How to slow down the development of glaucoma with the help of visual gymnastics? Non-traditional methods of treatment of glaucoma. Prevention

Medical drops for glaucoma are prescribed for life. But is there a way to manage high intraocular pressure (IOP) without medication?

In the article we will talk about special exercises for the eyes with glaucoma, which help relieve tension and can help normalize IOP.

There are several methods of therapeutic exercises. Choose what suits you best and make it a habit to do such exercises.

Charging heals?

Eye gymnastics techniques have been known for many years. Ophthalmologists recognize its effectiveness for the prevention of accommodation disorders in adolescence. Exercises eliminate the spasm of accommodation which immediately precedes myopia. Gymnastics helps with hyperopia and astigmatism, when the eyes can quickly deplete from visual stress.

The effectiveness of gymnastics is debatable. Better to do it than just suffer from eye fatigue. But expect the return of peripheral vision is not worth it. Vision in glaucoma is reduced due to atrophy, death of the optic nerve. This is an organic defect and exercises cannot correct it. But gymnastics relieves subjective fatigue. Visual tension can become an additional factor in increasing intraocular pressure. Therefore, exercises that unload the eye muscles prevent pressure surges.

IMPORTANT: Any gymnastics is contraindicated immediately after eye surgery. If in the last six months you have undergone surgery, be sure to first consult with an ophthalmologist.

According to the Norbekov method

Exercise #1

The head is straight, the neck does not move. With two eyes we draw a mental line up the wall, up to the ceiling. We imagine that the line runs absolutely vertically, through the head.

Exercise #2

Starting position, as in the previous complex. We lead the mental line down, perpendicular to the floor, through the throat.

Exercise #3

The head is straight, does not move. We look to the right, mentally imagine how the look passes through the right ear. We repeat the same on the left side.

Exercise #4

Head, as before, keep motionless. We do not overstrain the eye muscles, the movements should be smooth and not cause discomfort. We perform actions with eyeballs in the following order:

  • left down - right up - right down - left up.

The resulting drawing should resemble a butterfly. Now let's repeat the steps in the opposite direction:

  • right down - left up - left down - right up.

At the end of two repetitions, close your eyes, blink several times, let them relax.

Exercise #5

Very similar to the "butterfly" complex is called the "eight".

Let's imagine that the figure 8 turned sideways or the symbol of infinity hangs in front of us in the air. The symbol should be as large as possible, but not go beyond the face. Its dimensions should not cause overstrain of the eye muscles. We mentally draw our eyes along the contour of the sign, first in one direction, then in the other. After two repetitions, blink several times, relax your eyes.

Exercise #6

With the help of this set of movements, we train the oblique muscles of the eye.

First, let's find a few points:

  • at the tip of your nose;
  • several objects in front of you that are convenient to look at;
  • an imaginary point on the bridge of the nose.

Now you should alternate a smooth look:

  • on the tip of the nose - on objects in front of you - on the bridge of your nose - on objects in front of you.

Repeat the exercise 7 times, then let your eyes relax, blink.

Exercise number 7

We present ourselves with a round dial. Leads the gaze from one number to another, fixing the gaze for a second on each number. We try to end up with an even circle. We repeat the actions with the eyes in the opposite direction.

IMPORTANT: A prerequisite for the success of gymnastics according to Norbekov is the correct attitude: even posture, a raised head and a good mood.

According to the Bates / Zhdanov method

  • Look up for a second;
  • Then to the right, to the left - for a second;
  • We shift our gaze to the right up, to the left down;
  • Now vice versa: left and up, right and down;
  • Draw an imaginary rectangle in the air with your eyes. First in one direction, then in the opposite;
  • We draw an imaginary dial - we stop looking at the numbers 12, 3, 6, 9. We repeat in the reverse order;
  • Right hand in front of you, look at the tip of the index finger. Slowly bring your hand to your face without taking your eyes off your finger. We bring the hand to the nose, then also slowly take the hand back;
  • We look at the farthest point outside the window;
  • We draw a snake with our eyes, first from right to left, then in the opposite direction.
  • We close our eyes 20 times in a row.

