality products promises a lifetime service life. It is recommended to check for a certificate.

Pregnancy and feeding

Most women go for surgery after having children. Partly because, having made plastic surgery, it is supposedly impossible to feed the baby. Many are confused by the possible problems of silicone breasts after childbirth.

Practicing surgeons answer that prosthetics do not interfere with giving birth. The only condition is that the incision must pass under the mammary gland.

Silicone does not pass into milk because it does not dissolve in liquid. Therefore, implants are not dangerous for a newborn. In addition, certain drugs that are prescribed for colic in infants contain this substance. Implantation does not harm women in position.

There is a chance that the skin will sag at the end of feeding, as the bust initially increases in size. In such cases, new forms require special care: Moisturize your skin frequently and wear supportive underwear. In addition, a change in the size of the glands leads to a loss of the shape given by the prosthesis, or its displacement. It is often necessary to resort to a tightening after weaning the baby.

Any breast implants placed in the patient's chest is a risk. And it doesn't matter what they are filled with, silicone, titanium, or saline. Because there is a possibility of infection in the breast tissue, there is a risk of hematoma formation, that is, accumulation of blood or lymph around the breast implant, as well as the risk of contracture, in the event of which one or even both implants will have to be removed.

Any plastic surgery for breast augmentation, using any implants, can impair a woman's ability to breastfeed. Women who have implants for breast augmentation do not always lose the ability to lactate, but it happens. True, if you believe the statistics of Moscow medical centers, such women make up only 5% of the total number of plastic surgeries performed, then it is worth considering that not a single plastic surgeon will give you a guarantee that you will not fall into this number.

In addition, sooner or later implants fail, and it becomes necessary to replace them. Yes, modern bioimplants have a lifetime warranty, but most implants installed before 2000 have an average service life of 7-12 years, after which they must be removed and replaced. As you understand, the patient, not the clinic, will have to pay for this.

The most common risk is capsular contracture, when a woman's body reacts to the implant as if it were a foreign virus and when the breast hardens, the implant shrinks and pain occurs. There is only one treatment - removal of the implant and its replacement. The only comforting thing that can be noted here is that the clinic and the surgeon who made a mistake when installing the implant pays for everything.

Good news. Implants do not really provoke breast cancer, but they can cause connective tissue diseases and develop rheumatism. This is especially true for large and heavy implants designed to increase the breast by two sizes or more. It is worth noting that the more plastic corrections a patient undergoes, the more this risk increases.

Breast implants that have spent half a year in the chest are implanted in the breast tissue and overgrown with muscle and glandular tissue so that they are differentiated by the body, like a related body. This is good, because it is impossible to determine the plastic surgery of the breast not by touch, nor by sight. But this is bad if you suspect a tumor. And a cancerous tumor. Not associated with breast augmentation surgery, because we already wrote that the risk of cancer after mammoplasty is minimal. But it will be very difficult to determine cancer, because neither mammography nor ECG can penetrate the implant and diagnose the presence or absence of a tumor with 100% accuracy.

Finally, the last disadvantage. Breast augmentation surgery is not reversible. One has only to make mammoplasty and increase the breast even by one size, as there will be no way back. Breast tissues are easily stretchable, which means that if the implants are removed, they will never return to their previous performance. That is why qualified specialists in plastic surgery clinics will never perform breast augmentation on underage girls, because their mammary gland has not yet fully formed. And mammoplasty is irreversible. It is impossible to increase the chest of a teenager and thereby increase his self-esteem. After all, the attractiveness of a woman is made up not only of the external outlines of the chest and hips, but also from the feeling of confidence in her beauty that the girl feels inside.

Mammoplasty - only for adult women! After all, if unsuccessfully trimmed hair can be grown back, ugly extended nails can be cut off, and after two or three months everything will return to the previous one, then the enlarged breast cannot be reduced back. The size will return, but along with it, after the removal of the implants, sagging of the breast tissue will occur, or, as doctors say, ptosis. And this will be an indication for the next plastic surgery for a breast lift ...

Breast augmentation with implants is one of the most common aesthetic surgeries for women. Breast implants have always been and remain a subject of debate. However, they are in demand and turn women into satisfied patients. Many argue that implants can cause breast cancer and other diseases and interfere with normal breastfeeding. Modern implants have undergone many studies and tests, where it has been proven that they are absolutely safe for the female body. Myths about the adverse effects of implants on the human body were created from the fears that arise in women from the mere thought of breast augmentation. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the mass of exciting questions.

Can implants provoke the development of cancer?

It is absolutely unambiguous to answer, and it has long been scientifically proven that implants do not cause and do not provoke any oncological diseases. Silicone is an absolutely inert material that is used not only in plastic surgery, but also in many other medical fields, for example, for the manufacture of vascular prostheses. The duration of observations of medical devices containing silicone has been more than 50 years. And this experience allows us to say for sure that implants do not cause cancer. Implants are approved and are currently used both for delayed reconstruction of the mammary glands after oncological diseases, and even immediately after tumor removal. Moreover, the degree of fibrocystic mastopathy, and this is one of the conditions when a benign process can develop into a disease, may even decrease after implantation. This is due to moderate compression of cysts after implantation in the glands. It is worth noting another important aspect: implants do not complicate or limit the possibility of subsequent examination of the mammary glands, i.e. performing ultrasound or mammography is possible and as informative as in patients without implants. On the contrary, after breast augmentation, the habit of regularly visiting a mammologist is often “inculcated”, which is rarely done before surgery.

