Chef quotes. Quotes on the topic “Cook. Japanese cuisine is the perfect food for a ballerina. Maya Plisetskaya

Chef is one of the most sought-after and most ancient professions. Records of culinary recipes can be found among the written monuments of Mesopotamia, Egypt, China and the Arab East. In ancient Rome, cooking was equated with art, and Cooking was called the tenth muse. Today legendary chefs are no less famous than show business stars, and their author's dishes have entered the treasury of world culture. We bring to your attention a selection of quotes and aphorisms about chefs, illustrated by the works of artists.

To The kings erect their statues, the priests erect their cathedrals. The cook does not leave any monuments, in addition to crumbs. His rarest creations are sent under the dishwasher scrapers and brushes. His greatest dishes are destined to go to the cesspool.
Lawrence Norfolk, The Feast of John Saturnall (2014)

H There are no bad foods - there are bad cooks. Or just very good ones. There is no middle ground here! William Pokhlebkin (1923 - 2000), the greatest connoisseur of Russian cuisine

T Whoever says that cooking is not as high art as painting and sculpture, I can say that they have asses instead of heads! It is much higher! The work of a sculptor is eternal, while the greatness of a cook is measured by how quickly his creations disappear. A true master must create masterpieces every day.
Hugo Di Fonte, The Taster (2002)

O the discovery of a new dish means more to humanity than the discovery of a new star...
Jean Antelme Brillat-Savarin (1755 - 1826), French philosopher and culinary specialist, author of the famous treatise "Physiology of Taste"

At Treating a person you like with dishes of your own making is an incomparable pleasure.
Karen Blixen, Goodbye Africa! (1937)

AT rachas are constantly working to preserve our health, and cooks - to destroy it; however, the latter are more confident of success.
Denis Diderot (1717 - 1784), French writer, philosopher and playwright

FROM part of it is a good bank balance, a good cook and good digestion.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778), French philosopher and writer

B God created food, but the devil made cooks.
John Taylor (1580-1653), English writer and poet

Mother worked and sang in the kitchen near the old stove, which was heated with coal. She stirred the apple jam that was bubbling in a large bowl. Or canned peaches. From them, a thick spicy spirit spread throughout the house. She was making jelly. A sack of fruit pulp hung over the stove.
Viscous juice flowed through the burlap into a basin, on the edges of which a dense pinkish foam settled. And in the middle of the pelvis, the juice was clear and red.
Mother baked bread twice a week. There was always a jar of sourdough in the glacier, and she never worried about the yeast. The bread came out fluffy and toasty, sometimes rising two or three inches off the pan. Taking the loaves out of the oven, the mother smeared the brown crust with butter and let the bread cool. But the buns were even better. Mother put them in the oven in such a way that they would be ripe for dinner. Buns from the heat, from the heat - just delicious! They were cut, smeared with oil, and it immediately melted; some kind of jam or jam made from apricots with nuts was put on top, and then nothing else would go into your mouth, although there was other food on the table. And sometimes, especially in summer, they gave a thick slice of bread with a piece of cold butter for dinner. Sprinkle sugar on top - and no cake is needed. Or you steal a thick circle of sweet Bermuda onions from the kitchen, put between two crusts of bread and butter - and, even though you go around the whole world, you will not find anything tastier.
In autumn, mother spent whole days, even for weeks on end, almost never got out of the kitchen. She canned peaches, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, plums, apricots, made jams, jams, jellies and marinades. She worked and sang, singing in her absent voice the same melody, without words, because she was thinking of something else.
Dalton Trumbo "Johnny Got a Rifle" (1939)

L better than cooking only good jazz and long sex.
Janusz Leon Wisniewski, “Loneliness on the Web” (2001)

FROM listening to music while eating is an insult to the cook and the violinist.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874–1936), English novelist, poet, essayist

H The worse the cooks cook, the more polite the waiters should be.
Mikhail Vladimirovich Genin (1927 - 2003), satirist and aphorist

FROM too many cooks - goodbye stew
English proverb

The earth is also generous,
That there are cooks in the world! ...
Blessed be their simple destinies,
And hands, as if thoughts are clean.
Their profession is good in fact:
An evil person will not stand at the stove.

