Joints creak. Why knees crunch: dangerous and harmless situations, treatment. What to do so that the knees do not crunch

Article publication date: 08/10/2016

Date of article update: 05.12.2018

Almost every person has experienced a crunch in the knees, regardless of age. Many people think that this is always a symptom of some disease, but it is not. There are also harmless reasons why they can - in this case, nothing needs to be done, since the crunch itself rarely causes the patient inconvenience in everyday life.

Sometimes the presence of sounds during flexion or extension of the knee indicates diseases, but in this case, other symptoms of the disease will also appear.

All negative symptoms can be successfully eliminated by contacting a specialist in time. Arthrologists, rheumatologists and traumatologists deal with knee treatment.

The reasons

The reasons why the knees crackle can be divided into two groups: safe and pathological. The former are usually not accompanied by any additional symptoms. However, for prevention, it is still better to consult a doctor, especially if the crunch occurs suddenly.

Safe reasons

Popping gas bubbles in the joint

This is the most common cause of crackling.

The knee contains synovial fluid (a thick, elastic substance that acts as a lubricant) in which gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide etc.) When the joint is flexed, especially when it occurs abruptly, the pressure changes, and the gas that is part of the synovial fluid bubbles and bursts.

If the knees crackle for this reason, no treatment is required.

Congenital increased elasticity of the ligaments

The increased elasticity of the ligaments can be explained either by their congenital weakening (if it is mild, then treatment is not needed), or by an acquired sprain (in athletes such as gymnasts).

When the ligaments that fix the joint have increased elasticity- the amplitude of the joint movements back and forth and to the sides increases, which causes crunches in the knee.

Friction of a ligament or tendon against bone

This friction usually occurs in adolescence and passes with time. Bones can grow intensively and unevenly, which causes a protruding area, which clings to a ligament or tendon.

Causes dangerous to health

Synovial fluid deficiency

If there is not enough natural lubrication in the joint, creaking sounds appear during flexion and extension. This is accompanied by pain, which increases with physical exertion.

Deficiency of synovial fluid is very dangerous, as friction increases, and the menisci (cartilaginous plates in the joint) are erased over time. This leads to limited mobility and increased pain.

Injury to the meniscus or patella

Menisci are flat plates of cartilage that are located between the femur and tibia at the junction.

They can be injured not only as a result of a blow or fall, but also due to heavy physical exertion, prolonged use of shoes for high heels, surgical interventions with complications, obesity. The meniscus is also depleted in arthritis, arthrosis. When the meniscus is thinned, it crunches and hurts in the knee. When it is fractured or torn off, it crunches in the knee, it swells, and there is also acute pain.

The patella is the bone that covers the front of the joint. Normally, its posterior surface is smooth. But as a result of increased load, it can become uneven and interfere with the work of the joint. At the same time, it crunches and creaks in the knee, pain occurs during flexion and extension.

Also, the patella can be deformed as a result of an injury. Then he will also touch the joint, and the knee will crackle.

Types of meniscus injury

Ligament problems (injuries, weakening)

Damage (sprains or ruptures) of the ligaments occur during sudden or too intense physical exertion, sometimes during falls.

The weakening of the ligaments may be associated with age-related changes in the body, malnutrition and bad habits, sedentary lifestyle.

Usually, problems with ligaments are accompanied not only by a crunch in the knee, but also by pain, swelling, and disruption of the joint.

Treatment for crunchy knees

The first thing to do if there are clicking sounds and pain is to consult a therapist. He may refer you to a rheumatologist, arthrologist, or traumatologist.

Since subsequent treatment will largely depend on the cause, the doctor will conduct a diagnosis to establish exact reason crunch in the knee: x-ray, analysis of synovial fluid and ultrasound of the joint.

If, apart from the crunch, there are no more unpleasant symptoms, and during the examination, the doctors did not reveal any pathologies, then no treatment is needed.

If the knees crunch due to illness or injury, you need to undergo a course of therapy.

Crunch therapy for lack of synovial fluid

The first thing to do in this case is to adjust your diet and give up bad habits.

To increase your body's production of synovial fluid, eat more products with the content of vitamins C, D, B2, B5 and B9, as well as hyaluronic acid and collagen.

The diet should include:

  • nuts and legumes;
  • eggs;
  • berries, vegetables and fruits (citrus fruits, currants, blueberries, gooseberries, sea buckthorn, wild roses, tomatoes, greens);
  • Fish and seafood;
  • butter and vegetable oils;
  • chicken meat and offal;
  • mutton;
  • beef.

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To secure the joint necessary quantity synovial fluid - diet alone is not enough. Be sure to do exercises, after consulting with your doctor to select the appropriate exercises. This will help speed up metabolic processes in the joints, and the knees will stop crackling.

If your knees are crackling due to a severe lack of synovial fluid, your doctor may prescribe injections of synovial fluid substitutes that are given directly into the joint. They usually give good result; The effect lasts from six months to a year.

Treatment for pathologies of the meniscus or patella

If the menisci have thinned due to a lack of synovial fluid, the treatment is the same as described in the previous section.

In the case when the meniscus pathology arose as a symptom of arthrosis, the doctor will prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal agents and chondroprotectors. Also, so that the knees do not crackle, experts recommend physiotherapy procedures: massage, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy.

Physiotherapy procedures

In case of damage to the patella due to increased load:

  • lose excess weight;
  • do not carry weights (more than 7 kg for men and 5 kg for women);
  • do not buy shoes with heels higher than 4 cm;
  • jump less;
  • do not run if you are overweight;
  • swim, do aerobics or yoga.

After removing the load on the patella, the knees will no longer crunch, and the pain will pass.

If it crunches in the knees due to an injury or deformation of the patella, most likely, the doctor will prescribe an operation.

Troubleshooting links

Ligament injuries

When the knees crunch due to sprain or rupture of the ligaments, the doctor applies a special orthopedic bandage and recommends that the patient observe bed rest for several weeks.

When sprained or torn ligaments need first aid. If you have damaged ligaments, immediately put on sore spot cold compress and keep it there for 15 minutes. This will help relieve swelling and reduce pain. Please note that in case of ligament injuries, massage should not be done, as it can provoke bleeding and increase swelling.

