Standard characteristics from the place of the previous work. Characteristics from the place of work - sample

A characteristic is an official document issued by an organization to an employee in various situations. And although the legislation in the field of labor and labor relations does not require the employee to provide a reference, many organizations do not neglect this document if the employee presents a reference, for example, when applying for a job, and in some cases organizations may apply with a formal request to the previous place of work for submission employee characteristics. The characteristic is usually compiled by the head of the structural unit in which the employee works (worked). When compiling a description, the head of the department must demonstrate an individual approach, show that he knows the employee well, objectively evaluates his business and personal qualities. Precisely because the characteristic must be objective, in some cases it may contain not very flattering assessments of the qualities of the employee. The main thing at the same time is to maintain restraint, correctness, not to allow expressions that are offensive to the employee and unfair assessments.

As a rule, the characteristic provides an assessment of the employee as a specialist, an assessment of his professional activity as an employee, business and personal qualities.

In the text of the characteristic, several parts can be conditionally distinguished:

1 - head part;

2 - personal data about the employee;

3 - data on the labor activity of the employee;

4 - assessment of the business and personal qualities of the employee;

5 is the final part.

■ In the first - header part indicate the title of the document (CHARACTERISTICS), position held by the employee (including the name of the organization), last name, first name, patronymic of the employee (in full), for example:

■ In the second part - personal data- indicate the surname, initials of the employee (the name and patronymic can no longer be completely repeated), year of birth, education (in this case, it is indicated which educational institutions, where and when the employee graduated), specialty (profession), academic degree and title (if any) ). As a rule, this part of the characteristic is drawn up as the first paragraph of the text, for example:

■ The third part contains a description employee's work activity. Usually, this part indicates from what year and in what position the employee began his labor activity in this organization (it is allowed to indicate in which organizations and in what positions the employee worked before joining this organization), it is indicated in which positions and in which departments the employee was transferred, that is, brief information about his career growth is given. The same part contains a description of the results of the employee's labor activity: the most significant results of his work are listed (what work he supervised or took part in, what work he performed independently). It can also provide information on advanced training, obtaining additional education, a second profession, retraining, etc., for example:

Sokolov M.V. has been working at Praktika LLC since January 2002. Initially, he held the position of an auditor in the audit department, and since 2004 he has been working as a senior auditor in the same department. Prior to joining Praktika LLC, Sokolov M.V. For two years, he worked at CJSC Znak Kachestva as an auditor's assistant. During his work at Praktika LLC, Sokolov M.V. As part of a group of specialists, he participated in audits of a number of companies, in particular, OJSC Nota, OJSC Investbank, etc. Currently, he is the head of a group providing consulting and auditing services to CJSC Rosta.

In 2005 Sokolov M.V. graduated with honors from the advanced training courses of the Russian Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation.

■ The fourth part gives assessment of business (professional) and personal qualities of an employee. The indicators by which such an assessment is carried out can be very diverse. Of particular importance in the characterization is the assessment of the professional competence of the employee, his business qualities, performance, psychological and ethical qualities.

Assessing the professional competence of an employee, one should pay attention to his experience, the level of his professional knowledge, knowledge of legislative and other regulatory legal documents, erudition, the presence of interest in foreign experience, the ability to self-educate, knowledge of one's own rights and obligations, etc.

The business qualities of an employee are manifested in his ability to establish and maintain business relations with colleagues, management, employees of other companies; in the ability to carry out managerial functions or conduct analytical work, engage in work planning, monitor the implementation of work, etc.

The performance of an employee is assessed by how active he is in the performance of assigned duties, by the ability to organize the labor process and perform work efficiently and on time, by behavior in difficult situations, by the ability to take responsibility for the results of work, by the effectiveness of decisions or results. work.

The personal qualities of an employee are manifested in his relationship with colleagues (goodwill, sociability), in the level of the general culture of the employee, his psychological qualities.