Let the chroniclers talk about eternity,
Let the tragedian sing of the dust of epochs.
And I'm talking about prose. About food. About food.
After all, if there is a God somewhere,
I see him at the great stove, -
Steamed, with a ladle in his hand.
With a mysterious, kind smile.
And - of course - in a white cap.
Robert Rozhdestvensky (1932 - 1994), Soviet poet and translator.

The name of the Catalan Ferran Adria is familiar to every lover of gourmet cuisine. He is the chef of the once best restaurant in the world, El Bulli, on the Costa Brava. In Spain, his name is equated with history - Adria is loved no less than Gaudi, Dali or Picasso. We have selected the top 10 chef's quotes about creativity, enjoyment of food and products.

To make food delicious, you need to be able to play with the ingredients. And, of course, creativity and novelty are important in the cooking process.

I say this: I work in the avant-garde genre, cooking a new generation of food. I believe that anyone can be intelligent and capable. But to invest your soul, emotions and personal experiences in your business - not everyone can do it. It's the same with any profession. Even if you work in the field and pick grapes. It's like architecture. You visually like the building, the style in which it is built, you look at it, you get emotions. But you cannot imagine how hard it was built and what it simply rests on, because you never studied to be an architect and a projector. The same with restaurants.

The main success of a restaurateur lies in the ability to make people happy.

The pleasure of eating It's like the pleasure of making love. Only when making love, you use all the same senses as in our gastronomy. You can, as in love, touch, listen to smells, taste everything - well, you understand me, who likes what

The main success of the restaurateur is about making people happy. I serve my customers myself and serve them prepared dishes with a detailed explanation of what kind of culinary miracle they will try. Personal contact with people who love and understand your cuisine is very important. Our team and I give our visitors pleasure, nurture their taste for good cuisine. And this, believe me, is more expensive than any money.

I don't have a Ferrari collection no luxury yacht. I am happy in the kitchen, and this is the most important thing!

To create is not to copy or imitate

All products have the same gastronomic value, regardless of their price. New technologies are simply a resource for promoting cooking. Although the characteristics of the products can be changed (temperature, structure, shape, etc.), the goal of cooking is to preserve as much as possible the purity of their original taste and aroma.

create means not to copy or imitate. Cooking is a language that can be used to convey harmony, happiness, beauty, complexity, poetry, magic, humor, provocation, culture - in general, everything that makes up our lives.

We are not better or worse than others We just love to surprise people. We live at the intersection of philosophy and creativity, that is, in constant search.

I never worked just for that to become number 1 in the world. When I opened a restaurant, the ultimate dream was to ever get a Michelin star. Now Michelin and number 1 in various ratings - everything is there, the ego is satisfied. But what is most pleasant, the top lines in the lists continue to be occupied by the "younger brothers" of El Bulli - the establishments that we opened after.

I never liked to study. I don’t have a chef’s education at all, and I didn’t know how to cook in my youth and didn’t particularly like it. I washed dishes in a restaurant on the beach. How I got into this jungle - I still wonder. My path of becoming is very atypical for a chef. Maybe that's why I manage to cook "atypical food". We have creativity at the forefront. And creativity is how you look at things in life. Everyone can be creative, but if you are a creator, you need a thermometer in order to determine which creativity is the most important and important. It's very hard to measure it. Our creativity is based on different organs of perception: sight, smell, tactile sensations. There is also taste and the so-called sixth sense, which is indispensable.

2. Since patience is my greatest virtue and perfection is my goal, I was well equipped for culinary tasks. Marlene Dietrich.

