How to choose vegetables without pesticides?! Why are nitrates dangerous? Pesticide-Rich Fruits

Summer period- the season of fruits, the time when a Russian person tries to eat for the future, saturate the body with vitamins and other useful substances. No other season can boast the same juicy and sweet peaches, fragrant bunches of grapes and bright purple blueberries.

But there is one serious problem- many of them (when we are talking about an imported product - almost all) contain pesticides. The soft fruit skin has microscopic cracks and easily passes deep into the fruit or berries that are dangerous for human health pesticides. Therefore, no thorough washing of the coveted fruits under the tap, with warm water and even with soap will not save.

Annually American Nonprofit Working group(EWG) analyzes data released to the public by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and compiles a list of the most contaminated fruits and vegetables, as well as a list of the safest, that is, the least contaminated.

Today, the focus is on 9 fruits that are most often loaded with pesticides. If you decide what is better to eat - a chocolate donut or, the choice is obvious. But, unfortunately, many imported fruits are by no means organic.

Pesticide-Rich Fruits

  1. Grape. According to the EWG, grapes are one of the top fruits containing pesticides. Measurements of samples of grapes of different varieties carried out in 2012 gave disappointing results. In total, in grapes (including), scientists counted 64 pesticides.
  2. Cherries. In the process of growing this berry, carbaryl is most often used. modern medicine suspects this pesticide in the development cancer and neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease and birth defects in newborns.
  3. Pears. An EWG analysis of fruit pesticides showed sad results for the average consumer: 92% of samples of fresh pears gave positive result for traces of at least one pesticide, with 26% of fruits literally laced with chemicals and containing more than 5 pesticides.
  4. Imported plums (usually shipped from Chile) contain one of the most common fruit pesticides, the fungicide iprodione, which scientists name among the likely cancer-causing substances.
  5. Strawberry. If we are talking about a berry grown in your summer cottage or bought from a friend of an old summer resident, you can sleep peacefully. There are no harmful substances in this. But an imported berry, according to the USDA, can have up to 13 varieties of pesticides.
  6. Nectarines. Virtually every sample of imported nectarines (smooth peaches) showed numerous traces of pesticides. USDA officials claim that the ripe fruit medium size may contain more chemicals than any other food.
  7. Peaches. The lion's share of pesticides used in the cultivation of peaches are somatic. They are sprayed on plants before the fruiting period. But do not rush to rejoice - chemicals easily penetrate fruits during the growth and ripening of peaches, and there is no way to remove them from there.
  8. Blueberry. American blueberries, grown in specialized farms, did not lie next to our Russian blueberries, which can only bring benefits and no harm. More than 40 different pesticides were found in a berry from the USA. A great argument against buying imported blueberry jam, isn't it?
  9. Apples. These are almost the most popular fruits in the world, and therefore they got from the modern chemical industry in full. Pesticides, these well-known provocateurs of cancer and hormonal disorders, sources of neurotoxins, were all found in 98% of fruits.

With all these facts and figures in mind, the experts from the EWG have compiled a list of fruits that should only be bought marked "organic". And apples are number one there.

Vegetables and fruits are among the most useful products nutrition. Nutritionists are actively urging us to eat as much fresh herbs and salads as possible, to replace candy-chocolates with natural sweets - fruit desserts. And we will be happy. In the event that there is no poisoning with toxins, nitrates, pesticides, with which agricultural products now, alas, abound. What to do? Refuse plant foods? No. You just need to choose the right one. About what vegetables and fruits pesticides do not have a chance to linger or are contained in such a meager amount that they cannot harm, the site will tell.

Eat them safely: there are no pesticides in these vegetables and fruits

It is problematic to grow vegetables and fruits yourself, especially if you live in a multi-storey building, and not in a private house, and buying eco-products grown without pesticides, therefore, expensive ones, is expensive. There is only one way out: to eat fruits and vegetables that are resistant to chemistry. The American organization EWG - Environmental Working Group generates lists of such agricultural products annually. After analyzing 48 species, the organization's specialists identified "clean fifteen" and "dirty twelve" fruits and vegetables.

