Is it possible to eat persimmons for a nursing mother. Bright fruits when breastfeeding newborns, what is the greatest danger to the child. the most delicious persimmon varieties

At breastfeeding baby mommy should especially carefully consider her diet. You should be careful when choosing a menu: you can’t eat everything you want. Any drastic changes in nutrition can negatively affect the digestion of the baby. In the first two months after giving birth, only a few types of fruits are allowed to eat. Many are interested in whether a persimmon can be given to a nursing mother.

fruit benefits

The fruits are brought to us from the tropics and subtropics, they have a slightly astringent, sweet taste. They are valued for their beneficial properties for the body - the normalization of the work of the heart and blood vessels, the replenishment of mineral reserves. Persimmon contains:

  1. Fructose, glucose, providing a sweet taste. The high level of natural sugars makes persimmon a source of energy, gives strength, improves mood. It easily replaces sweets, but does not contain harmful preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers. At the same time, she is diet fruit: the level of calories in 100 g does not exceed 70;
  2. Fiber, tannins. Dietary fiber improves bowel function, promotes its cleansing and has a slight laxative effect. Tannins, on the contrary, have binding properties. Their content and degree of influence depend on individual reaction the body and maturity of the fruit;
  3. Vitamins. 100 g of persimmon contains half daily allowance vitamin C. In combination with vitamin E, it supports immune system body, helping mother and baby fight viruses. The composition contains vitamin A, useful for vision, including twilight. It is an antioxidant and improves metabolic processes at the cellular level. Persimmon contains B vitamins, which are responsible for skin elasticity, good condition of nails, hair growth;
  4. Iron. There is more of it in persimmon than in apples - 2.5 mg versus 2 per 100 g of the product. It supports hematopoietic system, promotes cell renewal in tissues, improves liver function;
  5. Calcium, phosphorus contribute to the formation bone tissue support the musculoskeletal system. A high level of calcium in an easy-to-digest form allows you to provide the baby with a trace element, contributing to prevention.
  6. Potassium, magnesium. Elements support the work of the heart, strengthen blood vessels, prevent muscle cramps.
  7. Iodine involved in the formation of hormones thyroid gland, strengthens the immune system.

Persimmon normalizes the functioning of the kidneys, promotes the dissolution of stones, and has a slight diuretic effect. Bactericidal properties help fight development Staphylococcus aureus providing disease prevention genitourinary system. To decide whether it is possible for nursing mothers to persimmon, it is necessary to take into account the shortcomings of the fruit.

Possible harm

Persimmon while breastfeeding can make up for the lack of vitamins, but you need to consider before buying possible complications, the cause of which may be the eaten fruit.


The orange color of the fruit indicates a possible intolerance to their body, it is better not to eat persimmon for the first 4 months. But the reaction is individual, you can find it out in a baby only empirically, by tasting a little fruit. If the mother was not allergic to it before birth, it is likely that the baby who uses breast milk will normally tolerate a change in nutrition.


The tannins contained in persimmons have binding properties that can affect the digestion of mother and child. A large amount of the substance is found in unripe fruits, in ripe ones it is significantly reduced, the fruit can have a laxative effect on the intestines. Tannins are destroyed during freezing: you can hold the persimmon in the freezer for several hours, pull it out and wait for it to thaw. The pulp becomes liquidish, so it is more convenient to eat it with a spoon. Also, when using persimmons, you need to drink more water in order to reduce the fortifying effect on the body.

Risk of bowel obstruction

Persimmon fibers are not dangerous for a healthy body, they help cleanse the intestines and improve its functioning. The risk occurs in people who have undergone stomach surgery. During the recovery period, it does not produce enough enzymes to process food, undigested fibers can form a clot that can get stuck in the intestines. In case of obstruction, urgent surgical intervention is necessary.

Excess weight

A high level of natural sugars is dangerous for diabetics - they are not recommended to use persimmons. AT healthy body fructose and glucose do not cause increased appetite, body fat.

Lactation improves with consumption enough useful substances. It is necessary to make a decision whether it is possible for a nursing mother to persimmon, having assessed the health of her and her baby. If she has diabetes, indigestion, or the baby suffers from constipation, colic, allergies, the fruit should be discarded.

When can you try?

