The benefits of different types of citrus fruits: lemon, grapefruit, tangerines, lime. The benefits of citrus

Citrus fruits are not exotic for Russians for a long time. Oranges, lemons, grapefruits and tangerines are available in almost any supermarket in all seasons. We drink tea with lemon (by the way, drinking tea with lemon was invented in Russia, and all over the world such a drink is called “Russian tea”), and tangerines have long been a symbol of the New Year. Citrus fruits also go well with both dairy and meat products. Invaluable sources of vitamin C necessary for the body during the cold season, best friends losing weight, allergens and dangerous fruit for those suffering from gastritis. Consider in detail the benefits and harms of citrus fruits.

A few words about citrus

scientifically fruits of citrus trees are called "hesperidia"- yes, yes, in honor of those same Hesperides with golden apples that Hercules had to get in one of his twelve labors. But the birthplace of oranges, lemons and others is not Greece, but India and Southeast Asia. The name "orange" comes from the Dutch "appelsien" - "Chinese apple", and "grapefruit" - from the English "grapefruit" - "grape fruit". The fact is that grapefruits grow in clusters, like grapes.

The most popular "hesperedia" among Russians:

  • orange- the most common citrus crop, a hybrid of mandarin and pomelo;
  • mandarin, which got its name from the similarity of bright orange color with the color of the clothes of Chinese officials;
  • lemon- interesting in that it is almost never found in the wild;
  • grapefruit- a fruit with a characteristic bitter taste;
  • lime- "cousin" of lemon, differs from it in aroma and more sour taste;
  • pomelo- the "big brother" of all of the above, has a thick skin.

Almost all citruses are stored for a long time and tolerate transportation well.

Citrus fruits are characterized by a pronounced aroma, variations of sweet and sour taste. Such fruits and chemical composition converge, since they all contain:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins A and C;
  • beto-carotene and folic acids;
  • phytoncides;
  • antioxidants;
  • pectins.

The calorie content of all citrus fruits is about 35-40 kcal per 100 gr. Thus, they can be used strict diet at any time of the day: oranges and grapefruits contain little sugar, and a lot of water and fiber.

Beneficial features

You can make a conditional “first aid kit” from citrus fruits, where each fruit will have its own benefits. And it is colossal: “sunny” fruits are good for the heart and blood vessels, improve intestinal motility and skin condition, remove toxins and improve blood condition.

Citrus fruits can not only be eaten, but also used in skin care.

Antioxidants contained in oranges prevent dryness and aging of the skin, while vitamin B1 strengthens the condition of the scalp, eliminates dandruff and prevents hair loss. Lemons - helpers in the fight against oily sheen and acne, and grapefruit improves complexion and has a slight whitening effect. All citrus fruits can be used as face masks. AT home care do not forget to mix them with sour cream, yogurt or oatmeal - in pure form the pulp of a lemon or grapefruit can burn the skin!

Grapefruit Diet

No, this is not about feeding on the energy of the sun. The citrus diet is incredibly effective if you need to lose a few extra pounds. Most often, grapefruits are used for such a diet, the properties of which we described above. These fruits are the embodiment of the answer to eternal question"What would you like to eat to lose weight?".

grapefruit diet convenient because fruits are available, do not need heat treatment, it is convenient to take them with you. If you want to switch to eating exclusively grapefruits - you can follow such a diet for no more than 2 weeks, daily allowance- two grapefruits. Be sure to consult your doctor before radically changing your usual diet. However, it is better not to focus on the grapefruit, but to make it an active part. daily nutrition. If you eat a couple of grapefruit slices 20 minutes before a meal, or one fruit instead of breakfast, it will reduce your appetite. Grapefruit will also help out late in the evening: there are few calories, it gives a feeling of satiety, and, moreover, improves sleep.

To get out of the "solar" diet should be very careful: there is a high risk of breaking loose. Therefore, you should not "sit" exclusively on the fruits. With everything high content vitamins and antioxidants, Grapefruits cannot completely replace all meals, as they do not contain proteins.

This diet is not suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers, and is also not recommended for children and adolescents.


"Sunny" fruits have a number of contraindications. Let's name them below.


The most "provocative" fruits are oranges and tangerines, lemons and grapefruits are less allergenic. Allergy Signs classic:

  • hives and rash;
  • allergic rhinitis and sneezing;
  • in rare cases- redness of the eyes and increased tearing.