The American organization EWG - Environmental Working Group annually generates lists of products that are most and least contaminated with pesticides. After analyzing 48 agricultural products, the organization's experts identified "clean fifteen" and "dirty twelve" fruits and vegetables.

Places from 15th to 11th were distributed as follows: sweet potato, cauliflower, nutmeg, grapefruit, eggplant. But with the champion ten, recognized this year as the most resistant to the absorption of pesticides, we suggest getting to know each other better. Let's start from the end:

  1. Kiwi. Small vitamin bomb contains 90 mg ascorbic acid in every 100 g of its green pulp - almost 2 times more than in red currants, oranges, lemons. It also boasts vitamins A, E, K and folic acid providing beneficial effect to work nervous system especially pregnant women. Enough in kiwi and trace elements (calcium, iron ...). In the EWG ranking, kiwi takes an honorable 10th place.
  2. Papaya. An exotic fruit, originally from Central America, is not very popular with us, but you can still find it in stores. The melon tree - this is also called papaya - pleases cooks with its fruits, and with leaves and seeds - herbalists who cook from them medications. The Indians, for example, used papaya seeds as anthelmintic. Modern research confirmed this effect of fruit seeds, which, by the way, is also almost a cure due to the abundance of vitamins, minerals, as well as the presence of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant with anti-carcinogenic properties. In addition, papaya is a unique source of papain, an enzyme with strong antimicrobial and antifungal activity. In the list of clean foods, papaya ranks 9th.
  3. Mango. And again exotic fruit, rich in vitamins (B 1, B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6, B 9, A, C, E, choline, K), minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc). The nutritional value mango is so high that it is recommended to introduce it into the menu for weakened patients who are in rehabilitation. Diabetics with high sugar fruit need to be careful. In the ranking of pesticide-free products, mango is in 8th place.
  4. Asparagus was on the tables of the ancient Egyptians. And the Romans, longing to enjoy its tender stems all year round, frozen vegetables ... in the highlands of the Alps. Vitamins (C, E, K, group B), minerals (iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese and anticancer effect selenium), rutin is a flavonoid that has anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic properties and has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system- Asparagus deservedly occupies the 7th place in the list of the cleanest foods.
  5. Onion- the king of vegetables, as he is often called. And certainly the king of the kitchen: a rare dish does without it and it has no equal in demand in cooking. There are even onion desserts! And medicines: syrup, which is obtained from onion rings flavored with sugar or honey, helps with coughing. Raw onions will provide you with vitamins C, A, E, K and B, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron. It not only fights infections well, but also “kills” bad cholesterol, prevents blood clots, and even reduces the risk of cancer. In the ranking of vegetables that do not absorb nitrates, onions take 6th place.
  6. Sweet pea. Maximum benefit for health can be extracted from fresh peas during its ripening season. Frozen is also good, but of course, it cannot be compared with fresh. And do not be afraid of the name "Sweet Pea" of those who follow the figure. Moreover, it is often included in the menu of those who lose weight, since peas - an excellent source of fiber - improve bowel function and activate metabolism. Peas will saturate your body with vitamins B and C, E, K, as well as trace elements: magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, iodine. Deserved 5th place in the ranking of pesticide-free vegetables.
  7. Cabbage- raw, boiled, stewed, pickled. The latter, thanks to its content of lactic acid, helps to maintain healthy microflora intestines, which is directly related to strong immunity. Lactic acid also lowers bad cholesterol and cleanses the body of toxins. Fresh cabbage juice is useful for anemia, peptic ulcers stomach to strengthen the immune system. Latest Research talk about the anticarcinogenic properties of cabbage. Cabbage is ranked 4th on the EWG list of the least pesticide-contaminated vegetables.
  8. A pineapple- a versatile product that is good both in salads and in meat dishes and in desserts. Pineapple is not only extremely tasty, but also good for health: vitamin C, manganese have a beneficial effect on the nervous, skeletal system increase libido. In terms of resistance to pesticides, the EWG rated this ability of the pineapple with a 3rd prize.
  9. Corn- grown in their native open spaces, but not the one that is a genetically modified version. Ordinary corn, which our ancestors ate, is a super source of trace elements (potassium, magnesium, manganese, calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper) and B vitamins. Corn is also a gluten-free product. In the ranking of "Net Fifteen" receives "silver", taking 2nd place.
  10. Avocado- the absolute champion in the nomination "No pesticides!" according to the EWG and one of the most useful products in the world. Alligator pear (another name for avocado) is one of the superfoods - that is, products that have a special nutritional value and health benefits. This fruit, which tastes more like a vegetable, is high in calories, but this does not mean that it makes you fat. It is high in calories due to Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - it is simply impossible to overestimate the health benefits of which.

