Separate nutrition of Shelton food compatibility table. Positive and negative aspects of separate nutrition. syrups and sugars

Herbert Shelton is a well-known nutritionist in the United States who treated people with fasting in his clinic. Many years of experience allowed Shelton to develop his own nutrition program, which is fundamentally different from all known diets and allows you to quickly return weight to normal and prevent the development of many diseases. Shelton even wrote a book where he talks in detail about the developed methodology.

Nutrition according to Shelton means eating only foods that are compatible with each other. As the American nutritionist suggests, all foods are digested differently and everyone needs their own habitat. For example, for the rapid absorption of carbohydrates, an alkaline environment is needed, which is located in duodenum. And for the assimilation of proteins, an acidic environment is required, which prevails in the stomach.

With the compatibility of these two elements, there is a strong load on the body, as a result of which food is hard and long to digest. It does not have time to quickly digest and absorb into the walls of organs, resulting in a process of decay and fermentation, which is not very good for the body.

Since rotten food begins to release harmful toxic substances, which contribute to the deterioration of the work of all internal organs and systems, and also lead to a slowdown. All this does not favorably affect body weight and provokes the development of various diseases.

To make it clear to you, you cannot combine meat or fish products with side dishes in one meal, and you must also abandon sandwiches and confectionery products that contain simple carbohydrates that contribute to the growth of fatty tissue.

Shelton's nutritional system is very complex and requires a deep dive into it to understand its essence. However, it was precisely such a difficult scheme that led to the achievement of quick results and recognition among the population.
positive and negative sides separate nutrition according to Shelton
As you know, every medal has two sides. The Shelton power system is no exception. It also has two sides - positive and negative.

Doubtless positive quality of this power supply system is general health improvement organism, which is achieved by getting rid of extra pounds ov and harmful substances. No fermentation, no toxins! And this leads to the restoration of the work of all internal organs and systems.

On the negative side, everything is much more complicated here, since problems are likely to arise on. Shelton's nutrition system is very complex and implies the rejection of many products. Moreover, it is not just a diet that must be followed for a certain period of time. It is a way of life that must be observed throughout life. Therefore, many cannot fully switch to this system food, because they can not cope with their desires.

Separate nutrition table according to Shelton

Shelton Nutrition Basics:

  • you can not combine sour and sweet varieties of fruits and vegetables in one meal;
  • you can not combine protein products with sour fruits in one meal;
  • you can not combine starchy foods with protein in one dose;
  • you can not combine fats and carbohydrates;
  • cannot be combined protein products with each other, etc.

basic principles proper nutrition lots of.

You can learn more about them from the following video:

Dr. Herbert Shelton separate meals conventionally divided into the following categories: protein products (eggs, dairy products with a low percentage of fat, mushrooms, nuts, legumes, lean meat, fish, poultry, etc.), fats (cheese, fat sour cream, butter, margarine, etc.) .d.), carbohydrate foods (cereals, sugar, potatoes, etc.), starchy vegetables, green and non-starchy vegetables, sour vegetables, berries and fruits, and sweet berries and fruits. Based on this, separate meals according to Shelton focused on eating the most successful.

Also, the American doctor singled out a separate group for products that cannot be combined with anything at all. These are milk, watermelon and melon. They can only be eaten in mono mode.

Herbert Shelton - the basics of proper nutrition

  1. Do not eat protein foods with starchy foods in one sitting. Traditional rice with fish, sandwich with cheese, chicken with fried potatoes, mashed potatoes with meatballs, etc. should now become a strict taboo.
  2. One meal should include protein foods from only one group. Simply put, you cannot combine cheese and meat, chicken and eggs, eggs and cottage cheese, etc.
  3. Fish, poultry, meat and other protein-fortified foods should be exclusively lean. According to Dr. Shelton, fats and protein are very poorly compatible, because fatty meat, poultry or fish do not comply with the principles of separate nutrition.
  4. You can not combine protein products with alcohol. This is due to the fact that alcohol can interfere with the digestion of animal protein.
  5. Melon, watermelon and milk should not be used in combination with any other products. This is due to the fact that melon and watermelon contain in their composition a large number of natural sugar, which can "make" other food eaten ferment in the stomach. But milk under the influence gastric juice usually rolls up. However, if the stomach is filled with other food, then the milk will envelop it, thereby isolating it from the digestion process for a sufficiently long time. As a result, food will not be digested, but will rot.
  6. Subject to separate nutrition, it is advisable to completely abandon sugar and confectionery. As in the case of melon and watermelon, this is due to the fact that an abundance of sugar causes a fermentation process in the stomach. An exception to this rule can only be natural honey, since it is, roughly speaking, sugar already processed by bees.

Separate food Shelton - table

Diet according to Sheldon - the menu for the week is preferably made up of well-compatible products.

It is advisable not to consume more than three types of foods at one sitting - this is what the Shelton diet says, reviews of those who have lost weight confirm this. Also, according to the doctor, food should be as simple as possible - then it will bring maximum benefit to the human body.

It is a real find for those who want to get rid of excess weight without limiting yourself in any products. R Separate food Shelton allows you to eat almost everything - only certain combinations of products are prohibited. Also this technique will provide you not only getting rid of extra pounds, but also overall health and well-being. Your body will be provided with all essential substances, vitamins and minerals, all metabolic and digestive processes. Thanks to the balance and satiety of the menu of the separate nutrition system, you can easily combine such a diet with physical activity and any additional procedures for losing weight.

translated from English O. G. Belosheev Edited by: FOOD COMBINING MADE EASY / by Herbert M. Shelton

© Copyright 1982, Willow Publishing, Inc.

