Cutaneous staphylococcus in a dog treatment. Why is Staphylococcus aureus dangerous in dogs?

Microbes have always been the most common type of living organisms in the environment. There are a lot of them. So much so that a large part of the biomass of the entire planet is bacteria. Fortunately for us and our pets, there are not so many pathogenic varieties among them. However, even among the latter, species are not uncommon, which in their normal state do not cause diseases. Moreover, they can always be found on the skin or inside the body of perfectly healthy animals. These include, for example, Staphylococcus aureus in dogs.

Doctors believe that approximately 25% of people around the world have golden constantly on the mucous membranes of the nose and on the skin. Veterinarians agree that in animals the prevalence of this pathogen is even higher, and that we can talk about 45-60% of dogs. The tendency to carrier is the higher, the worse the condition of the pet. The tendency to this phenomenon increases in cases where the pet has been treated with antibiotics for a long time (and not always successfully), not really maintaining the dosage and duration of treatment, as well as antifungal drugs, which in themselves perfectly “plant” immunity. Unfortunately, things have only gotten worse in recent years: researchers report that the mecA genome has appeared in the pathogen, which has dramatically increased the resistance of goldenseal to many modern antibiotics (the old ones may not work at all on it). According to WHO doctors, over the past 15 years, mortality from purulent inflammation caused by this pathogen has increased by about a third (according to the most optimistic calculations).

We present here the results of a simple study, arranged by British microbiologists. It was attended by 736 breeders who owned 830 dogs. People and their pets participating in the study were tested for the presence of Staphylococcus aureus. Seventy-five owners (9.2%) did not want to become “experimental mice” themselves, but they did give permission for their dogs to be examined. The majority of owners (93%) fully answered all questions in the questionnaires. Eight breeders had more than four dogs.

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After analysis, it turned out that Staphylococcus aureus was found in 174 (24%) people, as well as in 73 (8.8%) dogs. In cases where the breeder had more than one dog, the pathogen was found in all animals. In 17% of cases, the carriage of pathogenic strains was detected (10% of humans and 7% of dogs). Antibiotic-resistant strains were found in 11% of humans, compared to 7% in dogs.

Surprisingly, none of the 30 stray dogs that also participated in the study were found to have Staphylococcus aureus, which makes it possible to draw a logical conclusion about the relationship between the prevalence of the microbe and treatment with inappropriate types of antimicrobials. After all, no one treats homeless animals, they have to rely only on their immunity.

Risk factors

Why does it develop disease? After all, we already wrote that under normal conditions this microorganism does not cause pathology? There are many predisposing factors, under the influence of which the microbe can "get a taste" and overcome the dog's immune system. Firstly, your dog may come into contact with an animal that is a carrier of especially pathogenic, virulent strains of Staphylococcus aureus (and such as we wrote, about 7%). Risk factors include: prolonged antibiotic therapy not controlled by a veterinarian, surgery, shortly before the illness, as well as “banal” injuries, poor quality, etc. All these factors greatly reduce the intensity of immunity in the animal, as a result of which the animal shows signs of the disease.

In most cases, Staphylococcus aureus colonies are found on the mucous membrane of the nose, oral cavity and genital organs. Again, as indicated in the table, about 7% of all dogs are carriers. This means that they do not have any clinical manifestations of the disease, but in their body there is a pathogenic strain of Staphylococcus aureus. We emphasize that such animals can infect not only their relatives, but also humans.

The "classic" factor of infection is untreated wounds and other skin lesions. In some cases (when using inappropriate antibiotics, for example) a dog becomes sick and becomes a carrier at the same time. Interestingly, if the owner of the dog himself is a carrier, his pet becomes infected in about 30% of cases. This is especially true of "pocket" dogs, which are often squeezed and even kissed.

Read also: Aspergillosis - mycosis of the nasal sinuses in cats and dogs

Clinical picture

So how do you know if your dog has been infected with Staphylococcus aureus? Main symptoms:

  • Fever intermittent, rarely permanent, type.
  • If a previously received wound has undergone seeding, a large amount of exudate is released from its canal.
  • Any (also previously received) damage to the skin instantly becomes inflamed, the skin around these places swells, possibly profuse exudate.
  • can swell on its own.
  • Wounds, abrasions and other skin lesions heal extremely slowly. Sometimes they "mutate" into deep, painful, poorly healing ulcers.

