Eye drops for eye strain. Drops from fatigue and redness of the eyes. Systemic diseases and incomplete eyelid closure

Any activity that requires intense visual activity - such as prolonged driving or reading - can lead to eye fatigue. The cause of fatigue can also be visual work in dim or, conversely, bright light.

In today's world, one of the most common causes of eye fatigue is the monitors of digital devices such as:

  • computer screens
  • Smartphones, tablets
  • Video games
  • Television

This type of fatigue is sometimes referred to as "computer vision syndrome".

The appearance of fatigue is due to the fact that, looking at a computer screen, people blink several times less often.

Studies show that people place digital screens closer to their eyes than a book or newspaper. As a result, the load on the eyes increases, as there is an overstrain of the eye muscles.

In addition, the appearance of fatigue is due to the fact that when looking at a computer screen, people blink much less often. This leads to drying of the mucous membrane and the appearance of itching and burning.

Eye fatigue symptoms

As a rule, several signs are combined under eye fatigue:

  • redness,
  • itching and burning,
  • feeling of dry eyes
  • feeling of tension in the eyes.

Types of eye drops

Today, there are various eye drops that relieve symptoms of visual discomfort or eye fatigue (i.e. drops for redness (redness) and eye fatigue).

Drops for tired eyes from the computer. On your own, if your eyes are tired from the computer, you can instill drops that reduce dryness and moisturize your eyes.

Drops for fatigue and dryness include: "Systain", "Vizin pure tear", "Vidisik", "artificial tear preparations", etc. These drops moisturize the eyes and create a protective film on the surface of the eye.

People who use contact lenses need to use the following drops to relieve eye fatigue: "oxial", "hilo-chest", "chilozar-chest", "artelak" and others. Drops from the fatigue of this group are not addictive, they can be instilled for as long as you like.

Eye drops for children

Children may also complain of eye fatigue. However, children should not rush to bury drops from fatigue. This is the reason for contacting a specialist doctor.

Under the symptoms of eye fatigue in children, the onset of diseases such as myopia, conjunctivitis, amblyopia or "lazy eye" can be hidden.

Under the symptoms of eye fatigue in children, the onset of diseases such as myopia, conjunctivitis, amblyopia or "lazy eye" can be hidden.

When not to drip drops for eye fatigue

The main mistake people make when using eye drops for fatigue is to think that eye drops can eliminate the cause of fatigue. Eye drops only temporarily relieve visual discomfort and reduce symptoms.

Eye drops only temporarily relieve visual discomfort and reduce symptoms

For a cardinal solution to the problem of fatigue, it is necessary to apply tips on the prevention of a computer visual symptom.

It is important to know that when other complaints join the listed symptoms, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

Eye drops for fatigue are used as prescribed by an ophthalmologist, such treatment effectively fights hyperemia.

Medical indications

Prolonged tension of the visual analyzer, constant fatigue in the course of the modern rhythm of life slowly deprives a person of visual acuity. Modern medicine has revealed new ocular lesions, including computer vision syndrome. What is the reason for this state of affairs? The syndrome develops due to the impact of computer radiation on the organ of vision.

The tension of the visual analyzer is also caused by other unfavorable factors:

  • poor nutrition;
  • inadequate sleep;
  • unfavorable ecology;
  • fatigue;
  • constant stress;
  • improper use of decorative cosmetics or its intolerance.

The use of anti-fatigue medication should only be used when indicated. More often it is a symptomatic hyperemia on the influence of a temporary stimulus. It has been proven that the use of eye drops in case of eye fatigue can relieve puffiness and tearing. The drugs minimize the effect of physical and chemical irritants on the conjunctiva, and some of them eliminate the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis.

Such drugs are prescribed to patients who work for a long time at a computer monitor. Eye drops for fatigue are prescribed in the presence of dryness, cramps, bursting blood vessels. All of the above signs point to a visual lesion.

Vitaminized drops are used to relieve fatigue.

Medicinal solutions will help only with their constant use. The course of therapy lasts 3 months with a break of 4 weeks. Some drops have a powerful preventive effect that inhibits the development of many eye ailments. List of drugs to stimulate metabolism and inhibit the development of cataracts:

  • Focus.
  • Okovit.