How big is the possibility of leakage of the filler from the implant?

This issue is still relevant. At the dawn of the development of implants, a violation of the integrity of the shell occasionally occurred, this was due to the imperfection of technologies and the following reasons could cause a rupture:

  • the longest stay of the endoprosthesis in the body;
  • increased pressure on the implant during surgery;
  • the presence of scars and folds on the product, which can form weaknesses;
  • hard external pressure on the chest, obtained in unpleasant situations, such as an accident;

The cases described are rare. American scientists examined hundreds of women for a possible implant breakthrough. Patients had to undergo an MRI examination, which eventually showed a violation of the integrity of the membrane in 0.5% of women.

To date, the leading companies manufacturing implants give a lifetime guarantee on the integrity of the shell, and only piercing and cutting wounds or medical manipulations in the form of a puncture with a sharp needle can lead to rupture. But, fortunately, the gel in them is not current and there are no emergency situations for replacing implants. In such cases, scheduled replacement is recommended.

If, nevertheless, the rupture of the product has occurred, then the woman may feel some discomfort: a seal around the endoprosthesis, the appearance of the breast may change, burning, tingling, numbness may appear. In such a situation, a woman should undergo an MRI or ultrasound examination. Then come for a consultation with a plastic surgeon, as a result, replace or remove implants. Experienced professionals always recommend an examination once a year after surgery, as well as without breast implants.

Severe pain after implant placement

Breast augmentation, like any other surgical intervention, requires the hand of a qualified specialist. After mammoplasty, a period is required for the body to get used to the implant and scars to disappear. The period is different and depends on the individual characteristics of the body of each woman.

Statistics show that most patients in the long term do not feel pain, discomfort or foreign body sensation. In the early period, there are moderate or slight pain sensations, which are comparable to the feeling when you “retrained in the gym or women of a more respectable age who experienced changes in the mammary gland during pregnancy and feeding are compared with the feeling of milk that has arrived before feeding.

The first few days after the operation, women may experience pain, which is well relieved by painkillers prescribed by the attending physician. There are cases when postoperative complications are observed that require observation by a specialist, taking medications, repeated intervention by a plastic surgeon. Studies have shown that 5% of patients required additional surgery within the first three years after breast augmentation. The main reasons for such circumstances were scars around the implant, capsular contracture or the woman's desire to re-shape or resize the implant.

Reduced nipple sensitivity after breast augmentation

Every woman experiences numbness or hypersensitivity of the nipple after surgery. Such syndromes are due to the fact that small nerves that pass along the chest wall and lead to the nipples are damaged. The normal state returns from three to six months. In rare cases, restoration of sensitivity takes 1-2 years.

Experts recommend that women massage and stroke the sides of their breasts and ribs to restore sensation. Silicone pads designed for nipples are necessary for hypersensitivity to reduce friction between the breast and clothing. After tingling, itching of the nipples, it can be determined that the general condition is normalizing.

Are there big scars after breast augmentation?

The implant is installed through incisions in various places: the crease under the breast, along the edge of the areola, or from the armpit. An incision under the breast is a frequently practiced approach. This method is widely used by specialists, as it is the simplest and suitable for beginner surgeons, and also guarantees the preservation of nipple sensitivity even in the early postoperative period. Also, this method is resorted to with a very small diameter of the areola and the inability to install the implant through an incision along the edge of the areola. When the scar is under the breast, it is located in the fold, does not stretch, does not increase. Of the minuses, one can single out its low cosmeticity and it will be noticeable, especially in the prone position.

The incision in the armpit is also quite noticeable and remains visible for a year and sometimes much longer. From the axillary approach, it is very difficult to form the correct bed and position the implant, especially for anatomical implants. This became possible only with the use of endoscopic techniques. Also in this case, the risk of trauma to the lymphatic vessels is increased, which can significantly complicate and lengthen rehabilitation.

The most cosmetic is the incision along the lower semicircle of the areola, since the scar becomes completely invisible at the transition of the pigment and skin. This approach allows correct formation of the bed under visual control and correct placement of the implant, and also allows you to increase the distance from the areola to the submammary fold, if necessary. Of the disadvantages, it should be noted that it is possible to reduce the sensitivity or hypersensitivity of the areola and nipples for several months after the operation.

Any scars remain on the woman's body and do not disappear. At the same time, they can be practically invisible. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, scars heal in different ways. For example, if the operation was successful and the body recovers quickly, then the scars heal better and become unusable. Be patient: scars heal within a few months, sometimes up to one year. Also, following the recommendations of a plastic surgeon will speed up the recovery process, and help a woman remain attractive for a long time.

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