In the first and second months, the body of mother and baby recovers from postpartum stress, you need to follow a diet and do not include tropical fruits in the menu. Up to 2 months, it is not recommended to eat persimmons with HB: the digestive system of the newborn is still improving its work, many children suffer from constipation and bloating. The use of strengthening products by the mother during feeding worsens the condition of the child.

After the 2nd month of life, the digestion of the baby is gradually getting better, a woman can try the product in small quantities. In this case, you need to monitor the reaction of the baby.

Some children suffer for the first three to four months. It's connected with individual features, less often - with diseases. In this case, it is better to try persimmon after 4 months. By this time, the intestinal microflora of the child has already been formed, the digestive system responds better to the content of tannins in milk. From the 4th month, the baby's body begins to develop immunity on its own and better tolerates a possible allergen, before that the baby receives antibodies from mother's milk.

What persimmon to buy?

There are several varieties from which you can choose fruits with a lower viscosity.


Differs in chocolate coloring, mealy pulp with a cream consistence. It is considered the most delicious, doctors recommend using it for beriberi. The variety contains pectins that improve gastric motility, more suitable for women with HB than bright orange fruits.


The name is associated with the similarity of persimmon in shape and color with citrus. It has a sweet, slightly sugary taste, the pulp resembles jelly, which is a sign of a high content of tannins. When lactating, it is better not to eat this variety.


It is low in sugar and low in calories. If sweetness is the main reason for avoiding fruit, you can try this variety.


The result of crossing a persimmon with an apple, the fruits are firm and sweet. The level of tannins in the variety is lower, which allows persimmons to be consumed by a nursing mother.

When choosing a fruit, it is necessary to give preference to softer, ripe fruits. At the same time, they must keep their shape when trying to pick them up. The fruit should be even in color, without dark blotches.

Rules for use with HB

To obtain more benefit from eating fruits, do not harm the baby, you need to follow the recommendations:

  1. There is better pulp without peel, which contains more tannins. This will minimize the risk of a fixing effect;
  2. The first days you need to eat no more than one piece in the morning to follow the reaction of the baby during the day and decide whether persimmon can be breastfed;
  3. If the baby has redness, rashes, digestive disorders over the next day, the mother should exclude the fruit from the menu. You can try again in a month a large number of;
  4. If the baby does not have allergies, you can increase the amount of consumption to 200 g per day (one medium fruit), it is better to eat persimmon a couple of times a week to avoid stress on the child's body.

Persimmon with HB reduces the likelihood of beriberi. It is a source of trace elements useful for a nursing mother, helps to maintain the health of the baby. Do not use persimmon when breastfeeding in the first months of a child's life. It is safer to eat it when the baby is 4 months old. But at allergic manifestations in infants, it is necessary to exclude fruit from the diet until the baby completely switches to normal nutrition. It is better to choose other sources of vitamins at the time of breastfeeding.

A mother breastfeeding her baby should be very careful about what is included in her diet during this period. Before using a particular product, you should analyze what the reaction of the baby's body to it will be. Fruits for lactating women are simply necessary. The use of persimmon during breastfeeding raises many questions. Many doubt whether it can be included in food.

This juicy and bright fruit contains a large number of valuable trace elements. Persimmon is one of the few foods that contains a large amount of iodine and vitamin C. It also contains fruit acids, manganese, potassium, copper, beta-carotene, PP, vitamin A, pectin, fiber, iron, calcium, a large amount of sucrose and glucose. Such a rich composition has a beneficial effect on the recovery of the body of the woman in labor.

Persimmon has a tart taste, has a bright orange color, and therefore can cause an allergic reaction in an infant. All the components that make up the food that a woman consumes during breastfeeding inevitably get to the child with the help of milk. It is important for mothers to be careful about their diet and find out if persimmons can be breastfed.

“Persimmon is 80% water, which contributes to the production of more more milk. Fresh product perfectly satisfies hunger, restores metabolism and helps to get rid of excess weight taken after pregnancy."

Beneficial features

Possible harm

It will be possible to decide whether it is possible for persimmons to be fed or not only after becoming familiar with the negative consequences that may occur after consuming this delicious product. Reasons why you should not administer the kinglet to a nursing mother:

“Is it possible to persimmon with GV, the mother should decide after assessing her own health and the condition of the baby. If a woman is sick diabetes or the baby has increased gas formation, constipation or allergies, then the product should definitely be discarded.