IMPORTANT: At the end of the complex, you should let your head and neck relax - make several rotational movements, tilts.


This set of exercises is aimed at relaxing and relieving tension from the eyes at the end of the working day. Palming helps to eliminate nervous excitement, relieves headaches due to visual fatigue.

Before you start gymnastics, you should find a comfortable position, relax, put your elbows on the table and warm up your palms.

  1. We close our eyes and cover them with our palms. The fingers intersect in the forehead at a right angle. We press the palms to the face, but do not press on the eyes;
  2. Relax. As a rule, eyes that are tired during the day see a lot of flashing colored dots in front of them. The success of palming is achieved if the points have disappeared and only darkness is before the eyes.

Massage for the eyelids and around the eyes

With soft massaging movements of the fingers, we draw along the brow arches. We pass to the lower edge of the eye socket, repeat the movements. Do not press too hard, massage should not cause pain and discomfort.

Next, in a circular motion, massage first the outer, then the inner corners of the eyes. In the inner corner, we make stroking movements from the eye down to the nose. This is where the nasolacrimal canal is located, through which excess tears drain into the nasal cavity.

Useful video

This video clearly explains the benefits of exercise for our eyes:

Therapeutic exercise definitely benefits vision. With glaucoma and cataracts, it will relieve tension and prevent surges in intraocular pressure. But you can not fight glaucoma with the help of gymnastics alone. It should only complement the medications and lifestyle recommended by the doctors. Such an integrated approach will bring maximum benefit to the eyes!

Date: 03/28/2016

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  • Eye diseases
  • Symptoms of cataracts and glaucoma
  • Glaucoma treatment
  • Gymnastics for the eyes with glaucoma
  • Prevention of eye diseases
  • A few words in conclusion

People suffering from eye diseases should avoid overheating in the sun, sudden movements, and work in the country. Eye exercises for glaucoma and cataracts, outdoor walks, intellectual work will be useful. In our age of speeds and nanotechnologies, many diseases “get younger”, the human body cannot withstand constant informational and physical stress. The organs of vision are significantly affected.

Eye diseases

There are several hundred eye diseases in official medicine. All eye diseases are classified according to the level of functional disorders of the visual system. The most common eye diseases of residents of megacities are well-known to everyone:

  • blepharitis;
  • astigmatism;
  • myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • keratitis;
  • computer vision syndrome;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • retinal detachment;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • barley.

Each person at any age is able to independently feel the deterioration of vision, the loss of image quality, the fading of the colors of the objects in question, the distortion of the perception of three-dimensional objects. It is impossible to postpone treatment: over time, the optic nerve receptors fade, and sometimes its innervation is simply disturbed, which can lead to blindness.

With glaucoma, the viewing angle of the visible field seems to be darkened over the entire diameter, with the progression of the disease, the visible field gradually narrows, and in the end the person may remain blind. It is important to understand that the optic nerve receptors atrophy without affecting them, and from this it follows that the patient loses his sight forever.

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Symptoms of cataracts and glaucoma

The most common eye diseases are cataracts and glaucoma. They develop imperceptibly, sometimes proceed almost asymptomatically, making it difficult to detect in the early stages, taking by surprise when recognizing in the later stages.

The most common symptoms of cataracts are:

  • blurring when looking at objects;
  • inability to concentrate vision when focusing on an object;
  • difficulty perceiving moving objects;
  • difficulty in reading and writing;
  • pupil illumination.

Glaucoma is often the result of cataracts. Its symptoms are already more characteristic, it is impossible to miss them unnoticed:

  • severe blurred vision, all objects are blurry and fuzzy;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • heaviness in the eyes;
  • significant deterioration of vision at night;
  • the appearance of rainbow circles when exposed to bright light.

It is important to understand that the eye without rest and sleep in the dark time of the day gradually “dies”. Continuous pastime at the computer not only impairs vision, but also causes "". So, with constant contact of the visual organ with the monitor, the mucous membrane receives microburns caused by peering into a kind of lighting lamp. Sometimes, after prolonged work at a computer, a person's pupils seem reddened. In fact, the mucous membrane of the eye and eyelids becomes so inflamed and hyperemic.

