Why can a young man's hands shake. If your hands are shaking in trouble. Why hands are shaking: possible diseases

Trembling fingers interfere with even the simplest household chores and cause a feeling of helplessness. Tremors or involuntary hand movements are seen in both older and younger people. The need for therapy for this condition depends on its severity and the factors that provoked the problem.

Hand tremor - causes

The described pathology is associated with a delay in neural signals from the brain responsible for producing movement and maintaining the required position of the limb. The main reason why hands tremble is uncontrolled muscle contractions. They can be called different factors, among which there are temporary external conditions that do not require correction, and serious neurological disorders requiring special therapy.

Hands shaking in the elderly

In old age, the problem in question is often diagnosed. Constant tremor of the hands in the elderly indicates diseases of the brain and central nervous system. Sometimes it is a harbinger or concomitant symptom serious pathologies. Hands tremble - reasons:

  • strokes and;
  • transient ischemic attacks;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • neuropathy;
  • hypoglycemia on the background of diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic and long-term progressive lesions of the kidneys and adrenal glands.

Hands tremble - the reasons for the young

Tremor is also found in adulthood, many neurologist patients are less than 35 years old. In most situations, tremors are benign and do not require special treatment. Such cases include hand tremors during excitement and strong emotional upheavals, excessive physical exertion, hypothermia and fever. Other causes of the problem in young people:

  • systematic use of alcohol or drugs;
  • poisoning;
  • chronic diseases of the endocrine system;
  • liver pathology;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • brain tumors;
  • phenylketonuria syndrome;

Indicated form pathological condition observed mainly after 50 years. AT this case on hereditary reasons hands tremble. Essential or familial tremor is caused by a gene mutation. It is transmitted in an autosomal dominant manner, so the probability of trembling limbs in a child whose parent suffers from the present disease is 50%.

The described tremor of the hands does not pose a threat to human life or health, but the pathology is prone to progression. Often other parts of the body are also involved in this process:

  • legs;
  • head;
  • chin;
  • lips;
  • torso;
  • vocal cords.

Tremor of fingers

The causes of trembling of the phalanges can be all the factors listed above. Additionally, in medicine there is the concept of physiological benign tremor. This definition applies to situations where fingers tremble without sustained neurological and systemic diseases. This tremor is typical for professional activity associated with constant and prolonged tension of the phalanges. It is subject to:

  • literary workers;
  • painters;
  • hairdressers;
  • stenographers;
  • finishers and builders;
  • musicians;
  • proofreaders;
  • watchmakers.

What to do if your hands are shaking?

Before starting therapy, it is important to find out the causes of tremor. If this is a temporary phenomenon that has arisen against the background of stress, hypothermia or excitement, you can do without treatment.

  1. Try to exclude any factors that can provoke trembling of the limbs.
  2. Avoid overwork and insomnia.
  3. Quit smoking, drugs and alcohol abuse.
  4. Keep healthy and active image life.
  5. Limit fatty and fried foods on the menu, strong coffee, chocolate, smoked products and pickles.
  6. Accept cold and hot shower in the morning.
  7. AT stressful situations use natural sedatives beforehand.
  8. Visit the pool or swim in natural waters.
  9. Develop fine motor skills fingers.

If a standard methods the fight against tremor does not help, experts advise using drug therapy and therapeutic exercises. When a conservative approach is not too effective, it is assigned surgical intervention. The operation (stereotactic thalatomy) helps to almost completely get rid of the problem, but is recommended only in extreme cases.

Cure for hand tremor

The main treatment option for tremors of the upper extremities is medication. Any pills for hand tremor should be prescribed by a qualified doctor. Self use potent means dangerous side effects and deterioration. Pharmacological preparations allow you to stop the progression of the disease and significantly reduce or stop hand tremor treatment involves the use of the following groups of medications:

  • anticonvulsants - Primidon, Levetiracetam;
  • beta-blockers - Nadolol, Solgol;
  • carbonic anhydrase inhibitors - Diakarb, Diuremid;
  • non-selective beta-blockers - Anaprilin, Pranolol;
  • B vitamins (in high doses);
  • benzodiazepines - Clonazepam, Xanax;
  • antidepressants - Tryptophan, Pyrazidol.

Herbs for hand tremors

Herbal remedies do not affect the functioning of the central nervous system, but have a calming effect. Their use is advisable if, against the background of stress, excitement and emotional overload, hands tremble - treatment is more serious reasons pathology with the help of herbs is ineffective. To obtain noticeable results, sedative teas must be drunk for a long time.

An infusion that relieves hand tremors


  • heather - 50 g;
  • motherwort - 50 g;
  • valerian - 50 g;
  • water - 200 ml.