The secret of the effectiveness of such funds lies in their composition. Retinol eliminates signs of fatigue.

Drops and pregnancy

During pregnancy, the use of certain drugs is prohibited. Apply drops for eye fatigue without consulting an ophthalmologist is a potential threat to the child. During pregnancy and lactation, only certain drops from fatigue are allowed to be used (provided that the therapeutic effect of their use exceeds all side effects).

Tobrex are safe drops to relieve eye fatigue. Successfully used for infectious diseases, blepharitis, keratitis and other lesions. The main thing is that the causative agent of the pathology is sensitive to the components of the drug. Contraindications:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • lack of effect from use during the first 2 days.

Oftagel is a good remedy for dry eyes. It is used to restore the affected cornea. You can remove fatigue from the eyes from the first days of treatment with Oftagel.

Timolol is intended to relieve fatigue from the eyes, hyperemia, burning. The drug eliminates intraocular hypertension, angle-closure glaucoma and increased intraocular pressure.

Lekrolin is an anti-inflammatory eye vitamin. Quickly and efficiently removes signs of fatigue, hyperemia, conjunctivitis. It is considered a fairly strong drug, therefore, during pregnancy it is prescribed only for strict medical reasons. Prolonged or uncontrolled use of the drug may adversely affect health.

During pregnancy, often prescribed:

  • Diclofenac.
  • Vizin.

Vitamins for the eyes of pregnant women are prescribed after consultation with a gynecologist.

Contraindications to therapy

Eye drops are not used if there is an allergy to their active substance. There are eye vitamins that are not prescribed for children under 2 years of age. Some products can not be used for allergies.

With extreme caution, such drugs are prescribed to drivers.

Most eye fatigue medications are well tolerated. Adverse reactions may occur with prolonged use or due to non-compliance with the dosage. Active substances during their action provoke:

  • burning;
  • hyperemia;
  • mydriasis;
  • migraine;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • increased eye pressure.

Side effects are removed only symptomatically.

Drops from computer syndrome

Similar vitamins for the eyes are designed specifically to combat hyperemia and irritation. The advantage of the funds is that you can buy them without a prescription from an ophthalmologist. They effectively relieve fatigue, hyperemia, they are prescribed for lacrimation, but even good drops will not eliminate puffiness and discharge from the eyes. In this case, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist.

The modern pharmaceutical market is rich in all kinds of eye drops that relieve eye fatigue. Medicines moisturize, soothe and soften the mucous membranes of the organs of vision. All drugs are divided into several groups:

  1. with antibiotic activity. Medicines relieve fatigue, are the prevention of conjunctivitis.
  2. Anti-fatigue remedies. They are prescribed to patients who work in the field of metallurgy.
  3. Vasoconstrictor drugs. They quickly eliminate fatigue, hyperemia (due to the narrowing action).
  4. There are a huge number of drops to restore vision after mechanical damage.

Pharmacodynamics and dosage

Pharmacodynamics allows you to find out the mechanism of action of the drug on the human body. Almost all eye medicines for fatigue are classified as symptomatic remedies. They constrict blood vessels, minimize tissue swelling. Pharmacodynamics helps to know the rate of action of the drug.

The effectiveness of its use is noticeable after 5-10 minutes, the duration of action is up to 8 hours.

What is the composition of eye drops? Chemically, they have a simple composition. The basis is a substance that accelerates the process of restoring vision. Their structure improves the supply of oxygen to the tissues or has a vasoconstrictive effect. Drops act locally, so there is no general effect on the body. Preparations for tired eyes have a low degree of absorption.

The method of application and dosage are selected individually. The frequency of use should be prescribed by the attending physician, depending on the complexity of the course and the type of pathology. The correct use of such drugs is the key to successful treatment and the desired therapeutic effect.

Aspects of the rational use of eye drops:

  • shake the bottle with the drug before use;
  • no more than 2-3 drops should be instilled into each eye;
  • after instillation, the eyes must be closed and a couple of circular movements are made (this improves the spread of the medicine over the entire surface).

