Combining food in a simple way. Diet principles according to Herbert Shelton. Herbert Shelton The right combination of products

You can't get rid of extra pounds? After a hearty meal, do you feel sleepy and feel heaviness in your stomach? Do you feel tired during the day even though you are not hungry? It means that you are doing something wrong - after all, a person needs food just to get energy, and not to lose it. In order to eat your favorite foods, but at the same time not be tormented by remorse and not infringe on anything, let's turn to the good old Herbert Shelton system, developed back in the 1940s. For decades, it served as a guide for anyone interested in the principles of food pairing. This book questions the correctness of our eating habits. She tells us in detail and explains what kind of food is harmful to our body.

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Text: Alena Poroshina

Separate food Shelton has attracted the attention of millions of people around the world for decades. Although this system, especially that part of it that concerns prolonged fasting, you can't call it flawless. What is the essence of this method, and what are the rules for the harmony of dishes?

The essence of separate nutrition according to Shelton

Today, hundreds of nutritionists around the world attribute this technique to themselves. However, in reality, Herbert Shelton, an American naturopathic nutritionist, formed a separate diet. In the 20s of the last century, Shelton's first book, "The Right Combination of food products". He singled out several of their groups, studied the properties, and based on this put forward a theory of compatibility and incompatibility. different dishes and substances. The Shelton diet is based on this principle: you can eat something together - and it brings health benefits, and useful material are well absorbed in each other's company, but something is categorically not due to the opposite reasons - for the digestion of these dishes, different groups enzymes that cannot be secreted in our stomach at the same time.

The basic postulate of an American nutritionist says: the simpler our food, the great value And it brings benefits to our body. The doctor advised not to mix more than two or three products at a time.

Separate nutrition of Shelton: combination rules

According to the theory of the American doctor, all our food is divided into products that can conditionally be attributed to one of the groups: protein products (lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, low-fat dairy products, nuts, mushrooms, legumes, etc.), carbohydrate products ( potatoes, cereals, sugar, etc.), fats ( butter, cheese, sour cream, etc.), starchy vegetables, non-starchy and green vegetables, sour vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as sweet fruits and berries. The most favorable and comfortable combinations of these food groups with each other for our body can be seen in a special table.

In addition to the listed groups, Shelton also singled out a group that includes products that are incompatible with anything at all. These are melon, watermelon and milk - they must be eaten exclusively in mono mode.

In addition to food groups and combinations, Shelton developed several fundamental rules for a separate food system. Here is some of them:

  • Do not mix protein and starchy foods in one meal. This means that such familiar dishes as fish and rice, chicken and chips, meat cutlet with mashed potatoes, a cheese sandwich, or ice cream with nuts - belong to the list of prohibited combinations and fall under the strictest taboo.

  • It is advisable that at one meal you take protein foods from only one group. In other words, do not mix meat and cheese, eggs and chicken, eggs and ham, eggs and cottage cheese, etc.

  • Meat, fish, poultry and any other protein-containing foods should be chosen only lean, dietary, low in fat. Because from the point of view of the separate system, proteins and fats do not mix well.

  • Also, the combination of protein products and alcohol is unacceptable, since alcohol neutralizes the pepsin enzyme, which is necessary for the digestion of animal proteins. In other words, you will have to forget about a delicacy like “steak with wine”.

  • Watermelon, melon and milk are allocated to a group of products that cannot be combined with any other products, dishes, spices, etc. Watermelon and melon - because they contain a lot natural sugar, which will instantly "force" any other food that is in the stomach at that time to ferment. When milk enters the stomach, it usually curdles under the action of acidic gastric juice. But if there is other food in the stomach, milk envelops it and isolates it from the digestion process for quite a while. long time. Thus, food is not digested, but rots.

  • Sugar and confectionery products are best completely eliminated from the diet. Since the combination of any food with sugar in the process of its rapid assimilation causes strong fermentation. The only exception is natural honey - after all, it is a kind of sugar that has already been processed by bees and in our body it is absorbed much more slowly than ordinary sugar.