Preparation, application

  1. Mix dry crushed plant roots. You can use them together or separately.
  2. Place the raw materials in a thermos, pour boiling water.
  3. Infuse tea for 5-6 hours.
  4. Strain the solution.
  5. Drink in small portions throughout the day.

Exercises to keep your hands from trembling

Additional and in an efficient way normalization of limb mobility is physiotherapy. Before treating hand tremor with this technique, it is advisable to consult a specialist. The doctor will show correct option exercises, set the frequency of their implementation and the duration of the course of therapy. So that your hands do not tremble, you should regularly develop fine motor skills of your fingers. The gymnastics shown in the figure below helps with this.

Hand tremor is rhythmic trembling fingers and hands, which involuntarily arises regardless of the desire of a person.

It happens that the tremor is insignificant, and the hands tremble unnoticed by others. But sometimes the hands are shaking with a large amplitude.

At certain diseases the tremor intensifies so that the person cannot exist independently.

Hands tremble: causes

There are many reasons for shaking hands, and they are very diverse.

Some of them cause the so-called physiological tremor: the hands tremble under the influence of any particular factor, removing which,

you can get rid of the tremor. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine in time the reason why the hands are shaking in order to restore your good health and return to normal life.

Hands are shaking - these are tricks of the autonomic nervous system

The autonomic nervous system is responsible for those body functions that cannot be controlled by humans. These include tissue blood supply, contraction smooth muscle, the production of hormones, etc. Under its control, the formation of the adrenal glands and the release of adrenaline into the blood occur - a hormone that is the direct cause of the fact that in extreme or emergency conditions, as well as during heavy physical exertion, hands shake and tremble.

Hands tremble: bad habits are to blame

Most common cause the occurrence of physiological tremor are taste habits: drinking a large amount of strong tea, coffee, chocolate.

Caffeine increases the load on the vessels, the heart, increases the tone of the vessels not only of the heart, but also of the brain.

There is overexcitation, a person experiences a feeling of anxiety, hands tremble, the condition worsens. If you do not often abuse these products in large quantities, you can avoid or completely get rid of such conditions.

Smoking is also a trigger for hand tremors. Heavy smokers, who also often either drink a lot of coffee or abuse alcohol, also have shaking hands, and this causes a lot of trouble.

Alcoholic tremor usually occurs in advanced stages illness. This happens most often in the morning, manifested by the fact that the hands, head, torso tremble. Disappears when alcohol is taken. Similar conditions occur with withdrawal syndrome in people with drug addiction.

Heavy physical work , huge loads, excessive static and dynamic stress is also the reason that a person's hands shake after such work. Running, swimming, and other types of increased sports loads lead to muscle strain and to the fact that hands and legs tremble. But in such cases, the process is reversible: rest is required to stop the tremor, and in the future - a decrease in one-time physical activity.

stress, deep depressions, experiences (for example, before public speaking, exams) also cause hands to tremble with excitement. Tremor caused by nerve strain passes on its own over time. Perhaps, in such cases, the help of a psychotherapist and some kind of light drug correction are needed, if the doctor decides so.

A side effect of medicines is one of the reasons that hands are trembling.

This is a very unpleasant situation: if the use of certain drugs is necessary for some reason, but after taking them, the patient's hands shake, weakness and other manifestations appear side effects have to cancel them.

When hands tremble after taking medication, the tremor that occurs is subtle, with a low amplitude.

If a medicinal product cancel, usually after a while everything returns to normal. Most often, hands tremble when taking antipsychotics (especially in high doses), antidepressants, psychostimulants, cimetidine, lithium.

All of the above causes cause physiological tremor: if you remove the effects of these causes, hand trembling may stop.

But there are a number of diseases in which hands constantly tremble. In such cases, the tremor is pathological, and the underlying disease that caused the tremor requires treatment.

Trembling hands - hormonal causes

-Enhanced features thyroid gland : an excess of hormones leads to thyrotoxicosis. The patient's hands are trembling clinical manifestations are also irritability, drastic sweating, palpitations, weakness. it serious pathology, requiring early examination at the endocrinologist and long-term treatment further replacement therapy.

-Diabetes : hypoglycemia is also accompanied by severe weakness, sweating, palpitations, while the hands are shaking, and the person is in a semi-conscious state. Hypoglycemic coma often occurs, which requires urgent action. The state is normalized after taking carbohydrates (candy, sugar cube, bun), which is a kind of test in the diagnosis of hypoglycemic coma.

Hands shaking - parkinsonian tremor

characteristic feature is that the hands shake at rest.

When you try to make a purposeful movement, the tremor of the hands stops, or the hands tremble less. Tremor in parkinsonism is asymmetric.

