Eye exercises for dst. Treatment with drops of destruction of the vitreous body of the eye. Non-traditional methods of treatment

5582 09/18/2019 5 min.

Many people are probably familiar with such a symptom as the erratic appearance of flies, black dots and asterisks before the eyes after prolonged visual strain. However, few people know that such a seemingly harmless symptom hides the destruction of the vitreous body - a very insidious disease that can lead to serious complications. In order for you to pay attention to the manifestations of this disease in a timely manner and take the necessary measures to combat it, we will consider the main causes of its occurrence, methods of treatment and prevention in this material.

What it is

Destruction of the vitreous body is a pathological process that leads to the destruction of this segment of the eye.

It can take various forms:

  • vitreous detachment;
  • its liquefaction;
  • wrinkling.

Such a pathology can affect both the entire vitreous body of the eye, and a certain part of it.

This disease is usually not associated with a specific one.

So a person may not have the slightest deviation towards myopia and hyperopia, but destruction of the vitreous body will be observed, or it may take place in which the symptoms of such a pathology will not bother him.

With the destruction of the vitreous body, there are no restrictions on driving a car, working at a computer, or other activities. However, this does not mean that this disease can be considered completely harmless and treated lightly. Like other pathologies of vision, it requires careful diagnosis and treatment immediately after the first signs of it are detected.


This disease in one way or another can be triggered by various factors, including:

  • severe myopia;
  • mechanical trauma to the mucosa;
  • inflammatory processes of various nature (for example);
  • violation of general metabolic processes;
  • age-related changes;
  • functional pathologies of some organs (liver, endocrine glands, kidneys).

Concomitant factors for the development of this disease are a lack of essential minerals and vitamins in the body, bad habits that lead to clogging of blood vessels, stress and overwork.


Regardless of what exactly caused the destruction of the vitreous body, in the vast majority of cases it will be just one main symptom: the appearance of flies, caterpillars, spots of an abstract form in front of the patient's eyes. As a rule, they do not disappear over time. These spots become most noticeable when looking at a monochromatic plane: a white wall, light-colored furniture, etc.

These phenomena may be accompanied by fatigue. Photophobia and other symptoms more characteristic of cataracts do not appear with this disease.

A patient with the development of such a disease may not experience any discomfort at all, except for black dots, therefore he often misses the initial stages of the development of the disease, as a result of which it goes into a neglected form.

Symptoms of destruction of the vitreous body, of course, it can be more or less intensely expressed depending on its stage and the general state of vision. However, since it indicates more complex pathological changes in the eye, when the first signs of this disease appear, the patient needs to see a doctor, undergo a full diagnosis and treatment.


Ophthalmological studies in the destruction of the vitreous body include:

  • general inspection;
  • optical coherence tomography.

These methods usually make it possible to fully establish not only the cause of the disease and its stage, but also to determine possible complications at all stages of the development of this disease.

Usually they can be done within one day. After that, the doctor, having a complete picture of the clinical course of the disease, will be able to prescribe you adequate treatment.


The selection of methods for treating the destruction of the vitreous body depends on the general condition of the patient, as well as the stage at which he was diagnosed with the disease. . So if we are talking about the initial forms of the disease, it would be quite appropriate conservative therapy. It is carried out in several directions:

  • protection of the retina from detachment;
  • taking drugs that resolve turbidity;
  • improvement in the condition of blood vessels.

For these purposes, drugs such as Piracetam, potassium iodine, as well as other drugs of similar action are used. Their dosage, as well as the schedule of admission in each individual case, is determined by the attending physician.

Also read about nighttime contact lenses at.

Unfortunately, in the last stages of the disease, such therapy does not give proper results. In such cases, the doctor may prescribe a more effective surgery. It can be carried out in various forms:

  • vitrectomy- removal of the vitreous body by surgical methods.
  • Vitreolysis- excision of the vitreous body with a laser.

Scheme of vitrectomy - removal of the vitreous body. Further, the ophthalmologist has access to the retina of the eye in order to fully carry out the treatment.

These manipulations are carried out in the hospital of specialized ophthalmological clinics. As a rule, they give a good prognosis for a complete cure for the patient, unless, of course, he will follow all the instructions of the doctors to prepare for the operation and carry out the recovery period.

The patient can count on a complete restoration of vision through these treatment methods at all stages of the disease. However, he needs to remember that the sooner he seeks qualified help, the lower the risk of complications and the shorter the recovery period. And these factors play a decisive role in such treatment.