© Translation. Edition in Russian. Decor. Potpourri LLC, 2015

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Herbert Shelton was one of the pioneers in the field of nutrition and the founder of the natural hygiene movement. At the beginning of the 20th century, he prompted dozens prominent people, including Mahatma Gandhi and Bernard Shaw, adopt the principles of fasting and eating based on consumption raw foods vegetable origin.

In Shelton's day, people were not so familiar with the idea of ​​replacing meat and fish proteins vegetable and did not treat it as calmly as we do today.

These days, plant-based diets are not only popular, but also recognized by many representatives. scientific community perfect choice for health and longevity. We are sure that Shelton would be extremely pleased with such a change in the situation. In this edition of this book, we have decided to remove the advice on eating meat and fish to give you a clearer idea of ​​Shelton's personal preferences and recommendations.

Cynthia Holzapfel,

editorial manager at Book Publishing Company


A few years ago, I was watching a TV program with a group of my students at the home of one of my friends. During an on-screen commercial break, a breakfast bowl was placed in front of us. Right in front of our eyes, the commercial actor filled a bowl with popular brand cereal, poured two tablespoons of sugar into it, added a sliced ​​banana and a handful of raisins, and finally poured the whole mixture with a generous amount of milk or cream, which was undoubtedly pasteurized. While demonstrating the breakfast recipe, the actor spewed out an endless stream of words designed to convince the television audience that this combination of foods is tasty and nutritious.

When he finished, one of the young members of the group said: "If I eat something like that, then I always get heartburn." I felt it necessary to add: "You and several million other people." None known to mankind digestive systems not adapted to the digestion of such dishes.

No animal in nature would ever fill its stomach with such a disorderly mixture of foods. The fact that millions of men, women and children continue to eat these foods every day and then take medicine to relieve backfire, casts doubt on the level of human intelligence.

Millions of dollars are spent each year on antacids (acid neutralizers) and other medications weakening pains in the stomach, almost inevitable after eating such food. Among the most popular medical preparations, most of which contain sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), include, in particular, Alka-Seltzer, Di-Gel and Pepto-Bismol.

In addition to these patented remedies, many people continue to use their grandmother's tried-and-true remedies, baking soda and magnesium hydroxide. In addition to being unsafe in and of themselves, these drugs provide only a deceptive sense of temporary relief from indigestion ailments.

Despite the suffering that millions of people experience every day, and despite the ridiculous cost of drugs that only bring relief, many still condemn our attempts to relieve the unfortunate from this suffering with the help of such a simple remedy like eating the right food combinations.

An old proverb says: "To judge a pudding, you must taste it." Everything that we are talking about the right combination of products can be done independently by any person who does not have culinary skills. Everything can be done at home by following a simple menu plan according to the rules contained in our book. The results obtained can be compared with the results of the former, disordered diet.

Recently, one of my distributors received a letter from a woman in Pennsylvania to whom he sold a copy of this book. He sent a photocopy of the letter to me. The following is an illustrative excerpt from this message: “Composing enthusiastic letters is not on the long list of my bad habits and I am not writing this letter just as a fan. In it, I want to commend, express my sincere gratitude and say thank you.

It was a truly happy day for me when I received information materials from you and placed an order for the book by H. M. Shelton “The Right Food Pairing”.

For many years I suffered from indigestion, bloating, flatulence, pain and discomfort. Now, when I try to combine foods correctly, indigestion and discomfort have disappeared without a trace. Bloating and flatulence no longer bother me, and I do not use soda, or Alka-Seltzer, or any other drugs.

Why is this simple method not used by others? Probably because they don't know anything about him.

I receive many letters of this kind. People say the same thing to me in person. Many of them report that they feel relief after the first properly formulated meal. More recently, a man, telling me about results, said that by eating the right food combinations, his entire family got rid of the ailments that arose after eating. In addition, he and his relatives were convinced that they could well do without drugs. Many others have told me that their so-called allergies to various foods disappeared soon after they mastered the skills of proper food pairing.

The human digestive tract was not created by nature in order to digest several dishes eaten during one meal. Seven-course meals and two-dozen-course banquets were not part of nature's plans when she created our digestive system. A person who sits at a table laden with a variety of food and consumes everything from soup to nuts will inevitably suffer from indigestion. If he gets used to complex menus and, as usually happens, does not take into account the limited capacity of his digestive enzymes, then the disorder of his organs abdominal cavity becomes chronic. And then he has to carry a bunch of pills with him everywhere, which, frankly, is strongly encouraged by pharmaceutical companies. It seems that people were able to instill that always have at hand a means that delivers false relief more important than eating sensibly and thereby avoiding the need to seek relief. Perhaps they see it as their duty to enrich drug manufacturers, even at the expense of their own health.

Many sources of medical information, along with representatives of schools of so-called healing medicine, as well as nutritionists from the allopathic medicine camp, raise a number of objections to the practice of eating certain food combinations and abstaining from others. All of these objections are based on the assumption that the human stomach is capable of easily and efficiently digesting any possible food combination. Little attention will be paid in this thin book to such objections, since the facts presented in it convincingly refute them.

I have studied dietetics for many years and have written health and nutrition recommendations for many thousands of people. I believe that this experience gives me the right to speak on the subject covered in this book. Unfortunately, doctors very rarely study dietology and even less often apply the knowledge gained in the treatment of patients. That's why they usually advise patients to eat whatever their body accepts.