Shaking hands - essential tremor (action tremor)

It is characterized by the fact that the hands are shaking when performing any actions, when a person tries to maintain a symmetrically defined posture in both hands.

In this case, the hands tremble unnoticed by others. When alcohol is taken, tremor increases, which is differential sign when establishing a diagnosis.

Shaking hands - cerebellar (atactic) tremor

It is the result of bruises, concussions or concussions of the brain, poisoning harmful substances developed multiple sclerosis. Hands tremble with active purposeful movements, the amplitude of the tremor increases when reaching the goal to which the hand reaches, or in a static position (with outstretched arms, for example). At rest, the tremor disappears.

Hands tremble - asterixis

"Flitting" trembling of the hands - large-scale irregular and arrhythmic movements with outstretched arms and dorsiflexion of the hands. First observed in patients with hepatic encephalopathy accompanying various cirrhosis of the liver.

Shaking hands - rhythmic myoclonus

hallmark is that the hands tremble when moving. At rest, the hands do not shake. The amplitude can reach several centimeters. Accompanies such serious illnesses like Wilson's disease multiple sclerosis, as well as various vascular pathologies(for example, microstrokes), anemia, many pathologies of the kidneys or liver.

Shaking hands: how to treat

Currently, diseases in which hands tremble are treated with a variety of methods. But, as you can see, these diseases are so serious that treatment requires special efforts, takes a lot of time, and the results do not always justify the effort and money spent. If the reasons that a person's hands are shaking lie on the surface, and they can be dealt with by removing the impact of the causes, this must be done immediately. Otherwise, progression of the condition may occur, or further development of the underlying disease, due to which hands are constantly shaking, which will seriously affect the quality of life.

1. At drug treatment serious drugs are used, the intake of which is controlled by a doctor. In the process of long-term treatment, it is necessary to repeat biochemical and general clinical blood tests, an electrocardiogram in dynamics to avoid complications and side effects.

2. The next treatment is surgical intervention.

Operations must be carried out in exceptional cases when the hands are shaking constantly, with a large amplitude, disrupting normal life. At the same time, a person cannot independently serve himself: wash, dress, eat.

Neurosurgeons perform stereotaxic thalamotomy - an intervention on the brain. There is a mechanical destruction of the nuclei of the thalamus by radiofrequency or ultrasonic exposure. The indication for it is the inefficiency of the ongoing drug therapy. In 80%, it relieves the tremor, but does not stop further development complications such as dysarthria or dementia.

3. Diet food.

The tremor of the hands increases with the use of large amounts of coffee, fats and carbohydrates. That's why balanced diet helps to get rid of the condition in which the hands are shaking much faster.

4. Fasting also successfully used for severe hand tremor. But without consulting and observing a nutritionist, “starving” is undesirable.

5. Apitherapy (treatment with bees) and hirudotherapy (treatment medicinal leeches) sometimes act positively. But nowadays they are rarely used. different reasons.

6. Hydrotherapy: dousing increases blood circulation, strengthens the nervous system. Swimming and cool showers can be recommended as an addition to the main treatment.

A person whose hands are shaking can be advised the following: do not be embarrassed that his hands are shaking; immediately investigate and start proper treatment assigned by a specialist.

It may not be possible to completely cure the tremor, but it is possible to minimize these unpleasant symptoms.

The problem of hand trembling is known to all. What is the name of the disease when the hands are shaking? Experts call this pathology the word tremor. This name came from Latin word tremor, which in translation means "trembling".

Doctors call so fast rhythmic movements of the limbs (often a tremor affects the neck, torso, lips, eyelids), which are caused by involuntary muscle contractions (in simple terms - a disease when hands shake).

Specialists identified the disease with shaking hands. It:

  1. thyrotoxicosis;
  2. Nervous tension;
  3. Alcoholism;
  4. Age tremor;
  5. Parkinson's disease;
  6. Multiple sclerosis;
  7. Minor's disease.

Tremor is also called trembling of the eyelids with low frequency and high amplitude. Experts note that with strong emotional stress, as well as with fatigue, tremor increases.

Hand tremor in alcohol dependence is somewhat different from trembling in other diseases.

First of all, the amplitude, which in this case is much larger. Secondly, the specificity is that tremor is noticeable when arms are extended forward that are at rest. This, as a rule, does not occur due to other diseases. How to treat shaky hands, consider below.

Why Tremor Occurs

Although the causes that lead to tremors are not well understood, doctors still share the physiological and pathological factors which may lead to the problem. Consider the reasons why hands are shaking.

Physiological tremor all people have. As a rule, it does not manifest itself clearly. Becomes noticeable only when nervous excitement, fatigue, hypothermia.