When evaluating the qualities of an employee, it is very important to correctly place the accents, to determine, if possible, the level of knowledge and skills of the employee. Naturally, in one case the level of knowledge, experience, skills can be assessed as "very good" or "high" (for example, has extensive experience, has a high level of knowledge, has deep knowledge), otherwise as "sufficient" (for example, has sufficient experience, has sufficient knowledge), in the third case as “not very sufficient”, “small” (for example, not familiar enough with the questions..., lacks deep knowledge...), in the fourth case as “lack of knowledge, experience, skills, etc. (for example, has no experience in the field ..., does not have the skills ... and etc.).

In the same fourth part of the characteristic, information is provided on the forms of employee incentives, the rewards or penalties available to him (for example, according to the results of work in 2005 was awarded a valuable gift).

■ The final part of the characteristic indicates purpose of characterization (The characteristic is compiled for presentation in ...).

The text of the characteristic is stated from the 3rd person of the present or past tense ( graduated, worked, performs, has). A characteristic is drawn up on standard A4 sheets of paper, signed, as a rule, by several persons, for example, the head (or deputy) of the organization and the head of the personnel service (or the head of the unit in which the employee works). The characteristic can be signed by one person - the head of the organization, in this case it is necessary that on the copy of the characteristic remaining in the organization there are visas of the head of the department in which the employee works and the head of the personnel service. Signatures are certified by the seal of the organization. The date of issue of the characteristics is affixed below, under the signatures on the left. The characteristic is drawn up in two copies: one for transfer (sending) to the destination, the second (copy) remains in the organization.

Employees often turn to the HR department for letters of recommendation. They may be needed for the court, for creditors, when applying for a new position. In the article, we will consider a sample testimonial for an employee from the place of work and give some tips on how to write it correctly.

Positive characteristic from the place of work: is the employer obliged to issue it

A characteristic is a document in which the employer evaluates the personal and professional qualities of an employee. Some may consider that such paper is a relic of the past, but if the personnel department or the organization's management received a written request for its provision, the employee cannot be refused. Subject to Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the process of writing a characteristic from the place of work cannot exceed three working days from the date of application. This rule applies not only to those subordinates who are currently registered in the company, but also to those with whom the employment relationship has already been terminated (see, for example, the Ruling of the Moscow City Court of September 8, 2011 in case No. 33-28750).

  • when applying for a new position;
  • when applying for a loan;
  • when applying to the guardianship authorities;
  • for submission to an educational institution;
  • when awarding a prize, a state award;
  • for the court.

Depending on the place where this document is addressed, accents and formulations of the qualities of the employee are selected.

Varieties of characteristics

Characteristics are:

  • external;
  • internal;
  • positive;
  • negative.

External - these are the characteristics that are provided to other organizations or government bodies. When compiling such a document, it is necessary to clarify with the employee the purpose of the document request, the style of the characteristic and the form of presentation will depend on this.

Internal characteristics are used, for example, when an employee is transferred to another department or to another division, for promotion within the organization where he works. In such a document, it is imperative to focus on the business qualities and working skills of the employee.

In some cases, a personnel specialist may ask you to prepare a document for an employee of his immediate supervisor, after giving him a sample of how to write a description of an employee. This is acceptable and even correct, especially if a new person works in the personnel department who is not familiar with all the employees, or the team is so large that it is difficult for the personnel officer to assess the qualities of a particular person.

Note that the employer is not obliged to coordinate the text of the characteristic with the employee who needs it. But if he does not agree with the content, he can challenge the document in court.

An example of a reference from the place of work: general requirements

In the current Russian legislation, there is no template for compiling such a document. Nevertheless, general rules still exist.

The characteristic must be issued on the official letterhead of the organization. If this is not approved by the internal regulations of the enterprise, then in any case, the form contains full details, especially if the reference from the place of work is provided at the official request of some institution.