If, in addition to eliminating fatigue, therapy is carried out to combat glaucoma, the duration of treatment increases to 60 days, and for cataracts - up to 90 days.

Chronic fatigue and dystrophic changes are treated for 14-30 days.

Drops are used 3 times a day. The course of treatment is always prescribed intermittent, with a total duration of up to 5 months.


This condition is rare. More often it is associated with non-compliance with the conditions prescribed in the instructions. Overdose is possible with prolonged use of the drug. Signs of an overdose:

  • dryness in the eyes;
  • burning;
  • allergic manifestations.

If the solution accidentally enters the digestive tract, overdose symptoms immediately appear. The patient begins to complain of nausea, arrhythmia, hypertension, disturbances in the work of breathing. There may be signs of pulmonary edema, cyanosis, convulsions.

Only immediate gastric lavage can improve the condition. Then the patient is given activated charcoal in maximum dosages (2 tablets for every 10 kg of weight). If you feel unwell, you need urgent medical attention.

Interaction with other drugs and storage

Any combination of drugs is possible, but only for medical reasons. The doctor may prescribe several drugs to be used together. Remove lenses before instillation. You can put them on again no earlier than half an hour after the procedure.

The best medicines are prescribed together with hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs. For their correct use, it is important to withstand a short break while using them simultaneously. It is strictly forbidden to use any eye remedies for irritations, hyperemia of the eyes, which appeared due to injuries or infectious diseases.

Detailed rules for the proper storage of any medicine are noted in the annotation.

The optimum temperature regime is not higher than 25 ° С. Failure to comply with the conditions leads to the loss of the medicinal qualities of the drug. The clear solution becomes cloudy, acquires an unpleasant odor. The use of such medicines is prohibited. They are recyclable.

Each medicine has its own expiration date. It is always indicated on the packaging of the drug. A closed vial can be stored for up to 3 years, and after opening - up to 4 weeks. At the end of the specified periods, the use of the medicine is contraindicated. Otherwise, unexpected side effects and signs of overdose may occur.

Alternative medicine

In addition to medications, there are a huge number of effective folk remedies for eye fatigue:

  1. Potatoes - fresh potatoes are rubbed on a fine grater, and the juice is squeezed through cheesecloth. It is mixed with flour to form cakes. The compress is applied to the eyelids for 15 minutes. The face is washed with lime decoction or cool water. The tool not only eliminates signs of fatigue, but also fights puffiness.
  2. Chamomile - used for compresses. The crushed plant is poured with boiling water, insisted for several minutes. Soak cotton pads in the solution and apply them to the eyelids. The duration of the procedure is up to 10 minutes. You can do this procedure 3 times a week. Chamomile infusion has a positive effect on the skin, relieving inflammation and eliminating microdamages.

The above solutions effectively deal with signs of eye damage. Their correct use will allow you to quickly remove the symptoms of hyperemia, fatigue and itching.

Modern life inevitably leads to the fact that the eyes are tired - people have to spend too much time at the computer or looking at the screen of smartphones and tablets, reading books and magazines, and access to movies and television also contributes. But, fortunately, not only modern technology, but also medicine has stepped far ahead. And today you can help your eyes, using eye drops for tired eyes.

Factors and signs of fatigue

There are a wide variety of eye diseases, and it is important to be able to distinguish fatigue symptoms from them. Work, especially related to papers and office equipment, driving a car, reading make you strain your eyes and focus your eyes, which is why fatigue increases. The need to work in poor lighting is also a factor in the development of fatigue.

Other factors include:

  • bad habits: frequent alcohol consumption, smoking lead to a lack of fluid in the body, which causes the cornea to dry out;
  • stress at work and overtime;
  • presence in history.

Unlike the manifestations of eye diseases, fatigue does not appear all day, but only in the evenings. Usually during the day a person does not experience any discomfort, and closer to sleep he suffers from increased lacrimation, pain and pain in the eyes, blurred vision and a feeling of heaviness. The described signs are often accompanied by general fatigue, as well as pain in the neck and, in rare cases, the back.