Also, do not use during treatment. alcoholic drinks, because they provoke the appearance of edema.

First aid for sprained or torn knee ligaments

Subject to all the rules, the ligaments will heal in a couple of weeks, and the knee will not crackle.

Ligament loosening

If the knees are crunchy due to weakening of the ligaments, the doctor will prescribe drugs to strengthen them and a special diet.

Of the medicines, glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, methylsulfonylmethane, hyaluronic acid and others are used.

The diet includes foods rich in vitamins C, E, D and B, zinc, magnesium, selenium, calcium (berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs, meat, dairy products, nuts, cereals, eggs, seafood). By sticking to a diet, you will strengthen your ligaments, and your knees will stop crunching.

Folk methods

Be sure to coordinate the use of folk remedies with your doctor.

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By following all the recommendations of the doctor, you can get rid of the crunch in the knees and other symptoms that accompany joint diseases. The treatment process lasts from several weeks to several months, depending on the pathology and its severity. Sometimes, when it crunches in the knee, but it does not hurt, treatment is not needed; however, for prevention, it is still better to consult a doctor for an examination.

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The knee is the junction of the tibia, femur along with a knee brace. All these components, connected together, are called the knee joint. It is a rotational block joint formed by the medial and lateral condyles.

The knee bones are covered with hyaline cartilage, and at the edges of the joint there is a connective tissue capsule that forms a sealed, closed area. Such an articular sinus separates the bone connection from the surrounding space, not letting oxygen into this place.

Inside the articular sinus, a synovial substance is systematically produced that nourishes the hyaline cartilage. According to many experts, this tissue hides the cause of joint cracking.

Factors affecting the occurrence of creaking in the knee

Creaking in the knee joint is a common complaint of patients who come to see an orthopedist. But before a doctor prescribes a treatment, he always finds out real reasons such a feeling. So why does a characteristic crack appear in the joints?

The joint has a complex anatomical organization. It moves along the line of an intricate comma, therefore, in the process of movement, microscopic cavities appear in it, filled with nitrogen. A gas bubble forms along with a crackling sound.

Note! Experts believe that this condition is the norm, therefore, if the joints crack, then there is no need for any therapy.

Articular cartilage may experience operator remodulation throughout life. In the cartilage, the processes of erasure and renewal of cartilage tissues are regularly performed.

At a certain point in a person's life, a smaller amount of synovial substance is produced, or it changes the physicochemical characteristics. As a result, a characteristic creak appears in the knee.

Moreover, the cause of the crunch in the knees often lies in mechanical features articular connection. Basically, the crunch occurs at a young age due to high mobility. This condition is called hypermobility.

The main building block of all joints is collagen. When this protein is stretched, cracking may occur. Often, joint hypermobility progresses along with varicose veins, and if this condition is not treated, it can result in serious complications.

Injuries are another factor that causes a creak in the knee joint. The most common injury is a sprained joint.

Why are creaking sounds heard in the knee? The reason for this is patellofemoral syndrome and chondromalacia. These pathological phenomena are formed if there is a violation of the natural mobility of the patella, due to which the cup begins to rub against one side of the femur, which causes creaking sounds.

In some cases, creaking may be a consequence of microtrauma, for example, when.

But the most dangerous cause of crackling sounds is osteoparthrosis. The disease is a dystrophic and degenerative abnormality that appears in the case of erasure of cartilage tissues. Therefore, the joints lose their natural ability to glide smoothly.

How to prevent crunchy knees

When it became clear why the characteristic creaking sounds appear in the knee joints, it is possible to find out what preventive measures should be taken to prevent the occurrence of knee problems. So in preventive purposes you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The first step is to be careful when playing sports and try not to make sudden movements.
  • Excess weight is a problem of all joints, therefore, it is necessary to get rid of excess fat so that pathological disorders do not develop in the knees.
  • should be adhered to balanced diet, commit hiking and rest more often.
  • Everything, even minor inflammation in the knee, must be subjected to adequate therapy.
  • If the mobility of the knee is limited, due to injuries or pathological changes in the tissues of the joint, you should immediately consult a doctor.

But what if the cause of the crunch lies in a disease such as (gonarthrosis)? In this case, one cannot do without medical care. The doctor will diagnose and then prescribe the appropriate treatment.

If creaking sounds are accompanied painful sensations then the doctor will prescribe nonsteroidal drugs, removing inflammation and may recommend physiotherapy sessions.

Treatment of chondroprotectoma also brings effective results. Such drugs help to restore cartilage tissue. But such treatment is effective only in the initial stages of osteoarthritis, so it is pointless to do something if the disease is at an advanced stage, and even more so to treat it with chondoprotectors.

Note! Endoprosthetics - the most difficult surgery aimed at replacing a worn joint with an endoprosthesis (artificial joint).

Exercises to get rid of crunchy knees

There is a set of special exercises that help get rid of cod in the knee joint:

  1. One leg is placed on a raised platform, and the other leg should be moved back and to the side.
  2. Rotational movements of the pelvis.
  3. Starting position (IP) lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, divorced and reduced.
  4. SP on the back to spread and bring straightened legs.
  5. IP lying on the back. The legs are placed at an angle of 90 degrees, and then the toes should be spread and brought together.
  6. IP on the back legs bent. stop right foot it is necessary to put it on the left knee and make a tap away from the hip and vice versa.
  7. IP on the back. Make rotational movements with straight legs.
  8. IP on the side. Each leg is raised alternately, and then remains in a raised state for ten seconds.
  9. IP on the side. Raising the leg up and retracting to the side.
  10. IP lying on the stomach, hands are spread apart, after which you need to raise the torso without using your hands.
  11. IP on the stomach. Legs at the knees bend and unbend.
  12. IP standing on all fours, one leg is laid back. You need to bend and straighten your legs, and then return to the starting position.

Recommendations for strengthening the tendon and ligament of the knee joints

The knees are the weak point of many people, and especially those who are in old age. Therefore, doctors advise to do special exercises strengthening ligaments, but before that it is worth performing preparatory measures.