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Glaucoma treatment

Once a diagnosis of glaucoma is made, treatment should begin immediately. An ophthalmologist who has examined the fundus of a patient with glaucoma usually immediately detects characteristic changes. Also, glaucoma is accompanied by high intraocular pressure, which usually causes severe headaches, heaviness in the temples, cramps under the orbit, frequent attacks of severe nausea, dizziness, loss of a sense of orientation in space. All of these symptoms require immediate treatment.

Due to pathologies of the ophthalmic nerve, the muscles are in constant tone, and the result of tension is severe pain, sometimes reaching from the temporal regions to the back of the head. The doctor usually prescribes drugs that reduce intraocular pressure. I would like to note right away that with headaches caused by glaucoma, analgesics are powerless. Preparations of the miotic group improve the functioning of the drainage system of the eye and the outflow of excess fluid from the chambers of the visual organ. No less effective are diuretics that inhibit the increased production of fluid into the chambers of the eye.

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Gymnastics for the eyes with glaucoma

Gymnastics for the eyes with glaucoma will not take much time, but recovery will go faster. Before performing a set of exercises, you should adjust your breathing. You need to inhale air through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, gradually increasing the rhythm of this breathing. includes five exercises.

Exercise number 1. Consider a large object, for example, a large building, without stopping your eyes for a second, the eye must remember the details, surface topography, colors, shades of colors. The gaze should not freeze on the object, it should constantly move for at least a few minutes and fix all the fragments of the object.

Exercise number 2. Blink slowly. Close your eyelids, starting to make circular movements with your head with your eyes closed. Open your eyes in turn, continuing to make circular movements with your head.

Exercise number 3. With your eyes closed, mentally, without moving your head, but only with your eyes under your closed eyelids, try to “draw” geometric shapes and write words.

Exercise number 4. Switching attention. Hang a large calendar on the wall, try to read a few lines in it, then sharply look at neighboring objects, and then try to return again exactly to the place where the reading was interrupted. It is also very useful, when walking down the street, to calculate the floors in multi-storey buildings from top to bottom and vice versa, to visually memorize the middle floor, look away, and then find this floor as quickly as possible.

Exercise number 5. Stretch both hands in front of you and start moving your fingers, now bringing your hands closer, then moving your hands away from your eyes, without taking your eyes off the moving fingers. An excellent way to relax the facial and eye muscles is a facial massage, which will involve all parts of the facial surface. The eye will definitely feel the tone of these muscles after the massage.

All these exercises should be done with faith in success, imagine how vision improves, pain recedes, blood supply and circulation of active substances in the visual system improve.

Eastern culture has always been famous for its attentive attitude to human health.

Both theoretical postulates and practical methods served to ensure the longevity and performance of the body.

One of these techniques is practiced to prevent the development of eye diseases.

Tibetan gymnastics is a set of exercises that give the eyes a variety of loads in order to maintain their tone and relieve excessive stress.

The practice is most effective for myopia, glaucoma and cataracts. For each of these diseases, the versions of gymnastics are slightly different.

Description of gymnastics

In addition to exercises, Tibetan methods involve the formation of the right psychological mood, the rational distribution of the body's energy resources, the arrangement of the interior in colors and forms that have a beneficial effect on vision. In the East, green is considered the most useful color for the eyes.

In Tibetan philosophy, a person's vision is attributed to the forces of the elements of the earth, and his preventive gymnastics contributes to the concentration in the eyes of the elements of all other elements, their solitude, which leads to a healing effect.

Despite the pronounced shade of mysticism in such an explanation, official medicine does not argue with the benefits of gymnastics, recognizing its relaxing effect.

Most of the exercises from the Tibetan methods are an integral part of the classical gymnastic complexes.