Even if you are not allergic to tangerines and oranges, you should not eat more than 2 oranges and more than 5 tangerines a day. Pregnant and lactating mothers should be careful with these fruits - the first can have no more than one orange per day, and the second is better to exclude it from the diet altogether during lactation.


If you are suffering chronic gastritis, stomach ulcer or pancreatitis, unfortunately, oranges, lemons, grapefruits and tangerines are forbidden for you, as well as juices from them. BUT healthy people do not eat these fruits and drink juices on an empty stomach. Yes, yes, orange juice in the morning - not best idea no matter what the ad says.

Citrus juices are best diluted with water, and drunk through a straw so that the liquid does not touch the teeth. So the acid will not harm the tooth enamel.

Skin reactions

As we already wrote, you can not use citrus in its pure form when caring for the skin so as not to provoke burns and allergies. A popular skin whitening product on the Internet - lemon juice- Under no circumstances should it be applied to skin without dilution.

Why can't they be eaten in winter?

Despite the fact that we need vitamin C in winter, we should not forget about one feature of citrus fruits: they cool the body. Therefore, it is better not to eat oranges before going outside in winter.

One way or another, citrus fruits are more useful than harmful. Bright color fruits will cheer you up bad weather and homemade lemonade will pleasantly cool you down in the summer heat. The versatility of these fruits is only confirmed by the variety of their uses, and their availability in stores only strengthens their popularity. Eat citrus and be healthy!

Probably, you have repeatedly met with the opinion that it is worth eating citrus fruits. They are very popular, especially in winter time when our domestic fruits are less available and more expensive than in season. What is so valuable about citrus fruits that you should include them in your diet? How do they affect the functioning of our body? In this article, we will try to shed some light on this popular topic.

Citrus - what is it?

- These are fruits growing in a tropical climate, belonging to the Rut family. What fruits are citrus fruits? These are not only all varieties of oranges, lemons, grapefruits, tangerines, but also pomelo, lime, tangerines, clementines or lemonquats. They are a popular ingredient in fruit juices and drinks, and are often eaten raw or canned.

The benefits of citrus

Contain vitamin C - although not in such quantities as rose hips or black currants - 100 grams of lemon contains about 50 mg of vitamin C, but they are already a rich source of ascorbic acid. The thick skin protects the interior of the fruit well. environment, which allows you to save large quantity vitamins, even when stored for a long time. However, if the fruit contains a large number of preservatives and stored in unsuitable conditions, the vitamin content may be significantly reduced due to adverse reactions occurring in the fetus.

They are low calorie a small amount of energy is due to the high water content of these fruits. Grapefruit is especially recommended for people on a diet, especially red or white (red contains only 30 kcal per 100 grams of fruit). There is also a variety of green-skinned sweetie, which is a hybrid of a grapefruit with an orange giant. Regular consumption of grapefruit is recommended not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those with diabetes. This is due to a marked decrease in glucose levels in people who regularly eat this citrus. This fruit also affects the lowering of cholesterol levels in the blood.

Improve digestion - citrus fruits contain a large amount of fiber and pectin, which regulate bowel function and have positive influence on the digestive system.

Improve work of cardio-vascular system- seal the walls of blood vessels, thanks to the vitamin C they contain, reduce the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood.

They have an alkalizing effect - despite the fact that they are acidic, they reduce acidity, which has a positive effect on the condition acid-base balance organism. Our diet is dominated by foods that increase acidity - meat and cereals, at the same time we consume too little alkaline products such as fruits or vegetables.

Increase the absorption of iron - we use too little iron from the foods that enter our stomachs. Contained in citrus fruits vitamin C improves the absorption of iron from foods that are rich in it mineral component- by the way, therefore it is worth eating fresh vegetable or vegetable for lunch fruit salad, or drink a glass of juice.

They are colorful - brown goulash, gray porridge, fried cabbage are not very attractive color, and the person somehow does not know why he loses his appetite. Maybe drink a glass orange juice? The color of the food consumed is extremely important, this has been proven by scientists. What color our dish has affects the appetite and has great importance to enjoy food. Also important is psychological aspect The color of food affects our mood. Orange, which is the most common among citrus fruits, is credited with an action that stimulates creativity and overcomes a depressed mood.