3.High culinary art is the only human ability about which nothing bad can be said. F. Dürrenmatt

4. Getting up from the table hungry - you ate; if you get up after eating, you overate; if you get up after overeating, you are poisoned. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

5. A well-fed cat will not even think of throwing himself at a mouse, and a hungry mouse will think of throwing himself at a cat. Baurzhan Toyshibekov

6. A hungry army is a terrible force. Konstantin Kushner

7. In case of major troubles, I deny myself everything, other than food and drink. Oscar Wilde

8. Dining etiquette was probably invented by people not knowing the feeling of hunger. Delphine de Girardin

9. The most serious political decisions are usually made in cozy, quiet restaurants. Joseph Lafayette

10. A rich man can always share his food with a poor man, and a poor man can always share his appetite with a rich man. Baurzhan Toyshibekov

11. If you have nothing to eat for breakfast, then at lunchtime be sure to pay a courtesy call to a friend - he will share his daily bread, and during dinner visit your enemy - he will voluntarily give it to you. Stas Yankovsky

12. Tame appetite to obey reason willingly. Plutarch

13. Fill two quarters of the stomach with food, one with drink, and leave one for the wind. Chud-shi, ancient Tibetan treatise

14. If a gourmet constantly counts calories in dishes, then he is likened to Casanova, not taking his eyes off the clock. James Beard

15. War is war, and dinner is on schedule. Friedrich Wilhelm I

16. Above all teachings and rules, how to live correctly,

I chose to affirm two foundations of dignity:

It's better to eat nothing at all than to eat anything.

It's better to be alone than to be friends with just anyone

Omar Khayyam

17. It seems to me that every husband prefers a good meal without music to music without a good meal. Emmanuel Kant

18. Love and hunger rule the world. F. Schiller

19. Do not eat food from an envious person and do not be tempted by his delicious dishes. Solomon
20. Since a person is forever condemned to constantly eat, then you need to eat well! Brillat-Savarina

21. Excess food interferes with the logic of the mind. Seneca

22. It is better to undereat from time to time than to constantly overeat. Abu'l-Faraj

23. When there was money, I bought books, and when there was no money, clothes and food. Erasmus of Rotterdam.

24. If you want to live happily ever after, shorten your lunch time. Benjamin Franklin

25. Do not feed with words instead of bread. Aristophanes

26. Japanese cuisine is the perfect food for a ballerina. Maya Plisetskaya

27. Food is just as necessary for health as decent treatment is necessary for an educated person. Kozma Prutkov

28. Eat little at dinner, and even less at dinner, for the health of the whole body is forged in the forge of our stomach. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

29. Everyone would do well to look at themselves while eating. Eliav Canetti

30. Food for us is not only a means of life, but also a means of death. Plutarch

31. Overeating leads to illness, as practice shows. Hippocrates

32. If, having eaten your fill, think about food, then even delicious dishes will not awaken your appetite. Hong Zicheng

33. Cooking is a matter of time. In general, the more time, the better the result. . John Eskin

34. I'm not going to starve myself to live a little longer. Airan Peter

35. Whatever you say to the hungry, he will hear only the rumbling of his empty stomach . Baurzhan Toyshibekov

36. On the Continent you are treated to good dinners, in England - good dining manners. George Mikes

37. Wholesome nutrition does not require nutritional supplements. Konstantin Kushner

38. Man lives not by what he eats, but by what he digests. This applies equally to the mind as it does to the body. Benjamin Franklin

39. Just as the absorption of food without pleasure turns into a boring diet, so the pursuit of science without passion pollutes the memory, which becomes unable to assimilate what it absorbs.
Leonardo da Vinci

40. To think, you have to eat - you can't get anywhere! Yes, but how many different thoughts can be produced by the same piece of bread!
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

41. Feed a guest all night before asking questions. Ernst Heine

42. We eat for our own pleasure, we dress for the pleasure of others. Benjamin Franklin

43. The table is the only place that we do not miss from the very first minute. Anselme Brillat-Savarin

44. We are what we eat. Li Bo

45. It is bad if the wife knows how to cook, but does not want to; even worse if she does not know how, but wants to. Robert Frost

46. ​​A gentleman never eats. He only eats breakfast, lunch and dinner. Cole Porter

I'm pretty sure that a second before death, a dieter thinks, "Damn, why did I give up blueberry donuts 17 years ago?"
Joaquin Phoenix, actor

Man is what he eats.
Der Menschist, was er isst.

