Laser vision correction with 1. Excimer laser vision correction (Lasik). Methods of laser vision correction

What is laser correction

Laser vision correction is a surgical operation. Its method is based on changing the shape of the cornea and correcting refractive errors in the eye. Due to this, the image on the retina begins to focus as it should. This saves patients from using lenses or glasses.

Who conducts

In Moscow, laser vision correction is carried out in special microsurgical eye hospitals. Operations are carried out under the supervision of ophthalmologists and microsurgeons. The price for laser vision correction will depend on the level of the clinic and the method of performing the procedure. Modern devices and a high level of security have made the operation accessible and simple.


Vision correction is performed for the following diseases:
  • farsightedness;
  • myopia;
  • astigmatism;
  • presbyopia.

Types of correction

Modern installations make it possible to correct almost all degrees and types of visual impairment. Today in medical practice, the following methods of correction are used.
Photorefractive keratectomy is a non-contact effect of an excimer laser on the shallow layers of the cornea, while not affecting other structures of the eye.
Laser keratomileusis - during the procedure, a corneal flap is formed, which can be folded back. After that, the cornea is vaporized with a laser and made it more convex or flatter, depending on the disease. Then the flap is returned to its place.
FLEx method - it uses only a femtosecond laser, which makes the operation safer and more efficient.
Femtolazik - the effect on the cornea is more gentle than with the simple lasik method, this allows operations to be performed on those patients who were previously denied due to contraindications: a high degree of myopia or a thin cornea.

How is the correction

The procedure takes place under local anesthesia, while the laser process lasts only a few seconds. The patient does not experience any pain during the operation. It is important to just lie down and look at the red dot, trying not to look away. A couple of hours after the procedure, you can already go home.
For the first few weeks, it is advisable to limit visual activity, do not sleep on the side of the operated eye, avoid getting water and soap into the eye, and also use sunglasses.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

Our service is in demand in Russia and the CIS countries and is regulated by Russian law

The program "Eye operations available to everyone!"

This program was developed by Our Partner LLC (TIN 2129071033)

Subdivision - Hotline "Eye Microsurgery" in Russia.

Program goal: Make available eye surgeries.

Program objectives:

1. Increase the efficiency of medical institutions in Russia.

2. Reduce the import of contact lenses to Russia.

3. Improve the quality of life of Russian residents.

Why such a price?

Laser vision correction 13,500 rubles for both eyes is an affordable price in the world.

This price is achieved by:

1. More efficient use of laser equipment- in most clinics in Russia, up to 50 operations are performed per month. The operation lasts up to 20 minutes. It turns out that equipment costing several tens of millions of rubles works several hours a month. It's like buying a KAMAZ for a construction site, and it will work 20 minutes a day. With more patients, the efficiency of the equipment increases.

2. Coordinating and offering to work with clinics - partners in our program "Eye surgeries available to everyone" for 13,500 rubles for both eyes - operations become REALLY affordable due to the price.

3. We constantly learn and use various, most effective marketing tools to inform you about our offer.

4. Due to the volume it is possible reduce the cost of consumables for 1 person.

Consequently - clinic efficiency is increased by increasing the volume of transactions. Every day we work on our own efficiency at all stages of work with clients. All clinics with which we cooperate are subject, among other things, to our verification. Each of the surgeons is highly professional and has extensive experience. We understand the value of the health of EACH of our patients and accompany him at all stages of the operation and after. For us, the reference point is Pobeda Airlines. Observing quality, make eye surgeries affordable.

Why is the Eye Microsurgery Hotline needed?

We are engaged in directing large flows of patients to clinics, marketing, promotion, and organizing services for our clients.

The clinic is engaged in production, that is, diagnostics and operations, and is not distracted by attracting customers, promoting its services.

The patient receives complete and reliable information about laser vision correction about the clinic, without distracting the staff of the medical institution. He is expected at the clinic, and they are always happy to answer any questions in the Hotline.

Tell me, honestly, please, is this really the final amount and you won’t have to pay a penny more?​​​​​​​

All your expenses will be:
Diagnostics 3 500 rubles
Laser vision correction for both eyes 13 500 rub
Total for medical services: 17,000 r (you pay this amount at the clinic. Payment only by credit card! )
If you are offered to pay an amount more than indicated, call the Eye Microsurgery Hotline at 88001009876.

If you have someone to live with (friends, acquaintances, relatives) you can live with them. If there is nowhere to live, we can offer accommodation in a hotel or hostel located near the clinic.
Accommodation in a hostel located in the clinic building 650 - 2500 r / day.