Avocado is the undisputed leader in the list of fruits and vegetables that are not contaminated with pesticides. containing useful vitamins, trace elements, fatty acid avocado is a real find for supporters of proper nutrition.

Avocados contain phytosterols that have immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects, and, of course, vitamins with trace elements. Doctors recommend this fatty fruit as a prevention of cancer, heart disease, and also as powerful weapon against anemia and diseases of the joints. What is important for women who take care of themselves: avocado stimulates the production of collagen, which is responsible for the youthfulness of the skin. Here it is - No. 1 on the list of the cleanest plant foods from pesticides.

As for agricultural products, the content of pesticides in which goes off scale, the “dirty dozen” is as follows: lettuce is in tenth place. Next are hot peppers, potatoes, mangetot peas, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, nectarines, sweet peppers, spinach, peaches, celery, grapes, strawberries. And the first, alas, dishonorable position is occupied by apples so dear to all of us.

Of course it's best to eat organic products Or the ones you raised yourself. But if this is not possible, you at least, now you know which vegetables and fruits contain pesticides "to the eyeballs", and which ones you can eat safely and with health benefits.

Not easy to grow good harvest: pests attack, vegetables suffer from drought and heat, and storing fruits is a whole problem. Today, manufacturers widely use pesticides for their purposes, and also generously “feed” the soil with nitrate fertilizers.

What are pesticides?

Pesticides are chemical substances that are poisonous to pests, weed control and various kinds diseases of cultivated plants. They are divided into groups insecticides protecting against harmful insects, fungicides- to protect against fungal infections of cultivated plants, and herbicides- for weed control.

The first pesticides were plant matter by type of nicotine, but today they are used chemical compounds various groups. The most well-known pesticides today are DDT, organophosphorus compounds, pyrethroids and carbamates.

They can enter the human body when eating fruits directly from the garden, as well as through the use of plants that have accumulated pesticides in the process of growth, if they were used immoderately. Such foods can interfere with the body's natural defenses against cancer causing cell mutations and tumors.

In addition, pesticides, if ingested, can cause poisoning with nausea, vomiting and liquid stool, defeat nervous system and liver. Their accumulation in the body slowly but surely undermines health, reducing life expectancy and provoking endocrine diseases, reduced immunity, lung and heart problems.

To reduce the likelihood of encountering them, buy vegetables and fruits from trusted producers, certified sellers, and thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables in a basin of water before eating, sea ​​salt and lemon juice or soda solution and then rinse under running water.

What are nitrates and nitrites?

To increase yields and to feed cultivated plants, stimulate their growth and fertility in agriculture chemical fertilizers are often used, which deliver potassium salts to plants.

Cheap and effective tool for their delivery are nitric acid - nitrate, in combination with potassium, calcium or ammonium. However, when they are regularly introduced into the soil in large volumes, they tend to accumulate in certain parts of plants.