If a person spends up to 6 hours a day at the monitor or sorting out papers, he will not get rid of the above syndromes without adjusting his lifestyle. In addition, the factors under the influence of which eye fatigue develops include dirty and dry air in the room where a person spends most of the day, too high or, conversely, low temperatures, the presence of smoke, dust, smog in the environment.

People who wear contact lenses may also experience this problem if they do not follow the rules developed by ophthalmologists.

You need to be very sensitive to your health and, if there is no positive dynamics when using drops for eye fatigue and the symptoms do not go away, consult a doctor. The fact is that a similar clinical picture also occurs with such serious diseases as blepharitis and glaucoma, as well as at the initial stage of conjunctivitis. If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, itching, burning sensation and discharge from the lacrimal sac will also soon appear. Also, redness can accompany diabetes or heart disease.

When are drops needed?

First, you need to adjust your work schedule and weekdays in such a way as to reduce eye strain. Without this, no eye medications will work. It is better to completely abandon work on the computer for a few days, giving your eyes a rest. If this is not possible, you need to accustom yourself to do gymnastics for the eyes from time to time and take a break from work for 5-10 minutes.

If this does not help, then you can proceed to use. In addition, they are necessary for people whose professional activities involve harmful effects on the eyes (for example, these include welders).

When a woman does not have the opportunity to refuse at least for a while the use of decorative cosmetics, she is also shown eye drops to reduce their fatigue.

For patients over the age of 40, ophthalmologists usually also recommend that eye fatigue be treated with medication. This is due to the fact that at this age the changes that occur to the cornea are already irreversible and cannot be reduced with the help of gymnastics alone. An allergic reaction with a manifestation in the form of redness and dryness of the eyes, as well as hypersensitivity, are also indications for visiting a pharmacy.

Varieties of drops

It would seem that everything is simple - just buy eye drops, and the problem should disappear into thin air. But in reality, it is not enough just to decide on the use of drops - you need to be able to choose them correctly. There are several types.

Table. Types of eye drops and their method of exposure to the eyes.

Type of dropsImpact on the eyes
Antibacterial Kill the infection (for example, when dryness and fatigue are signs of conjunctivitis).
Vitamin They nourish the lens of the eye and the cornea, they are perfect for those people who periodically experience dry and irritated eyes and want to prevent this condition.
Anti-inflammatory They help to get rid of swelling around the eyes and a feeling of itching when inflammation develops as a result of infection.
Vasoconstrictor They are excellent at fighting redness and swelling, but can only be used for a limited time, because the patient may soon become addicted to the drug.
Antihistamines Effectively solve the problem when the symptoms of fatigue - tearing and itching - are caused by an allergic reaction.
Moisturizers They are used in the presence of dry eye syndrome, remove the feeling of discomfort and fatigue during the day, moisturize the cornea.

It would be correct to contact an ophthalmologist before making a decision on the purchase of a particular product.

How to choose drops

To choose the right drops, you need to understand what exactly caused the feeling of fatigue. But there are medicines that have been tested over the years and thousands of grateful patients.


With dry eyes, blurred vision, dilated pupils, more than normal tears and a tingling sensation, doctors most often recommend using this remedy. Thanks to them, you can forget about tearing, swelling, burning and redness by instilling your eyes daily. This effect is achieved due to the content of tetrizoline in the drops.

This medicine also constricts blood vessels, so it can be used to combat redness. But, if you apply it for an unreasonably long time (more than a week), then there is a high probability that the natural nutrition of the eyes will be disrupted, which will cause addiction to "Vizin".

If the patient has previously had angle-closure glaucoma, an allergic reaction to the drug, the presence of chemical lesions in the cornea or dystrophic changes in the cornea, these drops should not be instilled into the eyes. They do not apply to children under two years of age. If a patient has diabetes, hyperthyroidism, heart and vascular disease, as well as the presence of pheochromocytoma, a consultation with a specialist is required before use.

