How to follow a polyphasic sleep pattern. Sleep reduction mode "Dymaxion". Negative sides of a siesta

How unlucky tourists are when the doors of shops, museums, historical buildings are closed in front of their noses. What do you want? In a foreign country, please respect its laws and customs.

Fortunately, in the cities of Spain, the siesta takes place in different time, and with the development of civilization (the invention of air conditioners), many establishments refuse to have an afternoon rest. Large cities with a large influx of tourists cannot afford a siesta. Of course, small shops are still closed. So let's go through tourist cities Spain.

Valencia, Barcelona, ​​Salou pleases tourists with the majority open doors at lunch time. But some establishments are closed from 14:00 to 17:00.

Almost all museums hang signs about closing for a couple of hours. For example, the Museum of History, the Museum of the Age of Enlightenment and Modernism in Valencia stop receiving visitors at lunchtime. The Biopark and the City of Arts and Sciences, which do not close their doors on a hot afternoon, offer to fill a forced stop on a trip to the sights.

Everyone who works during the siesta has a break, but only a little later (from 16:30 to 20:00). Catering places work for the benefit of a profitable business. During the sizzling heat and scorching wind, there are many who want to drink a glass of excellent wine or cold foamy beer.

A lot of people dream of longer days to get everything done - but it's just a dream. There is another way to "stretch" active life: due to changes in sleep rhythms. Sleep less, mind your own business more. It is quite possible and proven by many method.

Polyphasic sleep - what is it?

As the name implies, this is a way to fully relax in several visits at different (but always well-defined) times of the day. NEPs - depending on the methodology - of various lengths, but in total you still sleep "shorter" than in the "standard version". And in between, you can do whatever you want! accustomed to established order actions, experimenters claim that, while awake, they do not feel any drowsiness and are ready to function productively.

Somnologist's opinion about the benefits polyphasic sleep in video:

How to sleep a little, but do a lot

Of course, there is not only one strict schedule: they were all created by people with individual biorhythms, dissimilar needs for sleep and activity.

The most convenient and most familiar to everyone was not invented by anyone, it arose naturally in southern countries, when the heat of the day reaches its peak and simply does not allow the inhabitants to exist normally, not to mention activities: it is simply dangerous to health. A short afternoon “out of reality” helped to survive the peak of the solar “fury”, as well as to go to bed later on the same day and get up early the next, that is, to take advantage of the evening and morning periods of coolness.

  • Siesta is 5-6 hours of "dark" rest and an hour and a half after lunch;
  • "Everyman": night - 1.5-3 hours, day: 3 hours 20 minutes;
  • "Dymaxion": every 5 and a half hours we fall asleep for 30 minutes;
  • "Uberman": 6 times for 20 minutes.

Tesla stands apart: 2 hours at night, twenty minutes during the day. And that's it!

Most likely, this extreme variety is something mythical. There are no reports of this practice - either everyone is too reasonable for it, or those who used it are no longer able to tell anything ... It does not resemble an attempt at self-change, but torture by insomnia.

Polyphasic sleep calculator - how to calculate the "sleep schedule"?

The polyphasic sleep calculator is a program that has two fields to fill in: in one you choose the desired option out of four (the extreme name of the great physicist is not taken into account), in the other - hours and minutes of the first falling asleep that are comfortable for you. Next, the script calculates and shows when everyone else. Simple and easy to use.

Choose your polyphasic sleep pattern and sleep time

Biphasic or Siesta Everyman Dymaxion Uberman

Cycle start

We go to bed
wake up

We go to bed
wake up

We go to bed
wake up

We go to bed
wake up

We go to bed
wake up

We go to bed
wake up

End of cycle

Returning to the beginning of the cycle

* Set alarms on your phone for each specified time, for convenience, call them "Time to sleep" and "Wake up"

If you are really imbued with the idea of ​​living "polyphase" and are already making calculations, remember: the chosen scheme must be strictly observed! Deviations from it are allowed only in extreme cases.

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Any of us would gladly agree to increase the day by a couple of hours in order to have time to do not only all the things, but also sleep.

website knows about 6 secret sleep techniques that will free up to 22 hours a day. If you decide to change your sleep pattern, then be sure to check with your doctor especially if your activity requires extra care. At the end of the article a bonus is waiting for you to help you wake up right time and stay upbeat.

Sleep of our ancestors - 6 hours

(until the 20th century)

Sleep Formula: once for 4 hours + once for 2 hours = 6 hours

Our ancestors slept in two different phases, with a period of wakefulness separating the two phases. The time of wakefulness between two segments of sleep was considered special and even sacred - people were engaged in spiritual practices, reflections, used the time for reading. If you want to try polyphasic sleep but don't know where to start, this is the method we recommend. it most comfortable option for most people, which can be supplemented with 30 minutes of sleep to adapt.

"Dymaxion" - 2 hours

(Richard Buckminster Fuller)

Sleep Formula: 4 x 30 minutes every 6 hours = 2 hours

Bucky Fuller came up with the most efficient technique sleep, the essence of which is to sleep for 30 minutes 4 times a day every six hours. Bucky claimed he had never felt more energetic. Doctors examined the famous architect and inventor after two years of such sleep and declared him completely healthy. This is the most extreme sleep cycle.