Strengthen immunity - vitamins contained in fruits: C, group B, beta-carotene and minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, copper, affect normal functioning and biochemical transformations that take place in our body. A well-nourished person, whose diet includes all the necessary nutrients, copes better with infections.

Remember, however, that citrus fruits cool the body - this ability of citrus fruits is an advantage on hot days rather than cold days. Citrus fruits reduce body heat, which is undoubtedly very useful for people in regions with a hot climate where these fruits are grown, but not in winter in our country, where there is rather no need to cool down, but after returning, for example, from a walk, we dream , rather, about a warming hot soup or tea. However, one should not exaggerate - after eating an orange, we will not begin to shake from the cold.

Disadvantages of Citrus

Citrus fruits have a number of benefits, however, their use can lead to certain adverse effects for good health. Below are a few disadvantages of eating these fruits.

Pesticide residues - citrus fruits go a long way before they hit our table from the place of harvest. To prevent fruit spoilage, a number of plant protection products are applied and then preservatives are applied. Therefore, let's remember to thoroughly wash the fruit and wash the peel, especially if we do not throw it away, but we will use it as an additive to baking.

Most healthy fruits- in the place of their collection. Collection of unripe fruits that ripen later, long-term transportation, storage and application chemicals that prevent spoilage - all this negatively affects not only taste, but also nutritional value citrus fruits. If, however, we cannot afford to travel to countries where these fruits grow, we can only rely on those that we have available in stores.

Domestic fruits are healthier. It depends on the factors listed above that affect the reduction nutritional value citrus fruits. Our bodies tend to tolerate domestic plums and apples better than foreign delicacies. You should, however, resort to citrus fruits.

Popular apples, despite significant palatability, potassium content and dietary fiber, relatively poor if we are talking about the content of vitamins and minerals compared to other fruits (for example, vitamin C). Long-term storage of apples leads to the fact that they are certainly less valuable in terms of nutrition than those consumed immediately after picking from the apple tree. Citrus fruits can be a good alternative for domestic vegetables out of season.

Interaction medicines. Medicines are best taken with plain water. Why shouldn't we use fruit juices for this purpose? If this is done, it can lead to dangerous reactions between the drug and the substances contained in the juice. Doctors warn, in particular, against drinking pills grapefruit juice. As American scientists have revealed, a threat to our health is, for example, the combination of antiallergic drugs with this drink - this can lead to heart failure.

Pay attention to the teeth. Citrus fruits have a positive effect on our digestive system, and tooth enamel is no longer necessary. Contained in fruits organic acids, weaken our teeth and can cause painful symptoms. The most harmful are the most acidic citrus fruits - lemon and lime. However, this problem is not insurmountable, especially since we do not consume these fruits in their pure form - except for the lemon, which we eat with honey or sugar. However, most often we are dealing with juice squeezed from these fruits, which is often included in various kinds drinks. Nothing prevents drinking such drinks through a straw - in this way, we can save tooth enamel.

Essential oils

Citrus fruits, in addition to being a valuable component of our diet, also have a number of other uses. The essential oils obtained from them are used for aromatization. food products. good example may be lemon oil, added to confectionery products, as well as bergamot known to everyone at least from Earl Gray tea, obtained from bergamot bitter orange, appearance somewhat reminiscent of a lemon.

These oils have also been used in aromatherapy. Bergamot oil added to the bath relieves inflammatory processes skin, it is also credited with the ability to relieve stress and tension, in turn, lemon oil has an effect that helps with colds, rheumatism, arrhythmia and varicose veins veins.

Citrus fruits are valuable components of our diet, although not only. Citrus trees are valued as ornamental plants, citrus essential oils are widely used in perfumery, are also part of cosmetics. In addition to the pulp Food Industry often used fruit peel, especially orange and lemon, as well as lime peel - to decorate cocktails. Citrus fruits have many uses, yet great taste enriches the menu.

Many have repeatedly heard the opinion that it is worth eating citrus fruits. Especially in winter they are very useful.. The inclusion of citrus fruits in the diet will help increase immunity and improve the condition of the whole organism. The most common citrus fruits are: orange , lemon, tangerine, orange, lime, bergamot, kumquat, clementine, pomelo, citron, poncan, grapefruit, pomelo.

All fruits are useful because they contain a large amount of biologically active substances, such as fruit acids, phytoncides, sugars, pectins, vitamins and trace elements. Also a lot important role fiber plays, which helps to improve digestion.