Systane and Optiv

For people who are constantly in front of a computer monitor, many ophthalmologists recommend the use of these drops. In addition, they are able to fight conjunctivitis and allergic reactions that occur under the influence of negative environmental factors.

When "Systane" is applied to the eye, a film is created on it, moisturizing its shell and protecting it from harmful effects. One application per day, in the morning, is enough to not feel signs of fatigue during the day.

"Optiv" is one of the most popular analogues of the drug "Systein".

Artificial tear and Vidisic

Both types of drops are designed to eliminate dry eyes that provoke a feeling of fatigue. Their advantage is that even when used for two to three weeks, they do not create addiction. At the same time, drops can be applied up to several times a day - the main thing is to observe a single dosage so that allergic reactions do not appear.


When the root cause of dryness and fatigue of the eyes is reduced immunity, you can resort to Riboflavin. At the same time, it is not necessary to wait until vision problems or discomfort in the afternoon make themselves felt. These drops are ideal as a means of prevention.


One of the few drops, these are suitable for use at the same time as wearing lenses. They are made from natural ingredients, so they will not cause any harm. Due to the chamomile, elderberry and cornflower included in their composition, the effectiveness is visible very soon - within a few hours after the first instillation.

When choosing drops, it is important to understand what exactly needs to be dealt with:

  • with edema;
  • with dryness;
  • with mucosal disorders.

In the first case, it is necessary to consider vasoconstrictive drugs, in the second - moisturizing, and in the third - to proceed from the cause of the pathology. It is also necessary to always read the instructions before applying drops to the eyes.

Video - the use of eye drops

No need to endure discomfort in the eye area - it reduces the quality of life and performance, and can also talk about the development of eye diseases. Special preparations can solve the problem quickly and permanently.

The problem of dry and tired eyes is known to many today, but not everyone knows the reasons for its appearance. Most often, deterioration in well-being is associated with the peculiarities of work, prolonged sitting in front of the monitor, etc. But these symptoms are not always due to the above reasons. Before considering the available drops to relieve discomfort, you should briefly familiarize yourself with all the possible causes of dry and tired eyes. It must be remembered that improper treatment can significantly aggravate the problem and cause irreparable damage to the organs of vision.

Why dry and tired eyes appear

Dry eyes occur due to insufficient production of tear fluid and drying of the cornea. If this condition continues for a long period of time, then a very complex disease of conjunctivitis occurs. According to medical statistics, about 10% of the world's population suffers from this disease. Among the most common causes of dry and tired eyes, medicine calls the following factors.

Computer and gadget abuse

For this reason, tens of millions of people suffer. This is not only a long working need to work at a computer, but also a harmful addiction to gadgets. The screen requires constant eye strain, the eyelids do not blink. The less often the blinking movements of the eyelids, the greater the risk of dryness and.

Medicines and cosmetics

Most often, the cause of unpleasant sensations is cheap cosmetics from unknown manufacturers. Do not think that all Chinese cosmetics are bad, but all domestic or foreign ones are of high quality. If cosmetics are produced by licensed companies, then the technological process is strictly controlled, the products comply with existing international standards. If it is a counterfeit product, then the country of manufacture does not matter.

Indoor microclimate

Not everyone knows about the negative impact of the air conditioner, not everyone constantly monitors the humidity in the premises. If the relative humidity in the room is below 40%, then dry eye syndrome cannot be avoided. No need to immediately resort to drops, it is strongly recommended to first improve the microclimate in the room.

For the eyes, this is a foreign object that significantly complicates the course of physiological processes. Tears do not moisten the cornea, but the lenses, the eyeballs dry up. Another problem with contact lenses is that pathogenic microorganisms multiply intensively between them and the shell of the eye, which can subsequently provoke serious diseases.

Systemic diseases and incomplete eyelid closure

Dryness can be caused by endocrine or autoimmune diseases, diabetes, Schengen syndrome, pregnancy and menopause. Incomplete closure of the eyelids, especially during sleep, also causes the eyeball to dry out.

Important. In any case, before using eye drops, you should definitely consult a doctor. If necessary, he will prescribe additional examinations to accurately determine the cause of discomfort.