Important! A set of such exercises can be done only during remission, if there is no pain, therefore, when the disease is on acute stage they are prohibited.

First of all, you need to warm the front of the thigh. To perform the procedure, you need to stock up on two heating pads, one third of which will be filled with warm water. After that, excess oxygen must be released from the heaters, and then fixed with elastic bandage just above the knee joint so that they cover the surface of the thigh.

You need to warm the leg for no more than twenty minutes. After that, you can go to the simulator designed to develop the knees, and the smallest weight should be set on it.

Six to eight repetitions must be done on the simulator, but if pain appears, then it cannot be tolerated, so classes must be stopped. It is important that the angle of elevation should not exceed 45 degrees.

After that, you can proceed to the exercises on the Swedish wall. You need to do hip stretching 8-10 times, then you should return to the simulator, and then again go to the Swedish wall. These manipulations must be repeated three times.

In the end knee-joint you need to grind a little with an ice cube. Cold therapy should be done for ten minutes, paying special attention to those areas in which the greatest pain is felt.

Note! If pain is felt when the joints are stretched, then it is necessary to reduce the angle of the knee joint, it is also important that the hip joint is straightened.

It should be noted that crackling and crackling sounds in the knee joints are not a reason to limit mobility. After all, if you start to take care of the knee too much, then the painful condition will only worsen.

A crunch in the joints is a sound familiar to almost every person. They usually treat it rather indifferently, considering this problem harmless. Indeed, the appearance of such a sound in some cases - normal phenomenon, but sometimes the appearance of a crunch can also indicate the development of the disease.

Crunch, as a variant of the norm

So, before deciding what to do when the knee or shoulder joints crunch (namely, they are the most “loud”), you need to figure out if there really is a problem?

There are several hypotheses that describe the reason for the appearance of such a sound. At the same time, not all hypotheses suggest the presence of diseases, in most cases it is considered that this is a normal condition. The most common hypothesis suggests that quite a lot of gas is dissolved in the synovial fluid. With some movements, the size of the joint cavity increases and the gas is released from the fluid, taking the form of bubbles. The process of their formation is perceived by a person as a click or crunch. This phenomenon is normal and is called cavitation. After that, the bubbles gradually dissolve and the joint returns to its previous state. When this happens, the “crunch” may reappear, but this will be the norm.

Simply put, such a sound can be the norm, but only if it is heard no more than once every 20-30 minutes. If such clicks are not accompanied by pain and did not appear after an injury, then there is no point in going to the doctor for an examination. But it is worth paying attention to the nature of the crunch - if it changes, then it is still better to go to the doctor.

Other causes of crunching in the joints

Unfortunately, such a crunch is far from always harmless. So, the appearance of a characteristic sound with each repetition of a certain movement without the previously described natural period recovery (about 20 minutes) often indicates the appearance of various diseases, especially if it is accompanied by limited movement in the joint. This is how they can manifest themselves early stages arthritis, deforming arthrosis, bursitis, tendonitis and a number of other diseases. With such symptoms, you should consult a doctor and immediately begin serious treatment. Only a qualified specialist can prescribe the appropriate treatment. In this situation, it is risky to self-medicate.

However, there are also less dangerous reasons the appearance of such a crunch, with which it is quite possible to cope on your own. So, to the question “What to do if the joints are very crunchy?” you can almost always answer - you need to move more and take care of proper nutrition which is rich in vitamins. The fact is that very often the cause of the crunch is sedentary image life and the absence of normal loads. The human body is designed in such a way that it needs loads, without them the body weakens. A sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that the ligaments weaken and the joint becomes “loose”. This is not a disease yet, but its harbinger.

In such a situation, the most logical thing is to add movement. This does not mean that you need to go to the gym and start “pulling” weights, it’s enough just to walk more, if possible, run in the morning.

On the other hand, excess physical exercise also lead to the appearance of a crunch. Here the situation is just the opposite - the joints just start to wear out, similar situation is a harbinger of the development of arthrosis. In such a situation, everything is quite simple - you need to reduce the load.

Another one possible reason the appearance of a crunch - hypermobility. It's not a disease, it's a birth defect connective tissue. Some people even try to strengthen it with training, achieving incredible flexibility. The capabilities of such gymnasts are very impressive, but on the other hand, hypermobility threatens with weakness of the ligaments and frequent dislocations of the joints. A person with such a defect needs to be registered with a doctor who can give advice to avoid future injuries.

Also, the cause of the appearance of a crunch can be trauma or dysplasia. An injury, even an old one, leads to a weakening of the ligaments, even if it was received good treatment. For this reason, an athlete, for example, who has received a knee injury once, will face this problem in the future. Dysplasia, on the other hand, is the underdevelopment of some tissues that should be in the joint, which also leads to its weakening. In this case, you should also consult a doctor, since there is a risk of developing various secondary diseases.

Joints are the vulnerable part human body. They react to excess physical activity and inactivity, injury, inflammation. Joints may ache and ache, swell, and be stiff, but these changes are less common and are usually associated with specific diseases. Much more often, at a doctor's appointment, there are complaints of crunching, creaking of the joints of the legs, arms, or a feeling of clicks throughout the body. Why do bones and joints crackle?


Crunch in the joints of the arms and legs is a common phenomenon. Most often, it is heard in the knee joints during squats or in the shoulder joints - with a sharp wave of the arms. Sometimes it sounds like a crack or creak, with a sharp movement in the joint, clicks can be felt.

A crunch in the joints of the spine, arms or legs occurs at any age - even in young children when performing gymnastic exercises, with sudden movements.

Among adolescents, creaking and crunching in the joints is not uncommon, as is the case with young or middle-aged people. After 50 years, this phenomenon is observed in almost every person.

But is the crunch of the joints always a pathology? What reasons cause it? Why do joints crackle?

Causes of crunch

Crunch, creak and click joints can be completely different reasons. Each age group they are theirs. Sometimes a crunch or creak is associated with harmless processes and can be easily corrected. In other cases, it is a symptom of a serious illness that requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor. How to determine how dangerous a crunch in the joints is?