In addition, the development of severe abscesses is extremely characteristic of Staphylococcus aureus, and in some cases even. It is this pathogen that is a very common cause of death in newborn puppies and the development of postpartum pathologies in bitches. In very rare cases, the pathogen causes inflammation in the urinary tract, in the ears, and can affect the eyes and joints. Inflammation of the latter, by the way, if it is caused by Staphylococcus aureus, is very difficult and poorly cured.


If during the diagnostic process it was found that there is Staphylococcus aureus in the body of your pet, but the latter, nevertheless, is completely healthy and cheerful, treatment is usually not required. True, this does not apply to cases where the body of the dog has a particularly pathogenic strain that poses a serious danger to humans. If the bacteria got on the dog’s skin by accident, but his immune system is in a normal state, the pathogen will be “processed” by it within a couple of weeks. But even in such cases, it does not hurt to disinfect the premises in which the dog has been.

It is advisable to start therapy only in cases where the clinical picture of the disease is clearly manifested in the dog. With the development of abscesses the cavity must be opened, treated surgically, excising damaged and dead tissue, and then drained, introducing drainage and ointments into the abscess cavity (like Vishnevsky's balsamic liniment). Antibiotics are selected based on the results of their testing on a grown culture of the pathogen. Doses - shock. So, dosage of ceftriaxone for sick dogs- about 40 mg per kilogram of live weight. The period of administration is at least five days, but usually the duration of the therapeutic course is about ten days.

Staphylococcus in dogs is a rather dangerous infectious disease. If the dog is not identified and treated in time, the consequences can be more than sad. In this article, we will tell you what a staphylococcal disease is, what are the causes and symptoms of its occurrence, and how to properly treat an animal.

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What is staphylococcus in dogs and why is it dangerous?

Staphylococcus aureus is an infectious disease caused by bacteria of the Staphylococcus family. In the case of animals, as seen in the photo, the infection is accompanied by the appearance of dermatitis or otitis media, as well as diseases of the genital organs. In the case of a dog, staph infection can occur in two forms.

In the first (generalized disease), the infection affects many organs of the pet. The second form is a complication of already existing dermatitis. It should be noted that the second form may subsequently develop into a generalized one if the animal is not treated. It should also be borne in mind that staphylococcus is an integral part of the pet's skin microflora, that is, it is always present on the dog's body. However, a healthy immune system protects the dog from infection and the development of infection.

The period when pathogenic species of bacteria penetrate the nasopharynx and disrupt the vital activity of the body, as a rule, occurs in the summer. At a time when dogs are often walked and they are in contact with other pets, there comes a period of infection. As you already understood, staphylococcal disease is transmitted either sexually or by contact. It should also be noted that in the winter season, dogs practically do not get sick, this is confirmed by the words of many veterinarians.

The reasons for its occurrence

Let's move on to the causes of the appearance and development of this infection. It is not always that an animal picks up an infection from another dog.

There are certain points that contribute to the appearance and manifestation of the disease, meaning:

As for the symptoms, we will talk about them further:

  1. One of the most common symptoms of infection is the appearance of a rash on the animal's body. It may be different. These can be bumpy abscesses on the body or red round spots that can resemble lichen. In this case, there will be no hair on the spots.
  2. Ear diseases, in particular - otitis media. The symptom of this is constant itching in the ear, the dog will feel restless. In addition, unpleasant odors may be heard from the ears, and discharge may also come out from there. If the dog is not treated, then over time it can develop into temporary paralysis of the facial nerve.
  3. Constant itching all over the body. The dog will itch very much, he will have fleas, which is why the poor animal will constantly comb his skin. As you understand, in such cases, an infection will enter the wounds, which can freely spread throughout the body.
  4. Allergy. Such a reaction of the body is accompanied by the appearance of various irritations on the body of the pet, which eventually develops into abscesses.
  5. Another disease - endometritis - can be the result of infection of the mucosa in an animal.
  6. Rhinitis resulting from delayed treatment of otitis.
  7. Staphylococcus aureus appears, as a rule, in young dogs that have not yet developed immunity against infections. This symptom can be confused with food poisoning, as the dog will experience indigestion, accompanied by regular diarrhea and vomiting. These symptoms are the most dangerous because they lead to rapid dehydration.