Types of eye drops

Each drug should not only affect the consequences of dryness and fatigue, but also eliminate the causes of their occurrence. Depending on the principle of action, composition and purpose, all drugs are divided into several large groups.

Table. The main groups of eye drops.

Type of dropsOperating principle

Prolonged excessive load on the organs of vision requires an increase in the intensity of blood flow in the eyeball. Due to this mode, the capillaries expand, the walls become very thin, and the risk of their mechanical damage by the smallest dust particles in the air increases. Drops constrict blood vessels, redness disappears, capillaries return to normal.

The greater the load on the eyes, the higher the need for a full supply of vitamins. With an unbalanced diet, this parameter deviates from the required ones, the organs of vision suffer from a lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements. The composition of eye drops is selected in such a way as to make additional nutrition as physiological as possible.

If dryness or redness of the eyes is observed for a long period of time, then microdamages of the eye membrane are inevitable. Pathogenic bacteria can enter the wounds, inflammations of varying complexity appear, the human condition worsens significantly. Antibacterial drops inhibit the pathogenic flora and restore the functionality of the organs of vision.

Allergic reactions can be manifested not only by increased release of tears, but also by dryness and redness. Drops relieve allergic manifestations.

It is not so much curative as it is preventive. Recommended for use by office workers. During prolonged work at the computer, the frequency of eyelid blinking decreases significantly. As a result, the cornea does not have time to be wetted and dries up. Drops reduce the process of evaporation of liquid from the surface of the eyeball.

Depending on the cause of the appearance of unpleasant painful sensations, it is necessary to select the composition of the eye drops.

  1. Programmers, IT workers. All employees of offices and government agencies who, by the nature of their activities, are forced to spend more than five hours a day at a computer monitor. The same rule applies to children who are overly fond of computer games.
  2. Persons whose work is associated with mechanical, ultraviolet or light eye irritation. This category includes electric welders, quarry workers, individual chemical enterprises, etc. Another risk factor is prolonged exposure to dusty open air.
  3. For the elderly. After reaching the age of 50, the body, for physiological reasons, reduces the production of tear fluid, the eyes are constantly dry. They are advised to use eye drops as a preventive measure. Drops will relieve dryness and reduce eye fatigue.
  4. Patients with cataracts or. These diseases can also cause dryness of the eyeball; to eliminate unpleasant phenomena, it is recommended to take drops of a complex composition. They should, in addition to treating the underlying ailment, eliminate unpleasant concomitant sensations.

Important. Never choose or take eye drops on your own. It is very easy to damage the organs of vision by inept actions, but it takes a very long time to heal and restore.

How should eye drops work?

It has already been mentioned above that the composition of the drops depends on the specific cause of dryness and eye fatigue. After taking them, you should notice positive changes. Receiving drops should perform the following tasks:

  • moisturize and restore the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • activate the functioning of the lacrimal glands, stimulate the production of the water, lipid and mucin layer of the film;
  • eliminate mechanical and chemical irritations, eliminate redness and dryness.

As soon as you feel the opposite effect after using eye drops, treatment should be stopped immediately and re-contact an ophthalmologist.

List of the most effective drops for dry eyes

To eliminate dry eyes, drops based on dexpanthenol are used. The effectiveness rating below is based on patient feedback only and has not been medically researched.

Table. The best drops for dry eyes.

Name of the drugComposition and features of the action

The drug of complex action is prescribed to people who spend a lot of time at the computer monitor. They have a viscous composition, which guarantees prolonged contact of the drug with the eyeball - the real time of the positive effect increases. Used for the prevention and treatment of dystrophic diseases and corneal erosion. Drops are released without a doctor's prescription, but should be taken carefully - an allergic reaction of the body to the active substance is possible.

The active substance tetrizoline relieves burning sensation, constricts blood vessels, removes itching, reduces lacrimation. The positive side should be attributed to the speed of action - after a minute the patient feels a significant improvement. Total duration up to four hours. For children, the drug is prescribed only by an ophthalmologist.

The composition contains substances that accelerate the natural regenerative processes of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes (glycosaminoglycans), as an additional effect - moisturizing the eyeball. Can be used by people who constantly wear contact lenses.