Yes, in this document must be specified:

  1. Personal data that includes full name persons, date of birth, marital status, data on military service and education, as well as information on the presence of various awards.
  2. Information about work. This section contains information about the length of service, about the time of acceptance, about personnel movements within the given organization, information about labor achievements and professional skills of a person. If an employee was sent for training, advanced training, etc. in the course of work, then this should also be indicated in the description. This section also indicates information about the employee's various merits (thanks, encouragement, etc.) or disciplinary sanctions.
  3. Personal characteristics. This information is probably the most important part of the entire specification. It may contain various information relating to the personal qualities of a person. If the employee is the head of a department, then it is worth noting his organizational qualities, the presence or absence of responsibility for subordinates, the degree of readiness to make difficult decisions, exactingness towards himself and subordinates, and other qualities. If the employee is a performer, then you can indicate the degree of his readiness to fulfill the instructions of the manager, initiative, striving for excellent results, etc. Also in this section, you can indicate the relationship of the person with the work team: whether he enjoys authority and respect or relations in the team do not add up due to the complex nature or other characteristics of the employee.

Since this is an official document, it must be signed by the head of the organization. Signature and seal are required if the company has one. It is important not to forget to put the date of compilation.

Another practical tip: the characteristic will be easier to use if all the information fits on one sheet.

Sample characteristics from the place of work to the worker: what to write about

The main requirement for a document, of course, is objectivity. As a result, a general description should create an image of the person being characterized and help form the correct opinion.

At the same time, the content may vary depending on who it is being prepared for. If the employee intends to go to the guardianship authorities for the purpose of adoption, his personal qualities should be specially noted in the description, for example, benevolence, caring, good manners should be mentioned. If the worker is planned to be promoted up the career ladder or he needs to find a job in a new place, such epithets as “executive”, “initiative”, “responsible” will come in handy here. The court needs details about how honest a person is, how he relates to his duties, what kind of relationship he has with colleagues.

But there is another, pleasant reason to prepare a testimonial - the awarding of state awards of the Russian Federation. In this case, personnel specialists should be guided by the recommendations from the Letter of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 4, 2012 No. AK-3560 and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 7, 2010 No. 1099 “On measures to improve the state award system of the Russian Federation”. The Letter contains methodological recommendations regarding the execution of award documents. In particular, it says that the information should help evaluate the contribution of the recipient, while it is important to mention the qualifications, personal qualities, high merits of the employee, and the assessment of the effectiveness of his activities. It is expressly forbidden to list labor functions, track record or describe the life path of a specialist.

An example of such a characteristic can be downloaded in the appendices to the article.

Examples of positive characteristics from the place of work


(on company letterhead)


Issued by ______________________________________________

(Last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, position)

FULL NAME. work(s) at ____________________________________________ starting from "______" _______________ 20___. During his work, he was repeatedly sent to advanced training courses, which he successfully completed, according to the programs: ___________________________.

FULL NAME. has a vast amount of knowledge in his specialty and is always up to date with the latest developments in his field. Possesses excellent business negotiation skills.

FULL NAME. has established himself as a responsible employee focused on excellent results, always ready to quickly make innovative decisions and bear responsibility for their adoption and for the actions of subordinates. Ready to work in any conditions, including after hours.

Differs in punctuality, delicacy in communication with subordinates and colleagues, for which he has respect in the team. Demanding of himself.

"______" _______________ twenty___


This characteristic is issued by full name, date of birth: ___________________________, working in ______________________________________________.

(name of the organization and its details)

from "______" _______________ 20___ to the present in the position of _________________.

He has a higher education in the specialty _____________________________________.

Family status: ______________________________________________.

(indicate presence of spouse(s) and children)

This worker is a true professional. Never subjected to disciplinary action.

He is on friendly terms with colleagues. He is friendly and restrained, in any situation he is ready for a peaceful solution to the conflict. There are no bad habits. Has the right life priorities and guidelines. With pleasure participates in the social life of the team.

This characteristic is issued for submission to ___________________.

___________________ ___________________

Position I.O. Surname Signature

An example of a negative characteristic

Consider what a negative characteristic from the place of work looks like (such a review is possible, for example, in the case of personnel certification).

Vesna LLC

№ 567/13


Petrova Olga Ivanovna, 08.03.1984 year of birth.