This book does not claim that any dietary or food combination program will cure any disease. I fundamentally do not believe in the possibility of curing the disease. I affirm and am ready to prove that in all cases of disease, when the damage to the organs is not too serious to lead to a fatal outcome, it is only necessary to remove the cause of the disease, and then the vital forces and processes supported enough necessary materials, restore the health of the body. Food is just one of these essential materials for life.

The most important part of our work as hygienists is to try to help all people to get the maximum benefit from the entire vast arsenal of hygiene methods, for only this can give a person a real chance for recovery. The intelligent reader should have no difficulty in understanding that hygienic measures are the only rational and radical means treatment. The time will come when all forms of disease will be treated on the basis of universal and irrefutable principles of hygiene. Every time such fundamental principles are revealed to us, it turns out that they apply not to one or two diseases, not to any one class of diseases, but to all diseases without exception. Even in cases where surgery is necessary, hygiene practices must be used in preparation for the operation.

Why is it important to pay attention to the combination of products used? Why can't you combine them haphazardly and eat everything indiscriminately? Why pay attention to such things? Do animals follow food pairing rules?

It is not difficult to answer these questions. Let's start with the last one. Animals eat very simple food and very rarely combine different types of products. Not a single meat-eating predator will seize protein foods with carbohydrates and mix them with acidic ones. A deer grazing in the forest very rarely eats several different foods at the same time. A nut-eating squirrel will most likely not take any other food until it runs out of nuts. Birds eat insects at one time of the day and grain at another. Not a single animal in natural conditions does not have access to such a wide range variety of products, like a civilized person. Primitive did not have the opportunity to eat many different foods during one meal. His food was as simple as that of animals.

As will be shown later, the limit of enzymes digestive tract human being is limited, so when we eat as if we want to exceed this limit, we start having problems with digestion. The right combination of products is just one of the smart ways to take into account the limited capacity of our enzymes. When we combine foods in the right way and do not eat everything, we thereby contribute to a more efficient digestion of food.

Our body does not derive any benefit from those foods that are not digested. Eating food only to spoil it in the digestive tract is a wasteful translation of foods. But even worse, as a result of such spoilage of products, poisons are formed that can cause irreparable harm. That is why the right combination of products not only improves the supply of nutrients to the body due to the complete digestion of products, but also prevents poisoning.

An astonishing number of food allergies disappear without a trace when the people who allegedly suffer from them master the skills of eating foods in combinations suitable for digestion. As it now turned out, in fact, they do not suffer from allergies, but indigestion. Allergy is a term for protein poisoning. Indigestion is the result of putrefaction poisoning, which is a form of protein poisoning. As a result normal digestion nutrients enter the bloodstream, not poisons. Completely digested proteins are not poisonous.

Having knowledge based on extensive experience, I offer this book to sane readers in the hope that they will certainly use the information provided to enjoy good health and long abundant life. To skeptics, I will only say one thing: “Try it and see for yourself!” No wonder they say that condemnation without research is the main obstacle to any knowledge. Do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to increase your knowledge and improve your health by rejecting without proper verification simple rules presented in this book.

Chapter 1
Food classification

Food is material that can be absorbed by the body and become part of its cells and fluids. All useless materials such as medicines are poisonous. To be a real food, the substance eaten must not contain useless or harmful ingredients. For example, tobacco is a plant that contains proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and water. Based on this, it could be considered a food product. However, in addition to these substances, it contains a significant amount of poisons, including one of the most dangerous. Therefore, tobacco is unsuitable for food.

The foods we pick from the garden or buy from the grocery store and eat raw are made up of water and a few organic compounds known as proteins, carbohydrates (sugars, starches, pentosans), fats (vegetable oils), mineral salts and vitamins. Usually they contain some amount of substances that the body cannot use - waste products.

Food products in the form in which we receive them from the garden, vegetable garden or store serve as raw materials for nourishing the body. They are very diverse in their characteristics and quality, therefore, for convenience, they are classified according to composition and sources of origin. The following classification will help the reader to select the right combinations of products.

Protein products

Products that contain a high percentage of proteins in their composition are called protein. The main ones in this category are:

Milk (With low content proteins)

Meat products (excluding animal fats)

Soya beans

dry beans (not canned)

dry peas

starchy foods

Carbohydrates are divided into starches and sugars. In the proposed classification, I divided carbohydrate-rich foods into individual groups: starchy, syrups and sugars, sweet fruits and berries.


Caladium (roots)

Jerusalem artichoke


banana pumpkin

Pumpkin ordinary

dry beans (except soy)

pumpkin hubbard

dry peas

Moderately starchy



syrups and sugars

white sugar

Maple syrup

Brown sugar

Milk sugar

cane syrup

Sweet fruits and berries

Grapes (thompson and nutmeg)

sun-dried pear



fatty foods

Fats include all animal fats and vegetable oils:

most nuts

Butter substitutes

Lamb fat

Sesame oil

Beef fat

Olive oil

Pork fat

Sunflower oil

Fat meat

Corn oils


Peanut butter

Soybean oil

cottonseed oil

Sour fruits and vegetables

B about Most of the acids we consume come from acidic fruits and vegetables. The main ones in this category are:

sour plum


Sour apple

sour grapes


sour peach

Slightly acid fruits and berries

Subacid fruits and berries include:

fresh figs

sweet plum

Sweet cherry

sweet apple

Sweet peach

Non-starchy vegetables and salad greens



Brussels sprouts

White cabbage




Unripe corn cobs

Marsh marigold

Chinese cabbage


Spanish artichoke

Common mullein


leafy mustard


curly sorrel

turnip tops

Broccoli raab



green onion

bamboo shoots


beet tops

Bell pepper



Watermelons and melons


banana melon

white melon

nutmeg melon

melon Crenshaw

persian melon

small honey melon

Christmas melon


candied watermelon

Chapter 2
Food digestion

The food we eat is the raw material for our nutrition. But while they are in the form of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, the body cannot use them. First, the products must go through a series of sequential processes: splitting, purification and standardization - that is, digestion. Although the process of digestion is partly mechanical, since food must be chewed and swallowed, the physiology of digestion is mainly concerned with the study of chemical changes that occur with foods in the digestive tract. We will focus on the processes occurring in the mouth and in the stomach.