Pathological tremor- is of a different nature.

The causes leading to the appearance of pathological trembling of the extremities are some diseases.

Doctors have made a classification of this type of trembling. Allocate tremor:

  • Static;
  • postural;
  • intentional;
  • Mixed.

Also, according to the type of causes, tremor happens:

  • Senile;
  • Hysterical;
  • Alcoholic;
  • Mercury;
  • Teriotoxic;
  • Essential;
  • Parkinsonian.

The most common diseases that are accompanied by hand tremors are as follows.

Teriotoxicosis - tremor occurs with an excess of thyroid hormones. The name of the disease became the name of this type of trembling.

Minor's disease benign disease which is inherited. Most often affects the neck. A patient with this diagnosis involuntarily shakes his head. This tremor is called essential.

Multiple sclerosis - the breakdown of the main protein occurs in the brain and cerebellum nerve fibers- myelin. Elderly people are most often affected by this disease.

Parkinson's disease The patient develops progressive muscle stiffness and rest tremor. This species is characterized by movements inherent only to it, reminiscent of gestures that are popularly called "counting coins." Rarely appears at a young age.

Alcoholism - alcohol abuse leads to a tremor with a high amplitude of fluctuations. The reason is frequent use alcohol.

Traumatic brain injuries, circulatory disorders of the brain, renal and liver failure, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.

Name mercury in the classification conditionally. This designation defines all types of poisoning with highly toxic substances and compounds.

The danger of tremor is that a person cannot perform elementary actions on his own.

And although the reason that leads to a malfunction in the brain has not been fully studied, nevertheless, experts unanimously argue that any tremor is the result of a violation normal functioning this organ.

Types of tremor

Work on learning dangerous disease does not stop. The syndrome when hands are shaking can be of several types:

  • Physiological- usually not felt by a person. It occurs as a result of nervous experiences, hypothermia, fatigue. Possible in case of poisoning medicines, alcohol syndrome.
  • essential is the result of heredity. In addition to the hands, trembling is transmitted to the head, lips, torso. Occurs symmetrically - both limbs are involved. This species never develops into the form characteristic of Parkinson's disease.
  • parkinsonian- Occurs at rest. When moving, the trembling disappears somewhat, but it intensifies when walking, switching attention. The cause of this symptom was Parkinson's disease. Never symmetrical. Often the tremor affects one hand.
  • cerebellar- extends to the trunk, limbs, rarely the head.
  • Holmes Tremor- occurs with damage to the midbrain, thalamus.
  • dystonic- Occurs with dystonia.
  • neuropathic- manifested in hereditary motor-sensory neuropathy type I.

This description is generally accepted by those skilled in the art. It helps to determine the cause of the tremor. However, it is still difficult to explain the appearance of malfunctions in the brain. Self-diagnosis tremor is unacceptable.

At the slightest violation motor function you must immediately consult a doctor.
Only a specialist, based on a thorough examination, can correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe an appropriate course of therapy.

How to determine the level of trembling

The specificity of the disease allows the presence of trembling to be determined visually. If you suspect a tremor, you can perform a simple test yourself.

Draw a spiral on a sheet of paper. If the lines are even, without jagged, there is no danger. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor for detailed examination and identifying the causes that led to the violation of motor function.

For the purity of the experiment, experts advise not to be limited to one experiment, but to conduct the test several times with an interval of 1-2 weeks. You should also pay attention to the condition of the person in which the study is conducted. This can be peace, after physical exertion, after emotional arousal, etc. If the results of these tests are available, it will be easier for the doctor to diagnose the pathology.

There is still a few simple steps that can be an alarm.

  1. Bring a cup of water to your mouth. If this is difficult to do and the content spills, then there is a problem.
  2. A test that almost everyone knows. Stretch your arms forward and hold them in this position for a few seconds. If it's not hard and upper limbs calm, there is no cause for concern.

It is not difficult to perform such control checks on your own and you can observe the result without the appropriate education.

Doctors study not only the nature of the appearance, but the tremor itself. Oscillatory movements are slow and fast. In the first case, the frequency is 3-5 Hz, in the second - 6-12 Hz.

The direction of movement is vertical and horizontal, it is easier to call them “yes-yes” and “no-no”, respectively.

Such gestures are mainly characteristic of patients suffering from alcoholic tremor. In Parkinson's disease, movements occur in the form of "rolling pills" or "counting coins."

The doctor at the initial examination easily determines the presence of a tremor. To do this, it is enough to visual inspection patient, since the specificity of the symptom is obvious and pronounced.

For a more detailed study of the patient's condition and diagnosis, the doctor studies the lifestyle, human heredity. A brain study is underway.