Shelton: separate food and fasting

Dr. Shelton also insisted that his patients go on prolonged hunger strikes - he was sure that hunger had healing effect. Alternating periods of hunger strikes with meals according to his method, over the decades of his medical practice, he cured thousands of people from such serious illnesses like asthma, Chronical bronchitis, hay fever, diabetes, neurosis and others. In any case, so say the followers of a nutritionist. But for the sake of justice, it is worth saying that for his, to put it mildly, unscientific medical activity (many of the doctor’s contemporaries called him nothing more than a charlatan), based on the complaints of some affected patients, Herbert Shelton was arrested and imprisoned more than once. In addition, he was also a committed raw foodist and vegetarian.

Herbert Shelton devoted more than forty years of his life to the study of the laws of separate nutrition. We hope that it will take you much less time to decide whether it is worth sticking to the rules he created or it is better not to change your taste habits.

What and how to eat for weight loss? This question worries everyone more people, as the activity of earthlings decreases. A number of nutritionists offer a method of separate nutrition for obesity. Although for the first time they learned about the diet at the beginning of the last century, it is still popular today.

The essence of separate nutrition

The founders of the direction were W. G. Hay and G. Shelton. The theory of separate nutrition is based on the concept of compatibility and incompatibility of products, which are divided into three large groups- proteins, carbohydrates, fats.

The principles of such diets are as follows. Proteins and carbohydrates are not consumed at the same time, since it is believed that an acidic environment is needed for the processing of the former, and an alkaline one for the latter. Different time takes the digestion of products: 30 minutes is enough for fruits, the body spends several hours on the assimilation of meat.

Proponents of separate nutrition believe that with the simultaneous use of protein and carbohydrate foods, part of it does not have time to be digested and remains in the intestines. This triggers the mechanism of decay, intoxication sets in, toxins accumulate, and the process of full absorption of vitamins and minerals is disrupted. This is how a person grows extra pounds. To compose correct menu, a product compatibility table has been created.

Although Herbert Shelton and William Hay became the ideologists of separate nutrition, they proposed different approaches to diet planning. But both are used for weight loss.

Diet principles according to Herbert Shelton

The book The Right Food Combination was published in the 1920s. In it, Herbert Shelton was the first to suggest separating foods according to their composition. The main message of the book is that the simpler the food, the more useful it is for the body.

G. Shelton divides products into groups:

  • vegetable and animal proteins - meat and fish low-fat varieties, eggs, lean dairy products, nuts, mushrooms, legumes;
  • carbohydrates - potatoes, cereals, sugar;
  • fats - butter, fatty sour cream, cheese;
  • starchy vegetables - cauliflower, carrots, beets, pumpkin, corn, Jerusalem artichoke, radish;
  • non-starchy and green vegetables - cucumbers, onions, asparagus, bell pepper, green beans, zucchini, spinach;
  • sour fruit- citrus fruits, pineapples, pomegranates;
  • sweet fruits.

The nutritionist identified a group of products that is incompatible with anything. These include melon and watermelon. Shelton believed that these gourds contain a lot of sugar, which provokes fermentation in combination with any other products. This group included milk. According to the author, it coagulates in the stomach from the juice produced. And if milk gets into digestive organ with other food, it envelops the walls of the stomach and makes digestion difficult, causing the food to rot.

Sweets are removed from the diet due to the risk of fermentation. An exception is made only for natural honey, which has already undergone processing in the body of bees and is complex carbohydrate, that is, it is absorbed more slowly than sugar and is included in diets for weight loss.

Product Compatibility Chart by G. Shelton

Product group Optimal combinations
Cereals, legumes Vegetables - starchy (but not potatoes), non-starchy, green vegetables, fats
Sour fruits, tomatoes Cow and vegetable oil, sour cream, nuts, non-starchy, green leafy vegetables, cheese, cheese
Starchy vegetables (not potatoes) Cottage cheese, products from sour milk, nuts, cheeses, bread, cereals, potatoes, butter - butter, vegetable, legumes, vegetables - non-starchy and green
Vegetable oil Grains and legumes, breads, cereals, starchy, non-starchy and green leafy vegetables, nuts, sour fruits, tomatoes
Cow butter Cereals, bread, tomatoes, sour fruits, starchy, non-starchy, green leafy vegetables, cottage cheese, sour milk products
Lean proteins Green and non-starchy vegetables
Bread, cereals, potatoes, meat, fish, poultry, offal, grains and legumes, butter - cow, vegetable, sour cream, nuts, eggs, cheeses, all kinds of fruits, tomatoes
nuts Vegetable oil, sour fruits, tomatoes, vegetables - starchy (not potatoes), non-starchy, leafy greens, cottage cheese and dairy products
Sweet and dried fruits Non-starchy, green leafy vegetables, cottage cheese, dairy products
Sour cream Cereals, legumes, bread, potatoes, sour fruits, tomatoes, starchy, non-starchy, green leafy vegetables, cottage cheese, dairy products
Cheese, cheese Cottage cheese, products made from sour milk, vegetables - green, non-starchy, starchy (not potatoes), sour fruits, tomatoes,
Curd, dairy group Vegetables (but not potatoes), sweet fruits - fresh and dried, fats, nuts
Bread, cereals, potatoes Cow and vegetable oil, vegetables - starchy, non-starchy, green leafy
Eggs Non-starchy, green vegetables