Petrova Olga Ivanovna has been working at Vesna LLC since January 2018. Works as a sales manager. The manager's responsibilities include the following:

  • sale of the company's products;
  • interaction with clients;
  • drawing up a marketing plan for the enterprise;
  • search for new sales channels for products;
  • maintaining contact with clients;
  • maintaining customer records.

From the first days of work in the team of Petrov O.I. showed herself as a conflict person. She repeatedly expressed her negative opinion about the employees of the enterprise, about its management. Showed disdain for management and customers.

Professional skills of Petrova O.I. low. There are no opportunities for professional capacity building.

In the course of fulfilling the assigned tasks, there were repeated delays in the delivery of products due to the fault of this employee. The plan for the sale of products is not systematically implemented.

Petrova O.I. repeatedly received disciplinary sanctions and reprimands in connection with being late for work and repeated absenteeism. This worker is unable to cope with his immediate duties. The question was raised about the inadequacy of the position held.

Head of Sales Department

Sumarkin M.V.


What should not be in the document

As we have already noted, there are no regulations for compiling a characteristic, but there are still certain prohibitions when writing this document. Must be avoided:

  • emotional definitions;
  • insults to the characterized;
  • false information;
  • personal views of the employee on politics, religion and the like;
  • grammatical and stylistic errors in the preparation of the document, as well as any abbreviations.

Templates to use

All examples below are for reference only. But they can be used in work, replacing some of the information with the data of specific employees. In our case, a sample of the characteristic for the driver from the place of work will be given for different situations.

Characteristic(from other Greek “distinctive”) is a document containing an objective assessment of the personal, moral and professional qualities of an employee. Issued to a person from the last place of work for presentation to third-party organizations or bodies. Compiled in third person. It is an important document in business, providing an opportunity to know a person in absentia. So, in this article we will tell you what types of characteristics are.

Why write a description

The content of the characteristic, to a large extent, depends on its purpose. If it is necessary to the bank (for example, when applying for a loan), to the court (when contesting parental rights), or is requested by the police, it is enough to assess the moral traits of the employee in it. When a characteristic needs to be provided to a new employer, in addition to personal, it is necessary to indicate the business qualities of a person. An important point is the mention of the position where the former employee is recommended. Education is usually not specified. The characteristic is issued both at the request of the employee himself, and at the request of organizations and bodies. First of all, the employee to whom it is written must agree to its transfer to a third party, which is regulated by the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.

Depending on the goals, the characteristic is of two types: internal and external. The internal one is designed for the needs of the enterprise where the document is issued. It is written when transferring an employee between departments within the organization, when promoting or degrading, when encouraging an employee or recovering from him. An external characteristic is a more common document in business and is intended to be provided to third parties. Regardless of the type, the document is always certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the institution in which it was issued.

There is no standard sample of the characteristic, it can be written in any form. The following document structure is usually followed:

  1. Organization details
  2. Personal data
  3. Main text
  4. date of issue
  5. Manager's signature
  6. Seal

In the main part of the characteristic, it is customary to describe the moral qualities of the employee, such as:

  • honesty and decency
  • family relationships
  • sense of tact and upbringing
  • fairness and objectivity
  • attitude towards alcohol
  • discipline
  • participation in public life
  • adherence to principles
  • the ability to find an individual approach to people
  • ability to influence others
  • partnership
  • attentiveness
  • composure

As a rule, the following labor achievements are mentioned:

  • positions held
  • organizational skills
  • ability to take initiative
  • perseverance in achieving goals
  • ability to use equipment and technology
  • knowledge of job responsibilities and performance
  • learnability
  • team spirit
  • a responsibility
  • decision-making efficiency
  • the ability to express one's thoughts
  • creativity

It is not customary to indicate nationality, religion, affiliation to political parties, living conditions and similar information in the characteristics. The characteristic is drawn up both on a regular sheet and directly on the letterhead of the company. In conclusion, it is necessary to write “at the place of requirement” or indicate the name of the organization requesting the document.