The changes that occur to foods during digestion are carried out by a group of chemical agents known as enzymes, or disorganized enzymes. Because enzymes can only act under strict certain conditions, there is a need to pay due attention to the simple principles the right combination of food products, developed on the basis of a thorough study of the chemistry of digestion. Long and painstaking efforts on the part of many physiologists from around the world have revealed a lot of facts related to handicapped enzymes. Unfortunately, the same physiologists are trying to downplay the significance of these facts and give us fictitious reasons that encourage us to continue eating and drinking in the traditional disorderly manner. They reject any attempt to put into practice the colossal amount of up-to-date knowledge obtained by their own hard work. In contrast, adherents of the teachings of natural hygiene adhere to the rules healthy life built on solid foundation principles of biology and physiology.

Before moving on to the study of specific enzymes in the mouth and stomach, let's take a quick look at what enzymes are. The essence of the concept of "enzyme" quite accurately expresses the definition of "physiological catalyst". In the early days of chemistry, researchers discovered that many substances that do not normally combine when in contact with each other can be made to do so with the help of a third substance that is not part of the products, but triggers the connection mechanism and chemical reaction. Such a substance or agent is called a catalyst, and the process itself is called catalysis.

Soluble catalytic substances are produced in the organism of animals and plants, colloidal in nature and almost unaffected by high temperatures, which are used in numerous processes for the cleavage of some compounds and the formation of others. The term "enzyme" is used to refer to these substances. Science knows many enzymes, and all of them, obviously, are of a protein nature. But for us, only those that are involved in the digestion of food are of interest. They accelerate the breakdown of complex food substances into simpler compounds that can be transported by the blood and used by the cells of the body to form new cellular substances.

Since the action of enzymes on food products is very similar to fermentation (fermentation), these substances were previously called enzymes. However, fermentation is carried out by organized enzymes - bacteria. The products of fermentation are not identical to the products of enzymatic disintegration of food products and cannot serve as material for the nutrition of the body. Moreover, they are poisonous. Putrid decomposition is also the result of the action of bacteria and leads to the formation of poisons, some of which are extremely dangerous. Each enzyme is specific in its action, that is, it affects only one class of nutrients. Enzymes that act on carbohydrates do not and cannot act on proteins, salts and fats. In many cases, the degree of specificity of their action is not limited to this. For example, when digesting closely related substances such as disaccharides (complex sugars), enzymes that act on maltose are not able to act on lactose. Each sugar seems to require a specific enzyme. Physiologist William Howell says that indisputable evidence the ability of individual enzymes to produce more than one type of enzymatic action does not exist.

This specific action of enzymes has great importance, since the process of digesting food products includes several stages, each of which must be acted by a specific enzyme that can get down to business only after all previous job will be properly performed by other enzymes. For example, if pepsin does not convert proteins into peptones, then the enzymes that are supposed to convert peptones into amino acids will not be able to do anything with proteins that have not undergone the necessary preparation.

The substance on which the enzyme acts is called the substrate. For example, starch is a substrate for ptyalin. Dr. Phillip Norman, former professor of gastroenterology at the New York Medical School, says: "Students studying the action of various enzymes are struck by Emil Fischer's statement that every lock a must have a key. The enzyme is the about k, and its substrate is the key, and if the key does not fit perfectly into the lock at, then no reaction can occur. Given this fact, would it not be logical to assume that mixing different types of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the course of one meal definitely harms the cells of the digestive tract? And since we know for sure that cells of the same type produce related, but not identical, keys, it is quite logical to consider that mixing food becomes an unbearable burden for physiological functions these cells." The eminent physiologist Emil Fischer suggested that the specificity of the action of various enzymes is related to the structure of the substances that are affected. Each enzyme is undoubtedly adapted to a strictly defined structure.

Many nutritionists, nutritionists, athletes argue that the most wonderful way to lose weight without harm to health is a separate diet. Exist various systems, which are based on separate meals. All of them have their own rules and nuances, they are great for some losing weight and completely unsuitable for others.

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Separate meals according to Shelton

Herbert Shelton - nutritionist, who became known to the whole world, thanks to the fact that he was the first to offer separate meals, explained the essence of his method of nutrition. This American nutritionist was the founder of the idea of ​​​​separate nutrition, and also offered the world idea of ​​"simple" food. The essence of "simple" nutrition is that a person is recommended to eat as simple as possible monotonous food, which does not require long and complex preparation. He believed that the simpler the food, the faster and easier it is absorbed by the body.

The first book of a nutritionist was published in the twenties of the last century. She was called "The Right Food Combination". In his opinion, all products can be conditionally divided into groups that are combined and not combined with each other. He advised eating some foods together, and said that this would not only not harm the body, but would also benefit it. Other products strongly recommended eat separately, and do not mix with products from other groups. Herbert Shelton believed that some vitamins and minerals are better absorbed in combination with certain types of foods. His main recommendation was that never do not combine more than 2-3 types of food at one meal.