With untimely or improper treatment, the destruction of the vitreous body can lead to a number of serious complications, including:

  • Cloudiness ;
  • Retinal detachment;
  • Hemorrhages in the chambers of the eye.

These diseases, in turn, are practically untreatable and can lead to complete loss of vision. That is why it is important for the patient to pay attention to the manifestation of the destruction of the vitreous body as early as possible, to choose an adequate treatment, and also by all means to prevent the formation of this pathology, if it has not yet made itself felt.


Vitreous destruction can be avoided with a high degree of probability if simple preventive measures are followed. Among them:

  • Fight against common diseases of the body.
  • Stop smoking, alcohol and other bad habits.
  • Regular examination by an ophthalmologist, which allows you to identify various diseases in the early stages and take measures for their treatment already in the first stages.
  • Compliance with the general rules of visual hygiene, rational organization of the work regime, especially for people of those professions whose activities are associated with constant work at the computer.
  • Correction of the diet with maximum saturation of its products containing important vitamins and minerals.
  • Prevention of eye injury.

Read more about what exercises for the eyes you need to do.

These preventive measures must be taken even before the disease gives visible manifestations.

It is advisable to focus on them from adolescence. This will make it possible with the greatest degree of probability to avoid destruction of the retina in the future.


Destruction of the vitreous body is the partial or complete destruction of the vitreous body of the eyeball.

The disease mainly affects the elderly. It is diagnosed with equal frequency in men and women. At a young age, it usually develops as a complication of high myopia (nearsightedness) or eye injuries.

According to statistics, the destruction of the vitreous body is more often observed in economically developed countries of the world. This is due to significant visual loads, longer life expectancy and some other factors.

Destruction is the destruction of the vitreous body

Risk factors and causes of vitreous destruction

The vitreous body is a gel-like substance that fills the inner cavity of the eyeball between the lens and the retina. It consists of water (99%), hyaluronic acid and collagen. Long strands of collagen, intertwining with each other, turn into a kind of frame, the cells of which are filled with a gel formed by water and hyaluronic acid.

Normally, the vitreous body is completely transparent. However, under the influence of negative factors, the molecules of the substances that make up its composition break up into separate fragments. This leads to a change in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the gel.

The disease mainly affects the elderly. It is diagnosed with equal frequency in men and women.

Gradually, particles devoid of optical transparency accumulate in the thickness of the vitreous body. It is their patients with the destruction of the vitreous body that are considered "flying flies." In some cases, the particles mechanically irritate the retinal receptors, which is perceived as bursts of bright sparks, lightning flashes before the eyes.

Causes of destruction of the vitreous body can be:

  1. Inflammation of the structures of the eyeball, including dacryocystitis, blepharitis, keratitis, endophthalmitis.
  2. Diseases of the endocrine glands, kidneys or liver. Dysfunction of these organs leads to a violation of the physiological ratio of the components of the stroma, glucosamines, proteoglycans and fluid.
  3. Violation of the blood supply to the brain and retina. Against its background, a reflex spasm of the eye muscles occurs, the blood supply to the eyeball as a whole worsens, which causes the destruction of the vitreous body.
  4. Elderly age. With age, the properties of the colloidal gel gradually change. At the periphery, it is compacted, and in the central part (where opaque particles accumulate), its rheological properties deteriorate.
  5. High myopia. Against its background, the spherical shape of the eyeball gradually changes to an ellipsoid one. This process is accompanied by deformation of the structures of the eye, metabolic disorders in them, which is the trigger of the destructive process in the colloidal gel of the vitreous body.
  6. Traumatic eye injuries that lead to the development of hemophthalmos, violations of the primary structure of collagen molecules.
  7. iatrogenic factors. Vitreous damage can be a complication of cataract surgery.
  8. Diabetes . Decompensation of diabetes mellitus causes damage to the blood vessels of the microvasculature. As a result, there are violations of blood supply and metabolic processes in the eyeball.

Forms of the disease

Depending on the degree of prevalence of the pathological process, the following forms of destruction of the vitreous body are distinguished:

  • partial - in the central part of the vitreous body, a cavity is formed containing destroyed collagen particles and a liquefied colloidal gel;
  • complete - over time, the pathological cavity in the central part of the vitreous body increases in size and occupies the entire space between the retina and the lens. It forms strands that can tightly grow together with the fundus, leading to deformation of the eyeball, the formation of adhesions, and retinal detachment.
At a young age, the destruction of the vitreous body usually develops as a complication of high myopia (nearsightedness) or eye injuries.