After the operation, the doctor prescribes drops that you will instill for 1-2 months. The cost of drops after surgery is 500-1000 rubles.

I am from another region. How and where can I be operated on under the program?

The program operates on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Clinics where you can make laser correction under the program "Eye surgeries available to everyone!":

Moscow. Clinic "Vision 2100".

Kazan. Clinic "Reliable hands".

Ulyanovsk. Clinic "New Look".

Patients from other regions can be operated on in these clinics. (Patients with a residence permit in Tatarstan are not operated on at the Reliable Hands clinic).

How many days will the whole event take?

If you are prescribed Lasik, you can return home after 3 days. If Magic, then in 5 days.

If you have been prescribed Lasik:

First day. Diagnostics

Second day. Laser vision correction (Lasik) for both eyes.

The third day. Postoperative examination, receipt of documents. Departure home.

If you have been prescribed Magic:

First day. Diagnostics

Second day. Laser vision correction (Magic) for both eyes.

The third day. postoperative examination,

Fourth day. postoperative examination,

Fifth day. Postoperative examination, receipt of documents. Departure home.

Why does Magic take longer?

With Magic, the area of ​​restoration of the corneal epithelium is larger, it heals in 1-3 days.

How everything happens in stages

2. Entry confirmation

3. Receiving the necessary documents by e-mail

4. Testing

5. Arrival at the clinic

6. Diagnostics

7. Check-in at the hotel

8. Operation

9. Postoperative examination

10. Obtaining the necessary documents at the clinic

11. Departure home

Enrollment Confirmation​​​​​​​

When your application is processed, you will receive a letter to the specified e-mail with a list of analyzes required for the operation, as well as all other documents.


You have received a list of tests from us.
Your actions:
Print out the list of analyzes, contact this document:
1. To a therapist at the place of residence and take these tests under the MHI policy (the result is usually ready in 3-7 days)
2. To any private clinic/laboratory and take tests for money (the result is usually ready in 1-3 days)
Put the finished results of the analyzes into a file and present them at the clinic before the operation.
If you plan to have laser vision correction in Moscow at the Vision 2100 clinic, then you can take all the tests after the diagnosis. The cost of analyzes is 1,500 rubles. The result will be ready in 1-3 hours

Diagnostics (takes 2-3 hours)

What to bring for diagnosis:


Paper napkins.

Come into the clinic.

Contact the administrator, say that you are for diagnostics and subsequent surgery from the Eye Microsurgery Hotline

Draw up contracts for the provision of medical services

To draw up a contract, you will need an identity document: Passport or military ID for citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign. passport for foreign citizens.

You pay for diagnostics in the amount of 2,500 rubles.

You can pay only from a bank card .

Loans, installments and other banking services are not provided in the clinic.

First, the refraction is checked (what is your minus / plus) on the device.

Checking intraocular pressure (to rule out glaucoma)

Checking the thickness of the cornea (evaluation of the parameters of the cornea to clarify the possibility of laser vision correction, excluding keratoconus)

Biomicroscopy. The doctor examines the eyes under a special microscope (slit lamp) other eye diseases are excluded, incl. cataract.

Examination of the fundus. The doctor examines the fundus to rule out retinal pathology.

Drops are instilled to dilate the pupil and relax the internal eye muscles.

Again, refraction and vision are checked against the background of relaxed eye muscles. To clarify the degree of myopia/farsightedness.

Basically everything.

At the last stage, the doctor tells you about the possibility / not the possibility of laser vision correction. Here you can discuss with him the prognosis of the operation, how to behave during the operation, ask your future surgeon any questions you have left.

Possible results of a diagnostic examination

1. Approved for the operation(You are told the type of Lasik/EpiLasik/PRK/Magek operation). Presumably the next day, laser vision correction is possible.

2. To laser vision correction approved, but required Retinal strengthening(Laser coagulation of the retina/LKS). In this case, the LKS is made the first step (you pay separately, NOT included in the price of 13,500). And after LKS, vision correction is possible in 1-60 days, depending on the state of the retina, the doctor will inform you about this.

3. To laser vision correction not allowed You will be given a conclusion with a description of the diagnosis and recommendations. In this case, you can contact the “Eye Microsurgery” hotline in RF 88001009876, we will consider other, alternative solutions to your issue.