The value of characteristics in the search for a new job

good feature can be a huge plus in finding a new job. It happens that when leaving a former place of work, a person does not require a reference, but he has the right to apply for it within three years from the date of dismissal. In the document required to provide a new employer, in addition to describing the moral qualities of a person, professional skills must also be assessed without fail. The characteristic can be both positive and negative. But the latter must be confirmed by concrete facts. The document is drawn up in two copies, one is given to the hands or to the place of destination, and the second (or a copy) remains in the archive of the organization. Giving an assessment to the employee, it is necessary to correctly place the accents and, if necessary, evaluate the professional level. For example, the level of knowledge can be assessed as "high", "sufficient". In another case, “not deep enough knowledge”, “low level”, or “lack of knowledge, experience, skills”.

How to write a positive testimonial for an employee sample:

It is most difficult to write a characterization if it was required in court. It is important to understand that in the case of administrative and criminal liability, it can play a decisive role in sentencing. In such circumstances, before drawing up a document, it is better to consult a lawyer so as not to harm the employee. For the judiciary, the characteristic is written on the letterhead of the organization with its details. The address part is not written, but directly under the word "Characteristics", personal information about the employee is indicated. Then comes the main information: citizenship, in what period he worked, the positions held are listed, the terms of reference are indicated. In the main text of the document, the personal qualities of the employee are evaluated. In the final part of the characteristic, it is indicated that it was issued at the request of a court. The finished document is signed by the head, manager of the personnel department, the seal of the organization is affixed. The head, who certified the characteristic with a signature, is responsible for the accuracy of the data indicated in it. Typically, a characteristic is requested from the last place of work, but if a person has worked for less than six months, then from the previous one. If the characteristic is written at the request of the police, then it is drawn up according to the same principle as for the court. Here, not professional, but personal properties of a person also play a significant role. Typically, a characteristic is required when a driver's license is withdrawn, an administrative offense is committed. Therefore, it is very important to state in it the data, thanks to which it is possible to return the certificate to the defendant. For example, indicate that a driver's license is required to perform official duties. It is necessary to focus on the positive moral qualities of the employee, for example: responsibility, honesty, diligence, discipline. A similar characteristic is drawn up on the letterhead of the company, has a standard structure. It is certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the organization.

Here is an example of writing a characteristic at the request of the court:

How to write a negative review

A negative characterization is written on the employee in case of a fine or at the request of law enforcement agencies. The text of such a document describes the negative personal and professional aspects of the employee. It should be taken into account that a negative characteristic may affect the reputation of the organization not from the best side, because the question can always arise: “how did a conflict unskilled worker get into the organization”. Therefore, this type of characteristic is written quite rarely, often replacing it with a neutral one. It must be remembered that if during the year a person did not allow disciplinary offenses, then the penalty is canceled.

The characteristic for a soldier is also drawn up without clear rules for registration, but has its own characteristics. It is necessary to display all aspects that characterize a serviceman, describe the psychological, moral and business qualities of a person. The degree of preparation, knowledge of the Charter is indicated. The readiness to perform duties, the desire to improve professional knowledge, and the presence of combat experience are assessed. Especially, attention should be paid to how skillfully the soldier leads the personnel (if any), whether he enjoys authority, how demanding of himself and others. In accordance with official duties, a soldier must be collected, organized, be able to take responsibility, quickly navigate, be decisive, and show skills in performing assigned tasks. If these qualities are present on them, it is necessary to emphasize in the characteristic. Separately, you can specify information about the state of health. The characteristic of a serviceman is signed by the commander and certified by the seal of the military unit.

Here is an example of writing a characteristic for a soldier:

When writing characteristics, I usually use the comments of Elena Borisova (Personal Mix 2001). They are written for personnel certification, in particular, Moscow Business School coaches use these comments in the course of the MBA Start program, but when writing a description, they are very convenient:

About the amount of work.