By the type of films and strands formed, the destruction of the vitreous body is:

  • filiform - mainly observed against the background of progressive myopia or atherosclerosis;
  • granular - caused by inflammatory processes in the inner retinal layer;
  • crystalline - damage to the vitreous body is caused by the deposition of crystals of tyrosine or cholesterol in it.

Symptoms of the destruction of the vitreous body

The main symptoms of the destruction of the vitreous body:

  • photopsia - a visual phenomenon consisting in the appearance of flashing "flies", lightning, sparks, "shrouds" before the eyes;
  • hemophthalmos - hemorrhage into the thickness of the vitreous body;
  • decrease in visual acuity.

"Flies" and "shroud" in patients with destruction of the vitreous usually occur when looking at the sky or a white monitor. When you try to focus your eyes, the "flies" disappear from the field of view.


To confirm the diagnosis of vitreous destruction, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Ophthalmoscopy. Empty cavities are defined, having the form of vertical slits, white-gray fibrous structures are clearly visible behind the boundary membrane. With complete destruction of the vitreous body, one cavity is visualized, containing fragments of fibrils.
  2. Ultrasound of the eyeball in B-scan mode. Allows you to detect crystalline structures in the vitreous body, the focus of hemorrhage. The mobility of the observed crystals and other inclusions indicates the liquefaction of the colloidal structure.
  3. Biomicroscopy with a slit lamp. Changes in the consistency of the gel are revealed, as well as the presence of turbidity in it in the form of flakes. With a filamentous form of destruction, collagen fibers in the form of loop-like structures are found in the vitreous body. Granular destruction is characterized by the presence of small particles of brown or gray color, which at later stages stick together to form conglomerates.
  4. Optical coherence tomography. It is used in case of low information content of other methods. Allows you to identify such symptoms of destruction of the vitreous body as the heterogeneity of its structure, turbidity, change in shape and decrease in size. Contraindicated in massive hemophthalmos.
  5. Visometry. Determination of visual acuity using special tables.
  6. Tonometry. Measurement of intraocular pressure, which usually rises when the vitreous body is destroyed.

Treatment of the destruction of the vitreous body

There are no specific methods of therapy for the destruction of the vitreous body, so the tactics in each case is determined by the degree of decrease in visual acuity and changes in the colloidal structure of the vitreous body.

Treatment of the destruction of the vitreous body in the initial stages consists in the correction of lifestyle and drug therapy. Patients are advised to avoid prolonged visual stress, while working at a computer every hour it is necessary to take breaks during which to perform special exercises for the eyes. To prevent the progression of pathology, it is necessary to observe the daily regimen, regularly visit the fresh air, adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, engage in moderate physical activity.

Timely treatment can prevent or significantly slow down the progression of the pathology and the deterioration of visual function.

Drug therapy is carried out with absorbable drugs, antioxidants, angioprotectors, as well as agents that improve cerebral circulation and blood flow in the microvasculature.

With a significant lesion of the vitreous body, conservative therapy is not able to provide a lasting positive effect. In this case, surgical treatment is indicated.

Large fragments of collagen fibers are usually removed using a YAG laser, the operation is called "vitreolysis". The intervention is performed under local anesthesia with obligatory pupillary dilation using short-acting mydriatics. Certain difficulties can be observed with a significant degree of mobility of pathological particles in the thickness of the colloidal gel of the vitreous body. Vitreolysis does not lead to a decrease in visual function.

In the advanced stages of the disease, when the vitreous body is almost completely destroyed, it becomes necessary to remove it - vitrectomy. The operation is performed using microsurgical techniques, both under local and general anesthesia (depending on individual indications). The surgeon divides the colloidal gel into small sections and then aspirates them. After that, gas, silicone oil or a balanced saline solution are injected into the cavity of the eyeball in order to normalize the intraocular pressure.

Possible complications and consequences

The most frequent complications:

  • wrinkling of the vitreous body, which leads to a significant decrease in visual acuity up to complete blindness;
According to statistics, the destruction of the vitreous body is more often observed in economically developed countries of the world.