A healthy joint should move silently. To do this, its bone parts are covered with hyaline cartilage, which ensures unhindered movement relative to each other. In addition, the synovial membrane, which lines the surface of the articulation from the inside, also helps to slip the articular surfaces. The third important element of the joint, responsible for the noiselessness of its movement, is the synovial fluid. It plays the role of a lubricant in this situation.

Why is it violated normal functioning articulations and his movements become sonorous? The reasons for this can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Physiological.
  2. Pathological.

Physiological causes

The physiological causes of the crunch are called because they are not associated with the pathological process. Usually they do not lead to the development of the disease, and the crunch disappears on its own after some time or with a change in lifestyle. These include:

  • Growth spurts in children.
  • Joint hypermobility.
  • movement of synovial fluid.
  • Sharp movements of the arms or legs.

The physiological crunch or creak, unlike the pathological one, is not accompanied by pain in the joint, its swelling, blockade or stiffness.

growth spurts

This cause of crunching or squeaking is most common in childhood and adolescence. Children usually grow in leaps and bounds - muscles and ligaments may not keep up with the bones and vice versa. At such a growth rate - in jerks - the formation of joint capsule and products enough synovial fluid. As a result, the depreciation properties of the articulation and the unhindered sliding of the articular surfaces are violated. When moving their arms or legs, children and adolescents will hear a variety of sounds - from a quiet creak to distinct clicks.


Hypermobility Syndrome is excessive joint mobility. This phenomenon is caused by weakness ligamentous apparatus. It is the stretched ligaments that will make a crunchy or clicking sound when moving.

Why is the ligamentous apparatus not doing its job? The causes of hypermobility syndrome are varied. This may be the result of a congenital disease - for example, with Marfan's syndrome, when a person's ligaments are too elastic. In addition, a certain looseness of the joints occurs in thin young people, girls and adolescents.

Often, excessive joint mobility occurs during pregnancy due to the action of the hormone relaxin. In this situation, most of the joints of the expectant mother begin to crackle or make clicking sounds. However, do not worry too much about this, because relaxin ceases to be produced by the time of birth. And this means that over time, the stability of the joints in a woman will be restored.

Although the crunching of joints in hypermobility syndrome cannot be attributed to pathological processes, this condition requires the adoption of certain precautions.

Precautionary measures

What threatens the crunch with hypermobility syndrome, and does it require treatment? By themselves, sound phenomena are not treated. Dangerous in this situation is the lack of stability of the joint. If the joint looseness is not eliminated, it threatens with the development of chronic - habitual - subluxation and dislocation in the future.

Is there a cure for hypermobility syndrome? When congenital pathology therapy does not exist. However, it is quite possible to prevent complications. To do this, use the following methods:

  1. Limitation of sudden movements.
  2. Strengthening the periarticular muscles in order to create a kind of frame. It will perform a strengthening function of the ligamentous apparatus.
  3. Wearing knee braces, bandages, calipers, orthoses and splints. These are all devices that restrict movement in the joints and differ only in type and degree of rigidity.
  4. Physiotherapy exercises with an emphasis on static exercises.
  5. The same methods are applicable in people with constitutional hypermobility of the joints and during the period of growth in children and adolescents. There is no medical treatment for this condition.

The disappearance of clicks and a pronounced crunch during movements in this situation serves as a criterion for the effectiveness of ongoing preventive measures.

The movement of synovial fluid

Why do joints absolutely crackle? healthy people? There is a version according to which the sound phenomena in the joints are associated with the formation of bubbles in the synovial fluid. They can be different size. Moving with current, gas bubbles burst. From the side it is heard as a slight crack or crunch. This process in the joint cavity is called cavitation. It occurs in absolutely healthy people and at any age.

Intra-articular cavitation is not a sign of disease and does not require treatment or preventive measures. How to distinguish this sound phenomenon from a pathological crunch?

If the cause lies in the formation of bubbles, the sounds when the joints move will not be accompanied by pain or stiffness. Also, the joints do not swell. Such a crunch is not heard constantly, it occurs periodically. An important distinguishing point is the creak and crackle in different places and not just one joint.

Excessive cavitation is associated with the predominance of protein foods in the diet. It changes the surface tension of the synovial fluid, and therefore blisters are found in in large numbers. When changing the diet and switching to a carbohydrate-fat diet, clicks and crackles in the joints usually decrease.

However, not all doctors support the theory of intra-articular cavitation. In their opinion, if bubbles form, they are of small diameter. And, therefore, when bursting, no sounds will be heard due to the nearby bones, ligaments, muscles, subcutaneous fat and skin.

There is another physiological phenomenon that leads to creaking and crunching in the joints. This is the entry of folds of the synovial membrane between articular surfaces. This most often happens in the knee joint due to the peculiarities of its structure. Probably, every person at least once in his life faced with a crash and creaking in his knees. These sounds are especially pronounced during squats without a previous physical warm-up. A crunch in the knees occurs even in childhood and, as a rule, is not a sign of a pathological process.

jerky movements

Why are sudden movements accompanied by sounds from the joints? There may be several reasons for this - education big bubbles in synovial fluid or contact of the membrane with cartilaginous surfaces. But more often this happens due to the so-called overlap of tendons and ligaments. With sudden movements, they stretch as much as possible, and then with force return to their previous position. These movements are accompanied by characteristic sounds similar to the blow of a whip. From the side, they will appear in the form of clicks or a crunch.

Overlapping tendons are classified as a variant physiological norm. They often occur in adults and do not require any treatment.

Pathological causes

Sometimes a crunch in the joints is associated with pathological processes. It may be their consequence or precede the disease. How to distinguish pathological sounds during joint movements from physiological ones?

If this phenomenon is accompanied by symptoms such as pain, swelling and dysfunction, then, of course, we are talking about a lesion of the joint. And in this case, the crunch and crackle will be an indicator of the severity, unfavorability of the process. What pathological causes most often cause audible sounds during movements of the joints of the arms and legs? These include:

  • Arthrosis.
  • Arthritis.
  • exchange violations.
  • Osteochondropathy.
  • Injuries.
  • Joint dysplasia.