10 principles of separate nutrition

1 Shelton emphasized that any product from our diet can be conditionally attributed to one or another group. He highlighted the following product groups:

  • protein products (low-fat dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, legumes, nuts, etc.);
  • fatty foods (different types of butter, fatty dairy products, cheese, etc.);
  • carbohydrate foods (cereals, sugar, sweets, bread, potatoes, etc.).

2 Vegetables and fruits he divided into several groups:

  • starchy vegetables (potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin, corn, beets, etc.);
  • non-starchy vegetables (green vegetables, cabbage, pepper, zucchini, cucumber, etc.);
  • sour vegetables (for example, tomato);
  • berries and fruits, sweet and unsweetened.

3 Some products, according to the nutritionist, do not belong to any of the above groups, and should only be used as independent meals. That is, these products cannot be combined with any other products at all. Such products include watermelon, melon, milk.

4 In addition to the identification of product groups, strict prohibitions on combinations of certain types of products. For example, a nutritionist strictly prohibits combining starchy foods with protein. But an unenlightened person, as a rule, combines products in this way. How often such an unacceptable combination is prepared as mashed potatoes with fried chicken, or rice with fish, or creamy ice cream with nuts and chocolate, or oatmeal with milk and a banana. But it is precisely this combination that is considered the most harmful to the body and incredibly hard to digest.

5 Meat, fish products should be with a minimum fat content. The fat present on the meat, or the skin on the part of the bird, must be removed before cooking. It is advisable to choose when buying dietary lean meat. This rule should be followed due to the fact that proteins are quite poorly combined with fats, and are worse absorbed in tandem with fatty foods.

7 Animal squirrels cannot be combined with alcoholic drinks , since alcohol inhibits the action of the enzyme necessary for the digestion of animal protein. Therefore, if you are used to having dinner with a piece of meat with a glass of red wine, then you will have to forget about it.

8 The nutritionist advises to completely abandon sweets and confectionery, as well as the addition of sugar. Sweets are digested too quickly, saturate a person poorly, cause a second attack of hunger after a short period of time. Also sugars cause fermentation in the intestines. Sugar can be substituted natural honey, which is absorbed much more slowly than sugar, and brings much more benefits to the human body.

9 Milk, watermelon and melon, as mentioned above, cannot be combined with other foods. Watermelons and melons are supersaturated with sugars, therefore, when they enter the body along with other products, they cause active fermentation. milk under the influence acid environment gastric juice, curdled and digested. If other foods are present in the stomach, then digestion slows down significantly, food begins to spoil and poison the body with toxins.

10 Get additional information you can find out which products are ideally compatible with each other from a special table.

Shelton Food Compatibility Chart

Products Compatible Products
Dairy products Any vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, sweet fruits and dried fruits, cheese, cheese, nuts, sour cream
Sour cream Potatoes and other starchy vegetables, non-starchy and green vegetables, dairy products and curd products, bread and bakery products, cereals, grains, legumes, sour vegetables, tomatoes
Lean fish, meat, poultry, offal Non-starchy vegetables (cucumbers, onions, all types of cabbage, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, etc.), green vegetables (greens, leaf salad, arugula, spinach, etc.)
Cereals and legumes (wheat, rice, oats, buckwheat, barley, peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils, etc.) Starchy vegetables other than potatoes (beets, carrots, pumpkin, radish, cauliflower, corn, sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke), non-starchy vegetables, herbs (dill, parsley, celery, sorrel, etc.), sour cream, vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, etc.)
Starchy vegetables except potatoes Cheese, cheese, cereals, butter and vegetable oil, cereals, legumes, non-starchy vegetables, herbs, cottage cheese, dairy products, nuts
Non-starchy vegetables and herbs Lean meat and fish products, offal, cereals and legumes, bread, any cereals, potatoes, eggs, cheese, cheese, butter and vegetable oil, nuts, sour fruits, sweet fruits and dried fruits, sour cream, tomatoes
Eggs Non-starchy vegetables, greens
nuts Sour fruits, tomatoes, any starchy vegetables except potatoes, any non-starchy vegetables, herbs, dairy products, cottage cheese, vegetable oil
Sour fruits, tomatoes Butter and vegetable oil, moderately starchy and non-starchy vegetables, herbs, feta cheese and cheese, sour cream, nuts
Sweet fruits, dried fruits Dairy products, cottage cheese, starch-free vegetables, greens
Bread, cereals, potatoes Various types of oil, any starchy, non-starchy and green vegetables
Cheese and cheese Dairy products, any vegetables except potatoes, tomatoes, sour fruits, greens
Butter Citrus fruits, bakery products, cereals, any starchy and non-starchy vegetables, dairy products, cottage cheese
Vegetable oil Beans, grains, breads and baked goods, cereals, starchy and non-starchy vegetables, sour fruits, tomatoes, nuts
Melon watermelon Not compatible with other products
Milk Not compatible with other products

Fasting for weight loss

In addition to the principles of separate nutrition, Shelton was sure that periodic hunger strikes. He claimed that hunger strikes beneficial to the body, they unload internal organs and systems that cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. In his opinion, in order to start fasting, you do not need to somehow prepare the body. During fasting, only drinking is allowed. Do not drink more than your body requires, always listen to your body!

During fasting, he recommends to patients refrain from strenuous exercise, reduce water procedures, set up the body for complete rest and recuperation. For Shelton's conviction of the need for fasting, his weight loss system has been and is being criticized a lot. Despite this, many used and use this weight loss system to this day. In the next article you will learn sample menu separate power supply, practical recommendations for separate nutrition.