Positive feedback. The employee performs a large amount of work, always meets deadlines, and at the same time manages to attend all meetings, prepare timely required reports and get acquainted with the reports received by him. The volume of work performed by him testifies to the high professionalism and dedication of the company.

negative feedback. The employee is actively involved in various projects, devotes a lot of time and effort to them. Unfortunately, efforts do not always lead to real measurable results that the leader expects from him. A number of important tasks (examples) were not given sufficient attention. It appears that tasks are hampered by a lack of organization and an inability to set goals and prioritize. Apparently, in order to increase the efficiency of activities, the employee is recommended to try to understand and understand how the work process is organized in the company.

The ability to analyze and make decisions.

Positive feedback. The employee is distinguished by the ability to analyze facts, collect the necessary information and, based on this, make informed decisions. The employee demonstrates the ability, considering different options, to make the right decision. He learns quickly and knows how to look "at the root" of the issue, to separate the important from the secondary. Even if the leader does not always agree with his decisions, he always treats them with respect. Colleagues rely on the employee's ability to analyze the situation and make decisions and often turn to him for advice.

negative feedback. Some of the staff member's decisions and recommendations are not sufficiently supported by analysis and facts. The manager repeatedly returned his proposals for revision, as they were not justified, although the employee had the opportunity to collect the necessary information. In the future, the employee is recommended to get better acquainted with the work of the company and, before expressing his point of view, work through all the options and submit documents and proposals in a format acceptable to management and colleagues.

The ability to plan and organize.

Positive feedback. The employee knows how to plan his work and set goals. Correctly prioritizes. Rarely leaves things to the last minute. Attentive not only to the task as a whole, but also to the details of the work. As soon as a decision is made in the organization (even if the decision is made in another department), the employee evaluates the possible consequences, clarifies the details and modifies his work plans in accordance with the new requirements. Often his questions and comments are useful not only for him, but for the whole organization.

negative feedback. The employee still has a lot of work to do on planning and organizing skills. Since he rarely plans his work for the future, he often fails to complete the work in a timely manner or does not do the work with the proper quality. Forgets to warn colleagues in a timely manner about what information he expects from them. As a result, due to his poor planning, colleagues and subordinates are forced to stay late at the end of the working day. An employee, due to the inability to plan and concentrate on the most important tasks, cannot perform several projects at the same time.

The ability to control emotions.

Positive feedback. An employee works well not only in a normal situation, but also in a stressful situation, always maintains optimism, self-control and a positive attitude towards work and colleagues. No one has ever seen him "lost his temper". When things go wrong, he maintains his composure and calms those around him with his behavior. His maturity and ability to control emotions is one of the reasons that colleagues tend to work with him on projects.

negative feedback. When something worries an employee, instead of discussing the situation with colleagues and management, he withdraws into himself and fences himself off from others. At the same time, his manner of communication at work changes. This creates a nervous atmosphere in the team. If his problems are of a work nature, perhaps the leader should discuss with him the importance of open information and develop constructive methods for discussing contentious issues.


She has been working as a chief accountant since 2001.

Education ____________-graduated ___________________

Since 2005, he started working as a chief accountant in __________________.

In 2007, he received the qualification of a Professional Accountant - Financial Manager, Financial Consultant (Expert).

In the same year, he was transferred to the position of deputy director - financial manager of __________________ with the functions of the chief accountant of the enterprise.

Participates in all _________________ professional development activities.

During his work in _______________, the enterprise was repeatedly audited by tax and other authorities. According to the results of inspections, no sanctions were imposed on the enterprise for violation of accounting and reporting.

As a result of her work, she was repeatedly awarded. And in 2008, by decision of the meeting of founders, she was included in the list of founders _____________

In connection with the transition to the New Chart of Accounts and the introduction of tax accounting at the enterprise, he developed an accounting program that combined accounting, tax and management accounting at the enterprise.

He proved to be an excellent organizer and professional specialist.