Treatment Methods

How to treat staph in dogs?

  1. specific immunotherapy. This method of treatment can be active or passive. It should be noted that this method of treatment is the most effective. In active immunotherapy, various antigens of the infection are used. With the passive method of treatment, hyperimmune sera and appropriate medications are used, the use of which will be relevant in the early stages.
  2. Treatment with non-specific immunotherapy. This method of treatment involves the use of immunostimulants necessary to restore immunity. The best option would be to use medications designed to stimulate the cellular component of immunity.
  3. Treatment of infection with antibiotic therapy. In this case, not all antibiotics are suitable for treatment. As practice shows, staphylococcus quickly gets used to various kinds of antibiotics. Therefore, treatment should be carried out with the use of antibiotics to which the pathogen is sensitive. Veterinarians often prescribe and use ciflox, enroxil, baytril, and other antibiotics of this type. As a rule, the treatment is prescribed complex, that is, you need to use several antibiotics at once.
  4. bacteriophage treatment. This treatment can be expensive, but it is the most effective. The living antiviral structure effectively kills the pathogen at any stage.
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Preventive measures to prevent the development of the disease

In order for the animal not to get sick with staphylococcus aureus, it must have a strong immune system. The pet's diet must be provided with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, you can give the dog special pills to increase immunity. In addition, the dog should not come into contact with infected pets.

The owner of the dog should regularly inspect the skin of his pet. If there are any signs of illness, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Do not start such a disease, if there are ulcers and abscesses on the pet's body, immediately go to the doctor, as this can cost the health of the animal.

Video "Treatment of staphylococcus aureus"

You can learn about the signs and methods of treatment from this video.

The article proposes to get acquainted with general information and the advice that veterinarians give after a personal examination and diagnosis of health problems in puppies and adult dogs.

You need to understand that none of the sites will give an exact answer to what is with the dog, because for this you need to examine it, which cannot be done on the Internet. It is recommended not to hesitate when the first symptoms appear and immediately contact the nearest veterinary clinic if you really want to help and do not want to start the situation so that help is no longer relevant.

Staphylococcus in a dog, what is it, symptoms, how to get tested, diagnosis

Staphylococcus is always present on the skin of dogs. A healthy animal with a strong immune system does not develop the disease.

The infection defeats the body only when the level of staphylococcus aureus increases, for example, with numerous contacts with other animals or when the body is weakened by other diseases.

The symptoms of staphylococcus aureus depend on which system or which organ is affected.

Diagnosis of staphylococcal disease is made on the basis of taking crops or performing a biopsy.

You may also be asked to take an immune disease and allergy test to determine the underlying cause of the disease.

Staphylococcus aureus in dogs, in the eyes, ears, nose, on the paws treatment, drugs, antibiotics

Staphylococcus aureus in dogs does not cause disease by itself, but contributes to the complication of existing problems in the animal's body. The likely treatment is a long course of antibiotics plus topical treatment of the affected areas.

Staphylococcus in dog animals does it pass to humans, is it contagious to people and cats, is it possible to walk and is there a smell

Staphylococcus from a sick dog can be transmitted to humans, cats and other animals. In order not to become infected with staphylococcus, people must strictly observe the basic rules of hygiene.

One of the symptoms of a staphylococcal infection is an unpleasant odor coming from an affected pet. Until measures are taken to treat the animal, all contact with a sick dog, and therefore walks, as well, should be reduced to a minimum.

Staphylococcus in dogs treatment with folk remedies at home, reviews, bacteriophage

When treating staphylococcus aureus in dogs, veterinarians may suggest injecting a bacteriophage or taking a course of antibiotics and immunostimulants.

Treatment with folk remedies involves the treatment of affected areas with infusions of calendula, elecampane, plantain, coltsfoot, birch or marshmallow.