On a note! Only on the basis of a comparison and study of all the facts is it possible to correctly diagnose the disease.


If you are faced with a tremor, then the question immediately arises: what to do if your hands are shaking, how to treat? For successful treatment tremor physiological drug treatment not required. It is necessary to eliminate the causes that provoked the appearance of trembling in the hands. In addition, it is useful to strengthen the nervous system, learn to manage emotions. Such actions will help not only to cope with the tremor, but will have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

With pathological tremor, when hands are constantly shaking, it is necessary to fight with the help of special therapy.

The course of treatment for pathological hand tremor can be called
Start only a doctor, based on a detailed examination.

For achievement best effect several types of treatment should be combined - medication; physical exercises strengthening the body; folk remedies.

Experts also advise contacting a psychologist to eliminate emotional factor in illness. An additional plus will be the rejection of products that provoke pathology.

On a note! Any initiative in the treatment of tremor can have disastrous consequences.

Foods that cause shivering include coffee, alcohol, strong tea. The use of narcotic drugs can also cause pathology.

For treatment, the specialist prescribes anticonvulsants. It is good to take a course of vitamin therapy. If necessary, surgical intervention is performed. Among the folk remedies that recommend decoctions of soothing herbs for tremors. These are mint, motherwort, valerian, plantain.

It is useful during this period to use general strengthening agents. Ginger, lemon, St. John's wort will have beneficial effect on the immune system organism.

It is necessary during the treatment period to perform exercises that develop fine motor skills of the hands.

AT kindergarten it is no coincidence that children mold various crafts from plasticine, cut out small details and glue applications. Such exercises develop fingers and hands well, activate the brain.

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe a number of non-traditional procedures to help get rid of shaking hands. It can be acupuncture, herbal medicine, therapeutic fasting. These methods should be prescribed by the attending physician and take place under the constant supervision of a specialist.

Maxim Bolotov, neuropathologist, St. Petersburg. “The treatment of tremor is a rather lengthy but rewarding process. It is important that during such a period the patient is protected from experiences, created comfortable conditions. With the joint efforts of doctors and the patient, the disease recedes.

Neurologists, psychotherapists, psychoneurologists are always ready to help patients with this pathology. Treatment of the disease should be systemic, if necessary in a hospital.

This will make it possible to regularly monitor the effect of the prescribed drugs. Since disorders in the functioning of the brain lead to tremor, it is necessary to approach the problem responsibly.

Tremor has not been studied well enough, however, the observations of doctors make it possible to successfully deal with the disease.. The joint efforts of the patient and the doctor can eliminate unpleasant problem. This requires the methodical implementation of all prescriptions, healthy lifestyle life, support of relatives and friends.

When hands are shaking, not only treatment is prescribed, but also hardening procedures, as well as refusal to bad habits, thoughtful nutrition, if not completely safe, then at least postpone the risk of disease.

Useful video

In this video, the causes of tremor are analyzed in detail:

In this article, you will learn about the psychological mechanisms of trembling and how to deal with it.

Anxiety tremor is a normal physiological response of the body to stress. Almost everyone has experienced trembling at least once in stressful situations: at exams, at driving school, or during public speaking.

But some people experience tremors more frequently and more severely than others. When the trembling in the hands becomes noticeable, it begins to cause inconvenience: it is impossible to calmly eat the soup, it is difficult to write legibly, and the change at the cash desk strives to fall on the floor. Tremor becomes a disaster for those whose work involves small precise movements: for sports shooters, surgeons and dentists. Some public people, teachers and actors struggle with the trembling that appears in front of the audience.

It happens that a trembling neck and head join the trembling in the hands. Shaky legs are a problem for many novice drivers, and a trembling voice for lecturers.

In my first year of college, I met Veronica. She was a slender, pretty, slightly shy girl. Every time she answered at the blackboard, her hands trembled visibly with excitement. And during the exams, the trembling intensified and covered the whole body.

On one of the subjects, we were given the task to approach a stranger on the street and ask him the question “How to get to the Kremlin?” It so happened that we went to carry out the task together with Veronica. Already going out into the street, Veronica began to shake. And when we chose the “candidate” to whom we will ask our question, our head began to shake noticeably. Despite this, Veronica completed the task.

Returning, Veronica and I started talking. She told me about herself.

“Hand tremors with excitement appeared at the end of school. At first, the trembling of the hands was almost imperceptible. But once a “kind” classmate laughed at his shaking hands. Since then, I have strived to keep the trembling at bay. And the more I tried to control my body, the stronger the tremor. Now when I'm nervous, my hands are shaking."