Exercises for glaucoma

To combat pathological disorders of intraocular pressure, it is important to relax the eyes well. This is achieved by the following exercises:

  1. Two fingers are placed in front of the eyes at a distance of 50 centimeters, the eyes are focused on them, then the fingers are moved apart while maintaining the focus of the gaze. The benefit of this exercise is that it gives the visual muscles a specific load, which they practically do not receive during normal work.
  2. Contrast between near and far focus. The index finger is brought close to the face (20-30 cm), for some time both eyes look at it. Then the focus changes and is fixed on some distant object, for example, on houses or trees outside the window, on a flying bird.
  3. The gaze is concentrated on the most extreme lateral point (without turning the head) on the left, then transferred to the right.
  4. Circular pressing movements are carried out in the areas of the bridge of the nose (where it passes into the brow ridges), on the brow ridges themselves. In the absence of conjunctivitis and other damage to the eye membrane, you can also press on the sclera itself, for this you need to close your eyes and lightly press your finger on the cornea for 2-3 seconds. Hands before such actions must be clean, preferably moistened with cool water (it enhances the tonic effect).
  5. Press your nose against a smooth surface and “write out” geometric shapes to them. This combines the effects of previous exercises: the visual muscles are affected both by changing the focus of the gaze and by external massage.

Exercise for cataracts

The effectiveness of such preventive measures for cataracts is not so high, as it is more often caused by internal pathologies of the eyes and the body as a whole. But Tibetan practices in this case are able to complement the basic treatment well.

These practices make up exercises such as:

Other exercises

In Eastern practices, contemplation of a candle is common. An ordinary candle is taken, lit, placed in a fairly dark room. It is necessary to focus on it continuously until the first signs of lacrimation appear.

The eyes then rest twice as long. Such an exercise relaxes the muscles of accommodation and moisturizes the eyes, and is also beneficial for the human psyche.

Cool water is poured into a plate or basin. The eyes are closed and the face is dipped into the tank for a few seconds.

To normalize vision, massage is useful not only for the visual muscles, but also for the temporal and frontal parts of the head. Make pressure circular movements with your fingers in these places - this will relax you and improve blood circulation in the head.

The following video shows another of the gymnastics exercises:

Frequency and contraindications

For preventive purposes, it is enough to carry out exercises every 1-2 days; in the active stages of the disease, the frequency depends on the doctor's prescriptions.

Tibetan gymnastics should be carried out with caution in severe stages of anatomical myopia, since mechanical impact on the eyeballs can aggravate the development of the disease.

Gymnastics is not carried out with viral and bacterial inflammation, as well as traumatic damage to the eye membrane.


At a conscious age, visual impairment and loss of picture quality are noticeable almost immediately. Cataract, which is the precursor to glaucoma, goes away with almost no symptoms. If you have obvious signs of a change in the quality of vision, then treatment is necessary, which includes gymnastics for the eyes for glaucoma.

Symptoms and treatment of glaucoma

This pathology manifests itself as follows:

  • blurred vision;
  • all objects lose clarity;
  • pain and heaviness in the eyes;
  • decreased visual acuity in the evening and at night;
  • the appearance of multi-colored circles before the eyes when bright light hits the retina.

Intraocular pressure also increases, which makes itself felt with severe headaches, pain under the eye sockets, bouts of severe nausea, heaviness in the temples, dizziness and impaired coordination. With cataracts, these symptoms are absent.

For the treatment of glaucoma, patients are usually prescribed drugs for intraocular pressure, diuretics and miotics. It is important for the patient to follow all the recommendations of the doctor, including those related to the implementation of special exercises for the eyes.

What the patient should not do

From your life, a patient with glaucoma should exclude:

  • stressful situations;
  • playing wind musical instruments;
  • tilt work;
  • heavy physical labor in the garden;
  • weight lifting;
  • visiting the beach during the day;
  • washing floors;
  • hand wash;
  • chopping wood;
  • lifting heavy loads.

Patients with this disease are advised to swim, walk in the fresh air, which in winter can be carried out on skis. They do not need to completely abandon work, but only change its scope - engage in intellectual work. Light exercise is also allowed.

Standard set of exercises

With glaucoma, it is important to reduce eye pressure and relieve eye strain. Massage can help:

  • superciliary zone - from the nose to the temples;
  • stroking the forehead from the eyebrows to the hairline;
  • up to seven times repeat pressure with your fingertips on the eyelids (do not use excessive force);
  • three-minute massage of the temples clockwise;
  • massage the eyelids in a circular motion, avoiding pressure on them;
  • two-minute tapping with fingertips on the forehead.