Staphylococcus in a puppy at home children, diet

If staphylococcus is found in a puppy, then it is better for children to forbid contact with a sick animal until it is cured.

With a staphylococcal infection, a puppy can be given poultry meat, liver and other offal, boiled fish, cereals and vegetables.

A corneal ulcer causes pain and suffering to the animal. It can occur in a dog or cat of any age and any breed. Regardless of the cause...

Staphylococcus aureus is a disease caused by bacteria (cocci). The disease is rarely transmitted from a sick organism to a healthy one and usually does not pose a danger to other pets. Decreased immunity is the main factor in the start of active reproduction of bacteria.

Staphylococcal infection occurs in two forms:

  • the first (secondary) is an addition to the underlying skin disease;
  • the second (generalized) is an independent disease that affects not only the skin, but also the internal organs.

Reference. In the absence of treatment, the second form of staphylococcus easily passes into the second (generalized).

These bacteria are part of the normal flora of the skin, intestines and mucous membranes, but with a sharp decrease in immunity, they begin to multiply actively. Here are the main causes and factors for the development of staphylococcus aureus:

  1. Violation of the integrity of the skin (wounds, scratches, burns, etc.).
  2. Decreased immunity caused by disease, stress or other causes.
  3. Communication of a healthy pet with a sick animal.
  4. Poor skin care (especially for breeds with folds: pugs, sharpei, etc.).
  5. Excess weight.
  6. Skin diseases (allergic flea dermatitis, demodicosis, etc.).

The development of infection begins with a violation of the integrity of the skin. In the affected area, staphylococci begin to actively multiply, which leads to inflammation and tissue necrosis. Leukocytes destroy bacteria, and as a result, pus is formed.

A photo. Staphylococcus aureus in a dog

A photo. Staphylococcus aureus in a dog

If the dog's immunity is not able to limit the infection within the skin, staphylococci enter the bloodstream, and then affect the internal organs: lungs, heart, kidneys, spleen, liver, brain.

The disease can develop in dogs of any age, but it is most severe in young and older dogs. Chronic diseases only aggravate the condition of the pet.

What are the symptoms of staph in dogs

Staphylococcus in dogs manifests itself in the form of dermatitis (pyoderma) of various depths of damage:

  1. Superficial pyoderma. Small sores or pustular rashes form on the skin, which hurt and itch. Groin, neck, tail and dewlap suffer. Hair falls out on the affected areas.
  2. Deep pyoderma. The lesion extends not only to the epidermis, but also to the subcutaneous tissue, which leads to the formation of boils. With generalized pyoderma, the dog's temperature rises, deep ulcers form on the skin, from which discharge flows profusely. More often the skin on the head, between the fingers and around the anus suffers.

Reference. Staphylococcus can affect not only the skin, but also the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Bitches develop vaginitis, which is accompanied by the release of pus from the loop. Without treatment, bacteria enter the uterus and cause pyometra and endometritis. In males, staphylococcus infects the prepuce (purulent discharge appears from it).

Disease, while discharge accumulates in it, and squelching sounds are heard on palpation. With staphylococcal otitis media, the pet's ears swell and turn red.

How the disease is diagnosed

For diagnosis, the veterinarian takes samples of pus from areas affected by staphylococcus aureus. The smear is Gram-stained and examined under a microscope, but bacteria may be Gram-negative at rest. In the course of research, a large number of leukocytes are determined, which contain staphylococci.

What treatments are available

For the treatment of staphylococcal infections, a complex of general and local therapies is used.

Immunostimulants are used for treatment.