For an employee of the enterprise LLC "___________"
Romanov Nikolai Alexandrovich

Romanov Nikolai Alexandrovich, born in 1970, has a higher education in the specialty "communication equipment for aircraft", which is confirmed by a state diploma issued by the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman. After graduating from the university, he served a year in the army with the rank of lieutenant of the communications troops.
A widower (since 2005), raising a twelve-year-old son. Prior to joining _______ LLC, he changed three jobs - Research Institute of Precision Instruments (1990-1996), OJSC Rostelecom (1996-2001), Central Design Bureau of Heavy Machine Building (2001-2005). During his work in these organizations, he mastered additional specialties - "junior researcher", "specialist in the calculation of radio relay routes", "expert in the calculation of electromagnetic compatibility". Characteristics from previous jobs are positive. He left his last job of his own free will in connection with moving to a new place of residence.
On October 1, 2005, he started working at ____________ LLC after a five-month break in his seniority. Passed retraining as a consultant in sales of communication equipment to corporate clients. Successfully passed the qualification exam "BP2000: Simens BMI". In 2007 he was retrained as an auditor of the quality management system. Certified by Det Norske Veritas as an ISO 9000 auditor.
Extrovert, sociable in a team, open to communication, polite, principled. An excellent organizer is the captain of the regional orienteering team. Professional training meets the requirements. According to the results of certification, he was appointed to the position of head of the quality department. We learn quickly. Although he is open in communication, he always fiercely defends his opinion, even if it turns out to be erroneous, admits it with great difficulty. Motivated to solve complex problems and recognize merit. Able to make independent decisions and be responsible for them. Has no bad habits.
He loves his son, spends his holidays with him and all his free time. He appears to be a promising specialist, included in the personnel reserve with a possible further appointment to the position of Deputy Director for Development.
The characteristic was issued for submission to the Basmanny Court of Moscow.

General Director ____________ G.L. Nedviga

Deputy General Director for Human Resources ____________ I.R. Chupilko


On the super-chief manager for the sale of products to the population of LLC "Slavic Toilets" Bestolkovkin Balbes Nedoumych.

Bestolkovkin Balbes Nedoumych has been working in the company "Slavic Toilets" since April 1, 1900. He is married and has twenty-eight children. His responsibilities include selling products to the public, as well as servicing the plumbing of the company and partners. He has a higher education in the specialty "Plumbing". During his work, he proved to be a competent specialist, able to solve the tasks assigned to him, to show a responsible and creative approach to solving various problems, to choose the most optimal and high-quality solution. Relations with the company's staff are good, he has no disciplinary sanctions, he has not violated labor discipline. For the heroism shown, he was encouraged by a cash prize and gratitude.

Director of LLC "Slavyanskiye Toilets"
Poluzloi P.B.

Sample characteristics for an employee: 5 general rules for compiling a document + 3 mandatory components + 5 samples + 3 things that cannot be specified.

Here it is, that terrible moment has come when you have to take responsibility for your future career, and maybe for the fate of a person - write a description of him at the place of work.

And no matter how much you would like to annoy Petrovich, who took away the last cutlet in the factory canteen yesterday, you must take the preparation of this document responsibly.

Therefore, we sigh bitterly about our difficult working fate and we begin to study the sample characteristics for an employee, and not just one!

5 general rules for compiling an employee profile: a sample of an ideal document

Before you call on the muse for help and sit down to write the characteristics of an employee according to the model, learn about the 5 general rules for compiling a document:

    the text of the characteristic can either be typed on a computer or written by hand.

    If you don’t feel like Pushkin, you can at least draw a monogram with a quill pen;

    the text of the characteristic should fit on one A-4 page.

    You are not writing a continuation of War and Peace, but an official paper!

    a document for an employee is certified by the head or a person authorized by him, and is prepared by the immediate supervisor.

    So no arbitrariness: your business is to compose a characterization for an employee according to the model, and the boss’s business is to “wave”;

  • characteristic to be prepared in 2 copies: one is handed over to the employee, the second remains at the firm to someday rest in an eternal sleep in the archive;
  • if, in the opinion of the employee, you did not write a description, but “the hell with a bow on top”, he has every right to attach a statement to it, which will set out his point of view to your "irresponsible", "violates labor discipline", "decomposes public morality in the women's department of our glorious bath" and other opuses.