The prognosis is generally favorable. Timely treatment can prevent or significantly slow down the progression of the pathology and the deterioration of visual function. Even with significant destruction of the vitreous body, surgical correction can significantly improve visual acuity, and hence the quality of life of patients.


Prevention of the development of destruction of the vitreous body consists of the following measures:

  • regular examinations by an ophthalmologist (visometry, ophthalmoscopy and tonometry);
  • reduction of visual stress;
  • optimization of the regime of work and rest;
  • regular exercise for the eyes;
  • proper nutrition with sufficient content in the diet of plant foods and restriction of fatty foods;
  • correction of refractive errors;
  • prevention of eye injury;
  • timely treatment of inflammatory eye diseases;
  • correction of blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes mellitus.

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Eye flies are specks of "negativity" that remain after a long time looking at the sun or a bright light bulb?
Flies are capillaries? Flies are a symptom of overwork?

No. It is neither one nor the other, nor the third. Flies are completely real (material) particles that move freely in the vitreous body, being translucent or opaque objects that cast their shadows on the retina.

"Eye flies appear from time to time and then spontaneously disappear"?

No. They, having appeared once, in most cases do not disappear when it comes to DST. The flies only change their location in the vitreous body, sometimes leaving the optical axis to the periphery of vision, usually falling down or to the side of vision. Sometimes they disappear from sight for a short time, but then swim up again. Basically, suddenly they can only appear, but not disappear.

“Over time, eye flies go away on their own and do not require any treatment”?

Perhaps there are people in whom, for some unknown reason, the opacities of the vitreous body have dissolved or in some strange way disappeared on their own. There are people who claim that they once had flies and subsequently passed. But it is not clear whether they spoke about the destruction of the vitreous body? If this is so, then perhaps these people are among the "lucky ones" who, for unknown reasons, have undergone self-healing, i.e. restoration of the transparency of the vitreous body. There are such examples with other much more serious diseases, so they can be considered an exception to the general rule and called a miracle. Usually flies stay with their owner for every day and can only be added over time or remain in the same number. Flies exactly require treatment, because they really interfere with vision, distract attention, being irritants, they bring a person to depression and despair.

“Everyone has flies, it’s just that some don’t notice them, while others are constantly obsessed with them.”

Nonsense. Most people have no idea about vitreous floaters. And not because they don't know what it is, but because they don't have any flies. It is possible that most people have residual rare small circles (hyalocyte cells) that formed the vitreous body and have been observed since early childhood. Perhaps in many people one thin, clear thread sometimes floats in the eye. We are talking about mass manifestations of these threads, dots, spots, which are visible even under artificial light and clog the visual field. Flies as a destruction of the vitreous body are multiple opaque / translucent objects that are always visible against a light background: blue sky, cloudy sky, white snow.

"Eye flies are the fault of the computer and the TV."

Not always. A very controversial statement. There are a lot of people who like to sit at the computer and TV, but not everyone has flies. From this, people have much more visual impairment and eye conditions of a different kind than the appearance of CTD. Meanwhile, it is possible that long-term passion to sit in front of a monitor or TV screen can give impetus to the development of the destruction of the vitreous body. It is possible that there were prerequisites for the development of the disease, the impulse for the manifestation of which was a TV or computer. The LCD monitor may deserve special attention, as there was a tendency among people who complained about the appearance of flies after they moved to such a monitor.

"Flies do not interfere with vision."

They really make it hard to see. It's just a mess in the field of view. The destruction of the vitreous body interferes, irritates, distracts, makes it difficult to see, makes you nervous and worried. Being constantly present, it keeps the human psyche in tremendous tension, does not allow him to relax and breathe a sigh of relief. Moreover, it introduces a person into an oppressed, depressive state, into a panic, a series of permanent nervous breakdowns. Floaters prevent you from doing your usual daily activities, or at least make them difficult. First of all, those things that require visual concentration. In addition, they greatly tire the eyesight.

"The destruction of the vitreous body at the age of 20 years or less is a variant of the norm and nothing more than the aging process of the body."

There are many opinions about the onset of signs of aging. Someone believes that it, aging, begins after 40-50 years, others after 25-30, others immediately after puberty, the fourth right after birth. Perhaps everyone is right in their own way. Although, the truth is rather on the side of those who are inclined that aging begins precisely in the direction of venerable age, and not in youth, youth, or even more so in the lactate period. If so, senile diseases would strike us immediately after birth and in childhood. This, of course, happens, but this is an anomaly and rather an exception to the general rule. Therefore, this statement is completely false.