Arthrosis is usually age-related changes in the joints. Main pathological mechanisms of this disease - degeneration and dystrophy of all articular structures. Damage to the cartilage leads to its destruction, as a result of which the subchondral bones begin to come into contact with each other. Due to such pathological friction, marginal proliferation of bones begins with the formation of osteophytes.

When moving the arms or legs, the osteophytes touch each other, causing pain and a distinct crunch or creak. In addition, synovial fluid production decreases with age. Lubrication for cartilaginous surfaces is becoming less and less. This also leads to the fact that their movement becomes audible and felt.


With inflammation of the joint, a crunch will always be noted in parallel with the pain syndrome. In addition, there will be others characteristic symptoms:

  1. Redness of the skin over the affected area.
  2. Local edema.
  3. Disturbance of movements, sometimes very significant.

What causes sounds when you move your arms or legs? Increased crackling and squeaking in arthritis may be due to the fact that inflammation increases the amount of protein in the synovial fluid, and, therefore, cavitation will be more pronounced. Also, the inflamed articulation surfaces will be in closer contact with each other. Cartilage with this pathology becomes less smooth, irregularities and roughness appear on it, and any movement in the affected area will be accompanied by sounds.

Exchange disorders

There are diseases in which crystals are deposited in the joint cavity or adjacent tissues. When moving, they can be pinched, come into contact with cartilage or bone part. At the same time, a crackling, dull creaking or a sharp crunch can be clearly heard in the arm or leg.

Such crystals can usually be felt or even seen with the naked eye. Sometimes they become inflamed, and the skin over them turns red, becomes hot. With a sharp infringement of the crystals, severe pain occurs. In the people, such diseases are called the deposition of salts.

Under what pathologies do crystals form? A long and well-known disease that occurs with a lesion musculoskeletal system- it's gout. It is characterized by the formation and deposition throughout the body of uric acid crystals - tophi.

In addition, gout is characterized by frequent inflammatory attacks in the interphalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints on the feet and knee joints. With the progression of the disease, the crunch becomes almost constant, movements are limited and accompanied by aching pain.

Also, calcium crystals can be deposited in the joint cavity and surrounding tissues. Often they can be seen in ligaments and tendons. When too many crystals accumulate, they are palpable in the form of dense nodules. Movements in the articulation are accompanied by a crunch and creak.


Exists separate group diseases associated with damage to the hyaline cartilage and subchondral bone. One of the most famous is Koenig's disease, or aseptic necrosis knee. Pathology is characterized by the gradual destruction of cartilage and its free movement in the articular cavity. When hyaline fragments come into contact with articular structures, a crack and crunch occurs. Cartilaginous particles can calcify, and then the noise effects during movement become more distinct.


Injuries to the limbs during sports, excessive physical exertion can lead to sprains. This pathology causes not only pain during movement, but also a creak or crunch. Sounds in the joints arise due to the overlap of the stretched ligamentous apparatus.

For the prevention of sports injuries, it is recommended to wear bandages and calipers in the most vulnerable areas. Joint immobilization is also used as treatment method with an already received injury, while the crunch decreases and the pain subsides.

Joint dysplasia

Many people know such a pathology as hip dysplasia. It can be diagnosed even in the neonatal period, in the hospital. A characteristic sound symptom of this disease is a click when breeding the baby's hips. This happens because the head of the femur slips out of the articular cavity, and then comes back.

Clicking when moving the hips in a newborn is a dangerous symptom. He demands immediate inspection pediatric orthopedist to rule out hip dysplasia. At timely diagnosis This pathology is easily treatable and does not require surgical intervention.

What to do if joints crunch all over the body?

Examination and treatment

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to understand what causes sounds when the joints of the legs and arms move. A specialist orthopedic traumatologist will help in this. He will conduct an examination and prescribe the appropriate examination - tests, X-ray, Ultrasound. Thus, it will be possible to find out what the musculoskeletal system lacks and how to correct it.

Treatment always begins with lifestyle changes. Diseases of the bones and joints require adequate physical activity and balanced nutrition rich in calcium. In some cases, admission is required additional vitamins, physical therapy exercises. If the crunch is associated with certain disease, then the orthopedist will prescribe the appropriate therapy. Self-treatment for pathology of the musculoskeletal system is not allowed.

Diagnosis and treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint

Diseases affecting musculoskeletal system are one of the most dangerous and serious, as they can significantly reduce the standard of living of a person and bring a lot of inconvenience of various kinds. Biggest risk mobile structures such as joints are exposed. The most common type affecting upper part body, considered arthrosis shoulder joint. Like other subspecies of the disease, it is characterized by chronic, gradual destruction of the tissues of diarthrosis, which leads to limb incapacity and absolute loss of function.

Anatomical structure of the shoulder joint

This connection is formed by the articulation of the head humerus and depressions in the scapular region. The peculiarity is that the notch is surrounded by a section of cartilaginous tissue, which contributes to the damping of vibrations and the absorption of shocks. The head of the shoulder is spherical in shape. Such a specific construction, a small number of constituent elements, provide the ability to perform the most diverse movements in three planes, as well as rotate the limb in several directions. But at the same time, the same features are the reason that shoulder diarthrosis is at a much greater risk of developing arthrosis of the shoulder joint, due to mobility. The connecting capsule runs along the edges of the cartilage, ligaments are attached to it, muscles are attached to the back and front, while it is not lined with muscle tissue inside.

The reasons

The disease can be caused by a number of reasons that are completely different. In some cases, it is the result general influence several factors, including the following:

  • Inherited predisposition. Genetics plays an important role, because if one of your loved ones was diagnosed with arthrosis of the shoulder, knee or foot, then you should start to be more attentive to health, since you are at particular risk.
  • Age. Arthritis, as well as arthrosis, occurs more often in older people, but in modern world the possibility of developing the disease in young people is not excluded.
  • Injuries. Upon receiving damage varying degrees severity, given seemingly even minor sprains, you should immediately contact a specialist so that he prescribes the appropriate treatment. Left unattended injuries or their improper treatment can lead to shoulder arthrosis.
  • Profession. The main type of human activity can become a causative factor in the development of the disease if there are regular, exorbitant loads on the area of ​​​​the shoulders and arms. Risk group professions include: miner, painter, athlete, loader.
  • Overweight. Excessive body weight has Negative influence on the body as a whole, and especially on the musculoskeletal system. As you know, osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint mainly affects overweight people.
  • The presence of diseases or disorders in the work of the endocrine, hormonal systems, metabolism.