Therapeutic gymnastics includes the following exercises:

  1. Close your eyelids eight to ten times with force, and then open your eyes as wide as possible.
  2. Blink rapidly for about three minutes.
  3. Draw a dot on the window pane. Concentrate on it look, and then translate into the distance. You need to repeat this exercise ten times.
  4. Move your gaze to the right and left as much as possible. Repeat up to ten times.
  5. Roll your eyeballs around. First from left to right, and then in the opposite direction. Do 10 circles.
  6. You can draw a variety of shapes with your eyes in front of you. This exercise will strengthen the eye muscles and relieve tension from the eyes.

This gymnastics is recommended by experts as a tonic. If you have difficulty doing the exercises, watch the video. In addition to doing gymnastics, it is worth protecting yourself from stresses that provoke an exacerbation of the pathology. It’s good if you have the opportunity to go to a specialized sanatorium, where you will not only be taught how to do gymnastics correctly, but also undergo physiotherapy.

Norbekov Complex

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov created his own set of exercises together with the candidate of medical sciences Larisa Fotina. It was thanks to this woman that the famous healing system was born.

In 2001, Norbekov published the famous book "The Fool's Experience", in which he talked about how to give up glasses forever. Since then, there has been constant controversy around his methodology. Much attention is paid to the issues of self-tuning and attitude to the world around. It is recommended to perceive it as a kindred environment.

The complex must be performed three times - with open and closed eyes, as well as mentally. Before applying the technique, you need to believe in your healing. Only in this case it will be effective. You need to perform a fairly simple complex, keeping your head even and motionless:

  1. Raise your gaze as high as possible, trying to look into your head, and then gently lower it down, as if you are looking into your throat. All movements of the eyeballs are done slowly. Focus on them.
  2. Look to the left as if you want to see your ear. Repeat the exercise on the right side.
  3. Draw diagonally with your eyes: from the lower left corner, move to the upper right. Then go down again and from the lower right corner, follow your gaze to the upper left. After completing the mental construction of a geometric figure, make all eyeball movements in the opposite direction. Blink to release tension.
  4. Draw a figure eight. After you're done, blink a little.
  5. Concentrate on the bridge of your nose, and then translate it to any objects in front of you. Look again at the bridge of your nose, but select a point below the previous one, look at the objects in front of you. Concentrate on the central point of the superciliary arch and again look at the objects with yourself.
  6. Watch your index fingers, bring them to the tip of your nose and move them horizontally.
  7. Draw a large circle with your eyes, moving to the right side, and when repeating to the left. Stop several times during the exercise.

You cannot change the sequence of exercises, as they are arranged in order of increasing difficulty. Doctors believe that the Norbekov complex will not help get rid of glaucoma, since it is not effective. This technique is aimed at strengthening faith in a cure.

Glaucoma is a disease of the organs of vision, in the treatment of which and the observance of the general methodology, it is necessary to adhere to a certain lifestyle and method of work. The patient is recommended light physical and intellectual work, as well as special exercises for the eyes with glaucoma. It is necessary to avoid nervous strain, you should not work for a long time, tilting your head down. A useful addition in the treatment of glaucoma will be therapeutic exercises for the organs of vision, walking in the fresh air, proper nutrition, sports activities.

A patient with glaucoma should not work in an inclined position (washing, weeding, mopping, etc.), lifting heavy objects. This kind of activity can cause blood rushes to the brain, which can lead to an increase in intraocular pressure. You should also avoid overheating of the head, a long stay in the bath, under the influence of direct sunlight, near the stove. It is important to take vitamins for glaucoma (according to the doctor's recommendations).

Massage for glaucoma

Eye massage for glaucoma has become widespread in the fight against pathology. Massage movements help reduce intraocular pressure by improving the movement of lymph and blood. It is best to apply the massage every day. The combination of gymnastics and massage for the organs of vision brings a more effective result than the use of procedures separately.