4. If the diagnostic examination revealed Cataract or lens replacement required, this type of operation in most cases can be carried out under the policy CHI - Free, You can contact the Eye Microsurgery Hotline in the Russian Federation 88001009876, we will advise you and refer you to another medical center for the operation.

Strengthening of the retina is required (Laser coagulation of the retina)

If you were told that you have dystrophic areas on your retina and you need to strengthen the retina, then this must be done so that there is no threat of retinal detachment.

After strengthening the retina, laser vision correction can be performed every other day, 3, 7, a month, three, depending on the degree of changes in the retina. You need to ask the Doctor about this, who will strengthen the retina.

If you have been told that you have suspected keratoconus

It's good that they got tested. It is better to know and be prepared than not to know and get complication.

According to our data, suspicion of keratoconus occurs in 5-10% of patients who decide to undergo an examination for laser vision correction. And almost 90% of them used contact lenses for more than a year.

Your actions:

You will need to take a conclusion from the doctor who performed the diagnosis.

In this conclusion, all measurements of the parameters of the eyes that were carried out must be indicated.

Also, be sure to get a printout of the keratotopograph, with your data.

Report the refusal of the operation to the “Eye Microsurgery” hotline. You will be booked in for a follow-up appointment.

Further. If you suspect keratoconus, you will need to undergo a second examination, preferably in the same clinic after 6 months to confirm / refute the diagnosis. If the diagnosis is not confirmed, then it will be possible to do laser vision correction.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, report it to the Eye Microsurgery Hotline, you will be offered a medical institution that specializes in the treatment of keratoconus.

Questions about diagnostics

After the diagnosis, you may have discomfort in the eyes.

During the diagnostics, drops are instilled in you to examine the fundus of the eye.

Discomfort after diagnosis is associated with dilated pupils.

Behind the wheel

It is not recommended to drive a rhinestone after the diagnosis (about three hours after the diagnosis, your pupils will be dilated, against this background there is photophobia, discomfort, it is not safe to drive). Wait until the action of the drops ends and the pupils narrow.

Is an escort required for diagnostics or surgery?

As a rule, after the diagnosis and operation of laser vision correction, an attendant is not required. If the patient cannot move independently in normal life (a problem with the musculoskeletal system - a wheelchair, crutches), then an accompanying person will be required.

Tickets and road

If you live in another city, you can get to the clinic by train, plane, intercity bus or car (but not driving).

It is better not to buy return tickets.

Getting there using services such as Bla-Bla Car is not recommended, since it is not known who and in what condition will be driving. This is a matter of your safety.

Arrival at the clinic.

It is better to get to the clinic from any station by metro or taxi. We recommend using Yandex Taxi / Gett Taxi / Uber. Since the cost of the trip will be clear.

Download any of these apps while at home. Check out how it works.

In another city, calling a taxi may require internet access. (for Android)

App Store (for Apple)

Gett Taxi:

Moscow city - Clinic "Vision 2100" (street Akademika Anokhin, 13)

To the metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya" (red line). 15 minutes walk.

How can I live in another city?

If you live in another city, then during the operation you can stay with friends, acquaintances, relatives or in a hotel / hostel located near the clinic.

Hotel accommodation. The choice of hotels in the area is great, for any budget.

Accommodation in the hostel "HostelsRus" (address: Moscow, Anokhin st., 13)
Code phrase for discounted check-in: "From the Eye Microsurgery Hotline".
Booking phone: 89259066294 time for booking 06:00-24:00 Moscow time.
Accommodation in:

6-8-bed rooms Cost - 650 rubles / day / bed (separate accommodation for men and women)
4-bed room Cost - 750 rubles / day / bed (separate accommodation for men and women)
2-bed room two separate beds Cost - 1000 rubles / day / bed (with the possibility of sharing any gender)
Family room large double bed Cost - 2500 rubles / day / room (can accommodate 2 adults + 2 children if necessary)
Living conditions: Toilet / shower, The kitchen has a microwave, refrigerator, stove, Bed linen and towels, WI-FI unlimited, Closed wardrobe area, with personal boxes for shoes and hangers for outerwear, Tea, coffee, light breakfast (cereal milk ), Video surveillance of lockers, Coworking area in the corridor, availability of places to relax in common areas, Disposable slippers are provided, but it is better to take your own.

Book your hotel room TODAY

Hello. I thought about the correction for a long time, and when I was already determined, I found an advertisement and went for an all-inclusive correction. I did the operation on Saturday morning, and now everything is fully visible, I am writing a review at work. The procedure itself is almost painless, it went quickly . I didn't worry at all and the results are great. I see everything) It’s unusual to look so good so far) There is no discomfort, I drip a drop, I don’t climb into my eyes) Kl

Inika is good, clean, beautiful, the staff is pleasant and attentive. I recommend taking a closer look.