Symptoms of shoulder arthrosis depending on the stage of the disease

Osteoarthritis develops, affecting the structure of the shoulder joint gradually and mostly slowly, flowing from stage to stage, each of which is characterized by severity and associated symptoms.

The first degree of the disease is the initial one, accompanied by the infrequent appearance of pain, which does not cause much concern. They may not have a clearly defined localization, not limited to the area of ​​the shoulder joint, extending to the shoulder blade and upper back. Discomfort occurs after a load on the affected part of the body, but then quickly disappears when provided calm state. Since the structures of the articular and cartilaginous tissue only succumbed dystrophic process, dysfunction of the limb is not observed.

The second degree in case of arthrosis of the shoulder joint makes itself felt by the deterioration in the patient's health, which is expressed by an increase and a longer duration pain syndrome. New characteristic symptoms appear: crunching, discomfort, restrictions when making movements with a limb, an inflammatory process, accompanied by swelling, swelling. On palpation of the diseased joint, seals can be felt.

The third degree of shoulder arthrosis is the most severe and complex. The disease at this stage of development is almost impossible to stop or slow down, since the destruction that has occurred has become irreversible. The main symptoms are as follows: severe, often unbearable pain, a significant limitation of movements, which introduces an imbalance in everyday life, clicking at the slightest change in the position of the limb, partial or total loss functions of diarthrosis.

The main emphasis should be placed on the fact that shoulder arthrosis exhibits symptoms that are also characteristic of other diseases of this group. Since their treatment has several significant differences, even in the presence of mild characteristic features diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is strongly recommended to visit a doctor.

Dangerous subspecies - deforming arthrosis

Deforming arthrosis, often found under a different name osteoarthritis, is one of the options for the course of the disease. Its fundamental difference lies in the fact that this type of disease is accompanied by more pronounced degenerative changes, the gradual appearance and growth of bone tissue, the so-called osteophytes in medical practice. Growths can be periarticular and intraarticular. The process of their formation is noticeable externally - with an increase in the number or size of osteophytes, the degree of deformation of the diarthrosis itself becomes greater.

Identification of the disease

Methods for diagnosing diseases of the musculoskeletal system have greatly expanded the possibilities, have become more advanced and diverse. most popular and accessible method diagnosis remains x-ray examination. To identify arthrosis, it is necessary to take pictures of the shoulder joint in several projections, direct and lateral are recommended.

If humeroscapular arthrosis is suspected, additional instrumental methods studies that reveal even the initial processes of destruction, the slightest changes in internal structures:

  • arthroscopy;
  • Ultrasound procedure;
  • Computed tomography;
  • thermography.

The results of the studies are able to determine arthrosis of the shoulder joint at any stage, the doctor pays attention, first of all, to such characteristic symptoms: changes in the size of the joint space, the presence of foci of ossification or cysts in the cartilage tissue, an increase or decrease in the synovial membrane. After the diagnosis, they receive consultations of highly specialized specialists who prescribe a full-fledged, comprehensive treatment.

It should be noted that the clinical analyzes blood and urine with arthrosis of the shoulder, is prescribed quite rarely. The reason for the unsuitability of this diagnostic method is that this disease is practically unable to change the biological composition of physiological fluids.

Powerful comprehensive treatment

The initial treatment for osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint is aimed at making changes in the patient's daily lifestyle in order to reduce the number of negative factors, reduce the degree of their influence, slow down the progression of the disease, minimize or eliminate symptoms.

  • Providing detailed information about the nature of the disease, teaching the patient how to deal with it;
  • Correction of the mode, power supply system;
  • Adjustment of physical activity;
  • Control of body weight, if necessary, its reduction.

In the event that shoulder arthrosis has developed to stage 2 and brings significant discomfort, then a more rigorous and diverse treatment is selected, including pharmacological and physiotherapeutic methods. Medications form the basis of therapy various groups taken by several courses.

Medicine group pharmachologic effect Name and form of drugs
Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal They are used to reduce or eliminate the process of inflammation in tissues, systemic anesthesia, and to combat fever. Diclofenac, nise, ibuprofen - in the form of ointments, gels for local application;
Nimesulide, rofecoxib, etoricoxib - in the form of tablets.
Analgesics They have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Analgin, Spazmalgon, Ibuklin, Dolaren, Pentalgin, Morphine, Fentanyl. Mostly all drugs for oral administration.
Hormonal (glucocorticosteroids) They are strong painkillers, relieve inflammation, and have immunosuppressive properties. However, unsuitable for long-term use, they are prescribed systemically. Available in the form of gels for local action. If arthrosis of the shoulder joint causes too painful, expressive symptoms, then cardinal treatment, namely strong intra-articular injections hormonal drugs. The name most often corresponds to the main active substance- Prednisolone, betamethasone, hydrocortisone.
Chondroprotectors They have the most important restorative effect on the tissues of the diseased joint at the cellular level. The effect of taking such medicines will not be instantaneous, to really see improvement you need to take several courses. Wobenzym, Hyaluronic acid, Chondroitin sulfate, Glucosamine sulfate.

Treatment with physiotherapy is an excellent addition to the above method of slowing down the course and eliminating the symptoms of shoulder arthrosis. The variety of physiotherapy means helps to ensure that each patient can find the right procedure depending on individual characteristics organism.

Electrophoresis is successfully applied, that is, the effect on the affected areas electric shock in order to relieve pain. For this, UV irradiation (ultraviolet) is also used, which reduces the sensitivity of the fibers. nerve endings. The removal of the inflammatory process is facilitated by high-intensity centimeter-wave therapy and infrared laser therapy. Magnetic therapy for arthrosis is aimed at restoring and regenerating tissues, stimulating muscle tissue, improving metabolism and blood circulation.