Citrus fruits are tropical fruits that belong to the Rutaceae family. These are not only all varieties of oranges, lemons, grapefruits, tangerines, but also pomelo, lime, tangerines, clementines or lemonquats. They are a popular ingredient in fruit juices and drinks, and are often eaten raw or canned.

Citrus fruits have irreplaceable benefit human health:

  • lower blood cholesterol levels;
  • contain vitamins of group B, A, potassium, calcium and others;
  • affect carbohydrate metabolism;
  • help with obesity and diabetes;
  • rich in bioflavonoids;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • have antioxidant properties;
  • help improve digestion;
  • reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors;
  • helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • help accelerate the process of skin regeneration;
  • increase immunity;
  • improve mood and give strength;
  • have antimicrobial activity.

The benefits of citrus

Citrus contain vitamin C- however, not in such quantities as rose hips or black currants - 100 grams of lemon contains about 50 mg of vitamin C, but they are already a rich source of ascorbic acid. The thick peel well protects the inside of the fruit from environmental influences, which allows you to save more vitamins even during long-term storage. However, if the fruit contains a large amount of preservatives and has been stored in unsuitable conditions, the vitamin content may be significantly reduced due to adverse reactions occurring in the fruit.

They are low in calories - a small amount of energy is due to the high water content of these fruits. Grapefruit is especially recommended for people on a diet, especially red or white (red contains only 30 kcal per 100 grams of fruit). There is also a variety of green-skinned sweetie, which is a hybrid of a grapefruit with an orange giant. Regular consumption of grapefruit is recommended not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those with diabetes. This is due to a marked decrease in glucose levels in people who regularly eat this citrus. This fruit also affects the lowering of cholesterol levels in the blood.

Improve digestion - citrus fruits contain a large amount of fiber and pectin, which regulate bowel function and have a positive effect on the digestive system.

Improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system - thicken the walls of blood vessels, thanks to the vitamin C they contain, reduce the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood.

They have an alkalizing effect - despite the fact that they are acidic, they reduce acidity, which positively affects the state of the acid-base balance of the body. Our diet is dominated by acidic foods such as meats and grains, while at the same time we consume too few alkaline foods such as fruits or vegetables.

Increase the absorption of iron - we use too little iron from the foods that enter our stomachs. Vitamin C contained in citrus fruits improves the absorption of iron from foods that are rich in this mineral component - by the way, so you should eat a fresh vegetable or fruit salad for lunch, or drink a glass of juice.

They are colorful - brown goulash, gray porridge, fried cabbage is not very attractive in color, and for some reason a person loses his appetite. The color of the food consumed is extremely important, this has been proven by scientists. The color of the dish affects the appetite and is of great importance for the enjoyment of food. The psychological aspect is also important - the color of food affects mood. Orange, which is the most common among citrus fruits, is credited with an action that stimulates creativity and overcomes a depressed mood.

Strengthen immunity - vitamins contained in fruits: C, group B, beta-carotene and minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, copper, affect the normal functioning and biochemical transformations occurring in the body. A well-nourished person, whose diet includes all the necessary nutrients, copes better with infections.

It is worth remembering that citrus fruits cool the body - this ability of citrus fruits is an advantage, rather, on hot days than on cold days. Citrus fruits reduce body heat, which is undoubtedly very beneficial for people in hot climates where these fruits are grown.

Harm of citrus fruits

Pesticide Residues - Citrus fruits have a long way to go before they reach the table from where they are harvested. To prevent fruit spoilage, a number of plant protection products are applied and then preservatives are applied. Therefore, you should remember to thoroughly wash the fruit and wash the peel.

The healthiest fruits are where they are harvested. Harvesting unripe fruits that ripen later, long-term transportation, storage, and the use of chemicals to prevent spoilage all negatively affect not only the taste, but also the nutritional value of citrus fruits.

Domestic fruits are healthier. It depends on the factors listed above that affect the decrease in the nutritional value of citrus fruits. Our bodies tend to tolerate domestic plums and apples better than foreign delicacies. You should also resort to citrus fruits.

Popular apples, despite significant palatability, potassium and dietary fiber content, are relatively poor in terms of vitamin and mineral content compared to other fruits (eg vitamin C). Long-term storage of apples leads to the fact that they are certainly less valuable in terms of nutrition than those consumed immediately after picking from the apple tree. Citrus fruits can be a good alternative for domestic vegetables out of season.