Sample characteristics for an employee: 3 mandatory components of the document, or “Without you, without you, everything immediately became unnecessary without you ...”

No matter how much you would like to show off your originality, making up the characteristics of an employee according to the model, without these components it will not “play”:

    introductory (title).

    So that at the place where the characteristics are provided, they do not guess what kind of letters these are, at the beginning of the document the name of the enterprise and its other details, the place and date of compilation, the full name of the employee in question, his position are indicated;


    In this part, one cannot do without information about the employee’s work experience, year of birth, functional responsibilities, “jambs” (if any) and strengths. There is a place where the author can create the characteristics of an employee, referring to the sample!

    final (conclusion).

    Here, the description indicates to whom and for what purpose it was written, or the magic wording “to be provided at the place of demand” is used.

Characteristics per employee: sample "for every taste and color" ...

1) Characteristic for internal use: everyone is here!

It would seem, well, why did foreman San Sanych, whom you know for 15 corporate parties and exactly 40 toasts in a row, need this very characteristic? But do not rush to send your friend for a new bottle.

The characteristic of an employee, a sample of which the same San Sanych helpfully slips you, may be needed:

    decide whether to promote an employee.

    Still, not a simple accountant, but a chief accountant - it sounds proud, and a senior sales manager is cooler than an ordinary salesperson;

    find out whether the employee corresponds to the position he occupies (certification).

    Sometimes a raging chef may require more than a double foam latte;

    understand whether it is worth sending an employee on a responsible business trip, to advanced training courses, training at a university at the expense of the enterprise, etc.

    And your happy San Sanych will be like the incomparable Semyon Semyonovich Gorbunkov from the "Diamond Hand" rushing on a snow-white liner somewhere in sunny Greece;

    decision on the issue of promotion or disciplinary action.

    And you thought awards and certificates of honor for beautiful eyes are distributed? Or are they left under the boss's door by fairies with transparent wings?

For the “particularly gifted”, here are a couple of such internal characteristics per employee:

2) External characteristic of the employee: hug and cry with emotion.

It is clear that in your company everyone knows not only each other, but also all relatives up to the seventh generation and pets.

However, sometimes, following the model, you need to write a description of an employee for another serious organization:

3 things that should not be indicated in the characteristics of an employee: a sample to help you!

As much as you would like to praise him in a carefully modeled employee profile, remember that you do not have the right to indicate:

    Everything that is not directly related to professional activity, for example:

  • political views, even if your employee stands up for the fact that in Russia there was again a tsar-father from the Romanov family or goes to secret meetings of Freemasons;
  • religious beliefs.

    Yeah, yeah, not a word about Allah in the description, even if the respected Gulchatay goes to the factory in a veil;

    living conditions.

    Few people are interested in whether your employee lives in a penthouse or on an old boat inherited from his grandfather, a fisherman. Hmm, unless he gets a job on a fishing boat?

    activities in the trade union and public organizations.

    And we are not only about participation in gay parades, but also about a harmless society for the protection of animals. No matter how much you would like to write in a document that your employee heroically saved a kitten by repelling a pack of stray dogs, you cannot do this.

Personal data.

Do not share, like a child candy, information about the place of residence, state of health, phone number and other contacts of the employee, otherwise your glorious company faces a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles. (Art. 27 of the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation, Art. 90 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.)

You can do this ONLY at the insistence of the employee and with his written permission, especially if he is “very principled” and legally savvy.

False information.

Perhaps no one will sue you if, in the employee’s description, written according to the model, you indicate that he is a super-duper punctual person, but in fact he has a bad habit of being late every day, but this can cost you your business reputation .

Are you ready to sacrifice it for the sake of the stale Alyonushka chocolate bar or what was brought to you as a “magarych”?

And so that you are finally and irrevocably “in the subject”, we give a couple of samples of phrases that SHOULD NOT be written in the employee’s description:

No. p / pAn example of a forbidden phrase in an employee's description
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