Rules from G. Shelton

The diet prohibits such combinations:

  • several concentrated proteins;
  • two or more concentrated starches;
  • fats with proteins;
  • sour fruits with proteins;
  • concentrated protein and concentrated carbohydrate;
  • starches with sugar;
  • carbohydrate and acid foods.

Diet principles according to William Hay

A slightly different approach to writing healthy menu proposed by William Hay. As a basis, he proposes to take products plant origin which is good for weight loss. Vegetables, fruits, salads in the diet should be at least 50% of the total daily portion. Refined food is not consumed. Between meals, observe the interval of 4-5 hours.

The nutritionist divided the products into the following groups:

  • food rich in vegetable and animal proteins - eggs, meat, offal, fish, legumes, nuts, etc .;
  • food with a predominant carbohydrate content - pastries, bread, pasta, sugar, potatoes;
  • neutral food - fats, sour cream, cheese (fat content from 45%), fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, greens.

Proteins and carbohydrates are not eaten at the same time. Products from the neutral group are compatible with both proteins and carbohydrates.

  • breakfast: fruit, cheese, sour cream, bran bread, cow's butter, cottage cheese;
  • lunch: it is advisable to eat protein foods, meat and fish - without a carbohydrate side dish, but with vegetables from a neutral group, as well as fruits, vegetable soup;
  • dinner: recommended carbohydrate food, which is quickly digested - dishes from potatoes, carrots, sweet fruits.

Going on a diet

Before switching to a separate diet for weight loss or recovery, it is recommended unloading menu for 2-3 days. Below are two examples of such a diet for the transition period.

Fruit menu

  • From morning to 15.00 - any fruit is raw, but not bananas.
  • After 17.00 - two medium bananas, two potatoes "in their uniforms" (do not salt the dish).

Vegetable menu

During the day, eat a little stewed or raw vegetables- alone or in the form of salads. Seasonings or sauces are not added. A cup of weak vegetable broth is allowed.

Diet of B. Khrobat and M. Polyanshek for 90 days

This is one of the variations on the theme of separate nutrition. The diet, according to the creators, is useful for people who are concerned about losing weight, for the course allows you to get rid of 25 kg of excess weight. The peculiarity of the diet is that it is somewhat depleted, but allows the use of sweets.

The 90-day weight loss course is formed from four-day cycles:

  1. Day of proteins: eat meat and dairy products, a slice of bread is allowed.
  2. Day of starches: eat vegetables, root vegetables, cereals, beans.
  3. Day of carbohydrates: pastries, desserts, chocolate are allowed.
  4. Day of vitamins: on the menu - fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables.

Every 29th day monthly cycle declared unloading, no food, drink only non-carbonated mineral water. The course for weight loss is calculated so that the fasting day is between vitamin and protein (in that order).

The diet is important:

  • daytime and evening meals are planned from 12.00 to 20.00;
  • a portion of food for lunch is twice as much as for dinner;
  • fruits are eaten in the morning, as well as in the intervals between breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • juices (only freshly prepared) are counted as a separate meal (usually a snack).

Advantages of the technique

The method of separate feeding has its advantages.

  1. There is no fermentation and decay.
  2. The weight is normalized, the effect is maintained if the diet is followed (with the exception of the 90-day course).
  3. The diet can be recommended for certain diseases of the stomach and intestines, heart and blood vessels, as it reduces the burden on the body.
  4. The menu remains varied and complete.
  5. For weight loss, it is not necessary to reduce the number of calories, since the technique itself triggers the mechanism of natural weight loss.
  6. Not lost muscle mass, because the diet contains all the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Disadvantages of separate power supply

For a hundred years of the existence of the technique, the issue has been scrupulously studied by physicians. Therefore, there are many critics of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bseparate nutrition.