"There are no effective treatments for vitreous destruction."

This is the biggest myth. Treatments exist, but they are not perfect and sometimes involve risks. Among them, first of all, laser "evaporation" of flies with a YAG laser and FOV vitrectomy (partial removal of the vitreous body) can be distinguished. Another question is that few people know about this, and even more so that such methods are used with a high degree of success, primarily in the USA and Western Europe. As for all kinds of pills, eye drops and physiotherapeutic procedures, their effectiveness is really low or absent altogether.

“The destruction of the vitreous body is a constant companion of myopic people and people” (and, accordingly, vice versa, if there are flies, then the person is short-sighted).

Myopia, or simpler myopia, is definitely one of the causes of DST. Flying flies in 1/3 or even half of the cases in myopic people with vision below -3 are companions of their main eye disease. But this does not give any reason to assert that a person with destruction of the vitreous body must necessarily have obvious or latent (hidden) myopia. Prerequisites for the development of CTD can be a lot of other diseases, not necessarily associated with the organ of vision.

"Eye flies, having appeared once in a certain amount, remain unchanged, do not progress further and do not impair vision."

This statement is highly controversial. In some cases it is true, in others it is exactly the opposite. Everything can depend on the cause of their occurrence. For some, floaters may appear abruptly and spontaneously in large numbers, and do not appear again. In another, the flies may be in small numbers, but slowly, gradually grow with new twigs-outgrowths from old or new units. In the third, they may suddenly appear and progress very quickly. In rare cases, ad infinitum. However, one should not assume that even the progressive destruction of the vitreous body will inevitably lead to a state in which the flies will cover the entire space of the vitreous body. Such cases, of course, occur, but are extremely rare compared to the total number of people with CTD.

Half of people over 65 complain that flies, some kind of dots, lightning, flashes, dashes, etc. flicker before their eyes. This means that they develop destruction of the vitreous body of the eye. In general, it is generally accepted that at this age this is a normal phenomenon. But as recent studies have shown, young people also have various opacities of the vitreous body. The article will discuss the treatment of the destruction of the vitreous body.

Methods of drug treatment of destruction of the vitreous body of the eye

In each case, this issue is resolved individually, but the final decision depends on many things: on the extent of the lesion, on what optical effects the patient observes, and how they affect the patient's ability to work and his general condition. But the opinion of the patient is not in last place.

The reason for all this is that, despite the fact that the disease has been known for a long time, there is still no specific treatment. Therefore, the main efforts during the treatment procedure will be aimed at combating the cause of the destruction, reducing the load on vision and drug symptomatic treatment.

Find out how amblyopia in adults is treated at home and how effective it is.

On the video - a description of the disease and what can be done:

The use of drugs in the treatment of destruction is aimed at stabilizing the state of the vitreous body with a further slowdown in the development of the disease. Let, according to patient reviews, the effect of using eye drops is minimal. But sometimes they significantly reduce the number of flies in front of the eyes, or at least make their display blurry.

Eye drops as a treatment

Here are some drugs used in drug treatment:

  • Emoxipin- necessary for the normalization of blood microcirculation in the vessels of the eye. You can find out more about Emoxipin drops at.
  • Taufon- it acts as a stimulator of metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye. More about the action and effect of Taufon drops can be found at.
  • - in the treatment of destruction, its absorbable ability is used;
  • Cavinton- necessary to strengthen the vascular walls of the eye;
  • Quinax- these drops are actually intended to treat another eye disease - glaucoma, but in some cases, doctors use it in the treatment of destruction. You can use a drug such as.

But treatment is not complete with drops alone, homeopathic remedies are actively used - Sulfur iodine, Arnica, Oklohel.

Price from 600 rubles.

A good help in the fight against destruction is provided by electrophoresis with aloe extract. The course of treatment is 10 days. Lidase can be used instead of aloe. But do not forget about other recommended drops.

Vitamin complexes - Aevit, Blueberry forte, Vitrum Vision, star eyebright - they are designed to enhance the effect of the above drugs. The same effect will give B vitamins administered intramuscularly.

Also in the process of treatment, enzyme preparations are often used - Wobenzym, Phlogenzym. They dissolve collagen clots. These drugs are taken orally as tablets.