No side effects were found, you can instill up to eight times a day as you feel dry eyes. The maximum duration of one treatment session is no more than two weeks. After that, you need to send a break of at least ten days.

Completely safe, but quite expensive drug. Lubricates and softens the epithelium of the cornea, due to the high viscosity ensures prolonged contact of the product with the eye. It is prescribed as a prophylactic agent, and during the treatment of complex eye pathologies and diseases.

If dry eyes are caused by various infections, then drops containing cyclosporine should be used. The substance inhibits pathogens and stimulates increased lacrimation. In the most severe cases, when the eyes are not amenable to treatment with well-known drops, the drug is made for each patient individually on the basis of his blood serum.

Important. Never buy drops that eliminate. They have completely different preparations and do not reduce dryness, but may have the opposite effect.

List of the most effective drops for eye fatigue

Indications for use - secondary hyperemia that occurs due to various chemical or mechanical stimuli. The eyes turn red, capillaries burst, inflammatory processes may appear. Vitamin complexes are necessarily introduced into the composition of the preparations, which inhibit the development of the disease. Drops can be used for three months, then a break is made for at least thirty days.

Table. The best drops for tired eyes.

Name of dropsComposition and features of the action

They are prescribed for keratitis, blepharitis and other diseases caused by microorganisms with high sensitivity to the active substance. Allowed for use by pregnant women.

Used to accelerate the recovery of the cornea, can be used for dry eye syndrome. It is forbidden to use during lactation.

Drops have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, effectively relieve eye fatigue, redness. Relieve conjunctivitis.

It must be remembered that all fatigue drops have potent substances that can have side effects. You can take these drugs only as directed by your doctor.

The method of administration and doses are prescribed by the doctor individually, taking into account the patient's condition. But for all drops there is a common usage algorithm.

  1. Before instillation, the bottle must be thoroughly shaken and warmed to room temperature. You can heat it in your hand, no water baths are required.
  2. No more than three drops are dripped into one eye. A larger volume does not fit into the lacrimal sac and will still be removed from the eye.
  3. Immediately after instillation, you need to lower the eyelid and make several circular movements with the eyeball. Due to this, the drug is evenly distributed over the entire area.

Important. It is strictly forbidden to get drops into the digestive tract. Drugs can cause not only nausea and indigestion, but also cardiac arrhythmia, convulsions, cyanosis, pulmonary edema and high blood pressure. Negative consequences are recommended to be treated symptomatically, if the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor.

It is possible to drip several types of drops into the eyes at the same time only with the permission of the ophthalmologist. Pay attention to the expiration date and recommended storage conditions for drugs. There is no need to abuse the use of drops, most of them become addictive over time, the effectiveness drops sharply.

Video - The main cause of fatigue and dry eyes

Drops that moisturize the mucous membrane of the eyes

Most often, when working at a computer, there is a feeling of itching, burning, sand that has got into the eyes. This is due to the drying of the cornea. Usually a person makes 18-20 blinking movements per minute, but when perceiving information from the monitor, he blinks 4 times less often. At the same time, to view the computer image, the eyes open wider and strain. As a result, the fluid that bathes the cornea evaporates faster than usual, and because of the rare blinking, the tear film that moisturizes the eye does not have time to recover.

Dry eye syndrome is often mistaken for fatigue. However, fatigue involves the optic nerve and eye muscles. The tear fluid is responsible for the dryness of the cornea. If it is produced less, and it moisturizes the eye worse, the drying cornea can become covered with small erosions and become inflamed. Symptoms of dryness can be alleviated by using artificial tear eye drops while working at a computer.