By themselves, nitrates are salts that are not dangerous and non-toxic, however, in the body or the plants themselves, as a result of metabolic processes, nitroso compounds, incompletely oxidized nitrate salts, are obtained from them. They have properties free radicals, damage cells and DNA, have mutagenic (cause cell mutations) and carcinogenic (cause tumor growth) effects.

In addition, nitrates from vegetables, fruits or grains, under conditions of humidity and heat, or during digestion in the human intestine, under the influence of the microflora of the large intestine, are converted into nitrite compounds. These substances in in large numbers dangerous to human health.

Nitrites are widely used in Food Industry for the production of sausages and canned meat, they are not dangerous for adults, but they can be real threat for kids. Therefore, children should not consume foods rich in preservatives, sausages and meat products. Do not abuse them nursing mother - Nitrates and nitrites pass into breast milk.

The danger of nitrates and nitrites

Nitrites are perfectly absorbed from the intestines into the blood and form a special compound with blood hemoglobin - methylhemoglobin, it is very durable. chemical composition unable to carry oxygen.

If the concentration of methemoglobin rises to 10-15%, the first signs of poisoning may appear - weakness and drowsiness, lethargy. A few hours later, signs of toxicosis appear and acute poisoning: nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, liver enlarges and becomes painful.

With the progression of poisoning, the pressure drops sharply, the pulse becomes weak and uneven, the hands and feet become cold, breathing quickens. It may appear headache, ringing in the ears, arise severe weakness and convulsive twitching of the muscles on the face, coordination is disturbed and there may be loss of consciousness, a coma.

Where to look for nitrates and pesticides?

The most dangerous in this regard can be early vegetables and fruits out of season. The largest amounts of nitrates are accumulated by all varieties of cabbage - white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.

What are the dangers of pesticides, nitrates and nitrites in vegetables and fruits

At the usual cabbage most of all nitrates accumulate in the stalk and fleshy trunks of large leaves, in dill - in its leg, in root crops the “nitrate zone” is about 2 cm from the tops. The amount of nitrates in fruits decreases sharply when they are peeled, boiled and soaked. Pre-peeled vegetables must be placed in a basin of water for a couple of hours - this reduces the amount of nitrates by a quarter.

You can almost completely get rid of nitrates by boiling or steaming root crops, greens should be doused with boiling water.

Feel free to ask the seller where the vegetables came from, ask for a certificate for the products - it indicates the level of nitrates and harmful substances.


Don't feel like eating pesticide-coated fruits and vegetables? We, too!

American non-profit advocacy organization The Environmental Working Group publishes statistics annually the most toxic vegetables and fruits so that you and I have an idea of ​​what our food really is.

This year they also released their annual Pesticides Buyer's Guide. The EWG has inspected many fruits and vegetables in order to evaluate them and find out which products have the largest number pesticides, and which are the least. Her final goal lies in giving the consumer the right to choose so you and I can decide how to spend our money.

According to World Health Organization, some pesticides are considered hormonally active compounds and cause endocrine and immune systems. The action of other equally dangerous chemicals is associated with reproductive problems, mental retardation, and cancer.

Despite the fact that the human rights organization The Environmental Working Group inspected fruits and vegetables sold in America (both domestic and imported), we in Belarus should not relax either. For the Republic of Belarus pesticides are a particular problem, since chemicals have been massively introduced into our agricultural lands since Soviet times, thus protecting plants from weeds and insects in the country in the fight for the harvest.

One sample of the studied grapes contained 15 different pesticides. Samples taken of celery, cherry tomatoes, imported peas and strawberries showed up to 13 different pesticides per unit.

The 12 Fruits and Vegetables Most Contaminated with Pesticides:

- apples

- Strawberry

- grape

- celery

– peaches

- spinach

- sweet bell peppers

– nectarines

— cucumbers

- Cherry tomatoes

- potato

Fruits and vegetables with the lowest pesticide content:

- avocado

- corn

– pineapples

- cabbage

- peas (frozen)

– asparagus

- papaya

- eggplant

- grapefruit

- cauliflower

Is it possible and how to protect yourself from pesticides?