One of the main warnings is related to the possible deterioration in the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

The main argument used by opponents is the unnaturalness of the system, as a result of which normal digestion laid down by nature.

As centuries of experience have shown medical practice, gastrointestinal tract humans have adapted to process a variety of foods at the same time. If we introduce a constant strict division of food, as suggested by W. Hay and G. Shelton, then the body will eventually learn to digest only individual products, but not culinary specialties. After switching to a normal diet, digestion may be disturbed, constipation or diarrhea may occur.

Healthy eating experts also point out that there are few mono-foods in nature that contain only protein, fat or carbohydrates. Therefore, the technique exists in theory, but it is impossible to implement it in practice, and separate nutrition cannot be taken as a basis. healthy diet for weight loss.

If there is chronic diseases, making a decision to switch to a diet without medical advice is dangerous to health. If the condition worsens, you should immediately seek medical help.

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At the turn of the present and past centuries, studies of the physiology of digestion were carried out. As a result, it was proved that for the processing of each type of product, certain kind digestive juice. It should be noted that the release of these juices begins already in oral cavity, after which it moves throughout the digestive tract. Scientists also managed to establish that each product is absorbed in a certain part. digestive tract, from which it can be concluded that human body represents a very complex mechanism for food processing.

The importance of separate meals

The gastrointestinal tract is a complex chemical factory, consisting of several departments. Each of them has its own environment and uses certain substances to process food. Mixed food is less processed and forces all departments to work harder.

For this reason, the working substances of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract are also mixed, which causes the degeneration of their mucous membranes. For example, in duodenum under the influence of mixed food, infection of the bile and pancreatic ducts occurs. All this leads to various diseases sections of the gastrointestinal tract.

From all of the above, we can conclude that for fast and high-quality processing various kinds food, you need to make food separate. You can not consume at the same time products that are incompatible.

Came to the same conclusions american doctor Herbert Shelton. And it happened in the 20s of the last century. They created their own school healthy eating through which more than 100,000 people have passed.

Types of products according to Shelton's theory

According to Shelton's theory, foodstuffs are divided into three groups:

  1. Protein compounds processed in the gastrointestinal tract and for the breakdown of which substances of an acidic composition are needed.
  2. Carbohydrates broken down by alkaline substances.
  3. Products that have not undergone heat treatment, or as they are also called - "live".
Separate nutrition according to Shelton divides all products into the following groups:
  • Protein: meat, eggs, mushrooms, fish, eggplant, legumes, nuts.
  • Live foods and fats: fruits, juices, vegetables (excluding potatoes), dried fruits, seeds, watermelon.
  • carbohydrate: potatoes, bread, honey and sugar.
According to Shelton's separate nutrition, neighboring groups are compatible. Simply put, protein products are compatible with "live", which in turn are compatible with carbohydrates. Protein products and carbohydrates cannot be mixed, as this will lead to the release of mutually exclusive acidic and alkaline substances in the digestive tract, and the body will have to work at full strength.

Combination of starch and protein

Even the appearance of a weak acidic environment in the gastrointestinal tract stops the work of substances designed to break down starch. When eating bread, the stomach releases a small amount of acid, thus creating a neutral environment. When the bread starch is processed, the amount of acid increases and the digestion of the protein compounds contained in the bread begins.

Starch and protein compounds cannot be processed at the same time. The body very carefully regulates the synthesis of various enzymes, their composition and production time. It is quite easy to process a product consisting of protein compounds and starch. But when it is necessary to process food that requires opposite enzymes, the body becomes hard to work with.

When eating meat and bread together, the neutral environment in the stomach will be replaced by an acidic one, which will slow down the processing of starches. For this reason, separate nutrition according to Shelton speaks of the need to consume protein and carbohydrate products at different intervals.

The combination of protein products with protein

Two protein compounds that have different formulations, require different enzymes for processing. So, say, for the digestion of milk, a potent enzyme is secreted in last hour, and for processing meat - in the first. Therefore, two protein products that differ in their composition cannot be processed at the same time.

For this reason, it is impossible to eat at the same time, for example, meat and eggs or eggs and nuts. Thus, one can formulate next rule: the same concentrated protein food must be taken in one go.