Hydrocortisone, prednisolone, or dexamethasone - these corticosteroids are used to dissolve cloudiness.


Recently, the drug Vizudin has been widely used. Its peculiarity is that it is photosensitizing. To put it simply, it begins to work in the body only after it is irradiated with a beam of light with a certain wavelength.

In addition, oxygen must be present in the environment. This is due to the fact that after irradiation of the drug with light, a certain amount of energy is released that acts on oxygen molecules. As a result, reactive oxygen species (triplet and singlet) are formed, their existence is short, but during this time the singlet form manages to enter into interaction with cellular structures, leading to their death.

The action of the reaction is local, on a very small area. On which tissue destruction and thrombosis of destroyed vessels occur. It is this latter property that is used in the treatment of destruction.

About the symptoms of destruction of the vitreous body of the eye can be found in.

There are contraindications to its use:

  • Sensitivity to the main active substance or to one of the components;
  • The presence of accumulation disease (Porphyria) - vizdin is a derivative of porphyrin;
  • Cannot be used by pregnant women.

In some cases, surgery is used:

  • Vitreolysis- it is performed with a laser to restore vision. With its help, the doctor will split the opacities in the vitreous body and treat the patient;
  • Vitrectomy- partial or complete removal of the vitreous body with its replacement with artificial counterparts. These can be a gas bubble, silicone oil or saline solution.


The only thing is that surgery is rarely resorted to, especially if the patient is old. Firstly, almost all surgical interventions give complications, so their use is not entirely justified.

Secondly, operations for age-related patients in most cases are useless due to age-related changes.

How to treat folk remedies - restoration of vision after clouding of the vitreous body

Representatives of alternative medicine offer their own ways to treat this disease:

  • If the patient is not allergic to honey, it is recommended to use honey drops. They are prepared as follows - 1 share of honey to two parts of water;
  • Honey scarlet drops- here, instead of water, honey is diluted with aloe juice;
  • Water infusion of propolis for instillation into the eyes;
  • Massage eyeballs to improve blood flow and lymph in the eye tissues. It can be used not only as a treatment, but also as a prophylactic.

By the way, massage as a type of treatment has become much more widespread, or rather its various types. Massage of the collar zone is widely used.

Gymnastics and massage

This method is the safest way to treat destruction. There are many gymnastic techniques: systems according to, Norbekov or Zhdanov.

Exercises in most cases are simple, not to say that they will help to completely get rid of the flies before the eyes. But they may well shift them out of sight:

  • or an eyeball relaxation exercise. Close your eyes with your hands to ensure complete relaxation. Close your eyes with your hands tightly so that there are no gaps between your fingers. Then we sit down at the table and put our elbows on the table. We relax the body, while the neck and spine should be in the same line. It is advisable to hold in this position for at least 2-3 minutes, and preferably up to 15 minutes;

On the video - palming:

  • Sharply shift the gaze from right to left and from top to bottom. This exercise is only recommended for those who do not have a retinal detachment. Otherwise it will speed up;
  • Instead of sharp movements, we use slow ones.. In this case, breathing should be calm, uniform.

Medical forecast

What is the prognosis? Many doctors believe that optical effects in most cases are not an obstacle to a full life and do not have any negative impact on his ability to work. Well, the very lack of effective treatment forces patients to somehow adapt to their condition. True, it is recommended to undergo periodic examination by an eye doctor to identify possible complications.

But there is concern that many patients develop depression and other psychological problems under the influence of optical effects. Also, the visual organ and the cervical spine are subjected to serious overload due to constant eye strain.

The main reasons for the development of destructive processes in the vitreous body of the eyes are ophthalmic diseases, diseases of the circulatory system and natural physiological changes that occur in the body over time. Treatment of the disease is aimed at eliminating the symptoms accompanying destructive phenomena or removing inclusions by surgical intervention.

The presence of destruction of the vitreous body does not affect the quality of life and the level of a person's ability to work. In advanced cases, partial or complete loss of vision is possible, but most often the prognosis of the disease is favorable.

General information

The vitreous body is presented as an avascular transparent gelatinous substance that fills the cavity of the eyeball between the lens and the retina. Its presence ensures the preservation of turgor and the correct shape of the eyeball, compensates for intraocular pressure drops, conducts light impulses to the retina.