If you want to prolong your life, shorten your meals.

The table is the only place where people do not get bored from the very first minute.

Since we are condemned to eat, we will eat well.

After a good meal, you can forgive anyone, even your relatives.

Some eat to live, others starve for the same purpose.

Don't put off until dinner what you can eat for lunch.

It seems to me that every husband prefers a good meal without music to music without a good meal.

Bad people live in order to eat and drink, virtuous people eat and drink in order to live.

Animals feed, people eat; but only smart people know how to eat.

Diet is a scientifically developed brain-stomach fight program, obviously doomed to failure.

Hunger is the best seasoning for food.

War is war, and lunch is on schedule.

Appetite comes with eating.

You have to love what you eat or love the person you cook for. Cooking is an act of love.
Alain Chapelle, chief.

Where there are pancakes, there we are; where there is porridge with butter, there is our place.
Russian proverb

If a country does not have at least fifty varieties of cheese and good wine, then the country has reached the end.

The invention of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.
The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.

Rule of three "S": only one who can prepare a salad, sauce, soup is considered a real cook.

Fish, to become tasty, must swim three times: in water, in oil and in wine.
Fish, to taste good, must swim three times in water, in butter, and in wine.

The most delicious thing in my life was cakes in the Warsaw confectionery year in 1913 and these rats. Rats made it possible to survive, cakes gave a guide - for what ...
Aunt KATYA, blockade. Quoted from: The New Times, 2010 No. 15, page 60

I love food. The food is delicious.
I Like Food. Food Taste Good.
English book title

On the Continent [Europe], people eat well; in Britain, table manners are good.

In major troubles, I deny myself everything except food and drink.

To live well, you must eat well.

A person should know about food no less than about mathematics or about his native language.
GORDON RAMSEY, British chef, - Igor Serdyuk in an interview "In pursuit of extremes." Quote from: Vedomosti on August 7, 2009

Cook quickly, eat slowly.

Hunger is the best seasoning for food.
Cibi condimentum est fames.

He who hastily eats and drinks does not live long in the world.
Czech proverb

Obesity in developed countries is a sign of poverty. When food is plentiful, the more affluent prefer not to eat as much as possible, but as well as possible.
JOHN KAY, Financial Times columnist. Quote from: Vedomosti, September 26, 2008, p. 4

Health is usually not enough for your favorite food.

The dishes should be beautiful, the rest is not important.
Alena, daughter of Alexander Galich, about the principle of an unpretentious father in food. Quoted from: Story, 2008, No. 5, p. 105

They throw stones at you, throw food back.
Bashkir proverb

"Eat simple food and you can do anything."

"To stay in shape you need rest, good food and, most importantly, no sports."

If you want to know me, eat with me.
JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

God created food, but the devil created cooks.

You need to eat more solid foods. You immediately become a different person.
JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

Cheese is the corpse of milk.
JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

For a normal Japanese, there is nothing worse than rice that has lost its whiteness.
HARUKI MURAKAMI. Quoted from: The New Times, 2008, No. 8, p. 61

Many of my attitudes and habits were formed due to the fact that in my younger years I was overfed with black caviar.

It is easier to imagine Britain without the Queen than without tea.
british joke

No one will convince me that a brilliant symphony has more content than a brilliant salad. If we erect a monument to Mozart, we must also erect a monument to Mr. Olivier.

“Tea should taste bitter, like beer, and sugar or milk kills its authentic flavor.”

“How can we hope that peace and prosperity will reign on earth if our bodies are living graves in which dead animals are buried?”