Interaction with drugs. Medicines are best taken with plain water. Why shouldn't we use fruit juices for this purpose? If this is done, it can lead to dangerous reactions between the drug and the substances contained in the juice. Doctors warn, in particular, against drinking pills with grapefruit juice. As American scientists have revealed, a threat to health is, for example, the combination of antiallergic drugs with this drink - this can lead to heart failure.

Pay attention to the teeth. Citrus fruits have a positive effect on our digestive system, and tooth enamel is no longer necessary. Organic acids contained in fruits weaken our teeth and can cause painful symptoms. The most harmful are the most acidic citrus fruits - lemon and lime. However, this problem is not insurmountable, especially since these fruits are not consumed in their pure form - with the exception of lemon, which is consumed with honey or sugar. However, most often we are dealing with juice squeezed from these fruits, which is often included in various types of drinks. Nothing prevents you from drinking such drinks through a straw - thus, you can save tooth enamel.

In any case, if you have problems with your teeth, you can contact dental clinic. Among which dentistry 19 where every visitor will feel comfortable, because responsible dentists provide needed help by using modern technologies and equipment.

Some people suffering from certain chronic diseases, you need to use citrus fruits with caution:

Citrus fruits, in addition to being a valuable component of the diet also have a number of other uses. The essential oils obtained from them are used to flavor foods. A good example would be lemon oil added to confectionery products, as well as known to everyone at least from Earl Gray tea, bergamot, obtained from the bitter orange of bergamot, somewhat reminiscent of a lemon in appearance.

These oils have also been used in aromatherapy. Bergamot oil added to the bath relieves inflammation of the skin, it is also credited with the ability to relieve stress and tension, in turn, lemon oil has an effect that helps with colds, rheumatism, arrhythmia and varicose veins.

Citrus fruits are valuable components of the diet, although not only. Citrus trees are valued as ornamental plants, citrus essential oils are widely used in perfumery, and are also included in cosmetics. In addition to pulp, the food industry often uses fruit peels, especially orange and lemon peels, as well as lime peels to decorate cocktails. Citrus fruits have many uses, yet great taste enriches the menu.

Citrus fruits are a unique warehouse of vitamins. Them beneficial features for health have been known since ancient times. It is important to use citrus fruits for both adults and children (unless, of course, there is an allergy).

Citrus fruits are the only fruits in the world in which vitamin C is stored in its natural form for a long time, while most fruits lose vitamin C after 1-2 months of storage. Chemical composition citrus fruits are similar to each other: sugar, organic acids (for example, citric acid), a complex of vitamins, pectin substances, mineral salts, macro- and microelements, phytoncides, essential oils and other useful substances are contained in the juice of one citrus fruit. However, there are differences, which are expressed in the ratio of the amount of substances contained per 100 g of pulp. Naturally different and pharmacological properties citrus fruits. For example, lemon is used in the prevention and treatment viral infections, grapefruit strengthens blood vessels and protects against heart attack, orange normalizes bowel function, etc. Citrus fruits, due to their high content of vitamin C, protect the human body from various cold infections, contribute speedy recovery, and their regular use in food strengthens the immune system.

a special role in metabolic processes vitamin C plays an important role in the body, it improves the functioning of many enzymes, restores carbohydrate metabolism, promotes better absorption of glucose in the intestines, and accelerates fat burning. Vitamin C prevents the development of atherosclerosis, lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, strengthens nervous system, is good antidepressant. Vitamin C is actively involved in the formation of collagen, which contributes to a more rapid healing wounds and stimulates cell renewal, which has found its application in cosmetology.

Also in citrus great content potassium and vitamin P, which prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system, strengthening blood vessels is necessary in the treatment skin diseases, low blood pressure, some diseases of the liver, gallbladder, eyes. Presence in fruits citrus vitamins A, C and some trace elements help cleanse the blood, lymph, so citrus fruits are included in the diet of patients during chemotherapy and the recovery period after surgical intervention with neoplasms. In addition to vitamins C and P, citrus fruits contain a large list of vitamins that play an important role in metabolic processes: B1, B2, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and copper salts. The composition of various citrus juices includes many valuable biologically active substances that are of great importance in improving human health.