Comprehensive treatment on the recommendation of a doctor is usually supplemented by physical therapy. In this case, special attention should be paid to the fact that if you have developed, for example, arthrosis of the left shoulder joint, then the exercises should be performed on both sides of the body and limbs, because this will help strengthen muscle corset, improve blood circulation throughout the body and positively affect general state health.

Having received a diagnosis of shoulder arthrosis, many people are wondering how to treat the disease with the help of manual therapy and especially whether it is possible to carry out self-massage. Experts unanimously argue that it is not only possible, but absolutely necessary. In the event that it is not possible to attend this expensive procedure in our time, massage can be performed according to special lessons that are available on medical websites and in videos. Greatest Benefit brings an impact on the specific acupuncture points shown in the figure.

Treatment of arthrosis at home

If you are wondering how to treat a disease more effectively and efficiently, then you can supplement the official therapy alternative method treatment. In modern times, with all the diversity medications in world markets, people continue to use the "grandmother's recipes" proven by centuries and the experience of our ancestors. They involve the preparation of funds mainly for external influence: ointments, compresses, infusions, etc.


  • Mix the yolk of one egg, a small spoonful of vinegar, preferably apple cider vinegar, and the same amount of turpentine. Apply the prepared ointment on the joint before going to bed, carefully rubbing it into the shoulder, bandage it with a bandage and wrap it with a warm natural woolen cloth.
  • Mix 3 tablespoons of honey with three grams of mummy, you can add healing clay. Apply the prepared homogeneous mixture to the affected part of the body, rub into the skin.


  • Prepare a concentrated tincture on the cinquefoil, use externally for rubbing in the morning and evening.
  • Extract juice from 1 kg black radish, add to it half a liter of vodka, a large spoonful of liquid honey and a teaspoon of salt. Infuse for two weeks in a place where light does not fall. Apply to the affected area twice a day, shaking beforehand.

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint by an alternative method can be based on the use of compresses, which must be used daily until the desired result appears.

Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint most positively responds to treatment folk remedies on the initial stage disease, bringing a very real visible result and improving the quality of life of the patient. If the disease is in an advanced degree, then in this case, do not despair, the use of homemade recipes will alleviate the symptoms and strengthen the immune system.


Having studied a significant amount of information, we can conclude that arthrosis is not a sentence and not such a terrible disease as it seems. Knowing the essence, causes and main methods of combating the disease, you can take necessary measures, which will help to stop its development and eliminate uncomfortable symptoms.

A healthy articular joint should function smoothly, without causing discomfort, squeaks and pops. But there are cases when, during motor activity, a person hears knees creak and cottony sounds are heard that cause anxiety and make one wonder if they can healthy joints squeak or it's time to see a doctor before it's too late.

Anatomical structure of the knee joint

What is the cause of creaking sounds in the knee joint?

To explain why articular joints creak without having pathological causes possible for all three reasons. Strange sounds may be heard as a result of:

  • Collisions of bone tissue with the ligamentous apparatus.
  • Rupture of splices adjacent to the joint.
  • Vacuum cotton, which caused negative pressure.

There are a lot of reasons for pathological creaking and you won’t be able to figure out this problem on your own, so you need to contact a specialist for advice.


Unstable knee joint

Creaking sounds may indicate joint hypermobility. There may be several factors influencing this. This problem often worries patients who have increased output collagen. This element is a building material for bone and cartilage and ligamentous tissues, but unlike other protein elements, it is more extensible.

If such a pathology is observed in a patient, his ligamentous apparatus becomes more mobile, leading to loosening of the joint. Often, such an ailment is accompanied by unnatural clapping and creaking sounds resulting from bending the limbs and loading them. This indicates the presence of a weak ligamentous apparatus. To strengthen the ligaments, patients are prescribed massage and a special set of exercises.

Ligament problems can also appear as a result of injuries. Damaged ligamentous apparatus, menisci, tendons, cannot fully recover, therefore, they often lead to instability of the articular joints. If the motor function of the patellar element is impaired, which leads to chondromylation or patellofermal syndrome, the cup rubs against the femoral bone tissue, causing the knees to creak when flexed and during physical activity.


Arthrosis of the knee joint

Squeaking can in some cases result from osteoarthritis. A similar affliction occurs as a result of wear and deformation of the surface of the articular joints. In addition to such sounds, the disease makes itself felt with pain, which is most pronounced in the absence of motor activity. To get rid of pain, patients with this disease need to walk around and perform special exercises. In addition, problems are observed with physical activity. At chronic course diseases as a result of the destruction of articular tissues, in patients there is a blockage of the articular joints, which requires urgent surgical intervention and the installation of an endoprosthesis.

It is installed using arthroplasty. But it should be noted that such an intervention is quite serious and expensive. In order to carry out the operation, you need a serious justification. In addition, the patient is always informed before the operation that the prosthesis may not take root, and rehabilitation after its installation can take quite a long time.

If a surgical intervention passed successfully, then the articular joint becomes mobile again. But the creak does not always go away, especially if only part of the articular joint is prosthetized.

Other reasons

Often these problems occur in children. In their case, this is not dangerous, since the joints will be held together due to the unformed muscular and ligamentous apparatus. In aged people, creaking sounds are associated with age-related changes, which, unfortunately, are irreversible and in most cases lead to joint replacement. Also, a creak can signal loads that are unbearable for charters.

If strange sounds occur during flexion of the limbs, then they may indicate the onset of inflammatory processes in the articular joints. If a creak appears during squats after straightening the leg, then most likely the increased load is to blame, overweight, lifting heavy objects, sedentary lifestyle . Also, creaking sounds can be caused by salt deposition, which are formed as a result of malnutrition and some pathologies.

What to do

Before taking any steps to eliminate the squeak, find out its cause by contacting a specialist. Only after a complete examination has been carried out, it is possible to proceed with the selection of suitable therapeutic methods. If the creak is associated with lifestyle and diet, then they need to be reviewed in order to get rid of the anomaly.

If strange sounds are caused by exorbitant loads, then they must be reduced. Sometimes patients need to give up sports or even change the type of activity.