We became friends with Veronica. When she went to psychotherapy, she shared her discoveries with me. What I learned from Veronica about tremor has helped many of my clients.

The main causes of tremor

If noticeable tremor is directly related to stress- this speaks of its purely psychological nature. This means there are two ways to deal with tremors. One of them gives a temporary effect - this is a technique psychotropic drugs, the second gives a stable effect - this is work with a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Very often, trembling during excitement is associated with social anxiety(social phobia).

Sometimes the tremor is caused immediately several reasons, for example, both your genetics and your psychological response to stress.

If you doubt the psychological cause of hand trembling or are sure that, on a par with psychological reason there is another reason, you should go to a neurologist.

The doctor will exclude a number of diseases and reactions in which trembling occurs. Here is some of them:

  1. Reaction to physical stress;
  2. Consequences of taking alcohol and drugs;
  3. Reaction to drugs;
  4. genetic predisposition;
  5. Parkinson's disease;
  6. Consequences of a traumatic brain injury, stroke or tumor in the brain;
  7. Hyperthyroidism;
  8. Liver or kidney failure;
  9. Dystonia;
  10. Polyneuropathies.

However, if the tremor manifests itself precisely during communication, then it is worth contacting a psychologist, even if you have found that the cause of the tremor is a disease, a reaction to stress, or psychoactive substances.

What to do if your hands are shaking with excitement?

  1. See a psychologist or psychotherapist

Psychotherapy is the most reliable way cope with trembling caused by excitement. Psychotherapy may require a certain investment of time and money, but the effect of it is stable.

  1. Consult a psychiatrist

Psychotherapy does not give immediate results. Therefore, if you need to quickly cope with a tremor, then you should consult a psychiatrist for help. medications. When taking medication, the tremor of the hands during excitement decreases or disappears, but only for the duration of the medication.

  1. See a neurologist

If you are not sure about the purely psychological nature of trembling, then you should make an appointment with a neurologist to rule out other causes of hand tremors during excitement.

  1. Pick up suitable methods self-help

Trembling is an ancient means of communication

There is an opinion among psychologists that shivering is an ancient adaptive mechanism.

Imagine a clan of ancient people. To survive in harsh conditions, they need to stick together. Indeed, alone there is little chance of building a reliable shelter, getting food for yourself and driving away large predators. In order for a group of people to stick together, excitement and aggression must be contained. We need clear signals that will make it clear what is happening with a member of the community.

For example, two men stand opposite each other, and each wants to become a leader. The fact that their hands are shaking with excitement informs everyone around that men are extremely excited, they can hardly restrain themselves and their energy is about ready to splash out. This is a signal for others to "Step away!"

Each man mentally evaluates his strength and the strength of his opponent. One of them feels that he is stronger. From this, he perceives his trembling as ready to manifest aggression, he scares the opponent with his roar, he prepares to fight. The other man is not sure of victory, so he perceives his trembling as a sign of fear, he will prefer not to get involved in a fight and move away. Thanks to the trembling, it was possible to avoid direct clashes and bloodshed.

Animals also have similar bodily signals, for example, cats have a tail twitch in stressful situations.

Why do hands shake when excited?

Closer to the end of the institute, Veronica went to psychotherapy. And she told me about her discoveries about the causes of trembling.

  1. containment

In working with a psychologist, Veronica found that trembling was directly related to her restraint. It turned out that without realizing it, she restrained her indignation, manifestations of fear, her anger and rage, her delight and excitement. The only hint of repressed emotion was trembling. Over time, Veronica realized that there was no great need to keep all her reactions to herself. Psychotherapy taught her to be more spontaneous, open. This lessened Veronica's general anxiety, lessened bodily tension, and freed Veronica's enormous amount of energy that was previously wasted on suppression. natural reactions. Veronica began to look more relaxed and calm.

The human body reacts in a certain way to stressful events. First, the brain and adrenal glands produce stress hormones. Hormones prepare a person for active physical actions, and for this, the pulse quickens, the muscles come into tone, the pressure rises, and the respiratory rate increases. This is the so-called "fight or flight" response, which used to help ancient man to be stronger, faster and more agile, and therefore helped him survive.

If a person is forced to remain still during the release of hormones, tension grows inside him. Exactly this internal stress manifests itself in the form of trembling. Suppression takes an enormous amount of energy. Restraining trembling leads to increased tension, which means it increases tremor.

Trembling is more pronounced in those people whose body reacts more brightly to stress. And also for those who are not used to being emotional, but strive to be restrained and rational.

  1. Focusing

Veronica also said that if she pays attention to her hands, she asks herself the question “Are my hands shaking?” - this leads to trembling.