Moisturizing eye drops

A drug Active substance Operating principle Terms of Use
Hilo-Komod sodium hyaluronate Binds water molecules and creates a wet film on the surface of the cornea 1-2 drops 3 times a day, more often if necessary
Systane Polydronium chloride Creates a polymer film that prevents water from evaporating from the cornea 1-2 drops in each eye 1-3 times a day
optiv Glycerol, carmellose sodium Moisturize the cornea, maintain the stability of the tear film 1-2 drops as needed
Oksial Sodium hyaluronate, electrolytes Maintains physiological hydration of the eyes 1-2 drops 4-5 times a day
Artelak Sodium Hyaluronate, Vitamin B12 Forms a stable moist film on the surface of the eye 1 drop 3-5 times a day

Moisturizing eye drops will work best if you drink more fluids throughout the day and make sure that the air in the room is sufficiently humid.

Vasoconstrictor eye drops

Another trouble from the computer is a violation of blood circulation in the tissues of the eyes. With prolonged static tension of the eye muscles, microcirculation is disturbed. In order to supply the tissues of the eye with oxygen and nutrients, the vessels dilate. The eyes turn red, the person feels pain and burning. If you often have to look from the screen to the keyboard or printout while working, the redness and pain often increase.

To alleviate the condition, the doctor may recommend vasoconstrictor drugs for the eyes in the form of drops, as well as taking vitamins C, PP to strengthen the vascular walls.

Eye drops with vasoconstrictive action

The active ingredient in vasoconstrictor drops is usually Tetrizoline. It binds to the receptors of the vascular walls and causes muscle contraction, due to which the vessels narrow. Another action of Tetrizolin is decongestant. With excessively expanded vascular walls, their permeability is disturbed, fluid accumulates in the tissues of the eye, which disrupts normal microcirculation. Tetrizoline helps to relieve swelling of the conjunctiva of the eye, due to this pain goes away, vision improves.

Drops from eye fatigue with a vasodilating effect should not be used for more than 4 days, since further development of toxic effects is possible. If the redness and pain persists, you should consult a doctor and find out the causes of eye irritation.

Vitamin drops that reduce eye inflammation

One of the unpleasant consequences of an overdried cornea of ​​​​the eye is that erosion develops on it or ulcers appear. They are dangerous with a high risk of attaching a bacterial infection, which, with dilated blood vessels, can penetrate deep into the tissues and cause serious eye damage.

To combat eye inflammation obtained while working at a computer, you can choose drops with an anti-inflammatory effect together with your doctor. Such eye preparations for fatigue and inflammation usually include components with moisturizing and vasoconstrictive properties, as well as plant vitamin extracts with antibacterial action.

Anti-inflammatory eye drops

Anti-inflammatory eye drops are dripped by gently pulling the lower eyelid down and looking up. It is important not to touch the inflamed eye with the pipette tip. If after 2 days there is no relief, the drug is canceled and, together with a specialist, they look for the causes of inflammation of the eyes. If necessary and according to indications, the doctor may recommend anti-inflammatory drops with antibiotics, corticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components.

Vitamins for tired eyes

Eye fatigue when working at a computer causes constant flickering of the monitor, even if we do not notice it, bright light emanating from it and radio emission. When you have to spend long hours in front of the monitor, the eye muscles and ligaments are strained. The vessels then intensively expand, then spasm. Their permeability is disturbed, the walls lose their elasticity and the ability to return to their normal state. In order to maintain normal microcirculation in the tissues of the eye, prevent vasospasm and strengthen the eye muscles, the doctor may recommend bioactive vitamin supplements.

As part of vitamin supplements for the eyes, there are usually vitamins A, and. They have an antioxidant effect and prevent the destruction of eye tissues by free radicals activated by screen radiation. These vitamins strengthen the vascular walls, improve visual perception in different lighting conditions. B vitamins are necessary to improve the functioning of the optic nerve with excessive eye fatigue. Vitamins for the eyes necessarily include lutein, zeaxanthin, anthocyanins. These are substances from the group of flavonoids that prevent the fragility of the vascular walls and their permeability, accelerate the recovery of muscles and vascular walls after spasms.

Bioactive supplements with vitamins are prescribed by a doctor and can serve as a good addition to eye drops. Vitamin components will help, in combination with the active substances of the drops, to restore microcirculation, prevent eye inflammation and vascular disorders, and strengthen vision.

For more information about dry eyes and other computer problems, and remedies to alleviate symptoms, see the video below.

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