You can use persimmon for a nursing mother, but first you need to find out what rules you need to follow. In order not to harm the baby, the following points must be considered:

Terms of use

The first months after the birth of a baby are considered the most difficult, as the woman's body is recovering from postpartum stress. During this period, it is important to follow a diet and strictly monitor the foods consumed.

It is not recommended to eat persimmon during breastfeeding in the first 2 months for the reason that the baby's digestive system has not yet improved, and many children suffer from colic and constipation during this period. Products with fixing properties are prohibited during lactation, as they can aggravate the problem.

In the third or fourth month of life, the baby's digestive system is gradually getting better. Mothers can a small amount try persimmon, while always observing the reaction of the child. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body of many children, bloating continues to torment up to the age of four months, which may also be due to certain diseases. In such cases, it is better to postpone the use of this fruit for a while.

“From the fifth month of life, the baby’s body is already beginning to independently develop immunity, which will help to better transfer the unfamiliar components of the fruit.”

persimmon varieties

In order to avoid the appearance negative consequences after eating these fruits, you need to be more careful about their choice. There are several varieties that are different from each other appearance and flavor profiles:

Persimmon is a treasure trove beneficial vitamins and minerals and many times reduces the likelihood of vitamin deficiency. For this reason, it is advisable to include it in the diet after the baby reaches the appropriate age and in the absence of contraindications.

Persimmon during breastfeeding is a rather controversial product that can both benefit the child and harm him.

With the birth of a child, the life of his parents changes dramatically. It is not only about the need to wash diapers and get up to the baby at night, but also about all other components of life. In general, life before the appearance of the long-awaited first-born and after that can be divided into 2 parts. One of the main changes that absolutely all breastfeeding mothers have to face is diet correction. Some products are completely excluded from it, being replaced by others, more useful and nutritious.

Is it possible to use persimmon during breastfeeding: nutrition of a nursing mother and the positive properties of the fetus

Can breastfeeding eat persimmons? Literally translated from Latin, the name of this overseas fruit is translated as the food of the gods. Its color range can vary from bright orange to almost red, and its taste qualities different from any other fruit known to us and is a tart-sweet, but at the same time extremely delicate mixture of aromas.

As a rule, they appear on the shelves of our stores in late autumn or early winter. No wonder persimmon is a favorite delicacy of many people. However, for a nursing mother, she is most often banned, like a fruit not grown in our climatic zone. In most cases, such a convention is justified, since it protects the mother and her baby from various kinds problems associated with the use of suspicious food, but regarding this particular fetus, not everything is so simple.

Let's try together to figure out whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have a persimmon, and the following list will help us do this positive qualities this fruit:

  1. Pregnancy and childbirth itself significantly weaken a woman's immunity, which makes her more susceptible to various kinds of seasonal diseases such as acute respiratory infections and. Wherein high concentration vitamin C contained in persimmon helps to strengthen the protective properties of the body of mother and baby.
  2. Persimmon during lactation is quite useful because it is an excellent source of iron. In turn, anemia is diagnosed during pregnancy and after childbirth in 70% of cases, and the use of this fruit makes it possible to restore balance and fully fight the problem.
  3. The beneficial effect of persimmon on the cardiovascular system is a generally recognized fact. A similar effect on the body of the mother and baby is due to the presence in it of a whole complex of trace elements, including potassium and magnesium, as well as a large amount of glucose and sucrose. At the same time, it is the cumulative effect on the woman's body that contributes to the normalization of blood flow and stabilization of the system as a whole.
  4. Persimmon during breastfeeding contributes to the normalization of work gastrointestinal tract. High content pectin and fiber plays a key role in this process, stabilizing the work of the stomach and allowing you to improve bowel function.
  5. The high content of calcium in is also a significant advantage for a nursing mother and toddler. During pregnancy, he was intensively excreted from the mother's body, participating in the formation of the skeleton of the baby. Now weakened female body needs to be replenished.

The above qualities represent the most complete and detailed answer to the question of whether a persimmon can be given to a nursing mother. However, regarding this overseas fruit, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. In addition to positive qualities, it also has some negative sides that can be a source of problems.