Up to 95% of pesticides enter our body through food. Approximately 4.7% of pesticides a person receives with water and 0.3% - with air and through the skin.

In vegetables, fruits, berries, pesticides accumulate in the peel and on its surface (especially in imported ones treated with wax with the addition of fungicides). By removing the peel, you can significantly reduce the risk of harmful substances entering the body. in dairy and meat products can be reduced with heat treatment. Prolonged soaking of greens in water reduces the amount of nitrates. The same applies to potatoes, carrots, beets and cabbage.

What to do:

- wash and clean vegetables and fruits (at the same time, the amount of pesticides is reduced by 10-15%, in citrus fruits, apples, bananas, pears during cleaning - up to 90%);

- soak greens in water (up to 2 hours - by 15-20%);

- cook food (during heat treatment, the content of nitrates is reduced by 25%);

- to buy food domestic production, since imports are additionally processed chemicals for long-term storage and delivery;

- buy organic products (from farmers who specialize in natural and organic farming) or grow fruits and vegetables on their own.

In the spring, a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits that help to cope with seasonal beriberi. Some people are afraid to buy products treated with various chemicals,which can harm the body. Read in the material "RIAMO in Podolsk" how to determine the presence of pesticides and nitrates in vegetables and fruits, how special test strips work, and where to buy a portable nitrate meter.

What are nitrates

Nitrates are saltsnitric acid. They process vegetables and fruits so that they are saturated with nitrogen and grow better. If nitrates enter the human body in pure form, this can significantly affect his health. So, if you eat a kilogram of vegetables treated with these substances, a serious malaise will begin. In addition, nitrites can be formed from nitrates - even more "aggressive" salts of nitric acid, which are dangerous to humans.

Signs of nitrate poisoning:

Nausea, vomiting;


- weakness, drowsiness;

- pain in the stomach;

- cyanosis of the face, lips;

- increased heartbeat;


What are pesticides

Signs of pesticide poisoning:

- weakening of the immune system;

- decrease in the amount of vitamins absorbed by the body;

- problems with the cardiovascular system;

- problems with the respiratory system.

How to recognize harmful substances in products

With the rare use of vegetables and fruits with great content nitrates and pesticides no significant harm to the bodywill be. However, when frequent use them in food can begin serious disruptions in metabolism. Therefore, you need to carefully choose products, especially in spring, when the season of vegetables and fruits is just beginning.

There are several ways to determine the presence of nits.rats and pesticides in vegetables and fruits. Folk methods free and easy, but inaccurate. Special test strips will show the approximate content of chemicals in products. Portable nitrometers are the most accurate.

Folk methods

When buying vegetablesand fruits, you need to pay attention to their appearance. Too large fruit size is a sure sign great content various chemicals. Also, do not buy "perfect" vegetables - for example, if all the tomatoes on the counter have same size, uniform shape and color. AT vivo this does not happen.

It is also worth smelling vegetables and fruits, and if possible, try them. If they contain a lot of nitrates and pesticides, then they are watery, almost tasteless and do not have a strong aroma.

test strips

Today on sale you can find special test strips for determining the amount of pesticides and other harmful chemicals in products.To do this, you need to cut a vegetable or fruit in half and attach a test strip with an indicator to the pulp. In a few minutes, it will show how safe this product is.


A portable nitrate meter can be purchased from a specialist retailer orcall via the Internet. The device is easy to use and very compact, which allows you to take it with you to the market to check the products before buying. To determine the amount of harmful chemicals in a vegetable or fruit, you need to stick the probe of the device into it, after a few seconds, information about the approximate content of nitrates will appear on the electronic display. average price such a device - about 5 thousand rubles.

Where to buy nitrate meters

Online store ""

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