Separate food. Product Compatibility Chart:

Herbert M. Shelton, an American hygienist with an honorary doctorate in medicine, natural hygiene, philosophy, and literature, is internationally recognized as the foremost exponent of the natural healing school.

Classification of food products by nutritional value and acidity;

Determination of incompatible food combinations that can only be consumed separately (acid - starch, protein - carbohydrate, protein - fat, acid - protein, sugar - starch, protein - protein, starch - starch, take melon and milk separately from other products);

The gradual transition to separate meals;

Admissibility of occasional consumption of mixed food.

A bit of theory

All foods that we use for cooking are made up of water and several organic compounds, namely: proteins, carbohydrates (sugar, starch, pentozone), fats (oil), mineral salts and vitamins. In varying degrees, they usually contain unusable or indigestible substances.

Food products are very diverse in their quality, composition and source of origin. Shelton proposed the following classification of products.

Squirrels. A protein food is a food that has a high percentage of protein (concentrated proteins). Proteins are found in most nuts, cereals, mature beans and peas, soybeans, peanuts, meat and fish products, cheeses, olives, avocados. Despite the fact that milk contains little protein, G. Shelton also classifies it as a protein product.

Carbohydrates are starches and sugars. G. Shelton divided them into four groups: starches, moderately starchy foods, sugars and sweet fruits.

Starches - all cereals, mature beans (except soybeans), mature peas, potatoes, chestnuts, peanuts.

Moderately starchy foods - zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, beets, carrots, eggplant.

Syrups - brown sugar, white sugar, milk sugar, cane sugar, honey.

Sweet fruits - bananas, dates, figs, nutmeg raisins, prunes, dried pears, persimmons.

Fats and oils are olive, soybean, sunflower, sesame, corn and cottonseed oils, avocados, fatty meats and fish, butter, cream, sour cream, nut butters and most nuts, lard in any form.

Sour fruits contain most acids that enter the body with food. These are mainly oranges, pineapples, sour apples, sour peaches, grapefruits, pomegranates, lemons, sour grapes, sour plums.

G. Shelton refers tomatoes and sauerkraut to the same group.

Semi-acid fruits and berries are fresh figs, sweet cherries, apples, plums, peaches, mangoes, pears, apricots, blueberries.

Non-starchy and green vegetables are all juicy vegetables, regardless of their color: lettuce, chicory, cauliflower, spinach, green beet leaves, mustard, broccoli, chard (leaf beet), marigold, corn, cucumber, celery, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts, dandelion, turnip leaves and root, sorrel, collard greens, okra, Chinese cabbage, eggplant, kohlrabi, parsley, garlic, bamboo shoots, asparagus, Bell pepper, green pea, rhubarb, onion, leek, pumpkin, radish.

Melons - banana, Persian, nutmeg, cantaloupe, Christmas. Watermelon also belongs to this group.

Melon is easy to digest and even very poor digestion can handle it. The eaten melon remains in the stomach for only a few minutes, and then passes into the intestines and is digested already in it. But if it is combined with other foods that require long digestion, then the melon lingers in the stomach. And since it decomposes very quickly when cut and kept in a warm place, it can cause gas and other nuisances when combined with other foods. Therefore, melon must be served at the table only as a separate dish. Moreover, it should become the only dish for a meal, although in some cases it is allowed to combine melon with non-acidic fruits.

Shelton, in developing his methodology, relied on data from studies by physiologists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Then it was found that the changes that food undergoes during digestion are influenced by a group of substances called "enzymes", or non-living enzymes. Because the conditions under which these enzymes can act were clearly defined, Shelton had to figure out which food combinations were right and which weren't.

Since the action of enzymes in digestion is very similar to fermentation, these substances used to be called enzymes. However, fermentation is carried out by living enzymes - bacteria. The products of fermentation (fermentation) are not identical to the products of the enzymatic breakdown of food products and are unsuitable as nutrients. Moreover, they are poisonous. Decay is also the result of bacteria and causes the formation of poisons.

Each enzyme is specific in its action, that is, it affects only one class of nutrients. Enzymes that act on carbohydrates do not and cannot act on proteins, salts, or fats. They are even more specific than you might think. So, when digesting related substances, such as disaccharides (complex sugars), enzymes whose area of ​​influence extends to maltose are not able to act on lactose.

This specific action of enzymes is of great importance, since digestion passes through various stages, while each stage requires the action of only its own enzyme, and these enzymes are able to do their job only if the previous one was performed properly by the precursor enzymes.

So what food combinations did Shelton define as right and wrong, and why? He considered the most useful simple, one-component food, consisting only of protein, starch or fats. However, most meals are a combination of these substances.

The combination of acids with starches (for example, sour fruits before porridge) is not recommended by Shelton, since the amount of acid found in tomatoes, berries, oranges, grapefruits, lemons, pineapples, sour apples, sour grapes and others sour fruits enough to break down salivary ptyalin (an enzyme) and stop starch digestion.

You should not combine proteins with starches - cereals, bread, potatoes and other starchy foods should be served separately from meat, eggs, cheese, nuts and other protein foods. Combinations of protein and starch are widespread in our habitual diet: bread and meat (or sausages, sandwiches, chopped schnitzel), ham with rye bread etc., bread and eggs, bread and cheese, potatoes and meat, potatoes and eggs (eggs in potato salad, for example), porridge with eggs (usually for breakfast), etc. There is also a common breakfast option when proteins are consumed first, and then carbohydrates, for example, first porridge (with milk or cream and sugar), and then eggs on toasted bread.