Eye massage procedure:

  1. Massaging the temples and forehead. It is done to ensure blood flow to the frontal part and eyes: first we make stroking movements from the central part of the forehead in the temporal direction. Then, with the bundles of fingers, we make movements to rub the temporal region. Next, we draw along the entire forehead, making intermittent tapping movements.
  2. Massage the eyeballs. The exercise is carried out with closed eyes, the application of force is not welcome, we press a little through the skin of the eyelids. In this way, we will relax the muscles and contribute to an increase in blood circulation, which leads to better circulation of the eye fluid. For one minute, massage the organs of vision with closed eyelids. Then, for one minute, gently press the eyes with the pads of your fingers.

Gymnastic exercises in the complex treatment of the disease

Eye exercises for glaucoma are designed to combat increased fluid pressure within the eye. It is necessary to relax the eyes as much as possible. This can be achieved through training, performing the following exercises:

  • placing 2 fingers at a distance of fifty centimeters from the eyes, you need to focus your eyesight on them, then you should move them apart, while maintaining the focus of your gaze. This exercise contributes to the specific load of the muscles, which they almost never experience in daily work;
  • contrast adjustments should be carried out, focusing on near and distant objects. At the same time, you need to keep your index finger close to your face (from twenty to thirty centimeters), for several minutes you need to look at it with both eyes, then you need to change the focus, concentrating on any object that is far away, be it a house, a pillar or any other object ;
  • you should concentrate your gaze on the lateral point on the left (while you do not need to turn your head), then move it to the same position to the right;
  • in the region of the bridge of the nose, carry out circular movements with pressure (the place where the bridge of the nose passes into the brow arches). Also, such massage movements should be done directly on the eyebrow arches. Before carrying out the procedure, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands and moisten them with cool water (helps enhance the tonic effect). If the patient does not have conjunctivitis, then light pressure can be applied to the sclera. You need to close your eyes and, pressing down on the cornea, hold this position for two to three seconds;
  • an exercise of pressing the nose to the surface without tubercles and writing various figures with it. This brings together the effects obtained from the previous exercises. The muscles of the eye are affected by a change in the focus of the gaze, as well as external massage.

In addition, the patient should not get into stressful situations, experience excitement. An important role in the course of therapy is played by spa treatment, which contributes to a beneficial effect not only on the organs of vision, but also on the entire psycho-emotional state. It also provides a relaxing effect on the entire body.

For a long-term preservation of the effectiveness of treatment for glaucoma, it is necessary to apply whole complexes of procedures: with the help of medications, surgery, laser exposure. In parallel with these methods, you need to follow a certain mode of work and lead an appropriate lifestyle.

Glaucoma is definitely a severe eye disease that can lead to poor vision and even complete blindness.

The earlier glaucoma is diagnosed, the more likely it is that the use of therapeutic exercises will help stop the development of this disease for a long time.

The use of therapeutic exercises, the frequency of its implementation

For the purpose of prevention, it is enough to carry out therapeutic exercises once or twice during the day, if the stage of development of the disease is active, then therapeutic exercises for glaucoma should be performed according to the recommendations of the attending ophthalmologist.
You need to exercise caution if you have a severe stage of myopia, because active eye exposure can complicate the further course of the disease.

You should not use therapeutic exercises if there are viral or bacterial processes on the mucous membrane of the organs of vision, and when the mucous membrane of the eye is injured.

Therapeutic gymnastics is a collection of methods of contrast treatment of the organs of vision, which consists of alternating the load on the eyes in different directions, followed by relaxation, this helps to increase muscle tone and performance.

The technique prevents eye fatigue. It has a beneficial effect in cases of glaucoma, cataracts or myopia. Therapeutic exercises should not be used in case of trauma to the organs of vision and in the case when myopia has developed (its late stage).

Eye exercises for glaucoma and cataracts (video):

Remember! Your health is in your hands! Do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to see the world around you well, take care of your eyes, and in case of the slightest complaint or ailment, the best first step is to contact a specialist! Leave a comment or write your practical recommendations and tips.

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