In a healthy person, this substance is completely transparent and does not contain any inclusions. It consists of hyaluronic and ascorbic acids, whey proteins, salts and other substances and is supported by a framework consisting of protein fibrils.

The destruction of the vitreous body occurs as a result of thickening of some fibers and the loss of their transparency, which leads to a change in its mesh structure. Destructive processes are manifested in the form of liquefaction of the vitreous body, its wrinkling and peeling.

Liquefaction can be complete or partial. In most cases, this pathology is observed in the central part of the eyeball, much less often - along its periphery. At the initial stage, cavities are formed in the vitreous body, which are filled with fragments of fibers, liquid, and end products of gel coagulation. The gelatinous substance is separated into thick and liquid fractions due to the breakdown of the collagen-hyaluronic acid complex.

The vitreous body loses its homogeneity: adhesion of the fibers is observed, and weaves of various shapes are formed that float freely in the liquefied gelatinous substance (filamentous, or filamentous, destruction of the vitreous body). Simultaneously with liquefaction, strands and films can form in the vitreous body of the eye, which differ in size and density. In some cases, these formations are fixed to the fundus of the eye, which leads to serious pathological changes.

Opacities in the vitreous body

Wrinkling of the entire vitreous body or part of it is the most severe form of destruction of the vitreous body. As a result of this process, there is a decrease in the volume and a change in the shape of the gelatinous substance, there is a tension of the vitreoretinal joints. With a pronounced degree of the disease, these connections can break, as a result of which hemorrhage into the vitreous body, its detachment, and retinal rupture can occur. Phenomena are often observed. Ultimately, complete destruction of the vitreous body may occur.

In addition to the “flies” characteristic of the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye, “lightning” or “flashes” appear in the field of view, which indicates the presence of “optical cavities” in the eyeball. Thus, the brain perceives an abnormal response of the optic nerve to the presence of voids. It is difficult to see cloudy particles because they follow the movement of the eyes.

Cloudiness is best seen when looking at a clean bright surface (clear sky, white ceiling, snow), when squinting your eyes, or in coherent rays. In conditions of poor illumination of the environment, as well as with its heterogeneity, turbidity, as a rule, is not visible.

Destruction of the vitreous body can manifest itself in the form of golden or silver rain. This phenomenon is observed in the presence of crystalline inclusions of tyrosine, cholesterol, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium compounds. It is typical for elderly people suffering from impaired cholesterol metabolism, as well as diabetes mellitus.

Biomicroscopy allows you to detect shiny particles (“rain”) or “dancing snowflakes”, which oscillate like a pendulum and move simultaneously with the movement of the eyeballs. Such crystals can be of various shapes (plates, spheres, dots), colors (golden, snow-white, brown) and sizes.


The destruction of the vitreous body of the eye most often occurs due to various physiological and pathological causes:

  • age-related changes in the structure of the eyeball;
  • the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the eye;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the circulatory system (atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, dystrophic changes in blood vessels);
  • severe myopia;
  • dystrophy;
  • compression of arterial vessels in the presence of cervical atherosclerosis;
  • hormonal changes that manifest themselves during pregnancy, menopause, puberty, with the appointment of hormone therapy;
  • injuries of the eyes, nose, head (including surgery);
  • helminthic invasion (toxoplasmosis);
  • frequent and prolonged visual loads;
  • psycho-emotional stress, depression;
  • physical exhaustion;
  • some diseases of the internal organs;
  • deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements;
  • toxic or radiation effects on the body.

The reason for the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye can be a malfunction of the internal organs that regulate the composition and balance of the colloids of the vitreous body (endocrine glands, kidneys, liver). This provokes the appearance of changes in the structure of the colloidal gel (the processes of coagulation and precipitation). In addition, the appearance of "flying flies" may indicate the beginning of the process of retinal detachment, which can ultimately lead to complete loss of vision.


The main symptomatic sign of the presence of destruction of the vitreous body is the floating of various visual effects before the eyes - "spots", "flies", "cobwebs", "opacities". These optical elements are different from the effects resulting from blows to the head, sharp jumps in blood pressure, when lifting weights.

Symptoms of destruction of the vitreous body:

  • the presence of "flies" and turbidity is permanent;
  • visual phenomena have a constant shape and size;
  • effects are noticeable only in good light conditions (especially on a white surface).