The processes of digestion of starch and protein do not occur simultaneously. When we eat bread, the stomach secretes little hydrochloric acid, i.e., the juice has an almost neutral reaction. When the starch contained in the bread is digested, a lot of hydrochloric acid is released in the stomach in order to digest the protein of the bread. The first stages of digestion of starches and proteins occur in the opposite environment: starch requires alkaline environment protein is acidic.

The combination of proteins with proteins at first glance seems completely safe, but it is not. two squirrels different nature and composition combined with various other digestive factors require various changes digestive secretions and different release times for efficient absorption.

Protein combinations such as meat and eggs, meat and nuts, meat and cheese, eggs and milk, eggs and nuts, cheese and nuts, milk and nuts should not be used. The most efficient digestion is provided only for one type of protein food at a time. The same applies to concentrated protein foods.

The combination of acids with proteins, recommended by some nutritionists, Shelton considered erroneous. Lemon juice, vinegar, or any other acid, used in salads or added as a seasoning, or eaten with protein foods, seriously interferes with the secretion of hydrochloric acid and thereby interferes with the digestion of proteins. The exceptions are cheese, nuts and avocados. The digestion of these products containing cream or oils (which, like acids, for a long time delay the secretion of gastric juice), the acids consumed with them do not have a noticeable effect.

The combination of fats with proteins is undesirable, since the presence of fat in food reduces the amount of appetizing secretion that is secreted in the stomach and reduces the activity of the gastric glands, reduces the amount of pepsin and hydrochloric acid in gastric juice and may adversely affect gastric tone. This retarding effect may last more than 2 hours.

This means that you should serve protein foods without using fat, i.e. foods such as cream, butter, oils various kinds, gravies, fatty meats, etc., should not be consumed at the same time with nuts, cheese, eggs, meat. It is well known that an abundance of green vegetables, especially raw ones, counteracts the inhibitory effect of fat, and so if you do combine fat with protein, eliminate its inhibitory effect by combining protein with plenty of green vegetables. It can be spinach, kale, tops - beets, mustard, turnips, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and leafy, asparagus, fresh green beans, caviar, all fresh tender varieties of zucchini and pumpkin, celery, cucumbers, radishes, watercress, parsley, chicory, dandelion, rapeseed, lettuce, bamboo shoots.

But the following vegetables give a bad combination with proteins: beets, turnips, pumpkins, carrots, goats, cauliflower, kohlrabi, rutabaga, beans, peas, artichokes, potatoes, including sweet ones. Being somewhat starchy, they are the best addition to starchy foods. Beans and peas, which are a combination of protein and starch, are best treated as either protein or starch and eaten with green vegetables or without other proteins and without other starches.

Include sugar and protein in your daily ration in different time: all sugars, including syrups, sweet fruits, honey, etc., have an inhibitory effect on the secretion of gastric juice and gastric motility. Sugars taken with proteins delay their digestion.

Sugars are digested in the intestines. If they are consumed separately, they do not linger in the stomach and quickly pass into the intestines. But when they are mixed with other foods, proteins, starches, they remain in the stomach for a long time, waiting for other food to be digested. This is how fermentation occurs.

The combination of sugar with starches is one of the most common and farthest from useful.

The digestion of starch usually begins in the mouth and continues under appropriate conditions for some time in the stomach. Sugars, as mentioned above, are digested only in small intestine. Jelly, jams, fruit jams, sugar (white or yellow, beet, cane or milk), honey, molasses, syrups added to pies, bread, cookies, cereals, potatoes cause fermentation.

Such nutrition almost guarantees acidic fermentation (fermentation) and can cause increased gastric acidity, sour belching and other signs of indigestion.

So, according to the concept of G. M. Shelton, most foodstuffs are normally and painlessly absorbed by the body only when they are used separately. This position is based on data from the physiology of digestion - for fats, proteins and carbohydrates, special enzymes are needed that are suppressed by "foreign" food. For example, fats suppress the secretion of gastric juice and prevent the normal digestion of proteins, which leads to the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid "unnatural" combinations of products. The main options for useful and harmful combinations of products are presented in the table.

Food combinations

Practical Tips

Breakfast, according to Shelton, should be light and provide energy for the first half of the day.

Fruits are loaded with minerals, vitamins, and sugars, and are ultimately palatable mixtures of acids. Along with nuts and green vegetables, fruits are perfect food for a person. But fruit acids do not combine well with both starches and proteins, their sugars do not combine with them, and avocado and olive oils do not combine well with protein. Do not add sugar to fruits!

As an option for breakfast, you can cook fruit salad with proteins, for example:

Grapefruit, orange, apple, pineapple, lettuce, celery, 120 g cottage cheese or nuts, or plenty of avocados;

Peaches, plums, apricots, cherries, smooth peach, lettuce, celery.

Sweet fruits - bananas, raisins, figs, prunes and others - should not be put in a salad if you intend to put protein there.

For lunch, you need to choose the right combination of starchy foods that you will eat in daytime. Starches should be eaten dry, chewed thoroughly and moistened with saliva before swallowing. The lunch menu must include vegetable salad. Lettuce, eaten with starchy food, should not contain acids. Shelton advises eating more salad for dinner - with proteins, and less during the day - with starch.

Desserts - cakes, pies, puddings, ice cream, sweet fruits - are eaten at the end of a meal, usually after a person is full or has eaten more than he needs. They are very poorly combined with almost all types of food, do not carry payload and therefore undesirable. Try to avoid desserts. However, if you are going to have a piece of the pie, eat it with a lot of salad from raw vegetables and nothing else and then skip next move food.