Here is a scheme with which you can overcome the disease:

  • Specific treatment (active and passive immunotherapy). For treatment, drugs are used: ASP (polyvalent staphylococcal toxoid), hyperimmune antistaphylococcal sera, immunoglobulins. Such treatment gives a good effect in the early stages of the disease.
  • Non-specific treatment with immunostimulants (, ASD fraction 2 or 3, Roncoleukin, Gamavit, etc.).
  • Antibiotics. For the treatment of staphylococcus drugs are used: Enroxil, Baytril, Ciflox. For greater efficiency, veterinarians practice treatment with 2-3 antibiotics at once. Before prescribing the drug, it is imperative to test for the sensitivity of bacteria to certain antibiotics.
  • Ulcers, erosions, mucous membranes of the genital organs are irrigated with solutions of Chemotrypsin, Lysozyme, etc.
  • For drying and cauterization of foci, drugs are used: Dermatol, Protargol (solution 2%), Tannin.
  • To destroy bacteria that multiply on the affected tissues, disinfectants and sorbents are used.
  • To relieve itching, the foci are washed with a solution of Dimexide or applications with Novocain are made (if the itching was caused by an allergic reaction, drugs are used: Suprastin, Tavegil, etc.).
  • For the treatment of otitis caused by staphylococcus, a mixture of Novocaine and Dermatol is used (the powder is blown into the ear).

To strengthen the immune system, the course of treatment must include the intake of vitamins (orally or intramuscularly).

In no case should you combine the intake of antiserum from staphylococcus and toxoid. Corticosteroids for the treatment of infection are prescribed with caution.

Is dog staphylococcus dangerous to humans?

Staphylococci are bacteria that are conditionally pathogenic microflora. They live on the skin of any healthy person or pet, but manifest themselves only if the immune system is suddenly weakened.

Attention. Veterinarians say that a sick dog is not dangerous for the owner and other family members, including pets. Active reproduction of staphylococcus aureus on the skin usually indicates another disease that needs to be diagnosed and treated.

However, despite this, there is an opinion that staphylococcus aureus is contagious and can be transmitted by airborne droplets or through direct contact, so safety measures should be observed when dealing with a sick animal.

What methods of prevention exist

Feed high-quality feed, which will serve as a preventive measure.

The main preventive measure that helps prevent the reproduction of staphylococci on the skin of a dog is the vaccination of puppies and adult animals with ASP.

Here are a few more methods that will help avoid the development of the disease:

  • (dry or, meat and offal in raw or scalded form, vegetables).
  • If your dog eats "natural" foods, be sure to include vitamin supplements in his diet.
  • Take care of your pet's skin. If it has a lot of wrinkles, check them regularly and wipe first with a damp and then dry cloth.
  • Try to avoid any contact (especially sexual) of your pet with sick animals.

Staphylococcal infection is a very unpleasant and intractable disease. If you were able to overcome the disease, but the dog's immunity weakens again, there is a high risk of relapse (bacteria will again begin to actively multiply on the skin). Animals with this diagnosis should be regularly observed by a veterinarian.

We are surrounded by a huge number of microorganisms. A person cannot protect himself from their penetration into the body, let alone pets. There is only one way to minimize the effect of pathogenic bacteria on your pet.

What is staphylococcus

To understand how to cure staphylococcus aureus in a dog, you need to figure out what it is.

Staphylococci are a group of bacteria that have a round shape and a stable color. They are present everywhere (air, earth, skin, mucous membranes, etc.), and some of their species are characterized by the ability to cause serious diseases under certain circumstances.

Did you know? Staphylococcus aureus is the only microbe that can multiply in a concentrated salt solution.

Causes of infection

Since staphylococcus exists on the skin and in the body of every dog, a weakened immune system can provoke the development of a staphylococcal infection.
There are two types of disease:

  1. Primary - the disease develops from the staphylococcal bacteria themselves.
  2. Secondary - the disease occurs against the background of another disease. Accompanied by various complications. Most often occurs if the pet has caught or.

The main reasons for the appearance of staphylococcus aureus in dogs include the following:

  • increased concentration of sugar or carbohydrates in the blood of the animal;
  • lack of vitamins A, B, E;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • weakened immunity;
  • the breed is not resistant to this type of disease.

How the disease manifests itself

The first signs of a staphylococcal infection in a four-legged pet:

  • the appearance of purulent tubercles;
  • the formation of inflamed spots of a round shape with a crust along the contour (similar to);
  • the animal suffers from itching;
  • zonal hair loss;
  • the formation of boils in the groin;
  • poor sleep in an animal (as a result of skin irritations).