"Superman" - 2 hours

(Salvador Dali)

Sleep Formula: 6 x 20 minutes every 4 hours = 2 hours

"Superman" It is considered an effective and comfortable sleep technique for many. People feel energized and feel healthy, however, there is a significant drawback: you can’t break the regimen and miss at least one dream, otherwise you will feel sleepy and tired. Such a dream is one of the creative secrets of Leonardo da Vinci and Salvador Dali. Dali practiced such a dream by placing a metal tray near the bed, and holding a spoon in his hands. When the spoon fell, the artist woke up with a crash: this is how he found new ideas that gave him an intermediate state between sleep and wakefulness.

"Siesta" - 6.5 hours

(Winston Churchill)

Sleep Formula: 1 time at night for 5 hours + 1 time during the day for 1.5 hours = 6.5 hours

One of the greatest Britons in history, Winston Churchill, adhered to just such a daily routine: he went to bed at 3 am and woke up at 8 am, and slept after dinner for about an hour. “You must sleep between lunch and dinner, and no half measures, never! Take off your clothes and get into bed. This is what I always do. Don't think what you will do less work because you sleep during the day. On the contrary, you will be able to do more, because you get two days in one - well, according to at least, one and a half".

Tesla - 2 hours 20 minutes

(Nikola Tesla)

Sleep Formula: 1 time at night for 2 hours + 1 time during the day for 20 minutes = 2 hours 20 minutes

Renowned physicist and inventor who made a significant contribution to the study alternating current, slept only 2-3 hours a day. He could work all night long, but most often he used just such a sleep technique, which got its name in honor of the brilliant scientist.

Philistine cycle - 2.5 hours

Sleep Formula: 1 time at night for 1.5 hours + 3 times during the day for 20 minutes = 2.5 hours

Scientists study the sleep patterns of infants, the elderly and many animals. Elephants, for example, use a fairly well-known sleep pattern known as "Everyman". ordinary person), and sleep an average of two hours a night - at night for an hour, and then about four times for 15 minutes. Short sleep should occur at regular intervals. Such a schedule considered the most flexible, to him easier to adapt. In addition, in such a scheme, you can skip a short dream without harm to health.

Bonus: What time do you need to go to bed to wake up refreshed at the right time

If you are not ready for experiments with sleep, but you really want to wake up easily, then you can calculate the time interval when the body will be in the phase REM sleep. It is at this time that it is easiest to wake up.

It is believed that for good rest we need 6-8 hours of sleep per night. After that, full of energy, we can start a new day, which will last an average of 16-18 hours. This sleep mode is called single-phase.

In fact, in addition to the most common single-phase sleep, there are four more polyphasic modes, when sleep is divided into several short periods during the whole day.

As you know, the most main part rest is the phase of REM sleep. When we switch from single-phase to polyphasic, the lack of sleep prompts us to dive into that phase immediately, rather than after 45-75 minutes. Thus, the body seems to receive a portion of a full-fledged eight-hour sleep, but at the same time we do not waste precious time on the transition to the REM sleep phase.

Polyphasic Sleep Modes

1. Uberman

20-30 minutes of sleep every 4 hours = 6 rest breaks per night.

Uberman mode is very effective and has a beneficial effect on health. Thanks to him in the morning a person feels a charge of vivacity, and at night he sees bright interesting dreams. Many who adhere to this regimen even note that they can see more often.

Don't worry: strict observance regime will not let you miss the next break for sleep. The body will give the necessary signal.

2. Everyman

3 hours of sleep at night and 3 times of 20 minutes during the day / 1.5 hours of sleep at night and 4-5 times of 20 minutes during the day.

If you have chosen Everyman, you must set the same time interval between rest breaks. It is much easier to adapt to such a regime than to Uberman. In addition, it is many times more effective than single-phase sleep.


30 minutes of sleep every 6 hours.

Dymaxion was invented by American inventor and architect Richard Buckminster Fuller. He was delighted with this regime and said that he had never felt more energetic. After several years of Dymaxion, doctors examined Fuller's condition and concluded that he was in excellent health. However, he had to stop this practice, as his business partners adhered to a single-phase sleep regimen.

Dymaxion is the most extreme and most productive of the polyphasic modes. But at the same time, sleep lasts only two hours a day!

4. Biphasic (biphasic)

4-4.5 hours of sleep at night and 1.5 hours of sleep during the day.

Every second student adheres to this regime. This is not very effective, but it is still better than single-phase sleep.

Which mode to choose

The answer to this question depends entirely on your lifestyle, schedule, and habits. Remember that when switching to Dymaxion or Uberman mode, you will walk like a zombie for about a week while the body adapts to the new sleep pattern.

How to enter the new sleep mode

Several useful tips to make the transition easier:

  1. Arrange the bedroom so that you feel as comfortable as possible to relax in it.
  2. Consume healthy food And don't skimp on fast food.
  3. Keep yourself occupied with something during your waking hours, then the time will fly by.
  4. Free up two or three weeks for the transition, otherwise there is a risk of falling asleep right at work or school.
  5. Do not give up! After a couple of weeks it will be much easier. You just need to wait. Do not skip sleep breaks and do not change the time intervals between them so as not to start the adjustment period all over again.
  6. Turn on loud music in order to wake up, and take care in advance that no extraneous sounds prevent you from falling asleep.

If you are seriously thinking about the practice of polyphasic sleep, then we advise you to study

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