Dinner can consist of protein food, preferably without acids and vegetable oil, and also without oil sauces, in an individual amount for each. In addition, a vegetable salad must be included in each option.

sample menu

The menu should be complete and simple to meet your nutritional needs. Of course daily diet may not be the same for everyone. Heavy workers physical labor should receive more food, but its quality must comply with the laws of healthy nutrition and the laws of nature. Knowledge workers are encouraged to consume as little starch as possible. The portion for chronic patients should be reduced in comparison with the usual. A sick body needs food for cleansing, healing and recovery, but in reasonable quantities.

The menu should change depending on the season: the change of seasons makes it possible to introduce into the diet different products(you can create an "autumn", "summer", "winter" and "spring" menu for yourself). It is very important to consider in the menu age features organism.

Feel free to choose products: any green vegetable can be replaced with another; if one type of starch is not available, it can also be replaced. It's the same with proteins: if you can't get the protein listed on the menu, use a different one instead. For example, instead of potatoes, you can use pumpkin, turnips or beans; if there is no dill, take celery or tops of beets, turnips, carrots, or nettles, etc. The main thing is to avoid monotony in nutrition.

Always follow the basic principle: for breakfast, eat juicy fruits first, starchy foods - after 20 minutes; at lunch, the menu should include vegetables and starchy foods (baked potatoes, beets, carrots or other vegetables) with green and leafy vegetables seasoned with cabbage juice; for dinner - vegetables and protein food(cottage cheese, nuts, seeds, cheese, meat, liver, fish, yolk, poultry, etc.).

The menu below is just an example so that you can understand the principles of food compatibility and take the opportunity to create your own menu (see table).

Menu for the week according to Shelton

Spring-summer menu

Autumn-winter menu

Orange and kiwi salad

1 orange, 1 kiwi, 100 g cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nuts

Peel the orange so that there are no white fibers. Then cut the flesh out of the slices with a knife. Collect the juice that stands out. Peel the kiwi and cut into slices. Assembled Orange juice add to curd. Set some nuts aside for garnish. Chop the remaining nuts and mix into the curd. Put the cottage cheese on a plate, decoratively lay slices of fruit on top, and on top - previously set aside nuts.

Cheese omelette with tomatoes

2 eggs, a little sea ​​salt, 1/2 bunch chives, 50 g cheese, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, 2 tomatoes.

Beat eggs and season with salt. Wash the onion, let it dry a little and chop finely. Cut the cheese into small cubes, and then, together with the onion (half), add to the eggs. Heat half the butter in a frying pan and bake an omelet. Wash the tomatoes, peel and cut into slices. Fry them in the remaining butter. Put the tomatoes on a plate, and on them an omelet. Decorate with the remaining onion.

Cottage cheese with raspberries

50 g cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon honey, 80 g raspberries, a little mineral water, 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds or poppy seeds.

Mix cottage cheese with lemon juice and honey, add raspberries to it. Soften the finished mass slightly mineral water and sprinkle with sesame seeds or poppy seeds.

peach kefir

1-2 sweet ripe peaches, 250 g of chilled kefir.

Peaches cut in half. Pull out the bone, finely chop and bring to a puree state with a mixer, gradually adding kefir.

Raw red beet salad

2 bananas, 4 tbsp. spoons of cream or sour cream, 600 g of red beets, 4 large leaves of head lettuce.

Peel bananas and cut into pieces. Mix cream or sour cream with bananas in a mixer until mashed. Peel the beets and grate raw on a coarse grater. Mix beets with cooked bananas and put on washed lettuce leaves.

Chicken legs with eggplant

8 small onions, 1 large eggplant, 1-2 tomatoes, 4 chicken legs, 150 g mushrooms, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, 1 lemon, 1 tbsp. chopped mint, a little sea salt, a pinch of cinnamon powder, a pinch of grated nutmeg, a pinch of ginger.

Peel the onion and cut into slices. Wash the eggplant, peel and cut into strips. Wash the tomatoes, peel and cut into large slices. Fry the chicken legs a little in butter in a deep frying pan with a thick bottom, then remove. Onion and eggplant pieces stew a little in the remaining fat. Squeeze lemon. Put the meat back into the pan. Add tomatoes, lemon juice, mint and spices. Pour hot water, half covering the meat. Simmer covered over low heat for about 30 minutes. During this time, wash the mushrooms, peel them and cut into pieces. After 30 minutes of stewing, add them to the meat and simmer for another 30 minutes without a lid until the liquid has evaporated.

Fish cakes with vegetables

400 g celery root, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, a little sea salt, 100 ml of dry white wine, 2 large tomatoes, 6-8 black olives, 4 basil leaves, 50 g mozzarella cheese, a little butter for greasing the form, 2 pieces of cod, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil.

Peel the celery root, wash and cut in half lengthwise. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Stew the celery halves in it a little, then salt and add white wine. Simmer the celeriac over low heat, covered, for about 20 minutes. Cut the tomatoes in a cross, scald with boiling water, cool, dousing cold water, remove the skin and cut into cubes. Cut the olives in half and remove the pits. Preheat oven to 180°. Wash the basil leaves, let them dry and cut into strips. Add them to tomatoes and olives. Season everything with salt. Let the mozzarella drain and cut into thin pieces. Place the celery halves, cut side up, in a greased ovenproof dish and top with the tomato mixture. Lay mozzarella slices on top of everything. Wash the fish pieces, let them dry, rub with salt, vegetable oil and put in a mold. Put the forms with fish and vegetables in the oven and bake for 20 minutes.

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