It turns out that there is such a rule: if you focus your attention on any part of the body, this leads to changes in its work. You can conduct such an experiment yourself.

Go to a quiet place. Sit comfortably. Direct your inner gaze to the big toe of your left foot. Feel how your thumb touches your index finger as it touches the floor. If you are wearing shoes, then feel it with your finger. Listen to the sensations in your finger - is it warm or cold, is it relaxed or tense, is it comfortable in shoes. Focus your attention on thumb left leg for 3 minutes, try to keep your attention on the sensations in it. After 3 minutes, describe how your sensations in your finger have changed since the beginning of the experiment. Most people feel the difference.

Focusing on sensations in the hands, on thoughts of shaking, leads to an increase in tremor. Therefore, in stressful situations, shift your attention to other things.

  1. Fear of making a bad impression

Veronica told me that during therapy she realized how much she wanted to be liked by other people. She had an image of what the perfect girl should be. In the depths of her soul, she knew that she did not fit this image. It seemed to her that if she relaxed, then everyone would laugh at her, condemn or reject her. In the process of working with a psychologist, Veronica decided that she was not $100 to be liked by everyone. Now she is not afraid of ridicule strangers. And as her fear lessened, so did the tremor.

With the fear of not being liked, a person feels like a small child. It seems that only others know what is good and what is bad. As if there are solid judges and prosecutors around. In fact, the toughest accuser is inside. As practice shows, people think only about themselves and rarely notice others. The thought is rather unpleasant: “No one really cares about me, except for people very close to me.” In addition to the fact that this thought quite accurately reflects reality, it helps to be a self-confident person.

  1. Vicious circle

The thought that other people will notice the trembling leads to its intensification. Formed vicious circle, in which this thought causes fear of making a bad impression, and that leads to the release of stress hormones. Hormones trigger the body's response to stress. When the fight-or-flight response is suppressed, trembling occurs.

  1. False "I"

While working with a psychologist, Veronica discovered that she behaves the way other people want. She considered herself sociable and non-conflict. Gradually, she began to realize that in fact she was not the same as she thought before. Veronica realized that not all people like her. I realized that I love solitude and walks in nature. That he prefers reading a good book to having a fun party. She realized that sometimes she gets angry and wants to defend her interests.

As a rule, trembling is characteristic of those people whose parents and caregivers achieved ideal obedience (complete restraint of natural reactions) in a variety of ways. Some were scolded in childhood, others were beaten, others were condemned or doused with contempt, and with the fourth, they stopped talking as a punishment. As a result, they have hidden their natural, spontaneous part deep inside themselves. Without realizing it, they began to show the False Self, and the Natural Self was put in an inner prison.

Especially strong trembling is characteristic of people with a stormy temperament when they hide their strength and activity. Their irrepressible energy bursts out with a shudder.

Psychotherapy helps to detect and neutralize psychological mechanisms tremble.

How to deal with trembling on your own?

It is best to seek psychotherapy to get rid of hand tremors when agitated. But, if you do not find such an opportunity yet, try to follow the following tips.

  1. Reduce overall stress

To reduce the overall tension, massage, yoga or Pilates, walks on fresh air and swimming. You should get enough sleep, get plenty of rest and pamper yourself.

A lot of coffee, a lot of work, watching "horror films" and thrillers usually increase stress. Strive to resolve chronic conflicts and do not take on increased obligations.

Over-the-counter sedatives can help reduce overall stress.

  1. Learn relaxation techniques

You can learn breathing techniques: diaphragmatic breathing, breathing to relax.

Learn the technique of progressive muscle relaxation.

Practice autogenic training.

Learn visualization and meditation techniques.

  1. Burn out the adrenaline

Trembling occurs when stress hormones are released. They are needed so that a person gets a lot of energy - he can run fast, fight harder. You can "work out" adrenaline by walking briskly, climbing stairs, crouching.

Or you can endure, wait for the end of the action of hormones. If you do not wind yourself up with fears, then adrenaline is produced in 2-3 minutes.

  1. Hot water

To stop trembling, hold your hands in a moderate hot water 2-3 minutes.

  1. Hand exercises

Exercise for the hands reduces tension in them. It is done in 4 stages. Very strongly, to a preconvulsive state, clench your hands into a fist for 5 seconds. Release tension and observe how the feeling in your hands changes, how they relax. Then spread your fingers to the limit for 5 seconds. Then release the tension and again observe how the sensations change. Do this cycle three to five times.

  1. Exercise "Umbrella"

This exercise helps you stay calm when you are the center of attention, such as in public speaking.

Imagine that you are holding a huge umbrella in your hands. This umbrella covers all those present. Hold this umbrella firmly and securely throughout your performance.