The manifestation of Staphylococcus aureus is similar to the signs of food poisoning. It is characterized by symptoms such as vomiting, constant diarrhea. Most often, the infection affects young animals, since their immune system is still in the formation stage.

If you find the above symptoms of staphylococcus aureus, contact your veterinarian immediately. He will determine the type of disease and prescribe treatment.

Important! If you start the disease, it can lead to serious consequences, even fatal (Staphylococcus aureus).


Only a veterinarian can diagnose a staphylococcal infection after a series of examinations. The animal is cultured to determine the type of infection, and a biopsy of the affected skin can be done to test for allergies and autoimmune diseases.

Such analyzes contribute to a more accurate determination of the source of the disease and what influenced its occurrence.

How to Treat Staph in Dogs

How to treat staphylococcus aureus, the veterinarian will tell after diagnostic studies. As a rule, the treatment process is complex. It contains specific and non-specific immunotherapy, as well as antibiotic and symptomatic therapy.

  • Nonspecific therapy. It is based on the use of immunostimulants to restore the ability of the immune system to attack foreign microorganisms. The maximum effectiveness of the treatment can be obtained by stimulating T-lymphocytes and phagocytes.
  • Antibiotic therapy. Since staphylococci are able to easily get used to, dogs need to be administered only drugs tested in veterinary laboratories. These include a group of quinolones (baytril, ciflox, enroxil).

Important! You can enhance the effect of antibiotic therapy by combining several types of antibiotics.

To eliminate itching, redness of the skin, veterinarians prescribe ointments and gels for dogs with antimicrobial action. These are not medicines for staphylococcus aureus, they simply help the animal to more easily endure such a symptom of the disease as itching.
All drugs for external and intramuscular use in liquid form. If antimicrobial medications do not help the itching, antihistamines may be prescribed, as allergies may be the cause of skin irritation.

If your dog has fasting or vaginitis, then washing the vagina or foreskin with antimicrobial agents is prescribed. Treatment of staphylococcus in dogs with folk remedies is extremely rare, since it is very difficult to diagnose the disease at home, and deaths are possible when started.

If you want to try to help the animal yourself, then you can use the following recipes:

  • bathe your pet in water with the addition of apple cider vinegar and herbal decoction or with tar soap;
  • wash the wounds with infusions of burdock and comfrey, this contributes to their speedy healing;
  • make lotions with apple cider vinegar.

Important! The above means are more aimed at alleviating the course of the disease than at eradicating it.

Possible Complications

Often a neglected staphylococcal infection awakens other diseases in the animal's body:

  1. Ear infection. It is characterized by the presence of a bad smell from the ears, pus.
  2. Pyoderma. It manifests itself more as a secondary infection due to the fact that the animal tears the flea bites with its claws and introduces bacteria.
  3. Allergy. It is possible with hypersensitivity of a pet to staphylococci. It is accompanied by a purulent rash and itching.
  4. . During the course of the disease, the animal develops ulcers in the ears. Accompany him runny nose and conjunctivitis.


To reduce the risk of a staph infection, you need to:

  • provide a balanced diet for the animal;
  • do not forget about taking vitamins;
  • after each walk, check the pet for fleas, ticks, skin lesions;
  • in case of detection of wounds - treat with an antiseptic;
  • avoid contact with homeless animals;
  • as a preventive measure, vaccinate with ASP, especially for females during pregnancy.

Is it possible to get staphylococcus aureus from a sick dog?

The question of whether staphylococcus present in dogs is transmitted to humans has a positive answer. Children and the elderly are most susceptible to attack by the bacteria.

Therefore, when the first signs of a disease are found in a pet, it is important to minimize contact with it and immediately go to the doctor. Meanwhile, at home, one of the family members should disinfect the premises.

Not necessarily a person can catch the disease from a dog. She can overtake him in the clinic when the body is weakened.

Did you know? According to WHO, Staphylococcus aureus accounts for 31% of all infections acquired in hospitals.

Staphylococcal infection is a very unpleasant disease for both humans and animals. So that it does not harm your pet and owners, follow the basic rules of hygiene and monitor the condition of your pet.
At the slightest suspicion of an infection, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

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