"Of course, the best English cuisine is simply French cuisine."
GEORGE ORWELL, quoting this phrase from a French book and vehemently protesting it

“You need to cook slowly, with feeling, with the freshest organic products, and eat with those you love at one big table. Infinitely accelerating the rhythm of life, we deprive ourselves of life itself.
CARLO PETRINI, founder of the Slow Food movement. Quote from: "Kommersant-Weekend", 2007, No. 49, p. 28

"English cuisine is much better than its fame."

“Gastronomic art teaches a person to manage his time rationally and prudently. It educates us at the same time both wise patience and instant reaction.
SERGEY PARKHOMENKO in the article "About pea soup, with which no one is in a hurry." Kommersant Weekend, 2007, No. 62, p. 49

"Classic vinaigrette: all the tastiest in one plate."

“Let them do what they want, but raising the price of coffee is too much.”
The heroine of SERGEY DOVLATOV

“I just can’t eat caviar, but I have to force myself.”
The heroine AUDREY TAUTU in the film "Fatal Beauty"

“It has long been known that in the kitchen, quantity never turns into quality, rather the opposite.”
DARIA TSIVINA about the restaurant menu, which presents almost all the capitals of the world. "Kommersant-Weekend", 2007, No. 36, p. 30

“The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Boldly pave the same path to the heart of a woman.
SVETLANA ZAKHAROVA, prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater

"Be careful with a person who does not know how to eat or feed."
Prince VLADIMIR ODOEVSKY, "Kitchen", "Book Review", 2007, No. 2, p. 19

"Too many cooks - goodbye stew."
English proverb

"The sauce hides a thousand sins."
An old cook's proverb

“The second freshness - what nonsense! There is only one freshness - the first, it is also the last.
MIKHAIL BULGAKOV, The Master and Margarita

“For me, a restaurant is first and foremost about people. I want them to have fun."
ARKADIY NOVIKOV, restaurateur. GQ, 2007, No. 4, p. 192

“You need to eat either fast food or black caviar. But both are a must with fried potatoes.”
PARIS HILTON. Quote from: "7 Days", 2007, No. 12, p. 35

“If guests suddenly come to you, and there is nothing at home, go down to the cellar and take a leg of lamb.”
ELENA MOLOHOVETS. Quote from: Kommersant Weekly, 2007, No. 29, p. 39

"Ignoring walnuts is one of the biggest mistakes of your life."
Leaders of the Belgian Society of Walnut Lovers. Quote from: "7 Days", 2007, No. 12, p. 98

"Only fools are not gourmets."
Norman wisdom

"The stuffing cannot be turned back."

“An Italian has only two thoughts in his head; the second is spaghetti.”
Catherine Deneuve

"There is nothing heavier than an empty stomach."
Malagasy saying

“Papanov and I worked abroad, we were paid little, so we ate canned food. Once he told me: “If you think that these canned goods are not reflected in our eyes, you are mistaken.”

"It's not worth wasting time trying to make the world's best spaghetti sauce - it's still not going to taste better than what is sold in the supermarket around the corner."
From a fashion magazine

"Moonlit night and boiled rice are always welcome."
Japanese saying

"You should eat only good food and little by little, just like with books and movies."
Krzysztof ZANUSSI

"He who does not feed the body does not feed the spirit."
Favorite proverb of chefs

“There should be one part of cruelty in the plate - pepper, vinegar, spices, three parts of strength and six parts of tenderness.”

"A good cook is a lot of character and feeling."
EMIL YUN, chef of the Strasbourg restaurant "Au Crocodile", Izvestia, August 12, 2005

“When you try haute cuisine, which looks simple at first glance, you feel the greatness of the chef is revealed.”
EMIL YUN, chef of the Strasbourg restaurant "Au Crocodile", Izvestia, August 12, 2005

“Are there rehab clinics for Coca-Cola drinkers? I drink six cans a day!”

I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals, I just hate plants.

If they don't have bread, let them eat cakes.
Allegedly, Marie Antoinette is addressed to the hungry poor of revolutionary Paris. In fact, the phrase had been circulating in the French press since 1760, that is, thirty years before the revolution. In addition, in the original there are not cakes, but brioches - white buns, that is, the same bread.

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