Citrus juice has the ability to kill harmful microorganisms and stop their growth, due to the presence of phytoncides in them. They purify and heal the atmosphere in the room, improve performance, for example, when a person for a long time spends at the computer. If you spray the aroma of citrus fruits in the room, then the load on the eyes will decrease, drowsiness will disappear.

Of particular importance for health are citrus essential oils - lemon, orange, grapefruit, which can be used for massages or add a few drops to the water when taking a bath. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, stimulate activity gastrointestinal tract, have anti-inflammatory, stimulating, analgesic effect, reduce arterial pressure. Help the body resist unfavorable factors environment, fight chronic fatigue. Essential oils, thanks to antiseptic properties, are effective in the treatment of skin diseases, and also play an important role in stimulating the genital area.

most main task citrus fruits is the prevention of beriberi, increasing the body's resistance in the period of acute respiratory infections, influenza epidemics.

The juices of many citrus fruits contain biologically valuable active substances that improve human health.

The aroma of the New Year has been associated in Russia for several decades with the smell of tangerines, which at this time of the year Europeans use in huge quantities, scaring modern nutritionists. And their anxiety is based on quite obvious facts. Citrus fruits are not fruits or vegetables, but a completely independent group of fruits that have their own, very pronounced, qualities.

Love for citrus fruits is understandable

Citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons, pomelo, lime and many others) ripen when it gets cold in Russia, which means it is difficult to find fresh fruits and vegetables. Citrus fruits, on the other hand, tolerate transportation quite well, have a bright appearance, pronounced pleasant aroma and wonderful taste. In winter, their mere appearance on the table makes the meal festive. look good bright fruits as a decoration for a home Christmas tree, and decorated in the form of a tangerine tree are an original gift.

Composition of citrus fruits

Citrus fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, vitamins of groups B, D, E, K, trace elements, pectin, glycosides and phytoncides.Therefore, it is believed that all citrus fruits have a beneficial effect on the human body, replenishing the natural deficiency of vitamins in winter.

The benefits of citrus fruits are exaggerated

Vitamins and microelements (including the famous vitamin C) are much less in them than in onion, garlic and even more so - sauerkraut. And if, in addition to onions, garlic, sauerkraut, enrich your diet with dishes from beets, carrots, radishes and apples, which are perfectly stored all winter, then a complete set useful substances in the cold season will be provided.

Harm of citrus fruits

Few people think about this, but citrus fruits can cause significant harm to human health. Modern researchers warn that citrus fruits:

Increase acidity gastric juice, and therefore contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers and other diseases digestive tract accompanied by an increase in the acidity of gastric juice;
- sharply increase the level of sugar in the blood, approaching the action of sweets and confectionery. And although they contain mainly fructose, endocrinologists warn that fructose is also a sugar and should not be allowed to be consumed in excess;
- can provoke spasm of smooth muscle muscles, so they should not be abused by those who have problems with gallbladder and kidneys;
- make the liver work actively. This is good when she is healthy, but if there are signs of liver damage - citrus fruits can aggravate them;
- destroy tooth enamel due to the fact that they contain a lot of citric acid Therefore, after eating citrus fruits, you need to rinse your mouth.

And further...

All citrus fruits are not plants that are natural for most of Russia, and therefore for many residents of our country they are alien, which is manifested by allergies. Especially often citrus fruits cause allergic reactions in children, but adults also feel itchy or suffer from skin rashes.

Citrus fruits are delicious, so it's very easy to eat a lot of them. And this is fraught with receiving overdose of vitamins and microelements. Think it's good? Not! The human body does not store these vitamins and microelements for future use, but removes them. However, before that, you can experience all the "charms" of hypervitaminosis, accompanied by peeling of the skin, weakness and headache.

Some studies show the ability of citrus fruits (especially grapefruit) to reduce the effectiveness of certain medicines including birth control pills.


In order for citrus fruits to be better preserved during transportation, they are often treated with special substances that prevent their spoilage, which are very toxic to humans. Therefore, do not forget to wash citrus fruits well before use and throw away the peel in which these harmful substances may be saved.

To eat or not to eat?

No one calls for abandoning citrus fruits. Just remember about moderation in their use and that in winter, and in addition to these exotic fruits, there are real treasures of vitamins in the form of local vegetables and fruits, properly harvested and stored in your neighborhood.

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