The diet of a nursing mother: persimmon and the possible consequences of its use

Is it possible to persimmon while breastfeeding? It is definitely impossible to answer this question, because in addition to the pronounced benefits, this fruit can also cause some problems. During feeding, every product consumed by a woman enters breast milk and, accordingly, enters the baby's body. At the same time, most of the products consumed by adults are able to provide increased load to immature digestive system child.

Over the years, our stomach gets used to various kinds of food, becoming more and more strong and functional. As for the baby, before his birth, he ate milk in utero, where he was protected from any kind of influence. At the moment of birth, he experienced tremendous stress, and now he needs to get used to the new conditions of existence for him, which can affect the work of both the digestive tract and its other systems.

Based on this, in the first month, not only all specific foods should be excluded from the mother's diet, but the entire principle of nutrition should also be substantially revised. Therefore, it is too early for a nursing mother to eat persimmon in the first month of a child's life.

This categoricalness is due to several factors, including the overseas origin of the fruit. For all useful qualities you should not use persimmon during lactation, especially if we are talking about feeding children in the first months of life. Such restrictions are explained by some of the health risks for the mother and her baby, which can occur when eating persimmons. They look like this:

  1. Persimmon is a source of glucose and sucrose, which can affect the health of a diabetic mother. Therefore, this fruit should not only be limited, but completely abandoned.
  2. The possible harm of persimmon is especially pronounced when it is abused. Overeating this fruit can lead to a significant fixation of the stool, which is due to its fibrous structure. At the same time, it will manifest itself both in the mother herself and in her baby.
  3. The use of persimmons with HB can become a source of the strongest food allergies. This is due to the fact that the orange pigment contained in this fruit and most citrus fruits serves as an allergen that carries a potential danger. Based on this, even a small piece of persimmon eaten by a mother can be the main cause of an allergic reaction in a baby.

All these potential hazards make the question of whether it is possible to eat persimmons with HS, again relevant. In view of the large number of positive qualities, it is not necessary to completely abandon the use of fruit during lactation. Mommy should gradually introduce it into her diet in small portions. The best time for this is when the baby reaches the age of three months, when his body is already a little stronger, and digestive tract will function more perfectly.

It is optimal to start eating persimmons when the first complementary foods are introduced to the baby. At the same time, it is better to feast on persimmon in the morning in the form of a small piece so that you can observe its reaction. In turn, in the absence of an allergic response or reactions of a different order, a nursing woman can try to increase the number of fetuses. However, you should not overeat it in order to avoid the formation of constipation or other problems, and a single serving should not exceed 200-300 g.

First of all, for use during lactation, you need to select high-quality persimmons. It should be ripe, soft enough and have an orange-red skin. Because only the product good quality able to saturate the body of the mother and her child with all essential vitamins without hurting him.

Conclusion on the topic

The appearance of a child requires the mother to significantly change her diet. At the same time, it is not recommended to use persimmon in the first months of a baby's life due to the inferiority of its digestive system. In the future, when he reaches the age of three months, you can begin to introduce this overseas fruit into the diet, but this should be done very carefully. In general, the positive properties of persimmon are much more extensive than possible negative qualities. Based on this, it is still not worth completely eliminating it from the diet, and only the manifestation of allergic reactions or problems with the stool can cause the rejection of this fragrant fruit.

Persimmon while breastfeeding causes a lot of controversy. It is feared because of the risk of allergies, colic and constipation up to intestinal obstruction. At the same time, they give useful properties, which will not be superfluous for a young mother during lactation. Myths about persimmon, the benefits and harms of this product in the diet of a nursing woman.

Persimmon is a guest on our table from warm countries. It grows in tropical and subtropical regions, where it is ubiquitous. Low, low-maintenance trees live up to five hundred years. Today there are more than two hundred species of this plant with bright, juicy orange fruits, slightly astringent in taste.

Translated from Greek, the name of the fruit means "food of the gods." The Greeks appreciated this culture not only for its rich and pleasant taste, but also beneficial effect on the body. It is rightfully considered one of the most valuable fruits in the human diet.

Product Features

There are many valuable components in the fruits of a tropical plant, so the question of whether a persimmon can be given to a nursing mother cannot be decided unambiguously, even because of the risk of allergies. The fruit will help the woman's body to restore the reserves of trace elements and normalize the circulatory system.