So the time has come to sum up some intermediate results of laser correction using the Femto Super LASIK method. A month has passed since the operation, this week I have already returned to training (karate, gym). The operation itself went very quickly and without much excitement, the recovery period is a more interesting and difficult moment, but, as it turns out, many problems are more likely from excessive experience. At the beginning of the eye, on which b

Valeria Lust

Thank you with a capital "S"! Morozova Larisa Alexandrovna is a wonderful doctor! I didn't have a second doubt that everything would be fine. The vision is perfect. Nothing hurt or hurt.

There was significant astigmatism, getting used to the new vision and acuity ranged from 0.7 to 1.0. One was regularly observed on the right. On the control after a month, both eyes were 1.0, two eyes - 1.2! One of the possible consequences that I experienced in absentia before the operation was dry eye syndrome, I sit at the computer for days, and it was a big risk - to get (and possibly for a long time) great discomfort when working at the computer. But, to my surprise, working at the computer has become much more comfortable, I don’t even use moisturizing drops. I attribute this to the fact that my eyes began to look calmly, without tension, at the end of the working day with glasses, my eyes constantly itched terribly, but now I completely forgot about it, which really surprised me, I hoped at least what was before the operation. And for all this, as well as for the great attention and high-quality approach to my work, I want to thank the entire team of the 3Z clinic, and, of course, personally the doctor Otkhozory Damiri Dzhemalievich!!! I have never seen so clearly (neither with glasses nor lenses) and it has never been so calm for my eyes! THANK YOU! You can’t even remember about the glasses in the photo already =)

Laser vision correction(LKZ) allows you to fully restore vision with myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism.

The speed of the procedure, the absence of pain, the stability of the results (in the absence of progressive myopia) make such an operation popular.

Recovery time after PRK

Discomfort after PRK procedure goes away on the third or fourth day.

The patient receives 70% planned result, in a month - 90%, and only during the next 5-6 months (sometimes 6-12) After the operation, vision is completely restored.


Already after 2-3 hours After LASIK surgery, the patient begins to see well. Vision is gradually restored in 24-48 hours. The final result is achieved within 1-3 months.

When one eye sees worse than the other after laser correction

This phenomenon occurs quite often, especially if before surgery there was difference in diopter between the two eyes. Moreover, visual acuity can change significantly several times during the day. This phenomenon can last up to half a year after operation.

  1. Preservation postoperative edema that pass over time.
  2. Spasm of the eye muscles in this case, the doctor may recommend doing simple eye exercises.
  3. Preservation residual myopia due to insufficient correction (hypocorrection).

    In this case, it is possible to perform a second operation no earlier than after 1-2 months. It is after this time that it becomes clear whether the cause of visual impairment is spasm of accommodation(a temporary phenomenon due to excessive visual load) or has occurred regression myopia.

  4. Hypercorrection- overcorrection. An additional operation is required.
  5. Displacement or loss of a corneal flap(either the surgeon placed it unevenly, or the patient displaced it while rubbing the eye). Possible only after LASIK surgery. It is eliminated by suturing or reoperation.
  6. Keratitis(inflammation of the cornea) due to trauma and the addition of a bacterial infection.

Important! After correction of high myopia (over 6 diopters) likely over time regression of myopia (deterioration of vision by 1-2 diopters).

Why vision is blurry

A hazy, blurry image is often seen in patients within 72 hours after surgery.

    Clouding of the cornea due to slow recovery of damaged cells(common after PRK surgery).

    As a treatment, the doctor prescribes eye drops that protect the damaged cornea, eliminate swelling and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

  1. A hazy image may be due to dry eye syndrome when a tear does not wash the eyelid enough. When using special drops, it disappears in one to two weeks.
  2. Inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) due to bacterial infection.

What to do if the patient does not see well

Postoperative symptoms requiring immediate medical attention:

  • severe prolonged pain, especially in 24 hours after operation;
  • Availability inflammatory process(preservation of severe swelling, redness, "sand" in the eyes) for a long time after surgery;
  • bright flashes of light;
  • sudden vision loss.

Attention! During, as a rule, months after vision correction, the ophthalmologist consults his patients free of charge.

Useful video

Check out the video, which tells how vision is restored after surgery, what recommendations to follow.

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