The more clearly the floating elements are visible and the thicker they are, the stronger the destruction of the vitreous body. If opacities acquire a clear filamentous structure, a person can be diagnosed with atherosclerosis or a severe form of hypertension. The presence of "flashes" and "lightning" is a sign of vitreous detachment or other severe complications.

With filamentous destruction of the vitreous body, unorganized floating of fibrils is dispersed throughout the entire volume of the eyeball, while they twist and stick together, forming into formations resembling balls of yarn.

As a result of injury to the eye, an illness, or in the presence of tumor-like formations, the destruction of the vitreous body manifests itself in the form of small accumulations of small grains. In the absence of timely treatment, complete or partial loss of vision is not excluded.


The following methods are used to diagnose the disease:

  • ophthalmoscopy (examination of the fundus of the eye);
  • checking visual acuity;
  • ophthalmic examination using a slit lamp;
  • compiling an anamnesis.

The data obtained during the examination allow us to conclude that there are or are no destructive processes in the vitreous body of the eyeball.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye in most cases is ineffective. Sometimes minor opacities and small fibers can resolve on their own, however, large formations, crystal deposits and scraps of connective tissue fibers remain until the end of life.

Questions about how to treat the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye and whether it should be done are decided in each case individually. The need and effectiveness of therapy depends on the presence or absence of optical effects, impaired visual function, the area of ​​damage to the vitreous body, as well as the influence of these pathological factors on a person's condition and his ability to work.

At present, methods of specific treatment of the destruction of the vitreous body, allowing to effectively and safely eliminate crystal deposits and massive fibrillar formations, have not been developed. The main therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating the causes that caused the onset of the disease, reducing visual stress and using symptomatic drug therapy.

With the destruction of the vitreous body, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • agents with absorbable properties (2% or 3% potassium iodide solution - local installations, Wobenzym or Traumel C - inside);
  • emoxipin - an antioxidant drug that normalizes microcirculation in the tissues of the eyes (introduced parabulbarno);
  • cavinton, cinnarizine - to improve vascular patency and normalize blood circulation in the brain.

In some cases, the treatment of the disease is carried out by surgical intervention:

  • vitreolysis - splitting of opacities present in the vitreous body using a YAG laser;
  • vitrectomy - partial or complete replacement of the vitreous body with an artificial environment (silicone oil, gas bubbles, saline saline).

The use of surgical operations as a method of treating vitreous destruction has an ambiguous prognosis, since there is a high risk of serious complications (cataract, hypotension, retinal detachment, hemorrhage). Often the use of such methods is unjustified, especially for the elderly, because due to progressive age-related changes, vascular problems worsen over time.

There are ways to treat the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye with the help of folk remedies. It is recommended to massage the eyeballs, which improves the flow of lymph and blood in the eye tissues.

You can instill drops in the eyes during the destruction of the vitreous body:

  • honey (for cooking, honey and water are used in a ratio of 2: 1);
  • honey scarlet;
  • propolis (in the form of an aqueous solution).

However, self-treatment of the destruction of the vitreous body with folk remedies should be carried out under strict medical supervision in order to avoid harm to the body.

It should be noted that with the destruction of the vitreous body, you can go in for sports, but it is better to give preference to types that do not require significant physical activity and stress.


The prognosis for the development of the disease in most cases is favorable. Turbidity stabilizes relatively quickly after the onset and development of the disease. The manifestation of remissions during destructive processes is extremely rare, and floating opacities in the terminal form remain in the cavity of the eyeball.

Destruction of the vitreous body of the eye, manifested in a mild form, does not have a noticeable effect on a person's ability to work and is not the cause of serious complications. The development of severe forms of the disease can significantly worsen the quality of life of the patient. The constant movement of floating elements interferes with the examination of various objects and interferes with the performance of work duties.

Due to the constant visual tension in the process of examining the environment, there is a need to free the field of vision from existing opacities with the help of eye and head movements. This behavior leads to constant overload of the eyes and cervical spine. As a result, a person may develop serious psychological problems, develop stable stressful or depressive conditions, which manifest themselves in the form of constant anxiety and sociopathy. However, not only this dangerous destruction of the vitreous body of the eye. In advanced cases, the likelihood of developing blindness is high.

Disease prevention

To prevent the possible development of the destruction of the vitreous body, experts advise adhering to a healthy lifestyle: it is necessary to get rid of bad habits and include only healthy foods in the daily diet. Compliance with these rules will protect the vessels from being damaged by atherosclerosis.

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