  • Fructose, glucose. The fruit contains a large amount of natural sugar. Fructose and glucose give them a rich sweet taste. In the body, natural components quickly turn into energy, which gives strength to a young mother and cheers up. At high level natural sugars persimmon is a dietary product. The number of calories per hundred grams is only 70 units.
  • Dietary fiber and tannins. The fruits are especially rich in fiber, which normalizes the digestive system. They have a slight laxative effect, which is balanced by tannins. Persimmon contains tannins that have a strengthening effect. Therefore, radically opposite opinions have developed regarding this fruit. Someone considers it a remedy for constipation, for others, persimmon is not a laxative product, but quite the opposite. According to pediatricians, different action provided by the individual characteristics of the body and the degree of maturity of the fetus.
  • Vitamins. One hundred grams of pulp contains 66 mg of vitamin C, which is more than half of daily requirement person in this component. Persimmon also contains vitamin A, which is necessary for maintaining vision, vitamin PP, which regulates the condition of hair and skin.
  • Microelements. The fruits are rich in calcium in an easily accessible form. Its amount is 27 mg per 100 g of pulp. There is a lot of iron in persimmons, even more than in apples. It contains magnesium, which regulates the work of cardio-vascular system, so it is considered unique means to maintain heart health.

At the end of autumn, when juicy and ripe fruits appear on sale, the question of whether persimmon is possible with HB is especially relevant. It is incredibly useful for the body of a young mother. But there are also dangers that prescribe the fruits of established stereotypes.

Popular myths

Consider the popular myths that pediatricians and relatives “scare” breastfeeding women with.

Excess weight

The fruits are really rich natural sugars. Because of this, they are not recommended for people with diabetes. However, in the diet healthy person fructose and glucose are absolutely harmless. They do not increase blood sugar levels, do not lead to an increase in appetite, and are not stored as fat.

Risk of bowel obstruction

The question of whether it is possible to persimmon during breastfeeding is often resolved negatively due to potential risk intestinal adhesions. In fact, this danger is exaggerated. Coarse fibers contained in the fetus do not negative impact on the body of a healthy person. Moreover, they help improve bowel function, as they act like a brush in it, removing deposits from the walls and gently removing them from the body.

Persimmon will be dangerous for people who have undergone stomach surgery. At mechanical injuries gastrointestinal system its natural peristalsis is disturbed. Coarse fruit fibers can form into a dense clot - a bezoar. A large "lump" can get stuck in one of the sections of the intestine. It is especially dangerous for entering duodenum, as it causes obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract and the need to remove the benzoar by surgery.

For people with a healthy digestive system, the fruit is not dangerous. In addition, the processes of movement dietary fiber on the gastrointestinal tract of the mother do not have any effect on the work of the baby's tummy.


Tannins do indeed have an astringent effect. However, their content in fruits is not the same and changes as they ripen. Unripe persimmon is especially rich in tannins. ripe fruit contains them to a much lesser extent.

Persimmon with HB strengthens only if you eat unripe fruits. Soft and ripe fruits have a rather laxative effect. If you bought a greenish persimmon, you can reduce the tannin content in it by freezing.

Put the fruit in the freezer for several hours, then take it out and let it thaw at room temperature. It will be possible to eat such a fruit only with a spoon, since the pulp will become liquid. But the tannins will completely collapse during freezing, and the astringent shade familiar to persimmons will leave the taste range.

allergenic fruit

According to pediatrician Irina Ferganova, persimmons are classified as highly allergenic foods, along with honey, chocolate, and nuts. However, each person's body reaction to any product is individual. It is not necessary that bright orange fruits will cause unpleasant reactions in your child. It depends on heredity, the state of the body at a particular point in time and environmental conditions.

To find out if persimmon is suitable for you during lactation, according to the reviews of breastfeeding consultants, you can only experience it. Be sure to try this fruit and follow the reaction of the child.

The subtleties of the use of persimmons with HB

The rules for using persimmon during lactation will help you evaluate the benefits of a sunny tropical fruit without unpleasant consequences.