  1. Don't care about tremor

If you're afraid that people will notice the trembling, it makes it worse. So let your hands shake. In fact, not in all cases people see how your hands are shaking, even if the shaking seems obvious to you. Remember! People are usually busy with themselves. And come to terms with the fact that they can see the trembling.

  1. intensify shivers

Try to cause trembling in the hands in the presence of observers. To begin with, choose people who are safe for you, such as friends. Tell them, "Look how my hands are shaking!" Hear what they say. Then do this exercise with people more distant to you, such as colleagues. Listen to them.

If self-help methods do not help you completely cope with the tremor, see a psychologist for psychotherapy.

Tells head of the therapeutic department of the Moscow polyclinic No. 112 Tatyana Ilyinichna KAPLANOVA.

- Many people think that if the hands are trembling, it means that not everything is in order with the nerves. Is it so?

At nervous disorders, depression hand tremors, or tremors - very characteristic symptom. But you can't rely on it alone. After all, hands can tremble for a variety of reasons. Sometimes just after excessive physical exertion. But this is a temporary phenomenon. This is your body's response to stress. And they can be not only physical, but also emotional. If your hands tremble during troubles and sorrows, then this does not at all indicate a violation of the central nervous system. True, here it is necessary to consider how often this happens.

Everyone has troubles in life. We just react differently to them. Stormy, with tears - as a rule, hysterical nature. Their fingers begin to tremble at the slightest excitement. For example, during a business meeting, when explaining the reason for being late, that is, in fairly ordinary situations that other people do not perceive as misfortune. This is a hysterical tremor caused by functional disorders nervous system. Gradually, everything returns to normal, the attack ends, but it can start again, and after a short period of time.

Hands may tremble and depressive disorders. Watch yourself for at least two weeks. If the hands tremble constantly and this is not associated with severe physical work, stressful and tragic situations, which means that this disease state. But with depression, not only hands tremble, but in general all movements become impetuous and uncontrollable.

- Does the occurrence of trembling depend on gender, age?

Many older people have trembling hands. This happens at rest, that is, when a person simply sits with his hands on his knees. If the fingers at the same time roll up a bread ball or sort out coins, then this is a sign of Parkinson's disease. Average age the onset of this disease - 57 years. Although adolescents can also develop a kind of this disease, in which the hands tremble in the same way.

Trembling of the hands, head and vocal muscles can also be hereditary. This is especially evident when a person tries to maintain a certain posture, and completely stops in a dream. Such phenomena occur only in older people.

In young people, of course, hands shake less often and, as a rule, in those who abuse alcohol. This is the so-called alcoholic tremor. With it, the trembling of the divorced fingers of outstretched hands, as well as the muscles of the face and tongue, is very obvious. Hands tremble with acute alcohol intoxication, which can occur both with small doses of alcohol, and with maximum. This applies equally to both men and women. Therefore, it may turn out that a schoolgirl who first tried champagne will become ill. Hand trembling, incoordination, flushed face, vomiting - all these are signs acute poisoning, in which it is necessary to immediately provide medical care.

- What else can cause similar condition?

Tremor can be caused by some medicines such as those containing caffeine. So don't drink too much coffee. True, this drink can have a significant impact only in a very in large numbers. Hand trembling also causes carbon monoxide poisoning.

Hands tremble and with damage to the cerebellum. Tremor manifests itself in rhythmic fluctuations, which intensify when the hands have already almost touched the desired item. All things literally fall out of hand. If you need to hold weights for a long time or maintain a certain position, the tremor intensifies. But not only hands tremble, but also legs, so sometimes it is difficult even to put on shoes.

I want to emphasize that this should not be confused with physiological tremor - the one that occurs in models and dancers. Moreover, the physiological tremor is overcome. It is known that the dance "Sunrise" by Rudolf Nureyev was recognized as the pinnacle of ballet technique. His suit, especially for this number, was sheathed with bells. None of them rang while the dancer maintained a complex, frozen pose for two and a half minutes. All the muscles of his body were tense, but there was not the slightest trembling. This is the difference between sickness and health.

Obviously, hand trembling accompanies not only the whole series nervous diseases and poisoning, but it can also be one of the symptoms of some other diseases?

Yes, and very different. For example, encephalitis, as well as hormonal disorders affecting the entire body as a whole.

That is, if your hands are shaking, this does not mean that you have diseased heart or kidneys. This requires a complete clinical picture. Indeed, depending on it, the diagnosis can be very different: from hyperthyroidism - a disease in which not only hands necessarily tremble, but normal work many internal organs, to the usual chills with hypothermia. And if in the first case you need to be seriously treated, then in the second case a cup of hot tea is enough.

"Women Health"

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