Hot baths or sauna visits will help get rid of creaking sounds in the knees. If the discomfort is caused by an injury, then it must be treated with the help of conservative methods or surgery. If everything is to blame for damage to the ligamentous apparatus or a bruise, the limbs must be provided with complete rest. Ligament rupture or meniscus injury requires surgical correction performed using minimally invasive techniques.

If the squeaks are caused by degeneration or inflammation, then the joints should be treated with the help of medical techniques, represented by chondroprotectors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal and vitamin complexes. All of the above methods contribute to the acceleration of regenerative processes in cartilage tissues.

  • Special diets. It consists in the rejection of salty and spicy food. Vegetables should be included in the diet protein products and cereals.
  • And, of course, do not forget about prevention. As you know, the disease is best to prevent than to get rid of it for a long time. Be healthy.

    Have you noticed how your knees creak? You walk down the street, sit down on a bench and hear this unpleasant crunch. Not only is it unpleasant and uncomfortable for hearing, it also causes pain in. What are these signs and harbingers of what they can be? In all this, as well as in the treatment of such unpleasant symptom we'll figure it out further.

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    Not always a creak can be characterized as a pathology. Sometimes these annoying sounds are just echoes, for example, when we play sports, squat, climb stairs, and so on. But if, in addition to the crunch, they seem to crack and click, then this sound cannot be called the normal state of things.

    How is pathology different from normal state? Consider a number of factors:

    • Loud is accompanied by a rise in temperature.
    • Creaking, clicking.
    • Even with an awkward and slightest movement, the creak may not stop for a long time.
    • Human mobility is limited.
    • The knee joints hurt.

    It is necessary to determine the causes of the squeak, and prescribe the appropriate treatment, otherwise the person may remain disabled.

    Joint instability

    As a rule, such a pathology manifests itself when bending the knee or when squatting. Doctors say that this pathology occurs due to the weakening of the ligaments. People need to perform special exercises on the recommendation of a doctor in order to strengthen them. Also similar pathology may result from injury. After damage to the meniscus, ligaments, joints cannot immediately restore their normal functions, therefore, a creak may occur as a symptom of instability.


    With arthrosis and osteoarthritis, creaking is one of the main symptoms. This ailment characterized precisely by the fact that the joints wear out. The result is pain, creaking, clicking and limited movement. It is worth noting that if nothing is done to treat the joints, then the cartilage tissue will completely collapse over time, which means that the person will lose the ability to move. In this case, only endoprosthesis will help.

    However, it should be understood that this is very expensive operation. Therefore, it makes sense to start treating arthrosis on time in order to avoid complications and obtain similar consequences.


    Arthritis is commonly referred to as a number of inflammatory diseases. Today it is one of the most common ailments.

    Reasons for development:

    • Allergic reactions.
    • Weakened immunity.
    • Joint injuries.
    • Infectious diseases.
    • genetic predisposition.
    • Obesity.
    • Natural wear and tear of the joint (which is why older people often have arthritis).

    Symptoms of the disease are manifested by fever, tumor development, redness and swelling. Treatment begins with the appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs. AT severe cases glucocorticoids are used.


    Gout develops as a result of metabolic disorders. A lot of uric acid salts accumulate in the joints, it is this factor that provokes the appearance severe pain. The disease occurs on the background of stress, poor nutrition or hypothermia. It is characterized by symptoms such as creaking of the knees, pain attacks at night, deformity of the joints.

    Other problems

    Sometimes a creak can be observed in children. This can be explained by the fact that their muscles and ligaments are not yet fully formed. In the elderly similar symptoms associated with age-related changes in the body. Sometimes cases are so neglected that a knee prosthesis is simply necessary.

    If the creaking only appears when the knee is bent, then this is inflammation that is already present in the joints. When squatting, climbing stairs, after straightening the legs, the creak indicates:

    • The person is physically active.
    • Obesity, so the joints have a lot of stress.
    • Sedentary lifestyle.
    • Weight lifting.

    Treatment Methods

    How to do what? First you need to decide what kind of disease has overtaken a person. After a thorough diagnosis, it is necessary to begin treatment of diseased joints.

    What to do first:

    • Reduce physical activity to a minimum.
    • Monitor your weight.


    Performance therapeutic exercises can help relieve the normal creaking of the knee joint or just relax and reduce the load on it.

    A set of exercises:

    1. Fulfill circular motions hip joint.
    2. Lie on the floor on your back, perform circular movements with a straight leg.
    3. Lying on your side, raise your legs as alternately as possible.
    4. Lie on your stomach, unbend and bend your legs.
    5. Lying on your stomach, spread and bring your legs together. It is necessary to make sure that the legs remain straight during the exercise.

    Medical therapy

    If necessary, the doctor prescribes drug treatment, implying acceptance:

    Folk remedies

    If you start treatment with folk remedies, then you need to know your diagnosis exactly, otherwise, instead of benefit, you can get a variety of complications and not the most better consequences. It should be understood that acceptance folk recipes possible only after consultation with a doctor.

    Recipes for folk remedies:

    1. Need to take a pack bay leaf and separate exactly half, pour 300 milliliters of boiling water and boil. Wrap in cloth and wait three hours. Consume in the evening, preferably before bed. The course of treatment is three days. Then two weeks of rest and you can repeat the course again.
    2. Take one tablespoon of linden and brew in boiling water. Let it brew for twenty to twenty-five minutes, then strain and take one glass at night.
    3. Take five heads of garlic, pour half a liter of vodka and leave for about ten days. Take one tablespoon before each meal.
    4. Garlic can be used differently. For example, grate it, squeeze out the juice and take the juice ten drops daily, diluted in warm milk.
    5. In the spring, you can collect lilac flowers, put them in a jar and pour alcohol. For example, in a three-liter jar there should be two/thirds of lilacs, and the rest is alcohol. Insist three weeks. This tincture helps as a rubbing of sore joints. The pain goes away twenty to thirty minutes after the procedure.

    Video "Why do my knees creak?"

    From this video you will learn how to get rid of the crunch in the knee joint.

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