  • Don't rush to experiment. According to pediatrician Evgenia Ovchinnikova, best time to include fruit in the diet of the mother, the age of the baby will be over four months. Breastfeeding consultant Lyudmila Sharova agrees with her. “After four months, the baby’s digestive system will get stronger, and the persimmon will not do harm,” experts say. In the first month, persimmon when feeding a newborn is dangerous with the risk of colic, constipation.
  • Eat in moderation. Like other fruits, nuts and other useful components of the diet of a nursing mother, persimmons should be consumed in small quantities. Optimal rate during the day - two hundred grams, that is, one medium fruit. To minimize the risk of negative effects on the child's digestive system, eat fruits every other day.
  • Choose ripe persimmons. In it, the amount of astringents is many times less than in unripe. Freezing will reduce the amount of tannins. You can also speed up the ripening of persimmons by lowering it into warm water at temperatures up to 45 C and leaving for several hours.
  • Watch your baby's reaction. If the fruit does not cause colic, stool disturbances or skin rashes, it is suitable for you. If unpleasant reactions occur a day after the first or second use of persimmon, exclude it from the diet. You can try the product again in a month.

Persimmon is delicious on its own. And thanks great content sugar is suitable as a quick, but not satisfying snack. Yogurt and gelatin will allow you to prepare a full-fledged and very tender dish from it.

A simple dish made from safe ingredients looks sunny and bright. It will become your favorite dessert or a nice afternoon snack.


  • natural yogurt - 250 ml;
  • cream - 400 ml;
  • persimmon - 3 medium-sized fruits;
  • lime juice - from one fruit;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • sheet gelatin - 4 plates.


  1. Soak the gelatin.
  2. Mix yogurt, sugar, lime juice.
  3. Drain the water from the gelatin, heat until dissolved. Add a few tablespoons of yogurt mass, mix, pour in the rest of the yogurt. Leave for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the seeds from the persimmon, beat until smooth.
  5. Whip the cream until foamy, mix with yogurt.
  6. Arrange the ingredients in the bowls in layers: yogurt mass, persimmon, yogurt again.
  7. Place in the refrigerator for three hours.

From this amount of ingredients, four kremanki with very delicious dessert. Decorate it however you like and enjoy!

The question of whether it is possible for a persimmon to a nursing mother should be decided carefully. On this product are possible as allergic reactions, and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract of the child. However, each child has a different reaction. And by introducing persimmon a couple of pieces a day into your diet, you are unlikely to cause any backfire. Observe the condition of the crumbs, and if there is no reaction, eat juicy and useful fruit on health.


Is it possible for a nursing mother to have persimmons, if you really want to? For a mother who feeds a child with her milk, the word “want” should disappear altogether for the period of feeding. After all, the health and development of the child depends on her nutrition. You need to be very careful about what you put into your mouth. It is important to immediately analyze how a particular product may affect the quality of your milk, and also to predict what the child's body will react to it.

When beautiful and appetizing fruits appear on store shelves, it is so hard to resist and not buy your favorite treat. Fruits for nursing mothers are simply necessary. In addition to the fact that the baby needs vitamins, the mother herself needs to replenish her own after pregnancy. vitamin reserves. But not all fruits can be afforded. For example, a sunny berry is a kinglet. What do you think, is it possible for nursing mothers to eat persimmons or not? Someone will answer in the affirmative, because there are so many useful substances, vitamins and trace elements in persimmon. Others will flatly refute all judgments about the benefits and support the ban on persimmons during breastfeeding and childbearing. But who is right?

Useful persimmon

We are all familiar with its taste from childhood. In winter, when the cold sets in, this sunny berry adorns the counters of fruit shops. It is pleasant to eat it, and how many desserts are prepared with the participation of this berry. It is somewhat reminiscent of marmalade candy or jam.

If you look inside the persimmon and examine it under a microscope, dividing everything useful material, then you might be surprised how many vitamins and minerals are contained in a small piece of persimmon. The amount of vitamin A in it is impressive, which helps fight against cancer cells in the human body. Another persimmon boasts the presence of iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium. Now think about whether these elements are necessary for a nursing mother? There are still doubts. Then another indisputable fact: in persimmon more iron than in a fresh ripe apple! A serious argument to think about!

In addition, persimmon contains substances that normalize the work of the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, organs. respiratory system. If a baby with mother's milk receives the benefits of persimmon, then his body will get stronger, and vitally important organs will work steadily and fully develop. Yes, persimmon will help strengthen immunity.

Warning: eat with caution

Along with everyone positive properties, persimmon has a number of restrictions in use. Sunny berry has tannins in its composition. They strengthen the intestines, which can lead to

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