Combination of starches and acids

The combination of proteins and acids

For splitting complex substances simple, and this process occurs in the stomach, you need a substance called pepsin. It is produced on initial stage processing of protein compounds and can only work in acidic environment. For this reason, it is often misunderstood that when acids and proteins are used together, the latter will be processed faster.

However, in practice, the opposite happens, since the acids that make up the products interfere with the production of gastric juice. This, in turn, makes it difficult to break down protein compounds, and leads to decay.

AT normal conditions the composition of gastric juice includes all the necessary acids for the processing of protein compounds, the concentration of pepsin in which is strictly verified. If the stomach is sick, then it is not able to maintain normal acid environment. Rule: Acids and proteins should be consumed at different times.

Combination of proteins and fats

Fats slow down the production of juice by the stomach. Even a small presence of fat in foods leads to a slowdown in the synthesis of pepsin and acid. This exposure can last up to 4 hours. Thus, you can not eat at the same time, for example, vegetable oil and eggs. Rule: you need to consume fats and protein compounds at different times.

Combination of proteins and sugar

Any foods containing sugar slow down the production of gastric juice. The main reason for this is that these substances are processed in the intestines. When sugars are consumed separately from other foods, they quickly end up in the gastrointestinal tract, which processes them.

When combined with other types of foods, sugar stays in the stomach for a long time, which causes bacteria to grow. The rule that established Shelton's separate meals: sugar and protein should be consumed at different times.

Combination of starch and sugars

Processing of starches begins in the mouth and ends in the stomach. In turn, sugars are digested in the intestines. When sugar is consumed with other foods, they have to linger in the stomach. During this time, fermentation may begin. Rule: starch and sugar should be consumed separately.


As mentioned above, Shelton's separate nutrition highlights the melon in separate group. Melon processing takes place in the intestines. At correct use it passes through the stomach very quickly and begins to be processed. But when used together with other products, melon lingers in the stomach for a long time and leads to increased gas formation. Rule: melon and other foods should be consumed at different times.


Once in the stomach, the milk coagulates, resulting in curd. Thus, it envelops other products and isolates them from gastric juice. For babies, mother's milk is the ideal food. However, with age, some substances cease to be synthesized in the body, and milk is more difficult to process. Rule: milk must be consumed separately.


Processing broths takes 30 times more energy than processing the same amount of meat. Probably, being a natural product, meat is broken down much faster into simple substances. Rule: the first dishes should be lean, and meat broths should be excluded from the nutrition program.


As a rule, dessert is consumed at the end of a meal. However, these foods are poorly processed and provide no benefit to the body, thus being undesirable. Chilled desserts, such as ice cream, cool previously eaten food. The body first has to heat it, and only after that the processing begins. Also, from the cold, the organs located near the stomach begin to be supplied with blood worse. Rule: it is desirable to exclude desserts from the nutrition program.


The use of water at the same time with other products weakens the effect exerted by saliva on starches, dilutes gastric juice, quickly flushing it out of the body. Thus, food is forced to stay in the stomach for a long time until the body synthesizes new digestive enzymes. It takes extra energy to do this, which causes increased load to the stomach and intestines. It is desirable to take liquids (water, tea, juice, etc.) 15 minutes before meals.

Rules for the use of protein products

with products containing a large number of protein compounds, vegetables are best combined with great content juices and products without starch. Poorly combined with protein products, cereals, some types of vegetables.

Rules for the consumption of starches

Separate nutrition according to Shelton suggests eating starchy foods separately from the rest. The point here is not only that two starches are poorly processed, but also the overeating of the substance that occurs when two or more types of starch are consumed.

The beginning of starch processing occurs in the oral cavity, and the products should be chewed thoroughly. Food with a high starch content should not be swallowed, but “drink”. It is best to consume such food in daytime, and it should be dry, and the porridge is cool cooked.

How to eat fruits properly

Fruits along with green vegetables, root vegetables and nuts represent for a person perfect nutrition. Fruit should be consumed separately from other foods, and should not be done between meals. The best option will make a separate reception for vegetables. Also, separate nutrition according to Shelton prohibits the mixing of fruits and sugar.

Watch a video about nutrition according to Shelton's theory:

Thus, Shelton's theory implies the separation of protein products from carbohydrates, and the break between their use should be at least two hours.

“The human body copes best with products of one category, and the simpler the composition of the dish on your table, the more efficiently it works. digestive system”, - such a conclusion was made in the first half of the last century by the famous nutritionist Herbert Shelton. Separate nutrition calls for avoiding consumption.

The principles of separate nutrition have been known since the dawn of the millennium. The “father of medicine” Hippocrates spoke about the benefits of the separate use of certain types of products, and the no less famous Persian medieval physician Avicenna cited in his writings the order in which products should be consumed. Coming from ancient india also practices the separation of protein and carbohydrate products, counting them sharing harmful to body and spirit.
The merit of Herbert Shelton is in systematizing the basics of separate nutrition, setting out the rules on plain language. Shelton emphasized that food should be prepared with positive attitude, then it contributes to the prevention of diseases and even the cure of existing ones.

Shelton: separate meals and its rules

Undesirable food combinations

You can not combine the following products in one meal:

  • Carbohydrate and acid. All types of bread and pastries, sweets, pasta, cereals, cereals, potatoes, legumes, sweet fruits do not interact well with citrus fruits, pineapples and other fruits with a sour taste, as well as with tomatoes.
  • Protein and acid. The same can be said about pairing sour fruits and tomatoes with protein foods. It will be detrimental to digestion simultaneous reception meat or fish dish with citrus.
  • Protein and carbohydrate. Meat, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts, along with carbohydrates, cause irreparable damage to health and appearance.
  • Protein products different types. The combination of several proteins in one plate can also only harm the body. Therefore, in one sitting it is better to eat one type of meat or fish.
  • Protein and fats. Products with a high percentage of fat content - sour cream, mayonnaise, oils of all kinds - interfere with work gastric tract and do not allow protein products to be assimilated in a timely manner.
  • Starchy and sugar. Porridge, potatoes, pasta in one go with sweets provoke the occurrence of fermentation processes, which can even have a toxic effect on the body. Sweets, pastries, jellies also fall under the ban.
  • Starchy foods of various types. Porridge with bread or pasta with beans will not allow each other to fully assimilate. One product will not be digested and will cause problems in the digestive tract.
  • Watermelons and melons - only as a separate dish.
  • Flour, sugar and margarine are excluded completely.
  • Shelton recommends removing milk from the diet. He believes that the very composition of milk prevents its full processing and creates obstacles to the assimilation of other products.

Allowed food combinations

The following combinations of products have a good effect on the state of the body:

  • proteins, carbohydrates and fats (separately) and green vegetables;
  • legumes (except those that grow in pods) and green vegetables;
  • grain products (cereals, bread) plus vegetables and fats;
  • dairy products and sweet fruits and berries;
  • nuts and green vegetables or sour fruits;
  • fats plus products from grains or vegetables (except potatoes).

Several rules for separate meals

  • Separation of products should become a system for at least 90 days. Shelton says that following the principles of separate nutrition throughout life will only benefit a person.
  • Despite the absence of restrictions on the volume of dishes, you need to follow the diet, which for those who want to part with overweight should not exceed 1500-1700 kcal daily.
  • Between meals should be at least 4 hours. During this time, the products will be completely absorbed and will not “meet” in the stomach.
  • The variety of dishes provokes. It is necessary to stop perceiving food as a holiday and a way to have fun,
  • Boiled, stewed, baked and steamed dishes are preferred,
  • Heat treatment should take as little time as possible,
  • Use clean water as a drink will enhance beneficial effect diet for the body.

Separate meals: menu

How to make a complete, as satisfying as possible and delicious menu without deviating from the rules of separate meals? Here are some options for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


  • fruits are sweet or sour;
  • dried fruits.


  • vegetable salad plus boiled vegetable Green colour;
  • vegetable salad plus a starchy product dish;
  • vegetable salad and a serving of cottage cheese;
  • green salad and baked potatoes or pasta;
  • stew of carrots and green peas;
  • fruit salad of citrus and nuts.

Lunch and dinner

  • one protein product and vegetable salad;
  • vegetable salad and nuts;
  • baked apples and nuts;
  • fruit salad.

Separate nutrition of Shelton: food compatibility table

It will be easy to create a separate food menu using the table that Shelton compiled. Compatibility of products for separate nutrition can be downloaded on the Internet resources, here is the most convenient and simple circuit food combinations.

Diet "Separate nutrition": reviews

As it turned out, separate nutrition for weight loss is perfect. Apart from general health organism, leaves excess weight. Accelerated metabolism and good assimilation products does not provoke the formation of body fat.

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